import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'package:in_app_purchase/in_app_purchase.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:photos/ui/expansion_card.dart'; import 'package:photos/ui/progress_dialog.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/date_time_util.dart'; import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/event_bus.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/network.dart'; import 'package:photos/events/subscription_purchased_event.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/billing_plan.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/subscription.dart'; import 'package:photos/services/billing_service.dart'; import 'package:photos/ui/loading_widget.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/data_util.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/dialog_util.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/toast_util.dart'; class SubscriptionPage extends StatefulWidget { final bool isOnboarding; const SubscriptionPage({ this.isOnboarding = false, Key key, }) : super(key: key); @override _SubscriptionPageState createState() => _SubscriptionPageState(); } class _SubscriptionPageState extends State { final _logger = Logger("SubscriptionPage"); final _billingService = BillingService.instance; Subscription _currentSubscription; StreamSubscription _purchaseUpdateSubscription; ProgressDialog _dialog; Future _usageFuture; bool _hasActiveSubscription; @override void initState() { _billingService.setIsOnSubscriptionPage(true); _currentSubscription = _billingService.getSubscription(); _hasActiveSubscription = _currentSubscription != null && _currentSubscription.isValid(); if (_currentSubscription != null) { _usageFuture = _billingService.fetchUsage(); } _dialog = createProgressDialog(context, "please wait..."); _purchaseUpdateSubscription = InAppPurchaseConnection .instance.purchaseUpdatedStream .listen((purchases) async { if (!_dialog.isShowing()) { await; } for (final purchase in purchases) {"Purchase status " + purchase.status.toString()); if (purchase.status == PurchaseStatus.purchased) { try { final newSubscription = await _billingService.verifySubscription( purchase.productID, purchase.verificationData.serverVerificationData, ); await InAppPurchaseConnection.instance.completePurchase(purchase);; String text = "your photos and videos will now be backed up"; if (!widget.isOnboarding) { final isUpgrade = _hasActiveSubscription && >; final isDowngrade = _hasActiveSubscription && <; if (isUpgrade) { text = "your plan was successfully upgraded"; } else if (isDowngrade) { text = "your plan was successfully downgraded"; } } showToast(text); if (_currentSubscription != null) { _currentSubscription = _billingService.getSubscription(); _hasActiveSubscription = _currentSubscription != null && _currentSubscription.isValid(); setState(() {}); } else { Navigator.of(context).popUntil((route) => route.isFirst); } await _dialog.hide(); } catch (e) { _logger.warning("Could not complete payment ", e); await _dialog.hide(); showErrorDialog( context, "payment failed", "please talk to " + (Platform.isAndroid ? "PlayStore" : "AppStore") + " support if you were charged"); return; } } else if (Platform.isIOS && purchase.pendingCompletePurchase) { await InAppPurchaseConnection.instance.completePurchase(purchase); await _dialog.hide(); } else if (purchase.status == PurchaseStatus.error) { await _dialog.hide(); } } }); super.initState(); } @override void dispose() { _purchaseUpdateSubscription.cancel(); _billingService.setIsOnSubscriptionPage(false); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final appBar = AppBar( title: Text("subscription"), ); return Scaffold( appBar: appBar, body: _getBody(appBar.preferredSize.height), ); } Widget _getBody(final appBarSize) { return FutureBuilder( future: _billingService.getBillingPlans(), builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) { if (snapshot.hasData) { return _buildPlans(context,, appBarSize); } else if (snapshot.hasError) { return Text("Oops, something went wrong."); } else { return loadWidget; } }, ); } Widget _buildPlans( BuildContext context, BillingPlans plans, final appBarSize) { List planWidgets = _getPlanWidgets(plans, context); final pageSize = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height; final notifySize = MediaQuery.of(context); final widgets = List(); if (widget.isOnboarding) { widgets.add(Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(20, 20, 20, 24), child: Text( "ente encrypts and backs up your memories, so they're always available, even if you lose your device", style: TextStyle( color: Colors.white54, height: 1.2, ), ), )); } else { widgets.add(Container( height: 50, child: FutureBuilder( future: _usageFuture, builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) { if (snapshot.hasData) { return Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0), child: Text("current usage is " + convertBytesToGBs( + " GB"), ); } else if (snapshot.hasError) { return Container(); } else { return Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0), child: loadWidget, ); } }, ), )); } widgets.addAll([ Column( mainAxisAlignment:, children: planWidgets, ), Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.all(8)), ]); if (_hasActiveSubscription && _currentSubscription.productID != kFreeProductID) { widgets.addAll([ Expanded(child: Container()), Align( alignment:, child: GestureDetector( onTap: () { if (Platform.isAndroid) { launch( "" + _currentSubscription.productID + "&"); } else { launch(""); } }, child: Container( padding: EdgeInsets.all(80), child: Column( children: [ Text( "next renewal on " + getDateAndMonthAndYear( DateTime.fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch( _currentSubscription.expiryTime)), style: TextStyle( color: Colors.white.withOpacity(0.6), fontSize: 14, ), ), Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.all(8)), RichText( text: TextSpan( text: "payment details", style: TextStyle( color:, fontFamily: 'Ubuntu', fontSize: 15, ), ), ), ], ), ), ), ), ]); } else { widgets.addAll([ Align( alignment:, child: GestureDetector( behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent, onTap: () { showModalBottomSheet( backgroundColor: Colors.grey[900], barrierColor: Colors.black87, context: context, builder: (context) { return BillingQuestionsWidget(); }, ); }, child: Container( padding: EdgeInsets.all(40), child: RichText( text: TextSpan( text: "questions?", style: TextStyle( color:, fontFamily: 'Ubuntu', ), ), ), ), ), ), Expanded(child: Container()), ]); } if (widget.isOnboarding && (_currentSubscription == null || _currentSubscription.productID == kFreeProductID)) { widgets.addAll([_getSkipButton(plans.freePlan)]); } return SingleChildScrollView( child: Container( height: pageSize - (appBarSize + notifySize), child: Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly, children: widgets, ), ), ); } List _getPlanWidgets(BillingPlans plans, BuildContext context) { final planWidgets = List(); if (!widget.isOnboarding && _hasActiveSubscription && _currentSubscription.productID == kFreeProductID) { planWidgets.add( SubscriptionPlanWidget( storage:, price: "free", period: "", isActive: true, ), ); } for (final plan in plans.plans) { final productID = Platform.isAndroid ? plan.androidID : plan.iosID; if (productID == null || productID.isEmpty) { continue; } final isActive = _hasActiveSubscription && _currentSubscription.productID == productID; planWidgets.add( Material( child: InkWell( onTap: () async { if (isActive) { return; } await; if (_usageFuture != null) { final usage = await _usageFuture; if (usage > { await _dialog.hide(); showErrorDialog( context, "sorry", "you cannot downgrade to this plan"); return; } } final ProductDetailsResponse response = await InAppPurchaseConnection.instance .queryProductDetails([productID].toSet()); if (response.notFoundIDs.isNotEmpty) { _logger.severe("Could not find products: " + response.notFoundIDs.toString()); await _dialog.hide(); showGenericErrorDialog(context); return; } final isCrossGradingOnAndroid = Platform.isAndroid && _hasActiveSubscription && _currentSubscription.productID != kFreeProductID && _currentSubscription.productID != plan.androidID; if (isCrossGradingOnAndroid) { final existingProductDetailsResponse = await InAppPurchaseConnection.instance.queryProductDetails( [_currentSubscription.productID].toSet()); if (existingProductDetailsResponse.notFoundIDs.isNotEmpty) { _logger.severe("Could not find existing products: " + response.notFoundIDs.toString()); await _dialog.hide(); showGenericErrorDialog(context); return; } final subscriptionChangeParam = ChangeSubscriptionParam( oldPurchaseDetails: PurchaseDetails( purchaseID: null, productID: _currentSubscription.productID, verificationData: null, transactionDate: null, ), ); await InAppPurchaseConnection.instance.buyNonConsumable( purchaseParam: PurchaseParam( productDetails: response.productDetails[0], changeSubscriptionParam: subscriptionChangeParam, ), ); } else { await InAppPurchaseConnection.instance.buyNonConsumable( purchaseParam: PurchaseParam( productDetails: response.productDetails[0], ), ); } }, child: SubscriptionPlanWidget( storage:, price: plan.price, period: plan.period, isActive: isActive, ), ), ), ); } return planWidgets; } GestureDetector _getSkipButton(FreePlan plan) { return GestureDetector( behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent, child: Container( padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(40, 20, 40, 20), margin: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 40), child: Column( children: [ Icon( Icons.fast_forward_outlined, color: Colors.white.withOpacity(0.8), ), Text( "skip", style: TextStyle( fontSize: 12, color: Colors.white.withOpacity(0.8), ), ), ], ), ), onTap: () { AlertDialog alert = AlertDialog( title: Text("sure?"), content: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Text( "you will only be able to backup " + convertBytesToReadableFormat( + " for the next " + plan.duration.toString() + " " + plan.period, style: TextStyle( height: 1.4, ), ), Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.all(8)), Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: [ TextButton( child: Text( "review plans", style: TextStyle(color: Theme.of(context).buttonColor), ), onPressed: () { Navigator.of(context, rootNavigator: true).pop('dialog'); }, ), TextButton( child: Text( "ok", style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white), ), onPressed: () { if (widget.isOnboarding) {; } Navigator.of(context, rootNavigator: true).pop('dialog'); Navigator.of(context).popUntil((route) => route.isFirst); }, ), ], ), ], ), ); showDialog( context: context, builder: (BuildContext context) { return alert; }, ); }, ); } } class BillingQuestionsWidget extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return FutureBuilder( future: Network.instance .getDio() .get("") .then((response) { final faqItems = List(); for (final item in as List) { faqItems.add(FaqItem.fromMap(item)); } return faqItems; }), builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) { if (snapshot.hasData) { final faqs = List(); faqs.add(Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(24), child: Text( "faqs", style: TextStyle( fontSize: 18, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, ), ), )); for (final faq in { faqs.add(FaqWidget(faq: faq)); } faqs.add(Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.all(16), )); return Container( child: SingleChildScrollView( child: Column( children: faqs, ), ), ); } else { return loadWidget; } }, ); } } class FaqWidget extends StatelessWidget { const FaqWidget({ Key key, @required this.faq, }) : super(key: key); final faq; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return ExpansionCard( title: Text(faq.q), color: Theme.of(context).accentColor, children: [ Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 16, right: 16), child: Text( faq.a, style: TextStyle( height: 1.5, ), ), ) ], ); } } class FaqItem { final String q; final String a; FaqItem({ this.q, this.a, }); FaqItem copyWith({ String q, String a, }) { return FaqItem( q: q ?? this.q, a: a ?? this.a, ); } Map toMap() { return { 'q': q, 'a': a, }; } factory FaqItem.fromMap(Map map) { if (map == null) return null; return FaqItem( q: map['q'], a: map['a'], ); } String toJson() => json.encode(toMap()); factory FaqItem.fromJson(String source) => FaqItem.fromMap(json.decode(source)); @override String toString() => 'FaqItem(q: $q, a: $a)'; @override bool operator ==(Object o) { if (identical(this, o)) return true; return o is FaqItem && o.q == q && o.a == a; } @override int get hashCode => q.hashCode ^ a.hashCode; } class SubscriptionPlanWidget extends StatelessWidget { const SubscriptionPlanWidget({ Key key, @required, @required this.price, @required this.period, this.isActive = false, }) : super(key: key); final int storage; final String price; final String period; final bool isActive; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Container( color: Theme.of(context).cardColor, child: Column( children: [ Row( children: [ Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(20, 10, 36, 10), child: Card( shape: RoundedRectangleBorder( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(12.0), ), color: Color(0xDFFFFFFF), child: Container( width: 100, padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0, 20, 0, 20), child: Column( children: [ Text( convertBytesToReadableFormat(storage), style: TextStyle( fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, fontSize: 16, color: Theme.of(context).cardColor, ), ), ], ), ), ), ), Text(price + (period.isNotEmpty ? " per " + period : "")), Expanded(child: Container()), isActive ? Expanded( child: Icon( Icons.check_circle, color: Theme.of(context).accentColor, ), ) : Container(), ], ), Divider( height: 1, ), ], ), ); } }