import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import "package:flutter/foundation.dart"; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:photo_view/photo_view.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/cache/thumbnail_in_memory_cache.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/constants.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/event_bus.dart'; import 'package:photos/db/files_db.dart'; import 'package:photos/events/files_updated_event.dart'; import 'package:photos/events/local_photos_updated_event.dart'; import "package:photos/models/file/extensions/file_props.dart"; import 'package:photos/models/file/file.dart'; import "package:photos/models/metadata/file_magic.dart"; import "package:photos/services/file_magic_service.dart"; import 'package:photos/ui/common/loading_widget.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/file_util.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/image_util.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/thumbnail_util.dart'; import "package:photos/utils/toast_util.dart"; class ZoomableImage extends StatefulWidget { final EnteFile photo; final Function(bool)? shouldDisableScroll; final String? tagPrefix; final Decoration? backgroundDecoration; final bool shouldCover; const ZoomableImage(, { Key? key, this.shouldDisableScroll, required this.tagPrefix, this.backgroundDecoration, this.shouldCover = false, }) : super(key: key); @override State createState() => _ZoomableImageState(); } class _ZoomableImageState extends State with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin { late Logger _logger; late EnteFile _photo; ImageProvider? _imageProvider; bool _loadedSmallThumbnail = false; bool _loadingLargeThumbnail = false; bool _loadedLargeThumbnail = false; bool _loadingFinalImage = false; bool _loadedFinalImage = false; ValueChanged? _scaleStateChangedCallback; bool _isZooming = false; PhotoViewController _photoViewController = PhotoViewController(); @override void initState() { _photo =; _logger = Logger("ZoomableImage");'initState for ${_photo.generatedID} with tag ${_photo.tag}'); _scaleStateChangedCallback = (value) { if (widget.shouldDisableScroll != null) { widget.shouldDisableScroll!(value != PhotoViewScaleState.initial); } _isZooming = value != PhotoViewScaleState.initial; debugPrint("isZooming = $_isZooming, currentState $value"); //'is reakky zooming $_isZooming with state $value'); }; super.initState(); } @override void dispose() { _photoViewController.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { if (_photo.isRemoteFile) { _loadNetworkImage(); } else { _loadLocalImage(context); } Widget content; if (_imageProvider != null) { content = PhotoViewGestureDetectorScope( axis: Axis.vertical, child: PhotoView( imageProvider: _imageProvider, controller: _photoViewController, scaleStateChangedCallback: _scaleStateChangedCallback, minScale: widget.shouldCover ? PhotoViewComputedScale.covered : PhotoViewComputedScale.contained, gaplessPlayback: true, heroAttributes: PhotoViewHeroAttributes( tag: widget.tagPrefix! + _photo.tag, ), backgroundDecoration: widget.backgroundDecoration as BoxDecoration?, ), ); } else { content = const EnteLoadingWidget(); } final GestureDragUpdateCallback? verticalDragCallback = _isZooming ? null : (d) => { if (!_isZooming && > dragSensitivity) {Navigator.of(context).pop()}, }; return GestureDetector( onVerticalDragUpdate: verticalDragCallback, child: content, ); } void _loadNetworkImage() { if (!_loadedSmallThumbnail && !_loadedFinalImage) { final cachedThumbnail = ThumbnailInMemoryLruCache.get(_photo); if (cachedThumbnail != null) { _imageProvider = Image.memory(cachedThumbnail).image; _loadedSmallThumbnail = true; } else { getThumbnailFromServer(_photo).then((file) { final imageProvider = Image.memory(file).image; if (mounted) { precacheImage(imageProvider, context).then((value) { if (mounted) { setState(() { _imageProvider = imageProvider; _loadedSmallThumbnail = true; }); } }).catchError((e) { _logger.severe("Could not load image " + _photo.toString()); _loadedSmallThumbnail = true; }); } }); } } if (!_loadedFinalImage && !_loadingFinalImage) { _loadingFinalImage = true; getFileFromServer(_photo).then((file) { if (file != null) { _onFinalImageLoaded( Image.file( file, gaplessPlayback: true, ).image, ); } else { _loadingFinalImage = false; } }); } } void _loadLocalImage(BuildContext context) { if (!_loadedSmallThumbnail && !_loadedLargeThumbnail && !_loadedFinalImage) { final cachedThumbnail = ThumbnailInMemoryLruCache.get(_photo, thumbnailSmallSize); if (cachedThumbnail != null) { _imageProvider = Image.memory(cachedThumbnail).image; _loadedSmallThumbnail = true; } } if (!_loadingLargeThumbnail && !_loadedLargeThumbnail && !_loadedFinalImage) { _loadingLargeThumbnail = true; getThumbnailFromLocal(_photo, size: thumbnailLargeSize, quality: 100) .then((cachedThumbnail) { if (cachedThumbnail != null) { _onLargeThumbnailLoaded(Image.memory(cachedThumbnail).image, context); } }); } if (!_loadingFinalImage && !_loadedFinalImage) { _loadingFinalImage = true; getFile( _photo, isOrigin: Platform.isIOS && _isGIF(), // since on iOS GIFs playback only when origin-files are loaded ).then((file) { if (file != null && file.existsSync()) { _onFinalImageLoaded(Image.file(file).image); } else {"File was deleted " + _photo.toString()); if (_photo.uploadedFileID != null) { _photo.localID = null; FilesDB.instance.update(_photo); _loadNetworkImage(); } else { FilesDB.instance.deleteLocalFile(_photo); LocalPhotosUpdatedEvent( [_photo], type: EventType.deletedFromDevice, source: "zoomPreview", ), ); } } }); } } void _onLargeThumbnailLoaded( ImageProvider imageProvider, BuildContext context, ) { if (mounted && !_loadedFinalImage) { precacheImage(imageProvider, context).then((value) { if (mounted && !_loadedFinalImage) { setState(() { _imageProvider = imageProvider; _loadedLargeThumbnail = true; }); } }); } } void _onFinalImageLoaded(ImageProvider imageProvider) { if (mounted) { precacheImage(imageProvider, context).then((value) async { if (mounted) { await _updatePhotoViewController( previewImageProvider: _imageProvider, finalImageProvider: imageProvider, ); setState(() { _imageProvider = imageProvider; _loadedFinalImage = true;"Final image loaded"); }); } }); } } Future _updatePhotoViewController({ required ImageProvider? previewImageProvider, required ImageProvider finalImageProvider, }) async { final bool shouldFixPosition = previewImageProvider != null && _isZooming && _photoViewController.scale != null; ImageInfo? finalImageInfo; if (shouldFixPosition) { if (kDebugMode) { showToast( context, 'Updating photo scale zooming: $_isZooming and scale: ${_photoViewController.scale}', ); } final prevImageInfo = await getImageInfo(previewImageProvider); finalImageInfo = await getImageInfo(finalImageProvider); final scale = _photoViewController.scale! / (finalImageInfo.image.width / prevImageInfo.image.width); final currentPosition = _photoViewController.value.position; final positionScaleFactor = 1 / scale; final newPosition = currentPosition.scale( positionScaleFactor, positionScaleFactor, ); _photoViewController = PhotoViewController( initialPosition: newPosition, initialScale: scale, ); } final bool canUpdateMetadata = _photo.canEditMetaInfo; // forcefully get finalImageInfo is dimensions are not available in metadata if (finalImageInfo == null && canUpdateMetadata && !_photo.hasDimensions) { finalImageInfo = await getImageInfo(finalImageProvider); } if (finalImageInfo != null && canUpdateMetadata) { _updateAspectRatioIfNeeded(_photo, finalImageInfo).ignore(); } } // Fallback logic to finish back fill and update aspect // ratio if needed. Future _updateAspectRatioIfNeeded( EnteFile enteFile, ImageInfo imageInfo, ) async { final int h = imageInfo.image.height, w = imageInfo.image.width; if (h != enteFile.height || w != enteFile.width) { if (kDebugMode) { showToast(context, 'Updating aspect ratio'); }'Updating aspect ratio for $enteFile to $h:$w'); await FileMagicService.instance.updatePublicMagicMetadata([ enteFile, ], { heightKey: h, widthKey: w, }); } } bool _isGIF() => _photo.displayName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".gif"); }