import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:archive/archive.dart'; import "package:dio/dio.dart"; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter_cache_manager/flutter_cache_manager.dart'; import 'package:flutter_image_compress/flutter_image_compress.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:motionphoto/motionphoto.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/cache/image_cache.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/cache/thumbnail_in_memory_cache.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/cache/video_cache_manager.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/configuration.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/constants.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/file/file.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/file/file_type.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/file_download_util.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/thumbnail_util.dart'; final _logger = Logger("FileUtil"); void preloadFile(EnteFile file) { if (file.fileType == { return; } getFile(file); } // IMPORTANT: Delete the returned file if `isOrigin` is set to true // Future getFile( EnteFile file, { bool liveVideo = false, bool isOrigin = false, } // only relevant for live photos ) async { if (file.isRemoteFile) { return getFileFromServer(file, liveVideo: liveVideo); } else { final String key = file.tag + liveVideo.toString() + isOrigin.toString(); final cachedFile = FileLruCache.get(key); if (cachedFile == null) { final diskFile = await _getLocalDiskFile( file, liveVideo: liveVideo, isOrigin: isOrigin, ); // do not cache origin file for IOS as they are immediately deleted // after usage if (!(isOrigin && Platform.isIOS) && diskFile != null) { FileLruCache.put(key, diskFile); } return diskFile; } return cachedFile; } } Future doesLocalFileExist(EnteFile file) async { return await _getLocalDiskFile(file) != null; } Future _getLocalDiskFile( EnteFile file, { bool liveVideo = false, bool isOrigin = false, }) async { if (file.isSharedMediaToAppSandbox) { final localFile = File(getSharedMediaFilePath(file)); return localFile.exists().then((exist) { return exist ? localFile : null; }); } else if (file.fileType == FileType.livePhoto && liveVideo) { return Motionphoto.getLivePhotoFile(file.localID!); } else { return file.getAsset.then((asset) async { if (asset == null || !(await asset.exists)) { return null; } return isOrigin ? asset.originFile : asset.file; }); } } String getSharedMediaFilePath(EnteFile file) { return getSharedMediaPathFromLocalID(file.localID!); } String getSharedMediaPathFromLocalID(String localID) { if (localID.startsWith(oldSharedMediaIdentifier)) { return Configuration.instance.getOldSharedMediaCacheDirectory() + "/" + localID.replaceAll(oldSharedMediaIdentifier, ''); } else { return Configuration.instance.getSharedMediaDirectory() + "/" + localID.replaceAll(sharedMediaIdentifier, ''); } } void preloadThumbnail(EnteFile file) { if (file.isRemoteFile) { getThumbnailFromServer(file); } else { getThumbnailFromLocal(file); } } final Map> fileDownloadsInProgress = >{}; Future getFileFromServer( EnteFile file, { ProgressCallback? progressCallback, bool liveVideo = false, // only needed in case of live photos }) async { final cacheManager = (file.fileType == || liveVideo) ? VideoCacheManager.instance : DefaultCacheManager(); final fileFromCache = await cacheManager.getFileFromCache(file.downloadUrl); if (fileFromCache != null) { return fileFromCache.file; } final downloadID = file.uploadedFileID.toString() + liveVideo.toString(); if (!fileDownloadsInProgress.containsKey(downloadID)) { if (file.fileType == FileType.livePhoto) { fileDownloadsInProgress[downloadID] = _getLivePhotoFromServer( file, progressCallback: progressCallback, needLiveVideo: liveVideo, ); fileDownloadsInProgress[downloadID]!.whenComplete(() { fileDownloadsInProgress.remove(downloadID); }); } else { fileDownloadsInProgress[downloadID] = _downloadAndCache( file, cacheManager, progressCallback: progressCallback, ); fileDownloadsInProgress[downloadID]!.whenComplete(() { fileDownloadsInProgress.remove(downloadID); }); } } return fileDownloadsInProgress[downloadID]; } Future isFileCached(EnteFile file, {bool liveVideo = false}) async { final cacheManager = (file.fileType == || liveVideo) ? VideoCacheManager.instance : DefaultCacheManager(); final fileInfo = await cacheManager.getFileFromCache(file.downloadUrl); return fileInfo != null; } final Map> _livePhotoDownloadsTracker = >{}; Future _getLivePhotoFromServer( EnteFile file, { ProgressCallback? progressCallback, required bool needLiveVideo, }) async { final downloadID = file.uploadedFileID!; try { if (!_livePhotoDownloadsTracker.containsKey(downloadID)) { _livePhotoDownloadsTracker[downloadID] = _downloadLivePhoto(file, progressCallback: progressCallback); } final livePhoto = await _livePhotoDownloadsTracker[file.uploadedFileID]; _livePhotoDownloadsTracker.remove(downloadID); if (livePhoto == null) { return null; } return needLiveVideo ? : livePhoto.image; } catch (e, s) { _logger.warning("live photo get failed", e, s); _livePhotoDownloadsTracker.remove(downloadID); return null; } } Future<_LivePhoto?> _downloadLivePhoto( EnteFile file, { ProgressCallback? progressCallback, }) async { return downloadAndDecrypt(file, progressCallback: progressCallback) .then((decryptedFile) async { if (decryptedFile == null) { return null; } _logger.fine("Decoded zipped live photo from " + decryptedFile.path); File? imageFileCache, videoFileCache; final List bytes = await decryptedFile.readAsBytes(); final Archive archive = ZipDecoder().decodeBytes(bytes); final tempPath = Configuration.instance.getTempDirectory(); // Extract the contents of Zip compressed archive to disk for (ArchiveFile archiveFile in archive) { if (archiveFile.isFile) { final String filename =; final String fileExtension = getExtension(; final String decodePath = tempPath + file.uploadedFileID.toString() + filename; final List data = archiveFile.content; if (filename.startsWith("image")) { final imageFile = File(decodePath); await imageFile.create(recursive: true); await imageFile.writeAsBytes(data); File imageConvertedFile = imageFile; if ((fileExtension == "unknown") || (Platform.isAndroid && fileExtension == "heic")) { final compressResult = await FlutterImageCompress.compressAndGetFile( decodePath, decodePath + ".jpg", keepExif: true, ); await imageFile.delete(); if (compressResult == null) { throw Exception("Failed to compress file"); } else { imageConvertedFile = compressResult; } } imageFileCache = await DefaultCacheManager().putFile( file.downloadUrl, await imageConvertedFile.readAsBytes(), eTag: file.downloadUrl, maxAge: const Duration(days: 365), fileExtension: fileExtension, ); await imageConvertedFile.delete(); } else if (filename.startsWith("video")) { final videoFile = File(decodePath); await videoFile.create(recursive: true); await videoFile.writeAsBytes(data); videoFileCache = await VideoCacheManager.instance.putFile( file.downloadUrl, await videoFile.readAsBytes(), eTag: file.downloadUrl, maxAge: const Duration(days: 365), fileExtension: fileExtension, ); await videoFile.delete(); } } } if (imageFileCache != null && videoFileCache != null) { return _LivePhoto(imageFileCache, videoFileCache); } else { debugPrint("Warning: Either image or video is missing from remoteLive"); return null; } }).catchError((e) { _logger.warning("failed to download live photos : ${file.tag}", e); throw e; }); } Future _downloadAndCache( EnteFile file, BaseCacheManager cacheManager, { ProgressCallback? progressCallback, }) async { return downloadAndDecrypt(file, progressCallback: progressCallback) .then((decryptedFile) async { if (decryptedFile == null) { return null; } final decryptedFilePath = decryptedFile.path; final String fileExtension = getExtension(file.title ?? ''); File outputFile = decryptedFile; if ((fileExtension == "unknown" && file.fileType == FileType.image) || (Platform.isAndroid && fileExtension == "heic")) { final compressResult = await FlutterImageCompress.compressAndGetFile( decryptedFilePath, decryptedFilePath + ".jpg", keepExif: true, ); if (compressResult == null) { throw Exception("Failed to convert heic to jpg"); } else { outputFile = compressResult; } await decryptedFile.delete(); } final cachedFile = await cacheManager.putFile( file.downloadUrl, await outputFile.readAsBytes(), eTag: file.downloadUrl, maxAge: const Duration(days: 365), fileExtension: fileExtension, ); await outputFile.delete(); return cachedFile; }).catchError((e) { _logger.warning("failed to download file : ${file.tag}", e); throw e; }); } String getExtension(String nameOrPath) { var fileExtension = "unknown"; try { fileExtension = extension(nameOrPath).substring(1).toLowerCase(); } catch (e) { _logger.severe("Could not capture file extension"); } return fileExtension; } Future compressThumbnail(Uint8List thumbnail) { return FlutterImageCompress.compressWithList( thumbnail, minHeight: compressedThumbnailResolution, minWidth: compressedThumbnailResolution, quality: 25, ); } Future clearCache(EnteFile file) async { if (file.fileType == { VideoCacheManager.instance.removeFile(file.downloadUrl); } else { DefaultCacheManager().removeFile(file.downloadUrl); } final cachedThumbnail = File( Configuration.instance.getThumbnailCacheDirectory() + "/" + file.uploadedFileID.toString(), ); if (cachedThumbnail.existsSync()) { await cachedThumbnail.delete(); } ThumbnailInMemoryLruCache.clearCache(file); } class _LivePhoto { final File image; final File video; _LivePhoto(this.image,; }