import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:modal_bottom_sheet/modal_bottom_sheet.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/constants.dart'; import "package:photos/models/search/button_result.dart"; import 'package:photos/theme/colors.dart'; import 'package:photos/theme/effects.dart'; import 'package:photos/theme/ente_theme.dart'; import 'package:photos/ui/components/buttons/button_widget.dart'; import 'package:photos/utils/separators_util.dart'; enum ActionSheetType { defaultActionSheet, iconOnly, } ///Returns null if dismissed Future showActionSheet({ required BuildContext context, required List buttons, ActionSheetType actionSheetType = ActionSheetType.defaultActionSheet, bool enableDrag = true, bool isDismissible = true, bool isCheckIconGreen = false, String? title, Widget? bodyWidget, String? body, String? bodyHighlight, }) { return showMaterialModalBottomSheet( backgroundColor: Colors.transparent, barrierColor: backdropFaintDark, useRootNavigator: true, context: context, isDismissible: isDismissible, enableDrag: enableDrag, builder: (_) { return ActionSheetWidget( title: title, bodyWidget: bodyWidget, body: body, bodyHighlight: bodyHighlight, actionButtons: buttons, actionSheetType: actionSheetType, isCheckIconGreen: isCheckIconGreen, ); }, ); } class ActionSheetWidget extends StatelessWidget { final String? title; final Widget? bodyWidget; final String? body; final String? bodyHighlight; final List actionButtons; final ActionSheetType actionSheetType; final bool isCheckIconGreen; const ActionSheetWidget({ required this.actionButtons, required this.actionSheetType, required this.isCheckIconGreen, this.title, this.bodyWidget, this.body, this.bodyHighlight, super.key, }); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final isTitleAndBodyNull = title == null && bodyWidget == null && body == null; final extraWidth = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width - restrictedMaxWidth; final double? horizontalPadding = extraWidth > 0 ? extraWidth / 2 : null; return Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB( horizontalPadding ?? 12, 12, horizontalPadding ?? 12, 32, ), child: Container( decoration: BoxDecoration(boxShadow: shadowMenuLight), child: ClipRRect( borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(8)), child: Container( color: backgroundElevated2Dark, child: Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB( 24, 24, 24, isTitleAndBodyNull ? 24 : 28, ), child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ isTitleAndBodyNull ? const SizedBox.shrink() : Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 36), child: ContentContainerWidget( title: title, bodyWidget: bodyWidget, body: body, bodyHighlight: bodyHighlight, actionSheetType: actionSheetType, isCheckIconGreen: isCheckIconGreen, ), ), ActionButtons( actionButtons, ), ], ), ), ), ), ), ); } } class ContentContainerWidget extends StatelessWidget { final String? title; final Widget? bodyWidget; final String? body; final String? bodyHighlight; final ActionSheetType actionSheetType; final bool isCheckIconGreen; const ContentContainerWidget({ required this.actionSheetType, required this.isCheckIconGreen, this.title, this.bodyWidget, this.body, this.bodyHighlight, super.key, }); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final textTheme = getEnteTextTheme(context); final bool bodyMissing = body == null && bodyWidget == null; debugPrint("body missing $bodyMissing"); return Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, //todo: set cross axis to center when icon should be shown in place of body crossAxisAlignment: actionSheetType == ActionSheetType.defaultActionSheet ? CrossAxisAlignment.stretch :, children: [ title == null ? const SizedBox.shrink() : Text( title!, style: textTheme.largeBold .copyWith(color: textBaseDark), //constant color ), title == null || bodyMissing ? const SizedBox.shrink() : const SizedBox(height: 19), actionSheetType == ActionSheetType.defaultActionSheet ? bodyMissing ? const SizedBox.shrink() : (bodyWidget != null ? bodyWidget! : Text( body!, style: textTheme.body .copyWith(color: textMutedDark), //constant color )) : Icon( Icons.check_outlined, size: 48, color: isCheckIconGreen ? getEnteColorScheme(context).primary700 : strokeBaseDark, ), actionSheetType == ActionSheetType.defaultActionSheet && bodyHighlight != null ? Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 19.0), child: Text( bodyHighlight!, style: textTheme.body .copyWith(color: textBaseDark), //constant color ), ) : const SizedBox.shrink(), ], ); } } class ActionButtons extends StatelessWidget { final List actionButtons; const ActionButtons(this.actionButtons, {super.key}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final actionButtonsWithSeparators = actionButtons; return Column( children: //Separator height is 8pts in figma. -2pts here as the action //buttons are 2pts extra in height in code compared to figma because //of the border(1pt top + 1pt bottom) of action buttons. addSeparators(actionButtonsWithSeparators, const SizedBox(height: 6)), ); } }