import "dart:async"; import "dart:io"; import "package:flutter/cupertino.dart"; import "package:flutter/material.dart"; import "package:media_kit/media_kit.dart"; import "package:media_kit_video/media_kit_video.dart"; import "package:photos/core/constants.dart"; import "package:photos/generated/l10n.dart"; import "package:photos/models/file/extensions/file_props.dart"; import "package:photos/models/file/file.dart"; import "package:photos/services/files_service.dart"; import "package:photos/theme/colors.dart"; import "package:photos/theme/ente_theme.dart"; import "package:photos/ui/actions/file/file_actions.dart"; import "package:photos/ui/viewer/file/thumbnail_widget.dart"; import "package:photos/utils/dialog_util.dart"; import "package:photos/utils/file_util.dart"; import "package:photos/utils/toast_util.dart"; class VideoWidgetNew extends StatefulWidget { final EnteFile file; final String? tagPrefix; final Function(bool)? playbackCallback; const VideoWidgetNew( this.file, { this.tagPrefix, this.playbackCallback, super.key, }); @override State createState() => _VideoWidgetNewState(); } class _VideoWidgetNewState extends State with WidgetsBindingObserver { static const verticalMargin = 72.0; late final player = Player(); VideoController? controller; final _progressNotifier = ValueNotifier(null); late StreamSubscription playingStreamSubscription; bool _isAppInFG = true; @override void initState() { super.initState(); WidgetsBinding.instance.addObserver(this); if (widget.file.isRemoteFile) { _loadNetworkVideo(); _setFileSizeIfNull(); } else if (widget.file.isSharedMediaToAppSandbox) { final localFile = File(getSharedMediaFilePath(widget.file)); if (localFile.existsSync()) { _setVideoController(localFile.path); } else if (widget.file.uploadedFileID != null) { _loadNetworkVideo(); } } else { widget.file.getAsset.then((asset) async { if (asset == null || !(await asset.exists)) { if (widget.file.uploadedFileID != null) { _loadNetworkVideo(); } } else { asset.getMediaUrl().then((url) { _setVideoController( url ?? '', ); }); } }); } playingStreamSubscription = { if (widget.playbackCallback != null && mounted) { widget.playbackCallback!(event); } }); } @override void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) { if (state == AppLifecycleState.resumed) { _isAppInFG = true; } else { _isAppInFG = false; } } @override void dispose() { removeCallBack(widget.file); _progressNotifier.dispose(); WidgetsBinding.instance.removeObserver(this); playingStreamSubscription.cancel(); player.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final colorScheme = getEnteColorScheme(context); return Hero( tag: widget.tagPrefix! + widget.file.tag, child: MaterialVideoControlsTheme( normal: MaterialVideoControlsThemeData( backdropColor: null, automaticallyImplySkipNextButton: false, automaticallyImplySkipPreviousButton: false, seekOnDoubleTap: false, displaySeekBar: true, seekBarMargin: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: verticalMargin), bottomButtonBarMargin: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 112), controlsHoverDuration: const Duration(seconds: 3), seekBarHeight: 2, seekBarThumbSize: 16, seekBarBufferColor: Colors.transparent, seekBarThumbColor: backgroundElevatedLight, seekBarColor: fillMutedDark, seekBarPositionColor: colorScheme.primary300, seekBarContainerHeight: 56, seekBarAlignment:, ///topButtonBarMargin is needed for keeping the buffering loading ///indicator to be center aligned topButtonBarMargin: const EdgeInsets.only(top: verticalMargin), bottomButtonBar: [ const Spacer(), PausePlayAndDuration(controller?.player), const Spacer(), ], primaryButtonBar: [], ), fullscreen: const MaterialVideoControlsThemeData(), child: GestureDetector( onVerticalDragUpdate: (d) => { if ( > dragSensitivity) { Navigator.of(context).pop(), } else if ( < (dragSensitivity * -1)) { showDetailsSheet(context, widget.file), }, }, child: Center( child: controller != null ? Video( controller: controller!, ) : _getLoadingWidget(), ), ), ), ); } void _loadNetworkVideo() { getFileFromServer( widget.file, progressCallback: (count, total) { if(!mounted) { return; } _progressNotifier.value = count / (widget.file.fileSize ?? total); if (_progressNotifier.value == 1) { if (mounted) { showShortToast(context, S.of(context).decryptingVideo); } } }, ).then((file) { if (file != null) { _setVideoController(file.path); } }).onError((error, stackTrace) { showErrorDialog(context, "Error", S.of(context).failedToDownloadVideo); }); } void _setFileSizeIfNull() { if (widget.file.fileSize == null && widget.file.canEditMetaInfo) { FilesService.instance .getFileSize(widget.file.uploadedFileID!) .then((value) { widget.file.fileSize = value; if (mounted) { setState(() {}); } }); } } Widget _getLoadingWidget() { return Stack( children: [ _getThumbnail(), Container( color: Colors.black12, constraints: const BoxConstraints.expand(), ), Center( child: SizedBox.fromSize( size: const Size.square(20), child: ValueListenableBuilder( valueListenable: _progressNotifier, builder: (BuildContext context, double? progress, _) { return progress == null || progress == 1 ? const CupertinoActivityIndicator( color: Colors.white, ) : CircularProgressIndicator( backgroundColor:, value: progress, valueColor: const AlwaysStoppedAnimation( Color.fromRGBO(45, 194, 98, 1.0), ), ); }, ), ), ), ], ); } Widget _getThumbnail() { return Container( color:, constraints: const BoxConstraints.expand(), child: ThumbnailWidget( widget.file, fit: BoxFit.contain, ), ); } void _setVideoController(String url) { if (mounted) { setState(() { player.setPlaylistMode(PlaylistMode.single); controller = VideoController(player);, play: _isAppInFG); }); } } } class PausePlayAndDuration extends StatefulWidget { final Player? player; const PausePlayAndDuration(this.player, {super.key}); @override State createState() => _PausePlayAndDurationState(); } class _PausePlayAndDurationState extends State { Color backgroundColor = fillStrongLight; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return GestureDetector( onTapDown: (details) { setState(() { backgroundColor = fillMutedDark; }); }, onTapUp: (details) { Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 175), () { if (mounted) { setState(() { backgroundColor = fillStrongLight; }); } }); }, onTapCancel: () { Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 175), () { if (mounted) { setState(() { backgroundColor = fillStrongLight; }); } }); }, onTap: () => widget.player!.playOrPause(), child: AnimatedContainer( duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 150), curve: Curves.easeInBack, padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 4, horizontal: 8), decoration: BoxDecoration( color: backgroundColor, border: Border.all( color: strokeFaintDark, width: 1, ), borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(24), ), child: AnimatedSize( duration: const Duration(seconds: 2), curve: Curves.easeInOutExpo, child: Row( children: [ StreamBuilder( builder: (context, snapshot) { final bool isPlaying = ?? false; return AnimatedSwitcher( duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 350), switchInCurve: Curves.easeInOutCirc, switchOutCurve: Curves.easeInOutCirc, child: Icon( key: ValueKey( isPlaying ? "pause_button" : "play_button", ), isPlaying ? Icons.pause_rounded : Icons.play_arrow_rounded, color: backdropBaseLight, size: 24, ), ); }, initialData: widget.player?.state.playing, stream: widget.player?.stream.playing, ), const SizedBox(width: 8), MaterialPositionIndicator( style: getEnteTextTheme(context).tiny.copyWith( color: textBaseDark, ), ), const SizedBox(width: 10), ], ), ), ), ); } }