import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'core/event_bus.dart'; import 'db/db_helper.dart'; import 'events/user_authenticated_event.dart'; import 'photo_loader.dart'; import 'photo_provider.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart'; import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart'; import 'package:photo_manager/photo_manager.dart'; import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; import 'package:dio/dio.dart'; import 'models/photo.dart'; import 'core/configuration.dart'; import 'events/remote_sync_event.dart'; class PhotoSyncManager { final _logger = Logger("PhotoSyncManager"); final _dio = Dio(); bool _isSyncInProgress = false; static final _lastSyncTimestampKey = "last_sync_timestamp_0"; static final _lastDBUpdateTimestampKey = "last_db_update_timestamp"; PhotoSyncManager._privateConstructor() { Bus.instance.on().listen((event) { sync(); }); } static final PhotoSyncManager instance = PhotoSyncManager._privateConstructor(); Future sync() async { if (_isSyncInProgress) { _logger.warning("Sync already in progress, skipping."); return; } _isSyncInProgress = true;"Syncing..."); final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); var lastDBUpdateTimestamp = prefs.getInt(_lastDBUpdateTimestampKey); if (lastDBUpdateTimestamp == null) { lastDBUpdateTimestamp = 0; await _initializeDirectories(); } await PhotoProvider.instance.refreshGalleryList(); final pathEntities = PhotoProvider.instance.list; final photos = List(); for (AssetPathEntity pathEntity in pathEntities) { if (Platform.isIOS || != "Recent") { // "Recents" contain duplicate information on Android var assetList = await pathEntity.assetList; for (AssetEntity entity in assetList) { if (entity.createDateTime.microsecondsSinceEpoch > lastDBUpdateTimestamp) { try { photos.add(await Photo.fromAsset(pathEntity, entity)); } catch (e) { _logger.severe(e); } } } } } if (photos.isEmpty) { _isSyncInProgress = false; _syncPhotos().then((_) { _deletePhotos(); }); } else { photos.sort((first, second) => first.createTimestamp.compareTo(second.createTimestamp)); _updateDatabase(photos, prefs, lastDBUpdateTimestamp).then((_) { _isSyncInProgress = false; _syncPhotos().then((_) { _deletePhotos(); }); }); } } Future _updateDatabase(final List photos, SharedPreferences prefs, int lastDBUpdateTimestamp) async { var photosToBeAdded = List(); for (Photo photo in photos) { if (photo.createTimestamp > lastDBUpdateTimestamp) { photosToBeAdded.add(photo); } } return await _insertPhotosToDB( photosToBeAdded, prefs,; } _syncPhotos() async { SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); var lastSyncTimestamp = prefs.getInt(_lastSyncTimestampKey); if (lastSyncTimestamp == null) { lastSyncTimestamp = 0; }"Last sync timestamp: " + lastSyncTimestamp.toString()); _getDiff(lastSyncTimestamp).then((diff) { if (diff != null) { _downloadDiff(diff, prefs).then((_) { _uploadDiff(prefs); }); } }); // TODO: Fix race conditions triggered due to concurrent syncs. // Add device_id/last_sync_timestamp to the upload request? } Future _uploadDiff(SharedPreferences prefs) async { List photosToBeUploaded = await DatabaseHelper.instance.getPhotosToBeUploaded(); for (Photo photo in photosToBeUploaded) { var uploadedPhoto = await _uploadFile(photo); if (uploadedPhoto == null) { return; } await DatabaseHelper.instance.updatePhoto(photo.generatedId, uploadedPhoto.remotePath, uploadedPhoto.syncTimestamp); prefs.setInt(_lastSyncTimestampKey, uploadedPhoto.syncTimestamp); } } Future _downloadDiff(List diff, SharedPreferences prefs) async { var externalPath = (await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory()).path; var path = externalPath + "/photos/"; for (Photo photo in diff) { var localPath = path + basename(photo.remotePath); await _dio .download( Configuration.instance.getHttpEndpoint() + "/" + photo.remotePath, localPath) .catchError((e) => _logger.severe(e)); // TODO: Save path photo.pathName = localPath; await DatabaseHelper.instance.insertPhoto(photo); PhotoLoader.instance.reloadPhotos(); await prefs.setInt(_lastSyncTimestampKey, photo.syncTimestamp); } } Future> _getDiff(int lastSyncTimestamp) async { Response response = await _dio.get( Configuration.instance.getHttpEndpoint() + "/diff", queryParameters: { "token": Configuration.instance.getToken(), "lastSyncTimestamp": lastSyncTimestamp }).catchError((e) => _logger.severe(e)); if (response != null) {; return (["diff"] as List) .map((photo) => new Photo.fromJson(photo)) .toList(); } else {; return null; } } Future _uploadFile(Photo localPhoto) async { var formData = FormData.fromMap({ "file": MultipartFile.fromBytes((await localPhoto.getOriginalBytes()), filename: localPhoto.title), "title": localPhoto.title, "createTimestamp": localPhoto.createTimestamp, "token": Configuration.instance.getToken(), }); return _dio .post(Configuration.instance.getHttpEndpoint() + "/upload", data: formData) .then((response) {; var photo = Photo.fromJson(; return photo; }).catchError((e) => _logger.severe(e)); } Future _deletePhotos() async { DatabaseHelper.instance.getAllDeletedPhotos().then((deletedPhotos) { for (Photo deletedPhoto in deletedPhotos) { _deletePhotoOnServer(deletedPhoto) .then((value) => DatabaseHelper.instance.deletePhoto(deletedPhoto)); } }); } Future _deletePhotoOnServer(Photo photo) async { return + "/delete", queryParameters: { "token": Configuration.instance.getToken(), "fileID": photo.uploadedFileId }).catchError((e) => _logger.severe(e)); } Future _initializeDirectories() async { var externalPath = (await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory()).path; new Directory(externalPath + "/photos/thumbnails") .createSync(recursive: true); } Future _insertPhotosToDB( List photos, SharedPreferences prefs, int timestamp) async { await DatabaseHelper.instance.insertPhotos(photos);"Inserted " + photos.length.toString() + " photos."); PhotoLoader.instance.reloadPhotos(); return await prefs.setInt(_lastDBUpdateTimestampKey, timestamp); } }