The `dlib` folder is used for the plugins which use `cgo`. If your go-flutter plugin dose't use `cgo`, just ignore this file and the `dlib` folder. When you need to link prebuild dynamic libraries and frameworks, you should copy the prebuild dynamic libraries and frameworks to `dlib`/${os} folder. `hover plugins get` copy this files to path `./go/build/intermediates` of go-flutter app project. `hover run` copy files from `./go/build/intermediates/${targetOS}` to `./go/build/outputs/${targetOS}`. And `-L{./go/build/outputs/${targetOS}}` is appended to `cgoLdflags` automatically. Also `-F{./go/build/outputs/${targetOS}}` is appended to `cgoLdflags` on Mac OS Attention: `hover` can't resolve the conflicts if two different go-flutter plugins have file with the same name in there dlib folder