import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'src/compress_format.dart'; import 'src/validator.dart'; export 'src/compress_format.dart'; /// Image Compress /// /// static method will help you compress image /// /// most method will return [Uint8List] /// /// You can use `Image.memory` to display image /// ```dart /// Uint8List uint8List; /// ImageProvider provider = MemoryImage(uint8List); /// ``` /// /// or /// /// ```dart /// Uint8List uint8List; /// Image.momory(uint8List) /// ``` /// The returned image will retain the proportion of the original image. /// /// Compress image will remove EXIF. /// /// image result is jpeg format. /// /// support rotate /// class FlutterImageCompress { static const MethodChannel _channel = const MethodChannel('flutter_image_compress'); static Validator _validator = Validator(_channel); static Validator get validator => _validator; static set showNativeLog(bool value) { _channel.invokeMethod("showLog", value); } /// Compress image from [Uint8List] to [Uint8List]. static Future compressWithList( Uint8List image, { int minWidth = 1920, int minHeight = 1080, int quality = 95, int rotate = 0, int inSampleSize = 1, bool autoCorrectionAngle = true, CompressFormat format = CompressFormat.jpeg, bool keepExif = false, }) async { assert( image != null, "A non-null Uint8List must be provided to FlutterImageCompress.", ); if (image == null) { throw "The image is null."; } if (image.isEmpty) { throw "The image is empty."; } final support = await _validator.checkSupportPlatform(format); if (!support) { throw "The image is not support."; } final result = await _channel.invokeMethod("compressWithList", [ image, minWidth, minHeight, quality, rotate, autoCorrectionAngle, _convertTypeToInt(format), keepExif, inSampleSize, ]); return result; } /// Compress file of [path] to [Uint8List]. static Future compressWithFile( String path, { int minWidth = 1920, int minHeight = 1080, int inSampleSize = 1, int quality = 95, int rotate = 0, bool autoCorrectionAngle = true, CompressFormat format = CompressFormat.jpeg, bool keepExif = false, }) async { assert( path != null, "A non-null String must be provided to FlutterImageCompress.", ); if (path == null || !File(path).existsSync()) { throw "Image file ($path) does not exist."; } final support = await _validator.checkSupportPlatform(format); if (!support) { return null; } final result = await _channel.invokeMethod("compressWithFile", [ path, minWidth, minHeight, quality, rotate, autoCorrectionAngle, _convertTypeToInt(format), keepExif, inSampleSize, ]); return result; } /// From [path] to [targetPath] static Future compressAndGetFile( String path, String targetPath, { int minWidth = 1920, int minHeight = 1080, int inSampleSize = 1, int quality = 95, int rotate = 0, bool autoCorrectionAngle = true, CompressFormat format = CompressFormat.jpeg, bool keepExif = false, }) async { assert( path != null, "A non-null String must be provided to FlutterImageCompress.", ); if (path == null || !File(path).existsSync()) { throw "Image file does not exist"; } assert(targetPath != null, "The target path must be null."); assert( targetPath != path, "Target path and source path cannot be the same."); _validator.checkFileNameAndFormat(targetPath, format); final support = await _validator.checkSupportPlatform(format); if (!support) { return null; } final String result = await _channel.invokeMethod("compressWithFileAndGetFile", [ path, minWidth, minHeight, quality, targetPath, rotate, autoCorrectionAngle, _convertTypeToInt(format), keepExif, inSampleSize, ]); if (result == null) { return null; } return File(result); } /// From [asset] to [Uint8List] static Future compressAssetImage( String assetName, { int minWidth = 1920, int minHeight = 1080, int quality = 95, int rotate = 0, bool autoCorrectionAngle = true, CompressFormat format = CompressFormat.jpeg, bool keepExif = false, }) async { assert( assetName != null, "A non-null String must be provided to FlutterImageCompress.", ); if (assetName == null) { return null; } final support = await _validator.checkSupportPlatform(format); if (!support) { return null; } final img = AssetImage(assetName); final config = ImageConfiguration(); AssetBundleImageKey key = await img.obtainKey(config); final ByteData data = await key.bundle.load(; final uint8List = data.buffer.asUint8List(); if (uint8List == null || uint8List.isEmpty) { return null; } return compressWithList( uint8List, minHeight: minHeight, minWidth: minWidth, quality: quality, rotate: rotate, autoCorrectionAngle: autoCorrectionAngle, format: format, keepExif: keepExif, ); } } int _convertTypeToInt(CompressFormat format) => format.index;