import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter_image_compress/flutter_image_compress.dart'; import 'package:photo_manager/photo_manager.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart'; import 'package:photos/core/configuration.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/file_type.dart'; import 'package:photos/models/location.dart'; class File { int generatedId; int uploadedFileId; String localId; String title; String deviceFolder; int remoteFolderId; String remotePath; String previewURL; int creationTime; int modificationTime; int updationTime; Location location; FileType fileType; File(); File.fromJson(Map json) { uploadedFileId = json["fileID"]; localId = json["deviceFileID"]; deviceFolder = json["deviceFolder"]; title = json["title"]; fileType = getFileType(json["fileType"]); remotePath = json["path"]; previewURL = json["previewURL"]; creationTime = json["creationTime"]; modificationTime = json["modificationTime"]; updationTime = json["updationTime"]; } static Future fromAsset( AssetPathEntity pathEntity, AssetEntity asset) async { File file = File(); file.localId =; file.title = asset.title; file.deviceFolder =; file.location = Location(asset.latitude, asset.longitude); switch (asset.type) { case AssetType.image: file.fileType = FileType.image; break; case file.fileType =; break; default: file.fileType = FileType.other; break; } file.creationTime = asset.createDateTime.microsecondsSinceEpoch; if (file.creationTime == 0) { try { final parsedDateTime = DateTime.parse( basenameWithoutExtension(file.title) .replaceAll("IMG_", "") .replaceAll("DCIM_", "") .replaceAll("_", " ")); file.creationTime = parsedDateTime.microsecondsSinceEpoch; } catch (e) { file.creationTime = asset.modifiedDateTime.microsecondsSinceEpoch; } } file.modificationTime = asset.modifiedDateTime.microsecondsSinceEpoch; return file; } Future getAsset() { return AssetEntity.fromId(localId); } Future getBytes({int quality = 100}) async { if (localId == null) { return HttpClient().getUrl(Uri.parse(getDownloadUrl())).then((request) { return request.close().then((response) { return consolidateHttpClientResponseBytes(response); }); }); } else { final originalBytes = (await getAsset()).originBytes; if (extension(title) == ".HEIC" || quality != 100) { return originalBytes.then((bytes) { return FlutterImageCompress.compressWithList(bytes, quality: quality) .then((converted) { return Uint8List.fromList(converted); }); }); } else { return originalBytes; } } } String getDownloadUrl() { return Configuration.instance.getHttpEndpoint() + "/files/download/" + uploadedFileId.toString() + "?token=" + Configuration.instance.getToken(); } // Passing token within the URL due to String getStreamUrl() { return Configuration.instance.getHttpEndpoint() + "/streams/" + Configuration.instance.getToken() + "/" + uploadedFileId.toString() + "/index.m3u8"; } String getThumbnailUrl() { return Configuration.instance.getHttpEndpoint() + "/files/preview/" + uploadedFileId.toString() + "?token=" + Configuration.instance.getToken(); } @override String toString() { return '''File(generatedId: $generatedId, uploadedFileId: $uploadedFileId, localId: $localId, title: $title, deviceFolder: $deviceFolder, location: $location, remotePath: $remotePath, fileType: $fileType, createTimestamp: $creationTime, updateTimestamp: $updationTime)'''; } @override bool operator ==(Object o) { if (identical(this, o)) return true; return o is File && o.generatedId == generatedId && o.uploadedFileId == uploadedFileId && o.localId == localId; } @override int get hashCode { return generatedId.hashCode ^ uploadedFileId.hashCode ^ localId.hashCode; } String tag() { return "local_" + localId.toString() + ":remote_" + uploadedFileId.toString() + ":generated_" + generatedId.toString(); } }