import { getEndpoint } from 'utils/common/apiUtil'; import { getStripePublishableKey, getToken } from 'utils/common/key'; import { checkConnectivity, runningInBrowser } from 'utils/common/'; import { setData, LS_KEYS } from 'utils/storage/localStorage'; import { convertToHumanReadable } from 'utils/billingUtil'; import { loadStripe, Stripe } from '@stripe/stripe-js'; import { CustomError } from 'utils/common/errorUtil'; import HTTPService from './HTTPService'; import { logError } from 'utils/sentry'; const ENDPOINT = getEndpoint(); export enum PAYMENT_INTENT_STATUS { SUCCESS = 'success', REQUIRE_ACTION = 'requires_action', REQUIRE_PAYMENT_METHOD = 'requires_payment_method', } export interface Subscription { id: number; userID: number; productID: string; storage: number; originalTransactionID: string; expiryTime: number; paymentProvider: string; attributes: { isCancelled: boolean; }; price:string; period:string; } export interface Plan { id: string; androidID: string; iosID: string; storage: number; price: string; period: string; stripeID: string; } export interface SubscriptionUpdateResponse { subscription: Subscription; status: PAYMENT_INTENT_STATUS; clientSecret: string; } export const FREE_PLAN = 'free'; class billingService { private stripe: Stripe; constructor() { try { const publishableKey = getStripePublishableKey(); const main = async () => { try { this.stripe = await loadStripe(publishableKey); } catch (e) { logError(e); } }; runningInBrowser() && checkConnectivity() && main(); } catch (e) { logError(e); } } public async getPlans():Promise { try { const response = await HTTPService.get(`${ENDPOINT}/billing/plans/v2`); const { plans } =; return plans; } catch (e) { logError(e, 'failed to get plans'); } } public async syncSubscription() { try { const response = await HTTPService.get( `${ENDPOINT}/billing/subscription`, null, { 'X-Auth-Token': getToken(), }, ); const { subscription } =; setData(LS_KEYS.SUBSCRIPTION, subscription); } catch (e) { logError(e, 'failed to get user\'s subscription details'); } } public async buyPaidSubscription(productID) { try { const response = await this.createCheckoutSession(productID); await this.stripe.redirectToCheckout({ sessionId:, }); } catch (e) { logError(e, 'unable to buy subscription'); throw e; } } public async updateSubscription(productID) { try { const response = await `${ENDPOINT}/billing/stripe/update-subscription`, { productID, }, null, { 'X-Auth-Token': getToken(), }, ); const { result } =; switch (result.status) { case PAYMENT_INTENT_STATUS.SUCCESS: // subscription updated successfully // no-op required break; case PAYMENT_INTENT_STATUS.REQUIRE_PAYMENT_METHOD: throw new Error( PAYMENT_INTENT_STATUS.REQUIRE_PAYMENT_METHOD, ); case PAYMENT_INTENT_STATUS.REQUIRE_ACTION: { const { error } = await this.stripe.confirmCardPayment( result.clientSecret, ); if (error) { throw error; } } break; } } catch (e) { logError(e); throw e; } try { await this.verifySubscription(); } catch (e) { throw new Error(CustomError.SUBSCRIPTION_VERIFICATION_ERROR); } } public async cancelSubscription() { try { const response = await `${ENDPOINT}/billing/stripe/cancel-subscription`, null, null, { 'X-Auth-Token': getToken(), }, ); const { subscription } =; setData(LS_KEYS.SUBSCRIPTION, subscription); } catch (e) { logError(e); throw e; } } public async activateSubscription() { try { const response = await `${ENDPOINT}/billing/stripe/activate-subscription`, null, null, { 'X-Auth-Token': getToken(), }, ); const { subscription } =; setData(LS_KEYS.SUBSCRIPTION, subscription); } catch (e) { logError(e); throw e; } } private async createCheckoutSession(productID) { return HTTPService.get( `${ENDPOINT}/billing/stripe/checkout-session`, { productID, }, { 'X-Auth-Token': getToken(), }, ); } public async verifySubscription( sessionID: string = null, ): Promise { try { const response = await `${ENDPOINT}/billing/verify-subscription`, { paymentProvider: 'stripe', productID: null, VerificationData: sessionID, }, null, { 'X-Auth-Token': getToken(), }, ); const { subscription } =; setData(LS_KEYS.SUBSCRIPTION, subscription); return subscription; } catch (err) { logError(err, 'Error while verifying subscription'); throw err; } } public async redirectToCustomerPortal() { try { const response = await HTTPService.get( `${ENDPOINT}/billing/stripe/customer-portal`, null, { 'X-Auth-Token': getToken(), }, ); window.location.href =; } catch (e) { logError(e, 'unable to get customer portal url'); throw e; } } public async getUsage() { try { const response = await HTTPService.get( `${ENDPOINT}/billing/usage`, { startTime: 0, endTime: * 1000 }, { 'X-Auth-Token': getToken(), }, ); return convertToHumanReadable(; } catch (e) { logError(e, 'error getting usage'); } } } export default new billingService();