# CHANGELOG ## 0.7.0 - Fix - Fix momory leaked for android. - Support android v2 plugin. **Breaking Change**: - Replace `List` to `Uint8List`. ## 0.6.8 Update `Validate` code. ## 0.6.7 Use the async GCD in iOS. ## 0.6.6 [#116](https://github.com/OpenFlutter/flutter_image_compress/pull/116), [#124](https://github.com/OpenFlutter/flutter_image_compress/pull/124) ## 0.6.5+1 Fix: - Web format error - Import header error for iOS. ## 0.6.5 New feature - Support webp on iOS. ## 0.6.4 New feature: - Add Params inSampleSize for methods. - Heif and webp Partially supported. ## 0.6.3 Fix: - Android: When the register of the calling plugin is not in the main process or there is no Activity. ## 0.6.2 Optimization: - Reduce the speed required for ios to add dependencies by copying the `SYPictureMetadata` source code into the project. ## 0.6.1 Fix: - autoCorrectionAngle switches image width and height. New feature: - Keep exif (no have orientation), use `keepExif` ## 0.6.0 **BREAKING CHANGE** : - remove method `getImageInfo`. For the time being, the follow-dev branch is no longer used, but only the master branch is needed to unify the pub version number. New Feature: - It is now supported to set the compression target to png format. ## 0.5.2 Fix: - [#49](https://github.com/OpenFlutter/flutter_image_compress/issues/49): A problem of reading Exif information. ## 0.5.1 Change `reportError` with flutter stable version. **Breaking Change:** The autoCorrectionAngle parameter causes a number of situations to behave differently than `0.4.0`. See readme for details. ## 0.5.0 (don't use) **Breaking Change:** Because `FlutterError.reportError` method's param `context` type changed. So this library will add the constraints of flutter SDK so that users before 1.5.9 will not use version 0.5.0 incorrectly. ## 0.4.0 Some code has been added to ensure that parameters that do not pass in native do not trigger crash. ## 0.3.1 Fix: - Android close file output stream. ## 0.3.0 Fix: - optimize compress scale. ## 0.2.4 Updated Kotlin version **Breaking change**. Migrate from the deprecated original Android Support Library to AndroidX. This shouldn't result in any functional changes, but it requires any Android apps using this plugin to [also migrate](https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/migrate) if they're using the original support library. ## 0.2.3 change iOS return type ## 0.2.2 add some dart doc ## 0.2.1 update readme ## 0.2.0 The version number is updated so that people who can use the higher version of gradle can use it. see pr #8 if android run error, you must update your kotlin'version to 1.2.71+ ## 0.1.4 add optional params rotate fix bug update example ## 0.1.3 fix the ios `flutter.h` bug ## 0.1.1 update readme ## 0.1.0 first version