import { isDimensions, isValidNumber } from '../utils'; import { IBoundingBox } from './BoundingBox'; import { IDimensions } from './Dimensions'; import { Point } from './Point'; import { IRect } from './Rect'; export class Box implements IBoundingBox, IRect { public static isRect(rect: any): boolean { return !!rect && [rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height].every(isValidNumber) } public static assertIsValidBox(box: any, callee: string, allowNegativeDimensions: boolean = false) { if (!Box.isRect(box)) { throw new Error(`${callee} - invalid box: ${JSON.stringify(box)}, expected object with properties x, y, width, height`) } if (!allowNegativeDimensions && (box.width < 0 || box.height < 0)) { throw new Error(`${callee} - width (${box.width}) and height (${box.height}) must be positive numbers`) } } public x: number public y: number public width: number public height: number constructor(_box: IBoundingBox | IRect, allowNegativeDimensions: boolean = true) { const box = (_box || {}) as any const isBbox = [box.left,, box.right, box.bottom].every(isValidNumber) const isRect = [box.x, box.y, box.width, box.height].every(isValidNumber) if (!isRect && !isBbox) { throw new Error(`Box.constructor - expected box to be IBoundingBox | IRect, instead have ${JSON.stringify(box)}`) } const [x, y, width, height] = isRect ? [box.x, box.y, box.width, box.height] : [box.left,, box.right - box.left, box.bottom -] Box.assertIsValidBox({ x, y, width, height }, 'Box.constructor', allowNegativeDimensions) this.x = x this.y = y this.width = width this.height = height } // public get x(): number { return this._x } // public get y(): number { return this._y } // public get width(): number { return this._width } // public get height(): number { return this._height } public get left(): number { return this.x } public get top(): number { return this.y } public get right(): number { return this.x + this.width } public get bottom(): number { return this.y + this.height } public get area(): number { return this.width * this.height } public get topLeft(): Point { return new Point(this.left, } public get topRight(): Point { return new Point(this.right, } public get bottomLeft(): Point { return new Point(this.left, this.bottom) } public get bottomRight(): Point { return new Point(this.right, this.bottom) } public round(): Box { const [x, y, width, height] = [this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height] .map(val => Math.round(val)) return new Box({ x, y, width, height }) } public floor(): Box { const [x, y, width, height] = [this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height] .map(val => Math.floor(val)) return new Box({ x, y, width, height }) } public toSquare(): Box { let { x, y, width, height } = this const diff = Math.abs(width - height) if (width < height) { x -= (diff / 2) width += diff } if (height < width) { y -= (diff / 2) height += diff } return new Box({ x, y, width, height }) } public rescale(s: IDimensions | number): Box { const scaleX = isDimensions(s) ? (s as IDimensions).width : s as number const scaleY = isDimensions(s) ? (s as IDimensions).height : s as number return new Box({ x: this.x * scaleX, y: this.y * scaleY, width: this.width * scaleX, height: this.height * scaleY }) } public pad(padX: number, padY: number): Box { let [x, y, width, height] = [ this.x - (padX / 2), this.y - (padY / 2), this.width + padX, this.height + padY ] return new Box({ x, y, width, height }) } public clipAtImageBorders(imgWidth: number, imgHeight: number): Box { const { x, y, right, bottom } = this const clippedX = Math.max(x, 0) const clippedY = Math.max(y, 0) const newWidth = right - clippedX const newHeight = bottom - clippedY const clippedWidth = Math.min(newWidth, imgWidth - clippedX) const clippedHeight = Math.min(newHeight, imgHeight - clippedY) return (new Box({ x: clippedX, y: clippedY, width: clippedWidth, height: clippedHeight})).floor() } public shift(sx: number, sy: number): Box { const { width, height } = this const x = this.x + sx const y = this.y + sy return new Box({ x, y, width, height }) } public padAtBorders(imageHeight: number, imageWidth: number) { const w = this.width + 1 const h = this.height + 1 let dx = 1 let dy = 1 let edx = w let edy = h let x = this.left let y = let ex = this.right let ey = this.bottom if (ex > imageWidth) { edx = -ex + imageWidth + w ex = imageWidth } if (ey > imageHeight) { edy = -ey + imageHeight + h ey = imageHeight } if (x < 1) { edy = 2 - x x = 1 } if (y < 1) { edy = 2 - y y = 1 } return { dy, edy, dx, edx, y, ey, x, ex, w, h } } public calibrate(region: Box) { return new Box({ left: this.left + (region.left * this.width), top: + ( * this.height), right: this.right + (region.right * this.width), bottom: this.bottom + (region.bottom * this.height) }).toSquare().round() } }