library super_logging; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:collection'; import 'dart:core'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:ente_auth/core/logging/tunneled_transport.dart'; import 'package:ente_auth/models/typedefs.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:intl/intl.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:package_info_plus/package_info_plus.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart'; import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart'; import 'package:sentry_flutter/sentry_flutter.dart'; import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart'; extension SuperString on String { Iterable chunked(int chunkSize) sync* { var start = 0; while (true) { final stop = start + chunkSize; if (stop > length) break; yield substring(start, stop); start = stop; } if (start < length) { yield substring(start); } } } extension SuperLogRecord on LogRecord { String toPrettyString([String? extraLines]) { final header = "[$loggerName] [$level] [$time]"; var msg = "$header $message"; if (error != null) { msg += "\n⤷ type: ${error.runtimeType}\n⤷ error: $error"; } if (stackTrace != null) { msg += "\n⤷ trace: $stackTrace"; } for (var line in extraLines?.split('\n') ?? []) { msg += '\n$header $line'; } return msg; } } class LogConfig { /// The DSN for a Sentry app. /// This can be obtained from the Sentry apps's "settings > Client Keys (DSN)" page. /// /// Only logs containing errors are sent to sentry. /// Errors can be caught using a try-catch block, like so: /// /// ``` /// final logger = Logger("main"); /// /// try { /// // do something dangerous here /// } catch(e, trace) { ///"Huston, we have a problem", e, trace); /// } /// ``` /// /// If this is [null], Sentry logger is completely disabled (default). String? sentryDsn; String? tunnel; /// A built-in retry mechanism for sending errors to sentry. /// /// This parameter defines the time to wait for, before retrying. Duration sentryRetryDelay; /// Path of the directory where log files will be stored. /// /// If this is [null], file logging is completely disabled (default). /// /// If this is an empty string (['']), /// then a 'logs' directory will be created in [getTemporaryDirectory()]. /// /// A non-empty string will be treated as an explicit path to a directory. /// /// The chosen directory can be accessed using [SuperLogging.logFile.parent]. String? logDirPath; /// The maximum number of log files inside [logDirPath]. /// /// One log file is created per day. /// Older log files are deleted automatically. int maxLogFiles; /// Whether to enable super logging features in debug mode. /// /// Sentry and file logging are typically not needed in debug mode, /// where a complete logcat is available. bool enableInDebugMode; /// If provided, super logging will invoke this function, and /// any uncaught errors during its execution will be reported. /// /// Works by using [FlutterError.onError] and [runZoned]. FutureOrVoidCallback? body; /// The date format for storing log files. /// /// `DateFormat('y-M-d')` by default. DateFormat? dateFmt; String prefix; LogConfig({ this.sentryDsn, this.tunnel, this.sentryRetryDelay = const Duration(seconds: 30), this.logDirPath, this.maxLogFiles = 10, this.enableInDebugMode = false, this.body, this.dateFmt, this.prefix = "", }) { dateFmt ??= DateFormat("y-M-d"); } } class SuperLogging { /// The logger for SuperLogging static final $ = Logger('ente_logging'); /// The current super logging configuration static late LogConfig config; static late SharedPreferences _preferences; static const keyShouldReportErrors = "should_report_errors"; static const keyAnonymousUserID = "anonymous_user_id"; static Future main([LogConfig? appConfig]) async { appConfig ??= LogConfig(); SuperLogging.config = appConfig; WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); _preferences = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); appVersion ??= await getAppVersion(); final enable = appConfig.enableInDebugMode || kReleaseMode; sentryIsEnabled = enable && appConfig.sentryDsn != null && shouldReportErrors(); fileIsEnabled = enable && appConfig.logDirPath != null; if (fileIsEnabled) { await setupLogDir(); } if (sentryIsEnabled) { setupSentry().ignore(); } Logger.root.level = Level.ALL; Logger.root.onRecord.listen(onLogRecord); if (!enable) { $.info("detected debug mode; sentry & file logging disabled."); } if (fileIsEnabled) { $.info("log file for today: $logFile with prefix ${appConfig.prefix}"); } if (sentryIsEnabled) { $.info("sentry uploader started"); } if (appConfig.body == null) return; if (enable && sentryIsEnabled) { await SentryFlutter.init( (options) { options.dsn = appConfig!.sentryDsn; options.httpClient = http.Client(); if (appConfig.tunnel != null) { options.transport = TunneledTransport(Uri.parse(appConfig.tunnel!), options); } }, appRunner: () => appConfig!.body!(), ); } else { await appConfig.body!(); } } static void setUserID(String userID) async { if (config.sentryDsn != null) { Sentry.configureScope((scope) => scope.setUser(SentryUser(id: userID))); $.info("setting sentry user ID to: $userID"); } } static Future _sendErrorToSentry( Object error, StackTrace? stack, ) async { try { await Sentry.captureException( error, stackTrace: stack, ); } catch (e) { $.info('Sending report to failed: $e'); $.info('Original error: $error'); } } static String _lastExtraLines = ''; static Future onLogRecord(LogRecord rec) async { // log misc info if it changed String? extraLines = "app version: '$appVersion'\n"; if (extraLines != _lastExtraLines) { _lastExtraLines = extraLines; } else { extraLines = null; } final str = "${config.prefix} ${rec.toPrettyString(extraLines)}"; // write to stdout printLog(str); // push to log queue if (fileIsEnabled) { fileQueueEntries.add('$str\n'); if (fileQueueEntries.length == 1) { flushQueue(); } } // add error to sentry queue if (sentryIsEnabled && rec.error != null) { _sendErrorToSentry(rec.error!, null).ignore(); } } static final Queue fileQueueEntries = Queue(); static bool isFlushing = false; static void flushQueue() async { if (isFlushing || logFile == null) { return; } isFlushing = true; final entry = fileQueueEntries.removeFirst(); await logFile!.writeAsString(entry, mode: FileMode.append, flush: true); isFlushing = false; if (fileQueueEntries.isNotEmpty) { flushQueue(); } } // Logs on must be chunked or they get truncated otherwise // See static var logChunkSize = 800; static void printLog(String text) { text.chunked(logChunkSize).forEach(debugPrint); } /// A queue to be consumed by [setupSentry]. static final sentryQueueControl = StreamController(); /// Whether sentry logging is currently enabled or not. static bool sentryIsEnabled = false; static Future setupSentry() async { $.info("Setting up sentry"); SuperLogging.setUserID(await _getOrCreateAnonymousUserID()); await for (final error in { try { await Sentry.captureException( error, ); } catch (e) { $.fine( "sentry upload failed; will retry after ${config.sentryRetryDelay}", ); doSentryRetry(error); } } } static void doSentryRetry(Error error) async { await Future.delayed(config.sentryRetryDelay); sentryQueueControl.add(error); } static bool shouldReportErrors() { if (_preferences.containsKey(keyShouldReportErrors)) { return _preferences.getBool(keyShouldReportErrors)!; } else { return kDebugMode; } } static Future setShouldReportErrors(bool value) { return _preferences.setBool(keyShouldReportErrors, value); } static Future _getOrCreateAnonymousUserID() async { if (!_preferences.containsKey(keyAnonymousUserID)) { //ignore: prefer_const_constructors await _preferences.setString(keyAnonymousUserID, Uuid().v4()); } return _preferences.getString(keyAnonymousUserID)!; } /// The log file currently in use. static File? logFile; /// Whether file logging is currently enabled or not. static bool fileIsEnabled = false; static Future setupLogDir() async { var dirPath = config.logDirPath; // choose [logDir] if (dirPath == null || dirPath.isEmpty) { final root = await getExternalStorageDirectory(); dirPath = '${root!.path}/logs'; } // create [logDir] final dir = Directory(dirPath); await dir.create(recursive: true); final files = []; final dates = {}; // collect all log files with valid names await for (final file in dir.list()) { try { final date = config.dateFmt!.parse(basename(file.path)); dates[file as File] = date; files.add(file); } on Exception catch (_) {} } final nowTime =; // delete old log files, if [maxLogFiles] is exceeded. if (files.length > config.maxLogFiles) { // sort files based on ascending order of date (older first) files.sort( (a, b) => (dates[a] ?? nowTime).compareTo((dates[b] ?? nowTime)), ); final extra = files.length - config.maxLogFiles; final toDelete = files.sublist(0, extra); for (final file in toDelete) { try { $.fine( "deleting log file ${file.path}", ); await file.delete(); } on Exception catch (_) {} } } logFile = File("$dirPath/${config.dateFmt!.format(}.txt"); } /// Current app version, obtained from package_info plugin. /// /// See: [getAppVersion] static String? appVersion; static Future getAppVersion() async { final pkgInfo = await PackageInfo.fromPlatform(); return "${pkgInfo.version}+${pkgInfo.buildNumber}"; } // disable sentry on f-droid. We need to make it opt-in preference static Future isFDroidBuild() async { if (!Platform.isAndroid) { return false; } final pkgName = (await PackageInfo.fromPlatform()).packageName; return pkgName.endsWith("fdroid"); } }