New Crowdin translations by GitHub Action

This commit is contained in:
Crowdin Bot 2023-04-19 00:49:48 +00:00
parent 89bd079218
commit 68315edcd7
3 changed files with 205 additions and 1 deletions

View file

@ -274,6 +274,59 @@
"referralStep3": "3. Ambos obtienen {storageInGB} GB* gratis",
"referralsAreCurrentlyPaused": "Las referencias están actualmente en pausa",
"youCanAtMaxDoubleYourStorage": "* Puedes al máximo duplicar tu almacenamiento",
"claimedStorageSoFar": "{isFamilyMember, select, true {Su familia ha reclamado {storageAmountInGb} Gb hasta el momento} false {Tú has reclamado {storageAmountInGb} Gb hasta el momento} other {¡Tú has reclamado {storageAmountInGb} Gb hasta el momento!}}",
"@claimedStorageSoFar": {
"placeholders": {
"isFamilyMember": {
"type": "String",
"example": "true"
"storageAmountInGb": {
"type": "int",
"example": "10"
"faq": "Preguntas Frecuentes",
"oopsSomethingWentWrong": "Ups, algo salió mal",
"peopleUsingYourCode": "Personas usando tu código",
"eligible": "elegible",
"total": "total",
"codeUsedByYou": "Código usado por ti",
"freeStorageClaimed": "Almacenamiento gratuito reclamado",
"freeStorageUsable": "Almacenamiento libre disponible",
"usableReferralStorageInfo": "El almacenamiento utilizable está limitado por su plan actual. El exceso de almacenamiento reclamado se volverá automáticamente utilizable cuando actualice su plan.",
"removeFromAlbumTitle": "¿Quitar del álbum?",
"removeFromAlbum": "Quitar del álbum",
"itemsWillBeRemovedFromAlbum": "Los elementos seleccionados serán removidos de este álbum",
"removeShareItemsWarning": "Algunos de los elementos que estás eliminando fueron añadidos por otras personas, y perderás el acceso a ellos",
"addingToFavorites": "Añadiendo a favoritos...",
"removingFromFavorites": "Quitando de favoritos...",
"sorryCouldNotAddToFavorites": "¡Lo sentimos, no se pudo añadir a favoritos!",
"sorryCouldNotRemoveFromFavorites": "¡Lo sentimos, no se pudo quitar de favoritos!",
"subscribeToEnableSharing": "Parece que su suscripción ha caducado. Por favor, suscríbase para habilitar el compartir.",
"subscribe": "Suscribirse",
"canOnlyRemoveFilesOwnedByYou": "Sólo puede eliminar archivos de tu propiedad",
"deleteSharedAlbum": "¿Borrar álbum compartido?",
"deleteAlbum": "Borrar álbum",
"deleteAlbumDialog": "¿También eliminar las fotos (y los vídeos) presentes en este álbum de <bold>todos</bold> los otros álbumes de los que forman parte?",
"deleteSharedAlbumDialogBody": "El álbum se eliminará para todos\n\nPerderás el acceso a las fotos compartidas en este álbum que son propiedad de otros",
"yesRemove": "Sí, quitar",
"creatingLink": "Creando enlace...",
"removeWithQuestionMark": "Quitar?",
"removeParticipantBody": "{userEmail} será eliminado de este álbum compartido\n\nCualquier foto añadida por ellos también será eliminada del álbum",
"keepPhotos": "Conservar las fotos",
"deletePhotos": "Borrar las fotos",
"inviteToEnte": "Invitar a ente",
"removePublicLink": "Quitar enlace público",
"disableLinkMessage": "Esto eliminará el enlace público para acceder a \"{albumName}\".",
"sharing": "Compartiendo...",
"youCannotShareWithYourself": "No puedes compartir contigo mismo",
"archive": "Archivo",
"createAlbumActionHint": "Mantenga presionado para seleccionar fotos y haga clic en + para crear un álbum",
"importing": "Importando....",
"failedToLoadAlbums": "Error al cargar álbumes",
"hidden": "Oculto",
"authToViewYourHiddenFiles": "Por favor, autentifiquese para ver sus archivos ocultos",
"trash": "Papelera",
"uncategorized": "Sin categorizar",

View file

@ -272,6 +272,33 @@
"referralStep1": "1. Geef deze code aan je vrienden",
"referralStep2": "2. Ze registreren voor een betaald plan",
"referralStep3": "Jullie krijgen allebei {storageInGB} GB* gratis",
"referralsAreCurrentlyPaused": "Verwijzingen zijn momenteel gepauzeerd",
"youCanAtMaxDoubleYourStorage": "* Je kunt maximaal je opslag verdubbelen",
"claimedStorageSoFar": "{isFamilyMember, select, true {Jouw familie heeft {storageAmountInGb} Gb geclaimd tot nu toe} false {Je hebt {storageAmountInGb} Gb geclaimd tot nu toe} other {Je hebt {storageAmountInGb} Gb geclaimd tot nu toe!}}",
"@claimedStorageSoFar": {
"placeholders": {
"isFamilyMember": {
"type": "String",
"example": "true"
"storageAmountInGb": {
"type": "int",
"example": "10"
"faq": "Veelgestelde vragen",
"oopsSomethingWentWrong": "Oeps, er is iets misgegaan",
"peopleUsingYourCode": "Mensen die jouw code gebruiken",
"eligible": "gerechtigd",
"total": "totaal",
"codeUsedByYou": "Code gebruikt door jou",
"freeStorageClaimed": "Gratis opslag geclaimd",
"freeStorageUsable": "Gratis opslag bruikbaar",
"usableReferralStorageInfo": "Bruikbare opslag is beperkt door je huidige abonnement. Buitensporige geclaimde opslag zal automatisch bruikbaar worden wanneer je je abonnement upgrade.",
"removeFromAlbumTitle": "Uit album verwijderen?",
"removeFromAlbum": "Verwijder uit album",
"itemsWillBeRemovedFromAlbum": "Geselecteerde items zullen worden verwijderd uit dit album",
"removeShareItemsWarning": "Sommige van de items die je verwijdert zijn door andere mensen toegevoegd, en je verliest de toegang daartoe",
"addingToFavorites": "Toevoegen aan favorieten...",
"removingFromFavorites": "Verwijderen uit favorieten...",
@ -397,6 +424,13 @@
"downloading": "Downloaden...",
"theDownloadCouldNotBeCompleted": "De download kon niet worden voltooid",
"retry": "Opnieuw",
"backedUpFolders": "Gebackupte mappen",
"backup": "Back-up",
"freeUpDeviceSpace": "Apparaatruimte vrijmaken",
"allClear": "✨ Alles in orde",
"noDeviceThatCanBeDeleted": "Je hebt geen bestanden op dit apparaat die verwijderd kunnen worden",
"removeDuplicates": "Duplicaten verwijderen",
"noDuplicates": "✨ Geen duplicaten",
"youveNoDuplicateFilesThatCanBeCleared": "Je hebt geen dubbele bestanden die kunnen worden gewist",
"sparkleSuccess": "✨ Succes"

View file

@ -1 +1,118 @@
"enterYourEmailAddress": "请输入您的电子邮件地址",
"accountWelcomeBack": "欢迎回来!",
"email": "电子邮件地址",
"cancel": "取消",
"verify": "验证",
"invalidEmailAddress": "无效的电子邮件地址",
"enterValidEmail": "请输入一个有效的电子邮件地址。",
"deleteAccount": "删除账户",
"askDeleteReason": "您删除账户的主要原因是什么?",
"deleteAccountFeedbackPrompt": "我们很抱歉看到您离开。请分享您的反馈以帮助我们改进。",
"feedback": "反馈",
"kindlyHelpUsWithThisInformation": "请帮助我们了解这个信息",
"confirmDeletePrompt": "是的,我想永久删除此账户及其相关数据.",
"confirmAccountDeletion": "确认删除账户",
"deleteConfirmDialogBody": "您将要永久删除您的账户及其所有数据。\n此操作是不可逆的。",
"deleteAccountPermanentlyButton": "永久删除账户",
"yourAccountHasBeenDeleted": "您的账户已删除",
"selectReason": "选择原因",
"deleteReason1": "找不到我想要的功能",
"deleteReason2": "应用或某个功能不会有 \n行为。我认为它应该有的",
"deleteReason3": "我找到了另一个我喜欢更好的服务",
"deleteReason4": "我的原因未被列出",
"sendEmail": "发送电子邮件",
"deleteRequestSLAText": "您的请求将在 72 小时内处理。",
"deleteEmailRequest": "请从您注册的电子邮件地址发送电子邮件到 <warning></warning>。",
"ok": "OK",
"createAccount": "创建账户",
"createNewAccount": "创建新账号",
"password": "密码",
"confirmPassword": "请确认密码",
"activeSessions": "已登录的设备",
"oops": "哎呀",
"somethingWentWrongPleaseTryAgain": "出了点问题,请重试",
"thisWillLogYouOutOfThisDevice": "这将使您在此设备上退出登录!",
"thisWillLogYouOutOfTheFollowingDevice": "这将使您在以下设备中退出登录:",
"terminateSession": "是否终止会话?",
"terminate": "终止",
"thisDevice": "此设备",
"recoverButton": "恢复",
"recoverySuccessful": "恢复成功!",
"decrypting": "解密中...",
"incorrectRecoveryKeyTitle": "不正确的恢复密钥",
"incorrectRecoveryKeyBody": "您输入的恢复密钥不正确",
"forgotPassword": "忘记密码",
"enterYourRecoveryKey": "输入您的恢复密钥",
"noRecoveryKey": "没有恢复密钥吗?",
"sorry": "抱歉",
"noRecoveryKeyNoDecryption": "由于我们端到端加密协议的性质,如果没有您的密码或恢复密钥,您的数据将无法解密",
"verifyEmail": "验证电子邮件",
"checkInboxAndSpamFolder": "请检查您的收件箱 (或者是在您的“垃圾邮件”列表内) 以完成验证",
"tapToEnterCode": "点击以输入代码",
"resendEmail": "重新发送电子邮件",
"weveSentAMailTo": "我们已经发送一封邮件到",
"setPasswordTitle": "设置密码",
"changePasswordTitle": "修改密码",
"resetPasswordTitle": "重置密码",
"encryptionKeys": "加密密钥",
"passwordWarning": "我们不储存这个密码,所以如果忘记, <underline>我们不能解密您的数据</underline>",
"enterPasswordToEncrypt": "输入我们可以用来加密您的数据的密码",
"enterNewPasswordToEncrypt": "输入我们可以用来加密您的数据的新密码",
"weakStrength": "弱",
"strongStrength": "强",
"moderateStrength": "中等",
"passwordStrength": "密码强度: {passwordStrengthValue}",
"@passwordStrength": {
"description": "Text to indicate the password strength",
"placeholders": {
"passwordStrengthValue": {
"description": "The strength of the password as a string",
"type": "String",
"example": "Weak or Moderate or Strong"
"message": "Password Strength: {passwordStrengthText}"
"passwordChangedSuccessfully": "密码修改成功",
"generatingEncryptionKeys": "正在生成加密密钥...",
"pleaseWait": "请稍候...",
"continueLabel": "继续",
"insecureDevice": "设备不安全",
"sorryWeCouldNotGenerateSecureKeysOnThisDevicennplease": "抱歉,我们无法在此设备上生成安全密钥。\n\n请使用其他设备注册。",
"howItWorks": "工作原理",
"encryption": "加密",
"ackPasswordLostWarning": "我明白,如果我丢失密码,我可能会丢失我的数据,因为我的数据是 <underline>端到端加密的</underline>。",
"privacyPolicyTitle": "隐私政策",
"termsOfServicesTitle": "使用条款",
"signUpTerms": "我同意 <u-terms>服务条款</u-terms> 和 <u-policy>隐私政策</u-policy>",
"logInLabel": "登录",
"loginTerms": "点击登录后,我同意 <u-terms>服务条款</u-terms> 和 <u-policy>隐私政策</u-policy>",
"changeEmail": "修改邮箱",
"enterYourPassword": "输入您的密码",
"welcomeBack": "欢迎回来!",
"contactSupport": "联系支持",
"incorrectPasswordTitle": "密码错误",
"pleaseTryAgain": "请重试",
"recreatePasswordTitle": "重新创建密码",
"addedAs": "已添加为",
"changePermissions": "要修改权限吗?",
"yesConvertToViewer": "是的,转换为查看者",
"cannotAddMorePhotosAfterBecomingViewer": "{user} 将无法添加更多照片到此相册\n\n他们仍然能够删除他们添加的现有照片",
"allowAddingPhotos": "允许添加照片",
"@allowAddingPhotos": {
"description": "Switch button to enable uploading photos to a public link"
"allowAddPhotosDescription": "允许具有链接的人也将照片添加到共享相册。",
"passwordLock": "密码锁",
"disableDownloadWarningTitle": "请注意",
"disableDownloadWarningBody": "查看者仍然可以使用外部工具截图或保存您的照片副本",
"allowDownloads": "允许下载",
"linkDeviceLimit": "设备限制",
"linkExpiry": "链接过期",
"linkExpired": "已过期",
"linkEnabled": "已启用",
"linkNeverExpires": "永不",
"expiredLinkInfo": "此链接已过期。请选择新的过期时间或禁用链接过期。",
"setAPassword": "设置密码"