[mob][photos] Simplify how FilesDB migrates

This commit is contained in:
ashilkn 2024-05-24 14:21:02 +05:30
parent 320f79bb52
commit 637adb4617

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@ -146,32 +146,34 @@ class FilesDB {
final String path = join(documentsDirectory.path, _databaseName);
_logger.info("DB path " + path);
final database = SqliteDatabase(path: path);
final versionRow = await database.execute('PRAGMA user_version');
await _migrate(database);
//db version used to be stored in `user_version` when using sqflite.
//sqlite_async doesn't use `user_version` to store db version.
// `oldVersionNumber` = 0 for fresh install
final oldVersionNumber = versionRow[0]['user_version'] as int;
final migrations = getMigrations(oldVersionNumber);
await migrations.migrate(database);
return database;
SqliteMigrations getMigrations(int oldSqfliteDBVersion) {
final numberOfMigrationScripts = migrationScripts.length;
final migrations = SqliteMigrations();
for (int i = oldSqfliteDBVersion; i < numberOfMigrationScripts; i++) {
i + 1,
(tx) async {
await tx.execute(migrationScripts[i]);
Future<void> _migrate(
SqliteDatabase database,
) async {
final result = await database.execute('PRAGMA user_version');
final currentVersion = result[0]['user_version'] as int;
final toVersion = migrationScripts.length;
_logger.info("currentVersion: $currentVersion");
_logger.info("toVersion: $toVersion");
if (currentVersion < toVersion) {
_logger.info("Migrating database from $currentVersion to $toVersion");
await database.writeTransaction((tx) async {
for (int i = currentVersion + 1; i <= toVersion; i++) {
await tx.execute(migrationScripts[i - 1]);
await tx.execute('PRAGMA user_version = $toVersion');
} else if (currentVersion > toVersion) {
throw AssertionError("currentVersion cannot be greater than toVersion");
} else {
_logger.info("Database is already at version $toVersion");
return migrations;
// SQL code to create the database table