Merge branch 'mobile_face' of into mobile_face

This commit is contained in:
Neeraj Gupta 2024-04-01 15:37:41 +05:30
commit 5b339fc30e
11 changed files with 6 additions and 1921 deletions

View file

@ -1,714 +0,0 @@
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' show join;
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import 'package:photos/models/ml/ml_typedefs.dart';
import 'package:photos/services/machine_learning/face_ml/face_feedback.dart/cluster_feedback.dart';
import 'package:photos/services/machine_learning/face_ml/face_feedback.dart/feedback_types.dart';
import 'package:photos/services/machine_learning/face_ml/face_ml_result.dart';
import 'package:sqflite/sqflite.dart';
/// Stores all data for the ML-related features. The database can be accessed by `MlDataDB.instance.database`.
/// This includes:
/// [facesTable] - Stores all the detected faces and its embeddings in the images.
/// [peopleTable] - Stores all the clusters of faces which are considered to be the same person.
class MlDataDB {
static final Logger _logger = Logger("MlDataDB");
// TODO: [BOB] put the db in files
static const _databaseName = "ente.ml_data.db";
static const _databaseVersion = 1;
static const facesTable = 'faces';
static const fileIDColumn = 'file_id';
static const faceMlResultColumn = 'face_ml_result';
static const mlVersionColumn = 'ml_version';
static const peopleTable = 'people';
static const personIDColumn = 'person_id';
static const clusterResultColumn = 'cluster_result';
static const centroidColumn = 'cluster_centroid';
static const centroidDistanceThresholdColumn = 'centroid_distance_threshold';
static const feedbackTable = 'feedback';
static const feedbackIDColumn = 'feedback_id';
static const feedbackTypeColumn = 'feedback_type';
static const feedbackDataColumn = 'feedback_data';
static const feedbackTimestampColumn = 'feedback_timestamp';
static const feedbackFaceMlVersionColumn = 'feedback_face_ml_version';
static const feedbackClusterMlVersionColumn = 'feedback_cluster_ml_version';
static const createFacesTable = '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $facesTable (
$faceMlResultColumn TEXT NOT NULL,
$mlVersionColumn INTEGER NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY($fileIDColumn)
static const createPeopleTable = '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $peopleTable (
$clusterResultColumn TEXT NOT NULL,
$centroidColumn TEXT NOT NULL,
$centroidDistanceThresholdColumn REAL NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY($personIDColumn)
static const createFeedbackTable =
'''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $feedbackTable (
$feedbackTypeColumn TEXT NOT NULL,
$feedbackDataColumn TEXT NOT NULL,
$feedbackTimestampColumn TEXT NOT NULL,
$feedbackFaceMlVersionColumn INTEGER NOT NULL,
$feedbackClusterMlVersionColumn INTEGER NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY($feedbackIDColumn)
static const _deleteFacesTable = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $facesTable';
static const _deletePeopleTable = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $peopleTable';
static const _deleteFeedbackTable = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $feedbackTable';
static final MlDataDB instance = MlDataDB._privateConstructor();
static Future<Database>? _dbFuture;
Future<Database> get database async {
_dbFuture ??= _initDatabase();
return _dbFuture!;
Future<Database> _initDatabase() async {
final documentsDirectory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
final String databaseDirectory =
join(documentsDirectory.path, _databaseName);
return await openDatabase(
version: _databaseVersion,
onCreate: _onCreate,
Future _onCreate(Database db, int version) async {
await db.execute(createFacesTable);
await db.execute(createPeopleTable);
await db.execute(createFeedbackTable);
/// WARNING: This will delete ALL data in the database! Only use this for debug/testing purposes!
Future<void> cleanTables({
bool cleanFaces = false,
bool cleanPeople = false,
bool cleanFeedback = false,
}) async {
_logger.fine('`cleanTables()` called');
final db = await instance.database;
if (cleanFaces) {
_logger.fine('`cleanTables()`: Cleaning faces table');
await db.execute(_deleteFacesTable);
if (cleanPeople) {
_logger.fine('`cleanTables()`: Cleaning people table');
await db.execute(_deletePeopleTable);
if (cleanFeedback) {
_logger.fine('`cleanTables()`: Cleaning feedback table');
await db.execute(_deleteFeedbackTable);
if (!cleanFaces && !cleanPeople && !cleanFeedback) {
'`cleanTables()`: No tables cleaned, since no table was specified. Please be careful with this function!',
await db.execute(createFacesTable);
await db.execute(createPeopleTable);
await db.execute(createFeedbackTable);
Future<void> createFaceMlResult(FaceMlResult faceMlResult) async {
_logger.fine('createFaceMlResult called');
final existingResult = await getFaceMlResult(faceMlResult.fileId);
if (existingResult != null) {
if (faceMlResult.mlVersion <= existingResult.mlVersion) {
'FaceMlResult with file ID ${faceMlResult.fileId} already exists with equal or higher version. Skipping insert.',
final db = await instance.database;
await db.insert(
fileIDColumn: faceMlResult.fileId,
faceMlResultColumn: faceMlResult.toJsonString(),
mlVersionColumn: faceMlResult.mlVersion,
conflictAlgorithm: ConflictAlgorithm.replace,
Future<bool> doesFaceMlResultExist(int fileId, {int? mlVersion}) async {
_logger.fine('doesFaceMlResultExist called');
final db = await instance.database;
String whereString = '$fileIDColumn = ?';
final List<dynamic> whereArgs = [fileId];
if (mlVersion != null) {
whereString += ' AND $mlVersionColumn = ?';
final result = await db.query(
where: whereString,
whereArgs: whereArgs,
limit: 1,
return result.isNotEmpty;
Future<FaceMlResult?> getFaceMlResult(int fileId, {int? mlVersion}) async {
_logger.fine('getFaceMlResult called');
final db = await instance.database;
String whereString = '$fileIDColumn = ?';
final List<dynamic> whereArgs = [fileId];
if (mlVersion != null) {
whereString += ' AND $mlVersionColumn = ?';
final result = await db.query(
where: whereString,
whereArgs: whereArgs,
limit: 1,
if (result.isNotEmpty) {
return FaceMlResult.fromJsonString(
result.first[faceMlResultColumn] as String,
'No faceMlResult found for fileID $fileId and mlVersion $mlVersion (null if not specified)',
return null;
/// Returns the faceMlResults for the given [fileIds].
Future<List<FaceMlResult>> getSelectedFaceMlResults(
List<int> fileIds,
) async {
_logger.fine('getSelectedFaceMlResults called');
final db = await instance.database;
if (fileIds.isEmpty) {
_logger.warning('getSelectedFaceMlResults called with empty fileIds');
return <FaceMlResult>[];
final List<Map<String, Object?>> results = await db.query(
columns: [faceMlResultColumn],
where: '$fileIDColumn IN (${fileIds.join(',')})',
orderBy: fileIDColumn,
return results
(result) =>
FaceMlResult.fromJsonString(result[faceMlResultColumn] as String),
Future<List<FaceMlResult>> getAllFaceMlResults({int? mlVersion}) async {
_logger.fine('getAllFaceMlResults called');
final db = await instance.database;
String? whereString;
List<dynamic>? whereArgs;
if (mlVersion != null) {
whereString = '$mlVersionColumn = ?';
whereArgs = [mlVersion];
final results = await db.query(
where: whereString,
whereArgs: whereArgs,
orderBy: fileIDColumn,
return results
(result) =>
FaceMlResult.fromJsonString(result[faceMlResultColumn] as String),
/// getAllFileIDs returns a set of all fileIDs from the facesTable, meaning all the fileIDs for which a FaceMlResult exists, optionally filtered by mlVersion.
Future<Set<int>> getAllFaceMlResultFileIDs({int? mlVersion}) async {
_logger.fine('getAllFaceMlResultFileIDs called');
final db = await instance.database;
String? whereString;
List<dynamic>? whereArgs;
if (mlVersion != null) {
whereString = '$mlVersionColumn = ?';
whereArgs = [mlVersion];
final List<Map<String, Object?>> results = await db.query(
where: whereString,
whereArgs: whereArgs,
orderBy: fileIDColumn,
return => result[fileIDColumn] as int).toSet();
Future<Set<int>> getAllFaceMlResultFileIDsProcessedWithThumbnailOnly({
int? mlVersion,
}) async {
_logger.fine('getAllFaceMlResultFileIDsProcessedWithThumbnailOnly called');
final db = await instance.database;
String? whereString;
List<dynamic>? whereArgs;
if (mlVersion != null) {
whereString = '$mlVersionColumn = ?';
whereArgs = [mlVersion];
final List<Map<String, Object?>> results = await db.query(
where: whereString,
whereArgs: whereArgs,
orderBy: fileIDColumn,
return results
(result) =>
FaceMlResult.fromJsonString(result[faceMlResultColumn] as String),
.where((element) => element.onlyThumbnailUsed)
.map((result) => result.fileId)
/// Updates the faceMlResult for the given [faceMlResult.fileId]. Update is done regardless of the [faceMlResult.mlVersion].
/// However, if [updateHigherVersionOnly] is set to true, the update is only done if the [faceMlResult.mlVersion] is higher than the existing one.
Future<int> updateFaceMlResult(
FaceMlResult faceMlResult, {
bool updateHigherVersionOnly = false,
}) async {
_logger.fine('updateFaceMlResult called');
if (updateHigherVersionOnly) {
final existingResult = await getFaceMlResult(faceMlResult.fileId);
if (existingResult != null) {
if (faceMlResult.mlVersion <= existingResult.mlVersion) {
'FaceMlResult with file ID ${faceMlResult.fileId} already exists with equal or higher version. Skipping update.',
return 0;
final db = await instance.database;
return await db.update(
fileIDColumn: faceMlResult.fileId,
faceMlResultColumn: faceMlResult.toJsonString(),
mlVersionColumn: faceMlResult.mlVersion,
where: '$fileIDColumn = ?',
whereArgs: [faceMlResult.fileId],
Future<int> deleteFaceMlResult(int fileId) async {
_logger.fine('deleteFaceMlResult called');
final db = await instance.database;
final deleteCount = await db.delete(
where: '$fileIDColumn = ?',
whereArgs: [fileId],
_logger.fine('Deleted $deleteCount faceMlResults');
return deleteCount;
Future<void> createAllClusterResults(
List<ClusterResult> clusterResults, {
bool cleanExistingClusters = true,
}) async {
_logger.fine('createClusterResults called');
final db = await instance.database;
if (clusterResults.isEmpty) {
_logger.fine('No clusterResults given, skipping insert.');
// Completely clean the table and start fresh
if (cleanExistingClusters) {
await deleteAllClusterResults();
// Insert all the cluster results
for (final clusterResult in clusterResults) {
await db.insert(
personIDColumn: clusterResult.personId,
clusterResultColumn: clusterResult.toJsonString(),
centroidColumn: clusterResult.medoid.toString(),
conflictAlgorithm: ConflictAlgorithm.replace,
Future<ClusterResult?> getClusterResult(int personId) async {
_logger.fine('getClusterResult called');
final db = await instance.database;
final result = await db.query(
where: '$personIDColumn = ?',
whereArgs: [personId],
limit: 1,
if (result.isNotEmpty) {
return ClusterResult.fromJsonString(
result.first[clusterResultColumn] as String,
_logger.fine('No clusterResult found for personID $personId');
return null;
/// Returns the ClusterResult objects for the given [personIDs].
Future<List<ClusterResult>> getSelectedClusterResults(
List<int> personIDs,
) async {
_logger.fine('getSelectedClusterResults called');
final db = await instance.database;
if (personIDs.isEmpty) {
_logger.warning('getSelectedClusterResults called with empty personIDs');
return <ClusterResult>[];
final results = await db.query(
where: '$personIDColumn IN (${personIDs.join(',')})',
orderBy: personIDColumn,
return results
(result) => ClusterResult.fromJsonString(
result[clusterResultColumn] as String,
Future<List<ClusterResult>> getAllClusterResults() async {
_logger.fine('getAllClusterResults called');
final db = await instance.database;
final results = await db.query(
return results
(result) => ClusterResult.fromJsonString(
result[clusterResultColumn] as String,
/// Returns the personIDs of all clustered people in the database.
Future<List<int>> getAllClusterIds() async {
_logger.fine('getAllClusterIds called');
final db = await instance.database;
final results = await db.query(
columns: [personIDColumn],
return => result[personIDColumn] as int).toList();
/// Returns the fileIDs of all files associated with a given [personId].
Future<List<int>> getClusterFileIds(int personId) async {
_logger.fine('getClusterFileIds called');
final ClusterResult? clusterResult = await getClusterResult(personId);
if (clusterResult == null) {
return <int>[];
return clusterResult.uniqueFileIds;
Future<List<String>> getClusterFaceIds(int personId) async {
_logger.fine('getClusterFaceIds called');
final ClusterResult? clusterResult = await getClusterResult(personId);
if (clusterResult == null) {
return <String>[];
return clusterResult.faceIDs;
Future<List<Embedding>> getClusterEmbeddings(
int personId,
) async {
_logger.fine('getClusterEmbeddings called');
final ClusterResult? clusterResult = await getClusterResult(personId);
if (clusterResult == null) return <Embedding>[];
final fileIds = clusterResult.uniqueFileIds;
final faceIds = clusterResult.faceIDs;
if (fileIds.length != faceIds.length) {
'fileIds and faceIds have different lengths: ${fileIds.length} vs ${faceIds.length}. This should not happen!',
return <Embedding>[];
final faceMlResults = await getSelectedFaceMlResults(fileIds);
if (faceMlResults.isEmpty) return <Embedding>[];
final embeddings = <Embedding>[];
for (var i = 0; i < faceMlResults.length; i++) {
final faceMlResult = faceMlResults[i];
final int faceIndex = faceMlResult.allFaceIds.indexOf(faceIds[i]);
if (faceIndex == -1) {
'Could not find faceIndex for faceId ${faceIds[i]} in faceMlResult ${faceMlResult.fileId}',
return <Embedding>[];
return embeddings;
Future<void> updateClusterResult(ClusterResult clusterResult) async {
_logger.fine('updateClusterResult called');
final db = await instance.database;
await db.update(
personIDColumn: clusterResult.personId,
clusterResultColumn: clusterResult.toJsonString(),
centroidColumn: clusterResult.medoid.toString(),
centroidDistanceThresholdColumn: clusterResult.medoidDistanceThreshold,
where: '$personIDColumn = ?',
whereArgs: [clusterResult.personId],
Future<int> deleteClusterResult(int personId) async {
_logger.fine('deleteClusterResult called');
final db = await instance.database;
final deleteCount = await db.delete(
where: '$personIDColumn = ?',
whereArgs: [personId],
_logger.fine('Deleted $deleteCount clusterResults');
return deleteCount;
Future<void> deleteAllClusterResults() async {
_logger.fine('deleteAllClusterResults called');
final db = await instance.database;
await db.execute(_deletePeopleTable);
await db.execute(createPeopleTable);
// TODO: current function implementation will skip inserting for a similar feedback, which means I can't remove two photos from the same person in a row
Future<void> createClusterFeedback<T extends ClusterFeedback>(
T feedback, {
bool skipIfSimilarFeedbackExists = false,
}) async {
_logger.fine('createClusterFeedback called');
// TODO: this skipping might cause issues for adding photos to the same person in a row!!
if (skipIfSimilarFeedbackExists &&
await doesSimilarClusterFeedbackExist(feedback)) {
'ClusterFeedback with ID ${feedback.feedbackID} already has a similar feedback installed. Skipping insert.',
final db = await instance.database;
await db.insert(
feedbackIDColumn: feedback.feedbackID,
feedbackTypeColumn: feedback.typeString,
feedbackDataColumn: feedback.toJsonString(),
feedbackTimestampColumn: feedback.timestampString,
feedbackFaceMlVersionColumn: feedback.madeOnFaceMlVersion,
feedbackClusterMlVersionColumn: feedback.madeOnClusterMlVersion,
conflictAlgorithm: ConflictAlgorithm.replace,
Future<bool> doesSimilarClusterFeedbackExist<T extends ClusterFeedback>(
T feedback,
) async {
_logger.fine('doesClusterFeedbackExist called');
final List<T> existingFeedback =
await getAllClusterFeedback<T>(type: feedback.type);
if (existingFeedback.isNotEmpty) {
for (final existingFeedbackItem in existingFeedback) {
existingFeedbackItem.type == feedback.type,
'Feedback types should be the same!',
if (feedback.looselyMatchesMedoid(existingFeedbackItem)) {
'ClusterFeedback of type ${feedback.typeString} with ID ${feedback.feedbackID} already has a similar feedback installed!',
return true;
return false;
/// Returns all the clusterFeedbacks of type [T] which match the given [feedback], sorted by timestamp (latest first).
Future<List<T>> getAllMatchingClusterFeedback<T extends ClusterFeedback>(
T feedback, {
bool sortNewestFirst = true,
}) async {
_logger.fine('getAllMatchingClusterFeedback called');
final List<T> existingFeedback =
await getAllClusterFeedback<T>(type: feedback.type);
final List<T> matchingFeedback = <T>[];
if (existingFeedback.isNotEmpty) {
for (final existingFeedbackItem in existingFeedback) {
existingFeedbackItem.type == feedback.type,
'Feedback types should be the same!',
if (feedback.looselyMatchesMedoid(existingFeedbackItem)) {
'ClusterFeedback of type ${feedback.typeString} with ID ${feedback.feedbackID} already has a similar feedback installed!',
if (sortNewestFirst) {
matchingFeedback.sort((a, b) => b.timestamp.compareTo(a.timestamp));
return matchingFeedback;
Future<List<T>> getAllClusterFeedback<T extends ClusterFeedback>({
required FeedbackType type,
int? mlVersion,
int? clusterMlVersion,
}) async {
_logger.fine('getAllClusterFeedback called');
final db = await instance.database;
// TODO: implement the versions for FeedbackType.imageFeedback and FeedbackType.faceFeedback and rename this function to getAllFeedback?
String whereString = '$feedbackTypeColumn = ?';
final List<dynamic> whereArgs = [type.toValueString()];
if (mlVersion != null) {
whereString += ' AND $feedbackFaceMlVersionColumn = ?';
if (clusterMlVersion != null) {
whereString += ' AND $feedbackClusterMlVersionColumn = ?';
final results = await db.query(
where: whereString,
whereArgs: whereArgs,
if (results.isNotEmpty) {
if (ClusterFeedback.fromJsonStringRegistry.containsKey(type)) {
final Function(String) fromJsonString =
return results
.map((e) => fromJsonString(e[feedbackDataColumn] as String) as T)
} else {
'No fromJsonString function found for type ${}. This should not happen!',
'No clusterFeedback results found of type $type' +
(mlVersion != null ? ' and mlVersion $mlVersion' : '') +
(clusterMlVersion != null
? ' and clusterMlVersion $clusterMlVersion'
: ''),
return <T>[];
Future<int> deleteClusterFeedback<T extends ClusterFeedback>(
T feedback,
) async {
_logger.fine('deleteClusterFeedback called');
final db = await instance.database;
final deleteCount = await db.delete(
where: '$feedbackIDColumn = ?',
whereArgs: [feedback.feedbackID],
_logger.fine('Deleted $deleteCount clusterFeedbacks');
return deleteCount;

View file

@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
import "dart:convert";
import 'package:photos/services/machine_learning/face_ml/face_clustering/cosine_distance.dart';
import 'package:photos/services/machine_learning/face_ml/face_feedback.dart/feedback.dart';
import 'package:photos/services/machine_learning/face_ml/face_feedback.dart/feedback_types.dart';
abstract class ClusterFeedback extends Feedback {
static final Map<FeedbackType, Function(String)> fromJsonStringRegistry = {
FeedbackType.deleteClusterFeedback: DeleteClusterFeedback.fromJsonString,
FeedbackType.mergeClusterFeedback: MergeClusterFeedback.fromJsonString,
final List<double> medoid;
final double medoidDistanceThreshold;
// TODO: work out the optimal distance threshold so there's never an overlap between clusters
FeedbackType type,
this.medoidDistanceThreshold, {
String? feedbackID,
DateTime? timestamp,
int? madeOnFaceMlVersion,
int? madeOnClusterMlVersion,
}) : super(
feedbackID: feedbackID,
timestamp: timestamp,
madeOnFaceMlVersion: madeOnFaceMlVersion,
madeOnClusterMlVersion: madeOnClusterMlVersion,
/// Compares this feedback with another [ClusterFeedback] to see if they are similar enough that only one should be kept.
/// It checks this by comparing the distance between the two medoids with the medoidDistanceThreshold of each feedback.
/// Returns true if they are similar enough, false otherwise.
/// // TODO: Should it maybe return a merged feedback instead, when you are similar enough?
bool looselyMatchesMedoid(ClusterFeedback other) {
// Using the cosineDistance function you mentioned
final double distance = cosineDistance(medoid, other.medoid);
// Check if the distance is less than either of the threshold values
return distance < medoidDistanceThreshold ||
distance < other.medoidDistanceThreshold;
bool exactlyMatchesMedoid(ClusterFeedback other) {
if (medoid.length != other.medoid.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < medoid.length; i++) {
if (medoid[i] != other.medoid[i]) {
return false;
return true;
class DeleteClusterFeedback extends ClusterFeedback {
required List<double> medoid,
required double medoidDistanceThreshold,
String? feedbackID,
DateTime? timestamp,
int? madeOnFaceMlVersion,
int? madeOnClusterMlVersion,
}) : super(
feedbackID: feedbackID,
timestamp: timestamp,
madeOnFaceMlVersion: madeOnFaceMlVersion,
madeOnClusterMlVersion: madeOnClusterMlVersion,
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return {
'type': type.toValueString(),
'medoid': medoid,
'medoidDistanceThreshold': medoidDistanceThreshold,
'feedbackID': feedbackID,
'timestamp': timestamp.toIso8601String(),
'madeOnFaceMlVersion': madeOnFaceMlVersion,
'madeOnClusterMlVersion': madeOnClusterMlVersion,
String toJsonString() => jsonEncode(toJson());
static DeleteClusterFeedback fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
assert(json['type'] == FeedbackType.deleteClusterFeedback.toValueString());
return DeleteClusterFeedback(
(json['medoid'] as List?)?.map((item) => item as double).toList() ??
medoidDistanceThreshold: json['medoidDistanceThreshold'],
feedbackID: json['feedbackID'],
timestamp: DateTime.parse(json['timestamp']),
madeOnFaceMlVersion: json['madeOnFaceMlVersion'],
madeOnClusterMlVersion: json['madeOnClusterMlVersion'],
static fromJsonString(String jsonString) {
return fromJson(jsonDecode(jsonString));
class MergeClusterFeedback extends ClusterFeedback {
final List<double> medoidToMoveTo;
required List<double> medoid,
required double medoidDistanceThreshold,
required this.medoidToMoveTo,
String? feedbackID,
DateTime? timestamp,
int? madeOnFaceMlVersion,
int? madeOnClusterMlVersion,
}) : super(
feedbackID: feedbackID,
timestamp: timestamp,
madeOnFaceMlVersion: madeOnFaceMlVersion,
madeOnClusterMlVersion: madeOnClusterMlVersion,
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return {
'type': type.toValueString(),
'medoid': medoid,
'medoidDistanceThreshold': medoidDistanceThreshold,
'medoidToMoveTo': medoidToMoveTo,
'feedbackID': feedbackID,
'timestamp': timestamp.toIso8601String(),
'madeOnFaceMlVersion': madeOnFaceMlVersion,
'madeOnClusterMlVersion': madeOnClusterMlVersion,
String toJsonString() => jsonEncode(toJson());
static MergeClusterFeedback fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
assert(json['type'] == FeedbackType.mergeClusterFeedback.toValueString());
return MergeClusterFeedback(
(json['medoid'] as List?)?.map((item) => item as double).toList() ??
medoidDistanceThreshold: json['medoidDistanceThreshold'],
medoidToMoveTo: (json['medoidToMoveTo'] as List?)
?.map((item) => item as double)
.toList() ??
feedbackID: json['feedbackID'],
timestamp: DateTime.parse(json['timestamp']),
madeOnFaceMlVersion: json['madeOnFaceMlVersion'],
madeOnClusterMlVersion: json['madeOnClusterMlVersion'],
static MergeClusterFeedback fromJsonString(String jsonString) {
return fromJson(jsonDecode(jsonString));
class RenameOrCustomThumbnailClusterFeedback extends ClusterFeedback {
String? customName;
String? customThumbnailFaceId;
required List<double> medoid,
required double medoidDistanceThreshold,
String? feedbackID,
DateTime? timestamp,
int? madeOnFaceMlVersion,
int? madeOnClusterMlVersion,
}) : assert(
customName != null || customThumbnailFaceId != null,
"Either customName or customThumbnailFaceId must be non-null!",
feedbackID: feedbackID,
timestamp: timestamp,
madeOnFaceMlVersion: madeOnFaceMlVersion,
madeOnClusterMlVersion: madeOnClusterMlVersion,
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return {
'type': type.toValueString(),
'medoid': medoid,
'medoidDistanceThreshold': medoidDistanceThreshold,
if (customName != null) 'customName': customName,
if (customThumbnailFaceId != null)
'customThumbnailFaceId': customThumbnailFaceId,
'feedbackID': feedbackID,
'timestamp': timestamp.toIso8601String(),
'madeOnFaceMlVersion': madeOnFaceMlVersion,
'madeOnClusterMlVersion': madeOnClusterMlVersion,
String toJsonString() => jsonEncode(toJson());
static RenameOrCustomThumbnailClusterFeedback fromJson(
Map<String, dynamic> json,
) {
json['type'] ==
return RenameOrCustomThumbnailClusterFeedback(
(json['medoid'] as List?)?.map((item) => item as double).toList() ??
medoidDistanceThreshold: json['medoidDistanceThreshold'],
customName: json['customName'],
customThumbnailFaceId: json['customThumbnailFaceId'],
feedbackID: json['feedbackID'],
timestamp: DateTime.parse(json['timestamp']),
madeOnFaceMlVersion: json['madeOnFaceMlVersion'],
madeOnClusterMlVersion: json['madeOnClusterMlVersion'],
static RenameOrCustomThumbnailClusterFeedback fromJsonString(
String jsonString,
) {
return fromJson(jsonDecode(jsonString));
class RemovePhotosClusterFeedback extends ClusterFeedback {
final List<int> removedPhotosFileID;
required List<double> medoid,
required double medoidDistanceThreshold,
required this.removedPhotosFileID,
String? feedbackID,
DateTime? timestamp,
int? madeOnFaceMlVersion,
int? madeOnClusterMlVersion,
}) : super(
feedbackID: feedbackID,
timestamp: timestamp,
madeOnFaceMlVersion: madeOnFaceMlVersion,
madeOnClusterMlVersion: madeOnClusterMlVersion,
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return {
'type': type.toValueString(),
'medoid': medoid,
'medoidDistanceThreshold': medoidDistanceThreshold,
'removedPhotosFileID': removedPhotosFileID,
'feedbackID': feedbackID,
'timestamp': timestamp.toIso8601String(),
'madeOnFaceMlVersion': madeOnFaceMlVersion,
'madeOnClusterMlVersion': madeOnClusterMlVersion,
String toJsonString() => jsonEncode(toJson());
static RemovePhotosClusterFeedback fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
json['type'] == FeedbackType.removePhotosClusterFeedback.toValueString(),
return RemovePhotosClusterFeedback(
(json['medoid'] as List?)?.map((item) => item as double).toList() ??
medoidDistanceThreshold: json['medoidDistanceThreshold'],
removedPhotosFileID: (json['removedPhotosFileID'] as List?)
?.map((item) => item as int)
.toList() ??
feedbackID: json['feedbackID'],
timestamp: DateTime.parse(json['timestamp']),
madeOnFaceMlVersion: json['madeOnFaceMlVersion'],
madeOnClusterMlVersion: json['madeOnClusterMlVersion'],
static RemovePhotosClusterFeedback fromJsonString(String jsonString) {
return fromJson(jsonDecode(jsonString));
class AddPhotosClusterFeedback extends ClusterFeedback {
final List<int> addedPhotoFileIDs;
required List<double> medoid,
required double medoidDistanceThreshold,
required this.addedPhotoFileIDs,
String? feedbackID,
DateTime? timestamp,
int? madeOnFaceMlVersion,
int? madeOnClusterMlVersion,
}) : super(
feedbackID: feedbackID,
timestamp: timestamp,
madeOnFaceMlVersion: madeOnFaceMlVersion,
madeOnClusterMlVersion: madeOnClusterMlVersion,
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return {
'type': type.toValueString(),
'medoid': medoid,
'medoidDistanceThreshold': medoidDistanceThreshold,
'addedPhotoFileIDs': addedPhotoFileIDs,
'feedbackID': feedbackID,
'timestamp': timestamp.toIso8601String(),
'madeOnFaceMlVersion': madeOnFaceMlVersion,
'madeOnClusterMlVersion': madeOnClusterMlVersion,
String toJsonString() => jsonEncode(toJson());
static AddPhotosClusterFeedback fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
json['type'] == FeedbackType.addPhotosClusterFeedback.toValueString(),
return AddPhotosClusterFeedback(
(json['medoid'] as List?)?.map((item) => item as double).toList() ??
medoidDistanceThreshold: json['medoidDistanceThreshold'],
addedPhotoFileIDs: (json['addedPhotoFileIDs'] as List?)
?.map((item) => item as int)
.toList() ??
feedbackID: json['feedbackID'],
timestamp: DateTime.parse(json['timestamp']),
madeOnFaceMlVersion: json['madeOnFaceMlVersion'],
madeOnClusterMlVersion: json['madeOnClusterMlVersion'],
static AddPhotosClusterFeedback fromJsonString(String jsonString) {
return fromJson(jsonDecode(jsonString));

View file

@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
import "package:logging/logging.dart";
import "package:photos/db/ml_data_db.dart";
import 'package:photos/services/machine_learning/face_ml/face_detection/detection.dart';
import 'package:photos/services/machine_learning/face_ml/face_feedback.dart/cluster_feedback.dart';
import 'package:photos/services/machine_learning/face_ml/face_ml_result.dart';
class FaceFeedbackService {
final _logger = Logger("FaceFeedbackService");
final _mlDatabase = MlDataDB.instance;
int executedFeedbackCount = 0;
final int _reclusterFeedbackThreshold = 10;
// singleton pattern
static final instance = FaceFeedbackService._privateConstructor();
factory FaceFeedbackService() => instance;
/// Returns the updated cluster after removing the given file from the given person's cluster.
/// If the file is not in the cluster, returns null.
/// The updated cluster is also updated in [MlDataDB].
Future<ClusterResult> removePhotosFromCluster(
List<int> fileIDs,
int personID,
) async {
// TODO: check if photo was originally added to cluster by user. If so, we should remove that addition instead of changing the embedding, because there is no embedding...
'removePhotoFromCluster called with fileIDs $fileIDs and personID $personID',
if (fileIDs.isEmpty) {
"No fileIDs given, unable to add photos to cluster!",
throw ArgumentError(
"No fileIDs given, unable to add photos to cluster!",
// Get the relevant cluster
final ClusterResult? cluster = await _mlDatabase.getClusterResult(personID);
if (cluster == null) {
"No cluster found for personID $personID, unable to remove photo from non-existent cluster!",
throw ArgumentError(
"No cluster found for personID $personID, unable to remove photo from non-existent cluster!",
// Get the relevant faceMlResults
final List<FaceMlResult> faceMlResults =
await _mlDatabase.getSelectedFaceMlResults(fileIDs);
if (faceMlResults.length != fileIDs.length) {
final List<int> foundFileIDs = => faceMlResult.fileId).toList();
"Couldn't find all facemlresults for fileIDs $fileIDs, only found for $foundFileIDs. Unable to remove unindexed photos from cluster!",
throw ArgumentError(
"Couldn't find all facemlresults for fileIDs $fileIDs, only found for $foundFileIDs. Unable to remove unindexed photos from cluster!",
// Check if at least one of the files is in the cluster. If all files are already not in the cluster, return the cluster.
final List<int> fileIDsInCluster = fileIDs
.where((fileID) => cluster.uniqueFileIds.contains(fileID))
if (fileIDsInCluster.isEmpty) {
"All fileIDs are already not in the cluster, unable to remove photos from cluster!",
return cluster;
final List<FaceMlResult> faceMlResultsInCluster = faceMlResults
.where((faceMlResult) => fileIDsInCluster.contains(faceMlResult.fileId))
assert(faceMlResultsInCluster.length == fileIDsInCluster.length);
for (var i = 0; i < fileIDsInCluster.length; i++) {
// Find the faces/embeddings associated with both the fileID and personID
final List<String> faceIDs = faceMlResultsInCluster[i].allFaceIds;
final List<String> faceIDsInCluster = cluster.faceIDs;
final List<String> relevantFaceIDs =
faceIDsInCluster.where((faceID) => faceIDs.contains(faceID)).toList();
if (relevantFaceIDs.isEmpty) {
"No faces found in both cluster and file, unable to remove photo from cluster!",
throw ArgumentError(
"No faces found in both cluster and file, unable to remove photo from cluster!",
// Set the embeddings to [10, 10,..., 10] and save the updated faceMlResult
await _mlDatabase.updateFaceMlResult(faceMlResultsInCluster[i]);
// Make sure there is a manual override for [10, 10,..., 10] embeddings (not actually here, but in building the clusters, see _checkIfClusterIsDeleted function)
// Manually remove the fileID from the cluster
// TODO: see below
// Re-cluster and check if this leads to more deletions. If so, save them and ask the user if they want to delete them too.
if (executedFeedbackCount % _reclusterFeedbackThreshold == 0) {
// await recluster();
// Update the cluster in the database
await _mlDatabase.updateClusterResult(cluster);
// TODO: see below
// Safe the given feedback to the database
final removePhotoFeedback = RemovePhotosClusterFeedback(
medoid: cluster.medoid,
medoidDistanceThreshold: cluster.medoidDistanceThreshold,
removedPhotosFileID: fileIDsInCluster,
await _mlDatabase.createClusterFeedback(
skipIfSimilarFeedbackExists: false,
// Return the updated cluster
return cluster;
Future<ClusterResult> addPhotosToCluster(List<int> fileIDs, personID) async {
'addPhotosToCluster called with fileIDs $fileIDs and personID $personID',
if (fileIDs.isEmpty) {
"No fileIDs given, unable to add photos to cluster!",
throw ArgumentError(
"No fileIDs given, unable to add photos to cluster!",
// Get the relevant cluster
final ClusterResult? cluster = await _mlDatabase.getClusterResult(personID);
if (cluster == null) {
"No cluster found for personID $personID, unable to add photos to non-existent cluster!",
throw ArgumentError(
"No cluster found for personID $personID, unable to add photos to non-existent cluster!",
// Check if at least one of the files is not in the cluster. If all files are already in the cluster, return the cluster.
final List<int> fileIDsNotInCluster = fileIDs
.where((fileID) => !cluster.uniqueFileIds.contains(fileID))
if (fileIDsNotInCluster.isEmpty) {
"All fileIDs are already in the cluster, unable to add new photos to cluster!",
return cluster;
final List<String> faceIDsNotInCluster = fileIDsNotInCluster
.map((fileID) => FaceDetectionRelative.toFaceIDEmpty(fileID: fileID))
// Add the new files to the cluster
cluster.addFileIDsAndFaceIDs(fileIDsNotInCluster, faceIDsNotInCluster);
// Update the cluster in the database
await _mlDatabase.updateClusterResult(cluster);
// Build the addPhotoFeedback
final AddPhotosClusterFeedback addPhotosFeedback = AddPhotosClusterFeedback(
medoid: cluster.medoid,
medoidDistanceThreshold: cluster.medoidDistanceThreshold,
addedPhotoFileIDs: fileIDsNotInCluster,
// TODO: check for exact match and update feedback if necessary
// Save the addPhotoFeedback to the database
await _mlDatabase.createClusterFeedback(
skipIfSimilarFeedbackExists: false,
// Return the updated cluster
return cluster;
/// Deletes the given cluster completely.
Future<void> deleteCluster(int personID) async {
'deleteCluster called with personID $personID',
// Get the relevant cluster
final cluster = await _mlDatabase.getClusterResult(personID);
if (cluster == null) {
"No cluster found for personID $personID, unable to delete non-existent cluster!",
throw ArgumentError(
"No cluster found for personID $personID, unable to delete non-existent cluster!",
// Delete the cluster from the database
await _mlDatabase.deleteClusterResult(cluster.personId);
// TODO: look into the right threshold distance.
// Build the deleteClusterFeedback
final DeleteClusterFeedback deleteClusterFeedback = DeleteClusterFeedback(
medoid: cluster.medoid,
medoidDistanceThreshold: cluster.medoidDistanceThreshold,
// TODO: maybe I should merge the two feedbacks if they are similar enough? Or alternatively, I keep them both?
// Check if feedback doesn't already exist
if (await _mlDatabase
.doesSimilarClusterFeedbackExist(deleteClusterFeedback)) {
"Feedback already exists for deleting cluster $personID, unable to delete cluster!",
// Save the deleteClusterFeedback to the database
await _mlDatabase.createClusterFeedback(deleteClusterFeedback);
/// Renames the given cluster and/or sets the thumbnail of the given cluster.
/// Requires either a [customName] or a [customFaceID]. If both are given, both are used. If neither are given, an error is thrown.
Future<ClusterResult> renameOrSetThumbnailCluster(
int personID, {
String? customName,
String? customFaceID,
}) async {
'renameOrSetThumbnailCluster called with personID $personID, customName $customName, and customFaceID $customFaceID',
if (customFaceID != null &&
FaceDetectionRelative.isFaceIDEmpty(customFaceID)) {
"customFaceID $customFaceID is belongs to empty detection, unable to set as thumbnail of cluster!",
customFaceID = null;
if (customName == null && customFaceID == null) {
"No name or faceID given, unable to rename or set thumbnail of cluster!",
throw ArgumentError(
"No name or faceID given, unable to rename or set thumbnail of cluster!",
// Get the relevant cluster
final cluster = await _mlDatabase.getClusterResult(personID);
if (cluster == null) {
"No cluster found for personID $personID, unable to delete non-existent cluster!",
throw ArgumentError(
"No cluster found for personID $personID, unable to delete non-existent cluster!",
// Update the cluster
if (customName != null) cluster.setUserDefinedName = customName;
if (customFaceID != null) cluster.setThumbnailFaceId = customFaceID;
// Update the cluster in the database
await _mlDatabase.updateClusterResult(cluster);
// Build the RenameOrCustomThumbnailClusterFeedback
final RenameOrCustomThumbnailClusterFeedback renameClusterFeedback =
medoid: cluster.medoid,
medoidDistanceThreshold: cluster.medoidDistanceThreshold,
customName: customName,
customThumbnailFaceId: customFaceID,
// TODO: maybe I should merge the two feedbacks if they are similar enough?
// Check if feedback doesn't already exist
final matchingFeedbacks =
await _mlDatabase.getAllMatchingClusterFeedback(renameClusterFeedback);
for (final matchingFeedback in matchingFeedbacks) {
// Update the current feedback wherever possible
renameClusterFeedback.customName ??= matchingFeedback.customName;
renameClusterFeedback.customThumbnailFaceId ??=
// Delete the old feedback (since we want the user to be able to overwrite their earlier feedback)
await _mlDatabase.deleteClusterFeedback(matchingFeedback);
// Save the RenameOrCustomThumbnailClusterFeedback to the database
await _mlDatabase.createClusterFeedback(renameClusterFeedback);
// Return the updated cluster
return cluster;
/// Merges the given clusters. The largest cluster is kept and the other clusters are deleted.
/// Requires either a [clusters] or [personIDs]. If both are given, the [clusters] are used.
Future<ClusterResult> mergeClusters(List<int> personIDs) async {
'mergeClusters called with personIDs $personIDs',
// Get the relevant clusters
final List<ClusterResult> clusters =
await _mlDatabase.getSelectedClusterResults(personIDs);
if (clusters.length <= 1) {
"${clusters.length} clusters found for personIDs $personIDs, unable to merge non-existent clusters!",
throw ArgumentError(
"${clusters.length} clusters found for personIDs $personIDs, unable to merge non-existent clusters!",
// Find the largest cluster
clusters.sort((a, b) => b.clusterSize.compareTo(a.clusterSize));
final ClusterResult largestCluster = clusters.first;
// Now iterate through the clusters to be merged and deleted
for (var i = 1; i < clusters.length; i++) {
final ClusterResult clusterToBeMerged = clusters[i];
// Add the files and faces of the cluster to be merged to the largest cluster
// TODO: maybe I should wrap the logic below in a separate function, since it's also used in renameOrSetThumbnailCluster
// Merge any names and thumbnails if the largest cluster doesn't have them
bool shouldCreateNamingFeedback = false;
String? nameToBeMerged;
String? thumbnailToBeMerged;
if (!largestCluster.hasUserDefinedName &&
clusterToBeMerged.hasUserDefinedName) {
largestCluster.setUserDefinedName = clusterToBeMerged.userDefinedName!;
nameToBeMerged = clusterToBeMerged.userDefinedName!;
shouldCreateNamingFeedback = true;
if (!largestCluster.thumbnailFaceIdIsUserDefined &&
clusterToBeMerged.thumbnailFaceIdIsUserDefined) {
largestCluster.setThumbnailFaceId = clusterToBeMerged.thumbnailFaceId;
thumbnailToBeMerged = clusterToBeMerged.thumbnailFaceId;
shouldCreateNamingFeedback = true;
if (shouldCreateNamingFeedback) {
final RenameOrCustomThumbnailClusterFeedback renameClusterFeedback =
medoid: largestCluster.medoid,
medoidDistanceThreshold: largestCluster.medoidDistanceThreshold,
customName: nameToBeMerged,
customThumbnailFaceId: thumbnailToBeMerged,
// Check if feedback doesn't already exist
final matchingFeedbacks = await _mlDatabase
for (final matchingFeedback in matchingFeedbacks) {
// Update the current feedback wherever possible
renameClusterFeedback.customName ??= matchingFeedback.customName;
renameClusterFeedback.customThumbnailFaceId ??=
// Delete the old feedback (since we want the user to be able to overwrite their earlier feedback)
await _mlDatabase.deleteClusterFeedback(matchingFeedback);
// Save the RenameOrCustomThumbnailClusterFeedback to the database
await _mlDatabase.createClusterFeedback(renameClusterFeedback);
// Build the mergeClusterFeedback
final MergeClusterFeedback mergeClusterFeedback = MergeClusterFeedback(
medoid: clusterToBeMerged.medoid,
medoidDistanceThreshold: clusterToBeMerged.medoidDistanceThreshold,
medoidToMoveTo: largestCluster.medoid,
// Save the mergeClusterFeedback to the database and delete any old matching feedbacks
final matchingFeedbacks =
await _mlDatabase.getAllMatchingClusterFeedback(mergeClusterFeedback);
for (final matchingFeedback in matchingFeedbacks) {
await _mlDatabase.deleteClusterFeedback(matchingFeedback);
await _mlDatabase.createClusterFeedback(mergeClusterFeedback);
// Delete the cluster from the database
await _mlDatabase.deleteClusterResult(clusterToBeMerged.personId);
// TODO: should I update the medoid of this new cluster? My intuition says no, but I'm not sure.
// Update the largest cluster in the database
await _mlDatabase.updateClusterResult(largestCluster);
// Return the merged cluster
return largestCluster;

View file

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
import "package:photos/models/ml/ml_versions.dart";
import 'package:photos/services/machine_learning/face_ml/face_feedback.dart/feedback_types.dart';
import "package:uuid/uuid.dart";
abstract class Feedback {
final FeedbackType type;
final String feedbackID;
final DateTime timestamp;
final int madeOnFaceMlVersion;
final int madeOnClusterMlVersion;
get typeString => type.toValueString();
get timestampString => timestamp.toIso8601String();
this.type, {
String? feedbackID,
DateTime? timestamp,
int? madeOnFaceMlVersion,
int? madeOnClusterMlVersion,
}) : feedbackID = feedbackID ?? const Uuid().v4(),
timestamp = timestamp ??,
madeOnFaceMlVersion = madeOnFaceMlVersion ?? faceMlVersion,
madeOnClusterMlVersion = madeOnClusterMlVersion ?? clusterMlVersion;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson();
String toJsonString();
// Feedback fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json);
// Feedback fromJsonString(String jsonString);

View file

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
enum FeedbackType {
renameOrCustomThumbnailClusterFeedback; // I have merged renameClusterFeedback and customThumbnailClusterFeedback, since I suspect they will be used together often
factory FeedbackType.fromValueString(String value) {
switch (value) {
case 'deleteClusterFeedback':
return FeedbackType.deleteClusterFeedback;
case 'mergeClusterFeedback':
return FeedbackType.mergeClusterFeedback;
case 'renameOrCustomThumbnailClusterFeedback':
return FeedbackType.renameOrCustomThumbnailClusterFeedback;
case 'removePhotoClusterFeedback':
return FeedbackType.removePhotosClusterFeedback;
case 'addPhotoClusterFeedback':
return FeedbackType.addPhotosClusterFeedback;
throw Exception('Invalid FeedbackType: $value');
String toValueString() => name;

View file

@ -2,20 +2,19 @@ import "dart:convert" show jsonEncode, jsonDecode;
import "package:flutter/material.dart" show Size, debugPrint, immutable;
import "package:logging/logging.dart";
import "package:photos/db/ml_data_db.dart";
import "package:photos/models/file/file.dart";
import 'package:photos/models/ml/ml_typedefs.dart';
import "package:photos/models/ml/ml_versions.dart";
import 'package:photos/services/machine_learning/face_ml/face_alignment/alignment_result.dart';
import 'package:photos/services/machine_learning/face_ml/face_clustering/cosine_distance.dart';
import 'package:photos/services/machine_learning/face_ml/face_detection/detection.dart';
import 'package:photos/services/machine_learning/face_ml/face_feedback.dart/cluster_feedback.dart';
import 'package:photos/services/machine_learning/face_ml/face_filtering/face_filtering_constants.dart';
import 'package:photos/services/machine_learning/face_ml/face_ml_methods.dart';
final _logger = Logger('ClusterResult_FaceMlResult');
// TODO: should I add [faceMlVersion] and [clusterMlVersion] to the [ClusterResult] class?
@Deprecated('We are now just storing the cluster results directly in DB')
class ClusterResult {
final int personId;
String? userDefinedName;
@ -263,64 +262,6 @@ class ClusterResultBuilder {
return (medoid!, kthDistance);
Future<bool> _checkIfClusterIsDeleted() async {
// Check if the medoid is the default medoid for deleted faces
if (cosineDistance(medoid, List.filled(medoid.length, 10.0)) < 0.001) {
return true;
final tempFeedback = DeleteClusterFeedback(
medoid: medoid,
medoidDistanceThreshold: medoidDistanceThreshold,
return await MlDataDB.instance
Future<void> _checkAndAddPhotos() async {
final tempFeedback = AddPhotosClusterFeedback(
medoid: medoid,
medoidDistanceThreshold: medoidDistanceThreshold,
addedPhotoFileIDs: [],
final allAddPhotosFeedbacks =
await MlDataDB.instance.getAllMatchingClusterFeedback(tempFeedback);
for (final addPhotosFeedback in allAddPhotosFeedbacks) {
final fileIDsToAdd = addPhotosFeedback.addedPhotoFileIDs;
final faceIDsToAdd = fileIDsToAdd
.map((fileID) => FaceDetectionRelative.toFaceIDEmpty(fileID: fileID))
addFileIDsAndFaceIDs(fileIDsToAdd, faceIDsToAdd);
Future<void> _checkAndAddCustomName() async {
final tempFeedback = RenameOrCustomThumbnailClusterFeedback(
medoid: medoid,
medoidDistanceThreshold: medoidDistanceThreshold,
customName: 'test',
final allRenameFeedbacks =
await MlDataDB.instance.getAllMatchingClusterFeedback(tempFeedback);
for (final nameFeedback in allRenameFeedbacks) {
userDefinedName ??= nameFeedback.customName;
if (!thumbnailFaceIdIsUserDefined) {
thumbnailFaceId = nameFeedback.customThumbnailFaceId ?? thumbnailFaceId;
thumbnailFaceIdIsUserDefined =
nameFeedback.customThumbnailFaceId != null;
void changeThumbnailFaceId(String faceId) {
if (!faceIds.contains(faceId)) {
throw Exception(
@ -335,113 +276,6 @@ class ClusterResultBuilder {
static Future<List<ClusterResult>> buildClusters(
List<ClusterResultBuilder> clusterBuilders,
) async {
final List<int> deletedClusterIndices = [];
for (var i = 0; i < clusterBuilders.length; i++) {
final clusterBuilder = clusterBuilders[i];
// Check if the cluster has been deleted
if (await clusterBuilder._checkIfClusterIsDeleted()) {
await clusterBuilder._checkAndAddPhotos();
// Check if a cluster should be merged with another cluster
for (var i = 0; i < clusterBuilders.length; i++) {
// Don't check for clusters that have been deleted
if (deletedClusterIndices.contains(i)) {
final clusterBuilder = clusterBuilders[i];
final List<MergeClusterFeedback> allMatchingMergeFeedback =
await MlDataDB.instance.getAllMatchingClusterFeedback(
medoid: clusterBuilder.medoid,
medoidDistanceThreshold: clusterBuilder.medoidDistanceThreshold,
medoidToMoveTo: clusterBuilder.medoid,
if (allMatchingMergeFeedback.isEmpty) {
// Merge the cluster with the first merge feedback
final mainFeedback = allMatchingMergeFeedback.first;
if (allMatchingMergeFeedback.length > 1) {
// This is the BUG!!!!
"There are ${allMatchingMergeFeedback.length} merge feedbacks for cluster ${clusterBuilder.personId}. Using the first one.",
for (var j = 0; j < clusterBuilders.length; j++) {
if (i == j) continue;
final clusterBuilderToMergeTo = clusterBuilders[j];
final distance = cosineDistance(
// BUG: it hasn't calculated the medoid for every clusterBuilder yet!!!
if (distance < mainFeedback.medoidDistanceThreshold ||
distance < clusterBuilderToMergeTo.medoidDistanceThreshold) {
final clusterResults = <ClusterResult>[];
for (var i = 0; i < clusterBuilders.length; i++) {
// Don't build the cluster if it has been deleted or merged
if (deletedClusterIndices.contains(i)) {
final clusterBuilder = clusterBuilders[i];
// Check if the cluster has a custom name or thumbnail
await clusterBuilder._checkAndAddCustomName();
// Build the clusterResult
personId: clusterBuilder.personId,
thumbnailFaceId: clusterBuilder.thumbnailFaceId,
fileIds: clusterBuilder.fileIds,
faceIds: clusterBuilder.faceIds,
medoid: clusterBuilder.medoid,
medoidDistanceThreshold: clusterBuilder.medoidDistanceThreshold,
userDefinedName: clusterBuilder.userDefinedName,
return clusterResults;
// TODO: This function should include the feedback from the user. Should also be nullable, since user might want to delete the cluster.
Future<ClusterResult?> _buildSingleCluster() async {
if (await _checkIfClusterIsDeleted()) {
return null;
await _checkAndAddCustomName();
return ClusterResult(
personId: personId,
thumbnailFaceId: thumbnailFaceId,
fileIds: fileIds,
faceIds: faceIds,
medoid: medoid,
medoidDistanceThreshold: medoidDistanceThreshold,

View file

@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import "package:onnxruntime/onnxruntime.dart";
import "package:photos/core/configuration.dart";
import "package:photos/core/event_bus.dart";
import "package:photos/db/files_db.dart";
import "package:photos/db/ml_data_db.dart";
import "package:photos/events/diff_sync_complete_event.dart";
import "package:photos/extensions/list.dart";
import "package:photos/extensions/stop_watch.dart";
@ -699,48 +698,6 @@ class FaceMlService {
isImageIndexRunning = false;
/// Analyzes the given image data by running the full pipeline using [analyzeImageInComputerAndImageIsolate] and stores the result in the database [MlDataDB].
/// This function first checks if the image has already been analyzed (with latest ml version) and stored in the database. If so, it returns the stored result.
/// 'enteFile': The ente file to analyze.
/// Returns an immutable [FaceMlResult] instance containing the results of the analysis. The result is also stored in the database.
Future<FaceMlResult> indexImage(EnteFile enteFile) async {
"`indexImage` called on image with uploadedFileID ${enteFile.uploadedFileID}",
// Check if the image has already been analyzed and stored in the database with the latest ml version
final existingResult = await _checkForExistingUpToDateResult(enteFile);
if (existingResult != null) {
return existingResult;
// If the image has not been analyzed and stored in the database, analyze it and store the result in the database
"Image with uploadedFileID ${enteFile.uploadedFileID} has not been analyzed and stored in the database. Analyzing it now.",
FaceMlResult result;
try {
result = await analyzeImageInComputerAndImageIsolate(enteFile);
} catch (e, s) {
"`indexImage` failed on image with uploadedFileID ${enteFile.uploadedFileID}",
throw GeneralFaceMlException(
"`indexImage` failed on image with uploadedFileID ${enteFile.uploadedFileID}",
// Store the result in the database
await MlDataDB.instance.createFaceMlResult(result);
return result;
/// Analyzes the given image data by running the full pipeline (face detection, face alignment, face embedding).
/// [enteFile] The ente file to analyze.
@ -1266,22 +1223,4 @@ class FaceMlService {
indexedFileIds[id]! >= faceMlVersion;
Future<FaceMlResult?> _checkForExistingUpToDateResult(
EnteFile enteFile,
) async {
// Check if the image has already been analyzed and stored in the database
final existingResult =
await MlDataDB.instance.getFaceMlResult(enteFile.uploadedFileID!);
// If the image has already been analyzed and stored in the database, return the stored result
if (existingResult != null) {
if (existingResult.mlVersion >= faceMlVersion) {
"Image with uploadedFileID ${enteFile.uploadedFileID} has already been analyzed and stored in the database with the latest ml version. Returning the stored result.",
return existingResult;
return null;

View file

@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
// import "dart:io" show File;
// import "dart:typed_data" show Uint8List;
import "package:logging/logging.dart";
import "package:photos/db/files_db.dart";
import "package:photos/db/ml_data_db.dart";
import "package:photos/models/file/file.dart";
// import 'package:photos/utils/image_ml_isolate.dart';
// import "package:photos/utils/thumbnail_util.dart";
class FaceSearchService {
final _logger = Logger("FaceSearchService");
final _mlDatabase = MlDataDB.instance;
final _filesDatabase = FilesDB.instance;
// singleton pattern
static final instance = FaceSearchService._privateConstructor();
factory FaceSearchService() => instance;
/// Returns the personIDs of all clustered people in the database.
Future<List<int>> getAllPeople() async {
final peopleIds = await _mlDatabase.getAllClusterIds();
return peopleIds;
// /// Returns the thumbnail associated with a given personId.
// Future<Uint8List?> getPersonThumbnail(int personID) async {
// // get the cluster associated with the personID
// final cluster = await _mlDatabase.getClusterResult(personID);
// if (cluster == null) {
// _logger.warning(
// "No cluster found for personID $personID, unable to get thumbnail.",
// );
// return null;
// }
// // get the faceID and fileID you want to use to generate the thumbnail
// final String thumbnailFaceID = cluster.thumbnailFaceId;
// final int thumbnailFileID = cluster.thumbnailFileId;
// // get the full file thumbnail
// final EnteFile enteFile = await _filesDatabase
// .getFilesFromIDs([thumbnailFileID]).then((value) => value.values.first);
// final File? fileThumbnail = await getThumbnailForUploadedFile(enteFile);
// if (fileThumbnail == null) {
// _logger.warning(
// "No full file thumbnail found for thumbnail faceID $thumbnailFaceID, unable to get thumbnail.",
// );
// return null;
// }
// // get the face detection for the thumbnail
// final thumbnailMlResult =
// await _mlDatabase.getFaceMlResult(thumbnailFileID);
// if (thumbnailMlResult == null) {
// _logger.warning(
// "No face ml result found for thumbnail faceID $thumbnailFaceID, unable to get thumbnail.",
// );
// return null;
// }
// final detection = thumbnailMlResult.getDetectionForFaceId(thumbnailFaceID);
// // create the thumbnail from the full file thumbnail and the face detection
// Uint8List faceThumbnail;
// try {
// faceThumbnail = await ImageMlIsolate.instance
// .generateFaceThumbnailsForImage(
// fileThumbnail.path,
// detection,
// )
// .then((value) => value[0]);
// } catch (e, s) {
// _logger.warning(
// "Unable to generate face thumbnail for thumbnail faceID $thumbnailFaceID, unable to get thumbnail.",
// e,
// s,
// );
// return null;
// }
// return faceThumbnail;
// }
/// Returns all files associated with a given personId.
Future<List<EnteFile>> getFilesForPerson(int personID) async {
final fileIDs = await _mlDatabase.getClusterFileIds(personID);
final Map<int, EnteFile> files =
await _filesDatabase.getFilesFromIDs(fileIDs);
return files.values.toList();
Future<List<EnteFile>> getFilesForIntersectOfPeople(
List<int> personIDs,
) async {
if (personIDs.length <= 1) {
.warning('Cannot get intersection of files for less than 2 people');
return <EnteFile>[];
final Set<int> fileIDsFirstCluster = await _mlDatabase
.then((value) => value.toSet());
for (final personID in personIDs.sublist(1)) {
final fileIDsSingleCluster =
await _mlDatabase.getClusterFileIds(personID);
// Early termination if intersection is empty
if (fileIDsFirstCluster.isEmpty) {
return <EnteFile>[];
final Map<int, EnteFile> files =
await _filesDatabase.getFilesFromIDs(fileIDsFirstCluster.toList());
return files.values.toList();

View file

@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ class _FileSelectionActionsWidgetState
// if (widget.type == GalleryType.cluster && widget.clusterID != null) {
if (widget.type == GalleryType.cluster) {
if (widget.type == GalleryType.cluster && widget.clusterID != null) {
labelText: 'Remove',

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ class FileSelectionOverlayBar extends StatefulWidget {
final Collection? collection;
final Color? backgroundColor;
final Person? person;
final int? clusterID;
const FileSelectionOverlayBar(
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ class FileSelectionOverlayBar extends StatefulWidget {
Key? key,
}) : super(key: key);
@ -69,6 +71,7 @@ class _FileSelectionOverlayBarState extends State<FileSelectionOverlayBar> {
galleryType: widget.galleryType,
collection: widget.collection,
person: widget.person,
clusterID: widget.clusterID,
onCancel: () {
if (widget.selectedFiles.files.isNotEmpty) {

View file

@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ class _ClusterPageState extends State<ClusterPage> {
clusterID: widget.cluserID,