Merge branch 'photos-web-main'

This commit is contained in:
Manav Rathi 2024-03-01 12:21:44 +05:30
commit 4b1850914d
915 changed files with 106342 additions and 0 deletions

web/.github/ vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
## Description
## Test Plan

web/.github/workflows/l18n-crowdin.yml vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
name: Sync crowdin translation
paths: # run action automatically when en-US/translation.json file is changed
- "apps/photos/public/locales/en-US/translation.json"
branches: [main]
- cron: "0 */24 * * *" # Every 24 hours -*/12_*_*_*
workflow_dispatch: # for manually running the action
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: main
- name: crowdin action
uses: crowdin/github-action@v1
upload_sources: true
upload_translations: true
download_translations: true
localization_branch_name: l10n_translations
create_pull_request: true
skip_untranslated_strings: true
pull_request_title: "New Translations"
pull_request_body: "New translations via [Crowdin GH Action]("
pull_request_base_branch_name: "main"

web/.github/workflows/pr.yml vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
name: Lint
# Run on every push (this also covers pull requests)
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- run: yarn install
- run: yarn lint

web/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Node
# Next.js
# macOS
# Local env files

web/.gitmodules vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[submodule "apps/photos/thirdparty/ffmpeg-wasm"]
path = apps/photos/thirdparty/ffmpeg-wasm
url =
branch = master
[submodule "apps/photos/thirdparty/photoswipe"]
path = apps/photos/thirdparty/photoswipe
url =
branch = single-thread

web/.prettierignore Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

web/.prettierrc.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"tabWidth": 4,
"plugins": [

web/LICENSE Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
software and other kinds of works.
The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
know their rights.
Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
authors of previous versions.
Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. Definitions.
"This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
"Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
works, such as semiconductor masks.
"The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
on the Program.
To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
public, and in some countries other activities as well.
To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
1. Source Code.
The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
form of a work.
A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
is widely used among developers working in that language.
The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
includes interface definition files associated with source files for
the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
subprograms and other parts of the work.
The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
same work.
2. Basic Permissions.
All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
makes it unnecessary.
3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
technological measures.
4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
it, and giving a relevant date.
b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
released under this License and any conditions added under section
7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
"keep intact all notices".
c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
work need not make them do so.
A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
parts of the aggregate.
6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
in one of these ways:
a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
customarily used for software interchange.
b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
with subsection 6b.
d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
charge under subsection 6d.
A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
included in conveying the object code work.
A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
the only significant mode of use of the product.
"Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
modification has been made.
If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
been installed in ROM).
The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
protocols for communication across the network.
Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
source code form), and must require no special password or key for
unpacking, reading or copying.
7. Additional Terms.
"Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
this License without regard to the additional permissions.
When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
Notices displayed by works containing it; or
c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
authors of the material; or
e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
those licensors and authors.
All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
governed by this License along with a term that is a further
restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
not survive such relicensing or conveying.
If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
where to find the applicable terms.
Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
the above requirements apply either way.
8. Termination.
You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
paragraph of section 11).
However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
prior to 60 days after the cessation.
Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
your receipt of the notice.
Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
material under section 10.
9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
11. Patents.
A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
this License.
Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
propagate the contents of its contributor version.
In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
patent against the party.
If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
country that you have reason to believe are valid.
If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
work and works based on it.
A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
combination as such.
14. Revised Versions of this License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
version or of any later version published by the Free Software
Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
to choose that version for the Program.
Later license versions may give you additional or different
permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
later version.
15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
16. Limitation of Liability.
17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
copy of the Program in return for a fee.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
<program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License. But first, please read

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@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
# Ente Simple, safe photo storage
**Ente** is a cloud storage that provides end-to-end encryption for your data.
We have open-source apps across
[web]( 👋 and
[desktop]( that automatically backup
your photos and videos.
This repository contains the code for our web app, built with a lot of ❤️, and a
little bit of TypeScript.
![App Screenshots](
## ✨ Features
- Client side encryption (only you can view your photos and videos)
- Bulk uploader (from hard disk, Google Photos, Apple Photos, ...)
- Shareable links for albums
- Ability to filter photos by places, days, album and file names
- 2FA
- EXIF viewer
- Many, _many_ more features..., and,
- Zero third-party tracking / analytics
## 💻 Production Application
The app is deployed to [](
## 🧑‍💻 Building from source
1. Clone this repository with `git clone`
2. Pull in all submodules with `git submodule update --init --recursive`
3. Install dependencies with `yarn install`
4. Finally, run the development server with `yarn dev`
Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) to see the live app (with
hot reload).
`yarn dev` runs the photos app. To run the auth app, do `yarn dev:auth`.
## 🙋 Help
We provide human support to our customers. Please write to
[]( sharing as many details as possible
about whatever it is that you need help with, and we will get back to you as
soon as possible.
## 🧭 Roadmap
We maintain a [public roadmap](
driven by our community.
## 🤗 Support
If you like this project, please consider upgrading to a paid subscription.
And [star this repo](!
## 🌍 Translate
If you're interested in helping out with translation, please visit our [Crowdin
project]( to get started. Thank you
for your support.
## 🏙️ Attributions
City coordinates from [Simple Maps](
## ❤️ Join the Community
Join us on [Twitter]( /
[Mastodon]( /
[Discord]( / [Reddit](
to get regular updates, connect with other customers, and discuss your ideas.
An important part of our journey is to build better software by consistently
listening to our customers. Please feel free to [share your
thoughts]( with us at any time.

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
ente believes that working with security researchers across the globe is crucial to keeping our
users safe. If you believe you've found a security issue in our product or service, we encourage you to
notify us ( We welcome working with you to resolve the issue promptly. Thanks in advance!
# Disclosure Policy
- Let us know as soon as possible upon discovery of a potential security issue, and we'll make every
effort to quickly resolve the issue.
- Provide us a reasonable amount of time to resolve the issue before any disclosure to the public or a
third-party. We may publicly disclose the issue before resolving it, if appropriate.
- Make a good faith effort to avoid privacy violations, destruction of data, and interruption or
degradation of our service. Only interact with accounts you own or with explicit permission of the
account holder.
- If you would like to encrypt your report, please use the PGP key with long ID
`E273695C0403F34F74171932DF6DDDE98EBD2394` (available in the public keyserver pool).
# In-scope
- Security issues in any current release of ente. This includes the web app, desktop app,
and mobile apps (iOS and Android). Product downloads are available at Source
code is available at
# Exclusions
The following bug classes are out-of scope:
- Bugs that are already reported on any of ente's issue trackers (,
or that we already know of. Note that some of our issue tracking is private.
- Issues in an upstream software dependency (ex: Flutter, Next.js etc) which are already reported to the upstream maintainer.
- Attacks requiring physical access to a user's device.
- Self-XSS
- Issues related to software or protocols not under ente's control
- Vulnerabilities in outdated versions of ente
- Missing security best practices that do not directly lead to a vulnerability
- Issues that do not have any impact on the general public
While researching, we'd like to ask you to refrain from:
- Denial of service
- Spamming
- Social engineering (including phishing) of ente staff or contractors
- Any physical attempts against ente property or data centers
Thank you for helping keep ente and our users safe!

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
module.exports = {
// When root is set to true, ESLint will stop looking for configuration files in parent directories.
// This is required here to ensure desktop picks the right eslint config, where this app is
// packaged as a submodule.
root: true,
extends: ["@ente/eslint-config"],
parser: "@typescript-eslint/parser",
parserOptions: {
tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
project: "./tsconfig.json",
ignorePatterns: [".eslintrc.js", "out"],

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
const nextConfigBase = require("@/next/next.config.base.js");
module.exports = {
images: {
unoptimized: true,
experimental: {
externalDir: true,

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"name": "accounts",
"version": "0.0.0",
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"@/next": "*",
"@ente/accounts": "*",
"@ente/eslint-config": "*",
"@ente/shared": "*"

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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
Copyright 2020 The Inter Project Authors (
This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at:
SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1 - 26 February 2007
The goals of the Open Font License (OFL) are to stimulate worldwide
development of collaborative font projects, to support the font creation
efforts of academic and linguistic communities, and to provide a free and
open framework in which fonts may be shared and improved in partnership
with others.
The OFL allows the licensed fonts to be used, studied, modified and
redistributed freely as long as they are not sold by themselves. The
fonts, including any derivative works, can be bundled, embedded,
redistributed and/or sold with any software provided that any reserved
names are not used by derivative works. The fonts and derivatives,
however, cannot be released under any other type of license. The
requirement for fonts to remain under this license does not apply
to any document created using the fonts or their derivatives.
"Font Software" refers to the set of files released by the Copyright
Holder(s) under this license and clearly marked as such. This may
include source files, build scripts and documentation.
"Reserved Font Name" refers to any names specified as such after the
copyright statement(s).
"Original Version" refers to the collection of Font Software components as
distributed by the Copyright Holder(s).
"Modified Version" refers to any derivative made by adding to, deleting,
or substituting -- in part or in whole -- any of the components of the
Original Version, by changing formats or by porting the Font Software to a
new environment.
"Author" refers to any designer, engineer, programmer, technical
writer or other person who contributed to the Font Software.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of the Font Software, to use, study, copy, merge, embed, modify,
redistribute, and sell modified and unmodified copies of the Font
Software, subject to the following conditions:
1) Neither the Font Software nor any of its individual components,
in Original or Modified Versions, may be sold by itself.
2) Original or Modified Versions of the Font Software may be bundled,
redistributed and/or sold with any software, provided that each copy
contains the above copyright notice and this license. These can be
included either as stand-alone text files, human-readable headers or
in the appropriate machine-readable metadata fields within text or
binary files as long as those fields can be easily viewed by the user.
3) No Modified Version of the Font Software may use the Reserved Font
Name(s) unless explicit written permission is granted by the corresponding
Copyright Holder. This restriction only applies to the primary font name as
presented to the users.
4) The name(s) of the Copyright Holder(s) or the Author(s) of the Font
Software shall not be used to promote, endorse or advertise any
Modified Version, except to acknowledge the contribution(s) of the
Copyright Holder(s) and the Author(s) or with their explicit written
5) The Font Software, modified or unmodified, in part or in whole,
must be distributed entirely under this license, and must not be
distributed under any other license. The requirement for fonts to
remain under this license does not apply to any document created
using the Font Software.
This license becomes null and void if any of the above conditions are
not met.

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<svg width="43" height="13" viewBox="0 0 43 13" fill="#fff" xmlns="">
<path d="M6.102 12.144C4.998 12.144 4.026 11.928 3.186 11.496C2.358 11.064 1.716 10.476 1.26 9.732C0.804 8.976 0.576 8.118 0.576 7.158C0.576 6.186 0.798 5.328 1.242 4.584C1.698 3.828 2.316 3.24 3.096 2.82C3.876 2.388 4.758 2.172 5.742 2.172C6.69 2.172 7.542 2.376 8.298 2.784C9.066 3.18 9.672 3.756 10.116 4.512C10.56 5.256 10.782 6.15 10.782 7.194C10.782 7.302 10.776 7.428 10.764 7.572C10.752 7.704 10.74 7.83 10.728 7.95H2.862V6.312H9.252L8.172 6.798C8.172 6.294 8.07 5.856 7.866 5.484C7.662 5.112 7.38 4.824 7.02 4.62C6.66 4.404 6.24 4.296 5.76 4.296C5.28 4.296 4.854 4.404 4.482 4.62C4.122 4.824 3.84 5.118 3.636 5.502C3.432 5.874 3.33 6.318 3.33 6.834V7.266C3.33 7.794 3.444 8.262 3.672 8.67C3.912 9.066 4.242 9.372 4.662 9.588C5.094 9.792 5.598 9.894 6.174 9.894C6.69 9.894 7.14 9.816 7.524 9.66C7.92 9.504 8.28 9.27 8.604 8.958L10.098 10.578C9.654 11.082 9.096 11.472 8.424 11.748C7.752 12.012 6.978 12.144 6.102 12.144ZM18.5375 2.172C19.3055 2.172 19.9895 2.328 20.5895 2.64C21.2015 2.94 21.6815 3.408 22.0295 4.044C22.3775 4.668 22.5515 5.472 22.5515 6.456V12H19.7435V6.888C19.7435 6.108 19.5695 5.532 19.2215 5.16C18.8855 4.788 18.4055 4.602 17.7815 4.602C17.3375 4.602 16.9355 4.698 16.5755 4.89C16.2275 5.07 15.9515 5.352 15.7475 5.736C15.5555 6.12 15.4595 6.612 15.4595 7.212V12H12.6515V2.316H15.3335V4.998L14.8295 4.188C15.1775 3.54 15.6755 3.042 16.3235 2.694C16.9715 2.346 17.7095 2.172 18.5375 2.172ZM29.0568 12.144C27.9168 12.144 27.0288 11.856 26.3928 11.28C25.7568 10.692 25.4388 9.822 25.4388 8.67V0.174H28.2468V8.634C28.2468 9.042 28.3548 9.36 28.5708 9.588C28.7868 9.804 29.0808 9.912 29.4528 9.912C29.8968 9.912 30.2748 9.792 30.5868 9.552L31.3428 11.532C31.0548 11.736 30.7068 11.892 30.2988 12C29.9028 12.096 29.4888 12.144 29.0568 12.144ZM23.9448 4.692V2.532H30.6588V4.692H23.9448ZM37.4262 12.144C36.3222 12.144 35.3502 11.928 34.5102 11.496C33.6822 11.064 33.0402 10.476 32.5842 9.732C32.1282 8.976 31.9002 8.118 31.9002 7.158C31.9002 6.186 32.1222 5.328 32.5662 4.584C33.0222 3.828 33.6402 3.24 34.4202 2.82C35.2002 2.388 36.0822 2.172 37.0662 2.172C38.0142 2.172 38.8662 2.376 39.6222 2.784C40.3902 3.18 40.9962 3.756 41.4402 4.512C41.8842 5.256 42.1062 6.15 42.1062 7.194C42.1062 7.302 42.1002 7.428 42.0882 7.572C42.0762 7.704 42.0642 7.83 42.0522 7.95H34.1862V6.312H40.5762L39.4962 6.798C39.4962 6.294 39.3942 5.856 39.1902 5.484C38.9862 5.112 38.7042 4.824 38.3442 4.62C37.9842 4.404 37.5642 4.296 37.0842 4.296C36.6042 4.296 36.1782 4.404 35.8062 4.62C35.4462 4.824 35.1642 5.118 34.9602 5.502C34.7562 5.874 34.6542 6.318 34.6542 6.834V7.266C34.6542 7.794 34.7682 8.262 34.9962 8.67C35.2362 9.066 35.5662 9.372 35.9862 9.588C36.4182 9.792 36.9222 9.894 37.4982 9.894C38.0142 9.894 38.4642 9.816 38.8482 9.66C39.2442 9.504 39.6042 9.27 39.9282 8.958L41.4222 10.578C40.9782 11.082 40.4202 11.472 39.7482 11.748C39.0762 12.012 38.3022 12.144 37.4262 12.144Z" />


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@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
"HERO_SLIDE_1_TITLE": "<div>Private backups</div><div>for your memories</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_1": "End-to-end encrypted by default",
"HERO_SLIDE_2_TITLE": "<div>Safely stored</div><div>at a fallout shelter</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_2": "Designed to outlive",
"HERO_SLIDE_3_TITLE": "<div>Available</div><div> everywhere</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_3": "Android, iOS, Web, Desktop",
"LOGIN": "Login",
"SIGN_UP": "Signup",
"NEW_USER": "New to ente",
"EXISTING_USER": "Existing user",
"ENTER_NAME": "Enter name",
"PUBLIC_UPLOADER_NAME_MESSAGE": "Add a name so that your friends know who to thank for these great photos!",
"ENTER_EMAIL": "Enter email address",
"EMAIL_ERROR": "Enter a valid email",
"REQUIRED": "Required",
"EMAIL_SENT": "Verification code sent to <a>{{email}}</a>",
"CHECK_INBOX": "Please check your inbox (and spam) to complete verification",
"ENTER_OTT": "Verification code",
"RESEND_MAIL": "Resend code",
"VERIFY": "Verify",
"UNKNOWN_ERROR": "Something went wrong, please try again",
"INVALID_CODE": "Invalid verification code",
"EXPIRED_CODE": "Your verification code has expired",
"SENDING": "Sending...",
"SENT": "Sent!",
"PASSWORD": "Password",
"LINK_PASSWORD": "Enter password to unlock the album",
"SET_PASSPHRASE": "Set password",
"INCORRECT_PASSPHRASE": "Incorrect password",
"ENTER_ENC_PASSPHRASE": "Please enter a password that we can use to encrypt your data",
"PASSPHRASE_DISCLAIMER": "We don't store your password, so if you forget it, <strong>we will not be able to help you </strong>recover your data without a recovery key.",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_HEADING": "Welcome to <a/>",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_SUBHEADING": "End to end encrypted photo storage and sharing",
"WHERE_YOUR_BEST_PHOTOS_LIVE": "Where your best photos live",
"KEY_GENERATION_IN_PROGRESS_MESSAGE": "Generating encryption keys...",
"PASSPHRASE_HINT": "Password",
"CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm password",
"REFERRAL_CODE_HINT": "How did you hear about Ente? (optional)",
"REFERRAL_INFO": "We don't track app installs, It'd help us if you told us where you found us!",
"PASSPHRASE_MATCH_ERROR": "Passwords don't match",
"CONSOLE_WARNING_DESC": "This is a browser feature intended for developers. Please don't copy-paste unverified code here.",
"ENTER_ALBUM_NAME": "Album name",
"CLOSE_OPTION": "Close (Esc)",
"ENTER_FILE_NAME": "File name",
"CLOSE": "Close",
"NO": "No",
"NOTHING_HERE": "Nothing to see here yet 👀",
"UPLOAD": "Upload",
"IMPORT": "Import",
"ADD_PHOTOS": "Add photos",
"ADD_MORE_PHOTOS": "Add more photos",
"add_photos_one": "Add 1 item",
"add_photos_other": "Add {{count, number}} items",
"SELECT_PHOTOS": "Select photos",
"FILE_UPLOAD": "File Upload",
"0": "Preparing to upload",
"1": "Reading google metadata files",
"2": "{{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / {{, number}} files metadata extracted",
"3": "{{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / {{, number}} files processed",
"4": "Cancelling remaining uploads",
"5": "Backup complete"
"FILE_NOT_UPLOADED_LIST": "The following files were not uploaded",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED": "Subscription expired",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Your subscription has expired, please <a>renew</a>",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED": "Storage limit exceeded",
"INITIAL_LOAD_DELAY_WARNING": "First load may take some time",
"USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Sorry, could not find a user with that email",
"NO_ACCOUNT": "Don't have an account",
"ACCOUNT_EXISTS": "Already have an account",
"CREATE": "Create",
"DOWNLOAD": "Download",
"DOWNLOAD_OPTION": "Download (D)",
"DOWNLOAD_FAVORITES": "Download favorites",
"DOWNLOAD_UNCATEGORIZED": "Download uncategorized",
"DOWNLOAD_HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Download hidden items",
"COPY_OPTION": "Copy as PNG (Ctrl/Cmd - C)",
"TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN": "Toggle fullscreen (F)",
"ZOOM_IN_OUT": "Zoom in/out",
"PREVIOUS": "Previous (←)",
"NEXT": "Next (→)",
"TITLE_PHOTOS": "Ente Photos",
"TITLE_ALBUMS": "Ente Photos",
"TITLE_AUTH": "Ente Auth",
"UPLOAD_FIRST_PHOTO": "Upload your first photo",
"IMPORT_YOUR_FOLDERS": "Import your folders",
"UPLOAD_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Drop to backup your files",
"WATCH_FOLDER_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Drop to add watched folder",
"TRASH_FILES_TITLE": "Delete files?",
"TRASH_FILE_TITLE": "Delete file?",
"DELETE_FILES_TITLE": "Delete immediately?",
"DELETE_FILES_MESSAGE": "Selected files will be permanently deleted from your ente account.",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"DELETE_OPTION": "Delete (DEL)",
"FAVORITE_OPTION": "Favorite (L)",
"UNFAVORITE_OPTION": "Unfavorite (L)",
"MULTI_FOLDER_UPLOAD": "Multiple folders detected",
"UPLOAD_STRATEGY_CHOICE": "Would you like to upload them into",
"OR": "or",
"SESSION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Your session has expired, please login again to continue",
"SESSION_EXPIRED": "Session expired",
"PASSWORD_GENERATION_FAILED": "Your browser was unable to generate a strong key that meets ente's encryption standards, please try using the mobile app or another browser",
"CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Change password",
"GO_BACK": "Go back",
"RECOVERY_KEY": "Recovery key",
"SAVE_LATER": "Do this later",
"SAVE": "Save Key",
"RECOVERY_KEY_DESCRIPTION": "If you forget your password, the only way you can recover your data is with this key.",
"RECOVER_KEY_GENERATION_FAILED": "Recovery code could not be generated, please try again",
"KEY_NOT_STORED_DISCLAIMER": "We don't store this key, so please save this in a safe place",
"FORGOT_PASSWORD": "Forgot password",
"RECOVER_ACCOUNT": "Recover account",
"RECOVERY_KEY_HINT": "Recovery key",
"RECOVER": "Recover",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY": "No recovery key?",
"INCORRECT_RECOVERY_KEY": "Incorrect recovery key",
"SORRY": "Sorry",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Due to the nature of our end-to-end encryption protocol, your data cannot be decrypted without your password or recovery key",
"NO_TWO_FACTOR_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Please drop an email to <a>{{emailID}}</a> from your registered email address",
"CONTACT_SUPPORT": "Contact support",
"REQUEST_FEATURE": "Request Feature",
"SUPPORT": "Support",
"CONFIRM": "Confirm",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"LOGOUT": "Logout",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Delete account",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE": "<p>Please send an email to <a>{{emailID}}</a> from your registered email address.</p><p>Your request will be processed within 72 hours.</p>",
"LOGOUT_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to logout?",
"CHANGE_EMAIL": "Change email",
"OK": "OK",
"SUCCESS": "Success",
"ERROR": "Error",
"MESSAGE": "Message",
"INSTALL_MOBILE_APP": "Install our <a>Android</a> or <b>iOS</b> app to automatically backup all your photos",
"DOWNLOAD_APP_MESSAGE": "Sorry, this operation is currently only supported on our desktop app",
"DOWNLOAD_APP": "Download desktop app",
"EXPORT": "Export Data",
"SUBSCRIPTION": "Subscription",
"SUBSCRIBE": "Subscribe",
"MANAGEMENT_PORTAL": "Manage payment method",
"MANAGE_FAMILY_PORTAL": "Manage family",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_PLAN": "Leave family plan",
"LEAVE": "Leave",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_CONFIRM": "Are you sure that you want to leave family plan?",
"CHOOSE_PLAN": "Choose your plan",
"MANAGE_PLAN": "Manage your subscription",
"ACTIVE": "Active",
"OFFLINE_MSG": "You are offline, cached memories are being shown",
"FREE_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "You are on the <strong>free</strong> plan that expires on {{date, dateTime}}",
"FAMILY_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "You are on a family plan managed by",
"RENEWAL_ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS": "Renews on {{date, dateTime}}",
"RENEWAL_CANCELLED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Your subscription will be cancelled on {{date, dateTime}}",
"ADD_ON_AVAILABLE_TILL": "Your {{storage, string}} add-on is valid till {{date, dateTime}}",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "You have exceeded your storage quota, please <a>upgrade</a>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_SUCCESS": "<p>We've received your payment</p><p>Your subscription is valid till <strong>{{date, dateTime}}</strong></p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_CANCELLED": "Your purchase was canceled, please try again if you want to subscribe",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_FAILED": "Subscription purchase failed , please try again",
"SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATE_FAILED": "Subscription updated failed , please try again",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD_MESSAGE": "We are sorry, payment failed when we tried to charge your card, please update your payment method and try again",
"STRIPE_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED": "We are unable to authenticate your payment method. please choose a different payment method and try again",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD": "Update payment method",
"MONTHLY": "Monthly",
"YEARLY": "Yearly",
"UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to change your plan?",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION": "Cancel subscription",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "<p>All of your data will be deleted from our servers at the end of this billing period.</p><p>Are you sure that you want to cancel your subscription?</p>",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_WITH_ADDON_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure you want to cancel your subscription?</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_FAILED": "Failed to cancel subscription",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_SUCCESS": "Subscription canceled successfully",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Reactivate subscription",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Once reactivated, you will be billed on {{date, dateTime}}",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_SUCCESS": "Subscription activated successfully ",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_FAILED": "Failed to reactivate subscription renewals",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE": "Cancel mobile subscription",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE_MESSAGE": "Please cancel your subscription from the mobile app to activate a subscription here",
"MAIL_TO_MANAGE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Please contact us at <a>{{emailID}}</a> to manage your subscription",
"RENAME": "Rename",
"RENAME_FILE": "Rename file",
"RENAME_COLLECTION": "Rename album",
"DELETE_COLLECTION": "Delete album",
"DELETE_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "Also delete the photos (and videos) present in this album from <a>all</a> other albums they are part of?",
"DELETE_PHOTOS": "Delete photos",
"KEEP_PHOTOS": "Keep photos",
"SHARE": "Share",
"SHARE_COLLECTION": "Share album",
"SHAREES": "Shared with",
"SHARE_WITH_SELF": "Oops, you cannot share with yourself",
"ALREADY_SHARED": "Oops, you're already sharing this with {{email}}",
"SHARING_BAD_REQUEST_ERROR": "Sharing album not allowed",
"SHARING_DISABLED_FOR_FREE_ACCOUNTS": "Sharing is disabled for free accounts",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION": "Download album",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure you want to download the complete album?</p><p>All files will be queued for download sequentially</p>",
"CREATE_ALBUM_FAILED": "Failed to create album , please try again",
"SEARCH": "Search",
"SEARCH_RESULTS": "Search results",
"NO_RESULTS": "No results found",
"SEARCH_HINT": "Search for albums, dates, descriptions, ...",
"COLLECTION": "Album",
"LOCATION": "Location",
"CITY": "Location",
"DATE": "Date",
"FILE_NAME": "File name",
"THING": "Content",
"FILE_CAPTION": "Description",
"FILE_TYPE": "File type",
"CLIP": "Magic"
"photos_count_zero": "No memories",
"photos_count_one": "1 memory",
"photos_count_other": "{{count, number}} memories",
"TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS": "I agree to the <a>terms</a> and <b>privacy policy</b>",
"ADD_TO_COLLECTION": "Add to album",
"SELECTED": "selected",
"VIDEO_PLAYBACK_FAILED_DOWNLOAD_INSTEAD": "This video cannot be played on your browser",
"PEOPLE": "People",
"INDEXING_SCHEDULED": "Indexing is scheduled...",
"ANALYZING_PHOTOS": "Indexing photos ({{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} / {{indexStatus.nTotalFiles,number}})",
"INDEXING_PEOPLE": "Indexing people in {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} photos...",
"INDEXING_DONE": "Indexed {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} photos",
"UNIDENTIFIED_FACES": "unidentified faces",
"OBJECTS": "objects",
"TEXT": "text",
"INFO": "Info ",
"INFO_OPTION": "Info (I)",
"FILE_NAME": "File name",
"CAPTION_PLACEHOLDER": "Add a description",
"LOCATION": "Location",
"SHOW_ON_MAP": "View on OpenStreetMap",
"MAP": "Map",
"MAP_SETTINGS": "Map Settings",
"ENABLE_MAPS": "Enable Maps?",
"ENABLE_MAP": "Enable map",
"DISABLE_MAPS": "Disable Maps?",
"ENABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will show your photos on a world map.</p> <p>The map is hosted by <a>OpenStreetMap</a>, and the exact locations of your photos are never shared.</p> <p>You can disable this feature anytime from Settings.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will disable the display of your photos on a world map.</p> <p>You can enable this feature anytime from Settings.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP": "Disable map",
"DETAILS": "Details",
"VIEW_EXIF": "View all EXIF data",
"NO_EXIF": "No EXIF data",
"ISO": "ISO",
"TWO_FACTOR": "Two-factor",
"TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION": "Two-factor authentication",
"TWO_FACTOR_QR_INSTRUCTION": "Scan the QR code below with your favorite authenticator app",
"ENTER_CODE_MANUALLY": "Enter the code manually",
"TWO_FACTOR_MANUAL_CODE_INSTRUCTION": "Please enter this code in your favorite authenticator app",
"SCAN_QR_CODE": "Scan QR code instead",
"ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Enable two-factor",
"ENABLE": "Enable",
"LOST_DEVICE": "Lost two-factor device",
"INCORRECT_CODE": "Incorrect code",
"TWO_FACTOR_INFO": "Add an additional layer of security by requiring more than your email and password to log in to your account",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Disable two-factor authentication",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Update your authenticator device",
"DISABLE": "Disable",
"RECONFIGURE": "Reconfigure",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR": "Update two-factor",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Continuing forward will void any previously configured authenticators",
"UPDATE": "Update",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Disable two-factor",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to disable your two-factor authentication",
"TWO_FACTOR_DISABLE_FAILED": "Failed to disable two factor, please try again",
"EXPORT_DATA": "Export data",
"SELECT_FOLDER": "Select folder",
"DESTINATION": "Destination",
"START": "Start",
"LAST_EXPORT_TIME": "Last export time",
"EXPORT_AGAIN": "Resync",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE": "Local storage not accessible",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE_MESSAGE": "Your browser or an addon is blocking ente from saving data into local storage. please try loading this page after switching your browsing mode.",
"SEND_OTT": "Send OTP",
"EMAIl_ALREADY_OWNED": "Email already taken",
"ETAGS_BLOCKED": "<p>We were unable to upload the following files because of your browser configuration.</p><p>Please disable any addons that might be preventing ente from using <code>eTags</code> to upload large files, or use our <a>desktop app</a> for a more reliable import experience.</p>",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS_INFO": "<p>Presently we do not support adding videos via public links.</p><p>To share videos, please <a>signup</a> for ente and share with the intended recipients using their email.</p>",
"LIVE_PHOTOS_DETECTED": "The photo and video files from your Live Photos have been merged into a single file",
"RETRY_FAILED": "Retry failed uploads",
"FAILED_UPLOADS": "Failed uploads ",
"SKIPPED_FILES": "Ignored uploads",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_UPLOADS": "Thumbnail generation failed",
"UNSUPPORTED_FILES": "Unsupported files",
"SUCCESSFUL_UPLOADS": "Successful uploads",
"SKIPPED_INFO": "Skipped these as there are files with matching names in the same album",
"UNSUPPORTED_INFO": "ente does not support these file formats yet",
"BLOCKED_UPLOADS": "Blocked uploads",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS": "Skipped videos",
"INPROGRESS_UPLOADS": "Uploads in progress",
"TOO_LARGE_UPLOADS": "Large files",
"LARGER_THAN_AVAILABLE_STORAGE_INFO": "These files were not uploaded as they exceed the maximum size limit for your storage plan",
"TOO_LARGE_INFO": "These files were not uploaded as they exceed our maximum file size limit",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_INFO": "These files were uploaded, but unfortunately we could not generate the thumbnails for them.",
"UPLOAD_TO_COLLECTION": "Upload to album",
"UNCATEGORIZED": "Uncategorized",
"ARCHIVE": "Archive",
"FAVORITES": "Favorites",
"ARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Archive album",
"MOVE_TO_COLLECTION": "Move to album",
"UNARCHIVE": "Unarchive",
"UNARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Unarchive album",
"HIDE_COLLECTION": "Hide album",
"UNHIDE_COLLECTION": "Unhide album",
"MOVE": "Move",
"ADD": "Add",
"REMOVE": "Remove",
"YES_REMOVE": "Yes, remove",
"REMOVE_FROM_COLLECTION": "Remove from album",
"TRASH": "Trash",
"MOVE_TO_TRASH": "Move to trash",
"TRASH_FILES_MESSAGE": "Selected files will be removed from all albums and moved to trash.",
"TRASH_FILE_MESSAGE": "The file will be removed from all albums and moved to trash.",
"DELETE_PERMANENTLY": "Delete permanently",
"RESTORE": "Restore",
"RESTORE_TO_COLLECTION": "Restore to album",
"EMPTY_TRASH": "Empty trash",
"EMPTY_TRASH_TITLE": "Empty trash?",
"EMPTY_TRASH_MESSAGE": "These files will be permanently deleted from your ente account.",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM": "Yes, leave",
"LEAVE_ALBUM": "Leave album",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_TITLE": "Leave shared album?",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_MESSAGE": "You will leave the album, and it will stop being visible to you.",
"NOT_FILE_OWNER": "You cannot delete files in a shared album",
"CONFIRM_SELF_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Selected items will be removed from this album. Items which are only in this album will be moved to Uncategorized.",
"CONFIRM_SELF_AND_OTHER_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Some of the items you are removing were added by other people, and you will lose access to them.",
"SORT_BY_NAME": "Name",
"COMPRESS_THUMBNAILS": "Compress thumbnails",
"THUMBNAIL_REPLACED": "Thumbnails compressed",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL": "Compress",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL_LATER": "Compress later",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOT_STARTED": "Some of your videos thumbnails can be compressed to save space. would you like ente to compress them?",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED": "Successfully compressed all thumbnails",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOOP": "You have no thumbnails that can be compressed further",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "Could not compress some of your thumbnails, please retry",
"FIX_CREATION_TIME": "Fix time",
"CREATION_TIME_UPDATED": "File time updated",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_NOT_STARTED": "Select the option you want to use",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED": "Successfully updated all files",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "File time updation failed for some files, please retry",
"CAPTION_CHARACTER_LIMIT": "5000 characters max",
"DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL": "EXIF:DateTimeOriginal",
"DATE_TIME_DIGITIZED": "EXIF:DateTimeDigitized",
"METADATA_DATE": "EXIF:MetadataDate",
"CUSTOM_TIME": "Custom time",
"OPEN_PLAN_SELECTOR_MODAL_FAILED": "Failed to open plans",
"INSTALL": "Install",
"SHARING_DETAILS": "Sharing details",
"MODIFY_SHARING": "Modify sharing",
"ADD_COLLABORATORS": "Add collaborators",
"ADD_NEW_EMAIL": "Add a new email",
"shared_with_people_zero": "Share with specific people",
"shared_with_people_one": "Shared with 1 person",
"shared_with_people_other": "Shared with {{count, number}} people",
"participants_zero": "No participants",
"participants_one": "1 participant",
"participants_other": "{{count, number}} participants",
"ADD_VIEWERS": "Add viewers",
"PARTICIPANTS": "Participants",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_VIEWER": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} will not be able to add more photos to the album</p> <p>They will still be able to remove photos added by them</p>",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_COLLABORATOR": "{{selectedEmail}} will be able to add photos to the album",
"CONVERT_TO_VIEWER": "Yes, convert to viewer",
"CONVERT_TO_COLLABORATOR": "Yes, convert to collaborator",
"CHANGE_PERMISSION": "Change permission?",
"CONFIRM_REMOVE": "Yes, remove",
"MANAGE": "Manage",
"ADDED_AS": "Added as",
"COLLABORATOR_RIGHTS": "Collaborators can add photos and videos to the shared album",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_HEAD": "Remove participant",
"OWNER": "Owner",
"COLLABORATORS": "Collaborators",
"ADD_MORE": "Add more",
"VIEWERS": "Viewers",
"OR_ADD_EXISTING": "Or pick an existing one",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_MESSAGE": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} will be removed from the album</p> <p>Any photos added by them will also be removed from the album</p>",
"NOT_FOUND": "404 - not found",
"LINK_EXPIRED": "Link expired",
"LINK_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "This link has either expired or been disabled!",
"MANAGE_LINK": "Manage link",
"LINK_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS": "Sorry, this album has been viewed on too many devices!",
"FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Allow downloads",
"LINK_PASSWORD_LOCK": "Password lock",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT": "Allow adding photos",
"LINK_DEVICE_LIMIT": "Device limit",
"LINK_EXPIRY": "Link expiry",
"NEVER": "Never",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Disable download",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure that you want to disable the download button for files?</p><p>Viewers can still take screenshots or save a copy of your photos using external tools.</p>",
"MALICIOUS_CONTENT": "Contains malicious content",
"COPYRIGHT": "Infringes on the copyright of someone I am authorized to represent",
"SHARED_USING": "Shared using ",
"ENTE_IO": "",
"SHARING_REFERRAL_CODE": "Use code <strong>{{referralCode}}</strong> to get 10 GB free",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD": "Disable password lock",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to disable the password lock?",
"PASSWORD_LOCK": "Password lock",
"LOCK": "Lock",
"UPLOAD_DIRS": "Folder",
"UPLOAD_GOOGLE_TAKEOUT": "Google takeout",
"DEDUPLICATE_FILES": "Deduplicate files",
"NO_DUPLICATES_FOUND": "You've no duplicate files that can be cleared",
"CLUB_BY_CAPTURE_TIME": "Club by capture time",
"FILES": "Files",
"EACH": "Each",
"DEDUPLICATE_BASED_ON_SIZE": "The following files were clubbed based on their sizes, please review and delete items you believe are duplicates",
"STOP_ALL_UPLOADS_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to stop all the uploads in progress?",
"STOP_UPLOADS_HEADER": "Stop uploads?",
"YES_STOP_UPLOADS": "Yes, stop uploads",
"STOP_DOWNLOADS_HEADER": "Stop downloads?",
"YES_STOP_DOWNLOADS": "Yes, stop downloads",
"STOP_ALL_DOWNLOADS_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to stop all the downloads in progress?",
"albums_one": "1 Album",
"albums_other": "{{count, number}} Albums",
"ALL_ALBUMS": "All Albums",
"ALBUMS": "Albums",
"ALL_HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "All hidden albums",
"HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "Hidden albums",
"HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Hidden items",
"ENTER_TWO_FACTOR_OTP": "Enter the 6-digit code from your authenticator app.",
"CREATE_ACCOUNT": "Create account",
"COPIED": "Copied",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_TITLE": "Unable to generate thumbnail",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_MESSAGE": "<p>It looks like your browser has disabled access to canvas, which is necessary to generate thumbnails for your photos </p> <p> Please enable access to your browser's canvas, or check out our desktop app</p>",
"WATCH_FOLDERS": "Watch folders",
"UPGRADE_NOW": "Upgrade now",
"RENEW_NOW": "Renew now",
"STORAGE": "Storage",
"USED": "used",
"YOU": "You",
"FAMILY": "Family",
"FREE": "free",
"OF": "of",
"WATCHED_FOLDERS": "Watched folders",
"NO_FOLDERS_ADDED": "No folders added yet!",
"FOLDERS_AUTOMATICALLY_MONITORED": "The folders you add here will monitored to automatically",
"UPLOAD_NEW_FILES_TO_ENTE": "Upload new files to ente",
"REMOVE_DELETED_FILES_FROM_ENTE": "Remove deleted files from ente",
"ADD_FOLDER": "Add folder",
"STOP_WATCHING": "Stop watching",
"STOP_WATCHING_FOLDER": "Stop watching folder?",
"STOP_WATCHING_DIALOG_MESSAGE": "Your existing files will not be deleted, but ente will stop automatically updating the linked ente album on changes in this folder.",
"YES_STOP": "Yes, stop",
"MONTH_SHORT": "mo",
"YEAR": "year",
"FAMILY_PLAN": "Family plan",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS": "Download logs",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS_MESSAGE": "<p>This will download debug logs, which you can email to us to help debug your issue.</p><p> Please note that file names will be included to help track issues with specific files. </p>",
"CHANGE_FOLDER": "Change Folder",
"TWO_MONTHS_FREE": "Get 2 months free on yearly plans",
"GB": "GB",
"POPULAR": "Popular",
"FREE_PLAN_OPTION_LABEL": "Continue with free trial",
"FREE_PLAN_DESCRIPTION": "1 GB for 1 year",
"CURRENT_USAGE": "Current usage is <strong>{{usage}}</strong>",
"WEAK_DEVICE": "The web browser you're using is not powerful enough to encrypt your photos. Please try to log in to ente on your computer, or download the ente mobile/desktop app.",
"DRAG_AND_DROP_HINT": "Or drag and drop into the ente window",
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DELETION_MESSAGE": "Your uploaded data will be scheduled for deletion, and your account will be permanently deleted.<br/><br/>This action is not reversible.",
"AUTHENTICATE": "Authenticate",
"UPLOADED_TO_SINGLE_COLLECTION": "Uploaded to single collection",
"UPLOADED_TO_SEPARATE_COLLECTIONS": "Uploaded to separate collections",
"NEVERMIND": "Nevermind",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE": "Update available",
"UPDATE_INSTALLABLE_MESSAGE": "A new version of ente is ready to be installed.",
"INSTALL_NOW": "Install now",
"INSTALL_ON_NEXT_LAUNCH": "Install on next launch",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE": "A new version of ente has been released, but it cannot be automatically downloaded and installed.",
"DOWNLOAD_AND_INSTALL": "Download and install",
"IGNORE_THIS_VERSION": "Ignore this version",
"TODAY": "Today",
"YESTERDAY": "Yesterday",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED": "Cannot create albums from file/folder mix",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED_MESSAGE": "<p>You have dragged and dropped a mixture of files and folders.</p><p>Please provide either only files, or only folders when selecting option to create separate albums</p>",
"CHOSE_THEME": "Choose theme",
"ML_SEARCH": "Face recognition",
"ENABLE_ML_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will enable on-device machine learning and face search which will start analyzing your uploaded photos locally.</p><p>For the first run after login or enabling this feature, it will download all images on local device to analyze them. So please only enable this if you are ok with bandwidth and local processing of all images in your photo library.</p><p>If this is the first time you're enabling this, we'll also ask your permission to process face data.</p>",
"ML_MORE_DETAILS": "More details",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Enable face recognition",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Enable face recognition?",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>If you enable face recognition, ente will extract face geometry from your photos. This will happen on your device, and any generated biometric data will be end-to-encrypted.<p/><p><a>Please click here for more details about this feature in our privacy policy</a></p>",
"DISABLE_BETA": "Pause recognition",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Disable face recognition",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Disable face recognition?",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>Ente will stop processing face geometry.</p><p>You can reenable face recognition again if you wish, so this operation is safe.</p>",
"ADVANCED": "Advanced",
"FACE_SEARCH_CONFIRMATION": "I understand, and wish to allow ente to process face geometry",
"LABS": "Labs",
"YOURS": "yours",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_WEAK": "Password strength: Weak",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_MODERATE": "Password strength: Moderate",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_STRONG": "Password strength: Strong",
"PREFERENCES": "Preferences",
"LANGUAGE": "Language",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Invalid export directory",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_MESSAGE": "<p>The export directory you have selected does not exist.</p><p> Please select a valid directory.</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_VERIFICATION_ERROR": "Subscription verification failed",
"B": "B",
"KB": "KB",
"MB": "MB",
"GB": "GB",
"TB": "TB"
"HOUR": "after an hour",
"DAY": "after a day",
"WEEK": "after a week",
"MONTH": "after a month",
"YEAR": "after a year"
"COPY_LINK": "Copy link",
"DONE": "Done",
"LINK_SHARE_TITLE": "Or share a link",
"REMOVE_LINK": "Remove link",
"CREATE_PUBLIC_SHARING": "Create public link",
"PUBLIC_LINK_CREATED": "Public link created",
"PUBLIC_LINK_ENABLED": "Public link enabled",
"COLLECT_PHOTOS": "Collect photos",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT_SUBTEXT": "Allow people with the link to also add photos to the shared album.",
"STOP_EXPORT": "Stop",
"EXPORT_PROGRESS": "<a>{{progress.success, number}} / {{, number}}</a> items synced",
"MIGRATING_EXPORT": "Preparing...",
"RENAMING_COLLECTION_FOLDERS": "Renaming album folders...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_FILES": "Trashing deleted files...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_COLLECTIONS": "Trashing deleted albums...",
"START": "Export started",
"IN_PROGRESS": "Export already in progress",
"FINISH": "Export finished",
"UP_TO_DATE": "No new files to export"
"CONTINUOUS_EXPORT": "Sync continuously",
"TOTAL_ITEMS": "Total items",
"PENDING_ITEMS": "Pending items",
"EXPORT_STARTING": "Export starting...",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_REASON_LABEL": "What is the main reason you are deleting your account?",
"MISSING_FEATURE": "It's missing a key feature that I need",
"BROKEN_BEHAVIOR": "The app or a certain feature does not behave as I think it should",
"FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "I found another service that I like better",
"NOT_LISTED": "My reason isn't listed"
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_FEEDBACK_LABEL": "We are sorry to see you go. Please explain why you are leaving to help us improve.",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT_CHECKBOX_LABEL": "Yes, I want to permanently delete this account and all its data",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Confirm Account Deletion",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED": "Kindly help us with this information",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED_FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "What does the other service do better?",
"RECOVER_TWO_FACTOR": "Recover two-factor",
"at": "at",
"AUTH_NEXT": "next",
"AUTH_DOWNLOAD_MOBILE_APP": "Download our mobile app to manage your secrets",
"HIDDEN": "Hidden",
"HIDE": "Hide",
"UNHIDE": "Unhide",
"UNHIDE_TO_COLLECTION": "Unhide to album",
"SORT_BY": "Sort by",
"NEWEST_FIRST": "Newest first",
"OLDEST_FIRST": "Oldest first",
"CONVERSION_FAILED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE": "This file could not be previewed. Click here to download the original.",
"SELECT_COLLECTION": "Select album",
"PIN_ALBUM": "Pin album",
"UNPIN_ALBUM": "Unpin album",
"DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE": "Download complete",
"DOWNLOADING_COLLECTION": "Downloading {{name}}",
"DOWNLOAD_FAILED": "Download failed",
"DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS": "{{progress.current}} / {{}} files",
"CRASH_REPORTING": "Crash reporting",
"CHRISTMAS": "Christmas",
"CHRISTMAS_EVE": "Christmas Eve",
"NEW_YEAR": "New Year",
"NEW_YEAR_EVE": "New Year's Eve",
"IMAGE": "Image",
"VIDEO": "Video",
"LIVE_PHOTO": "Live Photo",
"CONVERT": "Convert",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to close the editor?",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_DESCRIPTION": "Download your edited image or save a copy to ente to persist your changes.",
"BRIGHTNESS": "Brightness",
"CONTRAST": "Contrast",
"SATURATION": "Saturation",
"BLUR": "Blur",
"INVERT_COLORS": "Invert Colors",
"ASPECT_RATIO": "Aspect Ratio",
"SQUARE": "Square",
"ROTATE_LEFT": "Rotate Left",
"ROTATE_RIGHT": "Rotate Right",
"FLIP_VERTICALLY": "Flip Vertically",
"FLIP_HORIZONTALLY": "Flip Horizontally",
"DOWNLOAD_EDITED": "Download Edited",
"SAVE_A_COPY_TO_ENTE": "Save a copy to ente",
"RESTORE_ORIGINAL": "Restore Original",
"TRANSFORM": "Transform",
"COLORS": "Colors",
"FLIP": "Flip",
"ROTATION": "Rotation",
"RESET": "Reset",
"PHOTO_EDITOR": "Photo Editor",
"FASTER_UPLOAD": "Faster uploads",
"FASTER_UPLOAD_DESCRIPTION": "Route uploads through nearby servers",
"MAGIC_SEARCH_STATUS": "Magic Search Status",
"INDEXED_ITEMS": "Indexed items",
"CAST_ALBUM_TO_TV": "Play album on TV",
"ENTER_CAST_PIN_CODE": "Enter the code you see on the TV below to pair this device.",
"PAIR_DEVICE_TO_TV": "Pair devices",
"TV_NOT_FOUND": "TV not found. Did you enter the PIN correctly?",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR": "Auto Pair",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR_REQUIRES_CONNECTION_TO_GOOGLE": "Auto Pair requires connecting to Google servers and only works with Chromecast supported devices. Google will not receive sensitive data, such as your photos.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN": "Pair with PIN",
"CHOOSE_DEVICE_FROM_BROWSER": "Choose a cast-compatible device from the browser popup.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN_WORKS_FOR_ANY_LARGE_SCREEN_DEVICE": "Pair with PIN works for any large screen device you want to play your album on.",
"VISIT_CAST_ENTE_IO": "Visit on the device you want to pair.",
"CAST_AUTO_PAIR_FAILED": "Chromecast Auto Pair failed. Please try again.",
"CACHE_DIRECTORY": "Cache folder",
"PASSKEYS": "Passkeys",
"FREEHAND": "Freehand",
"APPLY_CROP": "Apply Crop",
"PHOTO_EDIT_REQUIRED_TO_SAVE": "At least one transformation or color adjustment must be performed before saving."

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 394 80"><path fill="#000" d="M262 0h68.5v12.7h-27.2v66.6h-13.6V12.7H262V0ZM149 0v12.7H94v20.4h44.3v12.6H94v21h55v12.6H80.5V0h68.7zm34.3 0h-17.8l63.8 79.4h17.9l-32-39.7 32-39.6h-17.9l-23 28.6-23-28.6zm18.3 56.7-9-11-27.1 33.7h17.8l18.3-22.7z"/><path fill="#000" d="M81 79.3 17 0H0v79.3h13.6V17l50.2 62.3H81Zm252.6-.4c-1 0-1.8-.4-2.5-1s-1.1-1.6-1.1-2.6.3-1.8 1-2.5 1.6-1 2.6-1 1.8.3 2.5 1a3.4 3.4 0 0 1 .6 4.3 3.7 3.7 0 0 1-3 1.8zm23.2-33.5h6v23.3c0 2.1-.4 4-1.3 5.5a9.1 9.1 0 0 1-3.8 3.5c-1.6.8-3.5 1.3-5.7 1.3-2 0-3.7-.4-5.3-1s-2.8-1.8-3.7-3.2c-.9-1.3-1.4-3-1.4-5h6c.1.8.3 1.6.7 2.2s1 1.2 1.6 1.5c.7.4 1.5.5 2.4.5 1 0 1.8-.2 2.4-.6a4 4 0 0 0 1.6-1.8c.3-.8.5-1.8.5-3V45.5zm30.9 9.1a4.4 4.4 0 0 0-2-3.3 7.5 7.5 0 0 0-4.3-1.1c-1.3 0-2.4.2-3.3.5-.9.4-1.6 1-2 1.6a3.5 3.5 0 0 0-.3 4c. 1.3 1.2l1.8 1 2 .5 3.2.8c1.3.3 2.5.7 3.7 1.2a13 13 0 0 1 3.2 1.8 8.1 8.1 0 0 1 3 6.5c0 2-.5 3.7-1.5 5.1a10 10 0 0 1-4.4 3.5c-1.8.8-4.1 1.2-6.8 1.2-2.6 0-4.9-.4-6.8-1.2-2-.8-3.4-2-4.5-3.5a10 10 0 0 1-1.7-5.6h6a5 5 0 0 0 3.5 4.6c1 .4 2.2.6 3.4.6 1.3 0 2.5-.2 3.5-.6 1-.4 1.8-1 2.4-1.7a4 4 0 0 0 .8-2.4c0-.9-.2-1.6-.7-2.2a11 11 0 0 0-2.1-1.4l-3.2-1-3.8-1c-2.8-.7-5-1.7-6.6-3.2a7.2 7.2 0 0 1-2.4-5.7 8 8 0 0 1 1.7-5 10 10 0 0 1 4.3-3.5c2-.8 4-1.2 6.4-1.2 2.3 0 4.4.4 6.2 1.2 1.8.8 3.2 2 4.3 3.4 1 1.4 1.5 3 1.5 5h-5.8z"/></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.3 KiB

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 283 64"><path fill="black" d="M141 16c-11 0-19 7-19 18s9 18 20 18c7 0 13-3 16-7l-7-5c-2 3-6 4-9 4-5 0-9-3-10-7h28v-3c0-11-8-18-19-18zm-9 15c1-4 4-7 9-7s8 3 9 7h-18zm117-15c-11 0-19 7-19 18s9 18 20 18c6 0 12-3 16-7l-8-5c-2 3-5 4-8 4-5 0-9-3-11-7h28l1-3c0-11-8-18-19-18zm-10 15c2-4 5-7 10-7s8 3 9 7h-19zm-39 3c0 6 4 10 10 10 4 0 7-2 9-5l8 5c-3 5-9 8-17 8-11 0-19-7-19-18s8-18 19-18c8 0 14 3 17 8l-8 5c-2-3-5-5-9-5-6 0-10 4-10 10zm83-29v46h-9V5h9zM37 0l37 64H0L37 0zm92 5-27 48L74 5h10l18 30 17-30h10zm59 12v10l-3-1c-6 0-10 4-10 10v15h-9V17h9v9c0-5 6-9 13-9z"/></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 629 B

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
import { initSentry } from "@ente/shared/sentry/config/sentry.config.base";

View file

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# This file is used by the SentryWebpackPlugin to upload sourcemaps when the
# SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable is defined.
defaults.url = = ente
defaults.project = web-photos

View file

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
import { setupI18n } from "@/ui/i18n";
import { CacheProvider } from "@emotion/react";
import { APPS, APP_TITLES } from "@ente/shared/apps/constants";
import { EnteAppProps } from "@ente/shared/apps/types";
import { Overlay } from "@ente/shared/components/Container";
import DialogBoxV2 from "@ente/shared/components/DialogBoxV2";
import {
} from "@ente/shared/components/DialogBoxV2/types";
import EnteSpinner from "@ente/shared/components/EnteSpinner";
import AppNavbar from "@ente/shared/components/Navbar/app";
import { useLocalState } from "@ente/shared/hooks/useLocalState";
import HTTPService from "@ente/shared/network/HTTPService";
import { LS_KEYS, getData } from "@ente/shared/storage/localStorage";
import { getTheme } from "@ente/shared/themes";
import { THEME_COLOR } from "@ente/shared/themes/constants";
import createEmotionCache from "@ente/shared/themes/createEmotionCache";
import { CssBaseline, useMediaQuery } from "@mui/material";
import { ThemeProvider } from "@mui/material/styles";
import Head from "next/head";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { createContext, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import "styles/global.css";
interface AppContextProps {
isMobile: boolean;
showNavBar: (show: boolean) => void;
setDialogBoxAttributesV2: SetDialogBoxAttributesV2;
export const AppContext = createContext<AppContextProps>({} as AppContextProps);
// Client-side cache, shared for the whole session of the user in the browser.
const clientSideEmotionCache = createEmotionCache();
export default function App(props: EnteAppProps) {
const [isI18nReady, setIsI18nReady] = useState<boolean>(false);
const [showNavbar, setShowNavBar] = useState(false);
const [dialogBoxAttributeV2, setDialogBoxAttributesV2] =
const [dialogBoxV2View, setDialogBoxV2View] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
}, [dialogBoxAttributeV2]);
const showNavBar = (show: boolean) => setShowNavBar(show);
const isMobile = useMediaQuery("(max-width:428px)");
const router = useRouter();
const {
emotionCache = clientSideEmotionCache,
} = props;
const [themeColor] = useLocalState(LS_KEYS.THEME, THEME_COLOR.DARK);
useEffect(() => {
setupI18n().finally(() => setIsI18nReady(true));
}, []);
const setupPackageName = () => {
const pkg = getData(LS_KEYS.CLIENT_PACKAGE);
if (!pkg) return;
useEffect(() => {"routeChangeComplete", setupPackageName);
return () => {"routeChangeComplete", setupPackageName);
}, []);
const closeDialogBoxV2 = () => setDialogBoxV2View(false);
const theme = getTheme(themeColor, APPS.PHOTOS);
// TODO: Localise APP_TITLES
return (
<CacheProvider value={emotionCache}>
content="initial-scale=1, width=device-width"
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
<CssBaseline enableColorScheme />
sx={{ zIndex: 1600 }}
attributes={dialogBoxAttributeV2 as any}
setDialogBoxAttributesV2 as any,
{!isI18nReady && (
sx={(theme) => ({
display: "flex",
justifyContent: "center",
alignItems: "center",
zIndex: 2000,
backgroundColor: (theme as any).colors
<EnteSpinner />
{showNavbar && <AppNavbar isMobile={isMobile} />}
<Component {...pageProps} />

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
import DocumentPage, {
} from "@ente/shared/next/pages/_document";
export default function Document(props: EnteDocumentProps) {
return <DocumentPage {...props} />;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
import { VerticallyCentered } from "@ente/shared/components/Container";
import EnteSpinner from "@ente/shared/components/EnteSpinner";
import { ACCOUNTS_PAGES } from "@ente/shared/constants/pages";
import HTTPService from "@ente/shared/network/HTTPService";
import { logError } from "@ente/shared/sentry";
import { LS_KEYS, getData, setData } from "@ente/shared/storage/localStorage";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { useEffect } from "react";
const AccountHandoff = () => {
const router = useRouter();
const retrieveAccountData = () => {
try {
} catch (e) {
logError(e, "Failed to deserialize and set passed user data");
const getClientPackageName = () => {
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
const pkg = urlParams.get("package");
if (!pkg) return;
setData(LS_KEYS.CLIENT_PACKAGE, { name: pkg });
"X-Client-Package": pkg,
const extractAccountsToken = () => {
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
const token = urlParams.get("token");
if (!token) {
throw new Error("token not found");
const user = getData(LS_KEYS.USER) || {};
user.token = token;
setData(LS_KEYS.USER, user);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
<EnteSpinner />
export default AccountHandoff;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import CredentialPage from "@ente/accounts/pages/credentials";
import { APPS } from "@ente/shared/apps/constants";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { useContext } from "react";
import { AppContext } from "../_app";
export default function Credential() {
const appContext = useContext(AppContext);
const router = useRouter();
return (

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import GeneratePage from "@ente/accounts/pages/generate";
import { APPS } from "@ente/shared/apps/constants";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { AppContext } from "pages/_app";
import { useContext } from "react";
export default function Generate() {
const appContext = useContext(AppContext);
const router = useRouter();
return (

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { useEffect } from "react";
const Index = () => {
const router = useRouter();
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return <></>;
export default Index;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import LoginPage from "@ente/accounts/pages/login";
import { APPS } from "@ente/shared/apps/constants";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { useContext } from "react";
import { AppContext } from "../_app";
export default function Login() {
const appContext = useContext(AppContext);
const router = useRouter();
return (

View file

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
import DialogBoxV2 from "@ente/shared/components/DialogBoxV2";
import EnteButton from "@ente/shared/components/EnteButton";
import { Button, Stack, Typography } from "@mui/material";
import { t } from "i18next";
import { AppContext } from "pages/_app";
import { useContext, useState } from "react";
import { deletePasskey } from "services/passkeysService";
import { PasskeysContext } from ".";
interface IProps {
open: boolean;
onClose: () => void;
const DeletePasskeyModal = (props: IProps) => {
const { isMobile } = useContext(AppContext);
const { selectedPasskey, setShowPasskeyDrawer } =
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
const doDelete = async () => {
if (!selectedPasskey) return;
try {
await deletePasskey(;
} catch (error) {
} finally {
return (
title: t("DELETE_PASSKEY"),
secondary: {
action: props.onClose,
text: t("CANCEL"),
<Stack spacing={"8px"}>
export default DeletePasskeyModal;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
import { EnteDrawer } from "@ente/shared/components/EnteDrawer";
import InfoItem from "@ente/shared/components/Info/InfoItem";
import { EnteMenuItem } from "@ente/shared/components/Menu/EnteMenuItem";
import MenuItemDivider from "@ente/shared/components/Menu/MenuItemDivider";
import { MenuItemGroup } from "@ente/shared/components/Menu/MenuItemGroup";
import Titlebar from "@ente/shared/components/Titlebar";
import { formatDateTimeFull } from "@ente/shared/time/format";
import CalendarTodayIcon from "@mui/icons-material/CalendarToday";
import DeleteIcon from "@mui/icons-material/Delete";
import EditIcon from "@mui/icons-material/Edit";
import { Stack } from "@mui/material";
import { t } from "i18next";
import { useContext, useState } from "react";
import { PasskeysContext } from ".";
import DeletePasskeyModal from "./DeletePasskeyModal";
import RenamePasskeyModal from "./RenamePasskeyModal";
interface IProps {
open: boolean;
const ManagePasskeyDrawer = (props: IProps) => {
const { setShowPasskeyDrawer, refreshPasskeys, selectedPasskey } =
const [showDeletePasskeyModal, setShowDeletePasskeyModal] = useState(false);
const [showRenamePasskeyModal, setShowRenamePasskeyModal] = useState(false);
return (
onClose={() => {
{selectedPasskey && (
<Stack spacing={"4px"} py={"12px"}>
onClose={() => {
title="Manage Passkey"
onRootClose={() => {
icon={<CalendarTodayIcon />}
selectedPasskey.createdAt / 1000,
)}` || ""
onClick={() => {
startIcon={<EditIcon />}
label={"Rename Passkey"}
<MenuItemDivider />
onClick={() => {
startIcon={<DeleteIcon />}
label={"Delete Passkey"}
onClose={() => {
onClose={() => {
export default ManagePasskeyDrawer;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import { EnteMenuItem } from "@ente/shared/components/Menu/EnteMenuItem";
import ChevronRightIcon from "@mui/icons-material/ChevronRight";
import KeyIcon from "@mui/icons-material/Key";
import { useContext } from "react";
import { Passkey } from "types/passkey";
import { PasskeysContext } from ".";
interface IProps {
passkey: Passkey;
const PasskeyListItem = (props: IProps) => {
const { setSelectedPasskey, setShowPasskeyDrawer } =
return (
onClick={() => {
startIcon={<KeyIcon />}
endIcon={<ChevronRightIcon />}
export default PasskeyListItem;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
import MenuItemDivider from "@ente/shared/components/Menu/MenuItemDivider";
import { MenuItemGroup } from "@ente/shared/components/Menu/MenuItemGroup";
import { Fragment } from "react";
import { Passkey } from "types/passkey";
import PasskeyListItem from "./PasskeyListItem";
interface IProps {
passkeys: Passkey[];
const PasskeyComponent = (props: IProps) => {
return (
{props.passkeys?.map((passkey, i) => (
<Fragment key={}>
<PasskeyListItem passkey={passkey} />
{i < props.passkeys.length - 1 && <MenuItemDivider />}
export default PasskeyComponent;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
import DialogBoxV2 from "@ente/shared/components/DialogBoxV2";
import SingleInputForm from "@ente/shared/components/SingleInputForm";
import { t } from "i18next";
import { AppContext } from "pages/_app";
import { useContext } from "react";
import { renamePasskey } from "services/passkeysService";
import { PasskeysContext } from ".";
interface IProps {
open: boolean;
onClose: () => void;
const RenamePasskeyModal = (props: IProps) => {
const { isMobile } = useContext(AppContext);
const { selectedPasskey } = useContext(PasskeysContext);
const onSubmit = async (inputValue: string) => {
if (!selectedPasskey) return;
try {
await renamePasskey(, inputValue);
} catch (error) {
return (
title: t("RENAME_PASSKEY"),
secondary: {
action: props.onClose,
text: t("CANCEL"),
submitButtonProps={{ sx: { mt: 1, mb: 2 } }}
export default RenamePasskeyModal;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
import PasskeysFinishPage from "@ente/accounts/pages/passkeys/finish";
const PasskeysFinish = () => {
return <PasskeysFinishPage />;
export default PasskeysFinish;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
import { APPS, CLIENT_PACKAGE_NAMES } from "@ente/shared/apps/constants";
import {
} from "@ente/shared/components/Container";
import EnteButton from "@ente/shared/components/EnteButton";
import EnteSpinner from "@ente/shared/components/EnteSpinner";
import FormPaper from "@ente/shared/components/Form/FormPaper";
import HTTPService from "@ente/shared/network/HTTPService";
import { logError } from "@ente/shared/sentry";
import { LS_KEYS, setData } from "@ente/shared/storage/localStorage";
import InfoIcon from "@mui/icons-material/Info";
import { Box, Typography } from "@mui/material";
import { t } from "i18next";
import _sodium from "libsodium-wrappers";
import Image from "next/image";
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import {
} from "services/passkeysService";
const PasskeysFlow = () => {
const [errored, setErrored] = useState(false);
const [invalidInfo, setInvalidInfo] = useState(false);
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
const init = async () => {
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
// get redirect from the query params
const redirect = searchParams.get("redirect") as string;
const redirectURL = new URL(redirect);
if (process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_DISABLE_REDIRECT_CHECK !== "true") {
if (
redirect !== "" &&
!("") ||"")
) &&
redirectURL.protocol !== "ente:" &&
redirectURL.protocol !== "enteauth:"
) {
if (redirectURL.protocol === "enteauth:") {
} else if (redirectURL.hostname.startsWith("accounts")) {
setData(LS_KEYS.CLIENT_PACKAGE, { name: pkg });
"X-Client-Package": pkg,
// get passkeySessionID from the query params
const passkeySessionID = searchParams.get("passkeySessionID") as string;
let beginData: BeginPasskeyAuthenticationResponse;
try {
beginData = await beginAuthentication(passkeySessionID);
} catch (e) {
logError(e, "Couldn't begin passkey authentication");
} finally {
let credential: Credential | null = null;
let tries = 0;
const maxTries = 3;
while (tries < maxTries) {
try {
credential = await getCredential(beginData.options.publicKey);
} catch (e) {
logError(e, "Couldn't get credential");
} finally {
if (!credential) {
if (!isWebAuthnSupported()) {
alert("WebAuthn is not supported in this browser");
let finishData;
try {
finishData = await finishAuthentication(
} catch (e) {
logError(e, "Couldn't finish passkey authentication");
const encodedResponse = _sodium.to_base64(JSON.stringify(finishData));
window.location.href = `${redirect}?response=${encodedResponse}`;
const beginAuthentication = async (sessionId: string) => {
const data = await beginPasskeyAuthentication(sessionId);
return data;
function isWebAuthnSupported(): boolean {
if (!navigator.credentials) {
return false;
return true;
const getCredential = async (
publicKey: any,
timeoutMillis: number = 60000, // Default timeout of 60 seconds
): Promise<Credential | null> => {
publicKey.challenge = _sodium.from_base64(
publicKey.allowCredentials?.forEach(function (listItem: any) { = _sodium.from_base64(,
// note: we are orverwriting the transports array with all possible values.
// This is because the browser will only prompt the user for the transport that is available.
// Warning: In case of invalid transport value, the webauthn will fail on Safari & iOS browsers
listItem.transports = ["usb", "nfc", "ble", "internal"];
publicKey.timeout = timeoutMillis;
const publicKeyCredentialCreationOptions: CredentialRequestOptions = {
publicKey: publicKey,
const credential = await navigator.credentials.get(
return credential;
const finishAuthentication = async (
credential: Credential,
sessionId: string,
ceremonySessionId: string,
) => {
const data = await finishPasskeyAuthentication(
return data;
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
if (loading) {
return (
<EnteSpinner />
if (invalidInfo) {
return (
<Box maxWidth="30rem">
padding: "1rem",
<InfoIcon />
<Typography fontWeight="bold" variant="h1">
<Typography marginTop="1rem">
if (errored) {
return (
<Box maxWidth="30rem">
padding: "1rem",
<InfoIcon />
<Typography fontWeight="bold" variant="h1">
<Typography marginTop="1rem">
onClick={() => {
marginTop: "1rem",
return (
<Box maxWidth="30rem">
padding: "1rem",
<InfoIcon />
<Typography fontWeight="bold" variant="h1">
<Typography marginTop="1rem">
<CenteredFlex marginTop="1rem">
alt="ente Logo Circular"
export default PasskeysFlow;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
import { CenteredFlex } from "@ente/shared/components/Container";
import FormPaper from "@ente/shared/components/Form/FormPaper";
import SingleInputForm from "@ente/shared/components/SingleInputForm";
import { ACCOUNTS_PAGES } from "@ente/shared/constants/pages";
import { logError } from "@ente/shared/sentry";
import { getToken } from "@ente/shared/storage/localStorage/helpers";
import { Box, Typography } from "@mui/material";
import { t } from "i18next";
import _sodium from "libsodium-wrappers";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { AppContext } from "pages/_app";
import {
} from "react";
import { Passkey } from "types/passkey";
import {
} from "../../services/passkeysService";
import ManagePasskeyDrawer from "./ManagePasskeyDrawer";
import PasskeysList from "./PasskeysList";
export const PasskeysContext = createContext(
{} as {
selectedPasskey: Passkey | null;
setSelectedPasskey: Dispatch<SetStateAction<Passkey | null>>;
setShowPasskeyDrawer: Dispatch<SetStateAction<boolean>>;
refreshPasskeys: () => void;
const Passkeys = () => {
const { showNavBar } = useContext(AppContext);
const [selectedPasskey, setSelectedPasskey] = useState<Passkey | null>(
const [showPasskeyDrawer, setShowPasskeyDrawer] = useState(false);
const [passkeys, setPasskeys] = useState<Passkey[]>([]);
const router = useRouter();
const checkLoggedIn = () => {
const token = getToken();
if (!token) {
const init = async () => {
const data = await getPasskeys();
setPasskeys(data.passkeys || []);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const handleSubmit = async (
inputValue: string,
setFieldError: (errorMessage: string) => void,
resetForm: (nextState?: unknown) => void,
) => {
let response: {
options: {
publicKey: PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions;
sessionID: string;
try {
response = await getPasskeyRegistrationOptions();
} catch {
setFieldError("Failed to begin registration");
const options = response.options;
options.publicKey.challenge = _sodium.from_base64(
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
); = _sodium.from_base64(
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore,
// create new credential
let newCredential: Credential | null = null;
try {
newCredential = await navigator.credentials.create(options);
} catch (e) {
logError(e, "Error creating credential");
setFieldError("Failed to create credential");
try {
await finishPasskeyRegistration(
} catch {
setFieldError("Failed to finish registration");
await init();
return (
refreshPasskeys: init,
<Box maxWidth="20rem">
<Box marginBottom="1rem">
padding: "1rem",
sx: {
marginBottom: 1,
<Box marginTop="1rem">
<PasskeysList passkeys={passkeys} />
<ManagePasskeyDrawer open={showPasskeyDrawer} />
export default Passkeys;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import RecoverPage from "@ente/accounts/pages/recover";
import { APPS } from "@ente/shared/apps/constants";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { AppContext } from "pages/_app";
import { useContext } from "react";
export default function Recover() {
const appContext = useContext(AppContext);
const router = useRouter();
return (

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import SignupPage from "@ente/accounts/pages/signup";
import { APPS } from "@ente/shared/apps/constants";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { AppContext } from "pages/_app";
import { useContext } from "react";
export default function Sigup() {
const appContext = useContext(AppContext);
const router = useRouter();
return (

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import TwoFactorRecoverPage from "@ente/accounts/pages/two-factor/recover";
import { APPS } from "@ente/shared/apps/constants";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { AppContext } from "pages/_app";
import { useContext } from "react";
export default function TwoFactorRecover() {
const appContext = useContext(AppContext);
const router = useRouter();
return (

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import TwoFactorSetupPage from "@ente/accounts/pages/two-factor/setup";
import { APPS } from "@ente/shared/apps/constants";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { AppContext } from "pages/_app";
import { useContext } from "react";
export default function TwoFactorSetup() {
const appContext = useContext(AppContext);
const router = useRouter();
return (

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import TwoFactorVerifyPage from "@ente/accounts/pages/two-factor/verify";
import { APPS } from "@ente/shared/apps/constants";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { AppContext } from "pages/_app";
import { useContext } from "react";
export default function TwoFactorVerify() {
const appContext = useContext(AppContext);
const router = useRouter();
return (

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import VerifyPage from "@ente/accounts/pages/verify";
import { APPS } from "@ente/shared/apps/constants";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { AppContext } from "pages/_app";
import { useContext } from "react";
export default function Verify() {
const appContext = useContext(AppContext);
const router = useRouter();
return (

View file

@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
import HTTPService from "@ente/shared/network/HTTPService";
import { getEndpoint } from "@ente/shared/network/api";
import { logError } from "@ente/shared/sentry";
import { getToken } from "@ente/shared/storage/localStorage/helpers";
import _sodium from "libsodium-wrappers";
const ENDPOINT = getEndpoint();
export const getPasskeys = async () => {
try {
const token = getToken();
if (!token) return;
const response = await HTTPService.get(
{ "X-Auth-Token": token },
return await;
} catch (e) {
logError(e, "get passkeys failed");
throw e;
export const renamePasskey = async (id: string, name: string) => {
try {
const token = getToken();
if (!token) return;
const response = await HTTPService.patch(
{ friendlyName: name },
{ "X-Auth-Token": token },
return await;
} catch (e) {
logError(e, "rename passkey failed");
throw e;
export const deletePasskey = async (id: string) => {
try {
const token = getToken();
if (!token) return;
const response = await HTTPService.delete(
{ "X-Auth-Token": token },
return await;
} catch (e) {
logError(e, "delete passkey failed");
throw e;
export const getPasskeyRegistrationOptions = async () => {
try {
const token = getToken();
if (!token) return;
const response = await HTTPService.get(
"X-Auth-Token": token,
return await;
} catch (e) {
logError(e, "get passkey registration options failed");
throw e;
export const finishPasskeyRegistration = async (
friendlyName: string,
credential: Credential,
sessionId: string,
) => {
try {
const attestationObjectB64 = _sodium.to_base64(
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
new Uint8Array(credential.response.attestationObject),
const clientDataJSONB64 = _sodium.to_base64(
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
new Uint8Array(credential.response.clientDataJSON),
const token = getToken();
if (!token) return;
const response = await
type: credential.type,
response: {
attestationObject: attestationObjectB64,
clientDataJSON: clientDataJSONB64,
sessionID: sessionId,
"X-Auth-Token": token,
return await;
} catch (e) {
logError(e, "finish passkey registration failed");
throw e;
export interface BeginPasskeyAuthenticationResponse {
ceremonySessionID: string;
options: Options;
interface Options {
publicKey: PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions;
export const beginPasskeyAuthentication = async (
sessionId: string,
): Promise<BeginPasskeyAuthenticationResponse> => {
try {
const data = await
sessionID: sessionId,
} catch (e) {
logError(e, "begin passkey authentication failed");
throw e;
export const finishPasskeyAuthentication = async (
credential: Credential,
sessionId: string,
ceremonySessionId: string,
) => {
try {
const data = await
type: credential.type,
response: {
authenticatorData: _sodium.to_base64(
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
new Uint8Array(credential.response.authenticatorData),
clientDataJSON: _sodium.to_base64(
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
new Uint8Array(credential.response.clientDataJSON),
signature: _sodium.to_base64(
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
new Uint8Array(credential.response.signature),
userHandle: _sodium.to_base64(
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
new Uint8Array(credential.response.userHandle),
sessionID: sessionId,
ceremonySessionID: ceremonySessionId,
} catch (e) {
logError(e, "finish passkey authentication failed");
throw e;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
export interface Passkey {
id: string;
userID: number;
friendlyName: string;
createdAt: number;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
"extends": "../../tsconfig.base.json",
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"include": [
"exclude": ["node_modules", "out", ".next", "thirdparty"]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
module.exports = {
// When root is set to true, ESLint will stop looking for configuration files in parent directories.
// This is required here to ensure desktop picks the right eslint config, where this app is
// packaged as a submodule.
root: true,
extends: ["@ente/eslint-config"],
parser: "@typescript-eslint/parser",
parserOptions: {
tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
project: "./tsconfig.json",
ignorePatterns: [".eslintrc.js", "out"],

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
const nextConfigBase = require("@/next/next.config.base.js");
module.exports = nextConfigBase;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"name": "auth",
"version": "0.0.0",
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"@/next": "*",
"@ente/accounts": "*",
"@ente/eslint-config": "*",
"@ente/shared": "*"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"webcredentials": {
"apps": [

View file

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
"relation": [
"target": {
"namespace": "photos-web",
"site": ""
"relation": [
"target": {
"namespace": "auth-web",
"site": ""
"relation": [
"target": {
"namespace": "android_app",
"package_name": "",
"sha256_cert_fingerprints": [
"relation": [
"target": {
"namespace": "android_app",
"package_name": "",
"sha256_cert_fingerprints": [
"relation": [
"target": {
"namespace": "android_app",
"package_name": "io.ente.auth",
"sha256_cert_fingerprints": [

View file

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View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
Copyright 2020 The Inter Project Authors (
This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at:
SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1 - 26 February 2007
The goals of the Open Font License (OFL) are to stimulate worldwide
development of collaborative font projects, to support the font creation
efforts of academic and linguistic communities, and to provide a free and
open framework in which fonts may be shared and improved in partnership
with others.
The OFL allows the licensed fonts to be used, studied, modified and
redistributed freely as long as they are not sold by themselves. The
fonts, including any derivative works, can be bundled, embedded,
redistributed and/or sold with any software provided that any reserved
names are not used by derivative works. The fonts and derivatives,
however, cannot be released under any other type of license. The
requirement for fonts to remain under this license does not apply
to any document created using the fonts or their derivatives.
"Font Software" refers to the set of files released by the Copyright
Holder(s) under this license and clearly marked as such. This may
include source files, build scripts and documentation.
"Reserved Font Name" refers to any names specified as such after the
copyright statement(s).
"Original Version" refers to the collection of Font Software components as
distributed by the Copyright Holder(s).
"Modified Version" refers to any derivative made by adding to, deleting,
or substituting -- in part or in whole -- any of the components of the
Original Version, by changing formats or by porting the Font Software to a
new environment.
"Author" refers to any designer, engineer, programmer, technical
writer or other person who contributed to the Font Software.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of the Font Software, to use, study, copy, merge, embed, modify,
redistribute, and sell modified and unmodified copies of the Font
Software, subject to the following conditions:
1) Neither the Font Software nor any of its individual components,
in Original or Modified Versions, may be sold by itself.
2) Original or Modified Versions of the Font Software may be bundled,
redistributed and/or sold with any software, provided that each copy
contains the above copyright notice and this license. These can be
included either as stand-alone text files, human-readable headers or
in the appropriate machine-readable metadata fields within text or
binary files as long as those fields can be easily viewed by the user.
3) No Modified Version of the Font Software may use the Reserved Font
Name(s) unless explicit written permission is granted by the corresponding
Copyright Holder. This restriction only applies to the primary font name as
presented to the users.
4) The name(s) of the Copyright Holder(s) or the Author(s) of the Font
Software shall not be used to promote, endorse or advertise any
Modified Version, except to acknowledge the contribution(s) of the
Copyright Holder(s) and the Author(s) or with their explicit written
5) The Font Software, modified or unmodified, in part or in whole,
must be distributed entirely under this license, and must not be
distributed under any other license. The requirement for fonts to
remain under this license does not apply to any document created
using the Font Software.
This license becomes null and void if any of the above conditions are
not met.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
"HERO_SLIDE_1_TITLE": "<div>Private Sicherungen</div><div>für deine Erinnerungen</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_1": "Standardmäßig Ende-zu-Ende verschlüsselt",
"HERO_SLIDE_2_TITLE": "<div>Sicher gespeichert</div><div>in einem Luftschutzbunker</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_2": "Entwickelt um zu bewahren",
"HERO_SLIDE_3_TITLE": "<div>Verfügbar</div><div> überall</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_3": "Android, iOS, Web, Desktop",
"LOGIN": "Anmelden",
"SIGN_UP": "Registrieren",
"NEW_USER": "Neu bei ente",
"EXISTING_USER": "Existierender Benutzer",
"ENTER_NAME": "Name eingeben",
"PUBLIC_UPLOADER_NAME_MESSAGE": "Füge einen Namen hinzu, damit deine Freunde wissen, wem sie für diese tollen Fotos zu danken haben!",
"ENTER_EMAIL": "E-Mail-Adresse eingeben",
"EMAIL_ERROR": "Geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein",
"REQUIRED": "Erforderlich",
"EMAIL_SENT": "Bestätigungscode an <a>{{email}}</a> gesendet",
"CHECK_INBOX": "Bitte überprüfe deinen E-Mail-Posteingang (und Spam), um die Verifizierung abzuschließen",
"ENTER_OTT": "Bestätigungscode",
"RESEND_MAIL": "Code erneut senden",
"VERIFY": "Überprüfen",
"UNKNOWN_ERROR": "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten, bitte versuche es erneut",
"INVALID_CODE": "Falscher Bestätigungscode",
"EXPIRED_CODE": "Ihr Bestätigungscode ist abgelaufen",
"SENDING": "Wird gesendet...",
"SENT": "Gesendet!",
"PASSWORD": "Passwort",
"LINK_PASSWORD": "Passwort zum Entsperren des Albums eingeben",
"SET_PASSPHRASE": "Passwort setzen",
"INCORRECT_PASSPHRASE": "Falsches Passwort",
"ENTER_ENC_PASSPHRASE": "Bitte gib ein Passwort ein, mit dem wir deine Daten verschlüsseln können",
"PASSPHRASE_DISCLAIMER": "We don't store your password, so if you forget it, <strong>we will not be able to help you </strong>recover your data without a recovery key.",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_HEADING": "Willkommen bei <a/>",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_SUBHEADING": "End to end encrypted photo storage and sharing",
"WHERE_YOUR_BEST_PHOTOS_LIVE": "Wo deine besten Fotos leben",
"KEY_GENERATION_IN_PROGRESS_MESSAGE": "Generierung von Verschlüsselungsschlüsseln...",
"PASSPHRASE_HINT": "Passwort",
"CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Passwort bestätigen",
"REFERRAL_CODE_HINT": "How did you hear about Ente? (optional)",
"REFERRAL_INFO": "We don't track app installs, It'd help us if you told us where you found us!",
"PASSPHRASE_MATCH_ERROR": "Die Passwörter stimmen nicht überein",
"CONSOLE_WARNING_DESC": "This is a browser feature intended for developers. Please don't copy-paste unverified code here.",
"ENTER_ALBUM_NAME": "Albumname",
"CLOSE_OPTION": "Schließen (Esc)",
"ENTER_FILE_NAME": "Dateiname",
"CLOSE": "Schließen",
"NO": "Nein",
"NOTHING_HERE": "Nothing to see here yet 👀",
"UPLOAD": "Hochladen",
"IMPORT": "Importieren",
"ADD_PHOTOS": "Fotos hinzufügen",
"ADD_MORE_PHOTOS": "Mehr Fotos hinzufügen",
"add_photos_one": "Add 1 item",
"add_photos_other": "Add {{count, number}} items",
"SELECT_PHOTOS": "Foto auswählen",
"FILE_UPLOAD": "Datei hochladen",
"0": "Hochladen wird vorbereitet",
"1": "Reading google metadata files",
"2": "{{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / {{, number}} files metadata extracted",
"3": "{{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / {{, number}} files processed",
"4": "Cancelling remaining uploads",
"5": "Sicherung abgeschlossen"
"FILE_NOT_UPLOADED_LIST": "The following files were not uploaded",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED": "Abonnement abgelaufen",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Your subscription has expired, please <a>renew</a>",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED": "Speichergrenze überschritten",
"INITIAL_LOAD_DELAY_WARNING": "First load may take some time",
"USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Sorry, could not find a user with that email",
"NO_ACCOUNT": "Don't have an account",
"ACCOUNT_EXISTS": "Already have an account",
"CREATE": "Erstellen",
"DOWNLOAD": "Herunterladen",
"DOWNLOAD_OPTION": "Herunterladen (D)",
"DOWNLOAD_FAVORITES": "Favoriten herunterladen",
"DOWNLOAD_UNCATEGORIZED": "Download uncategorized",
"DOWNLOAD_HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Download hidden items",
"COPY_OPTION": "Als PNG kopieren (Strg / Cmd - C)",
"TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN": "Toggle fullscreen (F)",
"ZOOM_IN_OUT": "Herein-/Herauszoomen",
"PREVIOUS": "Previous (←)",
"NEXT": "Next (→)",
"TITLE_PHOTOS": "Ente Photos",
"TITLE_ALBUMS": "Ente Photos",
"TITLE_AUTH": "Ente Auth",
"UPLOAD_FIRST_PHOTO": "Lade dein erstes Foto hoch",
"IMPORT_YOUR_FOLDERS": "Importiere deiner Ordner",
"UPLOAD_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Drop to backup your files",
"WATCH_FOLDER_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Drop to add watched folder",
"TRASH_FILES_TITLE": "Dateien löschen?",
"TRASH_FILE_TITLE": "Datei löschen?",
"DELETE_FILES_TITLE": "Sofort löschen?",
"DELETE_FILES_MESSAGE": "Selected files will be permanently deleted from your ente account.",
"DELETE": "Löschen",
"DELETE_OPTION": "Löschen (DEL)",
"FAVORITE_OPTION": "Favorite (L)",
"UNFAVORITE_OPTION": "Unfavorite (L)",
"MULTI_FOLDER_UPLOAD": "Multiple folders detected",
"UPLOAD_STRATEGY_CHOICE": "Would you like to upload them into",
"OR": "oder",
"SESSION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Ihre Sitzung ist abgelaufen. Bitte loggen Sie sich erneut ein, um fortzufahren",
"SESSION_EXPIRED": "Sitzung abgelaufen",
"PASSWORD_GENERATION_FAILED": "Dein Browser konnte keinen starken Schlüssel generieren, der den Verschlüsselungsstandards des Entes entspricht, bitte versuche die mobile App oder einen anderen Browser zu verwenden",
"CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Passwort ändern",
"GO_BACK": "Zurück",
"RECOVERY_KEY": "Wiederherstellungsschlüssel",
"SAVE_LATER": "Auf später verschieben",
"SAVE": "Schlüssel speichern",
"RECOVERY_KEY_DESCRIPTION": "If you forget your password, the only way you can recover your data is with this key.",
"RECOVER_KEY_GENERATION_FAILED": "Recovery code could not be generated, please try again",
"KEY_NOT_STORED_DISCLAIMER": "We don't store this key, so please save this in a safe place",
"FORGOT_PASSWORD": "Passwort vergessen",
"RECOVER_ACCOUNT": "Konto wiederherstellen",
"RECOVERY_KEY_HINT": "Wiederherstellungsschlüssel",
"RECOVER": "Wiederherstellen",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY": "Kein Wiederherstellungsschlüssel?",
"INCORRECT_RECOVERY_KEY": "Falscher Wiederherstellungs-Schlüssel",
"SORRY": "Entschuldigung",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Aufgrund unseres Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselungsprotokolls können Ihre Daten nicht ohne Ihr Passwort oder Ihren Wiederherstellungsschlüssel entschlüsselt werden",
"NO_TWO_FACTOR_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Bitte sende eine E-Mail an <a>{{emailID}}</a> von deiner registrierten E-Mail-Adresse",
"CONTACT_SUPPORT": "Support kontaktieren",
"REQUEST_FEATURE": "Feature anfragen",
"SUPPORT": "Support",
"CONFIRM": "Bestätigen",
"CANCEL": "Abbrechen",
"LOGOUT": "Ausloggen",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Konto löschen",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE": "<p>Please send an email to <a>{{emailID}}</a> from your registered email address.</p><p>Your request will be processed within 72 hours.</p>",
"LOGOUT_MESSAGE": "Sind sie sicher, dass sie sich ausloggen möchten?",
"CHANGE_EMAIL": "E-Mail-Adresse ändern",
"OK": "OK",
"SUCCESS": "Erfolgreich",
"ERROR": "Fehler",
"MESSAGE": "Nachricht",
"INSTALL_MOBILE_APP": "Install our <a>Android</a> or <b>iOS</b> app to automatically backup all your photos",
"DOWNLOAD_APP_MESSAGE": "Sorry, this operation is currently only supported on our desktop app",
"DOWNLOAD_APP": "Desktopanwendung herunterladen",
"EXPORT": "Daten exportieren",
"SUBSCRIPTION": "Abonnement",
"SUBSCRIBE": "Abonnieren",
"MANAGEMENT_PORTAL": "Zahlungsmethode verwalten",
"MANAGE_FAMILY_PORTAL": "Familiengruppe verwalten",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_PLAN": "Familienabo verlassen",
"LEAVE": "Verlassen",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_CONFIRM": "Bist du sicher, dass du den Familien-Tarif verlassen möchtest?",
"CHOOSE_PLAN": "Wähle dein Abonnement",
"MANAGE_PLAN": "Verwalte dein Abonnement",
"ACTIVE": "Aktiv",
"OFFLINE_MSG": "Du bist offline, gecachte Erinnerungen werden angezeigt",
"FREE_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "You are on the <strong>free</strong> plan that expires on {{date, dateTime}}",
"FAMILY_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Sie haben einen Familienplan verwaltet von",
"RENEWAL_ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS": "Erneuert am {{date, dateTime}}",
"RENEWAL_CANCELLED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Ihr Abo endet am {{date, dateTime}}",
"ADD_ON_AVAILABLE_TILL": "Your {{storage, string}} add-on is valid till {{date, dateTime}}",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Sie haben Ihr Speichervolumen überschritten, bitte <a>upgraden Sie</a>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_SUCCESS": "<p>We've received your payment</p><p>Your subscription is valid till <strong>{{date, dateTime}}</strong></p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_CANCELLED": "Your purchase was canceled, please try again if you want to subscribe",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_FAILED": "Kauf des Abonnements fehlgeschlagen Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut",
"SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATE_FAILED": "Aktualisierung des Abonnements fehlgeschlagen Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD_MESSAGE": "We are sorry, payment failed when we tried to charge your card, please update your payment method and try again",
"STRIPE_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED": "We are unable to authenticate your payment method. please choose a different payment method and try again",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD": "Zahlungsmethode aktualisieren",
"MONTHLY": "Monatlich",
"YEARLY": "Jährlich",
"UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihren Tarif ändern möchten?",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION": "Abonnement kündigen",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "<p>All of your data will be deleted from our servers at the end of this billing period.</p><p>Are you sure that you want to cancel your subscription?</p>",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_WITH_ADDON_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure you want to cancel your subscription?</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_FAILED": "Failed to cancel subscription",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_SUCCESS": "Subscription canceled successfully",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Abonnement reaktivieren",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Once reactivated, you will be billed on {{date, dateTime}}",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_SUCCESS": "Subscription activated successfully ",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_FAILED": "Failed to reactivate subscription renewals",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE": "Cancel mobile subscription",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE_MESSAGE": "Please cancel your subscription from the mobile app to activate a subscription here",
"MAIL_TO_MANAGE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Please contact us at <a>{{emailID}}</a> to manage your subscription",
"RENAME": "Umbenennen",
"RENAME_FILE": "Datei umbenennen",
"RENAME_COLLECTION": "Album umbenennen",
"DELETE_COLLECTION_TITLE": "Album löschen?",
"DELETE_COLLECTION": "Album löschen",
"DELETE_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "Auch die Fotos (und Videos) in diesem Album aus <a>allen</a> anderen Alben löschen, die sie enthalten?",
"DELETE_PHOTOS": "Fotos löschen",
"KEEP_PHOTOS": "Fotos behalten",
"SHARE": "Teilen",
"SHARE_COLLECTION": "Album teilen",
"SHAREES": "Geteilt mit",
"SHARE_WITH_SELF": "Du kannst nicht mit dir selbst teilen",
"ALREADY_SHARED": "Hoppla, Sie teilen dies bereits mit {{email}}",
"SHARING_BAD_REQUEST_ERROR": "Sharing album not allowed",
"SHARING_DISABLED_FOR_FREE_ACCOUNTS": "Sharing is disabled for free accounts",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION": "Album herunterladen",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure you want to download the complete album?</p><p>All files will be queued for download sequentially</p>",
"CREATE_ALBUM_FAILED": "Failed to create album , please try again",
"SEARCH": "Suchen",
"SEARCH_RESULTS": "Ergebnisse durchsuchen",
"NO_RESULTS": "No results found",
"SEARCH_HINT": "Search for albums, dates, descriptions, ...",
"COLLECTION": "Album",
"LOCATION": "Standort",
"CITY": "Location",
"DATE": "Datum",
"FILE_NAME": "Dateiname",
"THING": "Inhalt",
"FILE_CAPTION": "Beschreibung",
"FILE_TYPE": "File type",
"CLIP": "Magic"
"photos_count_zero": "Keine Erinnerungen",
"photos_count_one": "1 memory",
"photos_count_other": "{{count, number}} memories",
"TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS": "I agree to the <a>terms</a> and <b>privacy policy</b>",
"ADD_TO_COLLECTION": "Zum Album hinzufügen",
"SELECTED": "selected",
"VIDEO_PLAYBACK_FAILED_DOWNLOAD_INSTEAD": "This video cannot be played on your browser",
"PEOPLE": "Personen",
"INDEXING_SCHEDULED": "Indexing is scheduled...",
"ANALYZING_PHOTOS": "Indexing photos ({{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} / {{indexStatus.nTotalFiles,number}})",
"INDEXING_PEOPLE": "Indexing people in {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} photos...",
"INDEXING_DONE": "Indexed {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} photos",
"UNIDENTIFIED_FACES": "unidentified faces",
"OBJECTS": "objects",
"TEXT": "text",
"INFO": "Info ",
"INFO_OPTION": "Info (I)",
"FILE_NAME": "Dateiname",
"CAPTION_PLACEHOLDER": "Eine Beschreibung hinzufügen",
"LOCATION": "Standort",
"SHOW_ON_MAP": "In OpenStreetMap öffnen",
"MAP": "Karte",
"MAP_SETTINGS": "Karten\nEinstellungen",
"ENABLE_MAPS": "Karten aktivieren?",
"ENABLE_MAP": "Karte aktivieren",
"DISABLE_MAPS": "Karten deaktivieren?",
"ENABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will show your photos on a world map.</p> <p>The map is hosted by <a>OpenStreetMap</a>, and the exact locations of your photos are never shared.</p> <p>You can disable this feature anytime from Settings.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will disable the display of your photos on a world map.</p> <p>You can enable this feature anytime from Settings.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP": "Karte deaktivieren",
"DETAILS": "Details",
"VIEW_EXIF": "Alle EXIF-Daten anzeigen",
"NO_EXIF": "Keine EXIF-Daten",
"ISO": "ISO",
"TWO_FACTOR": "Zwei-Faktor",
"TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION": "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung",
"TWO_FACTOR_QR_INSTRUCTION": "Scan the QR code below with your favorite authenticator app",
"ENTER_CODE_MANUALLY": "Geben Sie den Code manuell ein",
"TWO_FACTOR_MANUAL_CODE_INSTRUCTION": "Please enter this code in your favorite authenticator app",
"SCAN_QR_CODE": "QRCode stattdessen scannen",
"ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung aktivieren",
"ENABLE": "Aktivieren",
"LOST_DEVICE": "Lost two-factor device",
"INCORRECT_CODE": "Falscher Code",
"TWO_FACTOR_INFO": "Add an additional layer of security by requiring more than your email and password to log in to your account",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Deaktiviere die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Update your authenticator device",
"DISABLE": "Deaktivieren",
"RECONFIGURE": "Neu einrichten",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR": "Update two-factor",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Continuing forward will void any previously configured authenticators",
"UPDATE": "Update",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Disable two-factor",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to disable your two-factor authentication",
"TWO_FACTOR_DISABLE_FAILED": "Failed to disable two factor, please try again",
"EXPORT_DATA": "Daten exportieren",
"SELECT_FOLDER": "Ordner auswählen",
"DESTINATION": "Zielort",
"START": "Start",
"LAST_EXPORT_TIME": "Last export time",
"EXPORT_AGAIN": "Resync",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE": "Local storage not accessible",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE_MESSAGE": "Your browser or an addon is blocking ente from saving data into local storage. please try loading this page after switching your browsing mode.",
"SEND_OTT": "OTP senden",
"EMAIl_ALREADY_OWNED": "Diese E-Mail wird bereits verwendet",
"ETAGS_BLOCKED": "<p>We were unable to upload the following files because of your browser configuration.</p><p>Please disable any addons that might be preventing ente from using <code>eTags</code> to upload large files, or use our <a>desktop app</a> for a more reliable import experience.</p>",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS_INFO": "<p>Presently we do not support adding videos via public links.</p><p>To share videos, please <a>signup</a> for ente and share with the intended recipients using their email.</p>",
"LIVE_PHOTOS_DETECTED": "The photo and video files from your Live Photos have been merged into a single file",
"RETRY_FAILED": "Retry failed uploads",
"FAILED_UPLOADS": "Fehlgeschlagene Uploads ",
"SKIPPED_FILES": "Ignorierte Uploads",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_UPLOADS": "Das Vorschaubild konnte nicht erzeugt werden",
"UNSUPPORTED_FILES": "Nicht unterstützte Dateien",
"SUCCESSFUL_UPLOADS": "Successful uploads",
"SKIPPED_INFO": "Skipped these as there are files with matching names in the same album",
"UNSUPPORTED_INFO": "ente unterstützt diese Dateiformate noch nicht",
"BLOCKED_UPLOADS": "Blockierte Uploads",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS": "Übersprungene Videos",
"INPROGRESS_UPLOADS": "Uploads in progress",
"TOO_LARGE_UPLOADS": "Große Dateien",
"LARGER_THAN_AVAILABLE_STORAGE_INFO": "Diese Dateien wurden nicht hochgeladen, da sie die maximale Größe für Ihren Speicherplan überschreiten",
"TOO_LARGE_INFO": "Diese Dateien wurden nicht hochgeladen, da sie unsere maximale Dateigröße überschreiten",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_INFO": "Diese Dateien wurden hochgeladen, aber leider konnten wir nicht die Thumbnails für sie generieren.",
"UPLOAD_TO_COLLECTION": "In Album hochladen",
"UNCATEGORIZED": "Uncategorized",
"ARCHIVE": "Archiv",
"FAVORITES": "Favoriten",
"ARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Album archivieren",
"MOVE_TO_COLLECTION": "Zum Album verschieben",
"UNARCHIVE": "Unarchive",
"UNARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Unarchive album",
"HIDE_COLLECTION": "Hide album",
"UNHIDE_COLLECTION": "Unhide album",
"MOVE": "Verschieben",
"ADD": "Hinzufügen",
"REMOVE": "Entfernen",
"YES_REMOVE": "Ja, entfernen",
"REMOVE_FROM_COLLECTION": "Aus Album entfernen",
"TRASH": "Papierkorb",
"MOVE_TO_TRASH": "In Papierkorb verschieben",
"TRASH_FILES_MESSAGE": "Selected files will be removed from all albums and moved to trash.",
"TRASH_FILE_MESSAGE": "The file will be removed from all albums and moved to trash.",
"DELETE_PERMANENTLY": "Dauerhaft löschen",
"RESTORE": "Wiederherstellen",
"RESTORE_TO_COLLECTION": "In Album wiederherstellen",
"EMPTY_TRASH": "Papierkorb leeren",
"EMPTY_TRASH_TITLE": "Papierkorb leeren?",
"EMPTY_TRASH_MESSAGE": "These files will be permanently deleted from your ente account.",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM": "Ja, verlassen",
"LEAVE_ALBUM": "Album verlassen",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_TITLE": "Geteiltes Album verlassen?",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_MESSAGE": "You will leave the album, and it will stop being visible to you.",
"NOT_FILE_OWNER": "Dateien in einem freigegebenen Album können nicht gelöscht werden",
"CONFIRM_SELF_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Selected items will be removed from this album. Items which are only in this album will be moved to Uncategorized.",
"CONFIRM_SELF_AND_OTHER_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Some of the items you are removing were added by other people, and you will lose access to them.",
"SORT_BY_UPDATION_TIME_DESCENDING": "Zuletzt aktualisiert",
"SORT_BY_NAME": "Name",
"COMPRESS_THUMBNAILS": "Compress thumbnails",
"THUMBNAIL_REPLACED": "Thumbnails compressed",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL": "Komprimiere",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL_LATER": "Compress later",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOT_STARTED": "Some of your videos thumbnails can be compressed to save space. would you like ente to compress them?",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED": "Successfully compressed all thumbnails",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOOP": "You have no thumbnails that can be compressed further",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "Could not compress some of your thumbnails, please retry",
"FIX_CREATION_TIME": "Fix time",
"CREATION_TIME_UPDATED": "File time updated",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_NOT_STARTED": "Select the option you want to use",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED": "Successfully updated all files",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "File time updation failed for some files, please retry",
"CAPTION_CHARACTER_LIMIT": "5000 characters max",
"DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL": "EXIF:DateTimeOriginal",
"DATE_TIME_DIGITIZED": "EXIF:DateTimeDigitized",
"METADATA_DATE": "EXIF:MetadataDate",
"CUSTOM_TIME": "Custom time",
"OPEN_PLAN_SELECTOR_MODAL_FAILED": "Failed to open plans",
"INSTALL": "Installieren",
"SHARING_DETAILS": "Details teilen",
"MODIFY_SHARING": "Modify sharing",
"ADD_COLLABORATORS": "Add collaborators",
"ADD_NEW_EMAIL": "Add a new email",
"shared_with_people_zero": "Share with specific people",
"shared_with_people_one": "Shared with 1 person",
"shared_with_people_other": "Shared with {{count, number}} people",
"participants_zero": "No participants",
"participants_one": "1 participant",
"participants_other": "{{count, number}} participants",
"ADD_VIEWERS": "Add viewers",
"PARTICIPANTS": "Participants",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_VIEWER": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} will not be able to add more photos to the album</p> <p>They will still be able to remove photos added by them</p>",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_COLLABORATOR": "{{selectedEmail}} will be able to add photos to the album",
"CONVERT_TO_VIEWER": "Yes, convert to viewer",
"CONVERT_TO_COLLABORATOR": "Yes, convert to collaborator",
"CHANGE_PERMISSION": "Change permission?",
"CONFIRM_REMOVE": "Ja, entfernen",
"MANAGE": "Verwalten",
"ADDED_AS": "Added as",
"COLLABORATOR_RIGHTS": "Collaborators can add photos and videos to the shared album",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_HEAD": "Teilnehmer entfernen",
"OWNER": "Besitzer",
"COLLABORATORS": "Collaborators",
"ADD_MORE": "Add more",
"VIEWERS": "Viewers",
"OR_ADD_EXISTING": "Or pick an existing one",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_MESSAGE": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} will be removed from the album</p> <p>Any photos added by them will also be removed from the album</p>",
"NOT_FOUND": "404 - Nicht gefunden",
"LINK_EXPIRED": "Link ist abgelaufen",
"LINK_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Dieser Link ist abgelaufen oder wurde deaktiviert!",
"MANAGE_LINK": "Manage link",
"LINK_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS": "Sorry, dieses Album wurde auf zu vielen Geräten angezeigt!",
"FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Downloads erlauben",
"LINK_PASSWORD_LOCK": "Passwort Sperre",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT": "Allow adding photos",
"LINK_DEVICE_LIMIT": "Geräte Limit",
"LINK_EXPIRY": "Ablaufdatum des Links",
"NEVER": "Niemals",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Disable download",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure that you want to disable the download button for files?</p><p>Viewers can still take screenshots or save a copy of your photos using external tools.</p>",
"MALICIOUS_CONTENT": "Contains malicious content",
"COPYRIGHT": "Infringes on the copyright of someone I am authorized to represent",
"SHARED_USING": "Shared using ",
"ENTE_IO": "",
"SHARING_REFERRAL_CODE": "Use code <strong>{{referralCode}}</strong> to get 10 GB free",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD": "Disable password lock",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to disable the password lock?",
"PASSWORD_LOCK": "Passwort Sperre",
"LOCK": "Lock",
"UPLOAD_FILES": "Datei",
"UPLOAD_DIRS": "Ordner",
"UPLOAD_GOOGLE_TAKEOUT": "Google Takeout",
"DEDUPLICATE_FILES": "Deduplicate files",
"NO_DUPLICATES_FOUND": "Du hast keine Duplikate, die gelöscht werden können",
"CLUB_BY_CAPTURE_TIME": "Club by capture time",
"FILES": "Dateien",
"EACH": "Each",
"DEDUPLICATE_BASED_ON_SIZE": "The following files were clubbed based on their sizes, please review and delete items you believe are duplicates",
"STOP_ALL_UPLOADS_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to stop all the uploads in progress?",
"STOP_UPLOADS_HEADER": "Hochladen stoppen?",
"YES_STOP_UPLOADS": "Ja, Hochladen stoppen",
"STOP_DOWNLOADS_HEADER": "Stop downloads?",
"YES_STOP_DOWNLOADS": "Yes, stop downloads",
"STOP_ALL_DOWNLOADS_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to stop all the downloads in progress?",
"albums_one": "1 Album",
"albums_other": "{{count, number}} Albums",
"ALL_ALBUMS": "Alle Alben",
"ALBUMS": "Alben",
"ALL_HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "All hidden albums",
"HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "Hidden albums",
"HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Hidden items",
"ENTER_TWO_FACTOR_OTP": "Gib den 6-stelligen Code aus\ndeiner Authentifizierungs-App ein.",
"CREATE_ACCOUNT": "Account erstellen",
"COPIED": "Kopiert",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_TITLE": "Vorschaubild konnte nicht erstellt werden",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_MESSAGE": "<p>It looks like your browser has disabled access to canvas, which is necessary to generate thumbnails for your photos </p> <p> Please enable access to your browser's canvas, or check out our desktop app</p>",
"WATCH_FOLDERS": "Watch folders",
"UPGRADE_NOW": "Jetzt upgraden",
"RENEW_NOW": "Renew now",
"STORAGE": "Speicher",
"USED": "verwendet",
"YOU": "Sie",
"FAMILY": "Familie",
"FREE": "frei",
"OF": "von",
"WATCHED_FOLDERS": "Watched folders",
"NO_FOLDERS_ADDED": "No folders added yet!",
"FOLDERS_AUTOMATICALLY_MONITORED": "The folders you add here will monitored to automatically",
"UPLOAD_NEW_FILES_TO_ENTE": "Upload new files to ente",
"REMOVE_DELETED_FILES_FROM_ENTE": "Remove deleted files from ente",
"ADD_FOLDER": "Ordner hinzufügen",
"STOP_WATCHING": "Stop watching",
"STOP_WATCHING_FOLDER": "Stop watching folder?",
"STOP_WATCHING_DIALOG_MESSAGE": "Your existing files will not be deleted, but ente will stop automatically updating the linked ente album on changes in this folder.",
"YES_STOP": "Ja, Stopp",
"MONTH_SHORT": "mo",
"YEAR": "Jahr",
"FAMILY_PLAN": "Familientarif",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS": "Logs herunterladen",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS_MESSAGE": "<p>This will download debug logs, which you can email to us to help debug your issue.</p><p> Please note that file names will be included to help track issues with specific files. </p>",
"CHANGE_FOLDER": "Change Folder",
"TWO_MONTHS_FREE": "Get 2 months free on yearly plans",
"GB": "GB",
"POPULAR": "Beliebt",
"FREE_PLAN_OPTION_LABEL": "Continue with free trial",
"CURRENT_USAGE": "Current usage is <strong>{{usage}}</strong>",
"WEAK_DEVICE": "The web browser you're using is not powerful enough to encrypt your photos. Please try to log in to ente on your computer, or download the ente mobile/desktop app.",
"DRAG_AND_DROP_HINT": "Or drag and drop into the ente window",
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DELETION_MESSAGE": "Your uploaded data will be scheduled for deletion, and your account will be permanently deleted.<br/><br/>This action is not reversible.",
"AUTHENTICATE": "Authentifizieren",
"UPLOADED_TO_SINGLE_COLLECTION": "Uploaded to single collection",
"UPLOADED_TO_SEPARATE_COLLECTIONS": "Uploaded to separate collections",
"NEVERMIND": "Egal",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE": "Neue Version verfügbar",
"UPDATE_INSTALLABLE_MESSAGE": "A new version of ente is ready to be installed.",
"INSTALL_NOW": "Jetzt installieren",
"INSTALL_ON_NEXT_LAUNCH": "Beim nächsten Start installieren",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE": "A new version of ente has been released, but it cannot be automatically downloaded and installed.",
"DOWNLOAD_AND_INSTALL": "Download and install",
"IGNORE_THIS_VERSION": "Diese Version ignorieren",
"TODAY": "Heute",
"YESTERDAY": "Gestern",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED": "Cannot create albums from file/folder mix",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED_MESSAGE": "<p>You have dragged and dropped a mixture of files and folders.</p><p>Please provide either only files, or only folders when selecting option to create separate albums</p>",
"CHOSE_THEME": "Choose theme",
"ML_SEARCH": "Face recognition",
"ENABLE_ML_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will enable on-device machine learning and face search which will start analyzing your uploaded photos locally.</p><p>For the first run after login or enabling this feature, it will download all images on local device to analyze them. So please only enable this if you are ok with bandwidth and local processing of all images in your photo library.</p><p>If this is the first time you're enabling this, we'll also ask your permission to process face data.</p>",
"ML_MORE_DETAILS": "More details",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Enable face recognition",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Enable face recognition?",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>If you enable face recognition, ente will extract face geometry from your photos. This will happen on your device, and any generated biometric data will be end-to-encrypted.<p/><p><a>Please click here for more details about this feature in our privacy policy</a></p>",
"DISABLE_BETA": "Beta deaktivieren",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Disable face recognition",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Disable face recognition?",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>Ente will stop processing face geometry.</p><p>You can reenable face recognition again if you wish, so this operation is safe.</p>",
"ADVANCED": "Erweitert",
"FACE_SEARCH_CONFIRMATION": "I understand, and wish to allow ente to process face geometry",
"LABS": "Labs",
"YOURS": "yours",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_WEAK": "Passwortstärke: Schwach",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_MODERATE": "Password strength: Moderate",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_STRONG": "Passwortstärke: Stark",
"PREFERENCES": "Einstellungen",
"LANGUAGE": "Sprache",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Invalid export directory",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_MESSAGE": "<p>The export directory you have selected does not exist.</p><p> Please select a valid directory.</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_VERIFICATION_ERROR": "Subscription verification failed",
"B": "B",
"KB": "KB",
"MB": "MB",
"GB": "GB",
"TB": "TB"
"HOUR": "nach einer Stunde",
"DAY": "nach einem Tag",
"WEEK": "nach 1 Woche",
"MONTH": "nach einem Monat",
"YEAR": "nach einem Jahr"
"COPY_LINK": "Link kopieren",
"DONE": "Fertig",
"LINK_SHARE_TITLE": "Oder einen Link teilen",
"REMOVE_LINK": "Link entfernen",
"CREATE_PUBLIC_SHARING": "Öffentlichen Link erstellen",
"PUBLIC_LINK_CREATED": "Öffentlicher Link erstellt",
"PUBLIC_LINK_ENABLED": "Öffentlicher Link aktiviert",
"COLLECT_PHOTOS": "Collect photos",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT_SUBTEXT": "Allow people with the link to also add photos to the shared album.",
"STOP_EXPORT": "Stop",
"EXPORT_PROGRESS": "<a>{{progress.success, number}} / {{, number}}</a> items synced",
"MIGRATING_EXPORT": "Preparing...",
"RENAMING_COLLECTION_FOLDERS": "Renaming album folders...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_FILES": "Trashing deleted files...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_COLLECTIONS": "Trashing deleted albums...",
"START": "Export gestartet",
"IN_PROGRESS": "Export already in progress",
"FINISH": "Export abgeschlossen",
"UP_TO_DATE": "No new files to export"
"CONTINUOUS_EXPORT": "Sync continuously",
"TOTAL_ITEMS": "Total items",
"PENDING_ITEMS": "Pending items",
"EXPORT_STARTING": "Export starting...",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_REASON_LABEL": "What is the main reason you are deleting your account?",
"MISSING_FEATURE": "It's missing a key feature that I need",
"BROKEN_BEHAVIOR": "The app or a certain feature does not behave as I think it should",
"FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "I found another service that I like better",
"NOT_LISTED": "My reason isn't listed"
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_FEEDBACK_LABEL": "We are sorry to see you go. Please explain why you are leaving to help us improve.",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT_CHECKBOX_LABEL": "Yes, I want to permanently delete this account and all its data",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Kontolöschung bestätigen",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED": "Kindly help us with this information",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED_FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "What does the other service do better?",
"RECOVER_TWO_FACTOR": "Recover two-factor",
"at": "at",
"AUTH_NEXT": "Weiter",
"AUTH_DOWNLOAD_MOBILE_APP": "Download our mobile app to manage your secrets",
"HIDDEN": "Versteckt",
"HIDE": "Ausblenden",
"UNHIDE": "Einblenden",
"UNHIDE_TO_COLLECTION": "Unhide to album",
"SORT_BY": "Sortieren nach",
"NEWEST_FIRST": "Neueste zuerst",
"OLDEST_FIRST": "Älteste zuerst",
"CONVERSION_FAILED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE": "Diese Datei konnte nicht in der Vorschau angezeigt werden. Klicken Sie hier, um das Original herunterzuladen.",
"SELECT_COLLECTION": "Album auswählen",
"PIN_ALBUM": "Album anheften",
"UNPIN_ALBUM": "Album lösen",
"DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE": "Download complete",
"DOWNLOADING_COLLECTION": "Downloading {{name}}",
"DOWNLOAD_FAILED": "Download failed",
"DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS": "{{progress.current}} / {{}} files",
"CRASH_REPORTING": "Crash reporting",
"CHRISTMAS": "Christmas",
"CHRISTMAS_EVE": "Christmas Eve",
"NEW_YEAR": "New Year",
"NEW_YEAR_EVE": "New Year's Eve",
"IMAGE": "Image",
"VIDEO": "Video",
"LIVE_PHOTO": "Live Photo",
"CONVERT": "Convert",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to close the editor?",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_DESCRIPTION": "Download your edited image or save a copy to ente to persist your changes.",
"BRIGHTNESS": "Brightness",
"CONTRAST": "Contrast",
"SATURATION": "Saturation",
"BLUR": "Blur",
"INVERT_COLORS": "Invert Colors",
"ASPECT_RATIO": "Aspect Ratio",
"SQUARE": "Square",
"ROTATE_LEFT": "Rotate Left",
"ROTATE_RIGHT": "Rotate Right",
"FLIP_VERTICALLY": "Flip Vertically",
"FLIP_HORIZONTALLY": "Flip Horizontally",
"DOWNLOAD_EDITED": "Download Edited",
"SAVE_A_COPY_TO_ENTE": "Save a copy to ente",
"RESTORE_ORIGINAL": "Restore Original",
"TRANSFORM": "Transform",
"COLORS": "Colors",
"FLIP": "Flip",
"ROTATION": "Rotation",
"RESET": "Reset",
"PHOTO_EDITOR": "Photo Editor",
"FASTER_UPLOAD": "Faster uploads",
"FASTER_UPLOAD_DESCRIPTION": "Route uploads through nearby servers",
"MAGIC_SEARCH_STATUS": "Magic Search Status",
"INDEXED_ITEMS": "Indexed items",
"CAST_ALBUM_TO_TV": "Play album on TV",
"ENTER_CAST_PIN_CODE": "Enter the code you see on the TV below to pair this device.",
"PAIR_DEVICE_TO_TV": "Pair devices",
"TV_NOT_FOUND": "TV not found. Did you enter the PIN correctly?",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR": "Auto Pair",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR_REQUIRES_CONNECTION_TO_GOOGLE": "Auto Pair requires connecting to Google servers and only works with Chromecast supported devices. Google will not receive sensitive data, such as your photos.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN": "Pair with PIN",
"CHOOSE_DEVICE_FROM_BROWSER": "Choose a cast-compatible device from the browser popup.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN_WORKS_FOR_ANY_LARGE_SCREEN_DEVICE": "Pair with PIN works for any large screen device you want to play your album on.",
"VISIT_CAST_ENTE_IO": "Visit on the device you want to pair.",
"CAST_AUTO_PAIR_FAILED": "Chromecast Auto Pair failed. Please try again.",
"CACHE_DIRECTORY": "Cache folder",
"PASSKEYS": "Passkeys",
"FREEHAND": "Freehand",
"APPLY_CROP": "Apply Crop",
"PHOTO_EDIT_REQUIRED_TO_SAVE": "At least one transformation or color adjustment must be performed before saving."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
"HERO_SLIDE_1_TITLE": "<div>Private backups</div><div>for your memories</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_1": "End-to-end encrypted by default",
"HERO_SLIDE_2_TITLE": "<div>Safely stored</div><div>at a fallout shelter</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_2": "Designed to outlive",
"HERO_SLIDE_3_TITLE": "<div>Available</div><div> everywhere</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_3": "Android, iOS, Web, Desktop",
"LOGIN": "Login",
"SIGN_UP": "Signup",
"NEW_USER": "New to ente",
"EXISTING_USER": "Existing user",
"ENTER_NAME": "Enter name",
"PUBLIC_UPLOADER_NAME_MESSAGE": "Add a name so that your friends know who to thank for these great photos!",
"ENTER_EMAIL": "Enter email address",
"EMAIL_ERROR": "Enter a valid email",
"REQUIRED": "Required",
"EMAIL_SENT": "Verification code sent to <a>{{email}}</a>",
"CHECK_INBOX": "Please check your inbox (and spam) to complete verification",
"ENTER_OTT": "Verification code",
"RESEND_MAIL": "Resend code",
"VERIFY": "Verify",
"UNKNOWN_ERROR": "Something went wrong, please try again",
"INVALID_CODE": "Invalid verification code",
"EXPIRED_CODE": "Your verification code has expired",
"SENDING": "Sending...",
"SENT": "Sent!",
"PASSWORD": "Password",
"LINK_PASSWORD": "Enter password to unlock the album",
"SET_PASSPHRASE": "Set password",
"INCORRECT_PASSPHRASE": "Incorrect password",
"ENTER_ENC_PASSPHRASE": "Please enter a password that we can use to encrypt your data",
"PASSPHRASE_DISCLAIMER": "We don't store your password, so if you forget it, <strong>we will not be able to help you </strong>recover your data without a recovery key.",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_HEADING": "Welcome to <a/>",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_SUBHEADING": "End to end encrypted photo storage and sharing",
"WHERE_YOUR_BEST_PHOTOS_LIVE": "Where your best photos live",
"KEY_GENERATION_IN_PROGRESS_MESSAGE": "Generating encryption keys...",
"PASSPHRASE_HINT": "Password",
"CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm password",
"REFERRAL_CODE_HINT": "How did you hear about Ente? (optional)",
"REFERRAL_INFO": "We don't track app installs, It'd help us if you told us where you found us!",
"PASSPHRASE_MATCH_ERROR": "Passwords don't match",
"CONSOLE_WARNING_DESC": "This is a browser feature intended for developers. Please don't copy-paste unverified code here.",
"ENTER_ALBUM_NAME": "Album name",
"CLOSE_OPTION": "Close (Esc)",
"ENTER_FILE_NAME": "File name",
"CLOSE": "Close",
"NO": "No",
"NOTHING_HERE": "Nothing to see here yet 👀",
"UPLOAD": "Upload",
"IMPORT": "Import",
"ADD_PHOTOS": "Add photos",
"ADD_MORE_PHOTOS": "Add more photos",
"add_photos_one": "Add 1 item",
"add_photos_other": "Add {{count, number}} items",
"SELECT_PHOTOS": "Select photos",
"FILE_UPLOAD": "File Upload",
"0": "Preparing to upload",
"1": "Reading google metadata files",
"2": "{{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / {{, number}} files metadata extracted",
"3": "{{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / {{, number}} files processed",
"4": "Cancelling remaining uploads",
"5": "Backup complete"
"FILE_NOT_UPLOADED_LIST": "The following files were not uploaded",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED": "Subscription expired",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Your subscription has expired, please <a>renew</a>",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED": "Storage limit exceeded",
"INITIAL_LOAD_DELAY_WARNING": "First load may take some time",
"USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Sorry, could not find a user with that email",
"NO_ACCOUNT": "Don't have an account",
"ACCOUNT_EXISTS": "Already have an account",
"CREATE": "Create",
"DOWNLOAD": "Download",
"DOWNLOAD_OPTION": "Download (D)",
"DOWNLOAD_FAVORITES": "Download favorites",
"DOWNLOAD_UNCATEGORIZED": "Download uncategorized",
"DOWNLOAD_HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Download hidden items",
"COPY_OPTION": "Copy as PNG (Ctrl/Cmd - C)",
"TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN": "Toggle fullscreen (F)",
"ZOOM_IN_OUT": "Zoom in/out",
"PREVIOUS": "Previous (←)",
"NEXT": "Next (→)",
"TITLE_PHOTOS": "Ente Photos",
"TITLE_ALBUMS": "Ente Photos",
"TITLE_AUTH": "Ente Auth",
"UPLOAD_FIRST_PHOTO": "Upload your first photo",
"IMPORT_YOUR_FOLDERS": "Import your folders",
"UPLOAD_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Drop to backup your files",
"WATCH_FOLDER_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Drop to add watched folder",
"TRASH_FILES_TITLE": "Delete files?",
"TRASH_FILE_TITLE": "Delete file?",
"DELETE_FILES_TITLE": "Delete immediately?",
"DELETE_FILES_MESSAGE": "Selected files will be permanently deleted from your ente account.",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"DELETE_OPTION": "Delete (DEL)",
"FAVORITE_OPTION": "Favorite (L)",
"UNFAVORITE_OPTION": "Unfavorite (L)",
"MULTI_FOLDER_UPLOAD": "Multiple folders detected",
"UPLOAD_STRATEGY_CHOICE": "Would you like to upload them into",
"OR": "or",
"SESSION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Your session has expired, please login again to continue",
"SESSION_EXPIRED": "Session expired",
"PASSWORD_GENERATION_FAILED": "Your browser was unable to generate a strong key that meets ente's encryption standards, please try using the mobile app or another browser",
"CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Change password",
"GO_BACK": "Go back",
"RECOVERY_KEY": "Recovery key",
"SAVE_LATER": "Do this later",
"SAVE": "Save Key",
"RECOVERY_KEY_DESCRIPTION": "If you forget your password, the only way you can recover your data is with this key.",
"RECOVER_KEY_GENERATION_FAILED": "Recovery code could not be generated, please try again",
"KEY_NOT_STORED_DISCLAIMER": "We don't store this key, so please save this in a safe place",
"FORGOT_PASSWORD": "Forgot password",
"RECOVER_ACCOUNT": "Recover account",
"RECOVERY_KEY_HINT": "Recovery key",
"RECOVER": "Recover",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY": "No recovery key?",
"INCORRECT_RECOVERY_KEY": "Incorrect recovery key",
"SORRY": "Sorry",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Due to the nature of our end-to-end encryption protocol, your data cannot be decrypted without your password or recovery key",
"NO_TWO_FACTOR_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Please drop an email to <a>{{emailID}}</a> from your registered email address",
"CONTACT_SUPPORT": "Contact support",
"REQUEST_FEATURE": "Request Feature",
"SUPPORT": "Support",
"CONFIRM": "Confirm",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"LOGOUT": "Logout",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Delete account",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE": "<p>Please send an email to <a>{{emailID}}</a> from your registered email address.</p><p>Your request will be processed within 72 hours.</p>",
"LOGOUT_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to logout?",
"CHANGE_EMAIL": "Change email",
"OK": "OK",
"SUCCESS": "Success",
"ERROR": "Error",
"MESSAGE": "Message",
"INSTALL_MOBILE_APP": "Install our <a>Android</a> or <b>iOS</b> app to automatically backup all your photos",
"DOWNLOAD_APP_MESSAGE": "Sorry, this operation is currently only supported on our desktop app",
"DOWNLOAD_APP": "Download desktop app",
"EXPORT": "Export Data",
"SUBSCRIPTION": "Subscription",
"SUBSCRIBE": "Subscribe",
"MANAGEMENT_PORTAL": "Manage payment method",
"MANAGE_FAMILY_PORTAL": "Manage family",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_PLAN": "Leave family plan",
"LEAVE": "Leave",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_CONFIRM": "Are you sure that you want to leave family plan?",
"CHOOSE_PLAN": "Choose your plan",
"MANAGE_PLAN": "Manage your subscription",
"ACTIVE": "Active",
"OFFLINE_MSG": "You are offline, cached memories are being shown",
"FREE_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "You are on the <strong>free</strong> plan that expires on {{date, dateTime}}",
"FAMILY_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "You are on a family plan managed by",
"RENEWAL_ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS": "Renews on {{date, dateTime}}",
"RENEWAL_CANCELLED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Your subscription will be cancelled on {{date, dateTime}}",
"ADD_ON_AVAILABLE_TILL": "Your {{storage, string}} add-on is valid till {{date, dateTime}}",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "You have exceeded your storage quota, please <a>upgrade</a>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_SUCCESS": "<p>We've received your payment</p><p>Your subscription is valid till <strong>{{date, dateTime}}</strong></p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_CANCELLED": "Your purchase was canceled, please try again if you want to subscribe",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_FAILED": "Subscription purchase failed , please try again",
"SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATE_FAILED": "Subscription updated failed , please try again",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD_MESSAGE": "We are sorry, payment failed when we tried to charge your card, please update your payment method and try again",
"STRIPE_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED": "We are unable to authenticate your payment method. please choose a different payment method and try again",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD": "Update payment method",
"MONTHLY": "Monthly",
"YEARLY": "Yearly",
"UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to change your plan?",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION": "Cancel subscription",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "<p>All of your data will be deleted from our servers at the end of this billing period.</p><p>Are you sure that you want to cancel your subscription?</p>",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_WITH_ADDON_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure you want to cancel your subscription?</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_FAILED": "Failed to cancel subscription",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_SUCCESS": "Subscription canceled successfully",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Reactivate subscription",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Once reactivated, you will be billed on {{date, dateTime}}",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_SUCCESS": "Subscription activated successfully ",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_FAILED": "Failed to reactivate subscription renewals",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE": "Cancel mobile subscription",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE_MESSAGE": "Please cancel your subscription from the mobile app to activate a subscription here",
"MAIL_TO_MANAGE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Please contact us at <a>{{emailID}}</a> to manage your subscription",
"RENAME": "Rename",
"RENAME_FILE": "Rename file",
"RENAME_COLLECTION": "Rename album",
"DELETE_COLLECTION": "Delete album",
"DELETE_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "Also delete the photos (and videos) present in this album from <a>all</a> other albums they are part of?",
"DELETE_PHOTOS": "Delete photos",
"KEEP_PHOTOS": "Keep photos",
"SHARE": "Share",
"SHARE_COLLECTION": "Share album",
"SHAREES": "Shared with",
"SHARE_WITH_SELF": "Oops, you cannot share with yourself",
"ALREADY_SHARED": "Oops, you're already sharing this with {{email}}",
"SHARING_BAD_REQUEST_ERROR": "Sharing album not allowed",
"SHARING_DISABLED_FOR_FREE_ACCOUNTS": "Sharing is disabled for free accounts",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION": "Download album",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure you want to download the complete album?</p><p>All files will be queued for download sequentially</p>",
"CREATE_ALBUM_FAILED": "Failed to create album , please try again",
"SEARCH": "Search",
"SEARCH_RESULTS": "Search results",
"NO_RESULTS": "No results found",
"SEARCH_HINT": "Search for albums, dates, descriptions, ...",
"COLLECTION": "Album",
"LOCATION": "Location",
"CITY": "Location",
"DATE": "Date",
"FILE_NAME": "File name",
"THING": "Content",
"FILE_CAPTION": "Description",
"FILE_TYPE": "File type",
"CLIP": "Magic"
"photos_count_zero": "No memories",
"photos_count_one": "1 memory",
"photos_count_other": "{{count, number}} memories",
"TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS": "I agree to the <a>terms</a> and <b>privacy policy</b>",
"ADD_TO_COLLECTION": "Add to album",
"SELECTED": "selected",
"VIDEO_PLAYBACK_FAILED_DOWNLOAD_INSTEAD": "This video cannot be played on your browser",
"PEOPLE": "People",
"INDEXING_SCHEDULED": "Indexing is scheduled...",
"ANALYZING_PHOTOS": "Indexing photos ({{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} / {{indexStatus.nTotalFiles,number}})",
"INDEXING_PEOPLE": "Indexing people in {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} photos...",
"INDEXING_DONE": "Indexed {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} photos",
"UNIDENTIFIED_FACES": "unidentified faces",
"OBJECTS": "objects",
"TEXT": "text",
"INFO": "Info ",
"INFO_OPTION": "Info (I)",
"FILE_NAME": "File name",
"CAPTION_PLACEHOLDER": "Add a description",
"LOCATION": "Location",
"SHOW_ON_MAP": "View on OpenStreetMap",
"MAP": "Map",
"MAP_SETTINGS": "Map Settings",
"ENABLE_MAPS": "Enable Maps?",
"ENABLE_MAP": "Enable map",
"DISABLE_MAPS": "Disable Maps?",
"ENABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will show your photos on a world map.</p> <p>The map is hosted by <a>OpenStreetMap</a>, and the exact locations of your photos are never shared.</p> <p>You can disable this feature anytime from Settings.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will disable the display of your photos on a world map.</p> <p>You can enable this feature anytime from Settings.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP": "Disable map",
"DETAILS": "Details",
"VIEW_EXIF": "View all EXIF data",
"NO_EXIF": "No EXIF data",
"ISO": "ISO",
"TWO_FACTOR": "Two-factor",
"TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION": "Two-factor authentication",
"TWO_FACTOR_QR_INSTRUCTION": "Scan the QR code below with your favorite authenticator app",
"ENTER_CODE_MANUALLY": "Enter the code manually",
"TWO_FACTOR_MANUAL_CODE_INSTRUCTION": "Please enter this code in your favorite authenticator app",
"SCAN_QR_CODE": "Scan QR code instead",
"ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Enable two-factor",
"ENABLE": "Enable",
"LOST_DEVICE": "Lost two-factor device",
"INCORRECT_CODE": "Incorrect code",
"TWO_FACTOR_INFO": "Add an additional layer of security by requiring more than your email and password to log in to your account",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Disable two-factor authentication",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Update your authenticator device",
"DISABLE": "Disable",
"RECONFIGURE": "Reconfigure",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR": "Update two-factor",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Continuing forward will void any previously configured authenticators",
"UPDATE": "Update",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Disable two-factor",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to disable your two-factor authentication",
"TWO_FACTOR_DISABLE_FAILED": "Failed to disable two factor, please try again",
"EXPORT_DATA": "Export data",
"SELECT_FOLDER": "Select folder",
"DESTINATION": "Destination",
"START": "Start",
"LAST_EXPORT_TIME": "Last export time",
"EXPORT_AGAIN": "Resync",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE": "Local storage not accessible",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE_MESSAGE": "Your browser or an addon is blocking ente from saving data into local storage. please try loading this page after switching your browsing mode.",
"SEND_OTT": "Send OTP",
"EMAIl_ALREADY_OWNED": "Email already taken",
"ETAGS_BLOCKED": "<p>We were unable to upload the following files because of your browser configuration.</p><p>Please disable any addons that might be preventing ente from using <code>eTags</code> to upload large files, or use our <a>desktop app</a> for a more reliable import experience.</p>",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS_INFO": "<p>Presently we do not support adding videos via public links.</p><p>To share videos, please <a>signup</a> for ente and share with the intended recipients using their email.</p>",
"LIVE_PHOTOS_DETECTED": "The photo and video files from your Live Photos have been merged into a single file",
"RETRY_FAILED": "Retry failed uploads",
"FAILED_UPLOADS": "Failed uploads ",
"SKIPPED_FILES": "Ignored uploads",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_UPLOADS": "Thumbnail generation failed",
"UNSUPPORTED_FILES": "Unsupported files",
"SUCCESSFUL_UPLOADS": "Successful uploads",
"SKIPPED_INFO": "Skipped these as there are files with matching names in the same album",
"UNSUPPORTED_INFO": "ente does not support these file formats yet",
"BLOCKED_UPLOADS": "Blocked uploads",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS": "Skipped videos",
"INPROGRESS_UPLOADS": "Uploads in progress",
"TOO_LARGE_UPLOADS": "Large files",
"LARGER_THAN_AVAILABLE_STORAGE_INFO": "These files were not uploaded as they exceed the maximum size limit for your storage plan",
"TOO_LARGE_INFO": "These files were not uploaded as they exceed our maximum file size limit",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_INFO": "These files were uploaded, but unfortunately we could not generate the thumbnails for them.",
"UPLOAD_TO_COLLECTION": "Upload to album",
"UNCATEGORIZED": "Uncategorized",
"ARCHIVE": "Archive",
"FAVORITES": "Favorites",
"ARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Archive album",
"MOVE_TO_COLLECTION": "Move to album",
"UNARCHIVE": "Unarchive",
"UNARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Unarchive album",
"HIDE_COLLECTION": "Hide album",
"UNHIDE_COLLECTION": "Unhide album",
"MOVE": "Move",
"ADD": "Add",
"REMOVE": "Remove",
"YES_REMOVE": "Yes, remove",
"REMOVE_FROM_COLLECTION": "Remove from album",
"TRASH": "Trash",
"MOVE_TO_TRASH": "Move to trash",
"TRASH_FILES_MESSAGE": "Selected files will be removed from all albums and moved to trash.",
"TRASH_FILE_MESSAGE": "The file will be removed from all albums and moved to trash.",
"DELETE_PERMANENTLY": "Delete permanently",
"RESTORE": "Restore",
"RESTORE_TO_COLLECTION": "Restore to album",
"EMPTY_TRASH": "Empty trash",
"EMPTY_TRASH_TITLE": "Empty trash?",
"EMPTY_TRASH_MESSAGE": "These files will be permanently deleted from your ente account.",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM": "Yes, leave",
"LEAVE_ALBUM": "Leave album",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_TITLE": "Leave shared album?",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_MESSAGE": "You will leave the album, and it will stop being visible to you.",
"NOT_FILE_OWNER": "You cannot delete files in a shared album",
"CONFIRM_SELF_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Selected items will be removed from this album. Items which are only in this album will be moved to Uncategorized.",
"CONFIRM_SELF_AND_OTHER_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Some of the items you are removing were added by other people, and you will lose access to them.",
"SORT_BY_NAME": "Name",
"COMPRESS_THUMBNAILS": "Compress thumbnails",
"THUMBNAIL_REPLACED": "Thumbnails compressed",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL": "Compress",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL_LATER": "Compress later",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOT_STARTED": "Some of your videos thumbnails can be compressed to save space. would you like ente to compress them?",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED": "Successfully compressed all thumbnails",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOOP": "You have no thumbnails that can be compressed further",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "Could not compress some of your thumbnails, please retry",
"FIX_CREATION_TIME": "Fix time",
"CREATION_TIME_UPDATED": "File time updated",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_NOT_STARTED": "Select the option you want to use",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED": "Successfully updated all files",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "File time updation failed for some files, please retry",
"CAPTION_CHARACTER_LIMIT": "5000 characters max",
"DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL": "EXIF:DateTimeOriginal",
"DATE_TIME_DIGITIZED": "EXIF:DateTimeDigitized",
"METADATA_DATE": "EXIF:MetadataDate",
"CUSTOM_TIME": "Custom time",
"OPEN_PLAN_SELECTOR_MODAL_FAILED": "Failed to open plans",
"INSTALL": "Install",
"SHARING_DETAILS": "Sharing details",
"MODIFY_SHARING": "Modify sharing",
"ADD_COLLABORATORS": "Add collaborators",
"ADD_NEW_EMAIL": "Add a new email",
"shared_with_people_zero": "Share with specific people",
"shared_with_people_one": "Shared with 1 person",
"shared_with_people_other": "Shared with {{count, number}} people",
"participants_zero": "No participants",
"participants_one": "1 participant",
"participants_other": "{{count, number}} participants",
"ADD_VIEWERS": "Add viewers",
"PARTICIPANTS": "Participants",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_VIEWER": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} will not be able to add more photos to the album</p> <p>They will still be able to remove photos added by them</p>",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_COLLABORATOR": "{{selectedEmail}} will be able to add photos to the album",
"CONVERT_TO_VIEWER": "Yes, convert to viewer",
"CONVERT_TO_COLLABORATOR": "Yes, convert to collaborator",
"CHANGE_PERMISSION": "Change permission?",
"CONFIRM_REMOVE": "Yes, remove",
"MANAGE": "Manage",
"ADDED_AS": "Added as",
"COLLABORATOR_RIGHTS": "Collaborators can add photos and videos to the shared album",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_HEAD": "Remove participant",
"OWNER": "Owner",
"COLLABORATORS": "Collaborators",
"ADD_MORE": "Add more",
"VIEWERS": "Viewers",
"OR_ADD_EXISTING": "Or pick an existing one",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_MESSAGE": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} will be removed from the album</p> <p>Any photos added by them will also be removed from the album</p>",
"NOT_FOUND": "404 - not found",
"LINK_EXPIRED": "Link expired",
"LINK_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "This link has either expired or been disabled!",
"MANAGE_LINK": "Manage link",
"LINK_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS": "Sorry, this album has been viewed on too many devices!",
"FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Allow downloads",
"LINK_PASSWORD_LOCK": "Password lock",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT": "Allow adding photos",
"LINK_DEVICE_LIMIT": "Device limit",
"LINK_EXPIRY": "Link expiry",
"NEVER": "Never",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Disable download",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure that you want to disable the download button for files?</p><p>Viewers can still take screenshots or save a copy of your photos using external tools.</p>",
"MALICIOUS_CONTENT": "Contains malicious content",
"COPYRIGHT": "Infringes on the copyright of someone I am authorized to represent",
"SHARED_USING": "Shared using ",
"ENTE_IO": "",
"SHARING_REFERRAL_CODE": "Use code <strong>{{referralCode}}</strong> to get 10 GB free",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD": "Disable password lock",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to disable the password lock?",
"PASSWORD_LOCK": "Password lock",
"LOCK": "Lock",
"UPLOAD_DIRS": "Folder",
"UPLOAD_GOOGLE_TAKEOUT": "Google takeout",
"DEDUPLICATE_FILES": "Deduplicate files",
"NO_DUPLICATES_FOUND": "You've no duplicate files that can be cleared",
"CLUB_BY_CAPTURE_TIME": "Club by capture time",
"FILES": "Files",
"EACH": "Each",
"DEDUPLICATE_BASED_ON_SIZE": "The following files were clubbed based on their sizes, please review and delete items you believe are duplicates",
"STOP_ALL_UPLOADS_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to stop all the uploads in progress?",
"STOP_UPLOADS_HEADER": "Stop uploads?",
"YES_STOP_UPLOADS": "Yes, stop uploads",
"STOP_DOWNLOADS_HEADER": "Stop downloads?",
"YES_STOP_DOWNLOADS": "Yes, stop downloads",
"STOP_ALL_DOWNLOADS_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to stop all the downloads in progress?",
"albums_one": "1 Album",
"albums_other": "{{count, number}} Albums",
"ALL_ALBUMS": "All Albums",
"ALBUMS": "Albums",
"ALL_HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "All hidden albums",
"HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "Hidden albums",
"HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Hidden items",
"ENTER_TWO_FACTOR_OTP": "Enter the 6-digit code from your authenticator app.",
"CREATE_ACCOUNT": "Create account",
"COPIED": "Copied",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_TITLE": "Unable to generate thumbnail",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_MESSAGE": "<p>It looks like your browser has disabled access to canvas, which is necessary to generate thumbnails for your photos </p> <p> Please enable access to your browser's canvas, or check out our desktop app</p>",
"WATCH_FOLDERS": "Watch folders",
"UPGRADE_NOW": "Upgrade now",
"RENEW_NOW": "Renew now",
"STORAGE": "Storage",
"USED": "used",
"YOU": "You",
"FAMILY": "Family",
"FREE": "free",
"OF": "of",
"WATCHED_FOLDERS": "Watched folders",
"NO_FOLDERS_ADDED": "No folders added yet!",
"FOLDERS_AUTOMATICALLY_MONITORED": "The folders you add here will monitored to automatically",
"UPLOAD_NEW_FILES_TO_ENTE": "Upload new files to ente",
"REMOVE_DELETED_FILES_FROM_ENTE": "Remove deleted files from ente",
"ADD_FOLDER": "Add folder",
"STOP_WATCHING": "Stop watching",
"STOP_WATCHING_FOLDER": "Stop watching folder?",
"STOP_WATCHING_DIALOG_MESSAGE": "Your existing files will not be deleted, but ente will stop automatically updating the linked ente album on changes in this folder.",
"YES_STOP": "Yes, stop",
"MONTH_SHORT": "mo",
"YEAR": "year",
"FAMILY_PLAN": "Family plan",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS": "Download logs",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS_MESSAGE": "<p>This will download debug logs, which you can email to us to help debug your issue.</p><p> Please note that file names will be included to help track issues with specific files. </p>",
"CHANGE_FOLDER": "Change Folder",
"TWO_MONTHS_FREE": "Get 2 months free on yearly plans",
"GB": "GB",
"POPULAR": "Popular",
"FREE_PLAN_OPTION_LABEL": "Continue with free trial",
"FREE_PLAN_DESCRIPTION": "1 GB for 1 year",
"CURRENT_USAGE": "Current usage is <strong>{{usage}}</strong>",
"WEAK_DEVICE": "The web browser you're using is not powerful enough to encrypt your photos. Please try to log in to ente on your computer, or download the ente mobile/desktop app.",
"DRAG_AND_DROP_HINT": "Or drag and drop into the ente window",
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DELETION_MESSAGE": "Your uploaded data will be scheduled for deletion, and your account will be permanently deleted.<br/><br/>This action is not reversible.",
"AUTHENTICATE": "Authenticate",
"UPLOADED_TO_SINGLE_COLLECTION": "Uploaded to single collection",
"UPLOADED_TO_SEPARATE_COLLECTIONS": "Uploaded to separate collections",
"NEVERMIND": "Nevermind",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE": "Update available",
"UPDATE_INSTALLABLE_MESSAGE": "A new version of ente is ready to be installed.",
"INSTALL_NOW": "Install now",
"INSTALL_ON_NEXT_LAUNCH": "Install on next launch",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE": "A new version of ente has been released, but it cannot be automatically downloaded and installed.",
"DOWNLOAD_AND_INSTALL": "Download and install",
"IGNORE_THIS_VERSION": "Ignore this version",
"TODAY": "Today",
"YESTERDAY": "Yesterday",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED": "Cannot create albums from file/folder mix",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED_MESSAGE": "<p>You have dragged and dropped a mixture of files and folders.</p><p>Please provide either only files, or only folders when selecting option to create separate albums</p>",
"CHOSE_THEME": "Choose theme",
"ML_SEARCH": "Face recognition",
"ENABLE_ML_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will enable on-device machine learning and face search which will start analyzing your uploaded photos locally.</p><p>For the first run after login or enabling this feature, it will download all images on local device to analyze them. So please only enable this if you are ok with bandwidth and local processing of all images in your photo library.</p><p>If this is the first time you're enabling this, we'll also ask your permission to process face data.</p>",
"ML_MORE_DETAILS": "More details",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Enable face recognition",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Enable face recognition?",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>If you enable face recognition, ente will extract face geometry from your photos. This will happen on your device, and any generated biometric data will be end-to-encrypted.<p/><p><a>Please click here for more details about this feature in our privacy policy</a></p>",
"DISABLE_BETA": "Pause recognition",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Disable face recognition",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Disable face recognition?",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>Ente will stop processing face geometry.</p><p>You can reenable face recognition again if you wish, so this operation is safe.</p>",
"ADVANCED": "Advanced",
"FACE_SEARCH_CONFIRMATION": "I understand, and wish to allow ente to process face geometry",
"LABS": "Labs",
"YOURS": "yours",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_WEAK": "Password strength: Weak",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_MODERATE": "Password strength: Moderate",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_STRONG": "Password strength: Strong",
"PREFERENCES": "Preferences",
"LANGUAGE": "Language",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Invalid export directory",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_MESSAGE": "<p>The export directory you have selected does not exist.</p><p> Please select a valid directory.</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_VERIFICATION_ERROR": "Subscription verification failed",
"B": "B",
"KB": "KB",
"MB": "MB",
"GB": "GB",
"TB": "TB"
"HOUR": "after an hour",
"DAY": "after a day",
"WEEK": "after a week",
"MONTH": "after a month",
"YEAR": "after a year"
"COPY_LINK": "Copy link",
"DONE": "Done",
"LINK_SHARE_TITLE": "Or share a link",
"REMOVE_LINK": "Remove link",
"CREATE_PUBLIC_SHARING": "Create public link",
"PUBLIC_LINK_CREATED": "Public link created",
"PUBLIC_LINK_ENABLED": "Public link enabled",
"COLLECT_PHOTOS": "Collect photos",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT_SUBTEXT": "Allow people with the link to also add photos to the shared album.",
"STOP_EXPORT": "Stop",
"EXPORT_PROGRESS": "<a>{{progress.success, number}} / {{, number}}</a> items synced",
"MIGRATING_EXPORT": "Preparing...",
"RENAMING_COLLECTION_FOLDERS": "Renaming album folders...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_FILES": "Trashing deleted files...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_COLLECTIONS": "Trashing deleted albums...",
"START": "Export started",
"IN_PROGRESS": "Export already in progress",
"FINISH": "Export finished",
"UP_TO_DATE": "No new files to export"
"CONTINUOUS_EXPORT": "Sync continuously",
"TOTAL_ITEMS": "Total items",
"PENDING_ITEMS": "Pending items",
"EXPORT_STARTING": "Export starting...",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_REASON_LABEL": "What is the main reason you are deleting your account?",
"MISSING_FEATURE": "It's missing a key feature that I need",
"BROKEN_BEHAVIOR": "The app or a certain feature does not behave as I think it should",
"FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "I found another service that I like better",
"NOT_LISTED": "My reason isn't listed"
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_FEEDBACK_LABEL": "We are sorry to see you go. Please explain why you are leaving to help us improve.",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT_CHECKBOX_LABEL": "Yes, I want to permanently delete this account and all its data",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Confirm Account Deletion",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED": "Kindly help us with this information",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED_FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "What does the other service do better?",
"RECOVER_TWO_FACTOR": "Recover two-factor",
"at": "at",
"AUTH_NEXT": "next",
"AUTH_DOWNLOAD_MOBILE_APP": "Download our mobile app to manage your secrets",
"HIDDEN": "Hidden",
"HIDE": "Hide",
"UNHIDE": "Unhide",
"UNHIDE_TO_COLLECTION": "Unhide to album",
"SORT_BY": "Sort by",
"NEWEST_FIRST": "Newest first",
"OLDEST_FIRST": "Oldest first",
"CONVERSION_FAILED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE": "This file could not be previewed. Click here to download the original.",
"SELECT_COLLECTION": "Select album",
"PIN_ALBUM": "Pin album",
"UNPIN_ALBUM": "Unpin album",
"DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE": "Download complete",
"DOWNLOADING_COLLECTION": "Downloading {{name}}",
"DOWNLOAD_FAILED": "Download failed",
"DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS": "{{progress.current}} / {{}} files",
"CRASH_REPORTING": "Crash reporting",
"CHRISTMAS": "Christmas",
"CHRISTMAS_EVE": "Christmas Eve",
"NEW_YEAR": "New Year",
"NEW_YEAR_EVE": "New Year's Eve",
"IMAGE": "Image",
"VIDEO": "Video",
"LIVE_PHOTO": "Live Photo",
"CONVERT": "Convert",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to close the editor?",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_DESCRIPTION": "Download your edited image or save a copy to ente to persist your changes.",
"BRIGHTNESS": "Brightness",
"CONTRAST": "Contrast",
"SATURATION": "Saturation",
"BLUR": "Blur",
"INVERT_COLORS": "Invert Colors",
"ASPECT_RATIO": "Aspect Ratio",
"SQUARE": "Square",
"ROTATE_LEFT": "Rotate Left",
"ROTATE_RIGHT": "Rotate Right",
"FLIP_VERTICALLY": "Flip Vertically",
"FLIP_HORIZONTALLY": "Flip Horizontally",
"DOWNLOAD_EDITED": "Download Edited",
"SAVE_A_COPY_TO_ENTE": "Save a copy to ente",
"RESTORE_ORIGINAL": "Restore Original",
"TRANSFORM": "Transform",
"COLORS": "Colors",
"FLIP": "Flip",
"ROTATION": "Rotation",
"RESET": "Reset",
"PHOTO_EDITOR": "Photo Editor",
"FASTER_UPLOAD": "Faster uploads",
"FASTER_UPLOAD_DESCRIPTION": "Route uploads through nearby servers",
"MAGIC_SEARCH_STATUS": "Magic Search Status",
"INDEXED_ITEMS": "Indexed items",
"CAST_ALBUM_TO_TV": "Play album on TV",
"ENTER_CAST_PIN_CODE": "Enter the code you see on the TV below to pair this device.",
"PAIR_DEVICE_TO_TV": "Pair devices",
"TV_NOT_FOUND": "TV not found. Did you enter the PIN correctly?",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR": "Auto Pair",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR_REQUIRES_CONNECTION_TO_GOOGLE": "Auto Pair requires connecting to Google servers and only works with Chromecast supported devices. Google will not receive sensitive data, such as your photos.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN": "Pair with PIN",
"CHOOSE_DEVICE_FROM_BROWSER": "Choose a cast-compatible device from the browser popup.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN_WORKS_FOR_ANY_LARGE_SCREEN_DEVICE": "Pair with PIN works for any large screen device you want to play your album on.",
"VISIT_CAST_ENTE_IO": "Visit on the device you want to pair.",
"CAST_AUTO_PAIR_FAILED": "Chromecast Auto Pair failed. Please try again.",
"CACHE_DIRECTORY": "Cache folder",
"PASSKEYS": "Passkeys",
"FREEHAND": "Freehand",
"APPLY_CROP": "Apply Crop",
"PHOTO_EDIT_REQUIRED_TO_SAVE": "At least one transformation or color adjustment must be performed before saving."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
"HERO_SLIDE_1_TITLE": "<div>Copias de seguridad privadas</div><div>para su recuerdos</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_1": "Encriptado de extremo a extremo por defecto",
"HERO_SLIDE_2_TITLE": "<div>Almacenado de forma segura</div><div>en un refugio de llenos</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_2": "Diseñado para superar",
"HERO_SLIDE_3_TITLE": "<div>Disponible</div><div> en todas partes</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_3": "Android, iOS, web, computadora",
"LOGIN": "Conectar",
"SIGN_UP": "Registro",
"NEW_USER": "Nuevo en ente",
"EXISTING_USER": "Usuario existente",
"ENTER_NAME": "Introducir nombre",
"PUBLIC_UPLOADER_NAME_MESSAGE": "¡Añade un nombre para que tus amigos sepan a quién dar las gracias por estas fotos geniales!",
"ENTER_EMAIL": "Introducir email",
"EMAIL_ERROR": "Introduce un email válido",
"REQUIRED": "Requerido",
"EMAIL_SENT": "Código de verificación enviado al <a>{{email}}</a>",
"CHECK_INBOX": "Revisa tu bandeja de entrada (y spam) para completar la verificación",
"ENTER_OTT": "Código de verificación",
"RESEND_MAIL": "Reenviar el código",
"VERIFY": "Verificar",
"UNKNOWN_ERROR": "Se produjo un error. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo",
"INVALID_CODE": "Código de verificación inválido",
"EXPIRED_CODE": "Código de verificación expirado",
"SENDING": "Enviando...",
"SENT": "Enviado!",
"PASSWORD": "Contraseña",
"LINK_PASSWORD": "Introducir contraseña para desbloquear el álbum",
"SET_PASSPHRASE": "Definir contraseña",
"INCORRECT_PASSPHRASE": "Contraseña incorrecta",
"ENTER_ENC_PASSPHRASE": "Introducir una contraseña que podamos usar para cifrar sus datos",
"PASSPHRASE_DISCLAIMER": "No guardamos su contraseña, así que si la olvida, <strong>no podremos ayudarte </strong>a recuperar tus datos sin una clave de recuperación.",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_HEADING": "Bienvenido a <a/>",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_SUBHEADING": "Almacenamiento y compartición de fotos cifradas de extremo a extremo",
"WHERE_YOUR_BEST_PHOTOS_LIVE": "Donde vivan su mejores fotos",
"KEY_GENERATION_IN_PROGRESS_MESSAGE": "Generando claves de encriptación...",
"PASSPHRASE_HINT": "Contraseña",
"CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirmar contraseña",
"REFERRAL_CODE_HINT": "How did you hear about Ente? (optional)",
"REFERRAL_INFO": "We don't track app installs, It'd help us if you told us where you found us!",
"PASSPHRASE_MATCH_ERROR": "Las contraseñas no coinciden",
"CONSOLE_WARNING_DESC": "Esta es una característica del navegador destinada a los desarrolladores. Por favor, no copie y pegue código sin verificar aquí.",
"CREATE_COLLECTION": "Nuevo álbum",
"ENTER_ALBUM_NAME": "Nombre del álbum",
"CLOSE_OPTION": "Cerrar (Esc)",
"ENTER_FILE_NAME": "Nombre del archivo",
"CLOSE": "Cerrar",
"NO": "No",
"NOTHING_HERE": "Nada para ver aquí aún 👀",
"UPLOAD": "Cargar",
"IMPORT": "Importar",
"ADD_PHOTOS": "Añadir fotos",
"ADD_MORE_PHOTOS": "Añadir más fotos",
"add_photos_one": "Añadir 1 foto",
"add_photos_other": "Añadir {{count}} fotos",
"SELECT_PHOTOS": "Seleccionar fotos",
"FILE_UPLOAD": "Subir archivo",
"0": "Preparando la subida",
"1": "Leyendo archivos de metadatos de google",
"2": "{{uploadCounter.finished}} / {{}} archivos metadatos extraídos",
"3": "{{uploadCounter.finished}} / {{}} archivos metadatos extraídos",
"4": "Cancelar subidas restantes",
"5": "Copia de seguridad completa"
"FILE_NOT_UPLOADED_LIST": "Los siguientes archivos no se han subido",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED": "Suscripción caducada",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Tu suscripción ha caducado, por favor <a>renuévala</a>",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED": "Límite de datos excedido",
"INITIAL_LOAD_DELAY_WARNING": "La primera carga puede tomar algún tiempo",
"USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Lo sentimos, no se pudo encontrar un usuario con ese email",
"NO_ACCOUNT": "No tienes una cuenta",
"ACCOUNT_EXISTS": "Ya tienes una cuenta",
"CREATE": "Crear",
"DOWNLOAD": "Descargar",
"DOWNLOAD_OPTION": "Descargar (D)",
"DOWNLOAD_FAVORITES": "Descargar favoritos",
"DOWNLOAD_UNCATEGORIZED": "Descargar no categorizados",
"DOWNLOAD_HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Download hidden items",
"COPY_OPTION": "Copiar como PNG (Ctrl/Cmd - C)",
"TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN": "Alternar pantalla completa (F)",
"ZOOM_IN_OUT": "Acercar/alejar",
"PREVIOUS": "Anterior (←)",
"NEXT": "Siguiente (→)",
"TITLE_PHOTOS": "ente Fotos",
"TITLE_ALBUMS": "ente Fotos",
"TITLE_AUTH": "ente Auth",
"UPLOAD_FIRST_PHOTO": "Carga tu primer archivo",
"IMPORT_YOUR_FOLDERS": "Importar tus carpetas",
"UPLOAD_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Soltar para respaldar tus archivos",
"WATCH_FOLDER_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Soltar para añadir carpeta vigilada",
"TRASH_FILES_TITLE": "Eliminar archivos?",
"TRASH_FILE_TITLE": "Eliminar archivo?",
"DELETE_FILES_TITLE": "Eliminar inmediatamente?",
"DELETE_FILES_MESSAGE": "Los archivos seleccionados serán eliminados permanentemente de tu cuenta ente.",
"DELETE": "Eliminar",
"DELETE_OPTION": "Eliminar (DEL)",
"FAVORITE_OPTION": "Favorito (L)",
"UNFAVORITE_OPTION": "No favorito (L)",
"MULTI_FOLDER_UPLOAD": "Múltiples carpetas detectadas",
"UPLOAD_STRATEGY_CHOICE": "Quieres subirlos a",
"OR": "o",
"SESSION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Tu sesión ha caducado. Inicia sesión de nuevo para continuar",
"SESSION_EXPIRED": "Sesión caducado",
"PASSWORD_GENERATION_FAILED": "Su navegador no ha podido generar una clave fuerte que cumpla con los estándares de cifrado de la entidad, por favor intente usar la aplicación móvil u otro navegador",
"CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Cambiar contraseña",
"GO_BACK": "Retroceder",
"RECOVERY_KEY": "Clave de recuperación",
"SAVE_LATER": "Hacer más tarde",
"SAVE": "Guardar Clave",
"RECOVERY_KEY_DESCRIPTION": "Si olvida su contraseña, la única forma de recuperar sus datos es con esta clave.",
"RECOVER_KEY_GENERATION_FAILED": "El código de recuperación no pudo ser generado, por favor inténtalo de nuevo",
"KEY_NOT_STORED_DISCLAIMER": "No almacenamos esta clave, así que por favor guarde esto en un lugar seguro",
"FORGOT_PASSWORD": "Contraseña olvidada",
"RECOVER_ACCOUNT": "Recuperar cuenta",
"RECOVERY_KEY_HINT": "Clave de recuperación",
"RECOVER": "Recuperar",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY": "No hay clave de recuperación?",
"INCORRECT_RECOVERY_KEY": "Clave de recuperación incorrecta",
"SORRY": "Lo sentimos",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Debido a la naturaleza de nuestro protocolo de cifrado de extremo a extremo, sus datos no pueden ser descifrados sin su contraseña o clave de recuperación",
"NO_TWO_FACTOR_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Por favor, envíe un email a <a>{{emailID}}</a> desde su dirección de correo electrónico registrada",
"CONTACT_SUPPORT": "Contacta con soporte",
"REQUEST_FEATURE": "Solicitar una función",
"SUPPORT": "Soporte",
"CONFIRM": "Confirmar",
"CANCEL": "Cancelar",
"LOGOUT": "Cerrar sesión",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Eliminar cuenta",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE": "<p>Por favor, envíe un email a <a>{{emailID}}</a> desde su dirección de correo electrónico registrada</p><p>Su solicitud será procesada en 72 horas.</p>",
"LOGOUT_MESSAGE": "Seguro que quiere cerrar la sesión?",
"CHANGE_EMAIL": "Cambiar email",
"OK": "OK",
"SUCCESS": "Completado",
"ERROR": "Error",
"MESSAGE": "Mensaje",
"INSTALL_MOBILE_APP": "Instala nuestra aplicación <a>Android</a> o <b>iOS</b> para hacer una copia de seguridad automática de todas usted fotos",
"DOWNLOAD_APP_MESSAGE": "Lo sentimos, esta operación sólo es compatible con nuestra aplicación de computadora",
"DOWNLOAD_APP": "Descargar aplicación de computadora",
"EXPORT": "Exportar datos",
"SUBSCRIPTION": "Suscripción",
"SUBSCRIBE": "Suscribir",
"MANAGEMENT_PORTAL": "Gestionar métodos de pago",
"MANAGE_FAMILY_PORTAL": "Administrar familia",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_PLAN": "Dejar plan familiar",
"LEAVE": "Dejar",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_CONFIRM": "Está seguro de que desea abandonar el plan familiar?",
"CHOOSE_PLAN": "Elije tu plan",
"MANAGE_PLAN": "Administra tu suscripción",
"ACTIVE": "Activo",
"OFFLINE_MSG": "Estás desconectado, se están mostrando recuerdos en caché",
"FREE_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Estás en el plan <strong>gratis</strong> que expira el {{date, dateTime}}",
"FAMILY_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Estás en un plan familiar administrado por",
"RENEWAL_ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS": "Se renueva en {{date, dateTime}}",
"RENEWAL_CANCELLED_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS": "Termina el {{date, dateTime}}",
"RENEWAL_CANCELLED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Tu suscripción será cancelada el {{date, dateTime}}",
"ADD_ON_AVAILABLE_TILL": "Your {{storage, string}} add-on is valid till {{date, dateTime}}",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Ha excedido su cuota de almacenamiento, por favor <a>actualice</a>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_SUCCESS": "<p>Hemos recibido tu pago</p><p>¡Tu suscripción es válida hasta <strong>{{date, dateTime}}</strong></p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_CANCELLED": "Tu compra ha sido cancelada, por favor inténtalo de nuevo si quieres suscribirte",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_FAILED": "Compra de suscripción fallida, por favor inténtalo de nuevo",
"SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATE_FAILED": "Suscripción actualizada falló, inténtelo de nuevo",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD_MESSAGE": "Lo sentimos, el pago falló cuando intentamos cargar a su tarjeta, por favor actualice su método de pago y vuelva a intentarlo",
"STRIPE_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED": "No podemos autenticar tu método de pago. Por favor, elige un método de pago diferente e inténtalo de nuevo",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD": "Actualizar medio de pago",
"MONTHLY": "Mensual",
"YEARLY": "Anual",
"UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Seguro de que desea cambiar su plan?",
"UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Cambiar de plan",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION": "Cancelar suscripción",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "<p>Todos tus datos serán eliminados de nuestros servidores al final de este periodo de facturación.</p><p>¿Está seguro de que desea cancelar su suscripción?</p>",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_WITH_ADDON_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure you want to cancel your subscription?</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_FAILED": "No se pudo cancelar la suscripción",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_SUCCESS": "Suscripción cancelada correctamente",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Reactivar la suscripción",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Una vez reactivado, serás facturado el {{date, dateTime}}",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_SUCCESS": "Suscripción activada correctamente ",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_FAILED": "No se pudo reactivar las renovaciones de suscripción",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE": "Cancelar suscripción a móviles",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE_MESSAGE": "Por favor, cancele su suscripción de la aplicación móvil para activar una suscripción aquí",
"MAIL_TO_MANAGE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Por favor, contáctenos en <a>{{emailID}}</a> para gestionar su suscripción",
"RENAME": "Renombrar",
"RENAME_FILE": "Renombrar archivo",
"RENAME_COLLECTION": "Renombrar álbum",
"DELETE_COLLECTION_TITLE": "Eliminar álbum?",
"DELETE_COLLECTION": "Eliminar álbum",
"DELETE_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "También eliminar las fotos (y los vídeos) presentes en este álbum de <a>todos</a> álbumes de los que forman parte?",
"DELETE_PHOTOS": "Eliminar fotos",
"KEEP_PHOTOS": "Conservar fotos",
"SHARE": "Compartir",
"SHARE_COLLECTION": "Compartir álbum",
"SHAREES": "Compartido con",
"SHARE_WITH_SELF": "Uy, no puedes compartir contigo mismo",
"ALREADY_SHARED": "Uy, ya estás compartiendo esto con {{email}}",
"SHARING_BAD_REQUEST_ERROR": "Compartir álbum no permitido",
"SHARING_DISABLED_FOR_FREE_ACCOUNTS": "Compartir está desactivado para cuentas gratis",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION": "Descargar álbum",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "<p>¿Está seguro de que desea descargar el álbum completo?</p><p>Todos los archivos se pondrán en cola para su descarga secuencialmente</p>",
"CREATE_ALBUM_FAILED": "Error al crear el álbum, inténtalo de nuevo",
"SEARCH": "Buscar",
"SEARCH_RESULTS": "Buscar resultados",
"NO_RESULTS": "No se han encontrado resultados",
"SEARCH_HINT": "Buscar álbumes, fechas...",
"COLLECTION": "Álbum",
"LOCATION": "Localización",
"CITY": "Location",
"DATE": "Fecha",
"FILE_NAME": "Nombre del archivo",
"THING": "Contenido",
"FILE_CAPTION": "Descripción",
"FILE_TYPE": "File type",
"CLIP": "Magic"
"photos_count_zero": "No hay recuerdos",
"photos_count_one": "1 recuerdo",
"photos_count_other": "{{count}} recuerdos",
"TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS": "Acepto los <a>términos</a> y <b>política de privacidad</b>",
"ADD_TO_COLLECTION": "Añadir al álbum",
"SELECTED": "seleccionado",
"VIDEO_PLAYBACK_FAILED_DOWNLOAD_INSTEAD": "Este vídeo no se puede reproducir en tu navegador",
"PEOPLE": "Personajes",
"INDEXING_SCHEDULED": "el indexado está programado...",
"ANALYZING_PHOTOS": "analizando nuevas fotos {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles}} de {{indexStatus.nTotalFiles}} hecho)...",
"INDEXING_PEOPLE": "indexando personas en {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles}} fotos... ",
"INDEXING_DONE": "fotos {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles}} indexadas",
"UNIDENTIFIED_FACES": "caras no identificadas",
"OBJECTS": "objetos",
"TEXT": "texto",
"INFO": "Info ",
"INFO_OPTION": "Info (I)",
"FILE_NAME": "Nombre del archivo",
"CAPTION_PLACEHOLDER": "Añadir una descripción",
"LOCATION": "Localización",
"SHOW_ON_MAP": "Ver en OpenStreetMap",
"MAP": "Map",
"MAP_SETTINGS": "Map Settings",
"ENABLE_MAPS": "Enable Maps?",
"ENABLE_MAP": "Enable map",
"DISABLE_MAPS": "Disable Maps?",
"ENABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will show your photos on a world map.</p> <p>The map is hosted by <a>OpenStreetMap</a>, and the exact locations of your photos are never shared.</p> <p>You can disable this feature anytime from Settings.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will disable the display of your photos on a world map.</p> <p>You can enable this feature anytime from Settings.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP": "Disable map",
"DETAILS": "Detalles",
"VIEW_EXIF": "Ver todos los datos de EXIF",
"NO_EXIF": "No hay datos EXIF",
"ISO": "ISO",
"TWO_FACTOR": "Dos factores",
"TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION": "Autenticación de dos factores",
"TWO_FACTOR_QR_INSTRUCTION": "Escanea el código QR de abajo con tu aplicación de autenticación favorita",
"ENTER_CODE_MANUALLY": "Ingrese el código manualmente",
"TWO_FACTOR_MANUAL_CODE_INSTRUCTION": "Por favor, introduce este código en tu aplicación de autenticación favorita",
"SCAN_QR_CODE": "Escanear código QR en su lugar",
"ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Activar dos factores",
"ENABLE": "Activar",
"LOST_DEVICE": "Perdido el dispositivo de doble factor",
"INCORRECT_CODE": "Código incorrecto",
"TWO_FACTOR_INFO": "Añade una capa adicional de seguridad al requerir más de tu email y contraseña para iniciar sesión en tu cuenta",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Deshabilitar la autenticación de dos factores",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Actualice su dispositivo de autenticación",
"DISABLE": "Desactivar",
"RECONFIGURE": "Reconfigurar",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR": "Actualizar doble factor",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Continuar adelante anulará los autenticadores previamente configurados",
"UPDATE": "Actualizar",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Desactivar doble factor",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "¿Estás seguro de que desea deshabilitar la autenticación de doble factor?",
"TWO_FACTOR_DISABLE_FAILED": "Error al desactivar dos factores, inténtalo de nuevo",
"EXPORT_DATA": "Exportar datos",
"SELECT_FOLDER": "Seleccionar carpeta",
"DESTINATION": "Destinación",
"START": "Inicio",
"LAST_EXPORT_TIME": "Fecha de la última exportación",
"EXPORT_AGAIN": "Resinc",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE": "Almacenamiento local inaccesible",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE_MESSAGE": "Su navegador o un addon está bloqueando a ente de guardar datos en almacenamiento local. Por favor, intente cargar esta página después de cambiar su modo de navegación.",
"SEND_OTT": "Enviar OTP",
"EMAIl_ALREADY_OWNED": "Email ya tomado",
"ETAGS_BLOCKED": "<p>No hemos podido subir los siguientes archivos debido a la configuración de tu navegador.</p><p>Por favor, deshabilite cualquier complemento que pueda estar impidiendo que ente utilice <code>eTags</code> para subir archivos grandes, o utilice nuestra <a>aplicación de escritorio</a> para una experiencia de importación más fiable.</p>",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS_INFO": "<p>Actualmente no podemos añadir vídeos a través de enlaces públicos.</p><p>Para compartir vídeos, por favor <a>regístrate</a> en ente y comparte con los destinatarios a través de su correo electrónico.</p>",
"LIVE_PHOTOS_DETECTED": "Los archivos de foto y vídeo de tus fotos en vivo se han fusionado en un solo archivo",
"RETRY_FAILED": "Reintentar subidas fallidas",
"FAILED_UPLOADS": "Subidas fallidas ",
"SKIPPED_FILES": "Subidas ignoradas",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_UPLOADS": "Generación de miniaturas fallida",
"UNSUPPORTED_FILES": "Archivos no soportados",
"SUCCESSFUL_UPLOADS": "Subidas exitosas",
"SKIPPED_INFO": "Se han omitido ya que hay archivos con nombres coincidentes en el mismo álbum",
"UNSUPPORTED_INFO": "ente no soporta estos formatos de archivo aún",
"BLOCKED_UPLOADS": "Subidas bloqueadas",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS": "Vídeos saltados",
"INPROGRESS_UPLOADS": "Subidas en progreso",
"TOO_LARGE_UPLOADS": "Archivos grandes",
"LARGER_THAN_AVAILABLE_STORAGE_INFO": "Estos archivos no se han subido porque exceden el límite de tamaño máximo para tu plan de almacenamiento",
"TOO_LARGE_INFO": "Estos archivos no se han subido porque exceden nuestro límite máximo de tamaño de archivo",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_INFO": "Estos archivos fueron cargados, pero por desgracia no pudimos generar las miniaturas para ellos.",
"UPLOAD_TO_COLLECTION": "Subir al álbum",
"UNCATEGORIZED": "No clasificado",
"ARCHIVE": "Archivo",
"FAVORITES": "Favoritos",
"ARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Archivo álbum",
"MOVE_TO_COLLECTION": "Mover al álbum",
"UNARCHIVE": "Desarchivar",
"UNARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Desarchivar álbum",
"HIDE_COLLECTION": "Hide album",
"UNHIDE_COLLECTION": "Unhide album",
"MOVE": "Mover",
"ADD": "Añadir",
"REMOVE": "Eliminar",
"YES_REMOVE": "Sí, eliminar",
"REMOVE_FROM_COLLECTION": "Eliminar del álbum",
"TRASH": "Papelera",
"MOVE_TO_TRASH": "Mover a la papelera",
"TRASH_FILES_MESSAGE": "Los archivos seleccionados serán eliminados de todos los álbumes y movidos a la papelera.",
"TRASH_FILE_MESSAGE": "El archivo será eliminado de todos los álbumes y movido a la papelera.",
"DELETE_PERMANENTLY": "Eliminar para siempre",
"RESTORE": "Restaurar",
"RESTORE_TO_COLLECTION": "Restaurar al álbum",
"EMPTY_TRASH": "Vaciar papelera",
"EMPTY_TRASH_TITLE": "Vaciar papelera?",
"EMPTY_TRASH_MESSAGE": "Estos archivos serán eliminados permanentemente de su cuenta ente.",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM": "Sí, dejar",
"LEAVE_ALBUM": "Dejar álbum",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_TITLE": "¿Dejar álbum compartido?",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_MESSAGE": "Dejará el álbum, y dejará de ser visible para usted.",
"NOT_FILE_OWNER": "No puedes eliminar archivos de un álbum compartido",
"CONFIRM_SELF_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Los elementos seleccionados serán eliminados de este álbum. Los elementos que estén sólo en este álbum serán movidos a Sin categorizar.",
"CONFIRM_SELF_AND_OTHER_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Algunos de los elementos que estás eliminando fueron añadidos por otras personas, y perderás el acceso a ellos.",
"SORT_BY_UPDATION_TIME_DESCENDING": "Última actualización",
"SORT_BY_NAME": "Nombre",
"COMPRESS_THUMBNAILS": "Comprimir las miniaturas",
"THUMBNAIL_REPLACED": "Miniaturas comprimidas",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL": "Comprimir",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL_LATER": "Comprimir más tarde",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOT_STARTED": "Algunas de tus miniaturas de vídeos pueden ser comprimidas para ahorrar espacio. ¿Te gustaría que ente las comprima?",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED": "Todas las miniaturas se comprimieron con éxito",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOOP": "No tienes miniaturas que se puedan comprimir más",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "No se pudieron comprimir algunas de tus miniaturas, por favor inténtalo de nuevo",
"FIX_CREATION_TIME": "Fijar hora",
"CREATION_TIME_UPDATED": "Hora del archivo actualizada",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_NOT_STARTED": "Seleccione la cartera que desea utilizar",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED": "Todos los archivos se han actualizado correctamente",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "Fallo en la hora del archivo para algunos archivos, por favor inténtelo de nuevo",
"CAPTION_CHARACTER_LIMIT": "Máximo 5000 caracteres",
"DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL": "EXIF: Fecha original",
"DATE_TIME_DIGITIZED": "EXIF: Fecha Digitalizado",
"METADATA_DATE": "EXIF:MetadataDate",
"CUSTOM_TIME": "Hora personalizada",
"OPEN_PLAN_SELECTOR_MODAL_FAILED": "Error al abrir los planes",
"INSTALL": "Instalar",
"SHARING_DETAILS": "Compartir detalles",
"MODIFY_SHARING": "Modificar compartir",
"ADD_COLLABORATORS": "Add collaborators",
"ADD_NEW_EMAIL": "Add a new email",
"shared_with_people_zero": "Share with specific people",
"shared_with_people_one": "Shared with 1 person",
"shared_with_people_other": "Shared with {{count, number}} people",
"participants_zero": "No participants",
"participants_one": "1 participant",
"participants_other": "{{count, number}} participants",
"ADD_VIEWERS": "Add viewers",
"PARTICIPANTS": "Participants",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_VIEWER": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} will not be able to add more photos to the album</p> <p>They will still be able to remove photos added by them</p>",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_COLLABORATOR": "{{selectedEmail}} will be able to add photos to the album",
"CONVERT_TO_VIEWER": "Yes, convert to viewer",
"CONVERT_TO_COLLABORATOR": "Yes, convert to collaborator",
"CHANGE_PERMISSION": "Change permission?",
"CONFIRM_REMOVE": "Yes, remove",
"MANAGE": "Manage",
"ADDED_AS": "Added as",
"COLLABORATOR_RIGHTS": "Collaborators can add photos and videos to the shared album",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_HEAD": "Remove participant",
"OWNER": "Propietario",
"COLLABORATORS": "Colaboradores",
"ADD_MORE": "Añadir más",
"VIEWERS": "Viewers",
"OR_ADD_EXISTING": "O elige uno existente",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_MESSAGE": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} will be removed from the album</p> <p>Any photos added by them will also be removed from the album</p>",
"NOT_FOUND": "404 - No Encontrado",
"LINK_EXPIRED": "Enlace expirado",
"LINK_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Este enlace ha caducado o ha sido desactivado!",
"MANAGE_LINK": "Administrar enlace",
"LINK_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS": "Este álbum es demasiado popular para que podamos manejarlo!",
"FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Permitir descargas",
"LINK_PASSWORD_LOCK": "Contraseña bloqueada",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT": "Permitir añadir fotos",
"LINK_DEVICE_LIMIT": "Límites del dispositivo",
"NO_DEVICE_LIMIT": "Ninguno",
"LINK_EXPIRY": "Enlace vencio",
"NEVER": "Nunca",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Deshabilitar descarga",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE": "<p>¿Está seguro que desea desactivar el botón de descarga de archivos?</p><p>Los visualizadores todavía pueden tomar capturas de pantalla o guardar una copia de sus fotos usando herramientas externas.</p>",
"MALICIOUS_CONTENT": "Contiene contenido malicioso",
"COPYRIGHT": "Infracciones sobre los derechos de autor de alguien que estoy autorizado a representar",
"SHARED_USING": "Compartido usando ",
"ENTE_IO": "",
"SHARING_REFERRAL_CODE": "Usa el código <strong>{{referralCode}}</strong> para obtener 10 GB gratis",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD": "Desactivar contraseña",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD_MESSAGE": "Seguro que quieres cambiar la contrasena?",
"PASSWORD_LOCK": "Contraseña bloqueada",
"LOCK": "Bloquear",
"DOWNLOAD_UPLOAD_LOGS": "Logs de depuración",
"UPLOAD_FILES": "Archivo",
"UPLOAD_DIRS": "Carpeta",
"UPLOAD_GOOGLE_TAKEOUT": "Google Takeout",
"DEDUPLICATE_FILES": "Deduplicar archivos",
"NO_DUPLICATES_FOUND": "No tienes archivos duplicados que puedan ser borrados",
"CLUB_BY_CAPTURE_TIME": "Club por tiempo de captura",
"FILES": "Archivos",
"EACH": "Cada",
"DEDUPLICATE_BASED_ON_SIZE": "Los siguientes archivos fueron organizados en base a sus tamaños, por favor revise y elimine elementos que cree que son duplicados",
"STOP_ALL_UPLOADS_MESSAGE": "¿Está seguro que desea detener todas las subidas en curso?",
"STOP_UPLOADS_HEADER": "Detener las subidas?",
"YES_STOP_UPLOADS": "Sí, detener las subidas",
"STOP_DOWNLOADS_HEADER": "¿Detener las descargas?",
"YES_STOP_DOWNLOADS": "Sí, detener las descargas",
"STOP_ALL_DOWNLOADS_MESSAGE": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres detener todas las descargas en curso?",
"albums_one": "1 álbum",
"albums_other": "{{count}} álbumes",
"ALL_ALBUMS": "Todos los álbumes",
"ALBUMS": "Álbumes",
"ALL_HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "All hidden albums",
"HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "Hidden albums",
"HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Hidden items",
"ENTER_TWO_FACTOR_OTP": "Ingrese el código de seis dígitos de su aplicación de autenticación a continuación.",
"CREATE_ACCOUNT": "Crear cuenta",
"COPIED": "Copiado",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_TITLE": "No se puede generar la miniatura",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_MESSAGE": "<p>Parece que su navegador ha deshabilitado el acceso al lienzo, que es necesario para generar miniaturas para tus fotos </p> <p> Por favor, activa el acceso al lienzo de tu navegador, o revisa nuestra aplicación de escritorio</p>",
"WATCH_FOLDERS": "Ver carpetas",
"UPGRADE_NOW": "Mejorar ahora",
"RENEW_NOW": "Renovar ahora",
"STORAGE": "Almacén",
"USED": "usado",
"YOU": "Usted",
"FAMILY": "Familia",
"FREE": "gratis",
"OF": "de",
"WATCHED_FOLDERS": "Ver carpetas",
"NO_FOLDERS_ADDED": "No hay carpetas añadidas!",
"FOLDERS_AUTOMATICALLY_MONITORED": "Las carpetas que añadas aquí serán supervisadas automáticamente",
"UPLOAD_NEW_FILES_TO_ENTE": "Subir nuevos archivos a ente",
"REMOVE_DELETED_FILES_FROM_ENTE": "Eliminar archivos borrados de ente",
"ADD_FOLDER": "Añadir carpeta",
"STOP_WATCHING": "Dejar de ver",
"STOP_WATCHING_FOLDER": "Dejar de ver carpeta?",
"STOP_WATCHING_DIALOG_MESSAGE": "Tus archivos existentes no serán eliminados, pero ente dejará de actualizar automáticamente el álbum enlazado en caso de cambios en esta carpeta.",
"YES_STOP": "Sí, detener",
"MONTH_SHORT": "mes",
"YEAR": "año",
"FAMILY_PLAN": "Plan familiar",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS": "Descargar logs",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS_MESSAGE": "<p>Esto descargará los registros de depuración, que puede enviarnos por correo electrónico para ayudarnos a depurar su problema.</p><p> Tenga en cuenta que los nombres de los archivos se incluirán para ayudar al seguimiento de problemas con archivos específicos. </p>",
"CHANGE_FOLDER": "Cambiar carpeta",
"TWO_MONTHS_FREE": "Obtén 2 meses gratis en planes anuales",
"GB": "GB",
"POPULAR": "Popular",
"FREE_PLAN_OPTION_LABEL": "Continuar con el plan gratuito",
"FREE_PLAN_DESCRIPTION": "1 GB por 1 año",
"CURRENT_USAGE": "El uso actual es <strong>{{usage}}</strong>",
"WEAK_DEVICE": "El navegador web que está utilizando no es lo suficientemente poderoso para cifrar sus fotos. Por favor, intente iniciar sesión en ente en su computadora, o descargue la aplicación ente para móvil/escritorio.",
"DRAG_AND_DROP_HINT": "O arrastre y suelte en la ventana ente",
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DELETION_MESSAGE": "Los datos subidos se eliminarán y su cuenta se eliminará de forma permanente.<br/><br/>Esta acción no es reversible.",
"AUTHENTICATE": "Autenticado",
"UPLOADED_TO_SINGLE_COLLECTION": "Subir a una sola colección",
"UPLOADED_TO_SEPARATE_COLLECTIONS": "Subir a colecciones separadas",
"NEVERMIND": "No importa",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE": "Actualizacion disponible",
"UPDATE_INSTALLABLE_MESSAGE": "Una nueva versión de ente está lista para ser instalada.",
"INSTALL_NOW": "Instalar ahora",
"INSTALL_ON_NEXT_LAUNCH": "Instalar en el próximo lanzamiento",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE": "Una nueva versión de ente ha sido lanzada, pero no se puede descargar e instalar automáticamente.",
"DOWNLOAD_AND_INSTALL": "Descargar e instalar",
"IGNORE_THIS_VERSION": "Ignorar esta versión",
"TODAY": "Hoy",
"YESTERDAY": "Ayer",
"NAME_PLACEHOLDER": "Nombre...",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED": "No se puede crear álbumes de mezcla de archivos/carpetas",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED_MESSAGE": "<p>Has arrastrado y soltado una mezcla de archivos y carpetas.</p><p>Por favor proporcione sólo archivos o carpetas cuando seleccione la opción de crear álbumes separados</p>",
"CHOSE_THEME": "Elegir tema",
"ML_SEARCH": "Buscar ML (beta)",
"ENABLE_ML_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>Esto permitirá el aprendizaje automático en el dispositivo y la búsqueda facial que comenzará a analizar las fotos subidas localmente.</p><p>Para la primera ejecución después de iniciar sesión o habilitar esta función, se descargarán todas las imágenes en el dispositivo local para analizarlas. Así que por favor actívalo sólo si dispones ancho de banda y el almacenamiento suficiente para el procesamiento local de todas las imágenes en tu biblioteca de fotos.</p><p>Si esta es la primera vez que está habilitando, también le pediremos su permiso para procesar los datos faciales.</p>",
"ML_MORE_DETAILS": "Más detalles",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Activar búsqueda facial",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Activar búsqueda facial?",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>Si activas la búsqueda facial, ente extraerá la geometría facial de tus fotos. Esto sucederá en su dispositivo y cualquier dato biométrico generado será cifrado de extremo a extremo.<p/><p><a>Haga clic aquí para obtener más detalles sobre esta característica en nuestra política de privacidad</a></p>",
"DISABLE_BETA": "Desactivar beta",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Desactivar búsqueda facial",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Desactivar búsqueda facial?",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>ente dejará de procesar la geometría facial, y también desactivará la búsqueda ML (beta)</p><p>Puede volver a activar la búsqueda facial si lo desea, ya que esta operación es segura.</p>",
"ADVANCED": "Avanzado",
"FACE_SEARCH_CONFIRMATION": "Comprendo y deseo permitir que ente procese la geometría de la cara",
"LABS": "Labs",
"YOURS": "tuyo",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_WEAK": "Fortaleza de la contraseña: débil",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_MODERATE": "Fortaleza de contraseña: Moderar",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_STRONG": "Fortaleza de contraseña: fuerte",
"PREFERENCES": "Preferencias",
"LANGUAGE": "Idioma",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Archivo de exportación inválido",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_MESSAGE": "<p>El directorio de exportación seleccionado no existe.</p><p> Por favor, seleccione un directorio válido.</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_VERIFICATION_ERROR": "Falló la verificación de la suscripción",
"B": "B",
"KB": "KB",
"MB": "MB",
"GB": "GB",
"TB": "TB"
"HOUR": "después de una hora",
"DAY": "después de un día",
"WEEK": "después de una semana",
"MONTH": "después de un mes",
"YEAR": "después de un año"
"COPY_LINK": "Copiar enlace",
"DONE": "Hecho",
"LINK_SHARE_TITLE": "O comparte un enlace",
"REMOVE_LINK": "Eliminar enlace",
"CREATE_PUBLIC_SHARING": "Crear un enlace público",
"PUBLIC_LINK_CREATED": "Enlace público creado",
"PUBLIC_LINK_ENABLED": "Enlace público activado",
"COLLECT_PHOTOS": "Obtener fotos",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT_SUBTEXT": "Permitir a las personas con el enlace añadir fotos al álbum compartido.",
"STOP_EXPORT": "Stop",
"EXPORT_PROGRESS": "<a>{{progress.success}} / {{}}</a> archivos exportados",
"MIGRATING_EXPORT": "Preparing...",
"RENAMING_COLLECTION_FOLDERS": "Renaming album folders...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_FILES": "Trashing deleted files...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_COLLECTIONS": "Trashing deleted albums...",
"START": "Exportar iniciando",
"IN_PROGRESS": "Exportación ya en curso",
"FINISH": "Exportación finalizada",
"UP_TO_DATE": "No hay nuevos archivos para exportar"
"CONTINUOUS_EXPORT": "Sincronizar continuamente",
"TOTAL_ITEMS": "Total de elementos",
"PENDING_ITEMS": "Elementos pendientes",
"EXPORT_STARTING": "Exportar iniciando...",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_REASON_LABEL": "¿Cuál es la razón principal por la que eliminas tu cuenta?",
"MISSING_FEATURE": "Falta una característica clave que necesito",
"BROKEN_BEHAVIOR": "La aplicación o una característica determinada no se comporta como creo que debería",
"FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "He encontrado otro servicio que me gusta más",
"NOT_LISTED": "Mi motivo no se encuentra en la lista"
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_FEEDBACK_LABEL": "Lamentamos que te vayas. Explica por qué te vas para ayudarnos a mejorar.",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT_CHECKBOX_LABEL": "Sí, quiero eliminar permanentemente esta cuenta y todos sus datos",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Corfirmar borrado de cuenta",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED": "Ayúdanos con esta información",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED_FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "Qué hace mejor el otro servicio?",
"RECOVER_TWO_FACTOR": "Recuperar dos factores",
"at": "a las",
"AUTH_NEXT": "siguiente",
"AUTH_DOWNLOAD_MOBILE_APP": "Descarga nuestra aplicación móvil para administrar tus secretos",
"HIDDEN": "Hidden",
"HIDE": "Ocultar",
"UNHIDE": "Mostrar",
"UNHIDE_TO_COLLECTION": "Hacer visible al álbum",
"SORT_BY": "Sort by",
"NEWEST_FIRST": "Newest first",
"OLDEST_FIRST": "Oldest first",
"CONVERSION_FAILED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE": "This file could not be previewed. Click here to download the original.",
"SELECT_COLLECTION": "Select album",
"PIN_ALBUM": "Pin album",
"UNPIN_ALBUM": "Unpin album",
"DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE": "Download complete",
"DOWNLOADING_COLLECTION": "Downloading {{name}}",
"DOWNLOAD_FAILED": "Download failed",
"DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS": "{{progress.current}} / {{}} files",
"CRASH_REPORTING": "Crash reporting",
"CHRISTMAS": "Christmas",
"CHRISTMAS_EVE": "Christmas Eve",
"NEW_YEAR": "New Year",
"NEW_YEAR_EVE": "New Year's Eve",
"IMAGE": "Image",
"VIDEO": "Video",
"LIVE_PHOTO": "Live Photo",
"CONVERT": "Convert",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to close the editor?",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_DESCRIPTION": "Download your edited image or save a copy to ente to persist your changes.",
"BRIGHTNESS": "Brightness",
"CONTRAST": "Contrast",
"SATURATION": "Saturation",
"BLUR": "Blur",
"INVERT_COLORS": "Invert Colors",
"ASPECT_RATIO": "Aspect Ratio",
"SQUARE": "Square",
"ROTATE_LEFT": "Rotate Left",
"ROTATE_RIGHT": "Rotate Right",
"FLIP_VERTICALLY": "Flip Vertically",
"FLIP_HORIZONTALLY": "Flip Horizontally",
"DOWNLOAD_EDITED": "Download Edited",
"SAVE_A_COPY_TO_ENTE": "Save a copy to ente",
"RESTORE_ORIGINAL": "Restore Original",
"TRANSFORM": "Transformar",
"COLORS": "Colores",
"FLIP": "Flip",
"ROTATION": "Rotation",
"RESET": "Reset",
"PHOTO_EDITOR": "Photo Editor",
"FASTER_UPLOAD": "Faster uploads",
"FASTER_UPLOAD_DESCRIPTION": "Route uploads through nearby servers",
"MAGIC_SEARCH_STATUS": "Magic Search Status",
"INDEXED_ITEMS": "Indexed items",
"CAST_ALBUM_TO_TV": "Play album on TV",
"ENTER_CAST_PIN_CODE": "Enter the code you see on the TV below to pair this device.",
"PAIR_DEVICE_TO_TV": "Pair devices",
"TV_NOT_FOUND": "TV not found. Did you enter the PIN correctly?",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR": "Auto Pair",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR_REQUIRES_CONNECTION_TO_GOOGLE": "Auto Pair requires connecting to Google servers and only works with Chromecast supported devices. Google will not receive sensitive data, such as your photos.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN": "Pair with PIN",
"CHOOSE_DEVICE_FROM_BROWSER": "Choose a cast-compatible device from the browser popup.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN_WORKS_FOR_ANY_LARGE_SCREEN_DEVICE": "Pair with PIN works for any large screen device you want to play your album on.",
"VISIT_CAST_ENTE_IO": "Visit on the device you want to pair.",
"CAST_AUTO_PAIR_FAILED": "Chromecast Auto Pair failed. Please try again.",
"CACHE_DIRECTORY": "Cache folder",
"PASSKEYS": "Passkeys",
"FREEHAND": "Freehand",
"APPLY_CROP": "Apply Crop",
"PHOTO_EDIT_REQUIRED_TO_SAVE": "At least one transformation or color adjustment must be performed before saving."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
"HERO_SLIDE_1_TITLE": "<div>Private backups</div><div>for your memories</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_1": "End-to-end encrypted by default",
"HERO_SLIDE_2_TITLE": "<div>Safely stored</div><div>at a fallout shelter</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_2": "Designed to outlive",
"HERO_SLIDE_3_TITLE": "<div>Available</div><div> everywhere</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_3": "Android, iOS, Web, Desktop",
"LOGIN": "Login",
"SIGN_UP": "Signup",
"NEW_USER": "New to ente",
"EXISTING_USER": "Existing user",
"ENTER_NAME": "Enter name",
"PUBLIC_UPLOADER_NAME_MESSAGE": "Add a name so that your friends know who to thank for these great photos!",
"ENTER_EMAIL": "Enter email address",
"EMAIL_ERROR": "Enter a valid email",
"REQUIRED": "Required",
"EMAIL_SENT": "Verification code sent to <a>{{email}}</a>",
"CHECK_INBOX": "Please check your inbox (and spam) to complete verification",
"ENTER_OTT": "Verification code",
"RESEND_MAIL": "Resend code",
"VERIFY": "Verify",
"UNKNOWN_ERROR": "Something went wrong, please try again",
"INVALID_CODE": "Invalid verification code",
"EXPIRED_CODE": "Your verification code has expired",
"SENDING": "Sending...",
"SENT": "Sent!",
"PASSWORD": "Password",
"LINK_PASSWORD": "Enter password to unlock the album",
"SET_PASSPHRASE": "Set password",
"INCORRECT_PASSPHRASE": "Incorrect password",
"ENTER_ENC_PASSPHRASE": "Please enter a password that we can use to encrypt your data",
"PASSPHRASE_DISCLAIMER": "We don't store your password, so if you forget it, <strong>we will not be able to help you </strong>recover your data without a recovery key.",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_HEADING": "به <a/> خوش آمدید",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_SUBHEADING": "End to end encrypted photo storage and sharing",
"WHERE_YOUR_BEST_PHOTOS_LIVE": "Where your best photos live",
"KEY_GENERATION_IN_PROGRESS_MESSAGE": "Generating encryption keys...",
"PASSPHRASE_HINT": "Password",
"CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm password",
"REFERRAL_CODE_HINT": "How did you hear about Ente? (optional)",
"REFERRAL_INFO": "We don't track app installs, It'd help us if you told us where you found us!",
"PASSPHRASE_MATCH_ERROR": "Passwords don't match",
"CONSOLE_WARNING_DESC": "This is a browser feature intended for developers. Please don't copy-paste unverified code here.",
"ENTER_ALBUM_NAME": "Album name",
"CLOSE_OPTION": "Close (Esc)",
"ENTER_FILE_NAME": "File name",
"CLOSE": "Close",
"NO": "No",
"NOTHING_HERE": "Nothing to see here yet 👀",
"UPLOAD": "Upload",
"IMPORT": "Import",
"ADD_PHOTOS": "Add photos",
"ADD_MORE_PHOTOS": "Add more photos",
"add_photos_one": "Add 1 item",
"add_photos_other": "Add {{count, number}} items",
"SELECT_PHOTOS": "Select photos",
"FILE_UPLOAD": "File Upload",
"0": "Preparing to upload",
"1": "Reading google metadata files",
"2": "{{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / {{, number}} files metadata extracted",
"3": "{{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / {{, number}} files processed",
"4": "Cancelling remaining uploads",
"5": "Backup complete"
"FILE_NOT_UPLOADED_LIST": "The following files were not uploaded",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED": "Subscription expired",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Your subscription has expired, please <a>renew</a>",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED": "Storage limit exceeded",
"INITIAL_LOAD_DELAY_WARNING": "First load may take some time",
"USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Sorry, could not find a user with that email",
"NO_ACCOUNT": "Don't have an account",
"ACCOUNT_EXISTS": "Already have an account",
"CREATE": "Create",
"DOWNLOAD": "Download",
"DOWNLOAD_OPTION": "Download (D)",
"DOWNLOAD_FAVORITES": "Download favorites",
"DOWNLOAD_UNCATEGORIZED": "Download uncategorized",
"DOWNLOAD_HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Download hidden items",
"COPY_OPTION": "Copy as PNG (Ctrl/Cmd - C)",
"TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN": "Toggle fullscreen (F)",
"ZOOM_IN_OUT": "Zoom in/out",
"PREVIOUS": "Previous (←)",
"NEXT": "Next (→)",
"TITLE_PHOTOS": "Ente Photos",
"TITLE_ALBUMS": "Ente Photos",
"TITLE_AUTH": "Ente Auth",
"UPLOAD_FIRST_PHOTO": "Upload your first photo",
"IMPORT_YOUR_FOLDERS": "Import your folders",
"UPLOAD_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Drop to backup your files",
"WATCH_FOLDER_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Drop to add watched folder",
"TRASH_FILES_TITLE": "Delete files?",
"TRASH_FILE_TITLE": "Delete file?",
"DELETE_FILES_TITLE": "Delete immediately?",
"DELETE_FILES_MESSAGE": "Selected files will be permanently deleted from your ente account.",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"DELETE_OPTION": "Delete (DEL)",
"FAVORITE_OPTION": "Favorite (L)",
"UNFAVORITE_OPTION": "Unfavorite (L)",
"MULTI_FOLDER_UPLOAD": "Multiple folders detected",
"UPLOAD_STRATEGY_CHOICE": "Would you like to upload them into",
"OR": "or",
"SESSION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Your session has expired, please login again to continue",
"SESSION_EXPIRED": "Session expired",
"PASSWORD_GENERATION_FAILED": "Your browser was unable to generate a strong key that meets ente's encryption standards, please try using the mobile app or another browser",
"CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Change password",
"GO_BACK": "Go back",
"RECOVERY_KEY": "Recovery key",
"SAVE_LATER": "Do this later",
"SAVE": "Save Key",
"RECOVERY_KEY_DESCRIPTION": "If you forget your password, the only way you can recover your data is with this key.",
"RECOVER_KEY_GENERATION_FAILED": "Recovery code could not be generated, please try again",
"KEY_NOT_STORED_DISCLAIMER": "We don't store this key, so please save this in a safe place",
"FORGOT_PASSWORD": "Forgot password",
"RECOVER_ACCOUNT": "Recover account",
"RECOVERY_KEY_HINT": "Recovery key",
"RECOVER": "Recover",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY": "No recovery key?",
"INCORRECT_RECOVERY_KEY": "Incorrect recovery key",
"SORRY": "Sorry",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Due to the nature of our end-to-end encryption protocol, your data cannot be decrypted without your password or recovery key",
"NO_TWO_FACTOR_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Please drop an email to <a>{{emailID}}</a> from your registered email address",
"CONTACT_SUPPORT": "Contact support",
"REQUEST_FEATURE": "Request Feature",
"SUPPORT": "Support",
"CONFIRM": "Confirm",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"LOGOUT": "Logout",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Delete account",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE": "<p>Please send an email to <a>{{emailID}}</a> from your registered email address.</p><p>Your request will be processed within 72 hours.</p>",
"LOGOUT_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to logout?",
"CHANGE_EMAIL": "Change email",
"OK": "OK",
"SUCCESS": "Success",
"ERROR": "Error",
"MESSAGE": "Message",
"INSTALL_MOBILE_APP": "Install our <a>Android</a> or <b>iOS</b> app to automatically backup all your photos",
"DOWNLOAD_APP_MESSAGE": "Sorry, this operation is currently only supported on our desktop app",
"DOWNLOAD_APP": "Download desktop app",
"EXPORT": "Export Data",
"SUBSCRIPTION": "Subscription",
"SUBSCRIBE": "Subscribe",
"MANAGEMENT_PORTAL": "Manage payment method",
"MANAGE_FAMILY_PORTAL": "Manage family",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_PLAN": "Leave family plan",
"LEAVE": "Leave",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_CONFIRM": "Are you sure that you want to leave family plan?",
"CHOOSE_PLAN": "Choose your plan",
"MANAGE_PLAN": "Manage your subscription",
"ACTIVE": "Active",
"OFFLINE_MSG": "You are offline, cached memories are being shown",
"FREE_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "You are on the <strong>free</strong> plan that expires on {{date, dateTime}}",
"FAMILY_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "You are on a family plan managed by",
"RENEWAL_ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS": "Renews on {{date, dateTime}}",
"RENEWAL_CANCELLED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Your subscription will be cancelled on {{date, dateTime}}",
"ADD_ON_AVAILABLE_TILL": "Your {{storage, string}} add-on is valid till {{date, dateTime}}",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "You have exceeded your storage quota, please <a>upgrade</a>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_SUCCESS": "<p>We've received your payment</p><p>Your subscription is valid till <strong>{{date, dateTime}}</strong></p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_CANCELLED": "Your purchase was canceled, please try again if you want to subscribe",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_FAILED": "Subscription purchase failed , please try again",
"SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATE_FAILED": "Subscription updated failed , please try again",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD_MESSAGE": "We are sorry, payment failed when we tried to charge your card, please update your payment method and try again",
"STRIPE_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED": "We are unable to authenticate your payment method. please choose a different payment method and try again",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD": "Update payment method",
"MONTHLY": "Monthly",
"YEARLY": "Yearly",
"UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to change your plan?",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION": "Cancel subscription",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "<p>All of your data will be deleted from our servers at the end of this billing period.</p><p>Are you sure that you want to cancel your subscription?</p>",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_WITH_ADDON_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure you want to cancel your subscription?</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_FAILED": "Failed to cancel subscription",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_SUCCESS": "Subscription canceled successfully",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Reactivate subscription",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Once reactivated, you will be billed on {{date, dateTime}}",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_SUCCESS": "Subscription activated successfully ",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_FAILED": "Failed to reactivate subscription renewals",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE": "Cancel mobile subscription",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE_MESSAGE": "Please cancel your subscription from the mobile app to activate a subscription here",
"MAIL_TO_MANAGE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Please contact us at <a>{{emailID}}</a> to manage your subscription",
"RENAME": "Rename",
"RENAME_FILE": "Rename file",
"RENAME_COLLECTION": "Rename album",
"DELETE_COLLECTION": "Delete album",
"DELETE_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "Also delete the photos (and videos) present in this album from <a>all</a> other albums they are part of?",
"DELETE_PHOTOS": "Delete photos",
"KEEP_PHOTOS": "Keep photos",
"SHARE": "Share",
"SHARE_COLLECTION": "Share album",
"SHAREES": "Shared with",
"SHARE_WITH_SELF": "Oops, you cannot share with yourself",
"ALREADY_SHARED": "Oops, you're already sharing this with {{email}}",
"SHARING_BAD_REQUEST_ERROR": "Sharing album not allowed",
"SHARING_DISABLED_FOR_FREE_ACCOUNTS": "Sharing is disabled for free accounts",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION": "Download album",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure you want to download the complete album?</p><p>All files will be queued for download sequentially</p>",
"CREATE_ALBUM_FAILED": "Failed to create album , please try again",
"SEARCH": "Search",
"SEARCH_RESULTS": "Search results",
"NO_RESULTS": "No results found",
"SEARCH_HINT": "Search for albums, dates, descriptions, ...",
"COLLECTION": "Album",
"LOCATION": "Location",
"CITY": "Location",
"DATE": "Date",
"FILE_NAME": "File name",
"THING": "Content",
"FILE_CAPTION": "Description",
"FILE_TYPE": "File type",
"CLIP": "Magic"
"photos_count_zero": "No memories",
"photos_count_one": "1 memory",
"photos_count_other": "{{count, number}} memories",
"TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS": "I agree to the <a>terms</a> and <b>privacy policy</b>",
"ADD_TO_COLLECTION": "Add to album",
"SELECTED": "selected",
"VIDEO_PLAYBACK_FAILED_DOWNLOAD_INSTEAD": "This video cannot be played on your browser",
"PEOPLE": "People",
"INDEXING_SCHEDULED": "Indexing is scheduled...",
"ANALYZING_PHOTOS": "Indexing photos ({{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} / {{indexStatus.nTotalFiles,number}})",
"INDEXING_PEOPLE": "Indexing people in {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} photos...",
"INDEXING_DONE": "Indexed {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} photos",
"UNIDENTIFIED_FACES": "unidentified faces",
"OBJECTS": "objects",
"TEXT": "text",
"INFO": "Info ",
"INFO_OPTION": "Info (I)",
"FILE_NAME": "File name",
"CAPTION_PLACEHOLDER": "Add a description",
"LOCATION": "Location",
"SHOW_ON_MAP": "View on OpenStreetMap",
"MAP": "Map",
"MAP_SETTINGS": "Map Settings",
"ENABLE_MAPS": "Enable Maps?",
"ENABLE_MAP": "Enable map",
"DISABLE_MAPS": "Disable Maps?",
"ENABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will show your photos on a world map.</p> <p>The map is hosted by <a>OpenStreetMap</a>, and the exact locations of your photos are never shared.</p> <p>You can disable this feature anytime from Settings.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will disable the display of your photos on a world map.</p> <p>You can enable this feature anytime from Settings.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP": "Disable map",
"DETAILS": "Details",
"VIEW_EXIF": "View all EXIF data",
"NO_EXIF": "No EXIF data",
"ISO": "ISO",
"TWO_FACTOR": "Two-factor",
"TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION": "Two-factor authentication",
"TWO_FACTOR_QR_INSTRUCTION": "Scan the QR code below with your favorite authenticator app",
"ENTER_CODE_MANUALLY": "Enter the code manually",
"TWO_FACTOR_MANUAL_CODE_INSTRUCTION": "Please enter this code in your favorite authenticator app",
"SCAN_QR_CODE": "Scan QR code instead",
"ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Enable two-factor",
"ENABLE": "Enable",
"LOST_DEVICE": "Lost two-factor device",
"INCORRECT_CODE": "Incorrect code",
"TWO_FACTOR_INFO": "Add an additional layer of security by requiring more than your email and password to log in to your account",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Disable two-factor authentication",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Update your authenticator device",
"DISABLE": "Disable",
"RECONFIGURE": "Reconfigure",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR": "Update two-factor",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Continuing forward will void any previously configured authenticators",
"UPDATE": "Update",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Disable two-factor",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to disable your two-factor authentication",
"TWO_FACTOR_DISABLE_FAILED": "Failed to disable two factor, please try again",
"EXPORT_DATA": "Export data",
"SELECT_FOLDER": "Select folder",
"DESTINATION": "Destination",
"START": "Start",
"LAST_EXPORT_TIME": "Last export time",
"EXPORT_AGAIN": "Resync",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE": "Local storage not accessible",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE_MESSAGE": "Your browser or an addon is blocking ente from saving data into local storage. please try loading this page after switching your browsing mode.",
"SEND_OTT": "Send OTP",
"EMAIl_ALREADY_OWNED": "Email already taken",
"ETAGS_BLOCKED": "<p>We were unable to upload the following files because of your browser configuration.</p><p>Please disable any addons that might be preventing ente from using <code>eTags</code> to upload large files, or use our <a>desktop app</a> for a more reliable import experience.</p>",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS_INFO": "<p>Presently we do not support adding videos via public links.</p><p>To share videos, please <a>signup</a> for ente and share with the intended recipients using their email.</p>",
"LIVE_PHOTOS_DETECTED": "The photo and video files from your Live Photos have been merged into a single file",
"RETRY_FAILED": "Retry failed uploads",
"FAILED_UPLOADS": "Failed uploads ",
"SKIPPED_FILES": "Ignored uploads",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_UPLOADS": "Thumbnail generation failed",
"UNSUPPORTED_FILES": "Unsupported files",
"SUCCESSFUL_UPLOADS": "Successful uploads",
"SKIPPED_INFO": "Skipped these as there are files with matching names in the same album",
"UNSUPPORTED_INFO": "ente does not support these file formats yet",
"BLOCKED_UPLOADS": "Blocked uploads",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS": "Skipped videos",
"INPROGRESS_UPLOADS": "Uploads in progress",
"TOO_LARGE_UPLOADS": "Large files",
"LARGER_THAN_AVAILABLE_STORAGE_INFO": "These files were not uploaded as they exceed the maximum size limit for your storage plan",
"TOO_LARGE_INFO": "These files were not uploaded as they exceed our maximum file size limit",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_INFO": "These files were uploaded, but unfortunately we could not generate the thumbnails for them.",
"UPLOAD_TO_COLLECTION": "Upload to album",
"UNCATEGORIZED": "Uncategorized",
"ARCHIVE": "Archive",
"FAVORITES": "Favorites",
"ARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Archive album",
"MOVE_TO_COLLECTION": "Move to album",
"UNARCHIVE": "Unarchive",
"UNARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Unarchive album",
"HIDE_COLLECTION": "Hide album",
"UNHIDE_COLLECTION": "Unhide album",
"MOVE": "Move",
"ADD": "Add",
"REMOVE": "Remove",
"YES_REMOVE": "Yes, remove",
"REMOVE_FROM_COLLECTION": "Remove from album",
"TRASH": "Trash",
"MOVE_TO_TRASH": "Move to trash",
"TRASH_FILES_MESSAGE": "Selected files will be removed from all albums and moved to trash.",
"TRASH_FILE_MESSAGE": "The file will be removed from all albums and moved to trash.",
"DELETE_PERMANENTLY": "Delete permanently",
"RESTORE": "Restore",
"RESTORE_TO_COLLECTION": "Restore to album",
"EMPTY_TRASH": "Empty trash",
"EMPTY_TRASH_TITLE": "Empty trash?",
"EMPTY_TRASH_MESSAGE": "These files will be permanently deleted from your ente account.",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM": "Yes, leave",
"LEAVE_ALBUM": "Leave album",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_TITLE": "Leave shared album?",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_MESSAGE": "You will leave the album, and it will stop being visible to you.",
"NOT_FILE_OWNER": "You cannot delete files in a shared album",
"CONFIRM_SELF_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Selected items will be removed from this album. Items which are only in this album will be moved to Uncategorized.",
"CONFIRM_SELF_AND_OTHER_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Some of the items you are removing were added by other people, and you will lose access to them.",
"SORT_BY_NAME": "Name",
"COMPRESS_THUMBNAILS": "Compress thumbnails",
"THUMBNAIL_REPLACED": "Thumbnails compressed",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL": "Compress",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL_LATER": "Compress later",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOT_STARTED": "Some of your videos thumbnails can be compressed to save space. would you like ente to compress them?",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED": "Successfully compressed all thumbnails",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOOP": "You have no thumbnails that can be compressed further",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "Could not compress some of your thumbnails, please retry",
"FIX_CREATION_TIME": "Fix time",
"CREATION_TIME_UPDATED": "File time updated",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_NOT_STARTED": "Select the option you want to use",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED": "Successfully updated all files",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "File time updation failed for some files, please retry",
"CAPTION_CHARACTER_LIMIT": "5000 characters max",
"DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL": "EXIF:DateTimeOriginal",
"DATE_TIME_DIGITIZED": "EXIF:DateTimeDigitized",
"METADATA_DATE": "EXIF:MetadataDate",
"CUSTOM_TIME": "Custom time",
"OPEN_PLAN_SELECTOR_MODAL_FAILED": "Failed to open plans",
"INSTALL": "Install",
"SHARING_DETAILS": "Sharing details",
"MODIFY_SHARING": "Modify sharing",
"ADD_COLLABORATORS": "Add collaborators",
"ADD_NEW_EMAIL": "Add a new email",
"shared_with_people_zero": "Share with specific people",
"shared_with_people_one": "Shared with 1 person",
"shared_with_people_other": "Shared with {{count, number}} people",
"participants_zero": "No participants",
"participants_one": "1 participant",
"participants_other": "{{count, number}} participants",
"ADD_VIEWERS": "Add viewers",
"PARTICIPANTS": "Participants",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_VIEWER": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} will not be able to add more photos to the album</p> <p>They will still be able to remove photos added by them</p>",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_COLLABORATOR": "{{selectedEmail}} will be able to add photos to the album",
"CONVERT_TO_VIEWER": "Yes, convert to viewer",
"CONVERT_TO_COLLABORATOR": "Yes, convert to collaborator",
"CHANGE_PERMISSION": "Change permission?",
"CONFIRM_REMOVE": "Yes, remove",
"MANAGE": "Manage",
"ADDED_AS": "Added as",
"COLLABORATOR_RIGHTS": "Collaborators can add photos and videos to the shared album",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_HEAD": "Remove participant",
"OWNER": "Owner",
"COLLABORATORS": "Collaborators",
"ADD_MORE": "Add more",
"VIEWERS": "Viewers",
"OR_ADD_EXISTING": "Or pick an existing one",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_MESSAGE": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} will be removed from the album</p> <p>Any photos added by them will also be removed from the album</p>",
"NOT_FOUND": "404 - not found",
"LINK_EXPIRED": "Link expired",
"LINK_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "This link has either expired or been disabled!",
"MANAGE_LINK": "Manage link",
"LINK_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS": "Sorry, this album has been viewed on too many devices!",
"FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Allow downloads",
"LINK_PASSWORD_LOCK": "Password lock",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT": "Allow adding photos",
"LINK_DEVICE_LIMIT": "Device limit",
"LINK_EXPIRY": "Link expiry",
"NEVER": "Never",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Disable download",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure that you want to disable the download button for files?</p><p>Viewers can still take screenshots or save a copy of your photos using external tools.</p>",
"MALICIOUS_CONTENT": "Contains malicious content",
"COPYRIGHT": "Infringes on the copyright of someone I am authorized to represent",
"SHARED_USING": "Shared using ",
"ENTE_IO": "",
"SHARING_REFERRAL_CODE": "Use code <strong>{{referralCode}}</strong> to get 10 GB free",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD": "Disable password lock",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to disable the password lock?",
"PASSWORD_LOCK": "Password lock",
"LOCK": "Lock",
"UPLOAD_DIRS": "Folder",
"UPLOAD_GOOGLE_TAKEOUT": "Google takeout",
"DEDUPLICATE_FILES": "Deduplicate files",
"NO_DUPLICATES_FOUND": "You've no duplicate files that can be cleared",
"CLUB_BY_CAPTURE_TIME": "Club by capture time",
"FILES": "Files",
"EACH": "Each",
"DEDUPLICATE_BASED_ON_SIZE": "The following files were clubbed based on their sizes, please review and delete items you believe are duplicates",
"STOP_ALL_UPLOADS_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to stop all the uploads in progress?",
"STOP_UPLOADS_HEADER": "Stop uploads?",
"YES_STOP_UPLOADS": "Yes, stop uploads",
"STOP_DOWNLOADS_HEADER": "Stop downloads?",
"YES_STOP_DOWNLOADS": "Yes, stop downloads",
"STOP_ALL_DOWNLOADS_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to stop all the downloads in progress?",
"albums_one": "1 Album",
"albums_other": "{{count, number}} Albums",
"ALL_ALBUMS": "All Albums",
"ALBUMS": "Albums",
"ALL_HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "All hidden albums",
"HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "Hidden albums",
"HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Hidden items",
"ENTER_TWO_FACTOR_OTP": "Enter the 6-digit code from your authenticator app.",
"CREATE_ACCOUNT": "Create account",
"COPIED": "Copied",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_TITLE": "Unable to generate thumbnail",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_MESSAGE": "<p>It looks like your browser has disabled access to canvas, which is necessary to generate thumbnails for your photos </p> <p> Please enable access to your browser's canvas, or check out our desktop app</p>",
"WATCH_FOLDERS": "Watch folders",
"UPGRADE_NOW": "Upgrade now",
"RENEW_NOW": "Renew now",
"STORAGE": "Storage",
"USED": "used",
"YOU": "You",
"FAMILY": "Family",
"FREE": "free",
"OF": "of",
"WATCHED_FOLDERS": "Watched folders",
"NO_FOLDERS_ADDED": "No folders added yet!",
"FOLDERS_AUTOMATICALLY_MONITORED": "The folders you add here will monitored to automatically",
"UPLOAD_NEW_FILES_TO_ENTE": "Upload new files to ente",
"REMOVE_DELETED_FILES_FROM_ENTE": "Remove deleted files from ente",
"ADD_FOLDER": "Add folder",
"STOP_WATCHING": "Stop watching",
"STOP_WATCHING_FOLDER": "Stop watching folder?",
"STOP_WATCHING_DIALOG_MESSAGE": "Your existing files will not be deleted, but ente will stop automatically updating the linked ente album on changes in this folder.",
"YES_STOP": "Yes, stop",
"MONTH_SHORT": "mo",
"YEAR": "year",
"FAMILY_PLAN": "Family plan",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS": "Download logs",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS_MESSAGE": "<p>This will download debug logs, which you can email to us to help debug your issue.</p><p> Please note that file names will be included to help track issues with specific files. </p>",
"CHANGE_FOLDER": "Change Folder",
"TWO_MONTHS_FREE": "Get 2 months free on yearly plans",
"GB": "GB",
"POPULAR": "Popular",
"FREE_PLAN_OPTION_LABEL": "Continue with free trial",
"FREE_PLAN_DESCRIPTION": "1 GB for 1 year",
"CURRENT_USAGE": "Current usage is <strong>{{usage}}</strong>",
"WEAK_DEVICE": "The web browser you're using is not powerful enough to encrypt your photos. Please try to log in to ente on your computer, or download the ente mobile/desktop app.",
"DRAG_AND_DROP_HINT": "Or drag and drop into the ente window",
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DELETION_MESSAGE": "Your uploaded data will be scheduled for deletion, and your account will be permanently deleted.<br/><br/>This action is not reversible.",
"AUTHENTICATE": "Authenticate",
"UPLOADED_TO_SINGLE_COLLECTION": "Uploaded to single collection",
"UPLOADED_TO_SEPARATE_COLLECTIONS": "Uploaded to separate collections",
"NEVERMIND": "Nevermind",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE": "Update available",
"UPDATE_INSTALLABLE_MESSAGE": "A new version of ente is ready to be installed.",
"INSTALL_NOW": "Install now",
"INSTALL_ON_NEXT_LAUNCH": "Install on next launch",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE": "A new version of ente has been released, but it cannot be automatically downloaded and installed.",
"DOWNLOAD_AND_INSTALL": "Download and install",
"IGNORE_THIS_VERSION": "Ignore this version",
"TODAY": "Today",
"YESTERDAY": "Yesterday",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED": "Cannot create albums from file/folder mix",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED_MESSAGE": "<p>You have dragged and dropped a mixture of files and folders.</p><p>Please provide either only files, or only folders when selecting option to create separate albums</p>",
"CHOSE_THEME": "Choose theme",
"ML_SEARCH": "Face recognition",
"ENABLE_ML_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will enable on-device machine learning and face search which will start analyzing your uploaded photos locally.</p><p>For the first run after login or enabling this feature, it will download all images on local device to analyze them. So please only enable this if you are ok with bandwidth and local processing of all images in your photo library.</p><p>If this is the first time you're enabling this, we'll also ask your permission to process face data.</p>",
"ML_MORE_DETAILS": "More details",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Enable face recognition",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Enable face recognition?",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>If you enable face recognition, ente will extract face geometry from your photos. This will happen on your device, and any generated biometric data will be end-to-encrypted.<p/><p><a>Please click here for more details about this feature in our privacy policy</a></p>",
"DISABLE_BETA": "Pause recognition",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Disable face recognition",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Disable face recognition?",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>Ente will stop processing face geometry.</p><p>You can reenable face recognition again if you wish, so this operation is safe.</p>",
"ADVANCED": "Advanced",
"FACE_SEARCH_CONFIRMATION": "I understand, and wish to allow ente to process face geometry",
"LABS": "Labs",
"YOURS": "yours",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_WEAK": "Password strength: Weak",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_MODERATE": "Password strength: Moderate",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_STRONG": "Password strength: Strong",
"PREFERENCES": "Preferences",
"LANGUAGE": "Language",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Invalid export directory",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_MESSAGE": "<p>The export directory you have selected does not exist.</p><p> Please select a valid directory.</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_VERIFICATION_ERROR": "Subscription verification failed",
"B": "B",
"KB": "KB",
"MB": "MB",
"GB": "GB",
"TB": "TB"
"HOUR": "after an hour",
"DAY": "after a day",
"WEEK": "after a week",
"MONTH": "after a month",
"YEAR": "after a year"
"COPY_LINK": "Copy link",
"DONE": "Done",
"LINK_SHARE_TITLE": "Or share a link",
"REMOVE_LINK": "Remove link",
"CREATE_PUBLIC_SHARING": "Create public link",
"PUBLIC_LINK_CREATED": "Public link created",
"PUBLIC_LINK_ENABLED": "Public link enabled",
"COLLECT_PHOTOS": "Collect photos",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT_SUBTEXT": "Allow people with the link to also add photos to the shared album.",
"STOP_EXPORT": "Stop",
"EXPORT_PROGRESS": "<a>{{progress.success, number}} / {{, number}}</a> items synced",
"MIGRATING_EXPORT": "Preparing...",
"RENAMING_COLLECTION_FOLDERS": "Renaming album folders...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_FILES": "Trashing deleted files...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_COLLECTIONS": "Trashing deleted albums...",
"START": "Export started",
"IN_PROGRESS": "Export already in progress",
"FINISH": "Export finished",
"UP_TO_DATE": "No new files to export"
"CONTINUOUS_EXPORT": "Sync continuously",
"TOTAL_ITEMS": "Total items",
"PENDING_ITEMS": "Pending items",
"EXPORT_STARTING": "Export starting...",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_REASON_LABEL": "What is the main reason you are deleting your account?",
"MISSING_FEATURE": "It's missing a key feature that I need",
"BROKEN_BEHAVIOR": "The app or a certain feature does not behave as I think it should",
"FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "I found another service that I like better",
"NOT_LISTED": "My reason isn't listed"
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_FEEDBACK_LABEL": "We are sorry to see you go. Please explain why you are leaving to help us improve.",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT_CHECKBOX_LABEL": "Yes, I want to permanently delete this account and all its data",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Confirm Account Deletion",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED": "Kindly help us with this information",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED_FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "What does the other service do better?",
"RECOVER_TWO_FACTOR": "Recover two-factor",
"at": "at",
"AUTH_NEXT": "next",
"AUTH_DOWNLOAD_MOBILE_APP": "Download our mobile app to manage your secrets",
"HIDDEN": "Hidden",
"HIDE": "Hide",
"UNHIDE": "Unhide",
"UNHIDE_TO_COLLECTION": "Unhide to album",
"SORT_BY": "Sort by",
"NEWEST_FIRST": "Newest first",
"OLDEST_FIRST": "Oldest first",
"CONVERSION_FAILED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE": "This file could not be previewed. Click here to download the original.",
"SELECT_COLLECTION": "Select album",
"PIN_ALBUM": "Pin album",
"UNPIN_ALBUM": "Unpin album",
"DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE": "Download complete",
"DOWNLOADING_COLLECTION": "Downloading {{name}}",
"DOWNLOAD_FAILED": "Download failed",
"DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS": "{{progress.current}} / {{}} files",
"CRASH_REPORTING": "Crash reporting",
"CHRISTMAS": "Christmas",
"CHRISTMAS_EVE": "Christmas Eve",
"NEW_YEAR": "New Year",
"NEW_YEAR_EVE": "New Year's Eve",
"IMAGE": "Image",
"VIDEO": "Video",
"LIVE_PHOTO": "Live Photo",
"CONVERT": "Convert",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to close the editor?",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_DESCRIPTION": "Download your edited image or save a copy to ente to persist your changes.",
"BRIGHTNESS": "Brightness",
"CONTRAST": "Contrast",
"SATURATION": "Saturation",
"BLUR": "Blur",
"INVERT_COLORS": "Invert Colors",
"ASPECT_RATIO": "Aspect Ratio",
"SQUARE": "Square",
"ROTATE_LEFT": "Rotate Left",
"ROTATE_RIGHT": "Rotate Right",
"FLIP_VERTICALLY": "Flip Vertically",
"FLIP_HORIZONTALLY": "Flip Horizontally",
"DOWNLOAD_EDITED": "Download Edited",
"SAVE_A_COPY_TO_ENTE": "Save a copy to ente",
"RESTORE_ORIGINAL": "Restore Original",
"TRANSFORM": "Transform",
"COLORS": "Colors",
"FLIP": "Flip",
"ROTATION": "Rotation",
"RESET": "Reset",
"PHOTO_EDITOR": "Photo Editor",
"FASTER_UPLOAD": "Faster uploads",
"FASTER_UPLOAD_DESCRIPTION": "Route uploads through nearby servers",
"MAGIC_SEARCH_STATUS": "Magic Search Status",
"INDEXED_ITEMS": "Indexed items",
"CAST_ALBUM_TO_TV": "Play album on TV",
"ENTER_CAST_PIN_CODE": "Enter the code you see on the TV below to pair this device.",
"PAIR_DEVICE_TO_TV": "Pair devices",
"TV_NOT_FOUND": "TV not found. Did you enter the PIN correctly?",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR": "Auto Pair",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR_REQUIRES_CONNECTION_TO_GOOGLE": "Auto Pair requires connecting to Google servers and only works with Chromecast supported devices. Google will not receive sensitive data, such as your photos.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN": "Pair with PIN",
"CHOOSE_DEVICE_FROM_BROWSER": "Choose a cast-compatible device from the browser popup.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN_WORKS_FOR_ANY_LARGE_SCREEN_DEVICE": "Pair with PIN works for any large screen device you want to play your album on.",
"VISIT_CAST_ENTE_IO": "Visit on the device you want to pair.",
"CAST_AUTO_PAIR_FAILED": "Chromecast Auto Pair failed. Please try again.",
"CACHE_DIRECTORY": "Cache folder",
"PASSKEYS": "Passkeys",
"FREEHAND": "Freehand",
"APPLY_CROP": "Apply Crop",
"PHOTO_EDIT_REQUIRED_TO_SAVE": "At least one transformation or color adjustment must be performed before saving."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
"HERO_SLIDE_1_TITLE": "<div>Private backups</div><div>for your memories</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_1": "End-to-end encrypted by default",
"HERO_SLIDE_2_TITLE": "<div>Safely stored</div><div>at a fallout shelter</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_2": "Designed to outlive",
"HERO_SLIDE_3_TITLE": "<div>Available</div><div> everywhere</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_3": "Android, iOS, Web, Desktop",
"LOGIN": "Login",
"SIGN_UP": "Signup",
"NEW_USER": "New to ente",
"EXISTING_USER": "Existing user",
"ENTER_NAME": "Enter name",
"PUBLIC_UPLOADER_NAME_MESSAGE": "Add a name so that your friends know who to thank for these great photos!",
"ENTER_EMAIL": "Enter email address",
"EMAIL_ERROR": "Enter a valid email",
"REQUIRED": "Required",
"EMAIL_SENT": "Verification code sent to <a>{{email}}</a>",
"CHECK_INBOX": "Please check your inbox (and spam) to complete verification",
"ENTER_OTT": "Verification code",
"RESEND_MAIL": "Resend code",
"VERIFY": "Verify",
"UNKNOWN_ERROR": "Something went wrong, please try again",
"INVALID_CODE": "Invalid verification code",
"EXPIRED_CODE": "Your verification code has expired",
"SENDING": "Sending...",
"SENT": "Sent!",
"PASSWORD": "Password",
"LINK_PASSWORD": "Enter password to unlock the album",
"SET_PASSPHRASE": "Set password",
"INCORRECT_PASSPHRASE": "Incorrect password",
"ENTER_ENC_PASSPHRASE": "Please enter a password that we can use to encrypt your data",
"PASSPHRASE_DISCLAIMER": "We don't store your password, so if you forget it, <strong>we will not be able to help you </strong>recover your data without a recovery key.",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_HEADING": "Welcome to <a/>",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_SUBHEADING": "End to end encrypted photo storage and sharing",
"WHERE_YOUR_BEST_PHOTOS_LIVE": "Where your best photos live",
"KEY_GENERATION_IN_PROGRESS_MESSAGE": "Generating encryption keys...",
"PASSPHRASE_HINT": "Password",
"CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm password",
"REFERRAL_CODE_HINT": "How did you hear about Ente? (optional)",
"REFERRAL_INFO": "We don't track app installs, It'd help us if you told us where you found us!",
"PASSPHRASE_MATCH_ERROR": "Passwords don't match",
"CONSOLE_WARNING_DESC": "This is a browser feature intended for developers. Please don't copy-paste unverified code here.",
"ENTER_ALBUM_NAME": "Album name",
"CLOSE_OPTION": "Close (Esc)",
"ENTER_FILE_NAME": "File name",
"CLOSE": "Close",
"NO": "No",
"NOTHING_HERE": "Nothing to see here yet 👀",
"UPLOAD": "Upload",
"IMPORT": "Import",
"ADD_PHOTOS": "Add photos",
"ADD_MORE_PHOTOS": "Add more photos",
"add_photos_one": "Add 1 item",
"add_photos_other": "Add {{count, number}} items",
"SELECT_PHOTOS": "Select photos",
"FILE_UPLOAD": "File Upload",
"0": "Preparing to upload",
"1": "Reading google metadata files",
"2": "{{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / {{, number}} files metadata extracted",
"3": "{{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / {{, number}} files processed",
"4": "Cancelling remaining uploads",
"5": "Backup complete"
"FILE_NOT_UPLOADED_LIST": "The following files were not uploaded",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED": "Subscription expired",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Your subscription has expired, please <a>renew</a>",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED": "Storage limit exceeded",
"INITIAL_LOAD_DELAY_WARNING": "First load may take some time",
"USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Sorry, could not find a user with that email",
"NO_ACCOUNT": "Don't have an account",
"ACCOUNT_EXISTS": "Already have an account",
"CREATE": "Create",
"DOWNLOAD": "Download",
"DOWNLOAD_OPTION": "Download (D)",
"DOWNLOAD_FAVORITES": "Download favorites",
"DOWNLOAD_UNCATEGORIZED": "Download uncategorized",
"DOWNLOAD_HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Download hidden items",
"COPY_OPTION": "Copy as PNG (Ctrl/Cmd - C)",
"TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN": "Toggle fullscreen (F)",
"ZOOM_IN_OUT": "Zoom in/out",
"PREVIOUS": "Previous (←)",
"NEXT": "Next (→)",
"TITLE_PHOTOS": "Ente Photos",
"TITLE_ALBUMS": "Ente Photos",
"TITLE_AUTH": "Ente Auth",
"UPLOAD_FIRST_PHOTO": "Upload your first photo",
"IMPORT_YOUR_FOLDERS": "Import your folders",
"UPLOAD_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Drop to backup your files",
"WATCH_FOLDER_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Drop to add watched folder",
"TRASH_FILES_TITLE": "Delete files?",
"TRASH_FILE_TITLE": "Delete file?",
"DELETE_FILES_TITLE": "Delete immediately?",
"DELETE_FILES_MESSAGE": "Selected files will be permanently deleted from your ente account.",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"DELETE_OPTION": "Delete (DEL)",
"FAVORITE_OPTION": "Favorite (L)",
"UNFAVORITE_OPTION": "Unfavorite (L)",
"MULTI_FOLDER_UPLOAD": "Multiple folders detected",
"UPLOAD_STRATEGY_CHOICE": "Would you like to upload them into",
"OR": "or",
"SESSION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Your session has expired, please login again to continue",
"SESSION_EXPIRED": "Session expired",
"PASSWORD_GENERATION_FAILED": "Your browser was unable to generate a strong key that meets ente's encryption standards, please try using the mobile app or another browser",
"CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Change password",
"GO_BACK": "Go back",
"RECOVERY_KEY": "Recovery key",
"SAVE_LATER": "Do this later",
"SAVE": "Save Key",
"RECOVERY_KEY_DESCRIPTION": "If you forget your password, the only way you can recover your data is with this key.",
"RECOVER_KEY_GENERATION_FAILED": "Recovery code could not be generated, please try again",
"KEY_NOT_STORED_DISCLAIMER": "We don't store this key, so please save this in a safe place",
"FORGOT_PASSWORD": "Forgot password",
"RECOVER_ACCOUNT": "Recover account",
"RECOVERY_KEY_HINT": "Recovery key",
"RECOVER": "Recover",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY": "No recovery key?",
"INCORRECT_RECOVERY_KEY": "Incorrect recovery key",
"SORRY": "Sorry",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Due to the nature of our end-to-end encryption protocol, your data cannot be decrypted without your password or recovery key",
"NO_TWO_FACTOR_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Please drop an email to <a>{{emailID}}</a> from your registered email address",
"CONTACT_SUPPORT": "Contact support",
"REQUEST_FEATURE": "Request Feature",
"SUPPORT": "Support",
"CONFIRM": "Confirm",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"LOGOUT": "Logout",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Delete account",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE": "<p>Please send an email to <a>{{emailID}}</a> from your registered email address.</p><p>Your request will be processed within 72 hours.</p>",
"LOGOUT_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to logout?",
"CHANGE_EMAIL": "Change email",
"OK": "OK",
"SUCCESS": "Success",
"ERROR": "Error",
"MESSAGE": "Message",
"INSTALL_MOBILE_APP": "Install our <a>Android</a> or <b>iOS</b> app to automatically backup all your photos",
"DOWNLOAD_APP_MESSAGE": "Sorry, this operation is currently only supported on our desktop app",
"DOWNLOAD_APP": "Download desktop app",
"EXPORT": "Export Data",
"SUBSCRIPTION": "Subscription",
"SUBSCRIBE": "Subscribe",
"MANAGEMENT_PORTAL": "Manage payment method",
"MANAGE_FAMILY_PORTAL": "Manage family",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_PLAN": "Leave family plan",
"LEAVE": "Leave",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_CONFIRM": "Are you sure that you want to leave family plan?",
"CHOOSE_PLAN": "Choose your plan",
"MANAGE_PLAN": "Manage your subscription",
"ACTIVE": "Active",
"OFFLINE_MSG": "You are offline, cached memories are being shown",
"FREE_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "You are on the <strong>free</strong> plan that expires on {{date, dateTime}}",
"FAMILY_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "You are on a family plan managed by",
"RENEWAL_ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS": "Renews on {{date, dateTime}}",
"RENEWAL_CANCELLED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Your subscription will be cancelled on {{date, dateTime}}",
"ADD_ON_AVAILABLE_TILL": "Your {{storage, string}} add-on is valid till {{date, dateTime}}",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "You have exceeded your storage quota, please <a>upgrade</a>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_SUCCESS": "<p>We've received your payment</p><p>Your subscription is valid till <strong>{{date, dateTime}}</strong></p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_CANCELLED": "Your purchase was canceled, please try again if you want to subscribe",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_FAILED": "Subscription purchase failed , please try again",
"SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATE_FAILED": "Subscription updated failed , please try again",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD_MESSAGE": "We are sorry, payment failed when we tried to charge your card, please update your payment method and try again",
"STRIPE_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED": "We are unable to authenticate your payment method. please choose a different payment method and try again",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD": "Update payment method",
"MONTHLY": "Monthly",
"YEARLY": "Yearly",
"UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to change your plan?",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION": "Cancel subscription",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "<p>All of your data will be deleted from our servers at the end of this billing period.</p><p>Are you sure that you want to cancel your subscription?</p>",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_WITH_ADDON_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure you want to cancel your subscription?</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_FAILED": "Failed to cancel subscription",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_SUCCESS": "Subscription canceled successfully",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Reactivate subscription",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Once reactivated, you will be billed on {{date, dateTime}}",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_SUCCESS": "Subscription activated successfully ",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_FAILED": "Failed to reactivate subscription renewals",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE": "Cancel mobile subscription",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE_MESSAGE": "Please cancel your subscription from the mobile app to activate a subscription here",
"MAIL_TO_MANAGE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Please contact us at <a>{{emailID}}</a> to manage your subscription",
"RENAME": "Rename",
"RENAME_FILE": "Rename file",
"RENAME_COLLECTION": "Rename album",
"DELETE_COLLECTION": "Delete album",
"DELETE_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "Also delete the photos (and videos) present in this album from <a>all</a> other albums they are part of?",
"DELETE_PHOTOS": "Delete photos",
"KEEP_PHOTOS": "Keep photos",
"SHARE": "Share",
"SHARE_COLLECTION": "Share album",
"SHAREES": "Shared with",
"SHARE_WITH_SELF": "Oops, you cannot share with yourself",
"ALREADY_SHARED": "Oops, you're already sharing this with {{email}}",
"SHARING_BAD_REQUEST_ERROR": "Sharing album not allowed",
"SHARING_DISABLED_FOR_FREE_ACCOUNTS": "Sharing is disabled for free accounts",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION": "Download album",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure you want to download the complete album?</p><p>All files will be queued for download sequentially</p>",
"CREATE_ALBUM_FAILED": "Failed to create album , please try again",
"SEARCH": "Search",
"SEARCH_RESULTS": "Search results",
"NO_RESULTS": "No results found",
"SEARCH_HINT": "Search for albums, dates, descriptions, ...",
"COLLECTION": "Album",
"LOCATION": "Location",
"CITY": "Location",
"DATE": "Date",
"FILE_NAME": "File name",
"THING": "Content",
"FILE_CAPTION": "Description",
"FILE_TYPE": "File type",
"CLIP": "Magic"
"photos_count_zero": "No memories",
"photos_count_one": "1 memory",
"photos_count_other": "{{count, number}} memories",
"TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS": "I agree to the <a>terms</a> and <b>privacy policy</b>",
"ADD_TO_COLLECTION": "Add to album",
"SELECTED": "selected",
"VIDEO_PLAYBACK_FAILED_DOWNLOAD_INSTEAD": "This video cannot be played on your browser",
"PEOPLE": "People",
"INDEXING_SCHEDULED": "Indexing is scheduled...",
"ANALYZING_PHOTOS": "Indexing photos ({{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} / {{indexStatus.nTotalFiles,number}})",
"INDEXING_PEOPLE": "Indexing people in {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} photos...",
"INDEXING_DONE": "Indexed {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} photos",
"UNIDENTIFIED_FACES": "unidentified faces",
"OBJECTS": "objects",
"TEXT": "text",
"INFO": "Info ",
"INFO_OPTION": "Info (I)",
"FILE_NAME": "File name",
"CAPTION_PLACEHOLDER": "Add a description",
"LOCATION": "Location",
"SHOW_ON_MAP": "View on OpenStreetMap",
"MAP": "Map",
"MAP_SETTINGS": "Map Settings",
"ENABLE_MAPS": "Enable Maps?",
"ENABLE_MAP": "Enable map",
"DISABLE_MAPS": "Disable Maps?",
"ENABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will show your photos on a world map.</p> <p>The map is hosted by <a>OpenStreetMap</a>, and the exact locations of your photos are never shared.</p> <p>You can disable this feature anytime from Settings.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will disable the display of your photos on a world map.</p> <p>You can enable this feature anytime from Settings.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP": "Disable map",
"DETAILS": "Details",
"VIEW_EXIF": "View all EXIF data",
"NO_EXIF": "No EXIF data",
"ISO": "ISO",
"TWO_FACTOR": "Two-factor",
"TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION": "Two-factor authentication",
"TWO_FACTOR_QR_INSTRUCTION": "Scan the QR code below with your favorite authenticator app",
"ENTER_CODE_MANUALLY": "Enter the code manually",
"TWO_FACTOR_MANUAL_CODE_INSTRUCTION": "Please enter this code in your favorite authenticator app",
"SCAN_QR_CODE": "Scan QR code instead",
"ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Enable two-factor",
"ENABLE": "Enable",
"LOST_DEVICE": "Lost two-factor device",
"INCORRECT_CODE": "Incorrect code",
"TWO_FACTOR_INFO": "Add an additional layer of security by requiring more than your email and password to log in to your account",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Disable two-factor authentication",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Update your authenticator device",
"DISABLE": "Disable",
"RECONFIGURE": "Reconfigure",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR": "Update two-factor",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Continuing forward will void any previously configured authenticators",
"UPDATE": "Update",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Disable two-factor",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to disable your two-factor authentication",
"TWO_FACTOR_DISABLE_FAILED": "Failed to disable two factor, please try again",
"EXPORT_DATA": "Export data",
"SELECT_FOLDER": "Select folder",
"DESTINATION": "Destination",
"START": "Start",
"LAST_EXPORT_TIME": "Last export time",
"EXPORT_AGAIN": "Resync",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE": "Local storage not accessible",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE_MESSAGE": "Your browser or an addon is blocking ente from saving data into local storage. please try loading this page after switching your browsing mode.",
"SEND_OTT": "Send OTP",
"EMAIl_ALREADY_OWNED": "Email already taken",
"ETAGS_BLOCKED": "<p>We were unable to upload the following files because of your browser configuration.</p><p>Please disable any addons that might be preventing ente from using <code>eTags</code> to upload large files, or use our <a>desktop app</a> for a more reliable import experience.</p>",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS_INFO": "<p>Presently we do not support adding videos via public links.</p><p>To share videos, please <a>signup</a> for ente and share with the intended recipients using their email.</p>",
"LIVE_PHOTOS_DETECTED": "The photo and video files from your Live Photos have been merged into a single file",
"RETRY_FAILED": "Retry failed uploads",
"FAILED_UPLOADS": "Failed uploads ",
"SKIPPED_FILES": "Ignored uploads",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_UPLOADS": "Thumbnail generation failed",
"UNSUPPORTED_FILES": "Unsupported files",
"SUCCESSFUL_UPLOADS": "Successful uploads",
"SKIPPED_INFO": "Skipped these as there are files with matching names in the same album",
"UNSUPPORTED_INFO": "ente does not support these file formats yet",
"BLOCKED_UPLOADS": "Blocked uploads",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS": "Skipped videos",
"INPROGRESS_UPLOADS": "Uploads in progress",
"TOO_LARGE_UPLOADS": "Large files",
"LARGER_THAN_AVAILABLE_STORAGE_INFO": "These files were not uploaded as they exceed the maximum size limit for your storage plan",
"TOO_LARGE_INFO": "These files were not uploaded as they exceed our maximum file size limit",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_INFO": "These files were uploaded, but unfortunately we could not generate the thumbnails for them.",
"UPLOAD_TO_COLLECTION": "Upload to album",
"UNCATEGORIZED": "Uncategorized",
"ARCHIVE": "Archive",
"FAVORITES": "Favorites",
"ARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Archive album",
"MOVE_TO_COLLECTION": "Move to album",
"UNARCHIVE": "Unarchive",
"UNARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Unarchive album",
"HIDE_COLLECTION": "Hide album",
"UNHIDE_COLLECTION": "Unhide album",
"MOVE": "Move",
"ADD": "Add",
"REMOVE": "Remove",
"YES_REMOVE": "Yes, remove",
"REMOVE_FROM_COLLECTION": "Remove from album",
"TRASH": "Trash",
"MOVE_TO_TRASH": "Move to trash",
"TRASH_FILES_MESSAGE": "Selected files will be removed from all albums and moved to trash.",
"TRASH_FILE_MESSAGE": "The file will be removed from all albums and moved to trash.",
"DELETE_PERMANENTLY": "Delete permanently",
"RESTORE": "Restore",
"RESTORE_TO_COLLECTION": "Restore to album",
"EMPTY_TRASH": "Empty trash",
"EMPTY_TRASH_TITLE": "Empty trash?",
"EMPTY_TRASH_MESSAGE": "These files will be permanently deleted from your ente account.",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM": "Yes, leave",
"LEAVE_ALBUM": "Leave album",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_TITLE": "Leave shared album?",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_MESSAGE": "You will leave the album, and it will stop being visible to you.",
"NOT_FILE_OWNER": "You cannot delete files in a shared album",
"CONFIRM_SELF_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Selected items will be removed from this album. Items which are only in this album will be moved to Uncategorized.",
"CONFIRM_SELF_AND_OTHER_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Some of the items you are removing were added by other people, and you will lose access to them.",
"SORT_BY_NAME": "Name",
"COMPRESS_THUMBNAILS": "Compress thumbnails",
"THUMBNAIL_REPLACED": "Thumbnails compressed",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL": "Compress",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL_LATER": "Compress later",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOT_STARTED": "Some of your videos thumbnails can be compressed to save space. would you like ente to compress them?",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED": "Successfully compressed all thumbnails",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOOP": "You have no thumbnails that can be compressed further",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "Could not compress some of your thumbnails, please retry",
"FIX_CREATION_TIME": "Fix time",
"CREATION_TIME_UPDATED": "File time updated",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_NOT_STARTED": "Select the option you want to use",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED": "Successfully updated all files",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "File time updation failed for some files, please retry",
"CAPTION_CHARACTER_LIMIT": "5000 characters max",
"DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL": "EXIF:DateTimeOriginal",
"DATE_TIME_DIGITIZED": "EXIF:DateTimeDigitized",
"METADATA_DATE": "EXIF:MetadataDate",
"CUSTOM_TIME": "Custom time",
"OPEN_PLAN_SELECTOR_MODAL_FAILED": "Failed to open plans",
"INSTALL": "Install",
"SHARING_DETAILS": "Sharing details",
"MODIFY_SHARING": "Modify sharing",
"ADD_COLLABORATORS": "Add collaborators",
"ADD_NEW_EMAIL": "Add a new email",
"shared_with_people_zero": "Share with specific people",
"shared_with_people_one": "Shared with 1 person",
"shared_with_people_other": "Shared with {{count, number}} people",
"participants_zero": "No participants",
"participants_one": "1 participant",
"participants_other": "{{count, number}} participants",
"ADD_VIEWERS": "Add viewers",
"PARTICIPANTS": "Participants",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_VIEWER": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} will not be able to add more photos to the album</p> <p>They will still be able to remove photos added by them</p>",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_COLLABORATOR": "{{selectedEmail}} will be able to add photos to the album",
"CONVERT_TO_VIEWER": "Yes, convert to viewer",
"CONVERT_TO_COLLABORATOR": "Yes, convert to collaborator",
"CHANGE_PERMISSION": "Change permission?",
"CONFIRM_REMOVE": "Yes, remove",
"MANAGE": "Manage",
"ADDED_AS": "Added as",
"COLLABORATOR_RIGHTS": "Collaborators can add photos and videos to the shared album",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_HEAD": "Remove participant",
"OWNER": "Owner",
"COLLABORATORS": "Collaborators",
"ADD_MORE": "Add more",
"VIEWERS": "Viewers",
"OR_ADD_EXISTING": "Or pick an existing one",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_MESSAGE": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} will be removed from the album</p> <p>Any photos added by them will also be removed from the album</p>",
"NOT_FOUND": "404 - not found",
"LINK_EXPIRED": "Link expired",
"LINK_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "This link has either expired or been disabled!",
"MANAGE_LINK": "Manage link",
"LINK_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS": "Sorry, this album has been viewed on too many devices!",
"FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Allow downloads",
"LINK_PASSWORD_LOCK": "Password lock",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT": "Allow adding photos",
"LINK_DEVICE_LIMIT": "Device limit",
"LINK_EXPIRY": "Link expiry",
"NEVER": "Never",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Disable download",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure that you want to disable the download button for files?</p><p>Viewers can still take screenshots or save a copy of your photos using external tools.</p>",
"MALICIOUS_CONTENT": "Contains malicious content",
"COPYRIGHT": "Infringes on the copyright of someone I am authorized to represent",
"SHARED_USING": "Shared using ",
"ENTE_IO": "",
"SHARING_REFERRAL_CODE": "Use code <strong>{{referralCode}}</strong> to get 10 GB free",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD": "Disable password lock",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to disable the password lock?",
"PASSWORD_LOCK": "Password lock",
"LOCK": "Lock",
"UPLOAD_DIRS": "Folder",
"UPLOAD_GOOGLE_TAKEOUT": "Google takeout",
"DEDUPLICATE_FILES": "Deduplicate files",
"NO_DUPLICATES_FOUND": "You've no duplicate files that can be cleared",
"CLUB_BY_CAPTURE_TIME": "Club by capture time",
"FILES": "Files",
"EACH": "Each",
"DEDUPLICATE_BASED_ON_SIZE": "The following files were clubbed based on their sizes, please review and delete items you believe are duplicates",
"STOP_ALL_UPLOADS_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to stop all the uploads in progress?",
"STOP_UPLOADS_HEADER": "Stop uploads?",
"YES_STOP_UPLOADS": "Yes, stop uploads",
"STOP_DOWNLOADS_HEADER": "Stop downloads?",
"YES_STOP_DOWNLOADS": "Yes, stop downloads",
"STOP_ALL_DOWNLOADS_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to stop all the downloads in progress?",
"albums_one": "1 Album",
"albums_other": "{{count, number}} Albums",
"ALL_ALBUMS": "All Albums",
"ALBUMS": "Albums",
"ALL_HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "All hidden albums",
"HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "Hidden albums",
"HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Hidden items",
"ENTER_TWO_FACTOR_OTP": "Enter the 6-digit code from your authenticator app.",
"CREATE_ACCOUNT": "Create account",
"COPIED": "Copied",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_TITLE": "Unable to generate thumbnail",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_MESSAGE": "<p>It looks like your browser has disabled access to canvas, which is necessary to generate thumbnails for your photos </p> <p> Please enable access to your browser's canvas, or check out our desktop app</p>",
"WATCH_FOLDERS": "Watch folders",
"UPGRADE_NOW": "Upgrade now",
"RENEW_NOW": "Renew now",
"STORAGE": "Storage",
"USED": "used",
"YOU": "You",
"FAMILY": "Family",
"FREE": "free",
"OF": "of",
"WATCHED_FOLDERS": "Watched folders",
"NO_FOLDERS_ADDED": "No folders added yet!",
"FOLDERS_AUTOMATICALLY_MONITORED": "The folders you add here will monitored to automatically",
"UPLOAD_NEW_FILES_TO_ENTE": "Upload new files to ente",
"REMOVE_DELETED_FILES_FROM_ENTE": "Remove deleted files from ente",
"ADD_FOLDER": "Add folder",
"STOP_WATCHING": "Stop watching",
"STOP_WATCHING_FOLDER": "Stop watching folder?",
"STOP_WATCHING_DIALOG_MESSAGE": "Your existing files will not be deleted, but ente will stop automatically updating the linked ente album on changes in this folder.",
"YES_STOP": "Yes, stop",
"MONTH_SHORT": "mo",
"YEAR": "year",
"FAMILY_PLAN": "Family plan",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS": "Download logs",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS_MESSAGE": "<p>This will download debug logs, which you can email to us to help debug your issue.</p><p> Please note that file names will be included to help track issues with specific files. </p>",
"CHANGE_FOLDER": "Change Folder",
"TWO_MONTHS_FREE": "Get 2 months free on yearly plans",
"GB": "GB",
"POPULAR": "Popular",
"FREE_PLAN_OPTION_LABEL": "Continue with free trial",
"FREE_PLAN_DESCRIPTION": "1 GB for 1 year",
"CURRENT_USAGE": "Current usage is <strong>{{usage}}</strong>",
"WEAK_DEVICE": "The web browser you're using is not powerful enough to encrypt your photos. Please try to log in to ente on your computer, or download the ente mobile/desktop app.",
"DRAG_AND_DROP_HINT": "Or drag and drop into the ente window",
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DELETION_MESSAGE": "Your uploaded data will be scheduled for deletion, and your account will be permanently deleted.<br/><br/>This action is not reversible.",
"AUTHENTICATE": "Authenticate",
"UPLOADED_TO_SINGLE_COLLECTION": "Uploaded to single collection",
"UPLOADED_TO_SEPARATE_COLLECTIONS": "Uploaded to separate collections",
"NEVERMIND": "Nevermind",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE": "Update available",
"UPDATE_INSTALLABLE_MESSAGE": "A new version of ente is ready to be installed.",
"INSTALL_NOW": "Install now",
"INSTALL_ON_NEXT_LAUNCH": "Install on next launch",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE": "A new version of ente has been released, but it cannot be automatically downloaded and installed.",
"DOWNLOAD_AND_INSTALL": "Download and install",
"IGNORE_THIS_VERSION": "Ignore this version",
"TODAY": "Today",
"YESTERDAY": "Yesterday",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED": "Cannot create albums from file/folder mix",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED_MESSAGE": "<p>You have dragged and dropped a mixture of files and folders.</p><p>Please provide either only files, or only folders when selecting option to create separate albums</p>",
"CHOSE_THEME": "Choose theme",
"ML_SEARCH": "Face recognition",
"ENABLE_ML_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will enable on-device machine learning and face search which will start analyzing your uploaded photos locally.</p><p>For the first run after login or enabling this feature, it will download all images on local device to analyze them. So please only enable this if you are ok with bandwidth and local processing of all images in your photo library.</p><p>If this is the first time you're enabling this, we'll also ask your permission to process face data.</p>",
"ML_MORE_DETAILS": "More details",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Enable face recognition",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Enable face recognition?",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>If you enable face recognition, ente will extract face geometry from your photos. This will happen on your device, and any generated biometric data will be end-to-encrypted.<p/><p><a>Please click here for more details about this feature in our privacy policy</a></p>",
"DISABLE_BETA": "Pause recognition",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Disable face recognition",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Disable face recognition?",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>Ente will stop processing face geometry.</p><p>You can reenable face recognition again if you wish, so this operation is safe.</p>",
"ADVANCED": "Advanced",
"FACE_SEARCH_CONFIRMATION": "I understand, and wish to allow ente to process face geometry",
"LABS": "Labs",
"YOURS": "yours",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_WEAK": "Password strength: Weak",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_MODERATE": "Password strength: Moderate",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_STRONG": "Password strength: Strong",
"PREFERENCES": "Preferences",
"LANGUAGE": "Language",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Invalid export directory",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_MESSAGE": "<p>The export directory you have selected does not exist.</p><p> Please select a valid directory.</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_VERIFICATION_ERROR": "Subscription verification failed",
"B": "B",
"KB": "KB",
"MB": "MB",
"GB": "GB",
"TB": "TB"
"HOUR": "after an hour",
"DAY": "after a day",
"WEEK": "after a week",
"MONTH": "after a month",
"YEAR": "after a year"
"COPY_LINK": "Copy link",
"DONE": "Done",
"LINK_SHARE_TITLE": "Or share a link",
"REMOVE_LINK": "Remove link",
"CREATE_PUBLIC_SHARING": "Create public link",
"PUBLIC_LINK_CREATED": "Public link created",
"PUBLIC_LINK_ENABLED": "Public link enabled",
"COLLECT_PHOTOS": "Collect photos",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT_SUBTEXT": "Allow people with the link to also add photos to the shared album.",
"STOP_EXPORT": "Stop",
"EXPORT_PROGRESS": "<a>{{progress.success, number}} / {{, number}}</a> items synced",
"MIGRATING_EXPORT": "Preparing...",
"RENAMING_COLLECTION_FOLDERS": "Renaming album folders...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_FILES": "Trashing deleted files...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_COLLECTIONS": "Trashing deleted albums...",
"START": "Export started",
"IN_PROGRESS": "Export already in progress",
"FINISH": "Export finished",
"UP_TO_DATE": "No new files to export"
"CONTINUOUS_EXPORT": "Sync continuously",
"TOTAL_ITEMS": "Total items",
"PENDING_ITEMS": "Pending items",
"EXPORT_STARTING": "Export starting...",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_REASON_LABEL": "What is the main reason you are deleting your account?",
"MISSING_FEATURE": "It's missing a key feature that I need",
"BROKEN_BEHAVIOR": "The app or a certain feature does not behave as I think it should",
"FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "I found another service that I like better",
"NOT_LISTED": "My reason isn't listed"
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_FEEDBACK_LABEL": "We are sorry to see you go. Please explain why you are leaving to help us improve.",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT_CHECKBOX_LABEL": "Yes, I want to permanently delete this account and all its data",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Confirm Account Deletion",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED": "Kindly help us with this information",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED_FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "What does the other service do better?",
"RECOVER_TWO_FACTOR": "Recover two-factor",
"at": "at",
"AUTH_NEXT": "next",
"AUTH_DOWNLOAD_MOBILE_APP": "Download our mobile app to manage your secrets",
"HIDDEN": "Hidden",
"HIDE": "Hide",
"UNHIDE": "Unhide",
"UNHIDE_TO_COLLECTION": "Unhide to album",
"SORT_BY": "Sort by",
"NEWEST_FIRST": "Newest first",
"OLDEST_FIRST": "Oldest first",
"CONVERSION_FAILED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE": "This file could not be previewed. Click here to download the original.",
"SELECT_COLLECTION": "Select album",
"PIN_ALBUM": "Pin album",
"UNPIN_ALBUM": "Unpin album",
"DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE": "Download complete",
"DOWNLOADING_COLLECTION": "Downloading {{name}}",
"DOWNLOAD_FAILED": "Download failed",
"DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS": "{{progress.current}} / {{}} files",
"CRASH_REPORTING": "Crash reporting",
"CHRISTMAS": "Christmas",
"CHRISTMAS_EVE": "Christmas Eve",
"NEW_YEAR": "New Year",
"NEW_YEAR_EVE": "New Year's Eve",
"IMAGE": "Image",
"VIDEO": "Video",
"LIVE_PHOTO": "Live Photo",
"CONVERT": "Convert",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to close the editor?",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_DESCRIPTION": "Download your edited image or save a copy to ente to persist your changes.",
"BRIGHTNESS": "Brightness",
"CONTRAST": "Contrast",
"SATURATION": "Saturation",
"BLUR": "Blur",
"INVERT_COLORS": "Invert Colors",
"ASPECT_RATIO": "Aspect Ratio",
"SQUARE": "Square",
"ROTATE_LEFT": "Rotate Left",
"ROTATE_RIGHT": "Rotate Right",
"FLIP_VERTICALLY": "Flip Vertically",
"FLIP_HORIZONTALLY": "Flip Horizontally",
"DOWNLOAD_EDITED": "Download Edited",
"SAVE_A_COPY_TO_ENTE": "Save a copy to ente",
"RESTORE_ORIGINAL": "Restore Original",
"TRANSFORM": "Transform",
"COLORS": "Colors",
"FLIP": "Flip",
"ROTATION": "Rotation",
"RESET": "Reset",
"PHOTO_EDITOR": "Photo Editor",
"FASTER_UPLOAD": "Faster uploads",
"FASTER_UPLOAD_DESCRIPTION": "Route uploads through nearby servers",
"MAGIC_SEARCH_STATUS": "Magic Search Status",
"INDEXED_ITEMS": "Indexed items",
"CAST_ALBUM_TO_TV": "Play album on TV",
"ENTER_CAST_PIN_CODE": "Enter the code you see on the TV below to pair this device.",
"PAIR_DEVICE_TO_TV": "Pair devices",
"TV_NOT_FOUND": "TV not found. Did you enter the PIN correctly?",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR": "Auto Pair",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR_REQUIRES_CONNECTION_TO_GOOGLE": "Auto Pair requires connecting to Google servers and only works with Chromecast supported devices. Google will not receive sensitive data, such as your photos.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN": "Pair with PIN",
"CHOOSE_DEVICE_FROM_BROWSER": "Choose a cast-compatible device from the browser popup.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN_WORKS_FOR_ANY_LARGE_SCREEN_DEVICE": "Pair with PIN works for any large screen device you want to play your album on.",
"VISIT_CAST_ENTE_IO": "Visit on the device you want to pair.",
"CAST_AUTO_PAIR_FAILED": "Chromecast Auto Pair failed. Please try again.",
"CACHE_DIRECTORY": "Cache folder",
"PASSKEYS": "Passkeys",
"FREEHAND": "Freehand",
"APPLY_CROP": "Apply Crop",
"PHOTO_EDIT_REQUIRED_TO_SAVE": "At least one transformation or color adjustment must be performed before saving."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
"HERO_SLIDE_1_TITLE": "<div>Sauvegardes privées</div><div>pour vos souvenirs</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_1": "Chiffrement de bout en bout par défaut",
"HERO_SLIDE_2_TITLE": "<div>Sécurisé </div><div>dans un abri antiatomique</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_2": "Conçu pour survivre",
"HERO_SLIDE_3_TITLE": "<div>Disponible</div><div> en tout lieu</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_3": "Android, iOS, Web, Ordinateur",
"LOGIN": "Connexion",
"SIGN_UP": "Inscription",
"NEW_USER": "Nouveau sur ente",
"EXISTING_USER": "Utilisateur existant",
"ENTER_NAME": "Saisir un nom",
"PUBLIC_UPLOADER_NAME_MESSAGE": "Ajouter un nom afin que vos amis sachent qui remercier pour ces magnifiques photos!",
"ENTER_EMAIL": "Saisir l'adresse e-mail",
"EMAIL_ERROR": "Saisir un e-mail valide",
"REQUIRED": "Nécessaire",
"EMAIL_SENT": "Code de vérification envoyé à <a>{{email}}</a>",
"CHECK_INBOX": "Veuillez consulter votre boite de réception (et indésirables) pour poursuivre la vérification",
"ENTER_OTT": "Code de vérification",
"RESEND_MAIL": "Renvoyer le code",
"VERIFY": "Vérifier",
"UNKNOWN_ERROR": "Quelque chose s'est mal passé, veuillez recommencer",
"INVALID_CODE": "Code de vérification non valide",
"EXPIRED_CODE": "Votre code de vérification a expiré",
"SENDING": "Envoi...",
"SENT": "Envoyé!",
"PASSWORD": "Mot de passe",
"LINK_PASSWORD": "Saisir le mot de passe pour déverrouiller l'album",
"SET_PASSPHRASE": "Définir le mot de passe",
"INCORRECT_PASSPHRASE": "Mot de passe non valide",
"ENTER_ENC_PASSPHRASE": "Veuillez saisir un mot de passe que nous pourrons utiliser pour chiffrer vos données",
"PASSPHRASE_DISCLAIMER": "Nous ne stockons pas votre mot de passe, donc si vous le perdez, <strong>nous ne pourrons pas vous aider</strong> à récupérer vos données sans une clé de récupération.",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_HEADING": "Bienvenue sur <a/>",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_SUBHEADING": "Stockage et partage photo avec cryptage de bout en bout",
"WHERE_YOUR_BEST_PHOTOS_LIVE": "Là où vivent vos meilleures photos",
"KEY_GENERATION_IN_PROGRESS_MESSAGE": "Génération des clés de chiffrement...",
"PASSPHRASE_HINT": "Mot de passe",
"CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirmer le mot de passe",
"REFERRAL_CODE_HINT": "How did you hear about Ente? (optional)",
"REFERRAL_INFO": "We don't track app installs, It'd help us if you told us where you found us!",
"PASSPHRASE_MATCH_ERROR": "Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas",
"CONSOLE_WARNING_DESC": "Ceci est une fonction de navigateur dédiée aux développeurs. Veuillez ne pas copier-coller un code non vérifié à cet endroit.",
"CREATE_COLLECTION": "Nouvel album",
"ENTER_ALBUM_NAME": "Nom de l'album",
"CLOSE_OPTION": "Fermer (Échap)",
"ENTER_FILE_NAME": "Nom du fichier",
"CLOSE": "Fermer",
"NO": "Non",
"NOTHING_HERE": "Il n'y a encore rien à voir ici 👀",
"UPLOAD": "Charger",
"IMPORT": "Importer",
"ADD_PHOTOS": "Ajouter des photos",
"ADD_MORE_PHOTOS": "Ajouter plus de photos",
"add_photos_one": "Ajouter une photo",
"add_photos_other": "Ajouter {{count}} photos",
"SELECT_PHOTOS": "Sélectionner des photos",
"FILE_UPLOAD": "Fichier chargé",
"0": "Préparation du chargement",
"1": "Lecture des fichiers de métadonnées de Google",
"2": "Métadonnées des fichiers {{uploadCounter.finished}} / {{}} extraites",
"3": "{{uploadCounter.finished}} / {{}} fichiers sauvegardés",
"4": "Annulation des chargements restants",
"5": "Sauvegarde terminée"
"FILE_NOT_UPLOADED_LIST": "Les fichiers suivants n'ont pas été chargés",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED": "Abonnement expiré",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Votre abonnement a expiré, veuillez <a>le renouveler </a>",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED": "Limite de stockage atteinte",
"INITIAL_LOAD_DELAY_WARNING": "La première consultation peut prendre du temps",
"USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Désolé, impossible de trouver un utilisateur avec cet e-mail",
"NO_ACCOUNT": "Je n'ai pas de compte",
"ACCOUNT_EXISTS": "J'ai déjà un compte",
"CREATE": "Créer",
"DOWNLOAD": "Télécharger",
"DOWNLOAD_OPTION": "Télécharger (D)",
"DOWNLOAD_FAVORITES": "Télécharger les favoris",
"DOWNLOAD_UNCATEGORIZED": "Télécharger les hors catégories",
"DOWNLOAD_HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Télécharger les fichiers masqués",
"COPY_OPTION": "Copier en PNG (Ctrl/Cmd - C)",
"TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN": "Plein écran (F)",
"ZOOM_IN_OUT": "Zoom +/-",
"PREVIOUS": "Précédent (←)",
"NEXT": "Suivant (→)",
"TITLE_PHOTOS": "Ente Photos",
"TITLE_ALBUMS": "Ente Photos",
"TITLE_AUTH": "Ente Auth",
"UPLOAD_FIRST_PHOTO": "Chargez votre 1ere photo",
"IMPORT_YOUR_FOLDERS": "Importez vos dossiers",
"UPLOAD_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Déposez pour sauvegarder vos fichiers",
"WATCH_FOLDER_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Déposez pour ajouter un dossier surveillé",
"TRASH_FILES_TITLE": "Supprimer les fichiers ?",
"TRASH_FILE_TITLE": "Supprimer le fichier ?",
"DELETE_FILES_TITLE": "Supprimer immédiatement?",
"DELETE_FILES_MESSAGE": "Les fichiers sélectionnés seront définitivement supprimés de votre compte ente.",
"DELETE": "Supprimer",
"DELETE_OPTION": "Supprimer (DEL)",
"FAVORITE_OPTION": "Favori (L)",
"UNFAVORITE_OPTION": "Non favori (L)",
"MULTI_FOLDER_UPLOAD": "Plusieurs dossiers détectés",
"UPLOAD_STRATEGY_CHOICE": "Voulez-vous les charger dans",
"OR": "ou",
"SESSION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Votre session a expiré, veuillez vous reconnecter pour poursuivre",
"SESSION_EXPIRED": "Session expiré",
"PASSWORD_GENERATION_FAILED": "Votre navigateur ne permet pas de générer une clé forte correspondant aux standards de chiffrement de ente, veuillez réessayer en utilisant l'appli mobile ou un autre navigateur",
"CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Modifier le mot de passe",
"GO_BACK": "Retour",
"RECOVERY_KEY": "Clé de récupération",
"SAVE_LATER": "Plus tard",
"SAVE": "Sauvegarder la clé",
"RECOVERY_KEY_DESCRIPTION": "Si vous oubliez votre mot de passe, la seule façon de récupérer vos données sera grâce à cette clé.",
"RECOVER_KEY_GENERATION_FAILED": "Le code de récupération ne peut être généré, veuillez réessayer",
"KEY_NOT_STORED_DISCLAIMER": "Nous ne stockons pas cette clé, veuillez donc la sauvegarder dans un endroit sûr",
"FORGOT_PASSWORD": "Mot de passe oublié",
"RECOVER_ACCOUNT": "Récupérer le compte",
"RECOVERY_KEY_HINT": "Clé de récupération",
"RECOVER": "Récupérer",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY": "Pas de clé de récupération?",
"INCORRECT_RECOVERY_KEY": "Clé de récupération non valide",
"SORRY": "Désolé",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "En raison de notre protocole de chiffrement de bout en bout, vos données ne peuvent être décryptées sans votre mot de passe ou clé de récupération",
"NO_TWO_FACTOR_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Veuillez envoyer un e-mail à <a>{{emailID}}</a> depuis votre adresse enregistrée",
"CONTACT_SUPPORT": "Contacter le support",
"REQUEST_FEATURE": "Soumettre une idée",
"SUPPORT": "Support",
"CONFIRM": "Confirmer",
"CANCEL": "Annuler",
"LOGOUT": "Déconnexion",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Supprimer le compte",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE": "<p>Veuillez envoyer un e-mail à <a>{{emailID}}</a>depuis Votre adresse enregistrée.</p><p> Votre demande sera traitée dans les 72 heures.</p>",
"LOGOUT_MESSAGE": "Voulez-vous vraiment vous déconnecter?",
"CHANGE_EMAIL": "Modifier l'e-mail",
"OK": "Ok",
"SUCCESS": "Parfait",
"ERROR": "Erreur",
"MESSAGE": "Message",
"INSTALL_MOBILE_APP": "Installez notre application <a>Android</a> or <b>iOS</b> pour sauvegarder automatiquement toutes vos photos",
"DOWNLOAD_APP_MESSAGE": "Désolé, cette opération est actuellement supportée uniquement sur notre appli pour ordinateur",
"DOWNLOAD_APP": "Télécharger l'appli pour ordinateur",
"EXPORT": "Exporter des données",
"SUBSCRIPTION": "Abonnement",
"SUBSCRIBE": "S'abonner",
"MANAGEMENT_PORTAL": "Gérer le mode de paiement",
"MANAGE_FAMILY_PORTAL": "Gérer la famille",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_PLAN": "Quitter le plan famille",
"LEAVE": "Quitter",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_CONFIRM": "Êtes-vous certains de vouloir quitter le plan famille?",
"CHOOSE_PLAN": "Choisir votre plan",
"MANAGE_PLAN": "Gérer votre abonnement",
"ACTIVE": "Actif",
"OFFLINE_MSG": "Vous êtes hors-ligne, les mémoires cache sont affichées",
"FREE_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Vous êtes sur le plan <strong>gratuit</strong> qui expire le {{date, dateTime}}",
"FAMILY_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Vous êtes sur le plan famille géré par",
"RENEWAL_ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS": "Renouveler le {{date, dateTime}}",
"RENEWAL_CANCELLED_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS": "Pris fin le {{date, dateTime}}",
"RENEWAL_CANCELLED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Votre abonnement sera annulé le {{date, dateTime}}",
"ADD_ON_AVAILABLE_TILL": "Your {{storage, string}} add-on is valid till {{date, dateTime}}",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Vous avez dépassé votre quota de stockage, veuillez <a> mettre à niveau </a>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_SUCCESS": "<p>Nous avons reçu votre paiement </p><p>Votre abonnement est valide jusqu'au <strong>{{date, dateTime}}</strong></p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_CANCELLED": "Votre achat est annulé, veuillez réessayer si vous souhaitez vous abonner",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_FAILED": "Échec lors de l'achat de l'abonnement, veuillez réessayer",
"SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATE_FAILED": "Échec lors de la mise à niveau de l'abonnement, veuillez réessayer",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD_MESSAGE": "Désolé, échec de paiement lors de la saisie de votre carte, veuillez mettr eà jour votre moyen de paiement et réessayer",
"STRIPE_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED": "Nous n'avons pas pu authentifier votre moyen de paiement. Veuillez choisir un moyen différent et réessayer",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD": "Mise à jour du moyen de paiement",
"MONTHLY": "Mensuel",
"YEARLY": "Annuel",
"UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Êtes-vous certains de vouloir changer de plan?",
"UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Changer de plan",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION": "Annuler l'abonnement",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "<p>Toutes vos données seront supprimées de nos serveurs à la fin de cette période d'abonnement.</p><p>Voulez-vous vraiment annuler votre abonnement?</p>",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_WITH_ADDON_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure you want to cancel your subscription?</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_FAILED": "Échec lors de l'annulation de l'abonnement",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_SUCCESS": "Votre abonnement a bien été annulé",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Réactiver l'abonnement",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Une fois réactivée, vous serrez facturé de {{val, datetime}}",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_SUCCESS": "Votre abonnement est bien activé ",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_FAILED": "Échec lors de la réactivation de l'abonnement",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE": "Annuler l'abonnement mobile",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE_MESSAGE": "Veuillez annuler votre abonnement depuis l'appli mobile pour activer un abonnement ici",
"MAIL_TO_MANAGE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Veuillez nous contacter à <a>{{emailID}}</a> pour gérer votre abonnement",
"RENAME": "Renommer",
"RENAME_FILE": "Renommer le fichier",
"RENAME_COLLECTION": "Renommer l'album",
"DELETE_COLLECTION_TITLE": "Supprimer l'album?",
"DELETE_COLLECTION": "Supprimer l'album",
"DELETE_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "Supprimer aussi les photos (et vidéos) présentes dans cet album depuis <a>tous</a> les autres albums dont ils font partie?",
"DELETE_PHOTOS": "Supprimer des photos",
"KEEP_PHOTOS": "Conserver des photos",
"SHARE": "Partager",
"SHARE_COLLECTION": "Partager l'album",
"SHAREES": "Partager avec",
"SHARE_WITH_SELF": "Oups, vous ne pouvez pas partager avec vous-même",
"ALREADY_SHARED": "Oups, vous partager déjà cela avec {{email}}",
"SHARING_BAD_REQUEST_ERROR": "Partage d'album non autorisé",
"SHARING_DISABLED_FOR_FREE_ACCOUNTS": "Le partage est désactivé pour les comptes gratuits",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION": "Télécharger l'album",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "<p>Êtes-vous certains de vouloir télécharger l'album complet?</p><p>Tous les fichiers seront mis en file d'attente pour un téléchargement fractionné</p>",
"CREATE_ALBUM_FAILED": "Échec de création de l'album , veuillez réessayer",
"SEARCH": "Recherche",
"SEARCH_RESULTS": "Résultats de la recherche",
"NO_RESULTS": "Aucun résultat trouvé",
"SEARCH_HINT": "Recherche d'albums, dates, descriptions, ...",
"COLLECTION": "l'album",
"LOCATION": "Emplacement",
"CITY": "Location",
"DATE": "Date",
"FILE_NAME": "Nom de fichier",
"THING": "Chose",
"FILE_CAPTION": "Description",
"FILE_TYPE": "Type de fichier",
"CLIP": "Magique"
"photos_count_zero": "Pas de souvenirs",
"photos_count_one": "1 souvenir",
"photos_count_other": "{{count}} souvenirs",
"TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS": "J'accepte les <a>conditions</a> et la <b>politique de confidentialité</b>",
"ADD_TO_COLLECTION": "Ajouter à l'album",
"SELECTED": "Sélectionné",
"VIDEO_PLAYBACK_FAILED_DOWNLOAD_INSTEAD": "Cette vidéo ne peut pas être lue sur votre navigateur",
"PEOPLE": "Visages",
"INDEXING_SCHEDULED": "L'indexation est planifiée...",
"ANALYZING_PHOTOS": "analyse des nouvelles photos {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles}} sur {{indexStatus.nTotalFiles}} effectué)...",
"INDEXING_PEOPLE": "indexation des visages dans {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles}} photos...",
"INDEXING_DONE": "{{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles}} photos indexées",
"UNIDENTIFIED_FACES": "visages non-identifiés",
"OBJECTS": "objets",
"TEXT": "texte",
"INFO": "Info ",
"INFO_OPTION": "Info (I)",
"FILE_NAME": "Nom de fichier",
"CAPTION_PLACEHOLDER": "Ajouter une description",
"LOCATION": "Emplacement",
"SHOW_ON_MAP": "Visualiser sur OpenStreetMap",
"MAP": "Carte",
"MAP_SETTINGS": "Paramètres de la carte",
"ENABLE_MAPS": "Activer la carte?",
"ENABLE_MAP": "Activer la carte",
"DISABLE_MAPS": "Désactiver la carte?",
"ENABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>Cette fonction affiche vos photos sur une carte du monde.</p> <p>La carte est hébergée par <a>OpenStreetMap</a>, et les emplacements exacts de vos photos ne sont jamais partagés.</p> <p>Vous pouvez désactiver cette fonction à tout moment dans des paramètres.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>Cette fonction désactive l'affichage de vos photos sur une carte du monde.</p> <p>Vous pouvez activer cette fonction à tout moment dans les Paramètres.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP": "Désactiver la carte",
"DETAILS": "Détails",
"VIEW_EXIF": "Visualiser toutes les données EXIF",
"NO_EXIF": "Aucune donnée EXIF",
"ISO": "ISO",
"TWO_FACTOR": "Double authentification",
"TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION": "Authentification double-facteur",
"TWO_FACTOR_QR_INSTRUCTION": "Scannez le QRCode ci-dessous avec une appli d'authentification",
"ENTER_CODE_MANUALLY": "Saisir le code manuellement",
"TWO_FACTOR_MANUAL_CODE_INSTRUCTION": "Veuillez saisir ce code dans votre appli d'authentification",
"SCAN_QR_CODE": "Scannez le QRCode de préférence",
"ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Activer la double-authentification",
"ENABLE": "Activer",
"LOST_DEVICE": "Perte de l'appareil identificateur",
"INCORRECT_CODE": "Code non valide",
"TWO_FACTOR_INFO": "Rajoutez une couche de sécurité supplémentaire afin de pas utiliser simplement votre e-mail et mot de passe pour vous connecter à votre compte",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Désactiver la double-authentification",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Mise à jour de votre appareil identificateur",
"DISABLE": "Désactiver",
"RECONFIGURE": "Reconfigurer",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR": "Mise à jour de la double-authentification",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Continuer annulera tous les identificateurs précédemment configurés",
"UPDATE": "Mise à jour",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Désactiver la double-authentification",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Êtes-vous certains de vouloir désactiver la double-authentification",
"TWO_FACTOR_DISABLE_FAILED": "Échec de désactivation de la double-authentification, veuillez réessayer",
"EXPORT_DATA": "Exporter les données",
"SELECT_FOLDER": "Sélectionner un dossier",
"DESTINATION": "Destination",
"START": "Démarrer",
"LAST_EXPORT_TIME": "Horaire du dernier export",
"EXPORT_AGAIN": "Resynchro",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE": "Stockage local non accessible",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE_MESSAGE": "Votre navigateur ou un complément bloque ente qui ne peut sauvegarder les données sur votre stockage local. Veuillez relancer cette page après avoir changé de mode de navigation.",
"SEND_OTT": "Envoyer l'OTP",
"EMAIl_ALREADY_OWNED": "Cet e-mail est déjà pris",
"ETAGS_BLOCKED": "<p>Nosu n'avons pas pu charger les fichiers suivants à cause de la configuration de votre navigateur.</p><p>Veuillez désactiver tous les compléments qui pourraient empêcher ente d'utiliser les <code>eTags</code> pour charger de larges fichiers, ou bien utilisez notre <a>appli pour ordinateur</a>pour une meilleure expérience lors des chargements.</p>",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS_INFO": "<p>Actuellement, nous ne supportons pas l'ajout de videos via des liens publics.</p><p>Pour partager des vidéos, veuillez <a>vous connecter à</a>ente et partager en utilisant l'e-mail concerné.</p>",
"LIVE_PHOTOS_DETECTED": "Les fichiers photos et vidéos depuis votre espace Live Photos ont été fusionnés en un seul fichier",
"RETRY_FAILED": "Réessayer les chargements ayant échoués",
"FAILED_UPLOADS": "Chargements échoués ",
"SKIPPED_FILES": "Chargements ignorés",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_UPLOADS": "Échec de création d'une miniature",
"UNSUPPORTED_FILES": "Fichiers non supportés",
"SUCCESSFUL_UPLOADS": "Chargements réussis",
"SKIPPED_INFO": "Ignorés car il y a des fichiers avec des noms identiques dans le même album",
"UNSUPPORTED_INFO": "ente ne supporte pas encore ces formats de fichiers",
"BLOCKED_UPLOADS": "Chargements bloqués",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS": "Vidéos ignorées",
"INPROGRESS_UPLOADS": "Chargements en cours",
"TOO_LARGE_UPLOADS": "Gros fichiers",
"LARGER_THAN_AVAILABLE_STORAGE_INFO": "Ces fichiers n'ont pas été chargés car ils dépassent la taille maximale de votre plan de stockage",
"TOO_LARGE_INFO": "Ces fichiers n'ont pas été chargés car ils dépassent notre taille limite par fichier",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_INFO": "Ces fichiers sont bien chargés, mais nous ne pouvons pas créer de miniatures pour eux.",
"UPLOAD_TO_COLLECTION": "Charger dans l'album",
"UNCATEGORIZED": "Aucune catégorie",
"ARCHIVE": "Archiver",
"FAVORITES": "Favoris",
"ARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Archiver l'album",
"MOVE_TO_COLLECTION": "Déplacer vers l'album",
"UNARCHIVE": "Désarchiver",
"UNARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Désarchiver l'album",
"HIDE_COLLECTION": "Masquer l'album",
"UNHIDE_COLLECTION": "Dévoiler l'album",
"MOVE": "Déplacer",
"ADD": "Ajouter",
"REMOVE": "Retirer",
"YES_REMOVE": "Oui, retirer",
"REMOVE_FROM_COLLECTION": "Retirer de l'album",
"TRASH": "Corbeille",
"MOVE_TO_TRASH": "Déplacer vers la corbeille",
"TRASH_FILES_MESSAGE": "Les fichiers sélectionnés seront retirés de tous les albums puis déplacés dans la corbeille.",
"TRASH_FILE_MESSAGE": "Le fichier sera retiré de tous les albums puis déplacé dans la corbeille.",
"DELETE_PERMANENTLY": "Supprimer définitivement",
"RESTORE": "Restaurer",
"RESTORE_TO_COLLECTION": "Restaurer vers l'album",
"EMPTY_TRASH": "Corbeille vide",
"EMPTY_TRASH_TITLE": "Vider la corbeille ?",
"EMPTY_TRASH_MESSAGE": "Ces fichiers seront définitivement supprimés de votre compte ente.",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM": "Oui, quitter",
"LEAVE_ALBUM": "Quitter l'album",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_TITLE": "Quitter l'album partagé?",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_MESSAGE": "Vous allez quitter cet album, il ne sera plus visible pour vous.",
"NOT_FILE_OWNER": "Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer les fichiers d'un album partagé",
"CONFIRM_SELF_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Choisir les objets qui seront retirés de cet album. Ceux qui sont présents uniquement dans cet album seront déplacés comme hors catégorie.",
"CONFIRM_SELF_AND_OTHER_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Certains des objets que vous êtes en train de retirer ont été ajoutés par d'autres personnes, vous perdrez l'accès vers ces objets.",
"SORT_BY_UPDATION_TIME_DESCENDING": "Dernière mise à jour",
"SORT_BY_NAME": "Nom",
"COMPRESS_THUMBNAILS": "Compresser les miniatures",
"THUMBNAIL_REPLACED": "Les miniatures sont compressées",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL": "Compresser",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL_LATER": "Compresser plus tard",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOT_STARTED": "Certaines miniatures de vidéos peuvent être compressées pour gagner de la place. Voulez-vous que ente les compresse?",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED": "Toutes les miniatures ont été compressées",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOOP": "Vous n'avez aucune miniature qui peut être encore plus compressée",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "Impossible de compresser certaines miniatures, veuillez réessayer",
"FIX_CREATION_TIME": "Réajuster l'heure",
"FIX_CREATION_TIME_IN_PROGRESS": "Réajustement de l'heure",
"CREATION_TIME_UPDATED": "L'heure du fichier a été réajustée",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_NOT_STARTED": "Sélectionnez l'option que vous souhaitez utiliser",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED": "Mise à jour effectuée pour tous les fichiers",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "L'heure du fichier n'a pas été mise à jour pour certains fichiers, veuillez réessayer",
"CAPTION_CHARACTER_LIMIT": "5000 caractères max",
"DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL": "EXIF:DateTimeOriginal",
"DATE_TIME_DIGITIZED": "EXIF:DateTimeDigitized",
"METADATA_DATE": "EXIF:MetadataDate",
"CUSTOM_TIME": "Heure personnalisée",
"REOPEN_PLAN_SELECTOR_MODAL": "Rouvrir les plans",
"OPEN_PLAN_SELECTOR_MODAL_FAILED": "Échec pour rouvrir les plans",
"INSTALL": "Installer",
"SHARING_DETAILS": "Détails du partage",
"MODIFY_SHARING": "Modifier le partage",
"ADD_COLLABORATORS": "Ajouter des collaborateurs",
"ADD_NEW_EMAIL": "Ajouter un nouvel email",
"shared_with_people_zero": "Partager avec des personnes spécifiques",
"shared_with_people_one": "Partagé avec 1 personne",
"shared_with_people_other": "Partagé avec {{count, number}} personnes",
"participants_zero": "Aucun participant",
"participants_one": "1 participant",
"participants_other": "{{count, number}} participants",
"ADD_VIEWERS": "Ajouter un observateur",
"PARTICIPANTS": "Participants",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_VIEWER": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} ne pourra plus ajouter de photos à l'album</p> <p>Il pourra toujours supprimer les photos qu'il a ajoutées</p>",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_COLLABORATOR": "{{selectedEmail}} pourra ajouter des photos à l'album",
"CONVERT_TO_VIEWER": "Oui, convertir en observateur",
"CONVERT_TO_COLLABORATOR": "Oui, convertir en collaborateur",
"CHANGE_PERMISSION": "Modifier la permission?",
"CONFIRM_REMOVE": "Oui, supprimer",
"MANAGE": "Gérer",
"ADDED_AS": "Ajouté comme",
"COLLABORATOR_RIGHTS": "Les collaborateurs peuvent ajouter des photos et des vidéos à l'album partagé",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_HEAD": "Supprimer le participant",
"OWNER": "Propriétaire",
"COLLABORATORS": "Collaborateurs",
"ADD_MORE": "Ajouter plus",
"VIEWERS": "Visionneurs",
"OR_ADD_EXISTING": "ou sélectionner un fichier existant",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_MESSAGE": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} sera supprimé de l'album</p> <p>Toutes les photos ajoutées par cette personne seront également supprimées de l'album</p>",
"NOT_FOUND": "404 - non trouvé",
"LINK_EXPIRED": "Lien expiré",
"LINK_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Ce lien à soit expiré soit est supprimé!",
"MANAGE_LINK": "Gérer le lien",
"LINK_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS": "Désolé, cet album a été consulté sur trop d'appareils !",
"FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Autoriser les téléchargements",
"LINK_PASSWORD_LOCK": "Verrou par mot de passe",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT": "Autoriser l'ajout de photos",
"LINK_DEVICE_LIMIT": "Limite d'appareil",
"NO_DEVICE_LIMIT": "Aucune",
"LINK_EXPIRY": "Expiration du lien",
"NEVER": "Jamais",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Désactiver le téléchargement",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE": "<p>Êtes-vous certains de vouloir désactiver le bouton de téléchargement pour les fichiers?</p><p>Ceux qui les visualisent pourront tout de même faire des captures d'écrans ou sauvegarder une copie de vos photos en utilisant des outils externes.</p>",
"MALICIOUS_CONTENT": "Contient du contenu malveillant",
"COPYRIGHT": "Enfreint les droits d'une personne que je réprésente",
"SHARED_USING": "Partagé en utilisant ",
"ENTE_IO": "",
"SHARING_REFERRAL_CODE": "Utilisez le code <strong>{{referralCode}}</strong> pour obtenir 10 Go gratuits",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD": "Désactiver le verrouillage par mot de passe",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD_MESSAGE": "Êtes-vous certains de vouloir désactiver le verrouillage par mot de passe ?",
"PASSWORD_LOCK": "Mot de passe verrou",
"LOCK": "Verrouiller",
"DOWNLOAD_UPLOAD_LOGS": "Journaux de débugs",
"UPLOAD_FILES": "Fichier",
"UPLOAD_DIRS": "Dossier",
"UPLOAD_GOOGLE_TAKEOUT": "Google Takeout",
"DEDUPLICATE_FILES": "Déduplication de fichiers",
"AUTHENTICATOR_SECTION": "Authentificateur",
"NO_DUPLICATES_FOUND": "Vous n'avez aucun fichier dédupliqué pouvant être nettoyé",
"CLUB_BY_CAPTURE_TIME": "Durée de la capture par club",
"FILES": "Fichiers",
"EACH": "Chacun",
"DEDUPLICATE_BASED_ON_SIZE": "Les fichiers suivants ont été clubbed, basé sur leurs tailles, veuillez corriger et supprimer les objets que vous pensez être dupliqués",
"STOP_ALL_UPLOADS_MESSAGE": "Êtes-vous certains de vouloir arrêter tous les chargements en cours?",
"STOP_UPLOADS_HEADER": "Arrêter les chargements ?",
"YES_STOP_UPLOADS": "Oui, arrêter tout",
"STOP_DOWNLOADS_HEADER": "Arrêter le téléchargement ?",
"YES_STOP_DOWNLOADS": "Oui, arrêter les téléchargements",
"STOP_ALL_DOWNLOADS_MESSAGE": "Êtes-vous certains de vouloir arrêter tous les chargements en cours?",
"albums_one": "1 album",
"albums_other": "{{count}} albums",
"ALL_ALBUMS": "Tous les albums",
"ALBUMS": "Albums",
"ALL_HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "Tous les albums masqués",
"HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "Albums masqués",
"HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Éléments masqués",
"HIDDEN_ITEMS_SECTION_NAME": "Éléments masqués",
"ENTER_TWO_FACTOR_OTP": "Saisir le code à 6 caractères de votre appli d'authentification.",
"CREATE_ACCOUNT": "Créer un compte",
"COPIED": "Copié",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_TITLE": "Impossible de créer une miniature",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_MESSAGE": "<p>Il semblerait que votre navigateur ait désactivé l'accès au canevas, qui est nécessaire pour créer les miniatures de vos photos </p><p>Veuillez activer l'accès au canevas du navigateur, ou consulter notre appli pour ordinateur</p></>",
"WATCH_FOLDERS": "Voir les dossiers",
"UPGRADE_NOW": "Mettre à niveau maintenant",
"RENEW_NOW": "Renouveler maintenant",
"STORAGE": "Stockage",
"USED": "utilisé",
"YOU": "Vous",
"FAMILY": "Famille",
"FREE": "gratuit",
"OF": "de",
"WATCHED_FOLDERS": "Voir les dossiers",
"NO_FOLDERS_ADDED": "Aucun dossiers d'ajouté!",
"FOLDERS_AUTOMATICALLY_MONITORED": "Les dossiers que vous ajoutez ici seront supervisés automatiquement",
"UPLOAD_NEW_FILES_TO_ENTE": "Charger de nouveaux fichiers sur ente",
"REMOVE_DELETED_FILES_FROM_ENTE": "Retirer de ente les fichiers supprimés",
"ADD_FOLDER": "Ajouter un dossier",
"STOP_WATCHING": "Arrêter de voir",
"STOP_WATCHING_FOLDER": "Arrêter de voir le dossier?",
"STOP_WATCHING_DIALOG_MESSAGE": "Vos fichiers existants ne seront pas supprimés, mais ente arrêtera automatiquement de mettre à jour le lien de l'album à chaque changements sur ce dossier.",
"YES_STOP": "Oui, arrêter",
"MONTH_SHORT": "mo",
"YEAR": "année",
"FAMILY_PLAN": "Plan famille",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS": "Télécharger les logs",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS_MESSAGE": "<p>Cela va télécharger les journaux de débug, que vous pourrez nosu envoyer par e-mail pour nous aider à résoudre votre problàme .</p><p>Veuillez noter que les noms de fichiers seront inclus .</p>",
"CHANGE_FOLDER": "Modifier le dossier",
"TWO_MONTHS_FREE": "Obtenir 2 mois gratuits sur les plans annuels",
"GB": "Go",
"POPULAR": "Populaire",
"FREE_PLAN_OPTION_LABEL": "Poursuivre avec la version d'essai gratuite",
"FREE_PLAN_DESCRIPTION": "1 Go pour 1 an",
"CURRENT_USAGE": "L'utilisation actuelle est de <strong>{{usage}}</strong>",
"WEAK_DEVICE": "Le navigateur que vous utilisez n'est pas assez puissant pour chiffrer vos photos. Veuillez essayer de vous connecter à ente sur votre ordinateur, ou télécharger l'appli ente mobile/ordinateur.",
"DRAG_AND_DROP_HINT": "Sinon glissez déposez dans la fenêtre ente",
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DELETION_MESSAGE": "<p> Vos données chargées seront programmées pour suppression, et votre comptre sera supprimé définitivement .</p><p>Cette action n'est pas reversible.</p>",
"AUTHENTICATE": "Authentification",
"UPLOADED_TO_SINGLE_COLLECTION": "Chargé dans une seule collection",
"UPLOADED_TO_SEPARATE_COLLECTIONS": "Chargé dans des collections séparées",
"NEVERMIND": "Peu-importe",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE": "Une mise à jour est disponible",
"UPDATE_INSTALLABLE_MESSAGE": "Une nouvelle version de ente est prête à être installée.",
"INSTALL_NOW": "Installer maintenant",
"INSTALL_ON_NEXT_LAUNCH": "Installer au prochain démarrage",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE": "Une nouvelle version de ente est sortie, mais elle ne peut pas être automatiquement téléchargée puis installée.",
"DOWNLOAD_AND_INSTALL": "Télécharger et installer",
"IGNORE_THIS_VERSION": "Ignorer cette version",
"TODAY": "Aujourd'hui",
"YESTERDAY": "Hier",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED": "Impossible de créer des albums depuis un mix fichier/dossier",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED_MESSAGE": "<p>Vous avez glissé déposé un mélange de fichiers et dossiers.</p><p>Veuillez sélectionner soit uniquement des fichiers, ou des dossiers lors du choix d'options pour créer des albums séparés</p>",
"CHOSE_THEME": "Choisir un thème",
"ML_SEARCH": "ML search (beta)",
"ENABLE_ML_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>Ceci activera l'apprentissage automatique sur l'appareil et la recherche faciale qui commencera à analyser vos photos chargées.</p><p>Pour la première exécution après la connexion ou l'activation de cette fonctionnalité, cela téléchargera toutes les images sur l'appareil local pour les analyser. Veuillez donc activer ceci uniquement si vous avez de la bande passante et le traitement local de toutes les images dans votre photothèque.</p><p>Si c'est la première fois que vous activez ceci, nous vous demanderons également la permission de traiter les données faciales.</p>",
"ML_MORE_DETAILS": "Plus de détails",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Activer la recherche faciale",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Activer la recherche faciale ?",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>If you enable face search, ente will extract face geometry from your photos. This will happen on your device, and any generated biometric data will be end-to-encrypted.</p><p><a>Please click here for more details about this feature in our privacy policy</a></p>",
"DISABLE_BETA": "Désactiver la bêta",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Désactiver la recherche faciale",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Désactiver la recherche faciale ?",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>ente will stop processing face geometry, and will also disable ML search (beta)</p><p>You can reenable face search again if you wish, so this operation is safe</p>",
"ADVANCED": "Avancé",
"FACE_SEARCH_CONFIRMATION": "Je comprends, et je souhaite permettre à ente de traiter la géométrie faciale",
"LABS": "Labs",
"YOURS": "Le vôtre",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_WEAK": "Sécurité du mot de passe : faible",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_MODERATE": "Sécurité du mot de passe : moyenne",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_STRONG": "Sécurité du mot de passe : forte",
"PREFERENCES": "Préférences",
"LANGUAGE": "Langue",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Dossier d'export invalide",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_MESSAGE": "<p> Le dossier d'export que vous avez sélectionné n'existe pas </p><p>Veuillez sélectionner un dossier valide</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_VERIFICATION_ERROR": "Échec de la vérification de l'abonnement",
"B": "o",
"KB": "Ko",
"MB": "Mo",
"GB": "Go",
"TB": "To"
"HOUR": "dans une heure",
"DAY": "dans un jour",
"WEEK": "dans une semaine",
"MONTH": "dans un mois",
"YEAR": "dans un an"
"COPY_LINK": "Copier le lien",
"DONE": "Terminé",
"LINK_SHARE_TITLE": "Ou partager un lien",
"REMOVE_LINK": "Supprimer le lien",
"CREATE_PUBLIC_SHARING": "Créer un lien public",
"PUBLIC_LINK_CREATED": "Lien public créé",
"PUBLIC_LINK_ENABLED": "Lien public activé",
"COLLECT_PHOTOS": "Récupérer les photos",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT_SUBTEXT": "Autoriser les personnes ayant le lien d'ajouter des photos à l'album partagé.",
"STOP_EXPORT": "Stop",
"EXPORT_PROGRESS": "<a>{{progress.success}} / {{}}</a> fichiers exportés",
"MIGRATING_EXPORT": "Préparations...",
"RENAMING_COLLECTION_FOLDERS": "Renommage des dossiers de l'album en cours...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_FILES": "Mise à la corbeille des fichiers supprimés...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_COLLECTIONS": "Mise à la corbeille des albums supprimés...",
"START": "L'export a démarré",
"IN_PROGRESS": "Un export est déjà en cours",
"FINISH": "Export terminé",
"UP_TO_DATE": "Aucun nouveau fichier à exporter"
"CONTINUOUS_EXPORT": "Synchronisation en continu",
"TOTAL_ITEMS": "Total d'objets",
"PENDING_ITEMS": "Objets en attente",
"EXPORT_STARTING": "Démarrage de l'export...",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_REASON_LABEL": "Quelle est la raison principale de la suppression de votre compte ?",
"MISSING_FEATURE": "Il manque une fonctionnalité essentielle dont j'ai besoin",
"BROKEN_BEHAVIOR": "L'application ou une certaine fonctionnalité ne se comporte pas comme je pense qu'elle devrait",
"FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "J'ai trouvé un autre service que je préfère",
"NOT_LISTED": "Ma raison n'est pas listée"
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_FEEDBACK_LABEL": "Nous sommes désolés de vous voir partir. Expliquez-nous les raisons de votre départ pour que nous puissions nous améliorer.",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT_CHECKBOX_LABEL": "Oui, je veux supprimer définitivement ce compte et toutes ses données",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Confirmer la suppression du compte",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED": "Merci de nous aider avec cette information",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED_FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "Qu'est-ce que l'autre service fait de mieux ?",
"RECOVER_TWO_FACTOR": "Récupérer la double-authentification",
"at": "à",
"AUTH_NEXT": "suivant",
"AUTH_DOWNLOAD_MOBILE_APP": "Téléchargez notre application mobile pour gérer vos secrets",
"HIDDEN": "Masqué",
"HIDE": "Masquer",
"UNHIDE": "Dévoiler",
"UNHIDE_TO_COLLECTION": "Afficher dans l'album",
"SORT_BY": "Trier par",
"NEWEST_FIRST": "Plus récent en premier",
"OLDEST_FIRST": "Plus ancien en premier",
"CONVERSION_FAILED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE": "Ce fichier n'a pas pu être aperçu. Cliquez ici pour télécharger l'original.",
"SELECT_COLLECTION": "Sélectionner album",
"PIN_ALBUM": "Épingler l'album",
"UNPIN_ALBUM": "Désépingler l'album",
"DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE": "Téléchargement terminé",
"DOWNLOADING_COLLECTION": "Téléchargement de {{name}}",
"DOWNLOAD_FAILED": "Échec du téléchargement",
"DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS": "{{progress.current}} / {{}} fichiers",
"CRASH_REPORTING": "Rapport de plantage",
"CHRISTMAS": "Noël",
"CHRISTMAS_EVE": "Réveillon de Noël",
"NEW_YEAR": "Nouvel an",
"NEW_YEAR_EVE": "Réveillon de Nouvel An",
"IMAGE": "Image",
"VIDEO": "Vidéo",
"LIVE_PHOTO": "Photos en direct",
"CONVERT": "Convertir",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_MESSAGE": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir fermer l'éditeur ?",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_DESCRIPTION": "Téléchargez votre image modifiée ou enregistrez une copie sur ente pour maintenir vos modifications.",
"BRIGHTNESS": "Luminosité",
"CONTRAST": "Contraste",
"SATURATION": "Saturation",
"BLUR": "Flou",
"INVERT_COLORS": "Inverser les couleurs",
"ASPECT_RATIO": "Ratio de l'image",
"SQUARE": "Carré",
"ROTATE_LEFT": "Pivoter vers la gauche",
"ROTATE_RIGHT": "Pivoter vers la droite",
"FLIP_VERTICALLY": "Basculer verticalement",
"FLIP_HORIZONTALLY": "Retourner horizontalement",
"DOWNLOAD_EDITED": "Téléchargement modifié",
"SAVE_A_COPY_TO_ENTE": "Enregistrer une copie dans ente",
"RESTORE_ORIGINAL": "Restaurer l'original",
"TRANSFORM": "Transformer",
"COLORS": "Couleurs",
"FLIP": "Retourner",
"ROTATION": "Rotation",
"RESET": "Réinitialiser",
"PHOTO_EDITOR": "Éditeur de photos",
"FASTER_UPLOAD": "Chargements plus rapides",
"FASTER_UPLOAD_DESCRIPTION": "Router les chargements vers les serveurs à proximité",
"MAGIC_SEARCH_STATUS": "Magic Search Status",
"INDEXED_ITEMS": "Éléments indexés",
"CAST_ALBUM_TO_TV": "Play album on TV",
"ENTER_CAST_PIN_CODE": "Enter the code you see on the TV below to pair this device.",
"PAIR_DEVICE_TO_TV": "Pair devices",
"TV_NOT_FOUND": "TV not found. Did you enter the PIN correctly?",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR": "Auto Pair",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR_REQUIRES_CONNECTION_TO_GOOGLE": "Auto Pair requires connecting to Google servers and only works with Chromecast supported devices. Google will not receive sensitive data, such as your photos.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN": "Pair with PIN",
"CHOOSE_DEVICE_FROM_BROWSER": "Choose a cast-compatible device from the browser popup.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN_WORKS_FOR_ANY_LARGE_SCREEN_DEVICE": "Pair with PIN works for any large screen device you want to play your album on.",
"VISIT_CAST_ENTE_IO": "Visit on the device you want to pair.",
"CAST_AUTO_PAIR_FAILED": "Chromecast Auto Pair failed. Please try again.",
"CACHE_DIRECTORY": "Cache folder",
"PASSKEYS": "Passkeys",
"FREEHAND": "Freehand",
"APPLY_CROP": "Apply Crop",
"PHOTO_EDIT_REQUIRED_TO_SAVE": "At least one transformation or color adjustment must be performed before saving."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
"HERO_SLIDE_1_TITLE": "<div>Backup privati</div><div>dei tuoi ricordi</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_1": "Crittografia end-to-end",
"HERO_SLIDE_2_TITLE": "<div>Salvati in modo sicuro</div><div>in un rifugio antiatomico</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_2": "Progettato per sopravvivere",
"HERO_SLIDE_3_TITLE": "<div>Disponibile</div><div> ovunque</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_3": "Android, iOS, Web, Desktop",
"LOGIN": "Accedi",
"SIGN_UP": "Registrati",
"NEW_USER": "Nuovo utente",
"EXISTING_USER": "Accedi",
"ENTER_NAME": "Inserisci il nome",
"PUBLIC_UPLOADER_NAME_MESSAGE": "Aggiungi un nome in modo che i tuoi amici sappiano chi ringraziare per queste fantastiche foto!",
"ENTER_EMAIL": "Inserisci l'indirizzo email",
"EMAIL_ERROR": "Inserisci un indirizzo email valido",
"REQUIRED": "Campo obbligatorio",
"EMAIL_SENT": "Codice di verifica inviato a <a>{{email}}</a>",
"CHECK_INBOX": "Controlla la tua casella di posta (e lo spam) per completare la verifica",
"ENTER_OTT": "Codice di verifica",
"RESEND_MAIL": "Reinvia codice",
"VERIFY": "Verifica",
"UNKNOWN_ERROR": "Qualcosa è andato storto, per favore riprova",
"INVALID_CODE": "Codice di verifica non valido",
"EXPIRED_CODE": "Il tuo codice di verifica è scaduto",
"SENDING": "Invio in corso...",
"SENT": "Inviato!",
"PASSWORD": "Password",
"LINK_PASSWORD": "Inserisci la password per sbloccare l'album",
"SET_PASSPHRASE": "Imposta una password",
"INCORRECT_PASSPHRASE": "Password sbagliata",
"ENTER_ENC_PASSPHRASE": "Inserisci una password per crittografare i tuoi dati",
"PASSPHRASE_DISCLAIMER": "Non memorizziamo la tua password, quindi se la dimentichi, <strong>non saremo in grado di aiutarti </strong>a recuperare i tuoi dati senza una chiave di recupero.",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_HEADING": "Benvenuto su <a/>",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_SUBHEADING": "Archiviazione e condivisione di foto crittografate end-to-end",
"WHERE_YOUR_BEST_PHOTOS_LIVE": "Dove vivono le tue migliori foto",
"KEY_GENERATION_IN_PROGRESS_MESSAGE": "Generazione delle chiavi di crittografia...",
"PASSPHRASE_HINT": "Password",
"CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Conferma la password",
"REFERRAL_CODE_HINT": "Come hai conosciuto Ente? (opzionale)",
"REFERRAL_INFO": "We don't track app installs, It'd help us if you told us where you found us!",
"PASSPHRASE_MATCH_ERROR": "Le password non corrispondono",
"CONSOLE_WARNING_DESC": "Questa è una funzionalità del browser destinata agli sviluppatori. Non copiare né incollare codice non verificato qui.",
"CREATE_COLLECTION": "Nuovo album",
"ENTER_ALBUM_NAME": "Nome album",
"CLOSE_OPTION": "Chiudi (Esc)",
"ENTER_FILE_NAME": "Nome del file",
"CLOSE": "Chiudi",
"NO": "No",
"NOTHING_HERE": "Nulla da vedere qui! 👀",
"UPLOAD": "Carica",
"IMPORT": "Importa",
"ADD_PHOTOS": "Aggiungi foto",
"ADD_MORE_PHOTOS": "Aggiungi altre foto",
"add_photos_one": "Aggiungi elemento",
"add_photos_other": "Aggiungi {{count, number}} elementi",
"SELECT_PHOTOS": "Seleziona foto",
"FILE_UPLOAD": "Carica file",
"0": "Preparazione all'upload",
"1": "Lettura dei file metadati di google",
"2": "{{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / {{, number}} file metadati estratti",
"3": "{{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / {{, number}} file salvati",
"4": "Annullamento dei caricamenti rimanenti",
"5": "Backup completato"
"FILE_NOT_UPLOADED_LIST": "I seguenti file non sono stati caricati",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED": "Abbonamento scaduto",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Il tuo abbonamento è scaduto, per favore <a>rinnova</a>",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED": "Limite d'archiviazione superato",
"INITIAL_LOAD_DELAY_WARNING": "Il primo caricamento potrebbe richiedere del tempo",
"USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Purtroppo non abbiamo trovato nessun account con quell'indirizzo e-mail",
"NO_ACCOUNT": "Non ho un account",
"ACCOUNT_EXISTS": "Ho già un account",
"CREATE": "Crea",
"DOWNLOAD": "Scarica",
"DOWNLOAD_OPTION": "Scarica (D)",
"DOWNLOAD_FAVORITES": "Scarica i preferiti",
"DOWNLOAD_UNCATEGORIZED": "Scarica i file senza categoria",
"DOWNLOAD_HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Scarica gli elementi nascosti",
"COPY_OPTION": "Copia come PNG (Ctrl/Cmd - C)",
"TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN": "Attiva/disattiva schermo intero (F)",
"ZOOM_IN_OUT": "Zoom in/out",
"PREVIOUS": "Precedente (←)",
"NEXT": "Successivo (→)",
"TITLE_PHOTOS": "Ente Photos",
"TITLE_ALBUMS": "Ente Photos",
"TITLE_AUTH": "Ente Auth",
"UPLOAD_FIRST_PHOTO": "Carica la tua prima foto",
"IMPORT_YOUR_FOLDERS": "Importa una cartella",
"UPLOAD_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Rilascia per eseguire il backup dei file",
"WATCH_FOLDER_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Rilascia per aggiungere la cartella osservata",
"TRASH_FILES_TITLE": "Elimina file?",
"TRASH_FILE_TITLE": "Eliminare il file?",
"DELETE_FILES_TITLE": "Eliminare immediatamente?",
"DELETE_FILES_MESSAGE": "I file selezionati verranno eliminati definitivamente dal tuo account ente.",
"DELETE": "Cancella",
"DELETE_OPTION": "Cancella (DEL)",
"FAVORITE_OPTION": "Preferito (L)",
"UNFAVORITE_OPTION": "Rimuovi dai preferiti (L)",
"MULTI_FOLDER_UPLOAD": "Selezionate più cartelle",
"UPLOAD_STRATEGY_CHOICE": "Vuoi caricarli in",
"OR": "o",
"SESSION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "La sessione è scaduta. Per continuare, esegui nuovamente l'accesso",
"SESSION_EXPIRED": "Sessione scaduta",
"PASSWORD_GENERATION_FAILED": "Il tuo browser non è stato in grado di generare una chiave forte che soddisfa gli standard di crittografia ente, prova ad usare l'app per dispositivi mobili o un altro browser",
"CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Cambia password",
"GO_BACK": "Torna indietro",
"RECOVERY_KEY": "Chiave di recupero",
"SAVE_LATER": "Fallo più tardi",
"SAVE": "Salva Chiave",
"RECOVERY_KEY_DESCRIPTION": "Se dimentichi la tua password, l'unico modo per recuperare i tuoi dati è con questa chiave.",
"RECOVER_KEY_GENERATION_FAILED": "Impossibile generare il codice di recupero, riprova",
"KEY_NOT_STORED_DISCLAIMER": "Non memorizziamo questa chiave, quindi salvala in un luogo sicuro",
"FORGOT_PASSWORD": "Password dimenticata",
"RECOVER_ACCOUNT": "Recupera account",
"RECOVERY_KEY_HINT": "Chiave di recupero",
"RECOVER": "Recupera",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY": "Nessuna chiave di recupero?",
"INCORRECT_RECOVERY_KEY": "Chiave di recupero errata",
"SORRY": "Siamo spiacenti",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "A causa della natura del nostro protocollo di crittografia end-to-end, i tuoi dati non possono essere decifrati senza la tua password o chiave di ripristino",
"NO_TWO_FACTOR_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Per favore invia un'email a <a>{{emailID}}</a> dal tuo indirizzo email registrato",
"CONTACT_SUPPORT": "Contatta il supporto",
"REQUEST_FEATURE": "Richiedi una funzionalità",
"SUPPORT": "Supporto",
"CONFIRM": "Conferma",
"CANCEL": "Annulla",
"LOGOUT": "Disconnettiti",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Elimina account",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE": "<p>Per favore invia una email a <a>{{emailID}}</a> dal tuo indirizzo email registrato.</p><p>La tua richiesta verrà elaborata entro 72 ore.</p>",
"LOGOUT_MESSAGE": "Sei sicuro di volerti disconnettere?",
"CHANGE_EMAIL": "Cambia email",
"OK": "OK",
"SUCCESS": "Operazione riuscita",
"ERROR": "Errore",
"MESSAGE": "Messaggio",
"INSTALL_MOBILE_APP": "Installa la nostra app <a>Android</a> o <b>iOS</b> per eseguire il backup automatico di tutte le tue foto",
"DOWNLOAD_APP_MESSAGE": "Siamo spiacenti, questa operazione è attualmente supportata solo sulla nostra app desktop",
"DOWNLOAD_APP": "Scarica l'app per desktop",
"EXPORT": "Esporta Dati",
"SUBSCRIPTION": "Abbonamento",
"SUBSCRIBE": "Iscriviti",
"MANAGEMENT_PORTAL": "Gestisci i metodi di pagamento",
"MANAGE_FAMILY_PORTAL": "Gestisci piano famiglia",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_PLAN": "Abbandona il piano famiglia",
"LEAVE": "Lascia",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_CONFIRM": "Sei sicuro di voler uscire dal piano famiglia?",
"CHOOSE_PLAN": "Scegli il tuo piano",
"MANAGE_PLAN": "Gestisci il tuo abbonamento",
"ACTIVE": "Attivo",
"OFFLINE_MSG": "Sei offline, i ricordi memorizzati nella cache vengono mostrati",
"FREE_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Sei sul piano <strong>gratuito</strong> che scade il {{date, dateTime}}",
"FAMILY_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Fai parte di un piano famiglia gestito da",
"RENEWAL_ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS": "Si rinnova il {{date, dateTime}}",
"RENEWAL_CANCELLED_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS": "Termina il {{date, dateTime}}",
"RENEWAL_CANCELLED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Il tuo abbonamento verrà annullato il {{date, dateTime}}",
"ADD_ON_AVAILABLE_TILL": "Your {{storage, string}} add-on is valid till {{date, dateTime}}",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Hai superato la quota di archiviazione assegnata, si prega di aggiornare <a></a>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_SUCCESS": "<p>Abbiamo ricevuto il tuo pagamento</p><p>Il tuo abbonamento è valido fino a <strong>{{date, dateTime}}</strong></p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_CANCELLED": "Il tuo acquisto è stato annullato, riprova se vuoi iscriverti",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_FAILED": "Acquisto abbonamento non riuscito, riprova",
"SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATE_FAILED": "L'aggiornamento dell'abbonamento non è riuscito, riprova",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD_MESSAGE": "Siamo spiacenti, il pagamento non è andato a buon fine quando abbiamo provato ad addebitare alla sua carta, la preghiamo di aggiornare il suo metodo di pagamento e riprovare",
"STRIPE_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED": "Non siamo in grado di autenticare il tuo metodo di pagamento. Per favore scegli un metodo di pagamento diverso e riprova",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD": "Aggiorna metodo di pagamento",
"MONTHLY": "Mensile",
"YEARLY": "Annuale",
"UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Sei sicuro di voler cambiare il piano?",
"UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Cambia piano",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION": "Annulla abbonamento",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "<p>Tutti i tuoi dati saranno cancellati dai nostri server alla fine di questo periodo di fatturazione.</p><p>Sei sicuro di voler annullare il tuo abbonamento?</p>",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_WITH_ADDON_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure you want to cancel your subscription?</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_FAILED": "Impossibile annullare l'abbonamento",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_SUCCESS": "Abbonamento annullato con successo",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Riattiva abbonamento",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Una volta riattivato, ti verrà addebitato il valore di {{date, dateTime}}",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_SUCCESS": "Iscrizione attivata con successo ",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_FAILED": "Failed to reactivate subscription renewals",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE": "Annulla abbonamento mobile",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE_MESSAGE": "Please cancel your subscription from the mobile app to activate a subscription here",
"MAIL_TO_MANAGE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Per favore contattaci su <a>{{emailID}}</a> per gestire il tuo abbonamento",
"RENAME": "Rinomina",
"RENAME_FILE": "Rinomina file",
"RENAME_COLLECTION": "Rinomina album",
"DELETE_COLLECTION_TITLE": "Eliminare l'album?",
"DELETE_COLLECTION": "Elimina album",
"DELETE_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "Also delete the photos (and videos) present in this album from <a>all</a> other albums they are part of?",
"DELETE_PHOTOS": "Elimina foto",
"KEEP_PHOTOS": "Mantieni foto",
"SHARE": "Condividi",
"SHARE_COLLECTION": "Condividi album",
"SHAREES": "Condividi con",
"SHARE_WITH_SELF": "Ops, non puoi condividere a te stesso",
"ALREADY_SHARED": "Ops, lo stai già condividendo con {{email}}",
"SHARING_BAD_REQUEST_ERROR": "Condividere gli album non è consentito",
"SHARING_DISABLED_FOR_FREE_ACCOUNTS": "La condivisione è disabilitata per gli account free",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION": "Scarica album",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "<p>Sei sicuro di volere scaricare l'album interamente?</p><p>Tutti i file saranno messi in coda per il download</p>",
"CREATE_ALBUM_FAILED": "Operazione di creazione dell'album fallita, per favore riprova",
"SEARCH": "Ricerca",
"SEARCH_RESULTS": "Risultati della ricerca",
"NO_RESULTS": "No results found",
"SEARCH_HINT": "Search for albums, dates, descriptions, ...",
"COLLECTION": "Album",
"LOCATION": "Posizione",
"CITY": "Posizione",
"DATE": "Data",
"FILE_NAME": "Nome file",
"THING": "Contenuto",
"FILE_CAPTION": "Descrizione",
"FILE_TYPE": "Tipo del file",
"CLIP": "Magic"
"photos_count_zero": "Nessuna memoria",
"photos_count_one": "1 memory",
"photos_count_other": "{{count, number}} memories",
"TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS": "I agree to the <a>terms</a> and <b>privacy policy</b>",
"ADD_TO_COLLECTION": "Aggiungi all'album",
"SELECTED": "selected",
"VIDEO_PLAYBACK_FAILED_DOWNLOAD_INSTEAD": "Questo video non può essere riprodotto nel tuo browser",
"PEOPLE": "Persone",
"INDEXING_SCHEDULED": "Indexing is scheduled...",
"ANALYZING_PHOTOS": "Indexing photos ({{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} / {{indexStatus.nTotalFiles,number}})",
"INDEXING_PEOPLE": "Indexing people in {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} photos...",
"INDEXING_DONE": "Indexed {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} photos",
"UNIDENTIFIED_FACES": "volti non identificati",
"OBJECTS": "objects",
"TEXT": "testo",
"INFO": "Info ",
"INFO_OPTION": "Info (I)",
"FILE_NAME": "Nome file",
"CAPTION_PLACEHOLDER": "Aggiungi una descrizione",
"LOCATION": "Posizione",
"SHOW_ON_MAP": "Guarda su OpenStreetMap",
"MAP": "Mappa",
"MAP_SETTINGS": "Impostazioni Mappa",
"ENABLE_MAPS": "Attivare Mappa?",
"ENABLE_MAP": "Attivare mappa",
"DISABLE_MAPS": "Disattivare Mappa?",
"ENABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will show your photos on a world map.</p> <p>The map is hosted by <a>OpenStreetMap</a>, and the exact locations of your photos are never shared.</p> <p>You can disable this feature anytime from Settings.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will disable the display of your photos on a world map.</p> <p>You can enable this feature anytime from Settings.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP": "Disable map",
"DETAILS": "Details",
"VIEW_EXIF": "View all EXIF data",
"NO_EXIF": "No EXIF data",
"ISO": "ISO",
"TWO_FACTOR": "Due fattori",
"TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION": "Autenticazione a due fattori",
"TWO_FACTOR_QR_INSTRUCTION": "Scansiona il codice QR qui sotto con la tua app di autenticazione preferita",
"ENTER_CODE_MANUALLY": "Inserisci il codice manualmente",
"TWO_FACTOR_MANUAL_CODE_INSTRUCTION": "Inserisci questo codice nella tua app di autenticazione preferita",
"SCAN_QR_CODE": "Oppure scansiona il codice QR",
"ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Attiva due fattori",
"ENABLE": "Attiva",
"LOST_DEVICE": "Lost two-factor device",
"INCORRECT_CODE": "Codice errato",
"TWO_FACTOR_INFO": "Aggiungi un ulteriore livello di sicurezza richiedendo più informazioni rispetto a email e password per eseguire l'accesso al tuo account",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Disable two-factor authentication",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Update your authenticator device",
"DISABLE": "Disable",
"RECONFIGURE": "Reconfigure",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR": "Update two-factor",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Continuing forward will void any previously configured authenticators",
"UPDATE": "Update",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Disable two-factor",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to disable your two-factor authentication",
"TWO_FACTOR_DISABLE_FAILED": "Failed to disable two factor, please try again",
"EXPORT_DATA": "Esporta dati",
"SELECT_FOLDER": "Select folder",
"DESTINATION": "Destination",
"START": "Start",
"LAST_EXPORT_TIME": "Last export time",
"EXPORT_AGAIN": "Resync",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE": "Local storage not accessible",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE_MESSAGE": "Your browser or an addon is blocking ente from saving data into local storage. please try loading this page after switching your browsing mode.",
"SEND_OTT": "Invia OTP",
"EMAIl_ALREADY_OWNED": "Email già in uso",
"ETAGS_BLOCKED": "<p>We were unable to upload the following files because of your browser configuration.</p><p>Please disable any addons that might be preventing ente from using <code>eTags</code> to upload large files, or use our <a>desktop app</a> for a more reliable import experience.</p>",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS_INFO": "<p>Presently we do not support adding videos via public links.</p><p>To share videos, please <a>signup</a> for ente and share with the intended recipients using their email.</p>",
"LIVE_PHOTOS_DETECTED": "The photo and video files from your Live Photos have been merged into a single file",
"RETRY_FAILED": "Retry failed uploads",
"FAILED_UPLOADS": "Caricamento fallito ",
"SKIPPED_FILES": "Ignora caricamenti",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_UPLOADS": "Thumbnail generation failed",
"UNSUPPORTED_FILES": "Unsupported files",
"SUCCESSFUL_UPLOADS": "Caricamenti eseguiti con successo",
"SKIPPED_INFO": "Skipped these as there are files with matching names in the same album",
"UNSUPPORTED_INFO": "ente does not support these file formats yet",
"BLOCKED_UPLOADS": "Blocked uploads",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS": "Video saltati",
"INPROGRESS_UPLOADS": "Caricamenti in corso",
"TOO_LARGE_UPLOADS": "File pesanti",
"LARGER_THAN_AVAILABLE_STORAGE_INFO": "Questi file non sono stati caricati perché supererebbero la capacità massima del tuo piano di spazio d'archiviazione",
"TOO_LARGE_INFO": "Questi file non sono stati caricati perché superano il nostro limite di pesantezza di un file",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_INFO": "These files were uploaded, but unfortunately we could not generate the thumbnails for them.",
"UPLOAD_TO_COLLECTION": "Upload to album",
"UNCATEGORIZED": "Uncategorized",
"ARCHIVE": "Archivio",
"FAVORITES": "Preferiti",
"ARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Album archiviato",
"MOVE_TO_COLLECTION": "Sposta nell'album",
"UNARCHIVE": "Rimuovi dall'archivio",
"UNARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Rimuovi album dall'archivio",
"HIDE_COLLECTION": "Nascondi album",
"UNHIDE_COLLECTION": "Rimuovi album dai nascosti",
"MOVE": "Sposta",
"ADD": "Aggiungi",
"REMOVE": "Rimuovi",
"YES_REMOVE": "Sì, rimuovi",
"REMOVE_FROM_COLLECTION": "Rimuovi dall'album",
"TRASH": "Cestino",
"MOVE_TO_TRASH": "Sposta nel cestino",
"TRASH_FILES_MESSAGE": "Gli elementi selezionati verranno eliminati da tutti gli album e spostati nel cestino.",
"TRASH_FILE_MESSAGE": "Il file verrà eliminato da tutti gli album e spostato nel cestino.",
"DELETE_PERMANENTLY": "Elimina definitivamente",
"RESTORE": "Ripristina",
"RESTORE_TO_COLLECTION": "Ripristina nell'album",
"EMPTY_TRASH": "Svuota il cestino",
"EMPTY_TRASH_TITLE": "Vuoi svuotare il cestino?",
"EMPTY_TRASH_MESSAGE": "I file selezionati verranno eliminati definitivamente dal tuo account ente.",
"LEAVE_ALBUM": "Abbandona l'album",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_TITLE": "Abbandonare l'album condiviso?",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_MESSAGE": "You will leave the album, and it will stop being visible to you.",
"NOT_FILE_OWNER": "You cannot delete files in a shared album",
"CONFIRM_SELF_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Selected items will be removed from this album. Items which are only in this album will be moved to Uncategorized.",
"CONFIRM_SELF_AND_OTHER_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Some of the items you are removing were added by other people, and you will lose access to them.",
"SORT_BY_UPDATION_TIME_DESCENDING": "Ultimo aggiornamento",
"SORT_BY_NAME": "Nome",
"COMPRESS_THUMBNAILS": "Comprimi miniature",
"THUMBNAIL_REPLACED": "Miniature compresse",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL": "Comprimi",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL_LATER": "Comprimi più tardi",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOT_STARTED": "Some of your videos thumbnails can be compressed to save space. would you like ente to compress them?",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED": "Successfully compressed all thumbnails",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOOP": "You have no thumbnails that can be compressed further",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "Could not compress some of your thumbnails, please retry",
"FIX_CREATION_TIME": "Fix time",
"CREATION_TIME_UPDATED": "File time updated",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_NOT_STARTED": "Select the option you want to use",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED": "Successfully updated all files",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "File time updation failed for some files, please retry",
"CAPTION_CHARACTER_LIMIT": "5000 characters max",
"DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL": "EXIF:DateTimeOriginal",
"DATE_TIME_DIGITIZED": "EXIF:DateTimeDigitized",
"METADATA_DATE": "EXIF:MetadataDate",
"CUSTOM_TIME": "Custom time",
"OPEN_PLAN_SELECTOR_MODAL_FAILED": "Failed to open plans",
"INSTALL": "Installa",
"SHARING_DETAILS": "Sharing details",
"MODIFY_SHARING": "Modify sharing",
"ADD_COLLABORATORS": "Add collaborators",
"ADD_NEW_EMAIL": "Add a new email",
"shared_with_people_zero": "Share with specific people",
"shared_with_people_one": "Shared with 1 person",
"shared_with_people_other": "Shared with {{count, number}} people",
"participants_zero": "Nessun partecipante",
"participants_one": "1 partecipante",
"participants_other": "{{count, number}} partecipanti",
"ADD_VIEWERS": "Add viewers",
"PARTICIPANTS": "Partecipanti",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_VIEWER": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} will not be able to add more photos to the album</p> <p>They will still be able to remove photos added by them</p>",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_COLLABORATOR": "{{selectedEmail}} will be able to add photos to the album",
"CONVERT_TO_VIEWER": "Yes, convert to viewer",
"CONVERT_TO_COLLABORATOR": "Yes, convert to collaborator",
"CHANGE_PERMISSION": "Change permission?",
"CONFIRM_REMOVE": "Sì, rimuovi",
"MANAGE": "Gestisci",
"ADDED_AS": "Aggiunto come",
"COLLABORATOR_RIGHTS": "Collaborators can add photos and videos to the shared album",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_HEAD": "Rimuovi partecipante",
"OWNER": "Owner",
"COLLABORATORS": "Collaborators",
"ADD_MORE": "Add more",
"VIEWERS": "Viewers",
"OR_ADD_EXISTING": "Or pick an existing one",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_MESSAGE": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} will be removed from the album</p> <p>Any photos added by them will also be removed from the album</p>",
"NOT_FOUND": "404 - non trovato",
"LINK_EXPIRED": "Link scaduto",
"LINK_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "This link has either expired or been disabled!",
"MANAGE_LINK": "Manage link",
"LINK_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS": "Sorry, this album has been viewed on too many devices!",
"FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Allow downloads",
"LINK_PASSWORD_LOCK": "Password lock",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT": "Allow adding photos",
"LINK_DEVICE_LIMIT": "Device limit",
"LINK_EXPIRY": "Link expiry",
"NEVER": "Never",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Disable download",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure that you want to disable the download button for files?</p><p>Viewers can still take screenshots or save a copy of your photos using external tools.</p>",
"MALICIOUS_CONTENT": "Contains malicious content",
"COPYRIGHT": "Infringes on the copyright of someone I am authorized to represent",
"SHARED_USING": "Shared using ",
"ENTE_IO": "",
"SHARING_REFERRAL_CODE": "Use code <strong>{{referralCode}}</strong> to get 10 GB free",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD": "Disable password lock",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to disable the password lock?",
"PASSWORD_LOCK": "Password lock",
"LOCK": "Lock",
"UPLOAD_DIRS": "Cartella",
"UPLOAD_GOOGLE_TAKEOUT": "Google takeout",
"DEDUPLICATE_FILES": "Deduplicate files",
"NO_DUPLICATES_FOUND": "You've no duplicate files that can be cleared",
"CLUB_BY_CAPTURE_TIME": "Club by capture time",
"FILES": "Files",
"EACH": "Each",
"DEDUPLICATE_BASED_ON_SIZE": "The following files were clubbed based on their sizes, please review and delete items you believe are duplicates",
"STOP_ALL_UPLOADS_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to stop all the uploads in progress?",
"STOP_UPLOADS_HEADER": "Stop uploads?",
"YES_STOP_UPLOADS": "Yes, stop uploads",
"STOP_DOWNLOADS_HEADER": "Stop downloads?",
"YES_STOP_DOWNLOADS": "Yes, stop downloads",
"STOP_ALL_DOWNLOADS_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to stop all the downloads in progress?",
"albums_one": "1 Album",
"albums_other": "{{count, number}} Album",
"ALL_ALBUMS": "Tutti gli Album",
"ALBUMS": "Album",
"ALL_HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "All hidden albums",
"HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "Hidden albums",
"HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Hidden items",
"ENTER_TWO_FACTOR_OTP": "Enter the 6-digit code from your authenticator app.",
"CREATE_ACCOUNT": "Crea account",
"COPIED": "Copied",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_TITLE": "Unable to generate thumbnail",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_MESSAGE": "<p>It looks like your browser has disabled access to canvas, which is necessary to generate thumbnails for your photos </p> <p> Please enable access to your browser's canvas, or check out our desktop app</p>",
"WATCH_FOLDERS": "Watch folders",
"UPGRADE_NOW": "Upgrade now",
"RENEW_NOW": "Renew now",
"STORAGE": "Storage",
"USED": "used",
"YOU": "Tu",
"FAMILY": "Famiglia",
"FREE": "gratis",
"OF": "of",
"WATCHED_FOLDERS": "Watched folders",
"NO_FOLDERS_ADDED": "Ancora nessuna cartella aggiunta!",
"FOLDERS_AUTOMATICALLY_MONITORED": "The folders you add here will monitored to automatically",
"UPLOAD_NEW_FILES_TO_ENTE": "Upload new files to ente",
"REMOVE_DELETED_FILES_FROM_ENTE": "Remove deleted files from ente",
"ADD_FOLDER": "Add folder",
"STOP_WATCHING": "Stop watching",
"STOP_WATCHING_FOLDER": "Stop watching folder?",
"STOP_WATCHING_DIALOG_MESSAGE": "Your existing files will not be deleted, but ente will stop automatically updating the linked ente album on changes in this folder.",
"YES_STOP": "Yes, stop",
"MONTH_SHORT": "mo",
"YEAR": "year",
"FAMILY_PLAN": "Family plan",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS": "Download logs",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS_MESSAGE": "<p>This will download debug logs, which you can email to us to help debug your issue.</p><p> Please note that file names will be included to help track issues with specific files. </p>",
"CHANGE_FOLDER": "Cambia Cartella",
"TWO_MONTHS_FREE": "Ottieni 2 mesi gratis sui piani annuali",
"GB": "GB",
"POPULAR": "Popular",
"FREE_PLAN_OPTION_LABEL": "Continue with free trial",
"FREE_PLAN_DESCRIPTION": "1 GB per 1 anno",
"CURRENT_USAGE": "Current usage is <strong>{{usage}}</strong>",
"WEAK_DEVICE": "The web browser you're using is not powerful enough to encrypt your photos. Please try to log in to ente on your computer, or download the ente mobile/desktop app.",
"DRAG_AND_DROP_HINT": "Or drag and drop into the ente window",
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DELETION_MESSAGE": "Your uploaded data will be scheduled for deletion, and your account will be permanently deleted.<br/><br/>This action is not reversible.",
"AUTHENTICATE": "Autenticati",
"UPLOADED_TO_SINGLE_COLLECTION": "Uploaded to single collection",
"UPLOADED_TO_SEPARATE_COLLECTIONS": "Uploaded to separate collections",
"NEVERMIND": "Nevermind",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE": "Update available",
"UPDATE_INSTALLABLE_MESSAGE": "A new version of ente is ready to be installed.",
"INSTALL_NOW": "Install now",
"INSTALL_ON_NEXT_LAUNCH": "Install on next launch",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE": "A new version of ente has been released, but it cannot be automatically downloaded and installed.",
"DOWNLOAD_AND_INSTALL": "Download and install",
"IGNORE_THIS_VERSION": "Ignore this version",
"TODAY": "Oggi",
"YESTERDAY": "Ieri",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED": "Cannot create albums from file/folder mix",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED_MESSAGE": "<p>You have dragged and dropped a mixture of files and folders.</p><p>Please provide either only files, or only folders when selecting option to create separate albums</p>",
"CHOSE_THEME": "Seleziona tema",
"ML_SEARCH": "Face recognition",
"ENABLE_ML_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will enable on-device machine learning and face search which will start analyzing your uploaded photos locally.</p><p>For the first run after login or enabling this feature, it will download all images on local device to analyze them. So please only enable this if you are ok with bandwidth and local processing of all images in your photo library.</p><p>If this is the first time you're enabling this, we'll also ask your permission to process face data.</p>",
"ML_MORE_DETAILS": "Più dettagli",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Enable face recognition",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Enable face recognition?",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>If you enable face recognition, ente will extract face geometry from your photos. This will happen on your device, and any generated biometric data will be end-to-encrypted.<p/><p><a>Please click here for more details about this feature in our privacy policy</a></p>",
"DISABLE_BETA": "Pause recognition",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Disable face recognition",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Disable face recognition?",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>Ente will stop processing face geometry.</p><p>You can reenable face recognition again if you wish, so this operation is safe.</p>",
"ADVANCED": "Avanzate",
"FACE_SEARCH_CONFIRMATION": "I understand, and wish to allow ente to process face geometry",
"LABS": "Labs",
"YOURS": "yours",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_WEAK": "Sicurezza password: Debole",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_MODERATE": "Sicurezza password: Moderata",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_STRONG": "Sicurezza password: Forte",
"PREFERENCES": "Preferences",
"LANGUAGE": "Lingua",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Invalid export directory",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_MESSAGE": "<p>The export directory you have selected does not exist.</p><p> Please select a valid directory.</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_VERIFICATION_ERROR": "Subscription verification failed",
"B": "B",
"KB": "KB",
"MB": "MB",
"GB": "GB",
"TB": "TB"
"HOUR": "dopo un'ora",
"DAY": "dopo un giorno",
"WEEK": "dopo una settimana",
"MONTH": "dopo un mese",
"YEAR": "dopo un anno"
"COPY_LINK": "Copia link",
"DONE": "Fatto",
"LINK_SHARE_TITLE": "O condividi un link",
"REMOVE_LINK": "Rimuovi link",
"CREATE_PUBLIC_SHARING": "Crea link pubblico",
"PUBLIC_LINK_CREATED": "Link pubblick creato",
"PUBLIC_LINK_ENABLED": "Link pubblico attivato",
"COLLECT_PHOTOS": "Collect photos",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT_SUBTEXT": "Allow people with the link to also add photos to the shared album.",
"STOP_EXPORT": "Stop",
"EXPORT_PROGRESS": "<a>{{progress.success, number}} / {{, number}}</a> items synced",
"MIGRATING_EXPORT": "Preparing...",
"RENAMING_COLLECTION_FOLDERS": "Renaming album folders...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_FILES": "Trashing deleted files...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_COLLECTIONS": "Trashing deleted albums...",
"START": "Export started",
"IN_PROGRESS": "Export already in progress",
"FINISH": "Export finished",
"UP_TO_DATE": "No new files to export"
"CONTINUOUS_EXPORT": "Sync continuously",
"TOTAL_ITEMS": "Total items",
"PENDING_ITEMS": "Pending items",
"EXPORT_STARTING": "Export starting...",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_REASON_LABEL": "What is the main reason you are deleting your account?",
"MISSING_FEATURE": "It's missing a key feature that I need",
"BROKEN_BEHAVIOR": "The app or a certain feature does not behave as I think it should",
"FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "I found another service that I like better",
"NOT_LISTED": "My reason isn't listed"
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_FEEDBACK_LABEL": "We are sorry to see you go. Please explain why you are leaving to help us improve.",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT_CHECKBOX_LABEL": "Yes, I want to permanently delete this account and all its data",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Confirm Account Deletion",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED": "Kindly help us with this information",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED_FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "What does the other service do better?",
"RECOVER_TWO_FACTOR": "Recover two-factor",
"at": "at",
"AUTH_NEXT": "next",
"AUTH_DOWNLOAD_MOBILE_APP": "Download our mobile app to manage your secrets",
"HIDDEN": "Hidden",
"HIDE": "Hide",
"UNHIDE": "Unhide",
"UNHIDE_TO_COLLECTION": "Unhide to album",
"SORT_BY": "Sort by",
"NEWEST_FIRST": "Newest first",
"OLDEST_FIRST": "Oldest first",
"CONVERSION_FAILED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE": "This file could not be previewed. Click here to download the original.",
"SELECT_COLLECTION": "Select album",
"PIN_ALBUM": "Pin album",
"UNPIN_ALBUM": "Unpin album",
"DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE": "Download complete",
"DOWNLOADING_COLLECTION": "Downloading {{name}}",
"DOWNLOAD_FAILED": "Download failed",
"DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS": "{{progress.current}} / {{}} files",
"CRASH_REPORTING": "Crash reporting",
"CHRISTMAS": "Christmas",
"CHRISTMAS_EVE": "Christmas Eve",
"NEW_YEAR": "New Year",
"NEW_YEAR_EVE": "New Year's Eve",
"IMAGE": "Image",
"VIDEO": "Video",
"LIVE_PHOTO": "Live Photo",
"CONVERT": "Convert",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to close the editor?",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_DESCRIPTION": "Download your edited image or save a copy to ente to persist your changes.",
"BRIGHTNESS": "Brightness",
"CONTRAST": "Contrast",
"SATURATION": "Saturation",
"BLUR": "Blur",
"INVERT_COLORS": "Invert Colors",
"ASPECT_RATIO": "Aspect Ratio",
"SQUARE": "Square",
"ROTATE_LEFT": "Rotate Left",
"ROTATE_RIGHT": "Rotate Right",
"FLIP_VERTICALLY": "Flip Vertically",
"FLIP_HORIZONTALLY": "Flip Horizontally",
"DOWNLOAD_EDITED": "Download Edited",
"SAVE_A_COPY_TO_ENTE": "Save a copy to ente",
"RESTORE_ORIGINAL": "Restore Original",
"TRANSFORM": "Transform",
"COLORS": "Colors",
"FLIP": "Flip",
"ROTATION": "Rotation",
"RESET": "Reset",
"PHOTO_EDITOR": "Photo Editor",
"FASTER_UPLOAD": "Faster uploads",
"FASTER_UPLOAD_DESCRIPTION": "Route uploads through nearby servers",
"MAGIC_SEARCH_STATUS": "Magic Search Status",
"INDEXED_ITEMS": "Indexed items",
"CAST_ALBUM_TO_TV": "Play album on TV",
"ENTER_CAST_PIN_CODE": "Enter the code you see on the TV below to pair this device.",
"PAIR_DEVICE_TO_TV": "Pair devices",
"TV_NOT_FOUND": "TV not found. Did you enter the PIN correctly?",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR": "Auto Pair",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR_REQUIRES_CONNECTION_TO_GOOGLE": "Auto Pair requires connecting to Google servers and only works with Chromecast supported devices. Google will not receive sensitive data, such as your photos.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN": "Pair with PIN",
"CHOOSE_DEVICE_FROM_BROWSER": "Choose a cast-compatible device from the browser popup.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN_WORKS_FOR_ANY_LARGE_SCREEN_DEVICE": "Pair with PIN works for any large screen device you want to play your album on.",
"VISIT_CAST_ENTE_IO": "Visit on the device you want to pair.",
"CAST_AUTO_PAIR_FAILED": "Chromecast Auto Pair failed. Please try again.",
"CACHE_DIRECTORY": "Cache folder",
"PASSKEYS": "Passkeys",
"FREEHAND": "Freehand",
"APPLY_CROP": "Apply Crop",
"PHOTO_EDIT_REQUIRED_TO_SAVE": "At least one transformation or color adjustment must be performed before saving."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
"HERO_SLIDE_1_TITLE": "<div>Privé back-ups</div><div>voor uw herinneringen</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_1": "Standaard end-to-end versleuteld",
"HERO_SLIDE_2_TITLE": "<div>Veilig opgeslagen</div><div>in een kernbunker</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_2": "Ontworpen om levenslang mee te gaan",
"HERO_SLIDE_3_TITLE": "<div>Overal</div><div> beschikbaar</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_3": "Android, iOS, Web, Desktop",
"LOGIN": "Inloggen",
"SIGN_UP": "Registreren",
"NEW_USER": "Nieuw bij ente",
"EXISTING_USER": "Bestaande gebruiker",
"ENTER_NAME": "Naam invoeren",
"PUBLIC_UPLOADER_NAME_MESSAGE": "Voeg een naam toe zodat je vrienden weten wie ze moeten bedanken voor deze geweldige foto's!",
"ENTER_EMAIL": "Vul e-mailadres in",
"EMAIL_ERROR": "Vul een geldig e-mailadres in",
"REQUIRED": "Vereist",
"EMAIL_SENT": "Verificatiecode verzonden naar <a>{{email}}</a>",
"CHECK_INBOX": "Controleer je inbox (en spam) om verificatie te voltooien",
"ENTER_OTT": "Verificatiecode",
"RESEND_MAIL": "Code opnieuw versturen",
"VERIFY": "Verifiëren",
"UNKNOWN_ERROR": "Er is iets fout gegaan, probeer het opnieuw",
"INVALID_CODE": "Ongeldige verificatiecode",
"EXPIRED_CODE": "Uw verificatiecode is verlopen",
"SENDING": "Verzenden...",
"SENT": "Verzonden!",
"PASSWORD": "Wachtwoord",
"LINK_PASSWORD": "Voer wachtwoord in om het album te ontgrendelen",
"SET_PASSPHRASE": "Wachtwoord instellen",
"INCORRECT_PASSPHRASE": "Onjuist wachtwoord",
"ENTER_ENC_PASSPHRASE": "Voer een wachtwoord in dat we kunnen gebruiken om je gegevens te versleutelen",
"PASSPHRASE_DISCLAIMER": "We slaan je wachtwoord niet op, dus als je het vergeet, <strong>zullen we u niet kunnen helpen </strong>uw data te herstellen zonder een herstelcode.",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_HEADING": "Welkom bij <a/>",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_SUBHEADING": "Foto opslag en delen met end to end encryptie",
"WHERE_YOUR_BEST_PHOTOS_LIVE": "Waar je beste foto's leven",
"KEY_GENERATION_IN_PROGRESS_MESSAGE": "Encryptiecodes worden gegenereerd...",
"PASSPHRASE_HINT": "Wachtwoord",
"CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Wachtwoord bevestigen",
"REFERRAL_CODE_HINT": "Hoe hoorde je over Ente? (optioneel)",
"REFERRAL_INFO": "Wij gebruiken geen tracking. Het zou helpen als je ons vertelt waar je ons gevonden hebt!",
"PASSPHRASE_MATCH_ERROR": "Wachtwoorden komen niet overeen",
"CONSOLE_WARNING_DESC": "Dit is een browserfunctie bedoeld voor ontwikkelaars. Gelieve hier geen niet-geverifieerde code te kopiëren/plakken.",
"CREATE_COLLECTION": "Nieuw album",
"ENTER_ALBUM_NAME": "Album naam",
"CLOSE_OPTION": "Sluiten (Esc)",
"ENTER_FILE_NAME": "Bestandsnaam",
"CLOSE": "Sluiten",
"NO": "Nee",
"NOTHING_HERE": "Nog niets te zien hier 👀",
"UPLOAD": "Uploaden",
"IMPORT": "Importeren",
"ADD_PHOTOS": "Foto's toevoegen",
"ADD_MORE_PHOTOS": "Meer foto's toevoegen",
"add_photos_one": "1 foto toevoegen",
"add_photos_other": "{{count, number}} foto's toevoegen",
"SELECT_PHOTOS": "Selecteer foto's",
"FILE_UPLOAD": "Bestand uploaden",
"0": "Upload wordt voorbereid",
"1": "Lezen van Google metadata bestanden",
"2": "{{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / {{, number}} bestanden metadata uitgepakt",
"3": "{{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / {{, number}} bestanden geback-upt",
"4": "Resterende uploads worden geannuleerd",
"5": "Back-up voltooid"
"FILE_NOT_UPLOADED_LIST": "De volgende bestanden zijn niet geüpload",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED": "Abonnement verlopen",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Uw abonnement is verlopen, gelieve <a>vernieuwen</a>",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED": "Opslaglimiet overschreden",
"INITIAL_LOAD_DELAY_WARNING": "Eerste keer laden kan enige tijd duren",
"USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Sorry, we konden geen account met dat e-mailadres vinden",
"NO_ACCOUNT": "Heb nog geen account",
"ACCOUNT_EXISTS": "Heb al een account",
"CREATE": "Creëren",
"DOWNLOAD": "Downloaden",
"DOWNLOAD_OPTION": "Downloaden (D)",
"DOWNLOAD_FAVORITES": "Favorieten downloaden",
"DOWNLOAD_UNCATEGORIZED": "Ongecategoriseerd downloaden",
"DOWNLOAD_HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Verborgen bestanden downloaden",
"COPY_OPTION": "Kopiëren als PNG (Ctrl/Cmd - C)",
"TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN": "Schakelen volledig scherm modus (F)",
"ZOOM_IN_OUT": "In/uitzoomen",
"PREVIOUS": "Vorige (←)",
"NEXT": "Volgende (→)",
"TITLE_PHOTOS": "Ente Foto's",
"TITLE_ALBUMS": "Ente Foto's",
"TITLE_AUTH": "Ente Auth",
"UPLOAD_FIRST_PHOTO": "Je eerste foto uploaden",
"IMPORT_YOUR_FOLDERS": "Importeer uw mappen",
"UPLOAD_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Sleep om een back-up van je bestanden te maken",
"WATCH_FOLDER_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Sleep om map aan watched folders toe te voegen",
"TRASH_FILES_TITLE": "Bestanden verwijderen?",
"TRASH_FILE_TITLE": "Verwijder bestand?",
"DELETE_FILES_TITLE": "Onmiddellijk verwijderen?",
"DELETE_FILES_MESSAGE": "Geselecteerde bestanden zullen permanent worden verwijderd van je ente account.",
"DELETE": "Verwijderen",
"DELETE_OPTION": "Verwijderen (DEL)",
"FAVORITE_OPTION": "Favoriet (L)",
"UNFAVORITE_OPTION": "Verwijderen uit Favorieten (L)",
"MULTI_FOLDER_UPLOAD": "Meerdere mappen gedetecteerd",
"UPLOAD_STRATEGY_CHOICE": "Wilt u deze uploaden naar",
"OR": "of",
"SESSION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Uw sessie is verlopen. Meld u opnieuw aan om verder te gaan",
"SESSION_EXPIRED": "Sessie verlopen",
"PASSWORD_GENERATION_FAILED": "Uw browser kon geen sterke sleutel genereren die voldoet aan onze versleutelingsstandaarden. Probeer de mobiele app of een andere browser te gebruiken",
"CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Wachtwoord wijzigen",
"GO_BACK": "Ga terug",
"RECOVERY_KEY": "Herstelsleutel",
"SAVE_LATER": "Doe dit later",
"SAVE": "Sleutel opslaan",
"RECOVERY_KEY_DESCRIPTION": "Als je je wachtwoord vergeet, kun je alleen met deze sleutel je gegevens herstellen.",
"RECOVER_KEY_GENERATION_FAILED": "Herstelcode kon niet worden gegenereerd, probeer het opnieuw",
"KEY_NOT_STORED_DISCLAIMER": "We slaan deze sleutel niet op, bewaar dit op een veilige plaats",
"FORGOT_PASSWORD": "Wachtwoord vergeten",
"RECOVER_ACCOUNT": "Account herstellen",
"RECOVERY_KEY_HINT": "Herstelsleutel",
"RECOVER": "Herstellen",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY": "Geen herstelsleutel?",
"INCORRECT_RECOVERY_KEY": "Onjuiste herstelsleutel",
"SORRY": "Sorry",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Door de aard van ons end-to-end encryptieprotocol kunnen je gegevens niet worden ontsleuteld zonder je wachtwoord of herstelsleutel",
"NO_TWO_FACTOR_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Stuur een e-mail naar <a>{{emailID}}</a> vanaf het door jou geregistreerde e-mailadres",
"CONTACT_SUPPORT": "Klantenservice",
"REQUEST_FEATURE": "Vraag nieuwe functie aan",
"SUPPORT": "Ondersteuning",
"CONFIRM": "Bevestigen",
"CANCEL": "Annuleren",
"LOGOUT": "Uitloggen",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Account verwijderen",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE": "<p>Stuur een e-mail naar <a>{{emailID}}</a> vanaf uw geregistreerde e-mailadres.</p><p>Uw aanvraag wordt binnen 72 uur verwerkt.</p>",
"LOGOUT_MESSAGE": "Weet u zeker dat u wilt uitloggen?",
"CHANGE_EMAIL": "E-mail wijzigen",
"OK": "Oké",
"SUCCESS": "Succes",
"ERROR": "Foutmelding",
"MESSAGE": "Melding",
"INSTALL_MOBILE_APP": "Installeer onze <a>Android</a> of <b>iOS</b> app om automatisch een back-up te maken van al uw foto's",
"DOWNLOAD_APP_MESSAGE": "Sorry, deze bewerking wordt momenteel alleen ondersteund op onze desktop app",
"DOWNLOAD_APP": "Download de desktop app",
"EXPORT": "Data exporteren",
"SUBSCRIPTION": "Abonnement",
"SUBSCRIBE": "Abonneren",
"MANAGEMENT_PORTAL": "Betaalmethode beheren",
"MANAGE_FAMILY_PORTAL": "Familie abonnement beheren",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_PLAN": "Familie abonnement verlaten",
"LEAVE": "Verlaten",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_CONFIRM": "Weet je zeker dat je het familie-plan wilt verlaten?",
"CHOOSE_PLAN": "Kies uw abonnement",
"MANAGE_PLAN": "Beheer uw abonnement",
"ACTIVE": "Actief",
"OFFLINE_MSG": "Je bent offline, lokaal opgeslagen herinneringen worden getoond",
"FREE_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Je hebt het <strong>gratis</strong> abonnement dat verloopt op {{date, dateTime}}",
"FAMILY_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "U hebt een familieplan dat beheerd wordt door",
"RENEWAL_ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS": "Vernieuwt op {{date, dateTime}}",
"RENEWAL_CANCELLED_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS": "Eindigt op {{date, dateTime}}",
"RENEWAL_CANCELLED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Uw abonnement loopt af op {{date, dateTime}}",
"ADD_ON_AVAILABLE_TILL": "Jouw {{storage, string}} add-on is geldig tot {{date, dateTime}}",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "U heeft uw opslaglimiet overschreden, gelieve <a>upgraden</a>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_SUCCESS": "<p>We hebben uw betaling ontvangen</p><p>Uw abonnement is geldig tot <strong>{{date, dateTime}}</strong></p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_CANCELLED": "Uw aankoop is geannuleerd, probeer het opnieuw als u zich wilt abonneren",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_FAILED": "Betaling van abonnement mislukt Probeer het opnieuw",
"SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATE_FAILED": "Niet gelukt om abonnement bij te werken, probeer het opnieuw",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD_MESSAGE": "Het spijt ons, maar de betaling is mislukt bij het in rekening brengen van uw kaart, gelieve uw betaalmethode bij te werken en het opnieuw te proberen",
"STRIPE_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED": "We zijn niet in staat om uw betaalmethode te verifiëren. Kies een andere betaalmethode en probeer het opnieuw",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD": "Betalingsmethode bijwerken",
"MONTHLY": "Maandelijks",
"YEARLY": "Jaarlijks",
"UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Weet u zeker dat u uw abonnement wilt wijzigen?",
"UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Abonnement wijzigen",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION": "Abonnement opzeggen",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "<p>Al je gegevens zullen worden verwijderd van onze servers aan het einde van deze factureringsperiode.</p><p>Weet u zeker dat u uw abonnement wilt opzeggen?</p>",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_WITH_ADDON_MESSAGE": "<p>Weet je zeker dat je je abonnement wilt opzeggen?</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_FAILED": "Abonnement opzeggen mislukt",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_SUCCESS": "Abonnement succesvol geannuleerd",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Abonnement opnieuw activeren",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Zodra je weer bent geactiveerd, zal je worden gefactureerd op {{date, dateTime}}",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_SUCCESS": "Abonnement succesvol geactiveerd ",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_FAILED": "Heractiveren van abonnementsverlenging is mislukt",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE": "Mobiel abonnement opzeggen",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE_MESSAGE": "Annuleer je abonnement via de mobiele app om je abonnement hier te activeren",
"MAIL_TO_MANAGE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Neem contact met ons op via <a>{{emailID}}</a> om uw abonnement te beheren",
"RENAME": "Naam wijzigen",
"RENAME_FILE": "Bestandsnaam wijzigen",
"RENAME_COLLECTION": "Albumnaam wijzigen",
"DELETE_COLLECTION_TITLE": "Verwijder album?",
"DELETE_COLLECTION": "Verwijder album",
"DELETE_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "Verwijder de foto's (en video's) van dit album ook uit <a>alle</a> andere albums waar deze deel van uitmaken?",
"DELETE_PHOTOS": "Foto's verwijderen",
"KEEP_PHOTOS": "Foto's behouden",
"SHARE": "Delen",
"SHARE_COLLECTION": "Album delen",
"SHAREES": "Gedeeld met",
"SHARE_WITH_SELF": "Oeps, je kunt niet met jezelf delen",
"ALREADY_SHARED": "Oeps, je deelt dit al met {{email}}",
"SHARING_BAD_REQUEST_ERROR": "Album delen niet toegestaan",
"SHARING_DISABLED_FOR_FREE_ACCOUNTS": "Delen is uitgeschakeld voor gratis accounts",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION": "Download album",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "<p>Weet je zeker dat je het volledige album wilt downloaden?</p><p>Alle bestanden worden in de wachtrij geplaatst voor downloaden</p>",
"CREATE_ALBUM_FAILED": "Aanmaken van album mislukt, probeer het opnieuw",
"SEARCH": "Zoeken",
"SEARCH_RESULTS": "Zoekresultaten",
"NO_RESULTS": "Geen resultaten gevonden",
"SEARCH_HINT": "Zoeken naar albums, datums ...",
"COLLECTION": "Album",
"LOCATION": "Locatie",
"CITY": "Locatie",
"DATE": "Datum",
"FILE_NAME": "Bestandsnaam",
"THING": "Inhoud",
"FILE_CAPTION": "Omschrijving",
"FILE_TYPE": "Bestandstype",
"CLIP": "Magische"
"photos_count_zero": "Geen herinneringen",
"photos_count_one": "1 herinnering",
"photos_count_other": "{{count, number}} herinneringen",
"TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS": "Ik ga akkoord met de <a>gebruiksvoorwaarden</a> en <b>privacybeleid</b>",
"ADD_TO_COLLECTION": "Toevoegen aan album",
"SELECTED": "geselecteerd",
"VIDEO_PLAYBACK_FAILED_DOWNLOAD_INSTEAD": "Deze video kan niet afgespeeld worden op uw browser",
"PEOPLE": "Personen",
"INDEXING_SCHEDULED": "indexering is gepland...",
"ANALYZING_PHOTOS": "analyseren van nieuwe foto's {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles}} van {{indexStatus.nTotalFiles}} gedaan)...",
"INDEXING_PEOPLE": "mensen indexeren in {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles}} foto's...",
"INDEXING_DONE": "{{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles}} geïndexeerde foto's",
"UNIDENTIFIED_FACES": "ongeïdentificeerde gezichten",
"OBJECTS": "objecten",
"TEXT": "tekst",
"INFO": "Info ",
"INFO_OPTION": "Info (I)",
"FILE_NAME": "Bestandsnaam",
"CAPTION_PLACEHOLDER": "Voeg een beschrijving toe",
"LOCATION": "Locatie",
"SHOW_ON_MAP": "Bekijk op OpenStreetMap",
"MAP": "Kaart",
"MAP_SETTINGS": "Kaart instellingen",
"ENABLE_MAPS": "Kaarten inschakelen?",
"ENABLE_MAP": "Kaarten inschakelen",
"DISABLE_MAPS": "Kaarten uitzetten?",
"ENABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p> Dit toont jouw foto's op een wereldkaart.</p> <p> Deze kaart wordt gehost door <a>Open Street Map</a>, en de exacte locaties van jouw foto's worden nooit gedeeld.</p> <p> Je kunt deze functie op elk gewenst moment uitschakelen via de instellingen.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>Dit schakelt de weergave van je foto's op een wereldkaart uit.</p> <p>Je kunt deze functie op elk gewenst moment inschakelen via Instellingen.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP": "Kaarten uitzetten",
"DETAILS": "Details",
"VIEW_EXIF": "Bekijk alle EXIF gegevens",
"NO_EXIF": "Geen EXIF gegevens",
"ISO": "ISO",
"TWO_FACTOR": "Tweestaps",
"TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION": "Tweestapsverificatie",
"TWO_FACTOR_QR_INSTRUCTION": "Scan de onderstaande QR-code met uw favoriete verificatie app",
"ENTER_CODE_MANUALLY": "Voer de code handmatig in",
"TWO_FACTOR_MANUAL_CODE_INSTRUCTION": "Voer deze code in in uw favoriete verificatie app",
"SCAN_QR_CODE": "Scan QR-code in plaats daarvan",
"ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Tweestapsverificatie inschakelen",
"ENABLE": "Inschakelen",
"LOST_DEVICE": "Tweestapsverificatie apparaat verloren",
"INCORRECT_CODE": "Onjuiste code",
"TWO_FACTOR_INFO": "Voeg een extra beveiligingslaag toe door meer dan uw e-mailadres en wachtwoord te vereisen om in te loggen op uw account",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Schakel tweestapsverificatie uit",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Update uw verificatie apparaat",
"DISABLE": "Uitschakelen",
"RECONFIGURE": "Herconfigureren",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR": "Tweestapsverificatie bijwerken",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Verder gaan zal elk eerder geconfigureerde verificatie apparaat ontzeggen",
"UPDATE": "Bijwerken",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Tweestapsverificatie uitschakelen",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Weet u zeker dat u tweestapsverificatie wilt uitschakelen",
"TWO_FACTOR_DISABLE_FAILED": "Uitschakelen van tweestapsverificatie is mislukt, probeer het opnieuw",
"EXPORT_DATA": "Gegevens exporteren",
"SELECT_FOLDER": "Map selecteren",
"DESTINATION": "Bestemming",
"START": "Start",
"LAST_EXPORT_TIME": "Tijd laatste export",
"EXPORT_AGAIN": "Opnieuw synchroniseren",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE": "Lokale opslag niet toegankelijk",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE_MESSAGE": "Je browser of een extensie blokkeert ente om gegevens op te slaan in de lokale opslag. Probeer deze pagina te laden na het aanpassen van de browser surfmodus.",
"SEND_OTT": "Stuur OTP",
"EMAIl_ALREADY_OWNED": "E-mail al in gebruik",
"ETAGS_BLOCKED": "<p>We kunnen de volgende bestanden niet uploaden vanwege uw browserconfiguratie.</p><p>Schakel alle extensies uit die mogelijk voorkomen dat ente <code>eTags</code> kan gebruiken om grote bestanden te uploaden, of gebruik onze <a>desktop app</a> voor een betrouwbaardere import ervaring.</p>",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS_INFO": "<p>We ondersteunen het toevoegen van video's via openbare links momenteel niet.</p><p>Om video's te delen, <a>meld je aan</a> bij ente en deel met de beoogde ontvangers via hun e-mail</p>",
"LIVE_PHOTOS_DETECTED": "De foto en video bestanden van je Live Photos zijn samengevoegd tot één enkel bestand",
"RETRY_FAILED": "Probeer mislukte uploads nogmaals",
"FAILED_UPLOADS": "Mislukte uploads ",
"SKIPPED_FILES": "Genegeerde uploads",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_UPLOADS": "Thumbnail generatie mislukt",
"UNSUPPORTED_FILES": "Niet-ondersteunde bestanden",
"SUCCESSFUL_UPLOADS": "Succesvolle uploads",
"SKIPPED_INFO": "Deze zijn overgeslagen omdat er bestanden zijn met overeenkomende namen in hetzelfde album",
"UNSUPPORTED_INFO": "ente ondersteunt deze bestandsformaten nog niet",
"BLOCKED_UPLOADS": "Geblokkeerde uploads",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS": "Overgeslagen video's",
"INPROGRESS_UPLOADS": "Bezig met uploaden",
"TOO_LARGE_UPLOADS": "Grote bestanden",
"LARGER_THAN_AVAILABLE_STORAGE_UPLOADS": "Onvoldoende opslagruimte",
"LARGER_THAN_AVAILABLE_STORAGE_INFO": "Deze bestanden zijn niet geüpload omdat ze de maximale grootte van uw opslagplan overschrijden",
"TOO_LARGE_INFO": "Deze bestanden zijn niet geüpload omdat ze onze limiet voor bestandsgrootte overschrijden",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_INFO": "Deze bestanden zijn geüpload, maar helaas konden we geen thumbnails voor ze genereren.",
"UPLOAD_TO_COLLECTION": "Uploaden naar album",
"UNCATEGORIZED": "Ongecategoriseerd",
"ARCHIVE": "Archiveren",
"FAVORITES": "Favorieten",
"ARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Album archiveren",
"MOVE_TO_COLLECTION": "Verplaats naar album",
"UNARCHIVE": "Uit archief halen",
"UNARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Album uit archief halen",
"HIDE_COLLECTION": "Verberg album",
"UNHIDE_COLLECTION": "Album zichtbaar maken",
"MOVE": "Verplaatsen",
"ADD": "Toevoegen",
"REMOVE": "Verwijderen",
"YES_REMOVE": "Ja, verwijderen",
"REMOVE_FROM_COLLECTION": "Verwijderen uit album",
"TRASH": "Prullenbak",
"MOVE_TO_TRASH": "Verplaatsen naar prullenbak",
"TRASH_FILES_MESSAGE": "De geselecteerde bestanden worden verwijderd uit alle albums en verplaatst naar de prullenbak.",
"TRASH_FILE_MESSAGE": "Het bestand wordt uit alle albums verwijderd en verplaatst naar de prullenbak.",
"DELETE_PERMANENTLY": "Permanent verwijderen",
"RESTORE": "Herstellen",
"RESTORE_TO_COLLECTION": "Terugzetten naar album",
"EMPTY_TRASH": "Prullenbak leegmaken",
"EMPTY_TRASH_TITLE": "Prullenbak leegmaken?",
"EMPTY_TRASH_MESSAGE": "Geselecteerde bestanden zullen permanent worden verwijderd van uw ente account.",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM": "Ja, verwijderen",
"LEAVE_ALBUM": "Album verlaten",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_TITLE": "Gedeeld album verwijderen?",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_MESSAGE": "Je verlaat het album, en het zal niet meer zichtbaar voor je zijn.",
"NOT_FILE_OWNER": "U kunt bestanden niet verwijderen in een gedeeld album",
"CONFIRM_SELF_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "De geselecteerde items worden verwijderd uit dit album. De items die alleen in dit album staan, worden verplaatst naar 'Niet gecategoriseerd'.",
"CONFIRM_SELF_AND_OTHER_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Sommige van de items die u verwijdert zijn door andere mensen toegevoegd, en u verliest de toegang daartoe.",
"SORT_BY_UPDATION_TIME_DESCENDING": "Laatst gewijzigd op",
"SORT_BY_NAME": "Naam",
"COMPRESS_THUMBNAILS": "Comprimeren van thumbnails",
"THUMBNAIL_REPLACED": "Thumbnails gecomprimeerd",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL": "Comprimeren",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL_LATER": "Later comprimeren",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOT_STARTED": "Sommige van uw video thumbnails kunnen worden gecomprimeerd om ruimte te besparen. Wilt u dat ente ze comprimeert?",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED": "Alle thumbnails zijn gecomprimeerd",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOOP": "Je hebt geen thumbnails die verder gecomprimeerd kunnen worden",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "Kon sommige van uw thumbnails niet comprimeren, probeer het opnieuw",
"FIX_CREATION_TIME": "Herstel tijd",
"FIX_CREATION_TIME_IN_PROGRESS": "Tijd aan het herstellen",
"CREATION_TIME_UPDATED": "Bestandstijd bijgewerkt",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_NOT_STARTED": "Selecteer de optie die u wilt gebruiken",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED": "Alle bestanden succesvol bijgewerkt",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "Bestandstijd update mislukt voor sommige bestanden, probeer het opnieuw",
"CAPTION_CHARACTER_LIMIT": "5000 tekens max",
"DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL": "EXIF:DatumTijdOrigineel",
"DATE_TIME_DIGITIZED": "EXIF:DatumTijdDigitaliseerd",
"METADATA_DATE": "EXIF:MetadataDatum",
"CUSTOM_TIME": "Aangepaste tijd",
"REOPEN_PLAN_SELECTOR_MODAL": "Abonnementen heropenen",
"OPEN_PLAN_SELECTOR_MODAL_FAILED": "Kon abonnementen niet openen",
"INSTALL": "Installeren",
"SHARING_DETAILS": "Delen van informatie",
"MODIFY_SHARING": "Delen wijzigen",
"ADD_COLLABORATORS": "Samenwerker toevoegen",
"ADD_NEW_EMAIL": "Nieuw e-mailadres toevoegen",
"shared_with_people_zero": "Delen met specifieke mensen",
"shared_with_people_one": "Gedeeld met 1 persoon",
"shared_with_people_other": "Gedeeld met {{count, number}} mensen",
"participants_zero": "Geen deelnemers",
"participants_one": "1 deelnemer",
"participants_other": "{{count, number}} deelnemers",
"ADD_VIEWERS": "Voeg kijkers toe",
"PARTICIPANTS": "Deelnemers",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_VIEWER": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} zullen geen foto's meer kunnen toevoegen aan dit album</p> <p> Ze zullen nog steeds bestaande foto's kunnen verwijderen die door hen zijn toegevoegd</p>",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_COLLABORATOR": "{{selectedEmail}} zal foto's aan het album kunnen toevoegen",
"CONVERT_TO_VIEWER": "Ja, converteren naar kijker",
"CONVERT_TO_COLLABORATOR": "Ja, converteren naar samenwerker",
"CHANGE_PERMISSION": "Rechten aanpassen?",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT": "Verwijderen?",
"CONFIRM_REMOVE": "Ja, verwijderen",
"MANAGE": "Beheren",
"ADDED_AS": "Toegevoegd als",
"COLLABORATOR_RIGHTS": "Samenwerkers kunnen foto's en video's toevoegen aan het gedeelde album",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_HEAD": "Deelnemer verwijderen",
"OWNER": "Eigenaar",
"COLLABORATORS": "Samenwerker",
"ADD_MORE": "Meer toevoegen",
"VIEWERS": "Kijkers",
"OR_ADD_EXISTING": "Of kies een bestaande",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_MESSAGE": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} zullen worden verwijderd uit het gedeelde album</p> <p>Alle door hen toegevoegde foto's worden ook uit het album verwijderd</p>",
"NOT_FOUND": "404 - niet gevonden",
"LINK_EXPIRED": "Link verlopen",
"LINK_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Deze link is verlopen of uitgeschakeld!",
"MANAGE_LINK": "Link beheren",
"LINK_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS": "Dit album is te populair voor ons om te verwerken!",
"FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Downloads toestaan",
"LINK_PASSWORD_LOCK": "Wachtwoord versleuteling",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT": "Foto's toevoegen toestaan",
"LINK_DEVICE_LIMIT": "Apparaat limiet",
"LINK_EXPIRY": "Vervaldatum link",
"NEVER": "Nooit",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Download uitschakelen",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE": "<p>Weet u zeker dat u de downloadknop voor bestanden wilt uitschakelen?</p><p>Kijkers kunnen nog steeds screenshots maken of een kopie van uw foto's opslaan met behulp van externe hulpmiddelen.</p>",
"MALICIOUS_CONTENT": "Bevat kwaadwillende inhoud",
"COPYRIGHT": "Schending van het auteursrecht van iemand die ik mag vertegenwoordigen",
"SHARED_USING": "Gedeeld via ",
"ENTE_IO": "",
"SHARING_REFERRAL_CODE": "Gebruik code <strong>{{referralCode}}</strong> om 10 GB gratis te krijgen",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD": "Schakel cijfercode vergrendeling uit",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD_MESSAGE": "Weet u zeker dat u de cijfercode vergrendeling wilt uitschakelen?",
"PASSWORD_LOCK": "Cijfercode vergrendeling",
"LOCK": "Vergrendeling",
"DOWNLOAD_UPLOAD_LOGS": "Logboeken voor foutmeldingen",
"UPLOAD_FILES": "Bestand",
"UPLOAD_GOOGLE_TAKEOUT": "Google takeout",
"DEDUPLICATE_FILES": "Dubbele bestanden verwijderen",
"AUTHENTICATOR_SECTION": "Verificatie apparaat",
"NO_DUPLICATES_FOUND": "Je hebt geen dubbele bestanden die kunnen worden gewist",
"CLUB_BY_CAPTURE_TIME": "Samenvoegen op tijd",
"FILES": "Bestanden",
"EACH": "Elke",
"DEDUPLICATE_BASED_ON_SIZE": "De volgende bestanden zijn samengevoegd op basis van hun groottes. Controleer en verwijder items waarvan je denkt dat ze dubbel zijn",
"STOP_ALL_UPLOADS_MESSAGE": "Weet u zeker dat u wilt stoppen met alle uploads die worden uitgevoerd?",
"STOP_UPLOADS_HEADER": "Stoppen met uploaden?",
"YES_STOP_UPLOADS": "Ja, stop uploaden",
"STOP_DOWNLOADS_HEADER": "Downloaden stoppen?",
"YES_STOP_DOWNLOADS": "Ja, downloads stoppen",
"STOP_ALL_DOWNLOADS_MESSAGE": "Weet je zeker dat je wilt stoppen met alle downloads die worden uitgevoerd?",
"albums_one": "1 Album",
"albums_other": "{{count, number}} Albums",
"ALL_ALBUMS": "Alle albums",
"ALBUMS": "Albums",
"ALL_HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "Alle verborgen albums",
"HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "Verborgen albums",
"HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Verborgen bestanden",
"HIDDEN_ITEMS_SECTION_NAME": "Verborgen_items",
"ENTER_TWO_FACTOR_OTP": "Voer de 6-cijferige code van uw verificatie app in.",
"CREATE_ACCOUNT": "Account aanmaken",
"COPIED": "Gekopieerd",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_TITLE": "Kan thumbnail niet genereren",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_MESSAGE": "<p>Het lijkt erop dat uw browser geen toegang heeft tot canvas, die nodig is om thumbnails voor uw foto's te genereren </p> <p> Schakel toegang tot het canvas van uw browser in, of bekijk onze desktop app</p>",
"WATCH_FOLDERS": "Monitor mappen",
"UPGRADE_NOW": "Nu upgraden",
"RENEW_NOW": "Nu verlengen",
"STORAGE": "Opslagruimte",
"USED": "gebruikt",
"YOU": "Jij",
"FAMILY": "Familie",
"FREE": "free",
"OF": "van",
"WATCHED_FOLDERS": "Gemonitorde mappen",
"NO_FOLDERS_ADDED": "Nog geen mappen toegevoegd!",
"FOLDERS_AUTOMATICALLY_MONITORED": "De mappen die u hier toevoegt worden automatisch gemonitord",
"UPLOAD_NEW_FILES_TO_ENTE": "Nieuwe bestanden uploaden naar ente",
"REMOVE_DELETED_FILES_FROM_ENTE": "Verwijderde bestanden van ente opruimen",
"ADD_FOLDER": "Map toevoegen",
"STOP_WATCHING": "Stop monitoren",
"STOP_WATCHING_FOLDER": "Stop monitoren van map?",
"STOP_WATCHING_DIALOG_MESSAGE": "Uw bestaande bestanden zullen niet worden verwijderd, maar ente stopt met het automatisch bijwerken van het gekoppelde ente album bij wijzigingen in deze map.",
"YES_STOP": "Ja, stop",
"MONTH_SHORT": "mo",
"YEAR": "jaar",
"FAMILY_PLAN": "Familie abonnement",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS": "Logboek downloaden",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS_MESSAGE": "<p>Dit zal logboeken downloaden, die u ons kunt e-mailen om te helpen bij het debuggen van uw probleem.</p><p> Houd er rekening mee dat bestandsnamen worden opgenomen om problemen met specifieke bestanden bij te houden. </p>",
"CHANGE_FOLDER": "Map wijzigen",
"TWO_MONTHS_FREE": "Krijg 2 maanden gratis op jaarlijkse abonnementen",
"GB": "GB",
"POPULAR": "Populair",
"FREE_PLAN_OPTION_LABEL": "Doorgaan met gratis account",
"FREE_PLAN_DESCRIPTION": "1 GB voor 1 jaar",
"CURRENT_USAGE": "Huidig gebruik is <strong>{{usage}}</strong>",
"WEAK_DEVICE": "De webbrowser die u gebruikt is niet krachtig genoeg om uw foto's te versleutelen. Probeer in te loggen op uw computer, of download de ente mobiel/desktop app.",
"DRAG_AND_DROP_HINT": "Of sleep en plaats in het ente venster",
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DELETION_MESSAGE": "Uw geüploade gegevens worden gepland voor verwijdering, en uw account zal permanent worden verwijderd.<br/><br/>Deze actie is onomkeerbaar.",
"AUTHENTICATE": "Verifiëren",
"UPLOADED_TO_SINGLE_COLLECTION": "Geüpload naar enkele collectie",
"UPLOADED_TO_SEPARATE_COLLECTIONS": "Geüpload naar verschillende collecties",
"NEVERMIND": "Laat maar",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE": "Update beschikbaar",
"UPDATE_INSTALLABLE_MESSAGE": "Er staat een nieuwe versie van ente klaar om te worden geïnstalleerd.",
"INSTALL_NOW": "Nu installeren",
"INSTALL_ON_NEXT_LAUNCH": "Installeren bij volgende start",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE": "Er is een nieuwe versie van ente vrijgegeven, maar deze kan niet automatisch worden gedownload en geïnstalleerd.",
"DOWNLOAD_AND_INSTALL": "Downloaden en installeren",
"IGNORE_THIS_VERSION": "Negeer deze versie",
"TODAY": "Vandaag",
"YESTERDAY": "Gisteren",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED": "Kan geen albums maken uit bestand/map mix",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED_MESSAGE": "<p>Je hebt een mix van bestanden en mappen gesleept en laten vallen.</p><p>Geef ofwel alleen bestanden aan, of alleen mappen bij het selecteren van de optie om afzonderlijke albums te maken</p>",
"CHOSE_THEME": "Kies thema",
"ML_SEARCH": "ML zoeken (bèta)",
"ENABLE_ML_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>Dit zal algoritmes op het apparaat inschakelen die zullen beginnen met het lokaal analyseren van uw geüploade foto's.</p><p>Voor het eerst na inloggen of het inschakelen van deze functie zal het alle afbeeldingen op het lokale apparaat downloaden om ze te analyseren. Schakel dit dus alleen in als je akkoord bent met gegevensverbruik en lokale verwerking van alle afbeeldingen in uw fotobibliotheek.</p><p>Als dit de eerste keer is dat uw dit inschakelt, vragen we u ook om toestemming om gegevens te verwerken.</p>",
"ML_MORE_DETAILS": "Meer details",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Zoeken op gezichten inschakelen",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Zoeken op gezichten inschakelen?",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>Als u zoeken op gezichten inschakelt, analyseert ente de gezichtsgeometrie uit uw foto's. Dit gebeurt op uw apparaat en alle gegenereerde biometrische gegevens worden end-to-end versleuteld.<p/><p><a>Klik hier voor meer informatie over deze functie in ons privacybeleid</a></p>",
"DISABLE_BETA": "Bèta uitschakelen",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Zoeken op gezichten uitschakelen",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Zoeken op gezichten uitschakelen?",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>ente zal stoppen met het analyseren van de gezichtsgeometrie, en zal ML zoeken (beta) uitschakelen</p><p>U kan zoeken op gezichten opnieuw inschakelen wanneer u wilt, dus deze handeling is veilig.</p>",
"ADVANCED": "Geavanceerd",
"FACE_SEARCH_CONFIRMATION": "Ik begrijp het, en wil ente toestaan om gezichten te analyseren",
"LABS": "Lab's",
"YOURS": "jouw",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_WEAK": "Wachtwoord sterkte: Zwak",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_MODERATE": "Wachtwoord sterkte: Matig",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_STRONG": "Wachtwoord sterkte: Sterk",
"PREFERENCES": "Instellingen",
"LANGUAGE": "Taal",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Ongeldige export map",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_MESSAGE": "<p>De export map die u heeft geselecteerd bestaat niet.</p><p> Selecteer een geldige map.</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_VERIFICATION_ERROR": "Abonnementsverificatie mislukt",
"B": "B",
"KB": "KB",
"MB": "MB",
"GB": "GB",
"TB": "TB"
"HOUR": "na één uur",
"DAY": "na één dag",
"WEEK": "na één week",
"MONTH": "na één maand",
"YEAR": "na één jaar"
"COPY_LINK": "Link kopiëren",
"DONE": "Voltooid",
"LINK_SHARE_TITLE": "Of deel een link",
"REMOVE_LINK": "Link verwijderen",
"CREATE_PUBLIC_SHARING": "Maak publieke link",
"PUBLIC_LINK_CREATED": "Publieke link aangemaakt",
"PUBLIC_LINK_ENABLED": "Publieke link ingeschakeld",
"COLLECT_PHOTOS": "Foto's verzamelen",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT_SUBTEXT": "Sta toe dat mensen met de link ook foto's kunnen toevoegen aan het gedeelde album.",
"STOP_EXPORT": "Stoppen",
"EXPORT_PROGRESS": "<a>{{progress.success}} / {{}}</a> bestanden geëxporteerd",
"MIGRATING_EXPORT": "Voorbereiden...",
"RENAMING_COLLECTION_FOLDERS": "Albumnamen hernoemen...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_FILES": "Verwijderde bestanden naar prullenbak...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_COLLECTIONS": "Verwijderde albums naar prullenbak...",
"START": "Exporteren begonnen",
"IN_PROGRESS": "Exporteren is al bezig",
"FINISH": "Exporteren voltooid",
"UP_TO_DATE": "Geen nieuwe bestanden om te exporteren"
"CONTINUOUS_EXPORT": "Continue synchroniseren",
"TOTAL_ITEMS": "Totaal aantal bestanden",
"PENDING_ITEMS": "Bestanden in behandeling",
"EXPORT_STARTING": "Exporteren begonnen...",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_REASON_LABEL": "Wat is de belangrijkste reden waarom je jouw account verwijdert?",
"MISSING_FEATURE": "Ik mis een belangrijke functie",
"BROKEN_BEHAVIOR": "De app of een bepaalde functie functioneert niet zoals ik verwacht",
"FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "Ik heb een andere dienst gevonden die me beter bevalt",
"NOT_LISTED": "Mijn reden wordt niet vermeld"
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_FEEDBACK_LABEL": "We vinden het jammer je te zien gaan. Deel alsjeblieft je feedback om ons te helpen verbeteren.",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT_CHECKBOX_LABEL": "Ja, ik wil permanent mijn account inclusief alle gegevens verwijderen",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Account verwijderen bevestigen",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED": "Help ons alsjeblieft met deze informatie",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED_FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "Wat doet de andere dienst beter?",
"RECOVER_TWO_FACTOR": "Herstel tweestaps",
"at": "om",
"AUTH_NEXT": "volgende",
"AUTH_DOWNLOAD_MOBILE_APP": "Download onze mobiele app om uw geheimen te beheren",
"HIDDEN": "Verborgen",
"HIDE": "Verbergen",
"UNHIDE": "Zichtbaar maken",
"UNHIDE_TO_COLLECTION": "Zichtbaar maken in album",
"SORT_BY": "Sorteren op",
"NEWEST_FIRST": "Nieuwste eerst",
"OLDEST_FIRST": "Oudste eerst",
"CONVERSION_FAILED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE": "Dit bestand kan niet worden bekeken in de app, klik hier om het origineel te downloaden",
"SELECT_COLLECTION": "Album selecteren",
"PIN_ALBUM": "Album bovenaan vastzetten",
"UNPIN_ALBUM": "Album losmaken",
"DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE": "Download compleet",
"DOWNLOADING_COLLECTION": "{{name}} downloaden",
"DOWNLOAD_FAILED": "Download mislukt",
"DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS": "{{progress.current}} / {{}} bestanden",
"CRASH_REPORTING": "Foutenrapportering",
"CHRISTMAS": "Kerst",
"CHRISTMAS_EVE": "Kerstavond",
"NEW_YEAR": "Nieuwjaar",
"NEW_YEAR_EVE": "Oudjaarsavond",
"IMAGE": "Afbeelding",
"VIDEO": "Video",
"LIVE_PHOTO": "Live foto",
"CONVERT": "Converteren",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_MESSAGE": "Weet u zeker dat u de editor wilt afsluiten?",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_DESCRIPTION": "Download uw bewerkte afbeelding of sla een kopie op in ente om uw wijzigingen te behouden.",
"BRIGHTNESS": "Helderheid",
"CONTRAST": "Contrast",
"SATURATION": "Saturatie",
"BLUR": "Vervagen",
"INVERT_COLORS": "Kleuren omkeren",
"ASPECT_RATIO": "Beeldverhouding",
"SQUARE": "Vierkant",
"ROTATE_LEFT": "Roteer links",
"ROTATE_RIGHT": "Roteer rechts",
"FLIP_VERTICALLY": "Verticaal spiegelen",
"FLIP_HORIZONTALLY": "Horizontaal spiegelen",
"DOWNLOAD_EDITED": "Download Bewerkt",
"SAVE_A_COPY_TO_ENTE": "Kopie in ente opslaan",
"RESTORE_ORIGINAL": "Origineel herstellen",
"TRANSFORM": "Transformeer",
"COLORS": "Kleuren",
"FLIP": "Omdraaien",
"ROTATION": "Draaiing",
"RESET": "Herstellen",
"PHOTO_EDITOR": "Fotobewerker",
"FASTER_UPLOAD": "Snellere uploads",
"FASTER_UPLOAD_DESCRIPTION": "Uploaden door nabije servers",
"MAGIC_SEARCH_STATUS": "Magische Zoekfunctie Status",
"INDEXED_ITEMS": "Geïndexeerde bestanden",
"CAST_ALBUM_TO_TV": "Play album on TV",
"ENTER_CAST_PIN_CODE": "Enter the code you see on the TV below to pair this device.",
"PAIR_DEVICE_TO_TV": "Pair devices",
"TV_NOT_FOUND": "TV not found. Did you enter the PIN correctly?",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR": "Auto Pair",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR_REQUIRES_CONNECTION_TO_GOOGLE": "Auto Pair requires connecting to Google servers and only works with Chromecast supported devices. Google will not receive sensitive data, such as your photos.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN": "Pair with PIN",
"CHOOSE_DEVICE_FROM_BROWSER": "Choose a cast-compatible device from the browser popup.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN_WORKS_FOR_ANY_LARGE_SCREEN_DEVICE": "Pair with PIN works for any large screen device you want to play your album on.",
"VISIT_CAST_ENTE_IO": "Visit on the device you want to pair.",
"CAST_AUTO_PAIR_FAILED": "Chromecast Auto Pair failed. Please try again.",
"CACHE_DIRECTORY": "Cache map",
"PASSKEYS": "Passkeys",
"FREEHAND": "Losse hand",
"APPLY_CROP": "Bijsnijden toepassen",
"PHOTO_EDIT_REQUIRED_TO_SAVE": "Tenminste één transformatie of kleuraanpassing moet worden uitgevoerd voordat u opslaat."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
"HERO_SLIDE_1_TITLE": "<div>Backups privados</div><div>para as suas memórias</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_1": "Criptografia de ponta a ponta por padrão",
"HERO_SLIDE_2_TITLE": "<div>Armazenado com segurança</div><div>em um abrigo avançado</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_2": "Feito para ter logenvidade",
"HERO_SLIDE_3_TITLE": "<div>Disponível</div><div> em qualquer lugar</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_3": "Android, iOS, Web, Desktop",
"LOGIN": "Entrar",
"SIGN_UP": "Registrar",
"NEW_USER": "Novo no ente",
"EXISTING_USER": "Utilizador existente",
"ENTER_NAME": "Insira o nome",
"PUBLIC_UPLOADER_NAME_MESSAGE": "Adicione um nome para que os seus amigos saibam a quem agradecer por estas ótimas fotos!",
"ENTER_EMAIL": "Insira o endereço de e-mail",
"EMAIL_ERROR": "Inserir um endereço de e-mail válido",
"REQUIRED": "Obrigatório",
"EMAIL_SENT": "Código de verificação enviado para <a>{{email}}</a>",
"CHECK_INBOX": "Verifique a sua caixa de entrada (e spam) para concluir a verificação",
"ENTER_OTT": "Código de verificação",
"RESEND_MAIL": "Reenviar código",
"VERIFY": "Verificar",
"UNKNOWN_ERROR": "Ocorreu um erro. Tente novamente",
"INVALID_CODE": "Código de verificação inválido",
"EXPIRED_CODE": "O seu código de verificação expirou",
"SENDING": "Enviando...",
"SENT": "Enviado!",
"PASSWORD": "Senha",
"LINK_PASSWORD": "Insira a senha para desbloquear o álbum",
"SET_PASSPHRASE": "Definir senha",
"VERIFY_PASSPHRASE": "Iniciar sessão",
"INCORRECT_PASSPHRASE": "Palavra-passe incorreta",
"ENTER_ENC_PASSPHRASE": "Por favor, digite uma senha que podemos usar para criptografar seus dados",
"PASSPHRASE_DISCLAIMER": "Não armazenamos sua senha, portanto, se você esquecê-la, <strong>não poderemos ajudar</strong>na recuperação de seus dados sem uma chave de recuperação.",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_HEADING": "Bem-vindo ao <a/>",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_SUBHEADING": "Armazenamento criptografado de ponta a ponta de fotos e compartilhamento",
"WHERE_YOUR_BEST_PHOTOS_LIVE": "Onde suas melhores fotos vivem",
"KEY_GENERATION_IN_PROGRESS_MESSAGE": "Gerando chaves de criptografia...",
"CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirmar senha",
"REFERRAL_CODE_HINT": "Como você ouviu sobre o Ente? (opcional)",
"REFERRAL_INFO": "Não rastreamos instalações do aplicativo. Seria útil se você nos contasse onde nos encontrou!",
"PASSPHRASE_MATCH_ERROR": "As senhas não coincidem",
"CONSOLE_WARNING_DESC": "Este é um recurso de navegador destinado a desenvolvedores. Por favor, não copie e cole o código não confirmado aqui.",
"CREATE_COLLECTION": "Novo álbum",
"ENTER_ALBUM_NAME": "Nome do álbum",
"CLOSE_OPTION": "Fechar (Esc)",
"ENTER_FILE_NAME": "Nome do arquivo",
"CLOSE": "Fechar",
"NO": "Não",
"NOTHING_HERE": "Nada para ver aqui! 👀",
"UPLOAD": "Enviar",
"IMPORT": "Importar",
"ADD_PHOTOS": "Adicionar fotos",
"ADD_MORE_PHOTOS": "Adicionar mais fotos",
"add_photos_one": "Adicionar item",
"add_photos_other": "Adicionar {{count, number}} itens",
"SELECT_PHOTOS": "Selecionar fotos",
"FILE_UPLOAD": "Envio de Arquivo",
"0": "Preparando para enviar",
"1": "Lendo arquivos de metadados do google",
"2": "{{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / {{, number}} metadados dos arquivos extraídos",
"3": "{{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / {{, number}} arquivos processados",
"4": "Cancelando envios restante",
"5": "Backup concluído"
"FILE_NOT_UPLOADED_LIST": "Os seguintes arquivos não foram enviados",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED": "Assinatura expirada",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Sua assinatura expirou, por favor <a>renove-a</a>",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED": "Limite de armazenamento excedido",
"INITIAL_LOAD_DELAY_WARNING": "Primeiro carregamento pode levar algum tempo",
"USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Desculpe, não foi possível encontrar um usuário com este e-mail",
"NO_ACCOUNT": "Não possui uma conta",
"ACCOUNT_EXISTS": "Já possui uma conta",
"CREATE": "Criar",
"DOWNLOAD": "Baixar",
"DOWNLOAD_OPTION": "Baixar (D)",
"DOWNLOAD_FAVORITES": "Baixar favoritos",
"DOWNLOAD_UNCATEGORIZED": "Baixar não categorizado",
"DOWNLOAD_HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Baixar itens ocultos",
"COPY_OPTION": "Copiar como PNG (Ctrl/Cmd - C)",
"TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN": "Mudar para tela cheia (F)",
"ZOOM_IN_OUT": "Ampliar/Reduzir",
"PREVIOUS": "Anterior (←)",
"NEXT": "Próximo (→)",
"TITLE_PHOTOS": "Ente Fotos",
"TITLE_ALBUMS": "Ente Fotos",
"TITLE_AUTH": "Ente Auth",
"UPLOAD_FIRST_PHOTO": "Envie sua primeira foto",
"IMPORT_YOUR_FOLDERS": "Importar suas pastas",
"UPLOAD_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Arraste para salvar seus arquivos",
"WATCH_FOLDER_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Arraste para adicionar pasta monitorada",
"TRASH_FILES_TITLE": "Excluir arquivos?",
"TRASH_FILE_TITLE": "Excluir arquivo?",
"DELETE_FILES_TITLE": "Excluir imediatamente?",
"DELETE_FILES_MESSAGE": "Os arquivos selecionados serão excluídos permanentemente da sua conta ente.",
"DELETE": "Excluir",
"DELETE_OPTION": "Excluir (DEL)",
"FAVORITE_OPTION": "Favorito (L)",
"UNFAVORITE_OPTION": "Remover Favorito (L)",
"MULTI_FOLDER_UPLOAD": "Várias pastas detectadas",
"UPLOAD_STRATEGY_CHOICE": "Gostaria de enviá-los para",
"OR": "ou",
"SESSION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "A sua sessão expirou. Por favor inicie sessão novamente para continuar",
"SESSION_EXPIRED": "Sessão expirada",
"PASSWORD_GENERATION_FAILED": "Seu navegador foi incapaz de gerar uma chave forte que atende aos padrões de criptografia, por favor, tente usar o aplicativo móvel ou outro navegador",
"CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Alterar senha",
"GO_BACK": "Voltar",
"RECOVERY_KEY": "Chave de recuperação",
"SAVE_LATER": "Fazer isso mais tarde",
"SAVE": "Salvar Chave",
"RECOVERY_KEY_DESCRIPTION": "Caso você esqueça sua senha, a única maneira de recuperar seus dados é com essa chave.",
"RECOVER_KEY_GENERATION_FAILED": "Não foi possível gerar o código de recuperação, tente novamente",
"KEY_NOT_STORED_DISCLAIMER": "Não armazenamos essa chave, por favor, salve essa chave de palavras em um lugar seguro",
"FORGOT_PASSWORD": "Esqueci a senha",
"RECOVER_ACCOUNT": "Recuperar conta",
"RECOVERY_KEY_HINT": "Chave de recuperação",
"RECOVER": "Recuperar",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY": "Não possui a chave de recuperação?",
"INCORRECT_RECOVERY_KEY": "Chave de recuperação incorreta",
"SORRY": "Desculpe",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Devido à natureza do nosso protocolo de criptografia de ponta a ponta, seus dados não podem ser descriptografados sem sua senha ou chave de recuperação",
"NO_TWO_FACTOR_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Por favor, envie um e-mail para <a>{{emailID}}<a> a partir do seu endereço de e-mail registrado",
"CONTACT_SUPPORT": "Falar com o suporte",
"REQUEST_FEATURE": "Solicitar Funcionalidade",
"SUPPORT": "Suporte",
"CONFIRM": "Confirmar",
"CANCEL": "Cancelar",
"LOGOUT": "Encerrar sessão",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Excluir conta",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE": "<p>Por favor, envie um e-mail para <a>{{emailID}}</a> a partir do seu endereço de e-mail registrado.</p><p>Seu pedido será processado dentro de 72 horas.</p>",
"LOGOUT_MESSAGE": "Você tem certeza que deseja encerrar a sessão?",
"CHANGE_EMAIL": "Mudar e-mail",
"OK": "Aceitar",
"SUCCESS": "Bem-sucedido",
"ERROR": "Erro",
"MESSAGE": "Mensagem",
"INSTALL_MOBILE_APP": "Instale nosso aplicativo <a>Android</a> ou <b>iOS</b> para fazer backup automático de todas as suas fotos",
"DOWNLOAD_APP_MESSAGE": "Desculpe, esta operação só é suportada em nosso aplicativo para computador",
"DOWNLOAD_APP": "Baixar aplicativo para computador",
"EXPORT": "Exportar dados",
"SUBSCRIPTION": "Assinatura",
"SUBSCRIBE": "Assinar",
"MANAGEMENT_PORTAL": "Gerenciar métodos de pagamento",
"MANAGE_FAMILY_PORTAL": "Gerenciar Família",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_PLAN": "Sair do plano familiar",
"LEAVE": "Sair",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_CONFIRM": "Tem certeza que deseja sair do plano familiar?",
"CHOOSE_PLAN": "Escolha seu plano",
"MANAGE_PLAN": "Gerenciar sua assinatura",
"ACTIVE": "Ativo",
"OFFLINE_MSG": "Você está offline, memórias em cache estão sendo mostradas",
"FREE_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Você está no plano <strong>gratuito</strong> que expira em {{date, dateTime}}",
"FAMILY_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Você está em um plano familiar gerenciado por",
"RENEWAL_ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS": "Renovações em {{date, dateTime}}",
"RENEWAL_CANCELLED_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS": "Termina em {{date, dateTime}}",
"RENEWAL_CANCELLED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Sua assinatura será cancelada em {{date, dateTime}}",
"ADD_ON_AVAILABLE_TILL": "Seu complemento {{storage, string}} é válido até o dia {{date, dateTime}}",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Você excedeu sua cota de armazenamento, por favor <a>atualize</a>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_SUCCESS": "<p>Recebemos o seu pagamento</p><p>Sua assinatura é válida até <strong>{{date, dateTime}}</strong></p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_CANCELLED": "Sua compra foi cancelada, por favor, tente novamente se quiser assinar",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_FAILED": "Falha na compra de assinatura, tente novamente",
"SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATE_FAILED": "Falha ao atualizar assinatura, tente novamente",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD_MESSAGE": "Desculpe-nos, o pagamento falhou quando tentamos cobrar o seu cartão, por favor atualize seu método de pagamento e tente novamente",
"STRIPE_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED": "Não foi possível autenticar seu método de pagamento. Por favor, escolha outro método de pagamento e tente novamente",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD": "Atualizar forma de pagamento",
"MONTHLY": "Mensal",
"YEARLY": "Anual",
"UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Tem certeza que deseja trocar de plano?",
"UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Mudar de plano",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION": "Cancelar assinatura",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "<p>Todos os seus dados serão excluídos dos nossos servidores no final deste período de cobrança.</p><p>Você tem certeza que deseja cancelar sua assinatura?</p>",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_WITH_ADDON_MESSAGE": "<p>Tem certeza que deseja cancelar sua assinatura?</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_FAILED": "Falha ao cancelar a assinatura",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_SUCCESS": "Assinatura cancelada com sucesso",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Reativar assinatura",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Uma vez reativado, você será cobrado em {{date, dateTime}}",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_SUCCESS": "Assinatura ativada com sucesso ",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_FAILED": "Falha ao reativar as renovações de assinaturas",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE": "Cancelar assinatura móvel",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE_MESSAGE": "Por favor, cancele sua assinatura do aplicativo móvel para ativar uma assinatura aqui",
"MAIL_TO_MANAGE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Entre em contato com <a>{{emailID}}</a> para gerenciar sua assinatura",
"RENAME": "Renomear",
"RENAME_FILE": "Renomear arquivo",
"RENAME_COLLECTION": "Renomear álbum",
"DELETE_COLLECTION_TITLE": "Excluir álbum?",
"DELETE_COLLECTION": "Excluir álbum",
"DELETE_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "Também excluir as fotos (e vídeos) presentes neste álbum de <a>todos os</a> outros álbuns dos quais eles fazem parte?",
"DELETE_PHOTOS": "Excluir fotos",
"KEEP_PHOTOS": "Manter fotos",
"SHARE": "Compartilhar",
"SHARE_COLLECTION": "Compartilhar álbum",
"SHAREES": "Compartilhado com",
"SHARE_WITH_SELF": "Você não pode compartilhar consigo mesmo",
"ALREADY_SHARED": "Ops, você já está compartilhando isso com {{email}}",
"SHARING_BAD_REQUEST_ERROR": "Álbum compartilhado não permitido",
"SHARING_DISABLED_FOR_FREE_ACCOUNTS": "Compartilhamento está desabilitado para contas gratuitas",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION": "Baixar álbum",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "<p>Tem certeza que deseja baixar o álbum completo?</p><p>Todos os arquivos serão colocados na fila para baixar sequencialmente</p>",
"CREATE_ALBUM_FAILED": "Falha ao criar álbum, por favor tente novamente",
"SEARCH": "Pesquisar",
"SEARCH_RESULTS": "Resultados de pesquisa",
"NO_RESULTS": "Nenhum resultado encontrado",
"SEARCH_HINT": "Pesquisar por álbuns, datas, descrições, ...",
"COLLECTION": "Álbum",
"LOCATION": "Local",
"CITY": "Local",
"DATE": "Data",
"FILE_NAME": "Nome do arquivo",
"THING": "Conteúdo",
"FILE_CAPTION": "Descrição",
"FILE_TYPE": "Tipo de arquivo",
"CLIP": "Mágica"
"photos_count_zero": "Sem memórias",
"photos_count_one": "1 memória",
"photos_count_other": "{{count, number}} memórias",
"TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS": "Eu concordo com os <a>termos</a> e <b>a política de privacidade</b>",
"ADD_TO_COLLECTION": "Adicionar ao álbum",
"SELECTED": "selecionado",
"VIDEO_PLAYBACK_FAILED_DOWNLOAD_INSTEAD": "Este vídeo não pode ser reproduzido no seu navegador",
"PEOPLE": "Pessoas",
"INDEXING_SCHEDULED": "Indexação está programada...",
"ANALYZING_PHOTOS": "Indexando fotos ({{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} / {{indexStatus.nTotalFiles,number}})",
"INDEXING_PEOPLE": "Indexando pessoas em {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} fotos...",
"INDEXING_DONE": "Indexed {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} photos",
"UNIDENTIFIED_FACES": "rostos não identificados",
"OBJECTS": "objetos",
"TEXT": "texto",
"INFO": "Informação ",
"INFO_OPTION": "Informação (I)",
"FILE_NAME": "Nome do arquivo",
"CAPTION_PLACEHOLDER": "Adicionar uma descrição",
"LOCATION": "Local",
"SHOW_ON_MAP": "Ver no OpenStreetMap",
"MAP": "Mapa",
"MAP_SETTINGS": "Ajustes do mapa",
"ENABLE_MAPS": "Habilitar mapa?",
"ENABLE_MAP": "Habilitar mapa",
"DISABLE_MAPS": "Desativar Mapas?",
"ENABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "Isto mostrará suas fotos em um mapa do mundo.</p> <p>Este mapa é hospedado pelo <a>OpenStreetMap <a>, e os exatos locais de suas fotos nunca são compartilhados.</p> <p>Você pode desativar esse recurso a qualquer momento nas Configurações.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>Isto irá desativar a exibição de suas fotos em um mapa mundial.</p> <p>Você pode ativar este recurso a qualquer momento nas Configurações.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP": "Desabilitar mapa",
"DETAILS": "Detalhes",
"VIEW_EXIF": "Ver todos os dados EXIF",
"NO_EXIF": "Sem dados EXIF",
"ISO": "ISO",
"TWO_FACTOR": "Dois fatores",
"TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION": "Autenticação de dois fatores",
"TWO_FACTOR_QR_INSTRUCTION": "Digitalize o código QR abaixo com o seu aplicativo de autenticador favorito",
"ENTER_CODE_MANUALLY": "Inserir código manualmente",
"TWO_FACTOR_MANUAL_CODE_INSTRUCTION": "Por favor, insira este código no seu aplicativo autenticador favorito",
"SCAN_QR_CODE": "Em vez disso, escaneie um Código QR",
"ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Ativar autenticação de dois fatores",
"ENABLE": "Habilitar",
"LOST_DEVICE": "Dispositivo de dois fatores perdido",
"INCORRECT_CODE": "Código incorreto",
"TWO_FACTOR_INFO": "Adicione uma camada adicional de segurança, exigindo mais do que seu e-mail e senha para entrar na sua conta",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Desativar autenticação de dois fatores",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Atualize seu dispositivo autenticador",
"DISABLE": "Desativar",
"RECONFIGURE": "Reconfigurar",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR": "Atualizar dois fatores",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Continuar adiante anulará qualquer autenticador configurado anteriormente",
"UPDATE": "Atualização",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Desativar autenticação de dois fatores",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Você tem certeza de que deseja desativar a autenticação de dois fatores",
"TWO_FACTOR_DISABLE_FAILED": "Não foi possível desativar dois fatores, por favor tente novamente",
"EXPORT_DATA": "Exportar dados",
"SELECT_FOLDER": "Selecione a pasta",
"DESTINATION": "Destino",
"START": "Iniciar",
"LAST_EXPORT_TIME": "Data da última exportação",
"EXPORT_AGAIN": "Resincronizar",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE": "Armazenamento local não acessível",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE_MESSAGE": "Seu navegador ou uma extensão está bloqueando o ente de salvar os dados no armazenamento local. Por favor, tente carregar esta página depois de alternar o modo de navegação.",
"SEND_OTT": "Enviar códigos OTP",
"EMAIl_ALREADY_OWNED": "Este e-mail já está em uso",
"ETAGS_BLOCKED": "<p>Não foi possível fazer o envio dos seguintes arquivos devido à configuração do seu navegador.</p><p>Por favor, desative quaisquer complementos que possam estar impedindo o ente de utilizar <code>eTags</code> para enviar arquivos grandes, ou utilize nosso <a>aplicativo para computador</a> para uma experiência de importação mais confiável.</p>",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS_INFO": "<p>Atualmente, não oferecemos suporte para adicionar vídeos através de links públicos.</p><p>Para compartilhar vídeos, por favor, faça <a>cadastro</a> no ente e compartilhe com os destinatários pretendidos usando seus e-mails.</p>",
"LIVE_PHOTOS_DETECTED": "Os arquivos de foto e vídeo das suas Fotos em Movimento foram mesclados em um único arquivo",
"RETRY_FAILED": "Repetir envios que falharam",
"FAILED_UPLOADS": "Envios com falhas ",
"SKIPPED_FILES": "Envios ignorados",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_UPLOADS": "Falha ao gerar miniaturas",
"UNSUPPORTED_FILES": "Arquivos não suportados",
"SUCCESSFUL_UPLOADS": "Envios bem sucedidos",
"SKIPPED_INFO": "Ignorar estes como existem arquivos com nomes correspondentes no mesmo álbum",
"UNSUPPORTED_INFO": "ente ainda não suporta estes formatos de arquivo",
"BLOCKED_UPLOADS": "Envios bloqueados",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS": "Vídeos ignorados",
"INPROGRESS_UPLOADS": "Envios em andamento",
"TOO_LARGE_UPLOADS": "Arquivos grandes",
"LARGER_THAN_AVAILABLE_STORAGE_UPLOADS": "Armazenamento insuficiente",
"LARGER_THAN_AVAILABLE_STORAGE_INFO": "Estes arquivos não foram carregados pois excedem o tamanho máximo para seu plano de armazenamento",
"TOO_LARGE_INFO": "Estes arquivos não foram carregados pois excedem nosso limite máximo de tamanho de arquivo",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_INFO": "Estes arquivos foram enviados, mas infelizmente não conseguimos gerar as miniaturas para eles.",
"UPLOAD_TO_COLLECTION": "Enviar para o álbum",
"UNCATEGORIZED": "Sem categoria",
"ARCHIVE": "Arquivar",
"FAVORITES": "Favoritos",
"ARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Arquivar álbum",
"MOVE_TO_COLLECTION": "Mover para álbum",
"UNARCHIVE": "Desarquivar",
"UNARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Desarquivar álbum",
"HIDE_COLLECTION": "Ocultar álbum",
"UNHIDE_COLLECTION": "Reexibir álbum",
"MOVE": "Mover",
"ADD": "Adicionar",
"REMOVE": "Remover",
"YES_REMOVE": "Sim, remover",
"REMOVE_FROM_COLLECTION": "Remover do álbum",
"TRASH": "Lixeira",
"MOVE_TO_TRASH": "Mover para a lixeira",
"TRASH_FILES_MESSAGE": "Os itens selecionados serão excluídos de todos os álbuns e movidos para o lixo.",
"TRASH_FILE_MESSAGE": "Os itens selecionados serão excluídos de todos os álbuns e movidos para o lixo.",
"DELETE_PERMANENTLY": "Excluir permanentemente",
"RESTORE": "Restaurar",
"RESTORE_TO_COLLECTION": "Restaurar para álbum",
"EMPTY_TRASH": "Esvaziar a lixeira",
"EMPTY_TRASH_TITLE": "Esvaziar a lixeira?",
"EMPTY_TRASH_MESSAGE": "Estes arquivos serão excluídos permanentemente da sua conta do ente.",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM": "Sim, sair",
"LEAVE_ALBUM": "Sair do álbum",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_TITLE": "Sair do álbum compartilhado?",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_MESSAGE": "Você deixará o álbum e ele deixará de ser visível para você.",
"NOT_FILE_OWNER": "Você não pode excluir arquivos em um álbum compartilhado",
"CONFIRM_SELF_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Os itens selecionados serão removidos deste álbum. Itens que estão somente neste álbum serão movidos a aba Sem Categoria.",
"CONFIRM_SELF_AND_OTHER_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Alguns dos itens que você está removendo foram adicionados por outras pessoas, e você perderá o acesso a eles.",
"SORT_BY_NAME": "Nome",
"COMPRESS_THUMBNAILS": "Compactar miniaturas",
"THUMBNAIL_REPLACED": "Miniaturas compactadas",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL": "Compactar",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL_LATER": "Compactar depois",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOT_STARTED": "Algumas miniaturas de seus vídeos podem ser compactadas para economizar espaço. Você gostaria de compactá-las?",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED": "Miniaturas compactadas com sucesso",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOOP": "Você não tem nenhuma miniatura que possa ser compactadas mais",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "Não foi possível compactar algumas das suas miniaturas, por favor tente novamente",
"FIX_CREATION_TIME": "Corrigir hora",
"CREATION_TIME_UPDATED": "File time updated",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_NOT_STARTED": "Selecione a carteira que você deseja usar",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED": "Todos os arquivos atualizados com sucesso",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "File time updation failed for some files, please retry",
"CAPTION_CHARACTER_LIMIT": "5000 caracteres no máximo",
"DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL": "EXIF:DateTimeOriginal",
"DATE_TIME_DIGITIZED": "EXIF:DateTimeDigitized",
"METADATA_DATE": "EXIF:MetadataDate",
"CUSTOM_TIME": "Tempo personalizado",
"OPEN_PLAN_SELECTOR_MODAL_FAILED": "Falha ao abrir planos",
"INSTALL": "Instalar",
"SHARING_DETAILS": "Detalhes de compartilhamento",
"MODIFY_SHARING": "Modificar compartilhamento",
"ADD_COLLABORATORS": "Adicionar colaboradores",
"ADD_NEW_EMAIL": "Adicionar um novo email",
"shared_with_people_zero": "Compartilhar com pessoas específicas",
"shared_with_people_one": "Compartilhado com 1 pessoa",
"shared_with_people_other": "Compartilhado com {{count, number}} pessoas",
"participants_zero": "Nenhum participante",
"participants_one": "1 participante",
"participants_other": "{{count, number}} participantes",
"ADD_VIEWERS": "Adicionar visualizações",
"PARTICIPANTS": "Participantes",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_VIEWER": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} Não poderá adicionar mais fotos a este álbum<p><p>Eles ainda poderão remover as fotos existentes adicionadas por eles<p>",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_COLLABORATOR": "{{selectedEmail}} poderá adicionar fotos ao álbum",
"CONVERT_TO_VIEWER": "Sim, converter para visualizador",
"CONVERT_TO_COLLABORATOR": "Sim, converter para colaborador",
"CHANGE_PERMISSION": "Alterar permissões?",
"CONFIRM_REMOVE": "Sim, remover",
"MANAGE": "Gerenciar",
"ADDED_AS": "Adicionado como",
"COLLABORATOR_RIGHTS": "Os colaboradores podem adicionar fotos e vídeos ao álbum compartilhado",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_HEAD": "Remover participante",
"OWNER": "Proprietário",
"COLLABORATORS": "Colaboradores",
"ADD_MORE": "Adicionar mais",
"VIEWERS": "Visualizações",
"OR_ADD_EXISTING": "Ou escolha um existente",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_MESSAGE": "</p>{{selectedEmail}} será removido deste álbum compartilhado</p> <p>Quaisquer fotos adicionadas por eles também serão removidas do álbum</p>",
"NOT_FOUND": "404 Página não encontrada",
"LINK_EXPIRED": "Link expirado",
"LINK_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Este link expirou ou foi desativado!",
"MANAGE_LINK": "Gerenciar link",
"LINK_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS": "Desculpe, este álbum foi visualizado em muitos dispositivos!",
"FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Permitir transferências",
"LINK_PASSWORD_LOCK": "Bloqueio de senha",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT": "Permitir adicionar fotos",
"LINK_DEVICE_LIMIT": "Limite de dispositivos",
"NO_DEVICE_LIMIT": "Nenhum",
"LINK_EXPIRY": "Expiração do link",
"NEVER": "Nunca",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Desabilitar transferência",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE": "<p>Tem certeza de que deseja desativar o botão de download para arquivos?</p><p>Os visualizadores ainda podem capturar imagens da tela ou salvar uma cópia de suas fotos usando ferramentas externas.</p>",
"MALICIOUS_CONTENT": "Contém conteúdo malicioso",
"COPYRIGHT": "Viola os direitos autorais de alguém que estou autorizado a representar",
"SHARED_USING": "Compartilhar usando ",
"ENTE_IO": "",
"SHARING_REFERRAL_CODE": "Use o código <strong>{{referralCode}}</strong> para obter 10 GB de graça",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD": "Desativar bloqueio por senha",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD_MESSAGE": "Tem certeza que deseja desativar o bloqueio por senha?",
"PASSWORD_LOCK": "Bloqueio de senha",
"LOCK": "Bloquear",
"DOWNLOAD_UPLOAD_LOGS": "Logs de depuração",
"UPLOAD_FILES": "Arquivo",
"UPLOAD_DIRS": "Pasta",
"UPLOAD_GOOGLE_TAKEOUT": "Google Takeout",
"DEDUPLICATE_FILES": "Arquivos Deduplicados",
"NO_DUPLICATES_FOUND": "Você não tem arquivos duplicados que possam ser limpos",
"CLUB_BY_CAPTURE_TIME": "Agrupar por tempo de captura",
"FILES": "Arquivos",
"EACH": "Cada",
"DEDUPLICATE_BASED_ON_SIZE": "Os seguintes arquivos foram listados com base em seus tamanhos, por favor, reveja e exclua os itens que você acredita que são duplicados",
"STOP_ALL_UPLOADS_MESSAGE": "Tem certeza que deseja parar todos os envios em andamento?",
"STOP_UPLOADS_HEADER": "Parar envios?",
"YES_STOP_UPLOADS": "Sim, parar envios",
"STOP_DOWNLOADS_HEADER": "Parar transferências?",
"YES_STOP_DOWNLOADS": "Sim, parar transferências",
"STOP_ALL_DOWNLOADS_MESSAGE": "Tem certeza que deseja parar todos as transferências em andamento?",
"albums_one": "1 Álbum",
"albums_other": "{{count, number}} Álbuns",
"ALL_ALBUMS": "Todos os álbuns",
"ALBUMS": "Álbuns",
"ALL_HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "Todos os álbuns ocultos",
"HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "Álbuns ocultos",
"HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Itens ocultos",
"ENTER_TWO_FACTOR_OTP": "Digite o código de 6 dígitos de\nseu aplicativo autenticador.",
"CREATE_ACCOUNT": "Criar uma conta",
"COPIED": "Copiado",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_TITLE": "Não foi possível gerar miniatura",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_MESSAGE": "<p>Parece que o seu navegador desativou o acesso à tela que é necessário para gerar miniaturas para as suas fotos </p> <p> Por favor, habilite o acesso à tela do seu navegador, ou veja nosso aplicativo para computador</p>",
"WATCH_FOLDERS": "Pastas monitoradas",
"UPGRADE_NOW": "Aprimorar agora",
"RENEW_NOW": "Renovar agora",
"STORAGE": "Armazenamento",
"USED": "usado",
"YOU": "Você",
"FAMILY": "Família",
"FREE": "grátis",
"OF": "de",
"WATCHED_FOLDERS": "Pastas monitoradas",
"NO_FOLDERS_ADDED": "Nenhuma pasta adicionada ainda!",
"FOLDERS_AUTOMATICALLY_MONITORED": "As pastas que você adicionar aqui serão monitoradas automaticamente",
"UPLOAD_NEW_FILES_TO_ENTE": "Enviar novos arquivos para o ente",
"REMOVE_DELETED_FILES_FROM_ENTE": "Remover arquivos excluídos do ente",
"ADD_FOLDER": "Adicionar pasta",
"STOP_WATCHING": "Parar de acompanhar",
"STOP_WATCHING_FOLDER": "Parar de acompanhar a pasta?",
"STOP_WATCHING_DIALOG_MESSAGE": "Seus arquivos existentes não serão excluídos, mas ente irá parar de atualizar automaticamente o álbum associado em alterações nesta pasta.",
"YES_STOP": "Sim, parar",
"MONTH_SHORT": "mês",
"YEAR": "ano",
"FAMILY_PLAN": "Plano familiar",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS": "Baixar logs",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS_MESSAGE": "<p>Isto irá baixar os logs de depuração, que você pode enviar para nós para ajudar a depurar seu problema.</p><p> Por favor, note que os nomes de arquivos serão incluídos para ajudar a rastrear problemas com arquivos específicos. </p>",
"CHANGE_FOLDER": "Alterar pasta",
"TWO_MONTHS_FREE": "Obtenha 2 meses gratuitos em planos anuais",
"GB": "GB",
"POPULAR": "Popular",
"FREE_PLAN_OPTION_LABEL": "Continuar com teste gratuito",
"FREE_PLAN_DESCRIPTION": "1 GB por 1 ano",
"CURRENT_USAGE": "O uso atual é <strong>{{usage}}</strong>",
"WEAK_DEVICE": "O navegador da web que você está usando não é poderoso o suficiente para criptografar suas fotos. Por favor, tente entrar para o ente no computador ou baixe o aplicativo móvel.",
"DRAG_AND_DROP_HINT": "Ou arraste e solte na janela ente",
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DELETION_MESSAGE": "Seus dados enviados serão agendados para exclusão e sua conta será excluída permanentemente.<br/><br/>Essa ação não é reversível.",
"AUTHENTICATE": "Autenticar",
"UPLOADED_TO_SINGLE_COLLECTION": "Enviado para coleção única",
"UPLOADED_TO_SEPARATE_COLLECTIONS": "Enviada para separar coleções",
"NEVERMIND": "Esquecer",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE": "Atualização disponível",
"UPDATE_INSTALLABLE_MESSAGE": "Uma nova versão do ente está pronta para ser instalada.",
"INSTALL_NOW": "Instalar agora",
"INSTALL_ON_NEXT_LAUNCH": "Instalar na próxima inicialização",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE": "Uma nova versão do ente foi lançada, mas não pode ser baixada e instalada automaticamente.",
"DOWNLOAD_AND_INSTALL": "Baixar e instalar",
"IGNORE_THIS_VERSION": "Ignorar esta versão",
"TODAY": "Hoje",
"YESTERDAY": "Ontem",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED": "Não foi possível criar álbuns a partir da mistura de arquivos/pastas",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED_MESSAGE": "<p>Você arrastou e deixou uma mistura de arquivos e pastas.</p><p>Por favor, forneça apenas arquivos ou apenas pastas ao selecionar a opção para criar álbuns separados</p>",
"CHOSE_THEME": "Escolher tema",
"ML_SEARCH": "Reconhecimento facial",
"ENABLE_ML_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>Isso permitirá aprendizado de máquina no dispositivo e busca facial, iniciando a análise de suas fotos enviadas localmente.</p><p>Na primeira execução após o login ou habilitação desta funcionalidade, será feito o download de todas as imagens no dispositivo local para análise. Portanto, ative isso apenas se estiver confortável com o consumo de largura de banda e processamento local de todas as imagens em sua biblioteca de fotos.</p><p>Se esta for a primeira vez que você está habilitando isso, também solicitaremos sua permissão para processar dados faciais.</p>",
"ML_MORE_DETAILS": "Mais detalhes",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Habilitar reconhecimento facial",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Habilitar reconhecimento facial?",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>Se você habilitar o reconhecimento facial, o aplicativo extrairá a geometria do rosto de suas fotos. Isso ocorrerá em seu dispositivo, e quaisquer dados biométricos gerados serão criptografados de ponta a ponta.<p/><p><a>Por favor, clique aqui para obter mais detalhes sobre esta funcionalidade em nossa política de privacidade</a></p>",
"DISABLE_BETA": "Pausar reconhecimento",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Desativar reconhecimento facial",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Desativar reconhecimento facial?",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>Ente irá parar de processar geometria facial.</p><p>Você pode reativar o reconhecimento facial novamente, se desejar, então esta operação está segura.</p>",
"ADVANCED": "Avançado",
"FACE_SEARCH_CONFIRMATION": "Eu entendo, e desejo permitir que o ente processe a geometria do rosto",
"LABS": "Labs",
"YOURS": "yours",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_WEAK": "Força da senha: fraca",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_MODERATE": "Força da senha: moderada",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_STRONG": "Força da senha: forte",
"PREFERENCES": "Preferências",
"LANGUAGE": "Idioma",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Diretório de exportação inválido",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_MESSAGE": "<p>O diretório de exportação que você selecionou não existe.</p><p> Por favor, selecione um diretório válido.</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_VERIFICATION_ERROR": "Falha na verificação de assinatura",
"B": "B",
"KB": "KB",
"MB": "MB",
"GB": "GB",
"TB": "TB"
"HOUR": "após uma hora",
"DAY": "após um dia",
"WEEK": "após uma semana",
"MONTH": "após um mês",
"YEAR": "após um ano"
"COPY_LINK": "Copiar link",
"DONE": "Concluído",
"LINK_SHARE_TITLE": "Ou compartilhe um link",
"REMOVE_LINK": "Remover link",
"CREATE_PUBLIC_SHARING": "Criar link público",
"PUBLIC_LINK_CREATED": "Link público criado",
"PUBLIC_LINK_ENABLED": "Link público ativado",
"COLLECT_PHOTOS": "Coletar fotos",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT_SUBTEXT": "Permita que as pessoas com o link também adicionem fotos ao álbum compartilhado.",
"STOP_EXPORT": "Parar",
"EXPORT_PROGRESS": "<a>{{progress.success, number}} / {{, number}}</a> itens sincronizados",
"MIGRATING_EXPORT": "Preparando...",
"RENAMING_COLLECTION_FOLDERS": "Renomeando pastas do álbum...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_FILES": "Descartando arquivos excluídos...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_COLLECTIONS": "Descartando álbuns excluídos...",
"START": "Exportação iniciada",
"IN_PROGRESS": "Exportação já em andamento",
"FINISH": "Exportação finalizada",
"UP_TO_DATE": "Não há arquivos novos para exportar"
"CONTINUOUS_EXPORT": "Sincronizar continuamente",
"TOTAL_ITEMS": "Total de itens",
"PENDING_ITEMS": "Itens pendentes",
"EXPORT_STARTING": "Iniciando a exportação...",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_REASON_LABEL": "Qual é o principal motivo para você excluir sua conta?",
"MISSING_FEATURE": "Está faltando um recurso que eu preciso",
"BROKEN_BEHAVIOR": "O aplicativo ou um determinado recurso não está funcionando como eu acredito que deveria",
"FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "Encontrei outro serviço que gosto mais",
"NOT_LISTED": "Meu motivo não está listado"
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_FEEDBACK_LABEL": "Sentimos muito em vê-lo partir. Explique por que você está partindo para nos ajudar a melhorar.",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT_CHECKBOX_LABEL": "Sim, desejo excluir permanentemente esta conta e todos os seus dados",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Confirmar exclusão da conta",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED": "Por favor, ajude-nos com esta informação",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED_FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "O que o outro serviço faz melhor?",
"RECOVER_TWO_FACTOR": "Recuperar dois fatores",
"at": "at",
"AUTH_NEXT": "próximo",
"AUTH_DOWNLOAD_MOBILE_APP": "Baixe nosso aplicativo móvel para gerenciar seus segredos",
"HIDDEN": "Escondido",
"HIDE": "Ocultar",
"UNHIDE": "Desocultar",
"UNHIDE_TO_COLLECTION": "Reexibir para o álbum",
"SORT_BY": "Ordenar por",
"NEWEST_FIRST": "Mais recentes primeiro",
"OLDEST_FIRST": "Mais antigo primeiro",
"CONVERSION_FAILED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE": "Este arquivo não pôde ser pré-visualizado. Clique aqui para baixar o original.",
"SELECT_COLLECTION": "Selecionar álbum",
"PIN_ALBUM": "Fixar álbum",
"UNPIN_ALBUM": "Desafixar álbum",
"DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE": "Transferência concluída",
"DOWNLOADING_COLLECTION": "Transferindo {{name}}",
"DOWNLOAD_FAILED": "Falha ao baixar",
"DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS": "{{progress.current}} / {{}} arquivos",
"CRASH_REPORTING": "Relatório de falhas",
"CHRISTMAS": "Natal",
"CHRISTMAS_EVE": "Véspera de Natal",
"NEW_YEAR": "Ano Novo",
"NEW_YEAR_EVE": "Véspera de Ano Novo",
"IMAGE": "Imagem",
"VIDEO": "Vídeo",
"LIVE_PHOTO": "Fotos em movimento",
"CONVERT": "Converter",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_MESSAGE": "Tem certeza de que deseja fechar o editor?",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_DESCRIPTION": "Baixe sua imagem editada ou salve uma cópia para o ente para persistir nas alterações.",
"BRIGHTNESS": "Brilho",
"CONTRAST": "Contraste",
"SATURATION": "Saturação",
"BLUR": "Desfoque",
"INVERT_COLORS": "Inverter Cores",
"ASPECT_RATIO": "Proporção da imagem",
"SQUARE": "Square",
"ROTATE_LEFT": "Girar para a Esquerda",
"ROTATE_RIGHT": "Girar para a Direita",
"FLIP_VERTICALLY": "Inverter verticalmente",
"FLIP_HORIZONTALLY": "Inverter horizontalmente",
"DOWNLOAD_EDITED": "Transferência Editada",
"SAVE_A_COPY_TO_ENTE": "Salvar uma cópia para o ente",
"RESTORE_ORIGINAL": "Restaurar original",
"TRANSFORM": "Transformar",
"COLORS": "Cores",
"FLIP": "Inverter",
"ROTATION": "Rotação",
"RESET": "Redefinir",
"PHOTO_EDITOR": "Editor de Fotos",
"FASTER_UPLOAD": "Envios mais rápidos",
"FASTER_UPLOAD_DESCRIPTION": "Rotas enviam em servidores próximos",
"MAGIC_SEARCH_STATUS": "Estado da busca mágica",
"INDEXED_ITEMS": "Itens indexados",
"CAST_ALBUM_TO_TV": "Reproduzir álbum na TV",
"ENTER_CAST_PIN_CODE": "Digite o código que você vê na TV abaixo para parear este dispositivo.",
"PAIR_DEVICE_TO_TV": "Parear dispositivos",
"TV_NOT_FOUND": "TV não encontrada. Você inseriu o PIN correto?",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR": "Pareamento automático",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR_REQUIRES_CONNECTION_TO_GOOGLE": "O Auto Pair requer a conexão com servidores do Google e só funciona com dispositivos Chromecast. O Google não receberá dados confidenciais, como suas fotos.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN": "Parear com PIN",
"CHOOSE_DEVICE_FROM_BROWSER": "Escolha um dispositivo compatível com casts no navegador popup.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN_WORKS_FOR_ANY_LARGE_SCREEN_DEVICE": "Parear com o PIN funciona para qualquer dispositivo de tela grande onde você deseja reproduzir seu álbum.",
"VISIT_CAST_ENTE_IO": "Acesse no dispositivo que você deseja parear.",
"CAST_AUTO_PAIR_FAILED": "Chromecast Auto Pair falhou. Por favor, tente novamente.",
"CACHE_DIRECTORY": "Pasta de Cache",
"PASSKEYS": "Passkeys",
"FREEHAND": "Freehand",
"APPLY_CROP": "Aplicar Recorte",
"PHOTO_EDIT_REQUIRED_TO_SAVE": "Pelo menos uma transformação ou ajuste de cor deve ser feito antes de salvar."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
"HERO_SLIDE_1_TITLE": "<div>Backups privados</div><div>para as suas memórias</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_1": "End-to-end encrypted by default",
"HERO_SLIDE_2_TITLE": "<div>Safely stored</div><div>at a fallout shelter</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_2": "Designed to outlive",
"HERO_SLIDE_3_TITLE": "<div>Disponível</div><div> em qualquer lugar</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_3": "Android, iOS, Web, Desktop",
"LOGIN": "Entrar",
"SIGN_UP": "Registar",
"NEW_USER": "Novo no ente",
"EXISTING_USER": "Utilizador existente",
"ENTER_NAME": "Insira o nome",
"PUBLIC_UPLOADER_NAME_MESSAGE": "Adicione um nome para que os seus amigos saibam a quem agradecer por estas ótimas fotos!",
"ENTER_EMAIL": "Insira o endereço de email",
"EMAIL_ERROR": "Inserir um endereço de email válido",
"REQUIRED": "Obrigatório",
"EMAIL_SENT": "Código de verificação enviado para <a>{{email}}</a>",
"CHECK_INBOX": "Verifique a sua caixa de entrada (e spam) para concluir a verificação",
"ENTER_OTT": "Código de verificação",
"RESEND_MAIL": "Reenviar código",
"VERIFY": "Verificar",
"UNKNOWN_ERROR": "Ocorreu um erro. Tente novamente",
"INVALID_CODE": "Código de verificação inválido",
"EXPIRED_CODE": "O seu código de verificação expirou",
"SENDING": "A enviar...",
"SENT": "Enviado!",
"PASSWORD": "Palavra-passe",
"LINK_PASSWORD": "Introduza a palavra-passe para desbloquear o álbum",
"RETURN_PASSPHRASE_HINT": "Palavra-passe",
"SET_PASSPHRASE": "Definir palavra-passe",
"INCORRECT_PASSPHRASE": "Palavra-passe incorreta",
"ENTER_ENC_PASSPHRASE": "Please enter a password that we can use to encrypt your data",
"PASSPHRASE_DISCLAIMER": "We don't store your password, so if you forget it, <strong>we will not be able to help you </strong>recover your data without a recovery key.",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_HEADING": "Bem-vindo ao <a/>",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_SUBHEADING": "End to end encrypted photo storage and sharing",
"WHERE_YOUR_BEST_PHOTOS_LIVE": "Where your best photos live",
"KEY_GENERATION_IN_PROGRESS_MESSAGE": "Generating encryption keys...",
"PASSPHRASE_HINT": "Password",
"CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm password",
"REFERRAL_CODE_HINT": "How did you hear about Ente? (optional)",
"REFERRAL_INFO": "We don't track app installs, It'd help us if you told us where you found us!",
"PASSPHRASE_MATCH_ERROR": "Passwords don't match",
"CONSOLE_WARNING_DESC": "This is a browser feature intended for developers. Please don't copy-paste unverified code here.",
"CREATE_COLLECTION": "Novo álbum",
"ENTER_ALBUM_NAME": "Nome do álbum",
"CLOSE_OPTION": "Fechar (Esc)",
"ENTER_FILE_NAME": "Nome do ficheiro",
"CLOSE": "Fechar",
"NO": "Não",
"NOTHING_HERE": "Nothing to see here yet 👀",
"UPLOAD": "Upload",
"IMPORT": "Importar",
"ADD_PHOTOS": "Adicionar fotos",
"ADD_MORE_PHOTOS": "Adicionar mais fotos",
"add_photos_one": "Adicionar item",
"add_photos_other": "Adicionar {{count, number}} itens",
"SELECT_PHOTOS": "Selecionar fotos",
"FILE_UPLOAD": "Enviar Ficheiro",
"0": "Preparing to upload",
"1": "Reading google metadata files",
"2": "{{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / {{, number}} files metadata extracted",
"3": "{{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / {{, number}} files processed",
"4": "Cancelling remaining uploads",
"5": "Backup complete"
"FILE_NOT_UPLOADED_LIST": "The following files were not uploaded",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED": "Subscription expired",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Your subscription has expired, please <a>renew</a>",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED": "Storage limit exceeded",
"INITIAL_LOAD_DELAY_WARNING": "First load may take some time",
"USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Sorry, could not find a user with that email",
"NO_ACCOUNT": "Não possui uma conta",
"ACCOUNT_EXISTS": "Já possui uma conta",
"CREATE": "Criar",
"DOWNLOAD": "Download",
"DOWNLOAD_OPTION": "Download (D)",
"DOWNLOAD_FAVORITES": "Download favorites",
"DOWNLOAD_UNCATEGORIZED": "Download uncategorized",
"DOWNLOAD_HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Download hidden items",
"COPY_OPTION": "Copy as PNG (Ctrl/Cmd - C)",
"TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN": "Toggle fullscreen (F)",
"ZOOM_IN_OUT": "Zoom in/out",
"PREVIOUS": "Previous (←)",
"NEXT": "Next (→)",
"TITLE_PHOTOS": "Ente Photos",
"TITLE_ALBUMS": "Ente Photos",
"TITLE_AUTH": "Ente Auth",
"UPLOAD_FIRST_PHOTO": "Upload your first photo",
"IMPORT_YOUR_FOLDERS": "Import your folders",
"UPLOAD_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Drop to backup your files",
"WATCH_FOLDER_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Drop to add watched folder",
"TRASH_FILES_TITLE": "Delete files?",
"TRASH_FILE_TITLE": "Delete file?",
"DELETE_FILES_TITLE": "Delete immediately?",
"DELETE_FILES_MESSAGE": "Selected files will be permanently deleted from your ente account.",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"DELETE_OPTION": "Delete (DEL)",
"FAVORITE_OPTION": "Favorite (L)",
"UNFAVORITE_OPTION": "Unfavorite (L)",
"MULTI_FOLDER_UPLOAD": "Multiple folders detected",
"UPLOAD_STRATEGY_CHOICE": "Would you like to upload them into",
"OR": "or",
"SESSION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Your session has expired, please login again to continue",
"SESSION_EXPIRED": "Session expired",
"PASSWORD_GENERATION_FAILED": "Your browser was unable to generate a strong key that meets ente's encryption standards, please try using the mobile app or another browser",
"CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Change password",
"GO_BACK": "Go back",
"RECOVERY_KEY": "Recovery key",
"SAVE_LATER": "Do this later",
"SAVE": "Save Key",
"RECOVERY_KEY_DESCRIPTION": "If you forget your password, the only way you can recover your data is with this key.",
"RECOVER_KEY_GENERATION_FAILED": "Recovery code could not be generated, please try again",
"KEY_NOT_STORED_DISCLAIMER": "We don't store this key, so please save this in a safe place",
"FORGOT_PASSWORD": "Forgot password",
"RECOVER_ACCOUNT": "Recover account",
"RECOVERY_KEY_HINT": "Recovery key",
"RECOVER": "Recover",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY": "No recovery key?",
"INCORRECT_RECOVERY_KEY": "Incorrect recovery key",
"SORRY": "Sorry",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Due to the nature of our end-to-end encryption protocol, your data cannot be decrypted without your password or recovery key",
"NO_TWO_FACTOR_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Please drop an email to <a>{{emailID}}</a> from your registered email address",
"CONTACT_SUPPORT": "Contact support",
"REQUEST_FEATURE": "Request Feature",
"SUPPORT": "Support",
"CONFIRM": "Confirm",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"LOGOUT": "Logout",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Delete account",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE": "<p>Please send an email to <a>{{emailID}}</a> from your registered email address.</p><p>Your request will be processed within 72 hours.</p>",
"LOGOUT_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to logout?",
"CHANGE_EMAIL": "Change email",
"OK": "OK",
"SUCCESS": "Success",
"ERROR": "Error",
"MESSAGE": "Message",
"INSTALL_MOBILE_APP": "Install our <a>Android</a> or <b>iOS</b> app to automatically backup all your photos",
"DOWNLOAD_APP_MESSAGE": "Sorry, this operation is currently only supported on our desktop app",
"DOWNLOAD_APP": "Download desktop app",
"EXPORT": "Export Data",
"SUBSCRIPTION": "Subscription",
"SUBSCRIBE": "Subscribe",
"MANAGEMENT_PORTAL": "Manage payment method",
"MANAGE_FAMILY_PORTAL": "Manage family",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_PLAN": "Leave family plan",
"LEAVE": "Leave",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_CONFIRM": "Are you sure that you want to leave family plan?",
"CHOOSE_PLAN": "Choose your plan",
"MANAGE_PLAN": "Manage your subscription",
"ACTIVE": "Active",
"OFFLINE_MSG": "You are offline, cached memories are being shown",
"FREE_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "You are on the <strong>free</strong> plan that expires on {{date, dateTime}}",
"FAMILY_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "You are on a family plan managed by",
"RENEWAL_ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS": "Renews on {{date, dateTime}}",
"RENEWAL_CANCELLED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Your subscription will be cancelled on {{date, dateTime}}",
"ADD_ON_AVAILABLE_TILL": "Your {{storage, string}} add-on is valid till {{date, dateTime}}",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "You have exceeded your storage quota, please <a>upgrade</a>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_SUCCESS": "<p>We've received your payment</p><p>Your subscription is valid till <strong>{{date, dateTime}}</strong></p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_CANCELLED": "Your purchase was canceled, please try again if you want to subscribe",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_FAILED": "Subscription purchase failed , please try again",
"SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATE_FAILED": "Subscription updated failed , please try again",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD_MESSAGE": "We are sorry, payment failed when we tried to charge your card, please update your payment method and try again",
"STRIPE_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED": "We are unable to authenticate your payment method. please choose a different payment method and try again",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD": "Update payment method",
"MONTHLY": "Monthly",
"YEARLY": "Yearly",
"UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to change your plan?",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION": "Cancel subscription",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "<p>All of your data will be deleted from our servers at the end of this billing period.</p><p>Are you sure that you want to cancel your subscription?</p>",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_WITH_ADDON_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure you want to cancel your subscription?</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_FAILED": "Failed to cancel subscription",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_SUCCESS": "Subscription canceled successfully",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Reactivate subscription",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Once reactivated, you will be billed on {{date, dateTime}}",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_SUCCESS": "Subscription activated successfully ",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_FAILED": "Failed to reactivate subscription renewals",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE": "Cancel mobile subscription",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE_MESSAGE": "Please cancel your subscription from the mobile app to activate a subscription here",
"MAIL_TO_MANAGE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Please contact us at <a>{{emailID}}</a> to manage your subscription",
"RENAME": "Rename",
"RENAME_FILE": "Rename file",
"RENAME_COLLECTION": "Rename album",
"DELETE_COLLECTION": "Delete album",
"DELETE_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "Also delete the photos (and videos) present in this album from <a>all</a> other albums they are part of?",
"DELETE_PHOTOS": "Delete photos",
"KEEP_PHOTOS": "Keep photos",
"SHARE": "Share",
"SHARE_COLLECTION": "Share album",
"SHAREES": "Shared with",
"SHARE_WITH_SELF": "Oops, you cannot share with yourself",
"ALREADY_SHARED": "Oops, you're already sharing this with {{email}}",
"SHARING_BAD_REQUEST_ERROR": "Sharing album not allowed",
"SHARING_DISABLED_FOR_FREE_ACCOUNTS": "Sharing is disabled for free accounts",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION": "Download album",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure you want to download the complete album?</p><p>All files will be queued for download sequentially</p>",
"CREATE_ALBUM_FAILED": "Failed to create album , please try again",
"SEARCH": "Search",
"SEARCH_RESULTS": "Search results",
"NO_RESULTS": "No results found",
"SEARCH_HINT": "Search for albums, dates, descriptions, ...",
"COLLECTION": "Album",
"LOCATION": "Location",
"CITY": "Location",
"DATE": "Date",
"FILE_NAME": "File name",
"THING": "Content",
"FILE_CAPTION": "Description",
"FILE_TYPE": "File type",
"CLIP": "Magic"
"photos_count_zero": "No memories",
"photos_count_one": "1 memory",
"photos_count_other": "{{count, number}} memories",
"TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS": "I agree to the <a>terms</a> and <b>privacy policy</b>",
"ADD_TO_COLLECTION": "Add to album",
"SELECTED": "selected",
"VIDEO_PLAYBACK_FAILED_DOWNLOAD_INSTEAD": "This video cannot be played on your browser",
"PEOPLE": "People",
"INDEXING_SCHEDULED": "Indexing is scheduled...",
"ANALYZING_PHOTOS": "Indexing photos ({{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} / {{indexStatus.nTotalFiles,number}})",
"INDEXING_PEOPLE": "Indexing people in {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} photos...",
"INDEXING_DONE": "Indexed {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} photos",
"UNIDENTIFIED_FACES": "unidentified faces",
"OBJECTS": "objects",
"TEXT": "text",
"INFO": "Info ",
"INFO_OPTION": "Info (I)",
"FILE_NAME": "File name",
"CAPTION_PLACEHOLDER": "Add a description",
"LOCATION": "Location",
"SHOW_ON_MAP": "View on OpenStreetMap",
"MAP": "Map",
"MAP_SETTINGS": "Map Settings",
"ENABLE_MAPS": "Enable Maps?",
"ENABLE_MAP": "Enable map",
"DISABLE_MAPS": "Disable Maps?",
"ENABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will show your photos on a world map.</p> <p>The map is hosted by <a>OpenStreetMap</a>, and the exact locations of your photos are never shared.</p> <p>You can disable this feature anytime from Settings.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will disable the display of your photos on a world map.</p> <p>You can enable this feature anytime from Settings.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP": "Disable map",
"DETAILS": "Details",
"VIEW_EXIF": "View all EXIF data",
"NO_EXIF": "No EXIF data",
"ISO": "ISO",
"TWO_FACTOR": "Two-factor",
"TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION": "Two-factor authentication",
"TWO_FACTOR_QR_INSTRUCTION": "Scan the QR code below with your favorite authenticator app",
"ENTER_CODE_MANUALLY": "Enter the code manually",
"TWO_FACTOR_MANUAL_CODE_INSTRUCTION": "Please enter this code in your favorite authenticator app",
"SCAN_QR_CODE": "Scan QR code instead",
"ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Enable two-factor",
"ENABLE": "Enable",
"LOST_DEVICE": "Lost two-factor device",
"INCORRECT_CODE": "Incorrect code",
"TWO_FACTOR_INFO": "Add an additional layer of security by requiring more than your email and password to log in to your account",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Disable two-factor authentication",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Update your authenticator device",
"DISABLE": "Disable",
"RECONFIGURE": "Reconfigure",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR": "Update two-factor",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Continuing forward will void any previously configured authenticators",
"UPDATE": "Update",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Disable two-factor",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to disable your two-factor authentication",
"TWO_FACTOR_DISABLE_FAILED": "Failed to disable two factor, please try again",
"EXPORT_DATA": "Export data",
"SELECT_FOLDER": "Select folder",
"DESTINATION": "Destination",
"START": "Start",
"LAST_EXPORT_TIME": "Last export time",
"EXPORT_AGAIN": "Resync",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE": "Local storage not accessible",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE_MESSAGE": "Your browser or an addon is blocking ente from saving data into local storage. please try loading this page after switching your browsing mode.",
"SEND_OTT": "Send OTP",
"EMAIl_ALREADY_OWNED": "Email already taken",
"ETAGS_BLOCKED": "<p>We were unable to upload the following files because of your browser configuration.</p><p>Please disable any addons that might be preventing ente from using <code>eTags</code> to upload large files, or use our <a>desktop app</a> for a more reliable import experience.</p>",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS_INFO": "<p>Presently we do not support adding videos via public links.</p><p>To share videos, please <a>signup</a> for ente and share with the intended recipients using their email.</p>",
"LIVE_PHOTOS_DETECTED": "The photo and video files from your Live Photos have been merged into a single file",
"RETRY_FAILED": "Retry failed uploads",
"FAILED_UPLOADS": "Failed uploads ",
"SKIPPED_FILES": "Ignored uploads",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_UPLOADS": "Thumbnail generation failed",
"UNSUPPORTED_FILES": "Unsupported files",
"SUCCESSFUL_UPLOADS": "Successful uploads",
"SKIPPED_INFO": "Skipped these as there are files with matching names in the same album",
"UNSUPPORTED_INFO": "ente does not support these file formats yet",
"BLOCKED_UPLOADS": "Blocked uploads",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS": "Skipped videos",
"INPROGRESS_UPLOADS": "Uploads in progress",
"TOO_LARGE_UPLOADS": "Large files",
"LARGER_THAN_AVAILABLE_STORAGE_INFO": "These files were not uploaded as they exceed the maximum size limit for your storage plan",
"TOO_LARGE_INFO": "These files were not uploaded as they exceed our maximum file size limit",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_INFO": "These files were uploaded, but unfortunately we could not generate the thumbnails for them.",
"UPLOAD_TO_COLLECTION": "Upload to album",
"UNCATEGORIZED": "Uncategorized",
"ARCHIVE": "Archive",
"FAVORITES": "Favorites",
"ARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Archive album",
"MOVE_TO_COLLECTION": "Move to album",
"UNARCHIVE": "Unarchive",
"UNARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Unarchive album",
"HIDE_COLLECTION": "Hide album",
"UNHIDE_COLLECTION": "Unhide album",
"MOVE": "Move",
"ADD": "Add",
"REMOVE": "Remove",
"YES_REMOVE": "Yes, remove",
"REMOVE_FROM_COLLECTION": "Remove from album",
"TRASH": "Trash",
"MOVE_TO_TRASH": "Move to trash",
"TRASH_FILES_MESSAGE": "Selected files will be removed from all albums and moved to trash.",
"TRASH_FILE_MESSAGE": "The file will be removed from all albums and moved to trash.",
"DELETE_PERMANENTLY": "Delete permanently",
"RESTORE": "Restore",
"RESTORE_TO_COLLECTION": "Restore to album",
"EMPTY_TRASH": "Empty trash",
"EMPTY_TRASH_TITLE": "Empty trash?",
"EMPTY_TRASH_MESSAGE": "These files will be permanently deleted from your ente account.",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM": "Yes, leave",
"LEAVE_ALBUM": "Leave album",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_TITLE": "Leave shared album?",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_MESSAGE": "You will leave the album, and it will stop being visible to you.",
"NOT_FILE_OWNER": "You cannot delete files in a shared album",
"CONFIRM_SELF_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Selected items will be removed from this album. Items which are only in this album will be moved to Uncategorized.",
"CONFIRM_SELF_AND_OTHER_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Some of the items you are removing were added by other people, and you will lose access to them.",
"SORT_BY_NAME": "Name",
"COMPRESS_THUMBNAILS": "Compress thumbnails",
"THUMBNAIL_REPLACED": "Thumbnails compressed",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL": "Compress",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL_LATER": "Compress later",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOT_STARTED": "Some of your videos thumbnails can be compressed to save space. would you like ente to compress them?",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED": "Successfully compressed all thumbnails",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOOP": "You have no thumbnails that can be compressed further",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "Could not compress some of your thumbnails, please retry",
"FIX_CREATION_TIME": "Fix time",
"CREATION_TIME_UPDATED": "File time updated",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_NOT_STARTED": "Select the option you want to use",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED": "Successfully updated all files",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "File time updation failed for some files, please retry",
"CAPTION_CHARACTER_LIMIT": "5000 characters max",
"DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL": "EXIF:DateTimeOriginal",
"DATE_TIME_DIGITIZED": "EXIF:DateTimeDigitized",
"METADATA_DATE": "EXIF:MetadataDate",
"CUSTOM_TIME": "Custom time",
"OPEN_PLAN_SELECTOR_MODAL_FAILED": "Failed to open plans",
"INSTALL": "Install",
"SHARING_DETAILS": "Sharing details",
"MODIFY_SHARING": "Modify sharing",
"ADD_COLLABORATORS": "Add collaborators",
"ADD_NEW_EMAIL": "Add a new email",
"shared_with_people_zero": "Share with specific people",
"shared_with_people_one": "Shared with 1 person",
"shared_with_people_other": "Shared with {{count, number}} people",
"participants_zero": "No participants",
"participants_one": "1 participant",
"participants_other": "{{count, number}} participants",
"ADD_VIEWERS": "Add viewers",
"PARTICIPANTS": "Participants",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_VIEWER": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} will not be able to add more photos to the album</p> <p>They will still be able to remove photos added by them</p>",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_COLLABORATOR": "{{selectedEmail}} will be able to add photos to the album",
"CONVERT_TO_VIEWER": "Yes, convert to viewer",
"CONVERT_TO_COLLABORATOR": "Yes, convert to collaborator",
"CHANGE_PERMISSION": "Change permission?",
"CONFIRM_REMOVE": "Yes, remove",
"MANAGE": "Manage",
"ADDED_AS": "Added as",
"COLLABORATOR_RIGHTS": "Collaborators can add photos and videos to the shared album",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_HEAD": "Remove participant",
"OWNER": "Owner",
"COLLABORATORS": "Collaborators",
"ADD_MORE": "Add more",
"VIEWERS": "Viewers",
"OR_ADD_EXISTING": "Or pick an existing one",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_MESSAGE": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} will be removed from the album</p> <p>Any photos added by them will also be removed from the album</p>",
"NOT_FOUND": "404 - not found",
"LINK_EXPIRED": "Link expired",
"LINK_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "This link has either expired or been disabled!",
"MANAGE_LINK": "Manage link",
"LINK_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS": "Sorry, this album has been viewed on too many devices!",
"FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Allow downloads",
"LINK_PASSWORD_LOCK": "Password lock",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT": "Allow adding photos",
"LINK_DEVICE_LIMIT": "Device limit",
"LINK_EXPIRY": "Link expiry",
"NEVER": "Never",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Disable download",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure that you want to disable the download button for files?</p><p>Viewers can still take screenshots or save a copy of your photos using external tools.</p>",
"MALICIOUS_CONTENT": "Contains malicious content",
"COPYRIGHT": "Infringes on the copyright of someone I am authorized to represent",
"SHARED_USING": "Shared using ",
"ENTE_IO": "",
"SHARING_REFERRAL_CODE": "Use code <strong>{{referralCode}}</strong> to get 10 GB free",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD": "Disable password lock",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to disable the password lock?",
"PASSWORD_LOCK": "Password lock",
"LOCK": "Lock",
"UPLOAD_DIRS": "Folder",
"UPLOAD_GOOGLE_TAKEOUT": "Google takeout",
"DEDUPLICATE_FILES": "Deduplicate files",
"NO_DUPLICATES_FOUND": "You've no duplicate files that can be cleared",
"CLUB_BY_CAPTURE_TIME": "Club by capture time",
"FILES": "Files",
"EACH": "Each",
"DEDUPLICATE_BASED_ON_SIZE": "The following files were clubbed based on their sizes, please review and delete items you believe are duplicates",
"STOP_ALL_UPLOADS_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to stop all the uploads in progress?",
"STOP_UPLOADS_HEADER": "Stop uploads?",
"YES_STOP_UPLOADS": "Yes, stop uploads",
"STOP_DOWNLOADS_HEADER": "Stop downloads?",
"YES_STOP_DOWNLOADS": "Yes, stop downloads",
"STOP_ALL_DOWNLOADS_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to stop all the downloads in progress?",
"albums_one": "1 Album",
"albums_other": "{{count, number}} Albums",
"ALL_ALBUMS": "All Albums",
"ALBUMS": "Albums",
"ALL_HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "All hidden albums",
"HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "Hidden albums",
"HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Hidden items",
"ENTER_TWO_FACTOR_OTP": "Enter the 6-digit code from your authenticator app.",
"CREATE_ACCOUNT": "Create account",
"COPIED": "Copied",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_TITLE": "Unable to generate thumbnail",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_MESSAGE": "<p>It looks like your browser has disabled access to canvas, which is necessary to generate thumbnails for your photos </p> <p> Please enable access to your browser's canvas, or check out our desktop app</p>",
"WATCH_FOLDERS": "Watch folders",
"UPGRADE_NOW": "Upgrade now",
"RENEW_NOW": "Renew now",
"STORAGE": "Storage",
"USED": "used",
"YOU": "You",
"FAMILY": "Family",
"FREE": "free",
"OF": "of",
"WATCHED_FOLDERS": "Watched folders",
"NO_FOLDERS_ADDED": "No folders added yet!",
"FOLDERS_AUTOMATICALLY_MONITORED": "The folders you add here will monitored to automatically",
"UPLOAD_NEW_FILES_TO_ENTE": "Upload new files to ente",
"REMOVE_DELETED_FILES_FROM_ENTE": "Remove deleted files from ente",
"ADD_FOLDER": "Add folder",
"STOP_WATCHING": "Stop watching",
"STOP_WATCHING_FOLDER": "Stop watching folder?",
"STOP_WATCHING_DIALOG_MESSAGE": "Your existing files will not be deleted, but ente will stop automatically updating the linked ente album on changes in this folder.",
"YES_STOP": "Yes, stop",
"MONTH_SHORT": "mo",
"YEAR": "year",
"FAMILY_PLAN": "Family plan",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS": "Download logs",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS_MESSAGE": "<p>This will download debug logs, which you can email to us to help debug your issue.</p><p> Please note that file names will be included to help track issues with specific files. </p>",
"CHANGE_FOLDER": "Change Folder",
"TWO_MONTHS_FREE": "Get 2 months free on yearly plans",
"GB": "GB",
"POPULAR": "Popular",
"FREE_PLAN_OPTION_LABEL": "Continue with free trial",
"FREE_PLAN_DESCRIPTION": "1 GB for 1 year",
"CURRENT_USAGE": "Current usage is <strong>{{usage}}</strong>",
"WEAK_DEVICE": "The web browser you're using is not powerful enough to encrypt your photos. Please try to log in to ente on your computer, or download the ente mobile/desktop app.",
"DRAG_AND_DROP_HINT": "Or drag and drop into the ente window",
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DELETION_MESSAGE": "Your uploaded data will be scheduled for deletion, and your account will be permanently deleted.<br/><br/>This action is not reversible.",
"AUTHENTICATE": "Authenticate",
"UPLOADED_TO_SINGLE_COLLECTION": "Uploaded to single collection",
"UPLOADED_TO_SEPARATE_COLLECTIONS": "Uploaded to separate collections",
"NEVERMIND": "Nevermind",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE": "Update available",
"UPDATE_INSTALLABLE_MESSAGE": "A new version of ente is ready to be installed.",
"INSTALL_NOW": "Install now",
"INSTALL_ON_NEXT_LAUNCH": "Install on next launch",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE": "A new version of ente has been released, but it cannot be automatically downloaded and installed.",
"DOWNLOAD_AND_INSTALL": "Download and install",
"IGNORE_THIS_VERSION": "Ignore this version",
"TODAY": "Today",
"YESTERDAY": "Yesterday",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED": "Cannot create albums from file/folder mix",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED_MESSAGE": "<p>You have dragged and dropped a mixture of files and folders.</p><p>Please provide either only files, or only folders when selecting option to create separate albums</p>",
"CHOSE_THEME": "Choose theme",
"ML_SEARCH": "Face recognition",
"ENABLE_ML_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will enable on-device machine learning and face search which will start analyzing your uploaded photos locally.</p><p>For the first run after login or enabling this feature, it will download all images on local device to analyze them. So please only enable this if you are ok with bandwidth and local processing of all images in your photo library.</p><p>If this is the first time you're enabling this, we'll also ask your permission to process face data.</p>",
"ML_MORE_DETAILS": "More details",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Enable face recognition",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Enable face recognition?",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>If you enable face recognition, ente will extract face geometry from your photos. This will happen on your device, and any generated biometric data will be end-to-encrypted.<p/><p><a>Please click here for more details about this feature in our privacy policy</a></p>",
"DISABLE_BETA": "Pause recognition",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Disable face recognition",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Disable face recognition?",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>Ente will stop processing face geometry.</p><p>You can reenable face recognition again if you wish, so this operation is safe.</p>",
"ADVANCED": "Advanced",
"FACE_SEARCH_CONFIRMATION": "I understand, and wish to allow ente to process face geometry",
"LABS": "Labs",
"YOURS": "yours",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_WEAK": "Password strength: Weak",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_MODERATE": "Password strength: Moderate",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_STRONG": "Password strength: Strong",
"PREFERENCES": "Preferences",
"LANGUAGE": "Language",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Invalid export directory",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_MESSAGE": "<p>The export directory you have selected does not exist.</p><p> Please select a valid directory.</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_VERIFICATION_ERROR": "Subscription verification failed",
"B": "B",
"KB": "KB",
"MB": "MB",
"GB": "GB",
"TB": "TB"
"HOUR": "after an hour",
"DAY": "after a day",
"WEEK": "after a week",
"MONTH": "after a month",
"YEAR": "after a year"
"COPY_LINK": "Copy link",
"DONE": "Done",
"LINK_SHARE_TITLE": "Or share a link",
"REMOVE_LINK": "Remove link",
"CREATE_PUBLIC_SHARING": "Create public link",
"PUBLIC_LINK_CREATED": "Public link created",
"PUBLIC_LINK_ENABLED": "Public link enabled",
"COLLECT_PHOTOS": "Collect photos",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT_SUBTEXT": "Allow people with the link to also add photos to the shared album.",
"STOP_EXPORT": "Stop",
"EXPORT_PROGRESS": "<a>{{progress.success, number}} / {{, number}}</a> items synced",
"MIGRATING_EXPORT": "Preparing...",
"RENAMING_COLLECTION_FOLDERS": "Renaming album folders...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_FILES": "Trashing deleted files...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_COLLECTIONS": "Trashing deleted albums...",
"START": "Export started",
"IN_PROGRESS": "Export already in progress",
"FINISH": "Export finished",
"UP_TO_DATE": "No new files to export"
"CONTINUOUS_EXPORT": "Sync continuously",
"TOTAL_ITEMS": "Total items",
"PENDING_ITEMS": "Pending items",
"EXPORT_STARTING": "Export starting...",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_REASON_LABEL": "What is the main reason you are deleting your account?",
"MISSING_FEATURE": "It's missing a key feature that I need",
"BROKEN_BEHAVIOR": "The app or a certain feature does not behave as I think it should",
"FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "I found another service that I like better",
"NOT_LISTED": "My reason isn't listed"
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_FEEDBACK_LABEL": "We are sorry to see you go. Please explain why you are leaving to help us improve.",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT_CHECKBOX_LABEL": "Yes, I want to permanently delete this account and all its data",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Confirm Account Deletion",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED": "Kindly help us with this information",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED_FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "What does the other service do better?",
"RECOVER_TWO_FACTOR": "Recover two-factor",
"at": "at",
"AUTH_NEXT": "next",
"AUTH_DOWNLOAD_MOBILE_APP": "Download our mobile app to manage your secrets",
"HIDDEN": "Hidden",
"HIDE": "Hide",
"UNHIDE": "Unhide",
"UNHIDE_TO_COLLECTION": "Unhide to album",
"SORT_BY": "Sort by",
"NEWEST_FIRST": "Newest first",
"OLDEST_FIRST": "Oldest first",
"CONVERSION_FAILED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE": "This file could not be previewed. Click here to download the original.",
"SELECT_COLLECTION": "Select album",
"PIN_ALBUM": "Pin album",
"UNPIN_ALBUM": "Unpin album",
"DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE": "Download complete",
"DOWNLOADING_COLLECTION": "Downloading {{name}}",
"DOWNLOAD_FAILED": "Download failed",
"DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS": "{{progress.current}} / {{}} files",
"CRASH_REPORTING": "Crash reporting",
"CHRISTMAS": "Christmas",
"CHRISTMAS_EVE": "Christmas Eve",
"NEW_YEAR": "New Year",
"NEW_YEAR_EVE": "New Year's Eve",
"IMAGE": "Image",
"VIDEO": "Video",
"LIVE_PHOTO": "Live Photo",
"CONVERT": "Convert",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to close the editor?",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_DESCRIPTION": "Download your edited image or save a copy to ente to persist your changes.",
"BRIGHTNESS": "Brightness",
"CONTRAST": "Contrast",
"SATURATION": "Saturation",
"BLUR": "Blur",
"INVERT_COLORS": "Invert Colors",
"ASPECT_RATIO": "Aspect Ratio",
"SQUARE": "Square",
"ROTATE_LEFT": "Rotate Left",
"ROTATE_RIGHT": "Rotate Right",
"FLIP_VERTICALLY": "Flip Vertically",
"FLIP_HORIZONTALLY": "Flip Horizontally",
"DOWNLOAD_EDITED": "Download Edited",
"SAVE_A_COPY_TO_ENTE": "Save a copy to ente",
"RESTORE_ORIGINAL": "Restore Original",
"TRANSFORM": "Transform",
"COLORS": "Colors",
"FLIP": "Flip",
"ROTATION": "Rotation",
"RESET": "Reset",
"PHOTO_EDITOR": "Photo Editor",
"FASTER_UPLOAD": "Faster uploads",
"FASTER_UPLOAD_DESCRIPTION": "Route uploads through nearby servers",
"MAGIC_SEARCH_STATUS": "Magic Search Status",
"INDEXED_ITEMS": "Indexed items",
"CAST_ALBUM_TO_TV": "Play album on TV",
"ENTER_CAST_PIN_CODE": "Enter the code you see on the TV below to pair this device.",
"PAIR_DEVICE_TO_TV": "Pair devices",
"TV_NOT_FOUND": "TV not found. Did you enter the PIN correctly?",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR": "Auto Pair",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR_REQUIRES_CONNECTION_TO_GOOGLE": "Auto Pair requires connecting to Google servers and only works with Chromecast supported devices. Google will not receive sensitive data, such as your photos.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN": "Pair with PIN",
"CHOOSE_DEVICE_FROM_BROWSER": "Choose a cast-compatible device from the browser popup.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN_WORKS_FOR_ANY_LARGE_SCREEN_DEVICE": "Pair with PIN works for any large screen device you want to play your album on.",
"VISIT_CAST_ENTE_IO": "Visit on the device you want to pair.",
"CAST_AUTO_PAIR_FAILED": "Chromecast Auto Pair failed. Please try again.",
"CACHE_DIRECTORY": "Cache folder",
"PASSKEYS": "Passkeys",
"FREEHAND": "Freehand",
"APPLY_CROP": "Apply Crop",
"PHOTO_EDIT_REQUIRED_TO_SAVE": "At least one transformation or color adjustment must be performed before saving."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
"HERO_SLIDE_1_TITLE": "<div>Private backups</div><div>for your memories</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_1": "End-to-end encrypted by default",
"HERO_SLIDE_2_TITLE": "<div>Safely stored</div><div>at a fallout shelter</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_2": "Designed to outlive",
"HERO_SLIDE_3_TITLE": "<div>Available</div><div> everywhere</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_3": "Android, iOS, Web, Desktop",
"LOGIN": "Login",
"SIGN_UP": "Signup",
"NEW_USER": "New to ente",
"EXISTING_USER": "Existing user",
"ENTER_NAME": "Enter name",
"PUBLIC_UPLOADER_NAME_MESSAGE": "Add a name so that your friends know who to thank for these great photos!",
"ENTER_EMAIL": "Enter email address",
"EMAIL_ERROR": "Enter a valid email",
"REQUIRED": "Required",
"EMAIL_SENT": "Verification code sent to <a>{{email}}</a>",
"CHECK_INBOX": "Please check your inbox (and spam) to complete verification",
"ENTER_OTT": "Verification code",
"RESEND_MAIL": "Resend code",
"VERIFY": "Verify",
"UNKNOWN_ERROR": "Something went wrong, please try again",
"INVALID_CODE": "Invalid verification code",
"EXPIRED_CODE": "Your verification code has expired",
"SENDING": "Sending...",
"SENT": "Sent!",
"PASSWORD": "Password",
"LINK_PASSWORD": "Enter password to unlock the album",
"SET_PASSPHRASE": "Set password",
"INCORRECT_PASSPHRASE": "Incorrect password",
"ENTER_ENC_PASSPHRASE": "Please enter a password that we can use to encrypt your data",
"PASSPHRASE_DISCLAIMER": "We don't store your password, so if you forget it, <strong>we will not be able to help you </strong>recover your data without a recovery key.",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_HEADING": "Welcome to <a/>",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_SUBHEADING": "End to end encrypted photo storage and sharing",
"WHERE_YOUR_BEST_PHOTOS_LIVE": "Where your best photos live",
"KEY_GENERATION_IN_PROGRESS_MESSAGE": "Generating encryption keys...",
"PASSPHRASE_HINT": "Password",
"CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm password",
"REFERRAL_CODE_HINT": "How did you hear about Ente? (optional)",
"REFERRAL_INFO": "We don't track app installs, It'd help us if you told us where you found us!",
"PASSPHRASE_MATCH_ERROR": "Passwords don't match",
"CONSOLE_WARNING_DESC": "This is a browser feature intended for developers. Please don't copy-paste unverified code here.",
"ENTER_ALBUM_NAME": "Album name",
"CLOSE_OPTION": "Close (Esc)",
"ENTER_FILE_NAME": "File name",
"CLOSE": "Close",
"NO": "No",
"NOTHING_HERE": "Nothing to see here yet 👀",
"UPLOAD": "Upload",
"IMPORT": "Import",
"ADD_PHOTOS": "Add photos",
"ADD_MORE_PHOTOS": "Add more photos",
"add_photos_one": "Add 1 item",
"add_photos_other": "Add {{count, number}} items",
"SELECT_PHOTOS": "Select photos",
"FILE_UPLOAD": "File Upload",
"0": "Preparing to upload",
"1": "Reading google metadata files",
"2": "{{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / {{, number}} files metadata extracted",
"3": "{{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / {{, number}} files processed",
"4": "Cancelling remaining uploads",
"5": "Backup complete"
"FILE_NOT_UPLOADED_LIST": "The following files were not uploaded",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED": "Subscription expired",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Your subscription has expired, please <a>renew</a>",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED": "Storage limit exceeded",
"INITIAL_LOAD_DELAY_WARNING": "First load may take some time",
"USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Sorry, could not find a user with that email",
"NO_ACCOUNT": "Don't have an account",
"ACCOUNT_EXISTS": "Already have an account",
"CREATE": "Create",
"DOWNLOAD": "Download",
"DOWNLOAD_OPTION": "Download (D)",
"DOWNLOAD_FAVORITES": "Download favorites",
"DOWNLOAD_UNCATEGORIZED": "Download uncategorized",
"DOWNLOAD_HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Download hidden items",
"COPY_OPTION": "Copy as PNG (Ctrl/Cmd - C)",
"TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN": "Toggle fullscreen (F)",
"ZOOM_IN_OUT": "Zoom in/out",
"PREVIOUS": "Previous (←)",
"NEXT": "Next (→)",
"TITLE_PHOTOS": "Ente Photos",
"TITLE_ALBUMS": "Ente Photos",
"TITLE_AUTH": "Ente Auth",
"UPLOAD_FIRST_PHOTO": "Upload your first photo",
"IMPORT_YOUR_FOLDERS": "Import your folders",
"UPLOAD_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Drop to backup your files",
"WATCH_FOLDER_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Drop to add watched folder",
"TRASH_FILES_TITLE": "Delete files?",
"TRASH_FILE_TITLE": "Delete file?",
"DELETE_FILES_TITLE": "Delete immediately?",
"DELETE_FILES_MESSAGE": "Selected files will be permanently deleted from your ente account.",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"DELETE_OPTION": "Delete (DEL)",
"FAVORITE_OPTION": "Favorite (L)",
"UNFAVORITE_OPTION": "Unfavorite (L)",
"MULTI_FOLDER_UPLOAD": "Multiple folders detected",
"UPLOAD_STRATEGY_CHOICE": "Would you like to upload them into",
"OR": "or",
"SESSION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Your session has expired, please login again to continue",
"SESSION_EXPIRED": "Session expired",
"PASSWORD_GENERATION_FAILED": "Your browser was unable to generate a strong key that meets ente's encryption standards, please try using the mobile app or another browser",
"CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Change password",
"GO_BACK": "Go back",
"RECOVERY_KEY": "Recovery key",
"SAVE_LATER": "Do this later",
"SAVE": "Save Key",
"RECOVERY_KEY_DESCRIPTION": "If you forget your password, the only way you can recover your data is with this key.",
"RECOVER_KEY_GENERATION_FAILED": "Recovery code could not be generated, please try again",
"KEY_NOT_STORED_DISCLAIMER": "We don't store this key, so please save this in a safe place",
"FORGOT_PASSWORD": "Forgot password",
"RECOVER_ACCOUNT": "Recover account",
"RECOVERY_KEY_HINT": "Recovery key",
"RECOVER": "Recover",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY": "No recovery key?",
"INCORRECT_RECOVERY_KEY": "Incorrect recovery key",
"SORRY": "Sorry",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Due to the nature of our end-to-end encryption protocol, your data cannot be decrypted without your password or recovery key",
"NO_TWO_FACTOR_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Please drop an email to <a>{{emailID}}</a> from your registered email address",
"CONTACT_SUPPORT": "Contact support",
"REQUEST_FEATURE": "Request Feature",
"SUPPORT": "Support",
"CONFIRM": "Confirm",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"LOGOUT": "Logout",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Delete account",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE": "<p>Please send an email to <a>{{emailID}}</a> from your registered email address.</p><p>Your request will be processed within 72 hours.</p>",
"LOGOUT_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to logout?",
"CHANGE_EMAIL": "Change email",
"OK": "OK",
"SUCCESS": "Success",
"ERROR": "Error",
"MESSAGE": "Message",
"INSTALL_MOBILE_APP": "Install our <a>Android</a> or <b>iOS</b> app to automatically backup all your photos",
"DOWNLOAD_APP_MESSAGE": "Sorry, this operation is currently only supported on our desktop app",
"DOWNLOAD_APP": "Download desktop app",
"EXPORT": "Export Data",
"SUBSCRIPTION": "Subscription",
"SUBSCRIBE": "Subscribe",
"MANAGEMENT_PORTAL": "Manage payment method",
"MANAGE_FAMILY_PORTAL": "Manage family",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_PLAN": "Leave family plan",
"LEAVE": "Leave",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_CONFIRM": "Are you sure that you want to leave family plan?",
"CHOOSE_PLAN": "Choose your plan",
"MANAGE_PLAN": "Manage your subscription",
"ACTIVE": "Active",
"OFFLINE_MSG": "You are offline, cached memories are being shown",
"FREE_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "You are on the <strong>free</strong> plan that expires on {{date, dateTime}}",
"FAMILY_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "You are on a family plan managed by",
"RENEWAL_ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS": "Renews on {{date, dateTime}}",
"RENEWAL_CANCELLED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Your subscription will be cancelled on {{date, dateTime}}",
"ADD_ON_AVAILABLE_TILL": "Your {{storage, string}} add-on is valid till {{date, dateTime}}",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "You have exceeded your storage quota, please <a>upgrade</a>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_SUCCESS": "<p>We've received your payment</p><p>Your subscription is valid till <strong>{{date, dateTime}}</strong></p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_CANCELLED": "Your purchase was canceled, please try again if you want to subscribe",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_FAILED": "Subscription purchase failed , please try again",
"SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATE_FAILED": "Subscription updated failed , please try again",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD_MESSAGE": "We are sorry, payment failed when we tried to charge your card, please update your payment method and try again",
"STRIPE_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED": "We are unable to authenticate your payment method. please choose a different payment method and try again",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD": "Update payment method",
"MONTHLY": "Monthly",
"YEARLY": "Yearly",
"UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to change your plan?",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION": "Cancel subscription",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "<p>All of your data will be deleted from our servers at the end of this billing period.</p><p>Are you sure that you want to cancel your subscription?</p>",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_WITH_ADDON_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure you want to cancel your subscription?</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_FAILED": "Failed to cancel subscription",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_SUCCESS": "Subscription canceled successfully",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Reactivate subscription",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Once reactivated, you will be billed on {{date, dateTime}}",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_SUCCESS": "Subscription activated successfully ",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_FAILED": "Failed to reactivate subscription renewals",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE": "Cancel mobile subscription",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE_MESSAGE": "Please cancel your subscription from the mobile app to activate a subscription here",
"MAIL_TO_MANAGE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Please contact us at <a>{{emailID}}</a> to manage your subscription",
"RENAME": "Rename",
"RENAME_FILE": "Rename file",
"RENAME_COLLECTION": "Rename album",
"DELETE_COLLECTION": "Delete album",
"DELETE_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "Also delete the photos (and videos) present in this album from <a>all</a> other albums they are part of?",
"DELETE_PHOTOS": "Delete photos",
"KEEP_PHOTOS": "Keep photos",
"SHARE": "Share",
"SHARE_COLLECTION": "Share album",
"SHAREES": "Shared with",
"SHARE_WITH_SELF": "Oops, you cannot share with yourself",
"ALREADY_SHARED": "Oops, you're already sharing this with {{email}}",
"SHARING_BAD_REQUEST_ERROR": "Sharing album not allowed",
"SHARING_DISABLED_FOR_FREE_ACCOUNTS": "Sharing is disabled for free accounts",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION": "Download album",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure you want to download the complete album?</p><p>All files will be queued for download sequentially</p>",
"CREATE_ALBUM_FAILED": "Failed to create album , please try again",
"SEARCH": "Search",
"SEARCH_RESULTS": "Search results",
"NO_RESULTS": "No results found",
"SEARCH_HINT": "Search for albums, dates, descriptions, ...",
"COLLECTION": "Album",
"LOCATION": "Location",
"CITY": "Location",
"DATE": "Date",
"FILE_NAME": "File name",
"THING": "Content",
"FILE_CAPTION": "Description",
"FILE_TYPE": "File type",
"CLIP": "Magic"
"photos_count_zero": "No memories",
"photos_count_one": "1 memory",
"photos_count_other": "{{count, number}} memories",
"TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS": "I agree to the <a>terms</a> and <b>privacy policy</b>",
"ADD_TO_COLLECTION": "Add to album",
"SELECTED": "selected",
"VIDEO_PLAYBACK_FAILED_DOWNLOAD_INSTEAD": "This video cannot be played on your browser",
"PEOPLE": "People",
"INDEXING_SCHEDULED": "Indexing is scheduled...",
"ANALYZING_PHOTOS": "Indexing photos ({{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} / {{indexStatus.nTotalFiles,number}})",
"INDEXING_PEOPLE": "Indexing people in {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} photos...",
"INDEXING_DONE": "Indexed {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} photos",
"UNIDENTIFIED_FACES": "unidentified faces",
"OBJECTS": "objects",
"TEXT": "text",
"INFO": "Info ",
"INFO_OPTION": "Info (I)",
"FILE_NAME": "File name",
"CAPTION_PLACEHOLDER": "Add a description",
"LOCATION": "Location",
"SHOW_ON_MAP": "View on OpenStreetMap",
"MAP": "Map",
"MAP_SETTINGS": "Map Settings",
"ENABLE_MAPS": "Enable Maps?",
"ENABLE_MAP": "Enable map",
"DISABLE_MAPS": "Disable Maps?",
"ENABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will show your photos on a world map.</p> <p>The map is hosted by <a>OpenStreetMap</a>, and the exact locations of your photos are never shared.</p> <p>You can disable this feature anytime from Settings.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will disable the display of your photos on a world map.</p> <p>You can enable this feature anytime from Settings.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP": "Disable map",
"DETAILS": "Details",
"VIEW_EXIF": "View all EXIF data",
"NO_EXIF": "No EXIF data",
"ISO": "ISO",
"TWO_FACTOR": "Two-factor",
"TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION": "Two-factor authentication",
"TWO_FACTOR_QR_INSTRUCTION": "Scan the QR code below with your favorite authenticator app",
"ENTER_CODE_MANUALLY": "Enter the code manually",
"TWO_FACTOR_MANUAL_CODE_INSTRUCTION": "Please enter this code in your favorite authenticator app",
"SCAN_QR_CODE": "Scan QR code instead",
"ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Enable two-factor",
"ENABLE": "Enable",
"LOST_DEVICE": "Lost two-factor device",
"INCORRECT_CODE": "Incorrect code",
"TWO_FACTOR_INFO": "Add an additional layer of security by requiring more than your email and password to log in to your account",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Disable two-factor authentication",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Update your authenticator device",
"DISABLE": "Disable",
"RECONFIGURE": "Reconfigure",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR": "Update two-factor",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Continuing forward will void any previously configured authenticators",
"UPDATE": "Update",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Disable two-factor",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to disable your two-factor authentication",
"TWO_FACTOR_DISABLE_FAILED": "Failed to disable two factor, please try again",
"EXPORT_DATA": "Export data",
"SELECT_FOLDER": "Select folder",
"DESTINATION": "Destination",
"START": "Start",
"LAST_EXPORT_TIME": "Last export time",
"EXPORT_AGAIN": "Resync",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE": "Local storage not accessible",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE_MESSAGE": "Your browser or an addon is blocking ente from saving data into local storage. please try loading this page after switching your browsing mode.",
"SEND_OTT": "Send OTP",
"EMAIl_ALREADY_OWNED": "Email already taken",
"ETAGS_BLOCKED": "<p>We were unable to upload the following files because of your browser configuration.</p><p>Please disable any addons that might be preventing ente from using <code>eTags</code> to upload large files, or use our <a>desktop app</a> for a more reliable import experience.</p>",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS_INFO": "<p>Presently we do not support adding videos via public links.</p><p>To share videos, please <a>signup</a> for ente and share with the intended recipients using their email.</p>",
"LIVE_PHOTOS_DETECTED": "The photo and video files from your Live Photos have been merged into a single file",
"RETRY_FAILED": "Retry failed uploads",
"FAILED_UPLOADS": "Failed uploads ",
"SKIPPED_FILES": "Ignored uploads",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_UPLOADS": "Thumbnail generation failed",
"UNSUPPORTED_FILES": "Unsupported files",
"SUCCESSFUL_UPLOADS": "Successful uploads",
"SKIPPED_INFO": "Skipped these as there are files with matching names in the same album",
"UNSUPPORTED_INFO": "ente does not support these file formats yet",
"BLOCKED_UPLOADS": "Blocked uploads",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS": "Skipped videos",
"INPROGRESS_UPLOADS": "Uploads in progress",
"TOO_LARGE_UPLOADS": "Large files",
"LARGER_THAN_AVAILABLE_STORAGE_INFO": "These files were not uploaded as they exceed the maximum size limit for your storage plan",
"TOO_LARGE_INFO": "These files were not uploaded as they exceed our maximum file size limit",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_INFO": "These files were uploaded, but unfortunately we could not generate the thumbnails for them.",
"UPLOAD_TO_COLLECTION": "Upload to album",
"UNCATEGORIZED": "Uncategorized",
"ARCHIVE": "Archive",
"FAVORITES": "Favorites",
"ARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Archive album",
"MOVE_TO_COLLECTION": "Move to album",
"UNARCHIVE": "Unarchive",
"UNARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Unarchive album",
"HIDE_COLLECTION": "Hide album",
"UNHIDE_COLLECTION": "Unhide album",
"MOVE": "Move",
"ADD": "Add",
"REMOVE": "Remove",
"YES_REMOVE": "Yes, remove",
"REMOVE_FROM_COLLECTION": "Remove from album",
"TRASH": "Trash",
"MOVE_TO_TRASH": "Move to trash",
"TRASH_FILES_MESSAGE": "Selected files will be removed from all albums and moved to trash.",
"TRASH_FILE_MESSAGE": "The file will be removed from all albums and moved to trash.",
"DELETE_PERMANENTLY": "Delete permanently",
"RESTORE": "Restore",
"RESTORE_TO_COLLECTION": "Restore to album",
"EMPTY_TRASH": "Empty trash",
"EMPTY_TRASH_TITLE": "Empty trash?",
"EMPTY_TRASH_MESSAGE": "These files will be permanently deleted from your ente account.",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM": "Yes, leave",
"LEAVE_ALBUM": "Leave album",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_TITLE": "Leave shared album?",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_MESSAGE": "You will leave the album, and it will stop being visible to you.",
"NOT_FILE_OWNER": "You cannot delete files in a shared album",
"CONFIRM_SELF_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Selected items will be removed from this album. Items which are only in this album will be moved to Uncategorized.",
"CONFIRM_SELF_AND_OTHER_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Some of the items you are removing were added by other people, and you will lose access to them.",
"SORT_BY_NAME": "Name",
"COMPRESS_THUMBNAILS": "Compress thumbnails",
"THUMBNAIL_REPLACED": "Thumbnails compressed",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL": "Compress",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL_LATER": "Compress later",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOT_STARTED": "Some of your videos thumbnails can be compressed to save space. would you like ente to compress them?",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED": "Successfully compressed all thumbnails",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOOP": "You have no thumbnails that can be compressed further",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "Could not compress some of your thumbnails, please retry",
"FIX_CREATION_TIME": "Fix time",
"CREATION_TIME_UPDATED": "File time updated",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_NOT_STARTED": "Select the option you want to use",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED": "Successfully updated all files",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "File time updation failed for some files, please retry",
"CAPTION_CHARACTER_LIMIT": "5000 characters max",
"DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL": "EXIF:DateTimeOriginal",
"DATE_TIME_DIGITIZED": "EXIF:DateTimeDigitized",
"METADATA_DATE": "EXIF:MetadataDate",
"CUSTOM_TIME": "Custom time",
"OPEN_PLAN_SELECTOR_MODAL_FAILED": "Failed to open plans",
"INSTALL": "Install",
"SHARING_DETAILS": "Sharing details",
"MODIFY_SHARING": "Modify sharing",
"ADD_COLLABORATORS": "Add collaborators",
"ADD_NEW_EMAIL": "Add a new email",
"shared_with_people_zero": "Share with specific people",
"shared_with_people_one": "Shared with 1 person",
"shared_with_people_other": "Shared with {{count, number}} people",
"participants_zero": "No participants",
"participants_one": "1 participant",
"participants_other": "{{count, number}} participants",
"ADD_VIEWERS": "Add viewers",
"PARTICIPANTS": "Participants",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_VIEWER": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} will not be able to add more photos to the album</p> <p>They will still be able to remove photos added by them</p>",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_COLLABORATOR": "{{selectedEmail}} will be able to add photos to the album",
"CONVERT_TO_VIEWER": "Yes, convert to viewer",
"CONVERT_TO_COLLABORATOR": "Yes, convert to collaborator",
"CHANGE_PERMISSION": "Change permission?",
"CONFIRM_REMOVE": "Yes, remove",
"MANAGE": "Manage",
"ADDED_AS": "Added as",
"COLLABORATOR_RIGHTS": "Collaborators can add photos and videos to the shared album",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_HEAD": "Remove participant",
"OWNER": "Owner",
"COLLABORATORS": "Collaborators",
"ADD_MORE": "Add more",
"VIEWERS": "Viewers",
"OR_ADD_EXISTING": "Or pick an existing one",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_MESSAGE": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} will be removed from the album</p> <p>Any photos added by them will also be removed from the album</p>",
"NOT_FOUND": "404 - not found",
"LINK_EXPIRED": "Link expired",
"LINK_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "This link has either expired or been disabled!",
"MANAGE_LINK": "Manage link",
"LINK_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS": "Sorry, this album has been viewed on too many devices!",
"FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Allow downloads",
"LINK_PASSWORD_LOCK": "Password lock",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT": "Allow adding photos",
"LINK_DEVICE_LIMIT": "Device limit",
"LINK_EXPIRY": "Link expiry",
"NEVER": "Never",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Disable download",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure that you want to disable the download button for files?</p><p>Viewers can still take screenshots or save a copy of your photos using external tools.</p>",
"MALICIOUS_CONTENT": "Contains malicious content",
"COPYRIGHT": "Infringes on the copyright of someone I am authorized to represent",
"SHARED_USING": "Shared using ",
"ENTE_IO": "",
"SHARING_REFERRAL_CODE": "Use code <strong>{{referralCode}}</strong> to get 10 GB free",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD": "Disable password lock",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to disable the password lock?",
"PASSWORD_LOCK": "Password lock",
"LOCK": "Lock",
"UPLOAD_DIRS": "Folder",
"UPLOAD_GOOGLE_TAKEOUT": "Google takeout",
"DEDUPLICATE_FILES": "Deduplicate files",
"NO_DUPLICATES_FOUND": "You've no duplicate files that can be cleared",
"CLUB_BY_CAPTURE_TIME": "Club by capture time",
"FILES": "Files",
"EACH": "Each",
"DEDUPLICATE_BASED_ON_SIZE": "The following files were clubbed based on their sizes, please review and delete items you believe are duplicates",
"STOP_ALL_UPLOADS_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to stop all the uploads in progress?",
"STOP_UPLOADS_HEADER": "Stop uploads?",
"YES_STOP_UPLOADS": "Yes, stop uploads",
"STOP_DOWNLOADS_HEADER": "Stop downloads?",
"YES_STOP_DOWNLOADS": "Yes, stop downloads",
"STOP_ALL_DOWNLOADS_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to stop all the downloads in progress?",
"albums_one": "1 Album",
"albums_other": "{{count, number}} Albums",
"ALL_ALBUMS": "All Albums",
"ALBUMS": "Albums",
"ALL_HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "All hidden albums",
"HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "Hidden albums",
"HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Hidden items",
"ENTER_TWO_FACTOR_OTP": "Enter the 6-digit code from your authenticator app.",
"CREATE_ACCOUNT": "Create account",
"COPIED": "Copied",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_TITLE": "Unable to generate thumbnail",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_MESSAGE": "<p>It looks like your browser has disabled access to canvas, which is necessary to generate thumbnails for your photos </p> <p> Please enable access to your browser's canvas, or check out our desktop app</p>",
"WATCH_FOLDERS": "Watch folders",
"UPGRADE_NOW": "Upgrade now",
"RENEW_NOW": "Renew now",
"STORAGE": "Storage",
"USED": "used",
"YOU": "You",
"FAMILY": "Family",
"FREE": "free",
"OF": "of",
"WATCHED_FOLDERS": "Watched folders",
"NO_FOLDERS_ADDED": "No folders added yet!",
"FOLDERS_AUTOMATICALLY_MONITORED": "The folders you add here will monitored to automatically",
"UPLOAD_NEW_FILES_TO_ENTE": "Upload new files to ente",
"REMOVE_DELETED_FILES_FROM_ENTE": "Remove deleted files from ente",
"ADD_FOLDER": "Add folder",
"STOP_WATCHING": "Stop watching",
"STOP_WATCHING_FOLDER": "Stop watching folder?",
"STOP_WATCHING_DIALOG_MESSAGE": "Your existing files will not be deleted, but ente will stop automatically updating the linked ente album on changes in this folder.",
"YES_STOP": "Yes, stop",
"MONTH_SHORT": "mo",
"YEAR": "year",
"FAMILY_PLAN": "Family plan",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS": "Download logs",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS_MESSAGE": "<p>This will download debug logs, which you can email to us to help debug your issue.</p><p> Please note that file names will be included to help track issues with specific files. </p>",
"CHANGE_FOLDER": "Change Folder",
"TWO_MONTHS_FREE": "Get 2 months free on yearly plans",
"GB": "GB",
"POPULAR": "Popular",
"FREE_PLAN_OPTION_LABEL": "Continue with free trial",
"FREE_PLAN_DESCRIPTION": "1 GB for 1 year",
"CURRENT_USAGE": "Current usage is <strong>{{usage}}</strong>",
"WEAK_DEVICE": "The web browser you're using is not powerful enough to encrypt your photos. Please try to log in to ente on your computer, or download the ente mobile/desktop app.",
"DRAG_AND_DROP_HINT": "Or drag and drop into the ente window",
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DELETION_MESSAGE": "Your uploaded data will be scheduled for deletion, and your account will be permanently deleted.<br/><br/>This action is not reversible.",
"AUTHENTICATE": "Authenticate",
"UPLOADED_TO_SINGLE_COLLECTION": "Uploaded to single collection",
"UPLOADED_TO_SEPARATE_COLLECTIONS": "Uploaded to separate collections",
"NEVERMIND": "Nevermind",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE": "Update available",
"UPDATE_INSTALLABLE_MESSAGE": "A new version of ente is ready to be installed.",
"INSTALL_NOW": "Install now",
"INSTALL_ON_NEXT_LAUNCH": "Install on next launch",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE": "A new version of ente has been released, but it cannot be automatically downloaded and installed.",
"DOWNLOAD_AND_INSTALL": "Download and install",
"IGNORE_THIS_VERSION": "Ignore this version",
"TODAY": "Today",
"YESTERDAY": "Yesterday",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED": "Cannot create albums from file/folder mix",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED_MESSAGE": "<p>You have dragged and dropped a mixture of files and folders.</p><p>Please provide either only files, or only folders when selecting option to create separate albums</p>",
"CHOSE_THEME": "Choose theme",
"ML_SEARCH": "Face recognition",
"ENABLE_ML_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will enable on-device machine learning and face search which will start analyzing your uploaded photos locally.</p><p>For the first run after login or enabling this feature, it will download all images on local device to analyze them. So please only enable this if you are ok with bandwidth and local processing of all images in your photo library.</p><p>If this is the first time you're enabling this, we'll also ask your permission to process face data.</p>",
"ML_MORE_DETAILS": "More details",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Enable face recognition",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Enable face recognition?",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>If you enable face recognition, ente will extract face geometry from your photos. This will happen on your device, and any generated biometric data will be end-to-encrypted.<p/><p><a>Please click here for more details about this feature in our privacy policy</a></p>",
"DISABLE_BETA": "Pause recognition",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Disable face recognition",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Disable face recognition?",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>Ente will stop processing face geometry.</p><p>You can reenable face recognition again if you wish, so this operation is safe.</p>",
"ADVANCED": "Advanced",
"FACE_SEARCH_CONFIRMATION": "I understand, and wish to allow ente to process face geometry",
"LABS": "Labs",
"YOURS": "yours",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_WEAK": "Password strength: Weak",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_MODERATE": "Password strength: Moderate",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_STRONG": "Password strength: Strong",
"PREFERENCES": "Preferences",
"LANGUAGE": "Language",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Invalid export directory",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_MESSAGE": "<p>The export directory you have selected does not exist.</p><p> Please select a valid directory.</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_VERIFICATION_ERROR": "Subscription verification failed",
"B": "B",
"KB": "KB",
"MB": "MB",
"GB": "GB",
"TB": "TB"
"HOUR": "after an hour",
"DAY": "after a day",
"WEEK": "after a week",
"MONTH": "after a month",
"YEAR": "after a year"
"COPY_LINK": "Copy link",
"DONE": "Done",
"LINK_SHARE_TITLE": "Or share a link",
"REMOVE_LINK": "Remove link",
"CREATE_PUBLIC_SHARING": "Create public link",
"PUBLIC_LINK_CREATED": "Public link created",
"PUBLIC_LINK_ENABLED": "Public link enabled",
"COLLECT_PHOTOS": "Collect photos",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT_SUBTEXT": "Allow people with the link to also add photos to the shared album.",
"STOP_EXPORT": "Stop",
"EXPORT_PROGRESS": "<a>{{progress.success, number}} / {{, number}}</a> items synced",
"MIGRATING_EXPORT": "Preparing...",
"RENAMING_COLLECTION_FOLDERS": "Renaming album folders...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_FILES": "Trashing deleted files...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_COLLECTIONS": "Trashing deleted albums...",
"START": "Export started",
"IN_PROGRESS": "Export already in progress",
"FINISH": "Export finished",
"UP_TO_DATE": "No new files to export"
"CONTINUOUS_EXPORT": "Sync continuously",
"TOTAL_ITEMS": "Total items",
"PENDING_ITEMS": "Pending items",
"EXPORT_STARTING": "Export starting...",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_REASON_LABEL": "What is the main reason you are deleting your account?",
"MISSING_FEATURE": "It's missing a key feature that I need",
"BROKEN_BEHAVIOR": "The app or a certain feature does not behave as I think it should",
"FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "I found another service that I like better",
"NOT_LISTED": "My reason isn't listed"
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_FEEDBACK_LABEL": "We are sorry to see you go. Please explain why you are leaving to help us improve.",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT_CHECKBOX_LABEL": "Yes, I want to permanently delete this account and all its data",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Confirm Account Deletion",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED": "Kindly help us with this information",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED_FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "What does the other service do better?",
"RECOVER_TWO_FACTOR": "Recover two-factor",
"at": "at",
"AUTH_NEXT": "next",
"AUTH_DOWNLOAD_MOBILE_APP": "Download our mobile app to manage your secrets",
"HIDDEN": "Hidden",
"HIDE": "Hide",
"UNHIDE": "Unhide",
"UNHIDE_TO_COLLECTION": "Unhide to album",
"SORT_BY": "Sort by",
"NEWEST_FIRST": "Newest first",
"OLDEST_FIRST": "Oldest first",
"CONVERSION_FAILED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE": "This file could not be previewed. Click here to download the original.",
"SELECT_COLLECTION": "Select album",
"PIN_ALBUM": "Pin album",
"UNPIN_ALBUM": "Unpin album",
"DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE": "Download complete",
"DOWNLOADING_COLLECTION": "Downloading {{name}}",
"DOWNLOAD_FAILED": "Download failed",
"DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS": "{{progress.current}} / {{}} files",
"CRASH_REPORTING": "Crash reporting",
"CHRISTMAS": "Christmas",
"CHRISTMAS_EVE": "Christmas Eve",
"NEW_YEAR": "New Year",
"NEW_YEAR_EVE": "New Year's Eve",
"IMAGE": "Image",
"VIDEO": "Video",
"LIVE_PHOTO": "Live Photo",
"CONVERT": "Convert",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to close the editor?",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_DESCRIPTION": "Download your edited image or save a copy to ente to persist your changes.",
"BRIGHTNESS": "Brightness",
"CONTRAST": "Contrast",
"SATURATION": "Saturation",
"BLUR": "Blur",
"INVERT_COLORS": "Invert Colors",
"ASPECT_RATIO": "Aspect Ratio",
"SQUARE": "Square",
"ROTATE_LEFT": "Rotate Left",
"ROTATE_RIGHT": "Rotate Right",
"FLIP_VERTICALLY": "Flip Vertically",
"FLIP_HORIZONTALLY": "Flip Horizontally",
"DOWNLOAD_EDITED": "Download Edited",
"SAVE_A_COPY_TO_ENTE": "Save a copy to ente",
"RESTORE_ORIGINAL": "Restore Original",
"TRANSFORM": "Transform",
"COLORS": "Colors",
"FLIP": "Flip",
"ROTATION": "Rotation",
"RESET": "Reset",
"PHOTO_EDITOR": "Photo Editor",
"FASTER_UPLOAD": "Faster uploads",
"FASTER_UPLOAD_DESCRIPTION": "Route uploads through nearby servers",
"MAGIC_SEARCH_STATUS": "Magic Search Status",
"INDEXED_ITEMS": "Indexed items",
"CAST_ALBUM_TO_TV": "Play album on TV",
"ENTER_CAST_PIN_CODE": "Enter the code you see on the TV below to pair this device.",
"PAIR_DEVICE_TO_TV": "Pair devices",
"TV_NOT_FOUND": "TV not found. Did you enter the PIN correctly?",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR": "Auto Pair",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR_REQUIRES_CONNECTION_TO_GOOGLE": "Auto Pair requires connecting to Google servers and only works with Chromecast supported devices. Google will not receive sensitive data, such as your photos.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN": "Pair with PIN",
"CHOOSE_DEVICE_FROM_BROWSER": "Choose a cast-compatible device from the browser popup.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN_WORKS_FOR_ANY_LARGE_SCREEN_DEVICE": "Pair with PIN works for any large screen device you want to play your album on.",
"VISIT_CAST_ENTE_IO": "Visit on the device you want to pair.",
"CAST_AUTO_PAIR_FAILED": "Chromecast Auto Pair failed. Please try again.",
"CACHE_DIRECTORY": "Cache folder",
"PASSKEYS": "Passkeys",
"FREEHAND": "Freehand",
"APPLY_CROP": "Apply Crop",
"PHOTO_EDIT_REQUIRED_TO_SAVE": "At least one transformation or color adjustment must be performed before saving."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
"HERO_SLIDE_1_TITLE": "<div>Private backups</div><div>for your memories</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_1": "End-to-end encrypted by default",
"HERO_SLIDE_2_TITLE": "<div>Safely stored</div><div>at a fallout shelter</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_2": "Designed to outlive",
"HERO_SLIDE_3_TITLE": "<div>Available</div><div> everywhere</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_3": "Android, iOS, Web, Desktop",
"LOGIN": "Login",
"SIGN_UP": "Signup",
"NEW_USER": "New to ente",
"EXISTING_USER": "Existing user",
"ENTER_NAME": "Enter name",
"PUBLIC_UPLOADER_NAME_MESSAGE": "Add a name so that your friends know who to thank for these great photos!",
"ENTER_EMAIL": "Enter email address",
"EMAIL_ERROR": "Enter a valid email",
"REQUIRED": "Required",
"EMAIL_SENT": "Verification code sent to <a>{{email}}</a>",
"CHECK_INBOX": "Please check your inbox (and spam) to complete verification",
"ENTER_OTT": "Verification code",
"RESEND_MAIL": "Resend code",
"VERIFY": "Verify",
"UNKNOWN_ERROR": "Something went wrong, please try again",
"INVALID_CODE": "Invalid verification code",
"EXPIRED_CODE": "Your verification code has expired",
"SENDING": "Sending...",
"SENT": "Sent!",
"PASSWORD": "Password",
"LINK_PASSWORD": "Enter password to unlock the album",
"SET_PASSPHRASE": "Set password",
"INCORRECT_PASSPHRASE": "Incorrect password",
"ENTER_ENC_PASSPHRASE": "Please enter a password that we can use to encrypt your data",
"PASSPHRASE_DISCLAIMER": "We don't store your password, so if you forget it, <strong>we will not be able to help you </strong>recover your data without a recovery key.",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_HEADING": "Welcome to <a/>",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_SUBHEADING": "End to end encrypted photo storage and sharing",
"WHERE_YOUR_BEST_PHOTOS_LIVE": "Where your best photos live",
"KEY_GENERATION_IN_PROGRESS_MESSAGE": "Generating encryption keys...",
"PASSPHRASE_HINT": "Password",
"CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm password",
"REFERRAL_CODE_HINT": "How did you hear about Ente? (optional)",
"REFERRAL_INFO": "We don't track app installs, It'd help us if you told us where you found us!",
"PASSPHRASE_MATCH_ERROR": "Passwords don't match",
"CONSOLE_WARNING_DESC": "This is a browser feature intended for developers. Please don't copy-paste unverified code here.",
"ENTER_ALBUM_NAME": "Album name",
"CLOSE_OPTION": "Close (Esc)",
"ENTER_FILE_NAME": "File name",
"CLOSE": "Close",
"NO": "No",
"NOTHING_HERE": "Nothing to see here yet 👀",
"UPLOAD": "Upload",
"IMPORT": "Import",
"ADD_PHOTOS": "Add photos",
"ADD_MORE_PHOTOS": "Add more photos",
"add_photos_one": "Add 1 item",
"add_photos_other": "Add {{count, number}} items",
"SELECT_PHOTOS": "Select photos",
"FILE_UPLOAD": "File Upload",
"0": "Preparing to upload",
"1": "Reading google metadata files",
"2": "{{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / {{, number}} files metadata extracted",
"3": "{{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / {{, number}} files processed",
"4": "Cancelling remaining uploads",
"5": "Backup complete"
"FILE_NOT_UPLOADED_LIST": "The following files were not uploaded",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED": "Subscription expired",
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Your subscription has expired, please <a>renew</a>",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED": "Storage limit exceeded",
"INITIAL_LOAD_DELAY_WARNING": "First load may take some time",
"USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Sorry, could not find a user with that email",
"NO_ACCOUNT": "Don't have an account",
"ACCOUNT_EXISTS": "Already have an account",
"CREATE": "Create",
"DOWNLOAD": "Download",
"DOWNLOAD_OPTION": "Download (D)",
"DOWNLOAD_FAVORITES": "Download favorites",
"DOWNLOAD_UNCATEGORIZED": "Download uncategorized",
"DOWNLOAD_HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Download hidden items",
"COPY_OPTION": "Copy as PNG (Ctrl/Cmd - C)",
"TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN": "Toggle fullscreen (F)",
"ZOOM_IN_OUT": "Zoom in/out",
"PREVIOUS": "Previous (←)",
"NEXT": "Next (→)",
"TITLE_PHOTOS": "Ente Photos",
"TITLE_ALBUMS": "Ente Photos",
"TITLE_AUTH": "Ente Auth",
"UPLOAD_FIRST_PHOTO": "Upload your first photo",
"IMPORT_YOUR_FOLDERS": "Import your folders",
"UPLOAD_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Drop to backup your files",
"WATCH_FOLDER_DROPZONE_MESSAGE": "Drop to add watched folder",
"TRASH_FILES_TITLE": "Delete files?",
"TRASH_FILE_TITLE": "Delete file?",
"DELETE_FILES_TITLE": "Delete immediately?",
"DELETE_FILES_MESSAGE": "Selected files will be permanently deleted from your ente account.",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"DELETE_OPTION": "Delete (DEL)",
"FAVORITE_OPTION": "Favorite (L)",
"UNFAVORITE_OPTION": "Unfavorite (L)",
"MULTI_FOLDER_UPLOAD": "Multiple folders detected",
"UPLOAD_STRATEGY_CHOICE": "Would you like to upload them into",
"OR": "or",
"SESSION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Your session has expired, please login again to continue",
"SESSION_EXPIRED": "Session expired",
"PASSWORD_GENERATION_FAILED": "Your browser was unable to generate a strong key that meets ente's encryption standards, please try using the mobile app or another browser",
"CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Change password",
"GO_BACK": "Go back",
"RECOVERY_KEY": "Recovery key",
"SAVE_LATER": "Do this later",
"SAVE": "Save Key",
"RECOVERY_KEY_DESCRIPTION": "If you forget your password, the only way you can recover your data is with this key.",
"RECOVER_KEY_GENERATION_FAILED": "Recovery code could not be generated, please try again",
"KEY_NOT_STORED_DISCLAIMER": "We don't store this key, so please save this in a safe place",
"FORGOT_PASSWORD": "Forgot password",
"RECOVER_ACCOUNT": "Recover account",
"RECOVERY_KEY_HINT": "Recovery key",
"RECOVER": "Recover",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY": "No recovery key?",
"INCORRECT_RECOVERY_KEY": "Incorrect recovery key",
"SORRY": "Sorry",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Due to the nature of our end-to-end encryption protocol, your data cannot be decrypted without your password or recovery key",
"NO_TWO_FACTOR_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "Please drop an email to <a>{{emailID}}</a> from your registered email address",
"CONTACT_SUPPORT": "Contact support",
"REQUEST_FEATURE": "Request Feature",
"SUPPORT": "Support",
"CONFIRM": "Confirm",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"LOGOUT": "Logout",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Delete account",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE": "<p>Please send an email to <a>{{emailID}}</a> from your registered email address.</p><p>Your request will be processed within 72 hours.</p>",
"LOGOUT_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to logout?",
"CHANGE_EMAIL": "Change email",
"OK": "OK",
"SUCCESS": "Success",
"ERROR": "Error",
"MESSAGE": "Message",
"INSTALL_MOBILE_APP": "Install our <a>Android</a> or <b>iOS</b> app to automatically backup all your photos",
"DOWNLOAD_APP_MESSAGE": "Sorry, this operation is currently only supported on our desktop app",
"DOWNLOAD_APP": "Download desktop app",
"EXPORT": "Export Data",
"SUBSCRIPTION": "Subscription",
"SUBSCRIBE": "Subscribe",
"MANAGEMENT_PORTAL": "Manage payment method",
"MANAGE_FAMILY_PORTAL": "Manage family",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_PLAN": "Leave family plan",
"LEAVE": "Leave",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_CONFIRM": "Are you sure that you want to leave family plan?",
"CHOOSE_PLAN": "Choose your plan",
"MANAGE_PLAN": "Manage your subscription",
"ACTIVE": "Active",
"OFFLINE_MSG": "You are offline, cached memories are being shown",
"FREE_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "You are on the <strong>free</strong> plan that expires on {{date, dateTime}}",
"FAMILY_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "You are on a family plan managed by",
"RENEWAL_ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS": "Renews on {{date, dateTime}}",
"RENEWAL_CANCELLED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "Your subscription will be cancelled on {{date, dateTime}}",
"ADD_ON_AVAILABLE_TILL": "Your {{storage, string}} add-on is valid till {{date, dateTime}}",
"STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "You have exceeded your storage quota, please <a>upgrade</a>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_SUCCESS": "<p>We've received your payment</p><p>Your subscription is valid till <strong>{{date, dateTime}}</strong></p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_CANCELLED": "Your purchase was canceled, please try again if you want to subscribe",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_FAILED": "Subscription purchase failed , please try again",
"SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATE_FAILED": "Subscription updated failed , please try again",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD_MESSAGE": "We are sorry, payment failed when we tried to charge your card, please update your payment method and try again",
"STRIPE_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED": "We are unable to authenticate your payment method. please choose a different payment method and try again",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD": "Update payment method",
"MONTHLY": "Monthly",
"YEARLY": "Yearly",
"UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to change your plan?",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION": "Cancel subscription",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "<p>All of your data will be deleted from our servers at the end of this billing period.</p><p>Are you sure that you want to cancel your subscription?</p>",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_WITH_ADDON_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure you want to cancel your subscription?</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_FAILED": "Failed to cancel subscription",
"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_SUCCESS": "Subscription canceled successfully",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Reactivate subscription",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "Once reactivated, you will be billed on {{date, dateTime}}",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_SUCCESS": "Subscription activated successfully ",
"SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATE_FAILED": "Failed to reactivate subscription renewals",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE": "Cancel mobile subscription",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ON_MOBILE_MESSAGE": "Please cancel your subscription from the mobile app to activate a subscription here",
"MAIL_TO_MANAGE_SUBSCRIPTION": "Please contact us at <a>{{emailID}}</a> to manage your subscription",
"RENAME": "Rename",
"RENAME_FILE": "Rename file",
"RENAME_COLLECTION": "Rename album",
"DELETE_COLLECTION": "Delete album",
"DELETE_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "Also delete the photos (and videos) present in this album from <a>all</a> other albums they are part of?",
"DELETE_PHOTOS": "Delete photos",
"KEEP_PHOTOS": "Keep photos",
"SHARE": "Share",
"SHARE_COLLECTION": "Share album",
"SHAREES": "Shared with",
"SHARE_WITH_SELF": "Oops, you cannot share with yourself",
"ALREADY_SHARED": "Oops, you're already sharing this with {{email}}",
"SHARING_BAD_REQUEST_ERROR": "Sharing album not allowed",
"SHARING_DISABLED_FOR_FREE_ACCOUNTS": "Sharing is disabled for free accounts",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION": "Download album",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure you want to download the complete album?</p><p>All files will be queued for download sequentially</p>",
"CREATE_ALBUM_FAILED": "Failed to create album , please try again",
"SEARCH": "Search",
"SEARCH_RESULTS": "Search results",
"NO_RESULTS": "No results found",
"SEARCH_HINT": "Search for albums, dates, descriptions, ...",
"COLLECTION": "Album",
"LOCATION": "Location",
"CITY": "Location",
"DATE": "Date",
"FILE_NAME": "File name",
"THING": "Content",
"FILE_CAPTION": "Description",
"FILE_TYPE": "File type",
"CLIP": "Magic"
"photos_count_zero": "No memories",
"photos_count_one": "1 memory",
"photos_count_other": "{{count, number}} memories",
"TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS": "I agree to the <a>terms</a> and <b>privacy policy</b>",
"ADD_TO_COLLECTION": "Add to album",
"SELECTED": "selected",
"VIDEO_PLAYBACK_FAILED_DOWNLOAD_INSTEAD": "This video cannot be played on your browser",
"PEOPLE": "People",
"INDEXING_SCHEDULED": "Indexing is scheduled...",
"ANALYZING_PHOTOS": "Indexing photos ({{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} / {{indexStatus.nTotalFiles,number}})",
"INDEXING_PEOPLE": "Indexing people in {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} photos...",
"INDEXING_DONE": "Indexed {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles,number}} photos",
"UNIDENTIFIED_FACES": "unidentified faces",
"OBJECTS": "objects",
"TEXT": "text",
"INFO": "Info ",
"INFO_OPTION": "Info (I)",
"FILE_NAME": "File name",
"CAPTION_PLACEHOLDER": "Add a description",
"LOCATION": "Location",
"SHOW_ON_MAP": "View on OpenStreetMap",
"MAP": "Map",
"MAP_SETTINGS": "Map Settings",
"ENABLE_MAPS": "Enable Maps?",
"ENABLE_MAP": "Enable map",
"DISABLE_MAPS": "Disable Maps?",
"ENABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will show your photos on a world map.</p> <p>The map is hosted by <a>OpenStreetMap</a>, and the exact locations of your photos are never shared.</p> <p>You can disable this feature anytime from Settings.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will disable the display of your photos on a world map.</p> <p>You can enable this feature anytime from Settings.</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP": "Disable map",
"DETAILS": "Details",
"VIEW_EXIF": "View all EXIF data",
"NO_EXIF": "No EXIF data",
"ISO": "ISO",
"TWO_FACTOR": "Two-factor",
"TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION": "Two-factor authentication",
"TWO_FACTOR_QR_INSTRUCTION": "Scan the QR code below with your favorite authenticator app",
"ENTER_CODE_MANUALLY": "Enter the code manually",
"TWO_FACTOR_MANUAL_CODE_INSTRUCTION": "Please enter this code in your favorite authenticator app",
"SCAN_QR_CODE": "Scan QR code instead",
"ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Enable two-factor",
"ENABLE": "Enable",
"LOST_DEVICE": "Lost two-factor device",
"INCORRECT_CODE": "Incorrect code",
"TWO_FACTOR_INFO": "Add an additional layer of security by requiring more than your email and password to log in to your account",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Disable two-factor authentication",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "Update your authenticator device",
"DISABLE": "Disable",
"RECONFIGURE": "Reconfigure",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR": "Update two-factor",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Continuing forward will void any previously configured authenticators",
"UPDATE": "Update",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "Disable two-factor",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to disable your two-factor authentication",
"TWO_FACTOR_DISABLE_FAILED": "Failed to disable two factor, please try again",
"EXPORT_DATA": "Export data",
"SELECT_FOLDER": "Select folder",
"DESTINATION": "Destination",
"START": "Start",
"LAST_EXPORT_TIME": "Last export time",
"EXPORT_AGAIN": "Resync",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE": "Local storage not accessible",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE_MESSAGE": "Your browser or an addon is blocking ente from saving data into local storage. please try loading this page after switching your browsing mode.",
"SEND_OTT": "Send OTP",
"EMAIl_ALREADY_OWNED": "Email already taken",
"ETAGS_BLOCKED": "<p>We were unable to upload the following files because of your browser configuration.</p><p>Please disable any addons that might be preventing ente from using <code>eTags</code> to upload large files, or use our <a>desktop app</a> for a more reliable import experience.</p>",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS_INFO": "<p>Presently we do not support adding videos via public links.</p><p>To share videos, please <a>signup</a> for ente and share with the intended recipients using their email.</p>",
"LIVE_PHOTOS_DETECTED": "The photo and video files from your Live Photos have been merged into a single file",
"RETRY_FAILED": "Retry failed uploads",
"FAILED_UPLOADS": "Failed uploads ",
"SKIPPED_FILES": "Ignored uploads",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_UPLOADS": "Thumbnail generation failed",
"UNSUPPORTED_FILES": "Unsupported files",
"SUCCESSFUL_UPLOADS": "Successful uploads",
"SKIPPED_INFO": "Skipped these as there are files with matching names in the same album",
"UNSUPPORTED_INFO": "ente does not support these file formats yet",
"BLOCKED_UPLOADS": "Blocked uploads",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS": "Skipped videos",
"INPROGRESS_UPLOADS": "Uploads in progress",
"TOO_LARGE_UPLOADS": "Large files",
"LARGER_THAN_AVAILABLE_STORAGE_INFO": "These files were not uploaded as they exceed the maximum size limit for your storage plan",
"TOO_LARGE_INFO": "These files were not uploaded as they exceed our maximum file size limit",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_INFO": "These files were uploaded, but unfortunately we could not generate the thumbnails for them.",
"UPLOAD_TO_COLLECTION": "Upload to album",
"UNCATEGORIZED": "Uncategorized",
"ARCHIVE": "Archive",
"FAVORITES": "Favorites",
"ARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Archive album",
"MOVE_TO_COLLECTION": "Move to album",
"UNARCHIVE": "Unarchive",
"UNARCHIVE_COLLECTION": "Unarchive album",
"HIDE_COLLECTION": "Hide album",
"UNHIDE_COLLECTION": "Unhide album",
"MOVE": "Move",
"ADD": "Add",
"REMOVE": "Remove",
"YES_REMOVE": "Yes, remove",
"REMOVE_FROM_COLLECTION": "Remove from album",
"TRASH": "Trash",
"MOVE_TO_TRASH": "Move to trash",
"TRASH_FILES_MESSAGE": "Selected files will be removed from all albums and moved to trash.",
"TRASH_FILE_MESSAGE": "The file will be removed from all albums and moved to trash.",
"DELETE_PERMANENTLY": "Delete permanently",
"RESTORE": "Restore",
"RESTORE_TO_COLLECTION": "Restore to album",
"EMPTY_TRASH": "Empty trash",
"EMPTY_TRASH_TITLE": "Empty trash?",
"EMPTY_TRASH_MESSAGE": "These files will be permanently deleted from your ente account.",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM": "Yes, leave",
"LEAVE_ALBUM": "Leave album",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_TITLE": "Leave shared album?",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_MESSAGE": "You will leave the album, and it will stop being visible to you.",
"NOT_FILE_OWNER": "You cannot delete files in a shared album",
"CONFIRM_SELF_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Selected items will be removed from this album. Items which are only in this album will be moved to Uncategorized.",
"CONFIRM_SELF_AND_OTHER_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "Some of the items you are removing were added by other people, and you will lose access to them.",
"SORT_BY_NAME": "Name",
"COMPRESS_THUMBNAILS": "Compress thumbnails",
"THUMBNAIL_REPLACED": "Thumbnails compressed",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL": "Compress",
"FIX_THUMBNAIL_LATER": "Compress later",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOT_STARTED": "Some of your videos thumbnails can be compressed to save space. would you like ente to compress them?",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED": "Successfully compressed all thumbnails",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOOP": "You have no thumbnails that can be compressed further",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "Could not compress some of your thumbnails, please retry",
"FIX_CREATION_TIME": "Fix time",
"CREATION_TIME_UPDATED": "File time updated",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_NOT_STARTED": "Select the option you want to use",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED": "Successfully updated all files",
"UPDATE_CREATION_TIME_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR": "File time updation failed for some files, please retry",
"CAPTION_CHARACTER_LIMIT": "5000 characters max",
"DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL": "EXIF:DateTimeOriginal",
"DATE_TIME_DIGITIZED": "EXIF:DateTimeDigitized",
"METADATA_DATE": "EXIF:MetadataDate",
"CUSTOM_TIME": "Custom time",
"OPEN_PLAN_SELECTOR_MODAL_FAILED": "Failed to open plans",
"INSTALL": "Install",
"SHARING_DETAILS": "Sharing details",
"MODIFY_SHARING": "Modify sharing",
"ADD_COLLABORATORS": "Add collaborators",
"ADD_NEW_EMAIL": "Add a new email",
"shared_with_people_zero": "Share with specific people",
"shared_with_people_one": "Shared with 1 person",
"shared_with_people_other": "Shared with {{count, number}} people",
"participants_zero": "No participants",
"participants_one": "1 participant",
"participants_other": "{{count, number}} participants",
"ADD_VIEWERS": "Add viewers",
"PARTICIPANTS": "Participants",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_VIEWER": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} will not be able to add more photos to the album</p> <p>They will still be able to remove photos added by them</p>",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_COLLABORATOR": "{{selectedEmail}} will be able to add photos to the album",
"CONVERT_TO_VIEWER": "Yes, convert to viewer",
"CONVERT_TO_COLLABORATOR": "Yes, convert to collaborator",
"CHANGE_PERMISSION": "Change permission?",
"CONFIRM_REMOVE": "Yes, remove",
"MANAGE": "Manage",
"ADDED_AS": "Added as",
"COLLABORATOR_RIGHTS": "Collaborators can add photos and videos to the shared album",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_HEAD": "Remove participant",
"OWNER": "Owner",
"COLLABORATORS": "Collaborators",
"ADD_MORE": "Add more",
"VIEWERS": "Viewers",
"OR_ADD_EXISTING": "Or pick an existing one",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_MESSAGE": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} will be removed from the album</p> <p>Any photos added by them will also be removed from the album</p>",
"NOT_FOUND": "404 - not found",
"LINK_EXPIRED": "Link expired",
"LINK_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "This link has either expired or been disabled!",
"MANAGE_LINK": "Manage link",
"LINK_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS": "Sorry, this album has been viewed on too many devices!",
"FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Allow downloads",
"LINK_PASSWORD_LOCK": "Password lock",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT": "Allow adding photos",
"LINK_DEVICE_LIMIT": "Device limit",
"LINK_EXPIRY": "Link expiry",
"NEVER": "Never",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD": "Disable download",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE": "<p>Are you sure that you want to disable the download button for files?</p><p>Viewers can still take screenshots or save a copy of your photos using external tools.</p>",
"MALICIOUS_CONTENT": "Contains malicious content",
"COPYRIGHT": "Infringes on the copyright of someone I am authorized to represent",
"SHARED_USING": "Shared using ",
"ENTE_IO": "",
"SHARING_REFERRAL_CODE": "Use code <strong>{{referralCode}}</strong> to get 10 GB free",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD": "Disable password lock",
"DISABLE_PASSWORD_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to disable the password lock?",
"PASSWORD_LOCK": "Password lock",
"LOCK": "Lock",
"UPLOAD_DIRS": "Folder",
"UPLOAD_GOOGLE_TAKEOUT": "Google takeout",
"DEDUPLICATE_FILES": "Deduplicate files",
"NO_DUPLICATES_FOUND": "You've no duplicate files that can be cleared",
"CLUB_BY_CAPTURE_TIME": "Club by capture time",
"FILES": "Files",
"EACH": "Each",
"DEDUPLICATE_BASED_ON_SIZE": "The following files were clubbed based on their sizes, please review and delete items you believe are duplicates",
"STOP_ALL_UPLOADS_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to stop all the uploads in progress?",
"STOP_UPLOADS_HEADER": "Stop uploads?",
"YES_STOP_UPLOADS": "Yes, stop uploads",
"STOP_DOWNLOADS_HEADER": "Stop downloads?",
"YES_STOP_DOWNLOADS": "Yes, stop downloads",
"STOP_ALL_DOWNLOADS_MESSAGE": "Are you sure that you want to stop all the downloads in progress?",
"albums_one": "1 Album",
"albums_other": "{{count, number}} Albums",
"ALL_ALBUMS": "All Albums",
"ALBUMS": "Albums",
"ALL_HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "All hidden albums",
"HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "Hidden albums",
"HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Hidden items",
"ENTER_TWO_FACTOR_OTP": "Enter the 6-digit code from your authenticator app.",
"CREATE_ACCOUNT": "Create account",
"COPIED": "Copied",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_TITLE": "Unable to generate thumbnail",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_MESSAGE": "<p>It looks like your browser has disabled access to canvas, which is necessary to generate thumbnails for your photos </p> <p> Please enable access to your browser's canvas, or check out our desktop app</p>",
"WATCH_FOLDERS": "Watch folders",
"UPGRADE_NOW": "Upgrade now",
"RENEW_NOW": "Renew now",
"STORAGE": "Storage",
"USED": "used",
"YOU": "You",
"FAMILY": "Family",
"FREE": "free",
"OF": "of",
"WATCHED_FOLDERS": "Watched folders",
"NO_FOLDERS_ADDED": "No folders added yet!",
"FOLDERS_AUTOMATICALLY_MONITORED": "The folders you add here will monitored to automatically",
"UPLOAD_NEW_FILES_TO_ENTE": "Upload new files to ente",
"REMOVE_DELETED_FILES_FROM_ENTE": "Remove deleted files from ente",
"ADD_FOLDER": "Add folder",
"STOP_WATCHING": "Stop watching",
"STOP_WATCHING_FOLDER": "Stop watching folder?",
"STOP_WATCHING_DIALOG_MESSAGE": "Your existing files will not be deleted, but ente will stop automatically updating the linked ente album on changes in this folder.",
"YES_STOP": "Yes, stop",
"MONTH_SHORT": "mo",
"YEAR": "year",
"FAMILY_PLAN": "Family plan",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS": "Download logs",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS_MESSAGE": "<p>This will download debug logs, which you can email to us to help debug your issue.</p><p> Please note that file names will be included to help track issues with specific files. </p>",
"CHANGE_FOLDER": "Change Folder",
"TWO_MONTHS_FREE": "Get 2 months free on yearly plans",
"GB": "GB",
"POPULAR": "Popular",
"FREE_PLAN_OPTION_LABEL": "Continue with free trial",
"FREE_PLAN_DESCRIPTION": "1 GB for 1 year",
"CURRENT_USAGE": "Current usage is <strong>{{usage}}</strong>",
"WEAK_DEVICE": "The web browser you're using is not powerful enough to encrypt your photos. Please try to log in to ente on your computer, or download the ente mobile/desktop app.",
"DRAG_AND_DROP_HINT": "Or drag and drop into the ente window",
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DELETION_MESSAGE": "Your uploaded data will be scheduled for deletion, and your account will be permanently deleted.<br/><br/>This action is not reversible.",
"AUTHENTICATE": "Authenticate",
"UPLOADED_TO_SINGLE_COLLECTION": "Uploaded to single collection",
"UPLOADED_TO_SEPARATE_COLLECTIONS": "Uploaded to separate collections",
"NEVERMIND": "Nevermind",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE": "Update available",
"UPDATE_INSTALLABLE_MESSAGE": "A new version of ente is ready to be installed.",
"INSTALL_NOW": "Install now",
"INSTALL_ON_NEXT_LAUNCH": "Install on next launch",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE": "A new version of ente has been released, but it cannot be automatically downloaded and installed.",
"DOWNLOAD_AND_INSTALL": "Download and install",
"IGNORE_THIS_VERSION": "Ignore this version",
"TODAY": "Today",
"YESTERDAY": "Yesterday",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED": "Cannot create albums from file/folder mix",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED_MESSAGE": "<p>You have dragged and dropped a mixture of files and folders.</p><p>Please provide either only files, or only folders when selecting option to create separate albums</p>",
"CHOSE_THEME": "Choose theme",
"ML_SEARCH": "Face recognition",
"ENABLE_ML_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>This will enable on-device machine learning and face search which will start analyzing your uploaded photos locally.</p><p>For the first run after login or enabling this feature, it will download all images on local device to analyze them. So please only enable this if you are ok with bandwidth and local processing of all images in your photo library.</p><p>If this is the first time you're enabling this, we'll also ask your permission to process face data.</p>",
"ML_MORE_DETAILS": "More details",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Enable face recognition",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Enable face recognition?",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>If you enable face recognition, ente will extract face geometry from your photos. This will happen on your device, and any generated biometric data will be end-to-encrypted.<p/><p><a>Please click here for more details about this feature in our privacy policy</a></p>",
"DISABLE_BETA": "Pause recognition",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH": "Disable face recognition",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_TITLE": "Disable face recognition?",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>Ente will stop processing face geometry.</p><p>You can reenable face recognition again if you wish, so this operation is safe.</p>",
"ADVANCED": "Advanced",
"FACE_SEARCH_CONFIRMATION": "I understand, and wish to allow ente to process face geometry",
"LABS": "Labs",
"YOURS": "yours",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_WEAK": "Password strength: Weak",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_MODERATE": "Password strength: Moderate",
"PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH_STRONG": "Password strength: Strong",
"PREFERENCES": "Preferences",
"LANGUAGE": "Language",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Invalid export directory",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_MESSAGE": "<p>The export directory you have selected does not exist.</p><p> Please select a valid directory.</p>",
"SUBSCRIPTION_VERIFICATION_ERROR": "Subscription verification failed",
"B": "B",
"KB": "KB",
"MB": "MB",
"GB": "GB",
"TB": "TB"
"HOUR": "after an hour",
"DAY": "after a day",
"WEEK": "after a week",
"MONTH": "after a month",
"YEAR": "after a year"
"COPY_LINK": "Copy link",
"DONE": "Done",
"LINK_SHARE_TITLE": "Or share a link",
"REMOVE_LINK": "Remove link",
"CREATE_PUBLIC_SHARING": "Create public link",
"PUBLIC_LINK_CREATED": "Public link created",
"PUBLIC_LINK_ENABLED": "Public link enabled",
"COLLECT_PHOTOS": "Collect photos",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT_SUBTEXT": "Allow people with the link to also add photos to the shared album.",
"STOP_EXPORT": "Stop",
"EXPORT_PROGRESS": "<a>{{progress.success, number}} / {{, number}}</a> items synced",
"MIGRATING_EXPORT": "Preparing...",
"RENAMING_COLLECTION_FOLDERS": "Renaming album folders...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_FILES": "Trashing deleted files...",
"TRASHING_DELETED_COLLECTIONS": "Trashing deleted albums...",
"START": "Export started",
"IN_PROGRESS": "Export already in progress",
"FINISH": "Export finished",
"UP_TO_DATE": "No new files to export"
"CONTINUOUS_EXPORT": "Sync continuously",
"TOTAL_ITEMS": "Total items",
"PENDING_ITEMS": "Pending items",
"EXPORT_STARTING": "Export starting...",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_REASON_LABEL": "What is the main reason you are deleting your account?",
"MISSING_FEATURE": "It's missing a key feature that I need",
"BROKEN_BEHAVIOR": "The app or a certain feature does not behave as I think it should",
"FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "I found another service that I like better",
"NOT_LISTED": "My reason isn't listed"
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_FEEDBACK_LABEL": "We are sorry to see you go. Please explain why you are leaving to help us improve.",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT_CHECKBOX_LABEL": "Yes, I want to permanently delete this account and all its data",
"CONFIRM_DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Confirm Account Deletion",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED": "Kindly help us with this information",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED_FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "What does the other service do better?",
"RECOVER_TWO_FACTOR": "Recover two-factor",
"at": "at",
"AUTH_NEXT": "next",
"AUTH_DOWNLOAD_MOBILE_APP": "Download our mobile app to manage your secrets",
"HIDDEN": "Hidden",
"HIDE": "Hide",
"UNHIDE": "Unhide",
"UNHIDE_TO_COLLECTION": "Unhide to album",
"SORT_BY": "Sort by",
"NEWEST_FIRST": "Newest first",
"OLDEST_FIRST": "Oldest first",
"CONVERSION_FAILED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE": "This file could not be previewed. Click here to download the original.",
"SELECT_COLLECTION": "Select album",
"PIN_ALBUM": "Pin album",
"UNPIN_ALBUM": "Unpin album",
"DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE": "Download complete",
"DOWNLOADING_COLLECTION": "Downloading {{name}}",
"DOWNLOAD_FAILED": "Download failed",
"DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS": "{{progress.current}} / {{}} files",
"CRASH_REPORTING": "Crash reporting",
"CHRISTMAS": "Christmas",
"CHRISTMAS_EVE": "Christmas Eve",
"NEW_YEAR": "New Year",
"NEW_YEAR_EVE": "New Year's Eve",
"IMAGE": "Image",
"VIDEO": "Video",
"LIVE_PHOTO": "Live Photo",
"CONVERT": "Convert",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to close the editor?",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_DESCRIPTION": "Download your edited image or save a copy to ente to persist your changes.",
"BRIGHTNESS": "Brightness",
"CONTRAST": "Contrast",
"SATURATION": "Saturation",
"BLUR": "Blur",
"INVERT_COLORS": "Invert Colors",
"ASPECT_RATIO": "Aspect Ratio",
"SQUARE": "Square",
"ROTATE_LEFT": "Rotate Left",
"ROTATE_RIGHT": "Rotate Right",
"FLIP_VERTICALLY": "Flip Vertically",
"FLIP_HORIZONTALLY": "Flip Horizontally",
"DOWNLOAD_EDITED": "Download Edited",
"SAVE_A_COPY_TO_ENTE": "Save a copy to ente",
"RESTORE_ORIGINAL": "Restore Original",
"TRANSFORM": "Transform",
"COLORS": "Colors",
"FLIP": "Flip",
"ROTATION": "Rotation",
"RESET": "Reset",
"PHOTO_EDITOR": "Photo Editor",
"FASTER_UPLOAD": "Faster uploads",
"FASTER_UPLOAD_DESCRIPTION": "Route uploads through nearby servers",
"MAGIC_SEARCH_STATUS": "Magic Search Status",
"INDEXED_ITEMS": "Indexed items",
"CAST_ALBUM_TO_TV": "Play album on TV",
"ENTER_CAST_PIN_CODE": "Enter the code you see on the TV below to pair this device.",
"PAIR_DEVICE_TO_TV": "Pair devices",
"TV_NOT_FOUND": "TV not found. Did you enter the PIN correctly?",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR": "Auto Pair",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR_REQUIRES_CONNECTION_TO_GOOGLE": "Auto Pair requires connecting to Google servers and only works with Chromecast supported devices. Google will not receive sensitive data, such as your photos.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN": "Pair with PIN",
"CHOOSE_DEVICE_FROM_BROWSER": "Choose a cast-compatible device from the browser popup.",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN_WORKS_FOR_ANY_LARGE_SCREEN_DEVICE": "Pair with PIN works for any large screen device you want to play your album on.",
"VISIT_CAST_ENTE_IO": "Visit on the device you want to pair.",
"CAST_AUTO_PAIR_FAILED": "Chromecast Auto Pair failed. Please try again.",
"CACHE_DIRECTORY": "Cache folder",
"PASSKEYS": "Passkeys",
"FREEHAND": "Freehand",
"APPLY_CROP": "Apply Crop",
"PHOTO_EDIT_REQUIRED_TO_SAVE": "At least one transformation or color adjustment must be performed before saving."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
"HERO_SLIDE_1_TITLE": "<div>私人备份</div><div>为您的回忆</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_1": "默认端到端加密",
"HERO_SLIDE_2_TITLE": "<div>安全地存放</div><div>在一个掩护所中</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_2": "经久耐用",
"HERO_SLIDE_3_TITLE": "<div>可用于</div><div> 各处</div>",
"HERO_SLIDE_3": "安卓, iOS, 网页端, 桌面端",
"LOGIN": "登录",
"SIGN_UP": "注册",
"NEW_USER": "刚来到 ente",
"EXISTING_USER": "现有用户",
"ENTER_NAME": "现有用户",
"PUBLIC_UPLOADER_NAME_MESSAGE": "请添加一个名字,以便您的朋友知晓该感谢谁拍摄了这些精美的照片!",
"ENTER_EMAIL": "请输入电子邮件地址",
"EMAIL_ERROR": "请输入有效的电子邮件",
"REQUIRED": "必需的",
"EMAIL_SENT": "验证码已发送至 <a>{{email}}</a>",
"CHECK_INBOX": "请检查您的收件箱 (或者是在您的“垃圾邮件”列表内) 以完成验证",
"ENTER_OTT": "验证码",
"RESEND_MAIL": "重新发送验证码",
"VERIFY": "验证",
"UNKNOWN_ERROR": "出了点问题,请重试",
"INVALID_CODE": "验证码无效",
"EXPIRED_CODE": "您的验证码已过期",
"SENDING": "发送中……",
"SENT": "已发送!",
"PASSWORD": "密码",
"LINK_PASSWORD": "输入密码来解锁相册",
"ENTER_ENC_PASSPHRASE": "请输入我们可以用来加密您数据的密码",
"PASSPHRASE_DISCLAIMER": "我们不会存储您的密码,因此如果您忘记密码, <strong>我们将无法帮助您</strong>在没有恢复密钥的情况下恢复您的数据。",
"WELCOME_TO_ENTE_SUBHEADING": "端到端加密的照片存储和共享",
"WHERE_YOUR_BEST_PHOTOS_LIVE": "可以让您存放照片的最好的地方",
"REFERRAL_CODE_HINT": "您是如何知道Ente的 (可选的)",
"REFERRAL_INFO": "我们不跟踪应用程序安装情况,如果您告诉我们您是在哪里找到我们的,将会有所帮助!",
"CONSOLE_WARNING_DESC": "这是专为开发人员设计的浏览器功能。 请不要在此处复制粘贴未经验证的代码。",
"CLOSE_OPTION": "关闭 (或按Esc键)",
"CLOSE": "关闭",
"NO": "否",
"NOTHING_HERE": "这里空空如也 👀",
"UPLOAD": "上传",
"IMPORT": "导入",
"ADD_PHOTOS": "添加照片",
"ADD_MORE_PHOTOS": "添加更多的照片",
"add_photos_one": "添加1个项目",
"add_photos_other": "添加 {{count, number}} 个项目",
"SELECT_PHOTOS": "选择图片",
"FILE_UPLOAD": "上传文件",
"0": "正在准备上传",
"1": "正在读取 Google 元数据文件",
"2": "文件元数据提取状态:已完成 {{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / 共 {{, number}}",
"3": "文件备份状态:已完成 {{uploadCounter.finished, number}} / 共 {{, number}}",
"4": "正在取消剩余的上传内容",
"5": "备份完成"
"SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "您的订阅已过期,请 <a>续期</a>",
"INITIAL_LOAD_DELAY_WARNING": "第一次加载可能需要一些时间",
"USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "抱歉,找不到该电子邮件的用户",
"NO_ACCOUNT": "没有账号",
"CREATE": "创建",
"DOWNLOAD": "下载",
"COPY_OPTION": "复制为 PNG (Ctrl/Cmd - C)",
"ZOOM_IN_OUT": "放大/缩小",
"PREVIOUS": "上一个 (←)",
"NEXT": "下一个 (→)",
"TITLE_PHOTOS": "ente 照片",
"TITLE_ALBUMS": "ente 照片",
"TITLE_AUTH": "ente 验证器",
"UPLOAD_FIRST_PHOTO": "上传您的第一张照片",
"TRASH_FILES_TITLE": "要删除文件吗?",
"TRASH_FILE_TITLE": "要删除文件吗?",
"DELETE_FILES_TITLE": "要立即删除吗?",
"DELETE_FILES_MESSAGE": "所选文件将从您的账户中永久删除。",
"DELETE": "删除",
"MULTI_FOLDER_UPLOAD": "检测到多个文件夹",
"OR": "或者",
"SESSION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "您的会话已过期,请重新登录以继续",
"PASSWORD_GENERATION_FAILED": "您的浏览器无法生成一个符合ente加密标准的强密钥请尝试使用移动应用程序或其他浏览器",
"GO_BACK": "返回",
"RECOVERY_KEY": "恢复密钥",
"SAVE_LATER": "稍后再做",
"SAVE": "保存密钥",
"RECOVERY_KEY_DESCRIPTION": "如果您忘记了密码,恢复数据的唯一方法就是使用此密钥。",
"KEY_NOT_STORED_DISCLAIMER": "我们不存储此密钥,因此请将其保存在安全的地方",
"RECOVER": "恢复",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY": "没有恢复密钥?",
"SORRY": "抱歉",
"NO_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "由于我们端到端加密协议的性质,如果没有您的密码或恢复密钥,您的数据将无法解密",
"NO_TWO_FACTOR_RECOVERY_KEY_MESSAGE": "请用您注册ente账户的电子邮箱发一封邮件给 <a>{{emailID}}</a>",
"SUPPORT": "支持",
"CONFIRM": "确认",
"CANCEL": "取消",
"LOGOUT": "退出登录",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE": "<p>请从您注册的电子邮件地址发送一封电子邮件到 <a>{{emailID}}</a></p><p>。您的请求将在72小时内处理。</p>",
"LOGOUT_MESSAGE": "你确定要退出登录吗?",
"CHANGE_EMAIL": "更换邮箱",
"OK": "确定",
"SUCCESS": "成功",
"ERROR": "错误",
"MESSAGE": "消息",
"INSTALL_MOBILE_APP": "安装我们的 <a>Android</a> 或 <b>iOS</b> 应用程序来自动备份您的所有照片",
"DOWNLOAD_APP_MESSAGE": "抱歉,目前只有我们的桌面应用程序支持此操作",
"DOWNLOAD_APP": "下载桌面应用程序",
"EXPORT": "导出数据",
"SUBSCRIBE": "订阅",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_PLAN": "离开家庭计划",
"LEAVE": "离开",
"LEAVE_FAMILY_CONFIRM": "您确定要离开家庭计划吗?",
"CHOOSE_PLAN": "选择您的计划",
"MANAGE_PLAN": "管理您的订阅",
"ACTIVE": "已激活",
"OFFLINE_MSG": "您处于离线状态,正在显示已缓存的回忆",
"FREE_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "您使用的是将于{{date, dateTime}} 过期的<strong>免费</strong>计划",
"FAMILY_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "您正在使用由 管理的家庭计划",
"RENEWAL_ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS": "于 {{date, dateTime}} 续费",
"RENEWAL_CANCELLED_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO": "您的订阅将于 {{date, dateTime}} 取消",
"ADD_ON_AVAILABLE_TILL": "您的 {{storage, string}} 插件有效期至 {{date, dateTime}}",
"SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_SUCCESS": "<p>我们已经收到您的付款</p><p>您的订阅有效期至 <strong>{{date, dateTime}}</strong></p>",
"UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD_MESSAGE": "很抱歉,我们尝试从您的卡中扣款时支付失败,请更新您的付款方式并重试",
"STRIPE_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED": "我们无法验证您的付款方式。请选择不同的付款方式并重试",
"MONTHLY": "每月",
"YEARLY": "每年",
"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "<p>您的所有数据将在此计费期结束时从我们的服务器中删除。</p><p>您确定要取消您的订阅吗?</p>",
"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE": "重新激活后,您将在 {{date, dateTime}} 前支付费用",
"MAIL_TO_MANAGE_SUBSCRIPTION": "请联系我们 <a>{{emailID}}</a> 来管理您的订阅",
"RENAME": "重命名",
"RENAME_FILE": "重命名文件",
"DELETE_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "也删除此相册中存在的照片(和视频),从 <a>他们所加入的所有</a> 个其他相册?",
"DELETE_PHOTOS": "删除照片",
"KEEP_PHOTOS": "保留照片",
"SHARE": "分享",
"SHAREES": "已分享给",
"SHARE_WITH_SELF": "哎呀,您不能与自己分享",
"ALREADY_SHARED": "哎呀,您已经和 {{email}} 分享了",
"DOWNLOAD_COLLECTION_MESSAGE": "<p>您确定要下载完整相册吗?</p><p>所有文件都将按顺序排队进行下载</p>",
"CREATE_ALBUM_FAILED": "相册创建失败,请重试",
"SEARCH": "搜索",
"NO_RESULTS": "未找到任何结果",
"SEARCH_HINT": "搜索相册、日期...",
"LOCATION": "地理位置",
"CITY": "位置",
"DATE": "日期",
"FILE_NAME": "文件名",
"THING": "内容",
"FILE_TYPE": "文件类型",
"CLIP": "魔法"
"photos_count_zero": "没有回忆",
"photos_count_one": "1个回忆",
"photos_count_other": "{{count, number}} 个回忆",
"TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS": "我同意 <a>条款</a> 和 <b>隐私政策</b>",
"SELECTED": "已选",
"PEOPLE": "人物",
"ANALYZING_PHOTOS": "分析 {{indexStatus.nTotalFiles}} 的新照片{{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles}} 已完成)...",
"INDEXING_PEOPLE": "正在为 {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles}} 张照片中的人物建立索引...",
"INDEXING_DONE": "已索引 {{indexStatus.nSyncedFiles}} 张照片",
"OBJECTS": "对象",
"TEXT": "文本",
"INFO": "图片信息 ",
"INFO_OPTION": "图片信息 (I)",
"FILE_NAME": "文件名",
"LOCATION": "地理位置",
"SHOW_ON_MAP": "在 OpenStreetMap 上查看",
"MAP": "地图",
"MAP_SETTINGS": "地图设置",
"ENABLE_MAPS": "要启用地图吗?",
"ENABLE_MAP": "启用地图",
"DISABLE_MAPS": "要禁用地图吗?",
"ENABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>这将在世界地图上显示您的照片。</p> <p>该地图由 <a>OpenStreetMap</a> 托管,并且您照片的确切位置永远不会共享。</p><p>您可以随时从“设置”中禁用此功能。</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP_DESCRIPTION": "<p>这将禁止在世界地图上显示您的照片。</p> <p>您可以随时从“设置”中启用此功能。</p>",
"DISABLE_MAP": "禁用地图",
"DETAILS": "详情",
"VIEW_EXIF": "查看所有 EXIF 数据",
"NO_EXIF": "无 EXIF 数据",
"ISO": "ISO",
"TWO_FACTOR": "双因素",
"TWO_FACTOR_QR_INSTRUCTION": "使用您最喜欢的身份验证器应用程序(2FA)扫描下面的二维码",
"SCAN_QR_CODE": "改为扫描二维码",
"ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "启用双因素认证",
"ENABLE": "启用",
"LOST_DEVICE": "丢失了双因素认证设备",
"TWO_FACTOR_INFO": "登录您的账户不仅需要您的电子邮件和密码,还需要额外的安全层",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_LABEL": "更新您的身份验证器设备",
"DISABLE": "禁用",
"RECONFIGURE": "重新配置",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR": "更新双因素认证",
"UPDATE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "向前继续将使之前配置的任何身份验证器无效",
"UPDATE": "更新",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR": "禁用双因素认证",
"DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_MESSAGE": "您确定要禁用您的双因素认证吗?",
"TWO_FACTOR_DISABLE_FAILED": "禁用双因素认证失败,请再试一次",
"EXPORT_DATA": "导出数据",
"SELECT_FOLDER": "选择文件夹",
"DESTINATION": "目标位置",
"START": "开始",
"LAST_EXPORT_TIME": "最后一次导出时间",
"EXPORT_AGAIN": "重新同步",
"LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE_MESSAGE": "您的浏览器或插件阻止 ente 将数据保存到本地存储。 请在切换浏览模式后再尝试加载此页面。",
"SEND_OTT": "发送 OTP",
"EMAIl_ALREADY_OWNED": "电子邮箱已被注册",
"ETAGS_BLOCKED": "<p>由于您的浏览器配置,我们无法上传以下文件。</p><p>请禁用任何可能阻止ente 使用 <code>eTags</code> 上传大文件的附加组件, 或者使用我们的 <a>桌面应用程序</a> 获取更可靠的导入体验。</p>",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS_INFO": "<p>目前,我们不支持在公共链接内添加视频。</p><p>若要分享视频,请 <a>注册</a> 并通过电子邮件与预定收件人分享。</p>",
"LIVE_PHOTOS_DETECTED": "Live Photos 中的照片和视频文件已合并为一个文件",
"RETRY_FAILED": "重试上传失败的文件",
"FAILED_UPLOADS": "上传失败 ",
"SKIPPED_FILES": "已忽略的上传内容",
"SKIPPED_INFO": "跳过这些,因为在同一相册中有具有匹配名称的文件",
"UNSUPPORTED_INFO": "ente 尚不支持这些文件格式",
"SKIPPED_VIDEOS": "已跳过的视频",
"LARGER_THAN_AVAILABLE_STORAGE_INFO": "这些文件没有上传,因为它们超过了您的存储计划的最大大小限制",
"TOO_LARGE_INFO": "这些文件没有上传,因为它们超过了我们的最大文件大小限制",
"THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_FAILED_INFO": "这些文件已上传,但遗憾的是,我们无法为它们生成缩略图。",
"ARCHIVE": "存档",
"FAVORITES": "收藏",
"UNARCHIVE": "取消存档",
"MOVE": "移动",
"ADD": "添加",
"REMOVE": "移除",
"YES_REMOVE": "是,移除",
"TRASH": "回收站",
"MOVE_TO_TRASH": "移动到回收站",
"TRASH_FILES_MESSAGE": "选中的文件将从所有相册中删除并移动到回收站。",
"TRASH_FILE_MESSAGE": "该文件将从所有相册中删除并移动到回收站。",
"RESTORE": "恢复",
"EMPTY_TRASH": "清空回收站",
"EMPTY_TRASH_TITLE": "要清空回收站吗?",
"EMPTY_TRASH_MESSAGE": "这些文件将从您的 ente 账户中永久删除。",
"LEAVE_ALBUM": "离开相册",
"LEAVE_SHARED_ALBUM_MESSAGE": "您将离开相册,它将不再对您可见。",
"NOT_FILE_OWNER": "您不能删除共享相册中的文件",
"CONFIRM_SELF_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "所选项目将从该相册中删除。 仅在此相册中的项目将移至未分类。",
"CONFIRM_SELF_AND_OTHER_REMOVE_MESSAGE": "您要删除的某些项目是由其他人添加的,您将无法访问它们。",
"SORT_BY_NAME": "名称",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOT_STARTED": "您的一些视频缩略图可以被压缩以节省空间您想要ente 压缩它们吗?",
"REPLACE_THUMBNAIL_NOOP": "您没有可以进一步压缩的缩略图",
"CUSTOM_TIME": "自定义时间",
"INSTALL": "安装",
"SHARING_DETAILS": "共享的详细信息",
"ADD_NEW_EMAIL": "添加新的电子邮件",
"shared_with_people_zero": "与特定人员分享",
"shared_with_people_one": "已与1个人共享",
"shared_with_people_other": "已与 {count, number} 个人共享",
"participants_zero": "暂无参与者",
"participants_one": "1 名参与者",
"participants_other": "{{count, number}} 名参与者",
"ADD_VIEWERS": "添加查看者",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_VIEWER": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} 将无法向相册添加更多照片</p> <p>他们仍然可以删除他们添加的照片</p>",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_TO_COLLABORATOR": "{{selectedEmail}} 将能够将照片添加到相册",
"CONVERT_TO_VIEWER": "是的,转换为查看者",
"MANAGE": "管理",
"ADDED_AS": "已添加为",
"COLLABORATOR_RIGHTS": "协作者可以将照片和视频添加到共享相册中",
"OWNER": "所有者",
"ADD_MORE": "添加更多",
"VIEWERS": "查看者",
"OR_ADD_EXISTING": "或选择一个现有的",
"REMOVE_PARTICIPANT_MESSAGE": "<p>{{selectedEmail}} 将从相册中删除</p> <p>他们添加的所有照片也将从相册中删除</p>",
"NOT_FOUND": "404 - 未找到",
"LINK_EXPIRED": "链接已过期",
"LINK_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "此链接已过期或已被禁用!",
"MANAGE_LINK": "管理链接",
"LINK_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS": "这个相册太受欢迎,我们无法处理!",
"FILE_DOWNLOAD": "允许下载",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT": "允许添加照片",
"LINK_EXPIRY": "链接过期",
"NEVER": "永不",
"DISABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE": "<p>您确定要禁用文件下载按钮吗?</p><p>观看者仍然可以使用外部工具进行屏幕截图或保存您的照片副本。</p>",
"COPYRIGHT": "不不不急急急就是",
"SHARED_USING": "分享方式 ",
"ENTE_IO": "",
"SHARING_REFERRAL_CODE": "使用代码 <strong>{{referralCode}}</strong> 获得 10 GB 免费空间",
"LOCK": "锁定",
"UPLOAD_DIRS": "文件夹",
"UPLOAD_GOOGLE_TAKEOUT": "Google Takeout",
"NO_DUPLICATES_FOUND": "您没有可以清除的重复文件",
"CLUB_BY_CAPTURE_TIME": "按抓取时间断开",
"FILES": "文件",
"EACH": "每个",
"DEDUPLICATE_BASED_ON_SIZE": "以下文件根据大小进行了合并,请检查并删除您认为重复的项目",
"STOP_ALL_UPLOADS_MESSAGE": "您确定要停止所有正在进行的上传吗?",
"YES_STOP_UPLOADS": "是的,停止上传",
"STOP_ALL_DOWNLOADS_MESSAGE": "您确定要停止所有正在进行的下载?",
"albums_one": "1个相册",
"albums_other": "{{count, number}} 个相册",
"ALL_ALBUMS": "所有相册",
"ALBUMS": "相册",
"ALL_HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "所有隐藏的相册",
"HIDDEN_ALBUMS": "隐藏的相册",
"HIDDEN_ITEMS": "隐藏的项目",
"ENTER_TWO_FACTOR_OTP": "请输入您从身份验证应用上获得的6位数代码",
"COPIED": "已复制",
"CANVAS_BLOCKED_MESSAGE": "<p>看起来您的浏览器已禁用了需要为您的照片生成缩略图的canvas访问权限 </p> <p> 请允许访问您浏览器的canvas 或使用我们的桌面应用程序</p>",
"WATCH_FOLDERS": "观看文件夹",
"UPGRADE_NOW": "立即升级",
"RENEW_NOW": "立即续费",
"STORAGE": "存储空间",
"USED": "已使用",
"YOU": "您",
"FAMILY": "家庭",
"FREE": "空闲",
"OF": "/",
"NO_FOLDERS_ADDED": "尚未添加任何文件夹!",
"UPLOAD_NEW_FILES_TO_ENTE": "上传新文件至 ente",
"ADD_FOLDER": "添加文件夹",
"STOP_WATCHING": "停止监控",
"STOP_WATCHING_FOLDER": "要停止监控文件夹?",
"STOP_WATCHING_DIALOG_MESSAGE": "您现有的文件不会被删除,但 ente 将停止自动更新链接的 ente 相册在此文件夹中的更改。",
"YES_STOP": "是的,停止",
"YEAR": "年",
"FAMILY_PLAN": "家庭计划",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS": "下载日志",
"DOWNLOAD_LOGS_MESSAGE": "<p>这将下载调试日志,您可以发送电子邮件给我们来帮助调试您的问题。</p><p> 请注意文件名将被包含,以帮助跟踪特定文件中的问题。 </p>",
"CHANGE_FOLDER": "更改文件夹",
"TWO_MONTHS_FREE": "在年度计划上免费获得 2 个月",
"GB": "GB",
"POPULAR": "流行的",
"CURRENT_USAGE": "当前使用量是 <strong>{{usage}}</strong>",
"WEAK_DEVICE": "您使用的网络浏览器功能不够强大,无法加密您的照片。 请尝试在电脑上登录ente或下载ente移动/桌面应用程序。",
"DRAG_AND_DROP_HINT": "或者拖动并拖动到 ente 窗口",
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DELETION_MESSAGE": "您上传的数据将被安排删除,您的账户将被永久删除。<br/><br/>此操作不可逆。",
"NEVERMIND": "没关系",
"UPDATE_INSTALLABLE_MESSAGE": "新版本的 ente 已准备好安装。",
"INSTALL_NOW": "立即安装",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE": "新版本的 ente 已发布,但无法自动下载和安装。",
"TODAY": "今天",
"YESTERDAY": "昨天",
"ROOT_LEVEL_FILE_WITH_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED_MESSAGE": "<p>你已拖放了文件和文件夹的组合。</p><p>选择创建单独相册的选项时,请只提供文件或只提供文件夹</p>",
"CHOSE_THEME": "选择主题",
"ML_SEARCH": "ML 搜索 (测试版)",
"ENABLE_ML_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>这将启用设备上的机器学习和面部搜索,这将开始分析您上传的本地照片。</p><p>在登录或启用此功能后第一次运行时,它将下载本地设备上的所有图像来分析。 所以请只在您可以使用带宽和本地处理您的照片库中的所有图像时启用此功能。</p><p>如果这是您首次启用此功能,我们也会请求您处理面部数据的许可。</p>",
"ML_MORE_DETAILS": "更多详情",
"ENABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>如果您启用面部搜索ente 将从照片中提取脸部几何形状。 这将发生在您的设备上,任何生成的生物测定数据都将是端到端加密的。<p/><p><a>请单击此处以在我们的隐私政策中了解有关此功能的更多详细信息</a></p>",
"DISABLE_BETA": "禁用beta",
"DISABLE_FACE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "<p>ente 将停止处理面部的几何形状, 并将禁用 ML 搜索 (测试版)</p><p>如果您愿意,您可以重新启用面部搜索,因此该操作是安全的。</p>",
"ADVANCED": "高级设置",
"FACE_SEARCH_CONFIRMATION": "我理解并希望允许ente处理面部几何形状",
"LABS": "实验室",
"YOURS": "你的",
"LANGUAGE": "语言",
"EXPORT_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_MESSAGE": "<p>您选择的导出目录不存在。</p><p> 请选择一个有效的目录。</p>",
"B": "B",
"KB": "KB",
"MB": "MB",
"GB": "GB",
"TB": "TB"
"HOUR": "1小时后",
"DAY": "一天后",
"WEEK": "一周后",
"MONTH": "一个月后",
"YEAR": "一年后"
"COPY_LINK": "复制链接",
"DONE": "已完成",
"LINK_SHARE_TITLE": "或共享一个链接",
"REMOVE_LINK": "移除链接",
"PUBLIC_COLLECT_SUBTEXT": "允许具有链接的人也将照片添加到共享相册。",
"STOP_EXPORT": "停止",
"EXPORT_PROGRESS": "<a>{{progress.success}} / {{}}</a> 个文件已导出",
"TRASHING_DELETED_FILES": "正在回收删除的文件...",
"START": "导出已开始",
"IN_PROGRESS": "导出已在进行中",
"FINISH": "导出完成",
"UP_TO_DATE": "没有新文件可导出"
"TOTAL_ITEMS": "项目总计",
"PENDING_ITEMS": "待处理的项目",
"EXPORT_STARTING": "导出开始...",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_REASON_LABEL": "您删除账户的主要原因是什么?",
"MISSING_FEATURE": "找不到我想要的功能",
"BROKEN_BEHAVIOR": "该应用或某个功能不符合我认为应该做的行为",
"FOUND_ANOTHER_SERVICE": "我发现另一个产品更好用",
"NOT_LISTED": "我的原因未被列出"
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_FEEDBACK_LABEL": "我们很抱歉看到您离开。请解释您为什么要离开来帮助我们改进。",
"FEEDBACK_REQUIRED": "请帮助我们了解这个信息",
"RECOVER_TWO_FACTOR": "恢复双因素认证",
"at": "在",
"AUTH_NEXT": "下一个",
"AUTH_DOWNLOAD_MOBILE_APP": "下载我们的移动应用程序来管理您的密钥",
"HIDDEN": "已隐藏",
"HIDE": "隐藏",
"UNHIDE": "取消隐藏",
"SORT_BY": "排序方式",
"NEWEST_FIRST": "最新在前",
"OLDEST_FIRST": "最旧在前",
"PIN_ALBUM": "置顶相册",
"UNPIN_ALBUM": "取消置顶相册",
"DOWNLOADING_COLLECTION": "正在下载 {{name}}",
"DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS": "{{progress.current}} / {{}} 个文件",
"CHRISTMAS": "圣诞",
"NEW_YEAR": "新年",
"NEW_YEAR_EVE": "除夕",
"IMAGE": "图像",
"VIDEO": "视频",
"LIVE_PHOTO": "实况照片",
"CONVERT": "转换",
"CONFIRM_EDITOR_CLOSE_DESCRIPTION": "下载已编辑的图片或将副本保存到 ente 以保留您的更改。",
"CONTRAST": "对比度",
"SATURATION": "饱和度",
"BLUR": "模糊",
"INVERT_COLORS": "反相颜色",
"ASPECT_RATIO": "长宽比",
"SQUARE": "面积",
"ROTATE_LEFT": "向左旋转",
"ROTATE_RIGHT": "向右旋转",
"DOWNLOAD_EDITED": "下载已编辑图片",
"SAVE_A_COPY_TO_ENTE": "保存副本到 ente",
"TRANSFORM": "转换",
"COLORS": "颜色",
"FLIP": "上下翻转",
"ROTATION": "回转",
"RESET": "重设",
"PHOTO_EDITOR": "照片编辑器",
"FASTER_UPLOAD": "更快上传",
"INDEXED_ITEMS": "索引项目",
"CAST_ALBUM_TO_TV": "在电视上播放相册",
"ENTER_CAST_PIN_CODE": "输入您在下面的电视上看到的代码来配对此设备。",
"PAIR_DEVICE_TO_TV": "配对设备",
"TV_NOT_FOUND": "未找到电视。您输入的 PIN 码正确吗?",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR": "自动配对",
"AUTO_CAST_PAIR_REQUIRES_CONNECTION_TO_GOOGLE": "自动配对需要连接到 Google 服务器,且仅适用于支持 Chromecast 的设备。Google 不会接收敏感数据,例如您的照片。",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN": "用 PIN 配对",
"CHOOSE_DEVICE_FROM_BROWSER": "从浏览器弹出窗口中选择兼容 Cast 的设备。",
"PAIR_WITH_PIN_WORKS_FOR_ANY_LARGE_SCREEN_DEVICE": "用 PIN 配对适用于任何大屏幕设备,您可以在这些设备上播放您的相册。",
"VISIT_CAST_ENTE_IO": "在您要配对的设备上访问 。",
"CAST_AUTO_PAIR_FAILED": "Chromecast 自动配对失败。请再试一次。",
"PASSKEYS": "通行密钥",
"FREEHAND": "手画",
"APPLY_CROP": "应用裁剪",
"PHOTO_EDIT_REQUIRED_TO_SAVE": "保存之前必须至少执行一项转换或颜色调整。"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
"short_name": "ente Auth",
"name": "ente Auth | encrypted 2FA app",
"icons": [
"src": "/images/auth/192.png",
"type": "image/png",
"sizes": "192x192"
"src": "/images/auth/256.png",
"type": "image/png",
"sizes": "256x256"
"src": "/images/auth/512.png",
"type": "image/png",
"sizes": "512x512"
"start_url": "/",
"background_color": "#191919",
"display": "standalone",
"scope": "/",
"theme_color": "#111",
"description": "Open-source 2FA app with end-to-end encrypted backups",
"prefer_related_applications": true,
"related_applications": [
"platform": "play",
"url": "",
"id": ""
"platform": "itunes",
"url": ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>ente Auth</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
body {
background-color: #252525;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
height: 100vh;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
color: #fff;
nav {
background-color: #171717;
height: 64px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
box-shadow: rgb(0 0 0 / 70%) 0px 0px 5px;
nav > img {
height: 24px;
padding: 3px;
margin: 0 auto;
body > div {
flex: 1;
padding: 10px;
text-align: center;
max-width: 1000px;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
flex-direction: column;
margin: 0 auto;
h2 {
margin-top: 0;
<img src="/images/ente.svg" />
<h2>seems like you are offline :(</h2>
<span>please check your internet connection</span>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
User-agent: *
Allow: /.well-known/*

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
import { initSentry } from "@ente/shared/sentry/config/sentry.config.base";

View file

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# This file is used by the SentryWebpackPlugin to upload sourcemaps when the
# SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable is defined.
defaults.url = = ente
defaults.project = web-auth

View file

View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import { Button } from "@mui/material";
import { t } from "i18next";
export const AuthFooter = () => {
return (
display: "flex",
flexDirection: "column",
alignItems: "center",
justifyContent: "center",
<a href="" download>
<Button color="accent">{t("DOWNLOAD")}</Button>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import { logoutUser } from "@ente/accounts/services/user";
import { HorizontalFlex } from "@ente/shared/components/Container";
import { EnteLogo } from "@ente/shared/components/EnteLogo";
import NavbarBase from "@ente/shared/components/Navbar/base";
import OverflowMenu from "@ente/shared/components/OverflowMenu/menu";
import { OverflowMenuOption } from "@ente/shared/components/OverflowMenu/option";
import LogoutOutlined from "@mui/icons-material/LogoutOutlined";
import MoreHoriz from "@mui/icons-material/MoreHoriz";
import { t } from "i18next";
import { AppContext } from "pages/_app";
import React from "react";
export default function AuthNavbar() {
const { isMobile } = React.useContext(AppContext);
return (
<NavbarBase isMobile={isMobile}>
<HorizontalFlex flex={1} justifyContent={"center"}>
<EnteLogo />
<HorizontalFlex position={"absolute"} right="24px">
triggerButtonIcon={<MoreHoriz />}
startIcon={<LogoutOutlined />}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
import { ButtonBase, Snackbar } from "@mui/material";
import { t } from "i18next";
import { HOTP, TOTP } from "otpauth";
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { Code } from "types/code";
import TimerProgress from "./TimerProgress";
const TOTPDisplay = ({ issuer, account, code, nextCode, period }) => {
return (
backgroundColor: "rgba(40, 40, 40, 0.6)",
borderRadius: "4px",
overflow: "hidden",
<TimerProgress period={period ?? Code.defaultPeriod} />
padding: "12px 20px 0px 20px",
display: "flex",
alignItems: "flex-start",
minWidth: "320px",
minHeight: "120px",
justifyContent: "space-between",
display: "flex",
flexDirection: "column",
alignItems: "flex-start",
minWidth: "200px",
fontWeight: "bold",
margin: "0px",
fontSize: "14px",
textAlign: "left",
marginTop: "0px",
marginBottom: "8px",
textAlign: "left",
fontSize: "12px",
maxWidth: "200px",
minHeight: "16px",
color: "grey",
margin: "0px",
marginBottom: "1rem",
fontSize: "24px",
fontWeight: "bold",
textAlign: "left",
<div style={{ flex: 1 }} />
display: "flex",
flexDirection: "column",
alignItems: "flex-end",
minWidth: "120px",
textAlign: "right",
marginTop: "auto",
marginBottom: "1rem",
fontWeight: "bold",
marginBottom: "0px",
fontSize: "10px",
marginTop: "auto",
textAlign: "right",
color: "grey",
fontSize: "14px",
fontWeight: "bold",
marginBottom: "0px",
marginTop: "auto",
textAlign: "right",
color: "grey",
function BadCodeInfo({ codeInfo, codeErr }) {
const [showRawData, setShowRawData] = useState(false);
return (
<div className="code-info">
{showRawData ? (
<div onClick={() => setShowRawData(false)}>
{codeInfo.rawData ?? "no raw data"}
) : (
<div onClick={() => setShowRawData(true)}>Show rawData</div>
interface OTPDisplayProps {
codeInfo: Code;
const OTPDisplay = (props: OTPDisplayProps) => {
const { codeInfo } = props;
const [code, setCode] = useState("");
const [nextCode, setNextCode] = useState("");
const [codeErr, setCodeErr] = useState("");
const [hasCopied, setHasCopied] = useState(false);
const generateCodes = () => {
try {
const currentTime = new Date().getTime();
if (codeInfo.type.toLowerCase() === "totp") {
const totp = new TOTP({
secret: codeInfo.secret,
algorithm: codeInfo.algorithm ?? Code.defaultAlgo,
period: codeInfo.period ?? Code.defaultPeriod,
digits: codeInfo.digits ?? Code.defaultDigits,
timestamp: currentTime + codeInfo.period * 1000,
} else if (codeInfo.type.toLowerCase() === "hotp") {
const hotp = new HOTP({
secret: codeInfo.secret,
counter: 0,
algorithm: codeInfo.algorithm,
setNextCode(hotp.generate({ counter: 1 }));
} catch (err) {
const copyCode = () => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
useEffect(() => {
// this is to set the initial code and nextCode on component mount
const codeType = codeInfo.type;
const codePeriodInMs = codeInfo.period * 1000;
const timeToNextCode =
codePeriodInMs - (new Date().getTime() % codePeriodInMs);
const intervalId = null;
// wait until we are at the start of the next code period,
// and then start the interval loop
setTimeout(() => {
// we need to call generateCodes() once before the interval loop
// to set the initial code and nextCode
codeType.toLowerCase() === "totp" ||
codeType.toLowerCase() === "hotp"
? setInterval(() => {
}, codePeriodInMs)
: null;
}, timeToNextCode);
return () => {
if (intervalId) clearInterval(intervalId);
}, [codeInfo]);
return (
<div style={{ padding: "8px" }}>
{codeErr === "" ? (
onClick={() => {
message="Code copied to clipboard"
) : (
<BadCodeInfo codeInfo={codeInfo} codeErr={codeErr} />
export default OTPDisplay;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
const TimerProgress = ({ period }) => {
const [progress, setProgress] = useState(0);
const [ticker, setTicker] = useState(null);
const microSecondsInPeriod = period * 1000000;
const startTicker = () => {
const ticker = setInterval(() => {
}, 10);
const updateTimeRemaining = () => {
const timeRemaining =
microSecondsInPeriod -
((new Date().getTime() * 1000) % microSecondsInPeriod);
setProgress(timeRemaining / microSecondsInPeriod);
useEffect(() => {
return () => clearInterval(ticker);
}, []);
const color = progress > 0.4 ? "green" : "orange";
return (
borderTopLeftRadius: "3px",
width: `${progress * 100}%`,
height: "3px",
backgroundColor: color,
export default TimerProgress;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import { APPS } from "@ente/shared/apps/constants";
import NotFoundPage from "@ente/shared/next/pages/404";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { AppContext } from "pages/_app";
import { useContext } from "react";
export default function NotFound() {
const appContext = useContext(AppContext);
const router = useRouter();
return (

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more