Storage card: show sizes in TB if size >= 1000

This commit is contained in:
ashilkn 2022-11-07 18:59:45 +05:30
parent f68b484102
commit 126e630482
2 changed files with 81 additions and 23 deletions

View file

@ -118,17 +118,27 @@ class _StorageCardWidgetState extends State<StorageCardWidget> {
Widget userDetails(UserDetails userDetails) {
const hundredMBinBytes = 107374182;
const oneTBinBytes = 1073741824000;
final isMobileScreenSmall = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width <= 365;
final freeSpaceInBytes = userDetails.getFreeStorage();
final shouldShowFreeSpaceInMBs = freeSpaceInBytes < hundredMBinBytes;
final usedStorageInBytes =
userDetails.getFamilyOrPersonalUsage() - userDetails.getFreeStorage();
final totalStorageInBytes = userDetails.getTotalStorage();
final freeStorageInBytes = totalStorageInBytes - usedStorageInBytes;
final usedSpaceInGB = roundBytesUsedToGBs(
final isMobileScreenSmall = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width <= 360;
final shouldShowFreeSpaceInMBs = freeStorageInBytes <= hundredMBinBytes;
final shouldShowFreeSpaceInTBs = freeStorageInBytes >= oneTBinBytes;
final shouldShowUsedSpaceInTBs = usedStorageInBytes >= oneTBinBytes;
final shouldShowTotalSpaceInTBs = totalStorageInBytes >= oneTBinBytes;
final usedStorageInGB = roundBytesUsedToGBs(
final totalStorageInGB =
final totalStorageInGB = convertBytesToGBs(totalStorageInBytes).truncate();
final usedStorageInTB = roundGBsToTBs(usedStorageInGB);
final totalStorageInTB = roundGBsToTBs(totalStorageInGB);
return Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(
@ -159,12 +169,15 @@ class _StorageCardWidgetState extends State<StorageCardWidget> {
style: getEnteTextTheme(context)
.copyWith(color: textBaseDark),
children: [
TextSpan(text: usedSpaceInGB.toString()),
TextSpan(text: isMobileScreenSmall ? "/" : " GB of "),
TextSpan(text: totalStorageInGB.toString() + " GB"),
TextSpan(text: isMobileScreenSmall ? "" : " used"),
children: storageDetails(
isMobileScreenSmall: isMobileScreenSmall,
shouldShowTotalSpaceInTBs: shouldShowTotalSpaceInTBs,
shouldShowUsedSpaceInTBs: shouldShowUsedSpaceInTBs,
usedStorageInGB: usedStorageInGB,
totalStorageInTB: totalStorageInTB,
usedStorageInTB: usedStorageInTB,
totalStorageInGB: totalStorageInGB,
@ -246,12 +259,14 @@ class _StorageCardWidgetState extends State<StorageCardWidget> {
children: [
"${shouldShowFreeSpaceInMBs ? convertBytesToMBs(freeSpaceInBytes) : _roundedFreeSpace(totalStorageInGB, usedSpaceInGB)}",
"${shouldShowFreeSpaceInMBs ? convertBytesToMBs(freeStorageInBytes) : _roundedFreeSpace(totalStorageInGB, usedStorageInGB)}",
text: shouldShowFreeSpaceInMBs
? " MB free"
: " GB free",
text: shouldShowFreeSpaceInTBs
? " TB free"
: shouldShowFreeSpaceInMBs
? " MB free"
: " GB free",
@ -265,20 +280,54 @@ class _StorageCardWidgetState extends State<StorageCardWidget> {
num _roundedFreeSpace(num totalStorageInGB, num usedSpaceInGB) {
num _roundedFreeSpace(num totalStorageInGB, num usedStorageInGB) {
int fractionDigits;
//subtracting usedSpace from totalStorage in GB instead of converting from bytes so that free space and used space adds up in the UI
final freeSpace = totalStorageInGB - usedSpaceInGB;
final freeStorage = totalStorageInGB - usedStorageInGB;
if (freeStorage >= 1000) {
return roundGBsToTBs(freeStorage);
//show one decimal place if free space is less than 10GB
if (freeSpace < 10) {
if (freeStorage < 10) {
fractionDigits = 1;
} else {
fractionDigits = 0;
//omit decimal if decimal is 0
if (fractionDigits == 1 && freeSpace.remainder(1) == 0) {
if (fractionDigits == 1 && freeStorage.remainder(1) == 0) {
fractionDigits = 0;
return num.parse(freeSpace.toStringAsFixed(fractionDigits));
return num.parse(freeStorage.toStringAsFixed(fractionDigits));
List<TextSpan> storageDetails({
@required isMobileScreenSmall,
@required shouldShowUsedSpaceInTBs,
@required shouldShowTotalSpaceInTBs,
@required usedStorageInGB,
@required totalStorageInGB,
@required usedStorageInTB,
@required totalStorageInTB,
}) {
if (isMobileScreenSmall) {
return [
TextSpan(text: usedStorageInGB.toString() + "/"),
TextSpan(text: totalStorageInGB.toString() + " GB"),
return [
text: shouldShowUsedSpaceInTBs
? usedStorageInTB.toString() + " TB of "
: usedStorageInGB.toString() + " GB of ",
text: shouldShowTotalSpaceInTBs
? totalStorageInTB.toString() + " TB used"
: totalStorageInGB.toString() + " GB used",

View file

@ -38,3 +38,12 @@ num convertBytesToGBs(int bytes) {
int convertBytesToMBs(int bytes) {
return (bytes / pow(1024, 2)).round();
roundGBsToTBs(sizeInGBs) {
final num sizeInTBs = num.parse((sizeInGBs / 1000).toStringAsFixed(1));
if (sizeInTBs % 1 == 0) {
return sizeInTBs.truncate();
} else {
return sizeInTBs;