
125 lines
4.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import { minBbox } from '../ops';
import { getCenterPoint } from '../utils';
import { IBoundingBox } from './BoundingBox';
import { Box } from './Box';
import { Dimensions, IDimensions } from './Dimensions';
import { FaceDetection } from './FaceDetection';
import { Point } from './Point';
import { IRect, Rect } from './Rect';
// face alignment constants
const relX = 0.5
const relY = 0.43
const relScale = 0.45
export interface IFaceLandmarks {
positions: Point[]
shift: Point
export class FaceLandmarks implements IFaceLandmarks {
protected _shift: Point
protected _positions: Point[]
protected _imgDims: Dimensions
relativeFaceLandmarkPositions: Point[],
imgDims: IDimensions,
shift: Point = new Point(0, 0)
) {
const { width, height } = imgDims
this._imgDims = new Dimensions(width, height)
this._shift = shift
this._positions = relativeFaceLandmarkPositions.map(
pt => pt.mul(new Point(width, height)).add(shift)
public get shift(): Point { return new Point(this._shift.x, this._shift.y) }
public get imageWidth(): number { return this._imgDims.width }
public get imageHeight(): number { return this._imgDims.height }
public get positions(): Point[] { return this._positions }
public get relativePositions(): Point[] {
return this._positions.map(
pt => pt.sub(this._shift).div(new Point(this.imageWidth, this.imageHeight))
public forSize<T extends FaceLandmarks>(width: number, height: number): T {
return new (this.constructor as any)(
{ width, height }
public shiftBy<T extends FaceLandmarks>(x: number, y: number): T {
return new (this.constructor as any)(
new Point(x, y)
public shiftByPoint<T extends FaceLandmarks>(pt: Point): T {
return this.shiftBy(pt.x, pt.y)
* Aligns the face landmarks after face detection from the relative positions of the faces
* bounding box, or it's current shift. This function should be used to align the face images
* after face detection has been performed, before they are passed to the face recognition net.
* This will make the computed face descriptor more accurate.
* @param detection (optional) The bounding box of the face or the face detection result. If
* no argument was passed the position of the face landmarks are assumed to be relative to
* it's current shift.
* @returns The bounding box of the aligned face.
public align(
detection?: FaceDetection | IRect | IBoundingBox | null,
options: { useDlibAlignment?: boolean, minBoxPadding?: number } = { }
): Box {
if (detection) {
const box = detection instanceof FaceDetection
? detection.box.floor()
: new Box(detection)
return this.shiftBy(box.x, box.y).align(null, options)
const { useDlibAlignment, minBoxPadding } = Object.assign({}, { useDlibAlignment: false, minBoxPadding: 0.2 }, options)
if (useDlibAlignment) {
return this.alignDlib()
return this.alignMinBbox(minBoxPadding)
private alignDlib(): Box {
const centers = this.getRefPointsForAlignment()
const [leftEyeCenter, rightEyeCenter, mouthCenter] = centers
const distToMouth = (pt: Point) => mouthCenter.sub(pt).magnitude()
const eyeToMouthDist = (distToMouth(leftEyeCenter) + distToMouth(rightEyeCenter)) / 2
const size = Math.floor(eyeToMouthDist / relScale)
const refPoint = getCenterPoint(centers)
// TODO: pad in case rectangle is out of image bounds
const x = Math.floor(Math.max(0, refPoint.x - (relX * size)))
const y = Math.floor(Math.max(0, refPoint.y - (relY * size)))
return new Rect(x, y, Math.min(size, this.imageWidth + x), Math.min(size, this.imageHeight + y))
private alignMinBbox(padding: number): Box {
const box = minBbox(this.positions)
return box.pad(box.width * padding, box.height * padding)
protected getRefPointsForAlignment(): Point[] {
throw new Error('getRefPointsForAlignment not implemented by base class')