AVMG20 ffa6035c2b Auto stash before revert of "Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/development' into development"
Added all the plugins from adminlite, added usefulllinks tab
2021-06-10 23:25:13 +02:00

44 lines
2.5 KiB

ICEcoder default theme by Matt Pass, used in code editor available at https://icecoder.net
.cm-s-icecoder { color: #666; background: #1d1d1b; }
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-keyword { color: #eee; font-weight:bold; } /* off-white 1 */
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-atom { color: #e1c76e; } /* yellow */
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-number { color: #6cb5d9; } /* blue */
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-def { color: #b9ca4a; } /* green */
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-variable { color: #6cb5d9; } /* blue */
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-variable-2 { color: #cc1e5c; } /* pink */
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-variable-3, .cm-s-icecoder span.cm-type { color: #f9602c; } /* orange */
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-property { color: #eee; } /* off-white 1 */
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-operator { color: #9179bb; } /* purple */
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-comment { color: #97a3aa; } /* grey-blue */
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-string { color: #b9ca4a; } /* green */
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-string-2 { color: #6cb5d9; } /* blue */
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-meta { color: #555; } /* grey */
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-qualifier { color: #555; } /* grey */
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-builtin { color: #214e7b; } /* bright blue */
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-bracket { color: #cc7; } /* grey-yellow */
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-tag { color: #e8e8e8; } /* off-white 2 */
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-attribute { color: #099; } /* teal */
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-header { color: #6a0d6a; } /* purple-pink */
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-quote { color: #186718; } /* dark green */
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-hr { color: #888; } /* mid-grey */
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-link { color: #e1c76e; } /* yellow */
.cm-s-icecoder span.cm-error { color: #d00; } /* red */
.cm-s-icecoder .CodeMirror-cursor { border-left: 1px solid white; }
.cm-s-icecoder div.CodeMirror-selected { color: #fff; background: #037; }
.cm-s-icecoder .CodeMirror-gutters { background: #1d1d1b; min-width: 41px; border-right: 0; }
.cm-s-icecoder .CodeMirror-linenumber { color: #555; cursor: default; }
.cm-s-icecoder .CodeMirror-matchingbracket { color: #fff !important; background: #555 !important; }
.cm-s-icecoder .CodeMirror-activeline-background { background: #000; }