2023-01-05 19:33:46 +01:00

131 lines
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namespace App\Models;
use Exception;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany;
use Spatie\Activitylog\LogOptions;
use Spatie\Activitylog\Traits\LogsActivity;
* Class Voucher
class Voucher extends Model
use HasFactory, LogsActivity;
public function getActivitylogOptions(): LogOptions
return LogOptions::defaults()
-> logOnlyDirty()
-> logOnly(['*'])
-> dontSubmitEmptyLogs();
* @var string[]
protected $fillable = [
* The attributes that should be cast to native types.
* @var array
protected $casts = [
'expires_at' => 'datetime',
'credits' => 'float',
'uses' => 'integer', ];
protected $appends = ['used', 'status'];
* @return int
public function getUsedAttribute()
return $this->users()->count();
* @return string
public function getStatusAttribute()
return $this->getStatus();
public static function boot()
static::deleting(function (Voucher $voucher) {
* @return BelongsToMany
public function users()
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class);
* @return string
public function getStatus()
if ($this->users()->count() >= $this->uses) {
if (! is_null($this->expires_at)) {
if ($this->expires_at->isPast()) {
return __('EXPIRED');
return __('VALID');
* @param User $user
* @return float
* @throws Exception
public function redeem(User $user)
try {
$user->increment('credits', $this->credits);
} catch (Exception $exception) {
throw $exception;
return $this->credits;
* @param User $user
* @return null
private function logRedeem(User $user)
return null;