servers; //Get and set server infos each server foreach ($servers as $server) { //Get server infos from ptero $serverAttributes = Pterodactyl::getServerAttributes($server->pterodactyl_id); $serverRelationships = $serverAttributes['relationships']; $serverLocationAttributes = $serverRelationships['location']['attributes']; //Set server infos $server->location = $serverLocationAttributes['long'] ? $serverLocationAttributes['long'] : $serverLocationAttributes['short']; $server->egg = $serverRelationships['egg']['attributes']['name']; $server->nest = $serverRelationships['nest']['attributes']['name']; $server->node = $serverRelationships['node']['attributes']['name']; //get productname by product_id for server $product = Product::find($server->product_id); $server->product = $product; } return view('servers.index')->with([ 'servers' => $servers ]); } /** Show the form for creating a new resource. */ public function create() { if (!is_null($this->validateConfigurationRules())) return $this->validateConfigurationRules(); $productCount = Product::query()->where('disabled', '=', false)->count(); $locations = Location::all(); $nodeCount = Node::query() ->whereHas('products', function (Builder $builder) { $builder->where('disabled', '=', false); })->count(); $eggs = Egg::query() ->whereHas('products', function (Builder $builder) { $builder->where('disabled', '=', false); })->get(); $nests = Nest::query() ->whereHas('eggs', function (Builder $builder) { $builder->whereHas('products', function (Builder $builder) { $builder->where('disabled', '=', false); }); })->get(); return view('servers.create')->with([ 'productCount' => $productCount, 'nodeCount' => $nodeCount, 'nests' => $nests, 'locations' => $locations, 'eggs' => $eggs, 'user' => Auth::user(), ]); } /** * @return null|RedirectResponse */ private function validateConfigurationRules() { //limit validation if (Auth::user()->servers()->count() >= Auth::user()->server_limit) { return redirect()->route('servers.index')->with('error', __('Server limit reached!')); } // minimum credits && Check for Allocation if (FacadesRequest::has("product")) { $product = Product::findOrFail(FacadesRequest::input("product")); // Get node resource allocation info $node = $product->nodes()->findOrFail(FacadesRequest::input('node')); $nodeName = $node->name; // Check if node has enough memory and disk space $checkResponse = Pterodactyl::checkNodeResources($node, $product->memory, $product->disk); if ($checkResponse == False) return redirect()->route('servers.index')->with('error', __("The node '" . $nodeName . "' doesn't have the required memory or disk left to allocate this product.")); // Min. Credits if ( Auth::user()->credits < $product->minimum_credits || Auth::user()->credits < $product->price ) { return redirect()->route('servers.index')->with('error', "You do not have the required amount of " . CREDITS_DISPLAY_NAME . " to use this product!"); } } //Required Verification for creating an server if (config('SETTINGS::USER:FORCE_EMAIL_VERIFICATION', 'false') === 'true' && !Auth::user()->hasVerifiedEmail()) { return redirect()->route('profile.index')->with('error', __("You are required to verify your email address before you can create a server.")); } //Required Verification for creating an server if (config('SETTINGS::USER:FORCE_DISCORD_VERIFICATION', 'false') === 'true' && !Auth::user()->discordUser) { return redirect()->route('profile.index')->with('error', __("You are required to link your discord account before you can create a server.")); } return null; } /** Store a newly created resource in storage. */ public function store(Request $request) { /** @var Node $node */ /** @var Egg $egg */ /** @var Product $product */ if (!is_null($this->validateConfigurationRules())) return $this->validateConfigurationRules(); $request->validate([ "name" => "required|max:191", "node" => "required|exists:nodes,id", "egg" => "required|exists:eggs,id", "product" => "required|exists:products,id" ]); //get required resources $product = Product::query()->findOrFail($request->input('product')); $egg = $product->eggs()->findOrFail($request->input('egg')); $node = $product->nodes()->findOrFail($request->input('node')); $server = $request->user()->servers()->create([ 'name' => $request->input('name'), 'product_id' => $request->input('product'), 'last_billed' => Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(), ]); //get free allocation ID $allocationId = Pterodactyl::getFreeAllocationId($node); if (!$allocationId) return $this->noAllocationsError($server); //create server on pterodactyl $response = Pterodactyl::createServer($server, $egg, $allocationId); if ($response->failed()) return $this->serverCreationFailed($response, $server); $serverAttributes = $response->json()['attributes']; //update server with pterodactyl_id $server->update([ 'pterodactyl_id' => $serverAttributes['id'], 'identifier' => $serverAttributes['identifier'], ]); // Charge first billing cycle $request->user()->decrement('credits', $server->product->price); return redirect()->route('servers.index')->with('success', __('Server created')); } /** * return redirect with error * @param Server $server * @return RedirectResponse */ private function noAllocationsError(Server $server) { $server->delete(); Auth::user()->notify(new ServerCreationError($server)); return redirect()->route('servers.index')->with('error', __('No allocations satisfying the requirements for automatic deployment on this node were found.')); } /** * return redirect with error * @param Response $response * @param Server $server * @return RedirectResponse */ private function serverCreationFailed(Response $response, Server $server) { $server->delete(); return redirect()->route('servers.index')->with('error', json_encode($response->json())); } /** Remove the specified resource from storage. */ public function destroy(Server $server) { try { $server->delete(); return redirect()->route('servers.index')->with('success', __('Server removed')); } catch (Exception $e) { return redirect()->route('servers.index')->with('error', __('An exception has occurred while trying to remove a resource"') . $e->getMessage() . '"'); } } /** Cancel Server */ public function cancel (Server $server) { try { error_log($server->update([ 'cancelled' => now(), ])); return redirect()->route('servers.index')->with('success', __('Server cancelled')); } catch (Exception $e) { return redirect()->route('servers.index')->with('error', __('An exception has occurred while trying to cancel the server"') . $e->getMessage() . '"'); } } /** Show Server Settings */ public function show(Server $server) { if($server->user_id != Auth::user()->id){ return back()->with('error', __('´This is not your Server!'));} $serverAttributes = Pterodactyl::getServerAttributes($server->pterodactyl_id); $serverRelationships = $serverAttributes['relationships']; $serverLocationAttributes = $serverRelationships['location']['attributes']; //Set server infos $server->location = $serverLocationAttributes['long'] ? $serverLocationAttributes['long'] : $serverLocationAttributes['short']; $server->node = $serverRelationships['node']['attributes']['name']; $server->name = $serverAttributes['name']; $server->egg = $serverRelationships['egg']['attributes']['name']; $products = Product::orderBy("created_at")->get(); // Set the each product eggs array to just contain the eggs name foreach ($products as $product) { $product->eggs = $product->eggs->pluck('name')->toArray(); } return view('servers.settings')->with([ 'server' => $server, 'products' => $products ]); } public function upgrade(Server $server, Request $request) { if($server->user_id != Auth::user()->id) return redirect()->route('servers.index'); if(!isset($request->product_upgrade)) { return redirect()->route('', ['server' => $server->id])->with('error', __('this product is the only one')); } $user = Auth::user(); $oldProduct = Product::where('id', $server->product->id)->first(); $newProduct = Product::where('id', $request->product_upgrade)->first(); $serverAttributes = Pterodactyl::getServerAttributes($server->pterodactyl_id); $priceupgrade = $newProduct->getHourlyPrice(); if ($priceupgrade < $oldProduct->getHourlyPrice()) { $priceupgrade = 0; } if ($user->credits >= $priceupgrade) { $server->product_id = $request->product_upgrade; $server->update(); $server->allocation = $serverAttributes['allocation']; $response = Pterodactyl::updateServer($server, $newProduct); if ($response->failed()) return $this->serverCreationFailed($response, $server); //update user balance $user->decrement('credits', $priceupgrade); //restart the server $response = Pterodactyl::powerAction($server, "restart"); if ($response->failed()) return $this->serverCreationFailed($response, $server); return redirect()->route('', ['server' => $server->id])->with('success', __('Server Successfully Upgraded')); } else { return redirect()->route('', ['server' => $server->id])->with('error', __('Not Enough Balance for Upgrade')); } } }