with('user', 'product')->chunk(10, function ($servers) { /** @var Server $server */ foreach ($servers as $server) { /** @var Product $product */ $product = $server->product; /** @var User $user */ $user = $server->user; $billing_period = $product->billing_period; // check if server is due to be charged by comparing its last_billed date with the current date and the billing period $newBillingDate = null; switch($billing_period) { case 'annually': $newBillingDate = Carbon::parse($server->last_billed)->addYear(); break; case 'half-annually': $newBillingDate = Carbon::parse($server->last_billed)->addMonths(6); break; case 'quarterly': $newBillingDate = Carbon::parse($server->last_billed)->addMonths(3); break; case 'monthly': $newBillingDate = Carbon::parse($server->last_billed)->addMonth(); break; case 'weekly': $newBillingDate = Carbon::parse($server->last_billed)->addWeek(); break; case 'daily': $newBillingDate = Carbon::parse($server->last_billed)->addDay(); break; case 'hourly': $newBillingDate = Carbon::parse($server->last_billed)->addHour(); default: $newBillingDate = Carbon::parse($server->last_billed)->addHour(); break; }; if (!($newBillingDate->isPast())) { continue; } // check if the server is canceled or if user has enough credits to charge the server or if ( $server->cancelled || $user->credits <= $product->price) { try { // suspend server $this->line("{$server->name} from user: {$user->name} has been suspended!"); $server->suspend(); // add user to notify list if (!in_array($user, $this->usersToNotify)) { array_push($this->usersToNotify, $user); } } catch (\Exception $exception) { $this->error($exception->getMessage()); } return; } // charge credits to user $this->line("{$user->name} Current credits: {$user->credits} Credits to be removed: {$product->price}"); $user->decrement('credits', $product->price); // update server last_billed date in db DB::table('servers')->where('id', $server->id)->update(['last_billed' => $newBillingDate]); } return $this->notifyUsers(); }); } /** * @return bool */ public function notifyUsers() { if (!empty($this->usersToNotify)) { /** @var User $user */ foreach ($this->usersToNotify as $user) { $this->line("Notified user: {$user->name}"); $user->notify(new ServersSuspendedNotification()); } } #reset array $this->usersToNotify = array(); return true; } }