@extends('layouts.main') @section('content')


@if(!Auth::user()->hasVerifiedEmail() && strtolower($force_email_verification) == 'true')
Required Email verification!
You have not yet verified your email address Click here to resend verification email
Please contact support If you didn't receive your verification email.
@endif @if(is_null(Auth::user()->discordUser) && strtolower($force_discord_verification) == 'true') @if(!empty(env('DISCORD_CLIENT_ID')) && !empty(env('DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET')))
Required Discord verification!
You have not yet verified your discord account Login with discord
Please contact support If you face any issues.
Required Discord verification!
Due to system settings you are required to verify your discord account!
It looks like this hasn't been set-up correctly! Please contact support.
@endif @endif
@csrf @method('PATCH')


{{$user->email}} @if($user->hasVerifiedEmail()) @else @endif

Change Password
@if(!empty(env('DISCORD_CLIENT_ID')) && !empty(env('DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET')))
Link your discord account! @if(is_null(Auth::user()->discordUser))

By verifying your discord account, you receive an extra {{$credits_reward_after_verify_discord}} {{CREDITS_DISPLAY_NAME}} and increased server limit

Login with Discord @else

You are verified!

{{$user->discordUser->username}} {{$user->discordUser->locale}}

