exists(); $this->migrator->addEncrypted('stripe.secret_key', $table_exists ? $this->getOldValue('SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:STRIPE:SECRET') : null); $this->migrator->addEncrypted('stripe.endpoint_secret', $table_exists ? $this->getOldValue('SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:STRIPE:ENDPOINT_SECRET') : null); $this->migrator->addEncrypted('stripe.test_secret_key', $table_exists ? $this->getOldValue('SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:STRIPE:TEST_SECRET') : null); $this->migrator->addEncrypted('stripe.test_endpoint_secret', $table_exists ? $this->getOldValue('SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:STRIPE:ENDPOINT_TEST_SECRET') : null); $this->migrator->add('stripe.enabled', false); } public function down(): void { DB::table('settings_old')->insert([ [ 'key' => 'SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:STRIPE:SECRET', 'value' => $this->getNewValue('secret_key'), 'type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The Secret Key of your Stripe App' ], [ 'key' => 'SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:STRIPE:ENDPOINT_SECRET', 'value' => $this->getNewValue('endpoint_secret'), 'type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The Endpoint Secret of your Stripe App' ], [ 'key' => 'SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:STRIPE:TEST_SECRET', 'value' => $this->getNewValue('test_secret_key'), 'type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The Test Secret Key of your Stripe App' ], [ 'key' => 'SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:STRIPE:ENDPOINT_TEST_SECRET', 'value' => $this->getNewValue('test_endpoint_secret'), 'type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The Test Endpoint Secret of your Stripe App' ] ]); $this->migrator->delete('stripe.secret_key'); $this->migrator->delete('stripe.endpoint_secret'); $this->migrator->delete('stripe.enabled'); $this->migrator->delete('stripe.test_secret_key'); $this->migrator->delete('stripe.test_endpoint_secret'); } public function getNewValue(string $name) { $new_value = DB::table('settings')->where([['group', '=', 'stripe'], ['name', '=', $name]])->get(['payload'])->first(); // Some keys returns '""' as a value. if ($new_value->payload === '""') { return null; } // remove the quotes from the string if (substr($new_value->payload, 0, 1) === '"' && substr($new_value->payload, -1) === '"') { return substr($new_value->payload, 1, -1); } return $new_value->payload; } public function getOldValue(string $key) { // Always get the first value of the key. $old_value = DB::table('settings_old')->where('key', '=', $key)->get(['value', 'type'])->first(); // Handle the old values to return without it being a string in all cases. if ($old_value->type === "string" || $old_value->type === "text") { if (is_null($old_value->value)) { return ''; } // Some values have the type string, but their values are boolean. if ($old_value->value === "false" || $old_value->value === "true") { return filter_var($old_value->value, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOL); } return $old_value->value; } if ($old_value->type === "boolean") { return filter_var($old_value->value, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOL); } return filter_var($old_value->value, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); } }