shopProduct); $request = new OrdersCreateRequest(); $request->prefer('return=representation'); $request->body = [ "intent" => "CAPTURE", "purchase_units" => [ [ "reference_id" => uniqid(), "description" => $shopProduct->display . (PartnerDiscount::getDiscount()?(" (" . __('Discount') . " " . PartnerDiscount::getDiscount() . '%)'):""), "amount" => [ "value" => $shopProduct->getTotalPrice(), 'currency_code' => strtoupper($shopProduct->currency_code), 'breakdown' => [ 'item_total' => [ 'currency_code' => strtoupper($shopProduct->currency_code), 'value' => $shopProduct->getPriceAfterDiscount(), ], 'tax_total' => [ 'currency_code' => strtoupper($shopProduct->currency_code), 'value' => $shopProduct->getTaxValue(), ] ] ] ] ], "application_context" => [ "cancel_url" => route('payment.Cancel'), "return_url" => route('payment.PayPalSuccess'), 'brand_name' => config('', 'Laravel'), 'shipping_preference' => 'NO_SHIPPING' ] ]; try { // Call API with your client and get a response for your call $response = getPayPalClient()->execute($request); return redirect()->away($response->result->links[1]->href); // If call returns body in response, you can get the deserialized version from the result attribute of the response } catch (HttpException $ex) { echo $ex->statusCode; dd(json_decode($ex->getMessage())); } } /** * @param Request $laravelRequest */ function PaypalSuccess(Request $laravelRequest) { /** @var ShopProduct $shopProduct */ $shopProduct = ShopProduct::findOrFail($laravelRequest->input('product')); /** @var User $user */ $user = Auth::user(); $request = new OrdersCaptureRequest($laravelRequest->input('token')); $request->prefer('return=representation'); try { // Call API with your client and get a response for your call $response = getPayPalClient()->execute($request); if ($response->statusCode == 201 || $response->statusCode == 200) { //update server limit if (config('SETTINGS::USER:SERVER_LIMIT_AFTER_IRL_PURCHASE') !== 0) { if ($user->server_limit < config('SETTINGS::USER:SERVER_LIMIT_AFTER_IRL_PURCHASE')) { $user->update(['server_limit' => config('SETTINGS::USER:SERVER_LIMIT_AFTER_IRL_PURCHASE')]); } } //update User with bought item if ($shopProduct->type=="Credits") { $user->increment('credits', $shopProduct->quantity); }elseif ($shopProduct->type=="Server slots"){ $user->increment('server_limit', $shopProduct->quantity); } //give referral commission always if((config("SETTINGS::REFERRAL:MODE") == "commission" || config("SETTINGS::REFERRAL:MODE") == "both") && $shopProduct->type=="Credits" && config("SETTINGS::REFERRAL::ALWAYS_GIVE_COMMISSION") == "true"){ if($ref_user = DB::table("user_referrals")->where('registered_user_id', '=', $user->id)->first()){ $ref_user = User::findOrFail($ref_user->referral_id); $increment = number_format($shopProduct->quantity*(PartnerDiscount::getCommission($ref_user->id))/100,0,"",""); $ref_user->increment('credits', $increment); //LOGS REFERRALS IN THE ACTIVITY LOG activity() ->performedOn($user) ->causedBy($ref_user) ->log('gained '. $increment.' '.config("SETTINGS::SYSTEM:CREDITS_DISPLAY_NAME").' for commission-referral of '.$user->name.' (ID:'.$user->id.')'); } } //update role give Referral-reward if ($user->role == 'member') { $user->update(['role' => 'client']); //give referral commission only on first purchase if((config("SETTINGS::REFERRAL:MODE") == "commission" || config("SETTINGS::REFERRAL:MODE") == "both") && $shopProduct->type=="Credits" && config("SETTINGS::REFERRAL::ALWAYS_GIVE_COMMISSION") == "false"){ if($ref_user = DB::table("user_referrals")->where('registered_user_id', '=', $user->id)->first()){ $ref_user = User::findOrFail($ref_user->referral_id); $increment = number_format($shopProduct->quantity*(PartnerDiscount::getCommission($ref_user->id))/100,0,"",""); $ref_user->increment('credits', $increment); //LOGS REFERRALS IN THE ACTIVITY LOG activity() ->performedOn($user) ->causedBy($ref_user) ->log('gained '. $increment.' '.config("SETTINGS::SYSTEM:CREDITS_DISPLAY_NAME").' for commission-referral of '.$user->name.' (ID:'.$user->id.')'); } } } //store payment $payment = Payment::create([ 'user_id' => $user->id, 'payment_id' => $response->result->id, 'payment_method' => 'paypal', 'type' => $shopProduct->type, 'status' => 'paid', 'amount' => $shopProduct->quantity, 'price' => $shopProduct->price - ($shopProduct->price*PartnerDiscount::getDiscount()/100), 'tax_value' => $shopProduct->getTaxValue(), 'tax_percent' => $shopProduct->getTaxPercent(), 'total_price' => $shopProduct->getTotalPrice(), 'currency_code' => $shopProduct->currency_code, 'shop_item_product_id' => $shopProduct->id, ]); event(new UserUpdateCreditsEvent($user)); //only create invoice if SETTINGS::INVOICE:ENABLED is true if (config('SETTINGS::INVOICE:ENABLED') == 'true') { // use the createInvoice method that is defined in the Invoiceable trait $payment->createInvoice($user, $payment, 'paid', $shopProduct->currency_code); } //redirect back to home return redirect()->route('home')->with('success', __('Your credit balance has been increased!')); } // If call returns body in response, you can get the deserialized version from the result attribute of the response if (env('APP_ENV') == 'local') { dd($response); } else { abort(500); } } catch (HttpException $ex) { if (env('APP_ENV') == 'local') { echo $ex->statusCode; dd($ex->getMessage()); } else { abort(422); } } } /** * @return PayPalHttpClient */ function getPayPalClient() { $environment = env('APP_ENV') == 'local' ? new SandboxEnvironment(getPaypalClientId(), getPaypalClientSecret()) : new ProductionEnvironment(getPaypalClientId(), getPaypalClientSecret()); return new PayPalHttpClient($environment); } /** * @return string */ function getPaypalClientId() { return env('APP_ENV') == 'local' ? config("SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:PAYPAL:SANDBOX_CLIENT_ID") : config("SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:PAYPAL:CLIENT_ID"); } /** * @return string */ function getPaypalClientSecret() { return env('APP_ENV') == 'local' ? config("SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:PAYPAL:SANDBOX_SECRET") : config("SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:PAYPAL:SECRET"); } function getConfig() { return [ "name" => "PayPal", "description" => "PayPal payment gateway", "settings" => [ "mode" => [ "type" => "select", "label" => "Mode", "value" => config("APP_ENV") == 'local' ? "sandbox" : "live", "options" => [ "sandbox" => "Sandbox", "live" => "Live", ], ], "CLIENT_ID" => [ "type" => "text", "label" => "PayPal Client ID", "value" => config("SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:PAYPAL:CLIENT_ID"), ], "SECRET" => [ "type" => "text", "label" => "PayPal Secret", "value" => config("SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:PAYPAL:SECRET"), ], "SANDBOX_CLIENT_ID" => [ "type" => "text", "label" => "PayPal Sandbox Client ID", "value" => config("SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:PAYPAL:SANDBOX_CLIENT_ID"), ], "SANDBOX_SECRET" => [ "type" => "text", "label" => "PayPal Sandbox Secret", "value" => config("SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:PAYPAL:SANDBOX_SECRET"), ], ], ]; }