shopProduct); // check if the price is valid for stripe if (!checkPriceAmount($shopProduct->getTotalPrice(), strtoupper($shopProduct->currency_code), 'stripe')) { Redirect::route('home')->with('error', __('The product you chose can\'t be purchased with this payment method. The total amount is too small. Please buy a bigger amount or try a different payment method.'))->send(); return; } // create payment $payment = Payment::create([ 'user_id' => $user->id, 'payment_id' => null, 'payment_method' => 'stripe', 'type' => $shopProduct->type, 'status' => 'open', 'amount' => $shopProduct->quantity, 'price' => $shopProduct->price - ($shopProduct->price * PartnerDiscount::getDiscount() / 100), 'tax_value' => $shopProduct->getTaxValue(), 'total_price' => $shopProduct->getTotalPrice(), 'tax_percent' => $shopProduct->getTaxPercent(), 'currency_code' => $shopProduct->currency_code, 'shop_item_product_id' => $shopProduct->id, ]); $stripeClient = getStripeClient(); $request = $stripeClient->checkout->sessions->create([ 'line_items' => [ [ 'price_data' => [ 'currency' => $shopProduct->currency_code, 'product_data' => [ 'name' => $shopProduct->display . (PartnerDiscount::getDiscount() ? (' (' . __('Discount') . ' ' . PartnerDiscount::getDiscount() . '%)') : ''), 'description' => $shopProduct->description, ], 'unit_amount_decimal' => round($shopProduct->getPriceAfterDiscount() * 100, 2), ], 'quantity' => 1, ], [ 'price_data' => [ 'currency' => $shopProduct->currency_code, 'product_data' => [ 'name' => __('Tax'), 'description' => $shopProduct->getTaxPercent() . '%', ], 'unit_amount_decimal' => round($shopProduct->getTaxValue(), 2) * 100, ], 'quantity' => 1, ], ], 'mode' => 'payment', 'payment_method_types' => str_getcsv(config('SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:STRIPE:METHODS')), 'success_url' => route('payment.StripeSuccess', ['payment' => $payment->id]) . '&session_id={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}', 'cancel_url' => route('payment.Cancel'), ]); Redirect::to($request->url)->send(); } /** * @param Request $request */ function StripeSuccess(Request $request) { $user = Auth::user(); $user = User::findOrFail($user->id); $payment = Payment::findOrFail($request->input('payment')); $shopProduct = ShopProduct::findOrFail($payment->shop_item_product_id); $stripeClient = getStripeClient(); try { //get stripe data $paymentSession = $stripeClient->checkout->sessions->retrieve($request->input('session_id')); $paymentIntent = $stripeClient->paymentIntents->retrieve($paymentSession->payment_intent); //get DB entry of this payment ID if existing $paymentDbEntry = Payment::where('payment_id', $paymentSession->payment_intent)->count(); // check if payment is 100% completed and payment does not exist in db already if ($paymentSession->status == 'complete' && $paymentIntent->status == 'succeeded' && $paymentDbEntry == 0) { //update payment $payment->update([ 'payment_id' => $paymentSession->payment_intent, 'status' => 'paid', ]); //payment notification $user->notify(new ConfirmPaymentNotification($payment)); event(new UserUpdateCreditsEvent($user)); event(new PaymentEvent($user, $payment, $shopProduct)); //redirect back to home Redirect::route('home')->with('success', 'Payment successful')->send(); } else { if ($paymentIntent->status == 'processing') { //update payment $payment->update([ 'payment_id' => $paymentSession->payment_intent, 'status' => 'processing', ]); event(new PaymentEvent($user, $payment, $shopProduct)); Redirect::route('home')->with('success', 'Your payment is being processed')->send(); } if ($paymentDbEntry == 0 && $paymentIntent->status != 'processing') { $stripeClient->paymentIntents->cancel($paymentIntent->id); //redirect back to home Redirect::route('home')->with('info', __('Your payment has been canceled!'))->send(); } else { abort(402); } } } catch (Exception $e) { if (env('APP_ENV') == 'local') { dd($e->getMessage()); } else { abort(422); } } } /** * @param Request $request */ function handleStripePaymentSuccessHook($paymentIntent) { try { // Get payment db entry $payment = Payment::where('payment_id', $paymentIntent->id)->first(); $user = User::where('id', $payment->user_id)->first(); $shopProduct = ShopProduct::findOrFail($payment->shop_item_product_id); if ($paymentIntent->status == 'succeeded' && $payment->status == 'processing') { //update payment db entry status $payment->update(['status' => 'paid']); //payment notification $user->notify(new ConfirmPaymentNotification($payment)); event(new UserUpdateCreditsEvent($user)); event(new PaymentEvent($user, $payment, $shopProduct)); } // return 200 return response()->json(['success' => true], 200); } catch (Exception $ex) { abort(422); } } /** * @param Request $request */ function StripeWebhooks(Request $request) { Stripe::setApiKey(getStripeSecret()); try { $payload = @file_get_contents('php://input'); $sig_header = $request->header('Stripe-Signature'); $event = null; $event = \Stripe\Webhook::constructEvent( $payload, $sig_header, getStripeEndpointSecret() ); } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) { // Invalid payload abort(400); } catch (SignatureVerificationException $e) { // Invalid signature abort(400); } // Handle the event switch ($event->type) { case 'payment_intent.succeeded': $paymentIntent = $event->data->object; // contains a \Stripe\PaymentIntent handleStripePaymentSuccessHook($paymentIntent); break; default: echo 'Received unknown event type ' . $event->type; } } /** * @return \Stripe\StripeClient */ function getStripeClient() { return new StripeClient(getStripeSecret()); } /** * @return string */ function getStripeSecret() { return env('APP_ENV') == 'local' ? config('SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:STRIPE:TEST_SECRET') : config('SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:STRIPE:SECRET'); } /** * @return string */ function getStripeEndpointSecret() { return env('APP_ENV') == 'local' ? config('SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:STRIPE:ENDPOINT_TEST_SECRET') : config('SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:STRIPE:ENDPOINT_SECRET'); } /** * @param $amount * @param $currencyCode * @param $payment_method * @return bool * @description check if the amount is higher than the minimum amount for the stripe gateway */ function checkPriceAmount($amount, $currencyCode, $payment_method) { $minimums = [ "USD" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 0.5 ], "AED" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 2 ], "AUD" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 0.5 ], "BGN" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 1 ], "BRL" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 0.5 ], "CAD" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 0.5 ], "CHF" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 0.5 ], "CZK" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 15 ], "DKK" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 2.5 ], "EUR" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 0.5 ], "GBP" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 0.3 ], "HKD" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 4 ], "HRK" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 0.5 ], "HUF" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 175 ], "INR" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 0.5 ], "JPY" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 0.5 ], "MXN" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 10 ], "MYR" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 2 ], "NOK" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 3 ], "NZD" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 0.5 ], "PLN" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 2 ], "RON" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 2 ], "SEK" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 3 ], "SGD" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 0.5 ], "THB" => [ "paypal" => 0, "stripe" => 10 ] ]; return $amount >= $minimums[$currencyCode][$payment_method]; } function getStripeConfig() { return [ "name" => "Stripe", "description" => "Stripe payment gateway", "mode" => [ "type" => "select", "label" => "Mode", "value" => config("APP_ENV") == 'local' ? "sandbox" : "live", "options" => [ "sandbox" => "Sandbox", "live" => "Live", ], ], "TEST_SECRET" => [ "type" => "text", "label" => "Test Secret Key", "value" => config("SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:STRIPE:TEST_SECRET"), ], "SECRET" => [ "type" => "text", "label" => "Live Secret Key", "value" => config("SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:STRIPE:SECRET"), ], "ENDPOINT_TEST_SECRET" => [ "type" => "text", "label" => "Test Endpoint Secret", "value" => config("SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:STRIPE:ENDPOINT_TEST_SECRET"), ], "ENDPOINT_SECRET" => [ "type" => "text", "label" => "Live Endpoint Secret", "value" => config("SETTINGS::PAYMENTS:STRIPE:ENDPOINT_SECRET"), ], ]; }