@extends('layouts.main') @section('content')
@if(!Auth::user()->hasVerifiedEmail() && strtolower($force_email_verification) == 'true')
{{__('Required Email verification!')}}
{{__('You have not yet verified your email address')}} {{__('Click here to resend verification email')}}
{{__('Please contact support If you didnt receive your verification email.')}}
@endif @if(is_null(Auth::user()->discordUser) && strtolower($force_discord_verification) == 'true') @if(!empty(env('DISCORD_CLIENT_ID')) && !empty(env('DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET')))
{{__('Required Discord verification!')}}
{{__('You have not yet verified your discord account')}} {{__('Login with discord')}}
{{__('Please contact support If you face any issues.')}}
{{__('Required Discord verification!')}}
{{__('Due to system settings you are required to verify your discord account!')}}
{{__('It looks like this hasnt been set-up correctly! Please contact support.')}}'
@endif @endif
@csrf @method('PATCH')


{{$user->email}} @if($user->hasVerifiedEmail()) @else @endif

@if( $errors->has('pterodactyl_error_message') ) @foreach( $errors->get('pterodactyl_error_message') as $err ) {{ $err }} @endforeach @endif @if( $errors->has('pterodactyl_error_status') ) @foreach( $errors->get('pterodactyl_error_status') as $err ) {{ $err }} @endforeach @endif
{{__('Change Password')}}
@if(!empty(env('DISCORD_CLIENT_ID')) && !empty(env('DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET')))
@if(is_null(Auth::user()->discordUser)) {{__('Link your discord account!')}}

{{__('By verifying your discord account, you receive extra Credits and increased Server amounts')}}

{{__('Login with Discord')}} @else

{{__('You are verified!')}}

{{$user->discordUser->username}} {{$user->discordUser->locale}}

