/* * Slim v4.19.0 - Image Cropping Made Easy * Copyright (c) 2018 Rik Schennink - http://slimimagecropper.com */ !function (t, e) { function i() { t.Slim.parse(document) } if (t) if (t.Slim = function () { function t(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function i(t, e, i, n) { if (!(e >= 1)) { for (var o = t.width, a = t.height, r = Math.max(n.width, Math.min(i.width, Math.round(t.width * e))), s = Math.max(n.height, Math.min(i.height, Math.round(t.height * e))), h = st(t), u = void 0, l = void 0; o > r && a > s;) u = document.createElement("canvas"), o = Math.round(.5 * h.width), a = Math.round(.5 * h.height), o < r && (o = r), a < s && (a = s), u.width = o, u.height = a, l = u.getContext("2d"), l.drawImage(h, 0, 0, o, a), h = st(u); t.width = r, t.height = s, l = t.getContext("2d"), l.drawImage(h, 0, 0, r, s) } } !function () { function t(t, i) { i = i || {bubbles: !1, cancelable: !1, detail: e}; var n = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); return n.initCustomEvent(t, i.bubbles, i.cancelable, i.detail), n } return "function" != typeof window.CustomEvent && (t.prototype = window.Event.prototype, void(window.CustomEvent = t)) }(); var n = function (t, e, i) { var o, a, r = document.createElement("img"); if (r.onerror = e, r.onload = function () { !a || i && i.noRevoke || n.revokeObjectURL(a), e && e(n.scale(r, i)) }, n.isInstanceOf("Blob", t) || n.isInstanceOf("File", t)) o = a = n.createObjectURL(t), r._type = t.type; else { if ("string" != typeof t) return !1; o = t, i && i.crossOrigin && (r.crossOrigin = i.crossOrigin) } return o ? (r.src = o, r) : n.readFile(t, function (t) { var i = t.target; i && i.result ? r.src = i.result : e && e(t) }) }, o = window.createObjectURL && window || window.URL && URL.revokeObjectURL && URL || window.webkitURL && webkitURL; n.isInstanceOf = function (t, e) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(e) === "[object " + t + "]" }, n.transformCoordinates = function () { }, n.getTransformedOptions = function (t, e) { var i, n, o, a, r = e.aspectRatio; if (!r) return e; i = {}; for (n in e) e.hasOwnProperty(n) && (i[n] = e[n]); return i.crop = !0, o = t.naturalWidth || t.width, a = t.naturalHeight || t.height, o / a > r ? (i.maxWidth = a * r, i.maxHeight = a) : (i.maxWidth = o, i.maxHeight = o / r), i }, n.renderImageToCanvas = function (t, e, i, n, o, a, r, s, h, u) { return t.getContext("2d").drawImage(e, i, n, o, a, r, s, h, u), t }, n.hasCanvasOption = function (t) { return t.canvas || t.crop || !!t.aspectRatio }, n.scale = function (t, i) { function o() { var t = Math.max((h || b) / b, (u || k) / k); t > 1 && (b *= t, k *= t) } function a() { var t = Math.min((r || b) / b, (s || k) / k); t < 1 && (b *= t, k *= t) } i = i || {}; var r, s, h, u, l, p, c, d, f, _, m, g = document.createElement("canvas"), v = t.getContext || n.hasCanvasOption(i) && g.getContext, y = t.naturalWidth || t.width, w = t.naturalHeight || t.height, b = y, k = w; if (v && (i = n.getTransformedOptions(t, i), c = i.left || 0, d = i.top || 0, i.sourceWidth ? (l = i.sourceWidth, i.right !== e && i.left === e && (c = y - l - i.right)) : l = y - c - (i.right || 0), i.sourceHeight ? (p = i.sourceHeight, i.bottom !== e && i.top === e && (d = w - p - i.bottom)) : p = w - d - (i.bottom || 0), b = l, k = p), r = i.maxWidth, s = i.maxHeight, h = i.minWidth, u = i.minHeight, v && r && s && i.crop ? (b = r, k = s, m = l / p - r / s, m < 0 ? (p = s * l / r, i.top === e && i.bottom === e && (d = (w - p) / 2)) : m > 0 && (l = r * p / s, i.left === e && i.right === e && (c = (y - l) / 2))) : ((i.contain || i.cover) && (h = r = r || h, u = s = s || u), i.cover ? (a(), o()) : (o(), a())), v) { if (f = i.pixelRatio, f > 1 && (g.style.width = b + "px", g.style.height = k + "px", b *= f, k *= f, g.getContext("2d").scale(f, f)), _ = i.downsamplingRatio, _ > 0 && _ < 1 && b < l && k < p) for (; l * _ > b;) g.width = l * _, g.height = p * _, n.renderImageToCanvas(g, t, c, d, l, p, 0, 0, g.width, g.height), l = g.width, p = g.height, t = document.createElement("canvas"), t.width = l, t.height = p, n.renderImageToCanvas(t, g, 0, 0, l, p, 0, 0, l, p); return g.width = b, g.height = k, n.transformCoordinates(g, i), n.renderImageToCanvas(g, t, c, d, l, p, 0, 0, b, k) } return t.width = b, t.height = k, t }, n.createObjectURL = function (t) { return !!o && o.createObjectURL(t) }, n.revokeObjectURL = function (t) { return !!o && o.revokeObjectURL(t) }, n.readFile = function (t, e, i) { if (window.FileReader) { var n = new FileReader; if (n.onload = n.onerror = e, i = i || "readAsDataURL", n[i]) return n[i](t), n } return !1 }; var a = n.hasCanvasOption, r = n.transformCoordinates, s = n.getTransformedOptions; n.hasCanvasOption = function (t) { return !!t.orientation || a.call(n, t) }, n.transformCoordinates = function (t, e) { r.call(n, t, e); var i = t.getContext("2d"), o = t.width, a = t.height, s = t.style.width, h = t.style.height, u = e.orientation; if (u && !(u > 8)) switch (u > 4 && (t.width = a, t.height = o, t.style.width = h, t.style.height = s), u) { case 2: i.translate(o, 0), i.scale(-1, 1); break; case 3: i.translate(o, a), i.rotate(Math.PI); break; case 4: i.translate(0, a), i.scale(1, -1); break; case 5: i.rotate(.5 * Math.PI), i.scale(1, -1); break; case 6: i.rotate(.5 * Math.PI), i.translate(0, -a); break; case 7: i.rotate(.5 * Math.PI), i.translate(o, -a), i.scale(-1, 1); break; case 8: i.rotate(-.5 * Math.PI), i.translate(-o, 0) } }, n.getTransformedOptions = function (t, e) { var i, o, a = s.call(n, t, e), r = a.orientation; if (!r || r > 8 || 1 === r) return a; i = {}; for (o in a) a.hasOwnProperty(o) && (i[o] = a[o]); switch (a.orientation) { case 2: i.left = a.right, i.right = a.left; break; case 3: i.left = a.right, i.top = a.bottom, i.right = a.left, i.bottom = a.top; break; case 4: i.top = a.bottom, i.bottom = a.top; break; case 5: i.left = a.top, i.top = a.left, i.right = a.bottom, i.bottom = a.right; break; case 6: i.left = a.top, i.top = a.right, i.right = a.bottom, i.bottom = a.left; break; case 7: i.left = a.bottom, i.top = a.right, i.right = a.top, i.bottom = a.left; break; case 8: i.left = a.bottom, i.top = a.left, i.right = a.top, i.bottom = a.right } return a.orientation > 4 && (i.maxWidth = a.maxHeight, i.maxHeight = a.maxWidth, i.minWidth = a.minHeight, i.minHeight = a.minWidth, i.sourceWidth = a.sourceHeight, i.sourceHeight = a.sourceWidth), i }; var h = window.Blob && (Blob.prototype.slice || Blob.prototype.webkitSlice || Blob.prototype.mozSlice); n.blobSlice = h && function () { var t = this.slice || this.webkitSlice || this.mozSlice; return t.apply(this, arguments) }, n.metaDataParsers = {jpeg: {65505: []}}, n.parseMetaData = function (t, e, i) { i = i || {}; var o = this, a = i.maxMetaDataSize || 262144, r = {}, s = !(window.DataView && t && t.size >= 12 && "image/jpeg" === t.type && n.blobSlice); !s && n.readFile(n.blobSlice.call(t, 0, a), function (t) { if (t.target.error) return void e(r); var a, s, h, u, l = t.target.result, p = new DataView(l), c = 2, d = p.byteLength - 4, f = c; if (65496 === p.getUint16(0)) { for (; c < d && (a = p.getUint16(c), a >= 65504 && a <= 65519 || 65534 === a) && (s = p.getUint16(c + 2) + 2, !(c + s > p.byteLength));) { if (h = n.metaDataParsers.jpeg[a]) for (u = 0; u < h.length; u += 1) h[u].call(o, p, c, s, r, i); c += s, f = c } !i.disableImageHead && f > 6 && (l.slice ? r.imageHead = l.slice(0, f) : r.imageHead = new Uint8Array(l).subarray(0, f)) } e(r) }, "readAsArrayBuffer") || e(r) }, n.ExifMap = function () { return this }, n.ExifMap.prototype.map = {Orientation: 274}, n.ExifMap.prototype.get = function (t) { return this[t] || this[this.map[t]] }, n.getExifThumbnail = function (t, e, i) { var n, o, a; if (i && !(e + i > t.byteLength)) { for (n = [], o = 0; o < i; o += 1) a = t.getUint8(e + o), n.push((a < 16 ? "0" : "") + a.toString(16)); return "data:image/jpeg,%" + n.join("%") } }, n.exifTagTypes = { 1: { getValue: function (t, e) { return t.getUint8(e) }, size: 1 }, 2: { getValue: function (t, e) { return String.fromCharCode(t.getUint8(e)) }, size: 1, ascii: !0 }, 3: { getValue: function (t, e, i) { return t.getUint16(e, i) }, size: 2 }, 4: { getValue: function (t, e, i) { return t.getUint32(e, i) }, size: 4 }, 5: { getValue: function (t, e, i) { return t.getUint32(e, i) / t.getUint32(e + 4, i) }, size: 8 }, 9: { getValue: function (t, e, i) { return t.getInt32(e, i) }, size: 4 }, 10: { getValue: function (t, e, i) { return t.getInt32(e, i) / t.getInt32(e + 4, i) }, size: 8 } }, n.exifTagTypes[7] = n.exifTagTypes[1], n.getExifValue = function (t, e, i, o, a, r) { var s, h, u, l, p, c, d = n.exifTagTypes[o]; if (d && (s = d.size * a, h = s > 4 ? e + t.getUint32(i + 8, r) : i + 8, !(h + s > t.byteLength))) { if (1 === a) return d.getValue(t, h, r); for (u = [], l = 0; l < a; l += 1) u[l] = d.getValue(t, h + l * d.size, r); if (d.ascii) { for (p = "", l = 0; l < u.length && (c = u[l], "\0" !== c); l += 1) p += c; return p } return u } }, n.parseExifTag = function (t, e, i, o, a) { var r = t.getUint16(i, o); a.exif[r] = n.getExifValue(t, e, i, t.getUint16(i + 2, o), t.getUint32(i + 4, o), o) }, n.parseExifTags = function (t, e, i, n, o) { var a, r, s; if (!(i + 6 > t.byteLength || (a = t.getUint16(i, n), r = i + 2 + 12 * a, r + 4 > t.byteLength))) { for (s = 0; s < a; s += 1) this.parseExifTag(t, e, i + 2 + 12 * s, n, o); return t.getUint32(r, n) } }, n.parseExifData = function (t, e, i, o, a) { if (!a.disableExif) { var r, s, h, u = e + 10; if (1165519206 === t.getUint32(e + 4) && !(u + 8 > t.byteLength) && 0 === t.getUint16(e + 8)) { switch (t.getUint16(u)) { case 18761: r = !0; break; case 19789: r = !1; break; default: return } 42 === t.getUint16(u + 2, r) && (s = t.getUint32(u + 4, r), o.exif = new n.ExifMap, s = n.parseExifTags(t, u, u + s, r, o), s && !a.disableExifThumbnail && (h = {exif: {}}, s = n.parseExifTags(t, u, u + s, r, h), h.exif[513] && (o.exif.Thumbnail = n.getExifThumbnail(t, u + h.exif[513], h.exif[514]))), o.exif[34665] && !a.disableExifSub && n.parseExifTags(t, u, u + o.exif[34665], r, o), o.exif[34853] && !a.disableExifGps && n.parseExifTags(t, u, u + o.exif[34853], r, o)) } } }, n.metaDataParsers.jpeg[65505].push(n.parseExifData); var u = function () { var t = [], i = [], n = [], o = "transform", a = window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement, ""), r = (Array.prototype.slice.call(a).join("").match(/-(moz|webkit|ms)-/) || "" === a.OLink && ["", "o"])[1]; "webkit" === r && (o = "webkitTransform"); var s = function (t, i, n) { var o = t; if (o.length !== e) { for (var a = { chainers: [], then: function (t) { return this.snabbt(t) }, snabbt: function (t) { var e = this.chainers.length; return this.chainers.forEach(function (i, n) { i.snabbt(h(t, n, e)) }), a }, setValue: function (t) { return this.chainers.forEach(function (e) { e.setValue(t) }), a }, finish: function () { return this.chainers.forEach(function (t) { t.finish() }), a }, rollback: function () { return this.chainers.forEach(function (t) { t.rollback() }), a } }, r = 0, s = o.length; r < s; ++r) "string" == typeof i ? a.chainers.push(u(o[r], i, h(n, r, s))) : a.chainers.push(u(o[r], h(i, r, s), n)); return a } return "string" == typeof i ? u(o, i, h(n, 0, 1)) : u(o, h(i, 0, 1), n) }, h = function (t, e, i) { if (!t) return t; var n = $(t); J(t.delay) && (n.delay = t.delay(e, i)), J(t.callback) && (n.complete = function () { t.callback.call(this, e, i) }); var o = J(t.allDone), a = J(t.complete); (a || o) && (n.complete = function () { a && t.complete.call(this, e, i), o && e == i - 1 && t.allDone() }), J(t.valueFeeder) && (n.valueFeeder = function (n, o) { return t.valueFeeder(n, o, e, i) }), J(t.easing) && (n.easing = function (n) { return t.easing(n, e, i) }); var r = ["position", "rotation", "skew", "rotationPost", "scale", "width", "height", "opacity", "fromPosition", "fromRotation", "fromSkew", "fromRotationPost", "fromScale", "fromWidth", "fromHeight", "fromOpacity", "transformOrigin", "duration", "delay"]; return r.forEach(function (o) { J(t[o]) && (n[o] = t[o](e, i)) }), n }, u = function (t, e, n) { function o(e) { if (f.tick(e), f.updateElement(t), !f.isStopped()) return f.completed() ? void(a.loop > 1 && !f.isStopped() ? (a.loop -= 1, f.restart(), k(o)) : (a.complete && a.complete.call(t), _.length && (a = _.pop(), s = y(a, u, !0), u = y(a, $(u)), a = w(s, u, a), f = S(a), i.push([t, f]), f.tick(e), k(o)))) : k(o) } if ("attention" === e) return l(t, n); if ("stop" === e) return p(t); if ("detach" === e) return d(t); var a = e; m(); var r = v(t), s = r; s = y(a, s, !0); var u = $(r); u = y(a, u); var c = w(s, u, a), f = S(c); i.push([t, f]), f.updateElement(t, !0); var _ = [], g = { snabbt: function (t) { return _.unshift(h(t, 0, 1)), g }, then: function (t) { return this.snabbt(t) } }; return k(o), a.manual ? f : g }, l = function (t, e) { function n(i) { a.tick(i), a.updateElement(t), a.completed() ? (e.callback && e.callback(t), e.loop && e.loop > 1 && (e.loop--, a.restart(), k(n))) : k(n) } var o = y(e, q({})); e.movement = o; var a = E(e); i.push([t, a]), k(n) }, p = function (t) { for (var e = 0, n = i.length; e < n; ++e) { var o = i[e], a = o[0], r = o[1]; a === t && r.stop() } }, c = function (t, e) { for (var i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; ++i) if (t[i][0] === e) return i; return -1 }, d = function (t) { var e, o, a = [], r = i.concat(n), s = r.length; for (o = 0; o < s; ++o) e = r[o][0], (t.contains(e) || t === e) && a.push(e); for (s = a.length, o = 0; o < s; ++o) f(a[o]) }, f = function (t) { p(t); var e = c(i, t); e >= 0 && i.splice(e, 1), e = c(n, t), e >= 0 && n.splice(e, 1) }, _ = function (t, e) { for (var i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; ++i) { var o = t[i], a = o[0], r = o[1]; if (a === e) { var s = r.getCurrentState(); return r.stop(), s } } }, m = function () { n = n.filter(function (t) { return g(t[0]).body }) }, g = function (t) { for (var e = t; e.parentNode;) e = e.parentNode; return e }, v = function (t) { var e = _(i, t); return e ? e : _(n, t) }, y = function (t, e, i) { e || (e = q({ position: [0, 0, 0], rotation: [0, 0, 0], rotationPost: [0, 0, 0], scale: [1, 1], skew: [0, 0] })); var n = "position", o = "rotation", a = "skew", r = "rotationPost", s = "scale", h = "scalePost", u = "width", l = "height", p = "opacity"; return i && (n = "fromPosition", o = "fromRotation", a = "fromSkew", r = "fromRotationPost", s = "fromScale", h = "fromScalePost", u = "fromWidth", l = "fromHeight", p = "fromOpacity"), e.position = G(t[n], e.position), e.rotation = G(t[o], e.rotation), e.rotationPost = G(t[r], e.rotationPost), e.skew = G(t[a], e.skew), e.scale = G(t[s], e.scale), e.scalePost = G(t[h], e.scalePost), e.opacity = t[p], e.width = t[u], e.height = t[l], e }, w = function (t, e, i) { return i.startState = t, i.endState = e, i }, b = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (t) { return setTimeout(t, 1e3 / 60) }, k = function (e) { 0 === t.length && b(x), t.push(e) }, x = function (e) { for (var o = t.length, a = 0; a < o; ++a) t[a](e); t.splice(0, o); var r = i.filter(function (t) { return t[1].completed() }); n = n.filter(function (t) { for (var e = 0, i = r.length; e < i; ++e) if (t[0] === r[e][0]) return !1; return !0 }), n = n.concat(r), i = i.filter(function (t) { return !t[1].completed() }), 0 !== t.length && b(x) }, S = function (t) { var i = t.startState, n = t.endState, o = G(t.duration, 500), a = G(t.delay, 0), r = t.perspective, s = L(G(t.easing, "linear"), t), h = 0 === o ? n.clone() : i.clone(); t.transformOrigin; h.transformOrigin = t.transformOrigin; var u, l, p = 0, c = 0, d = !1, f = !1, _ = t.manual, m = 0, g = a / o; return l = t.valueFeeder ? V(t.valueFeeder, i, n, h) : j(i, n, h), { stop: function () { d = !0 }, isStopped: function () { return d }, finish: function (t) { _ = !1; var e = o * m; p = c - e, u = t, s.resetFrom = m }, rollback: function (t) { _ = !1, l.setReverse(); var e = o * (1 - m); p = c - e, u = t, s.resetFrom = m }, restart: function () { p = e, s.resetFrom(0) }, tick: function (t) { if (!d) { if (_) return c = t, void this.updateCurrentTransform(); if (p || (p = t), t - p > a) { f = !0, c = t - a; var e = Math.min(Math.max(0, c - p), o); s.tick(e / o), this.updateCurrentTransform(), this.completed() && u && u() } } }, getCurrentState: function () { return h }, setValue: function (t) { f = !0, m = Math.min(Math.max(t, 1e-4), 1 + g) }, updateCurrentTransform: function () { var t = s.getValue(); if (_) { var e = Math.max(1e-5, m - g); s.tick(e), t = s.getValue() } l.tween(t) }, completed: function () { return !!d || 0 !== p && s.completed() }, updateElement: function (t, e) { if (f || e) { var i = l.asMatrix(), n = l.getProperties(); X(t, i, r), Y(t, n) } } } }, E = function (t) { var i = t.movement; t.initialVelocity = .1, t.equilibriumPosition = 0; var n = T(t), o = !1, a = i.position, r = i.rotation, s = i.rotationPost, h = i.scale, u = i.skew, l = q({ position: a ? [0, 0, 0] : e, rotation: r ? [0, 0, 0] : e, rotationPost: s ? [0, 0, 0] : e, scale: h ? [0, 0] : e, skew: u ? [0, 0] : e }); return { stop: function () { o = !0 }, isStopped: function (t) { return o }, tick: function (t) { o || n.equilibrium || (n.tick(), this.updateMovement()) }, updateMovement: function () { var t = n.getValue(); a && (l.position[0] = i.position[0] * t, l.position[1] = i.position[1] * t, l.position[2] = i.position[2] * t), r && (l.rotation[0] = i.rotation[0] * t, l.rotation[1] = i.rotation[1] * t, l.rotation[2] = i.rotation[2] * t), s && (l.rotationPost[0] = i.rotationPost[0] * t, l.rotationPost[1] = i.rotationPost[1] * t, l.rotationPost[2] = i.rotationPost[2] * t), h && (l.scale[0] = 1 + i.scale[0] * t, l.scale[1] = 1 + i.scale[1] * t), u && (l.skew[0] = i.skew[0] * t, l.skew[1] = i.skew[1] * t) }, updateElement: function (t) { X(t, l.asMatrix()), Y(t, l.getProperties()) }, getCurrentState: function () { return l }, completed: function () { return n.equilibrium || o }, restart: function () { n = T(t) } } }, C = function (t) { return t }, P = function (t) { return (Math.cos(t * Math.PI + Math.PI) + 1) / 2 }, M = function (t) { return t * t }, R = function (t) { return -Math.pow(t - 1, 2) + 1 }, T = function (t) { var e = G(t.startPosition, 0), i = G(t.equilibriumPosition, 1), n = G(t.initialVelocity, 0), o = G(t.springConstant, .8), a = G(t.springDeceleration, .9), r = G(t.springMass, 10), s = !1; return { tick: function (t) { if (0 !== t && !s) { var h = -(e - i) * o, u = h / r; n += u, e += n, n *= a, Math.abs(e - i) < .001 && Math.abs(n) < .001 && (s = !0) } }, resetFrom: function (t) { e = t, n = 0 }, getValue: function () { return s ? i : e }, completed: function () { return s } } }, I = {linear: C, ease: P, easeIn: M, easeOut: R}, L = function (t, e) { if ("spring" == t) return T(e); var i = t; J(t) || (i = I[t]); var n, o = i, a = 0; return { tick: function (t) { a = o(t), n = t }, resetFrom: function (t) { n = 0 }, getValue: function () { return a }, completed: function () { return n >= 1 && n } } }, O = function (t, e, i, n) { t[0] = 1, t[1] = 0, t[2] = 0, t[3] = 0, t[4] = 0, t[5] = 1, t[6] = 0, t[7] = 0, t[8] = 0, t[9] = 0, t[10] = 1, t[11] = 0, t[12] = e, t[13] = i, t[14] = n, t[15] = 1 }, z = function (t, e) { t[0] = 1, t[1] = 0, t[2] = 0, t[3] = 0, t[4] = 0, t[5] = Math.cos(e), t[6] = -Math.sin(e), t[7] = 0, t[8] = 0, t[9] = Math.sin(e), t[10] = Math.cos(e), t[11] = 0, t[12] = 0, t[13] = 0, t[14] = 0, t[15] = 1 }, D = function (t, e) { t[0] = Math.cos(e), t[1] = 0, t[2] = Math.sin(e), t[3] = 0, t[4] = 0, t[5] = 1, t[6] = 0, t[7] = 0, t[8] = -Math.sin(e), t[9] = 0, t[10] = Math.cos(e), t[11] = 0, t[12] = 0, t[13] = 0, t[14] = 0, t[15] = 1 }, A = function (t, e) { t[0] = Math.cos(e), t[1] = -Math.sin(e), t[2] = 0, t[3] = 0, t[4] = Math.sin(e), t[5] = Math.cos(e), t[6] = 0, t[7] = 0, t[8] = 0, t[9] = 0, t[10] = 1, t[11] = 0, t[12] = 0, t[13] = 0, t[14] = 0, t[15] = 1 }, U = function (t, e, i) { t[0] = 1, t[1] = Math.tan(e), t[2] = 0, t[3] = 0, t[4] = Math.tan(i), t[5] = 1, t[6] = 0, t[7] = 0, t[8] = 0, t[9] = 0, t[10] = 1, t[11] = 0, t[12] = 0, t[13] = 0, t[14] = 0, t[15] = 1 }, H = function (t, e, i) { t[0] = e, t[1] = 0, t[2] = 0, t[3] = 0, t[4] = 0, t[5] = i, t[6] = 0, t[7] = 0, t[8] = 0, t[9] = 0, t[10] = 1, t[11] = 0, t[12] = 0, t[13] = 0, t[14] = 0, t[15] = 1 }, N = function (t) { t[0] = 1, t[1] = 0, t[2] = 0, t[3] = 0, t[4] = 0, t[5] = 1, t[6] = 0, t[7] = 0, t[8] = 0, t[9] = 0, t[10] = 1, t[11] = 0, t[12] = 0, t[13] = 0, t[14] = 0, t[15] = 1 }, B = function (t, e) { e[0] = t[0], e[1] = t[1], e[2] = t[2], e[3] = t[3], e[4] = t[4], e[5] = t[5], e[6] = t[6], e[7] = t[7], e[8] = t[8], e[9] = t[9], e[10] = t[10], e[11] = t[11], e[12] = t[12], e[13] = t[13], e[14] = t[14], e[15] = t[15] }, F = function () { var t = new Float32Array(16), e = new Float32Array(16), i = new Float32Array(16); return N(t), { data: t, asCSS: function () { for (var e = "matrix3d(", i = 0; i < 15; ++i) e += Math.abs(t[i]) < 1e-4 ? "0," : t[i].toFixed(10) + ","; return e += Math.abs(t[15]) < 1e-4 ? "0)" : t[15].toFixed(10) + ")" }, clear: function () { N(t) }, translate: function (n, o, a) { return B(t, e), O(i, n, o, a), W(e, i, t), this }, rotateX: function (n) { return B(t, e), z(i, n), W(e, i, t), this }, rotateY: function (n) { return B(t, e), D(i, n), W(e, i, t), this }, rotateZ: function (n) { return B(t, e), A(i, n), W(e, i, t), this }, scale: function (n, o) { return B(t, e), H(i, n, o), W(e, i, t), this }, skew: function (n, o) { return B(t, e), U(i, n, o), W(e, i, t), this } } }, W = function (t, e, i) { return i[0] = t[0] * e[0] + t[1] * e[4] + t[2] * e[8] + t[3] * e[12], i[1] = t[0] * e[1] + t[1] * e[5] + t[2] * e[9] + t[3] * e[13], i[2] = t[0] * e[2] + t[1] * e[6] + t[2] * e[10] + t[3] * e[14], i[3] = t[0] * e[3] + t[1] * e[7] + t[2] * e[11] + t[3] * e[15], i[4] = t[4] * e[0] + t[5] * e[4] + t[6] * e[8] + t[7] * e[12], i[5] = t[4] * e[1] + t[5] * e[5] + t[6] * e[9] + t[7] * e[13], i[6] = t[4] * e[2] + t[5] * e[6] + t[6] * e[10] + t[7] * e[14], i[7] = t[4] * e[3] + t[5] * e[7] + t[6] * e[11] + t[7] * e[15], i[8] = t[8] * e[0] + t[9] * e[4] + t[10] * e[8] + t[11] * e[12], i[9] = t[8] * e[1] + t[9] * e[5] + t[10] * e[9] + t[11] * e[13], i[10] = t[8] * e[2] + t[9] * e[6] + t[10] * e[10] + t[11] * e[14], i[11] = t[8] * e[3] + t[9] * e[7] + t[10] * e[11] + t[11] * e[15], i[12] = t[12] * e[0] + t[13] * e[4] + t[14] * e[8] + t[15] * e[12], i[13] = t[12] * e[1] + t[13] * e[5] + t[14] * e[9] + t[15] * e[13], i[14] = t[12] * e[2] + t[13] * e[6] + t[14] * e[10] + t[15] * e[14], i[15] = t[12] * e[3] + t[13] * e[7] + t[14] * e[11] + t[15] * e[15], i }, q = function (t) { var i = F(), n = {opacity: e, width: e, height: e}; return { position: t.position, rotation: t.rotation, rotationPost: t.rotationPost, skew: t.skew, scale: t.scale, scalePost: t.scalePost, opacity: t.opacity, width: t.width, height: t.height, clone: function () { return q({ position: this.position ? this.position.slice(0) : e, rotation: this.rotation ? this.rotation.slice(0) : e, rotationPost: this.rotationPost ? this.rotationPost.slice(0) : e, skew: this.skew ? this.skew.slice(0) : e, scale: this.scale ? this.scale.slice(0) : e, scalePost: this.scalePost ? this.scalePost.slice(0) : e, height: this.height, width: this.width, opacity: this.opacity }) }, asMatrix: function () { var t = i; return t.clear(), this.transformOrigin && t.translate(-this.transformOrigin[0], -this.transformOrigin[1], -this.transformOrigin[2]), this.scale && t.scale(this.scale[0], this.scale[1]), this.skew && t.skew(this.skew[0], this.skew[1]), this.rotation && (t.rotateX(this.rotation[0]), t.rotateY(this.rotation[1]), t.rotateZ(this.rotation[2])), this.position && t.translate(this.position[0], this.position[1], this.position[2]), this.rotationPost && (t.rotateX(this.rotationPost[0]), t.rotateY(this.rotationPost[1]), t.rotateZ(this.rotationPost[2])), this.scalePost && t.scale(this.scalePost[0], this.scalePost[1]), this.transformOrigin && t.translate(this.transformOrigin[0], this.transformOrigin[1], this.transformOrigin[2]), t }, getProperties: function () { return n.opacity = this.opacity, n.width = this.width + "px", n.height = this.height + "px", n } } }, j = function (t, i, n) { var o = t, a = i, r = n, s = a.position !== e, h = a.rotation !== e, u = a.rotationPost !== e, l = a.scale !== e, p = a.skew !== e, c = a.width !== e, d = a.height !== e, f = a.opacity !== e; return { tween: function (t) { if (s) { var e = a.position[0] - o.position[0], i = a.position[1] - o.position[1], n = a.position[2] - o.position[2]; r.position[0] = o.position[0] + t * e, r.position[1] = o.position[1] + t * i, r.position[2] = o.position[2] + t * n } if (h) { var _ = a.rotation[0] - o.rotation[0], m = a.rotation[1] - o.rotation[1], g = a.rotation[2] - o.rotation[2]; r.rotation[0] = o.rotation[0] + t * _, r.rotation[1] = o.rotation[1] + t * m, r.rotation[2] = o.rotation[2] + t * g } if (u) { var v = a.rotationPost[0] - o.rotationPost[0], y = a.rotationPost[1] - o.rotationPost[1], w = a.rotationPost[2] - o.rotationPost[2]; r.rotationPost[0] = o.rotationPost[0] + t * v, r.rotationPost[1] = o.rotationPost[1] + t * y, r.rotationPost[2] = o.rotationPost[2] + t * w } if (p) { var b = a.scale[0] - o.scale[0], k = a.scale[1] - o.scale[1]; r.scale[0] = o.scale[0] + t * b, r.scale[1] = o.scale[1] + t * k } if (l) { var x = a.skew[0] - o.skew[0], S = a.skew[1] - o.skew[1]; r.skew[0] = o.skew[0] + t * x, r.skew[1] = o.skew[1] + t * S } if (c) { var E = a.width - o.width; r.width = o.width + t * E } if (d) { var C = a.height - o.height; r.height = o.height + t * C } if (f) { var P = a.opacity - o.opacity; r.opacity = o.opacity + t * P } }, asMatrix: function () { return r.asMatrix() }, getProperties: function () { return r.getProperties() }, setReverse: function () { var t = o; o = a, a = t } } }, V = function (t, i, n, o) { var a = t(0, F()), r = i, s = n, h = o, u = !1; return { tween: function (i) { u && (i = 1 - i), a.clear(), a = t(i, a); var n = s.width - r.width, o = s.height - r.height, l = s.opacity - r.opacity; s.width !== e && (h.width = r.width + i * n), s.height !== e && (h.height = r.height + i * o), s.opacity !== e && (h.opacity = r.opacity + i * l) }, asMatrix: function () { return a }, getProperties: function () { return h.getProperties() }, setReverse: function () { u = !0 } } }, G = function (t, e) { return "undefined" == typeof t ? e : t }, X = function (t, e, i) { var n = ""; i && (n = "perspective(" + i + "px) "); var a = e.asCSS(); t.style[o] = n + a }, Y = function (t, e) { for (var i in e) t.style[i] = e[i] }, J = function (t) { return "function" == typeof t }, $ = function (t) { if (!t) return t; var e = {}; for (var i in t) e[i] = t[i]; return e }; return s.createMatrix = F, s.setElementTransform = X, s }(), l = function () { function t(t, e, i, n, o) { if ("string" == typeof t) t = document.getElementById(t); else if (!t instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) return; var a, r = t.getContext("2d"); try { try { a = r.getImageData(e, i, n, o) } catch (s) { throw new Error("unable to access local image data: " + s) } } catch (s) { throw new Error("unable to access image data: " + s) } return a } function e(e, n, o, a, r, s) { if (!(isNaN(s) || s < 1)) { s |= 0; var h = t(e, n, o, a, r); h = i(h, n, o, a, r, s), e.getContext("2d").putImageData(h, n, o) } } function i(t, e, i, r, s, h) { var u, l, p, c, d, f, _, m, g, v, y, w, b, k, x, S, E, C, P, M, R, T, I, L, O = t.data, z = h + h + 1, D = r - 1, A = s - 1, U = h + 1, H = U * (U + 1) / 2, N = new n, B = N; for (p = 1; p < z; p++) if (B = B.next = new n, p == U) var F = B; B.next = N; var W = null, q = null; _ = f = 0; var j = o[h], V = a[h]; for (l = 0; l < s; l++) { for (S = E = C = P = m = g = v = y = 0, w = U * (M = O[f]), b = U * (R = O[f + 1]), k = U * (T = O[f + 2]), x = U * (I = O[f + 3]), m += H * M, g += H * R, v += H * T, y += H * I, B = N, p = 0; p < U; p++) B.r = M, B.g = R, B.b = T, B.a = I, B = B.next; for (p = 1; p < U; p++) c = f + ((D < p ? D : p) << 2), m += (B.r = M = O[c]) * (L = U - p), g += (B.g = R = O[c + 1]) * L, v += (B.b = T = O[c + 2]) * L, y += (B.a = I = O[c + 3]) * L, S += M, E += R, C += T, P += I, B = B.next; for (W = N, q = F, u = 0; u < r; u++) O[f + 3] = I = y * j >> V, 0 != I ? (I = 255 / I, O[f] = (m * j >> V) * I, O[f + 1] = (g * j >> V) * I, O[f + 2] = (v * j >> V) * I) : O[f] = O[f + 1] = O[f + 2] = 0, m -= w, g -= b, v -= k, y -= x, w -= W.r, b -= W.g, k -= W.b, x -= W.a, c = _ + ((c = u + h + 1) < D ? c : D) << 2, S += W.r = O[c], E += W.g = O[c + 1], C += W.b = O[c + 2], P += W.a = O[c + 3], m += S, g += E, v += C, y += P, W = W.next, w += M = q.r, b += R = q.g, k += T = q.b, x += I = q.a, S -= M, E -= R, C -= T, P -= I, q = q.next, f += 4; _ += r } for (u = 0; u < r; u++) { for (E = C = P = S = g = v = y = m = 0, f = u << 2, w = U * (M = O[f]), b = U * (R = O[f + 1]), k = U * (T = O[f + 2]), x = U * (I = O[f + 3]), m += H * M, g += H * R, v += H * T, y += H * I, B = N, p = 0; p < U; p++) B.r = M, B.g = R, B.b = T, B.a = I, B = B.next; for (d = r, p = 1; p <= h; p++) f = d + u << 2, m += (B.r = M = O[f]) * (L = U - p), g += (B.g = R = O[f + 1]) * L, v += (B.b = T = O[f + 2]) * L, y += (B.a = I = O[f + 3]) * L, S += M, E += R, C += T, P += I, B = B.next, p < A && (d += r); for (f = u, W = N, q = F, l = 0; l < s; l++) c = f << 2, O[c + 3] = I = y * j >> V, I > 0 ? (I = 255 / I, O[c] = (m * j >> V) * I, O[c + 1] = (g * j >> V) * I, O[c + 2] = (v * j >> V) * I) : O[c] = O[c + 1] = O[c + 2] = 0, m -= w, g -= b, v -= k, y -= x, w -= W.r, b -= W.g, k -= W.b, x -= W.a, c = u + ((c = l + U) < A ? c : A) * r << 2, m += S += W.r = O[c], g += E += W.g = O[c + 1], v += C += W.b = O[c + 2], y += P += W.a = O[c + 3], W = W.next, w += M = q.r, b += R = q.g, k += T = q.b, x += I = q.a, S -= M, E -= R, C -= T, P -= I, q = q.next, f += r } return t } function n() { this.r = 0, this.g = 0, this.b = 0, this.a = 0, this.next = null } var o = [512, 512, 456, 512, 328, 456, 335, 512, 405, 328, 271, 456, 388, 335, 292, 512, 454, 405, 364, 328, 298, 271, 496, 456, 420, 388, 360, 335, 312, 292, 273, 512, 482, 454, 428, 405, 383, 364, 345, 328, 312, 298, 284, 271, 259, 496, 475, 456, 437, 420, 404, 388, 374, 360, 347, 335, 323, 312, 302, 292, 282, 273, 265, 512, 497, 482, 468, 454, 441, 428, 417, 405, 394, 383, 373, 364, 354, 345, 337, 328, 320, 312, 305, 298, 291, 284, 278, 271, 265, 259, 507, 496, 485, 475, 465, 456, 446, 437, 428, 420, 412, 404, 396, 388, 381, 374, 367, 360, 354, 347, 341, 335, 329, 323, 318, 312, 307, 302, 297, 292, 287, 282, 278, 273, 269, 265, 261, 512, 505, 497, 489, 482, 475, 468, 461, 454, 447, 441, 435, 428, 422, 417, 411, 405, 399, 394, 389, 383, 378, 373, 368, 364, 359, 354, 350, 345, 341, 337, 332, 328, 324, 320, 316, 312, 309, 305, 301, 298, 294, 291, 287, 284, 281, 278, 274, 271, 268, 265, 262, 259, 257, 507, 501, 496, 491, 485, 480, 475, 470, 465, 460, 456, 451, 446, 442, 437, 433, 428, 424, 420, 416, 412, 408, 404, 400, 396, 392, 388, 385, 381, 377, 374, 370, 367, 363, 360, 357, 354, 350, 347, 344, 341, 338, 335, 332, 329, 326, 323, 320, 318, 315, 312, 310, 307, 304, 302, 299, 297, 294, 292, 289, 287, 285, 282, 280, 278, 275, 273, 271, 269, 267, 265, 263, 261, 259], a = [9, 11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24]; return e }(); HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.toBlob || Object.defineProperty(HTMLCanvasElement.prototype, "toBlob", { value: function (t, e, i) { for (var n = atob(this.toDataURL(e, i).split(",")[1]), o = n.length, a = new Uint8Array(o), r = 0; r < o; r++) a[r] = n.charCodeAt(r); t(new Blob([a], {type: e || "image/png"})) } }); var p = function () { function t(t, e) { for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { var n = e[i]; n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, n.key, n) } } return function (e, i, n) { return i && t(e.prototype, i), n && t(e, n), e } }(), c = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t }, d = function (t) { if ("undefined" == typeof t.dataset) { var e, i, n = {}, o = t.attributes; for (e in o) o.hasOwnProperty(e) && o[e].name && /^data-[a-z_\-\d]*$/i.test(o[e].name) && (i = f(o[e].name.substr(5)), n[i] = o[e].value); return n } return t.dataset }, f = function (t) { return t.replace(/\-./g, function (t) { return t.charAt(1).toUpperCase() }) }, _ = function (t) { for (var e = [], i = Array.prototype.slice.call(t.attributes), n = i.length, o = 0; o < n; o++) e.push({ name: i[o].name, value: i[o].value }); return e }, m = function (t) { return { x: "undefined" == typeof t.offsetX ? t.layerX : t.offsetX, y: "undefined" == typeof t.offsetY ? t.layerY : t.offsetY } }, g = function (t, e) { var i, n = {}, o = e || {}; for (i in t) t.hasOwnProperty(i) && (n[i] = "undefined" == typeof o[i] ? t[i] : o[i]); return n }, v = {ESC: 27, RETURN: 13}, y = { DOWN: ["touchstart", "pointerdown", "mousedown"], MOVE: ["touchmove", "pointermove", "mousemove"], UP: ["touchend", "touchcancel", "pointerup", "mouseup"] }, w = { jpeg: "image/jpeg", jpg: "image/jpeg", jpe: "image/jpeg", png: "image/png", gif: "image/gif", bmp: "image/bmp" }, b = /(\.png|\.bmp|\.gif|\.jpg|\.jpe|\.jpg|\.jpeg)$/, k = function (t, e) { var i = document.createElement(t); return e && (i.className = e), i }, x = function (t, e, i) { e.forEach(function (e) { t.addEventListener(e, i, !1) }) }, S = function (t, e, i) { e.forEach(function (e) { t.removeEventListener(e, i, !1) }) }, E = function (t) { var e = t.changedTouches ? t.changedTouches[0] : t; if (e) return {x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY} }, C = function (t, e) { var i = .5, n = .5, o = Math.PI / 180 * e, a = Math.cos(o), r = Math.sin(o), s = t.x, h = t.y, u = t.x + t.width, l = t.y + t.height, p = a * (s - i) + r * (h - n) + i, c = a * (h - n) - r * (s - i) + n, d = a * (u - i) + r * (l - n) + i, f = a * (l - n) - r * (u - i) + n; p <= d ? (t.x = p, t.width = d - p) : (t.x = d, t.width = p - d), c <= f ? (t.y = c, t.height = f - c) : (t.y = f, t.height = c - f) }, P = function (t) { var e = E(t); return e.x -= window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft, e.y -= window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop, e }, M = function (t) { return t.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + t.slice(1) }, R = function (t) { return t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1) }, T = function (t) { return t[t.length - 1] }, I = function (t, e, i) { return Math.max(e, Math.min(i, t)) }, L = function (t, e) { if (!e) return !1; for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) if (e[i] === t) return !0; return !1 }, O = function (t) { var i = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== e ? arguments[1] : "POST", n = arguments[2], o = arguments[3], a = arguments[4], r = arguments[5], s = arguments[6], h = new XMLHttpRequest; a && h.upload.addEventListener("progress", function (t) { a(t.loaded, t.total) }), h.open(i, t, !0), o && o(h, n), h.onreadystatechange = function () { if (4 === h.readyState && h.status >= 200 && h.status < 300) { var t = h.responseText; if (!t.length) return void r(); if (t.indexOf("Content-Length") !== -1) return void s("file-too-big"); var e = void 0; try { e = JSON.parse(h.responseText) } catch (i) { } if ("object" === ("undefined" == typeof e ? "undefined" : c(e)) && "failure" === e.status) return void s(e.message); r(e || t) } else if (4 === h.readyState) { var n = void 0; try { n = JSON.parse(h.responseText) } catch (i) { } if ("object" === ("undefined" == typeof n ? "undefined" : c(n)) && "failure" === n.status) return void s(n.message); s("fail") } }, h.send(n) }, z = function (t) { t && (t.style.webkitTransform = "", t.style.transform = "") }, D = function (t) { return t / 1e6 }, A = function () { var t = [], e = void 0, i = void 0; for (e in w) w.hasOwnProperty(e) && (i = w[e], t.indexOf(i) == -1 && t.push(i)); return t }, U = function (t) { return "image/jpeg" === t }, H = function (t) { var e = void 0; for (e in w) if (w.hasOwnProperty(e) && w[e] === t) return e; return t }, N = function (t) { var e = void 0; for (e in w) if (w.hasOwnProperty(e) && t.indexOf(w[e]) !== -1) return w[e]; return null }, B = function (t) { return t.split("/").pop().split("?").shift() }, F = function (t) { var i = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== e ? arguments[1] : ""; return (i + t).slice(-i.length) }, W = function (t) { return t.getFullYear() + "-" + F(t.getMonth() + 1, "00") + "-" + F(t.getDate(), "00") + "_" + F(t.getHours(), "00") + "-" + F(t.getMinutes(), "00") + "-" + F(t.getSeconds(), "00") }, q = function (t) { return "undefined" == typeof t.name ? W(new Date) + "." + H(j(t)) : t.name }, j = function (t) { return t.type || "image/jpeg" }, V = function (t) { if ("string" != typeof t) return W(new Date); var e = B(t); return e.split(".").shift() }, G = function (t, e) { try { return new File([t], e, {type: t.type, lastModified: Date.now()}) } catch (i) { return t.lastModified = new Date, t.name = e, t } }, X = function (t) { return /^data:image/.test(t) }, Y = function (t, e, i, n, o, a) { t = "" + t + (t.indexOf("?") !== -1 ? "&" : "?") + "url=" + n; var r = new XMLHttpRequest; r.open("GET", t, !0), e(r), r.responseType = "json", r.onload = function () { return "failure" === this.response.status ? void o(this.response.message) : void J(this.response.body, i, a) }, r.send() }, J = function (t, e, i, n) { var o = new XMLHttpRequest; o.open("GET", t, !0), e(o), o.responseType = "blob", o.onload = function (e) { if (o.status >= 200 && o.status < 300) { var a = B(t), r = N(this.response.type); b.test(a) || (a += "." + H(r)); var s = G(this.response, a); i(gt(s, r)) } else n(o.status + ": " + o.statusText) }, o.onerror = function () { n() }, o.send() }, $ = function (t) { var e = t.split(",")[1], i = e.replace(/\s/g, ""); return atob(i) }, Z = function (t, e) { for (var i = $(t), n = new ArrayBuffer(i.length), o = new Uint8Array(n), a = 0; a < i.length; a++) o[a] = i.charCodeAt(a); var r = wt(t); return "undefined" == typeof e && (e = W(new Date) + "." + H(r)), G(K(n, r), e) }, K = function (t, e) { var i = window.BlobBuilder = window.BlobBuilder || window.WebKitBlobBuilder || window.MozBlobBuilder || window.MSBlobBuilder; if (i) { var n = new i; return n.append(t), n.getBlob(e) } return new Blob([t], {type: e}) }, Q = function (t, e, i) { var o = "string" != typeof t || 0 !== t.indexOf("data:image"); n.parseMetaData(t, function (a) { var r = {canvas: !0, crossOrigin: o}; e && (r.maxWidth = e.width, r.maxHeight = e.height), a.exif && (r.orientation = a.exif.get("Orientation")), n(t, function (t) { return "error" === t.type ? void i() : void i(t, a) }, r) }) }, tt = function (t, e, i) { var n, o, a, r, s = e / t; return s < i ? (r = e, a = r / i, n = .5 * (t - a), o = 0) : (a = t, r = a * i, n = 0, o = .5 * (e - r)), { x: n, y: o, height: r, width: a } }, et = function (t) { var n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== e ? arguments[1] : {}, o = arguments[2], a = k("canvas"), r = n.rotation, s = n.crop, h = n.size, u = n.filters, l = n.minSize; if (s) { var p = r % 180 !== 0, c = {width: p ? t.height : t.width, height: p ? t.width : t.height}; s.x < 0 && (s.x = 0), s.y < 0 && (s.y = 0), s.width > c.width && (s.width = c.width), s.height > c.height && (s.height = c.height), s.y + s.height > c.height && (s.y = Math.max(0, c.height - s.height)), s.x + s.width > c.width && (s.x = Math.max(0, c.width - s.width)); var d = s.x / c.width, f = s.y / c.height, _ = s.width / c.width, m = s.height / c.height; a.width = s.width, a.height = s.height; var g = a.getContext("2d"); 90 === r ? (g.translate(.5 * a.width, .5 * a.height), g.rotate(-90 * Math.PI / 180), g.drawImage(t, (1 - f) * t.width - t.width * m, s.x, s.height, s.width, .5 * -a.height, .5 * -a.width, a.height, a.width)) : 180 === r ? (g.translate(.5 * a.width, .5 * a.height), g.rotate(-180 * Math.PI / 180), g.drawImage(t, (1 - (d + _)) * c.width, (1 - (f + m)) * c.height, _ * c.width, m * c.height, .5 * -a.width, .5 * -a.height, a.width, a.height)) : 270 === r ? (g.translate(.5 * a.width, .5 * a.height), g.rotate(-270 * Math.PI / 180), g.drawImage(t, s.y, (1 - d) * t.height - t.height * _, s.height, s.width, .5 * -a.height, .5 * -a.width, a.height, a.width)) : g.drawImage(t, s.x, s.y, s.width, s.height, 0, 0, a.width, a.height) } if (h) { var v = h.width / a.width, y = h.height / a.height, w = Math.min(v, y); i(a, w, h, l), u.sharpen > 0 && nt(a, at(u.sharpen)) } o(a) }, it = function (t) { var e = t.getContext("2d"); return e.getImageData(0, 0, t.width, t.height) }, nt = function (t, e) { var i = t.getContext("2d"); i.putImageData(e(it(t), t.width, t.height), 0, 0) }, ot = function (t, e, i) { var n = document.createElement("canvas"); n.width = t, n.height = e; var o = n.getContext("2d"), a = o.createImageData(n.width, n.height); return i && a.set(i.data), a }, at = function (t) { return function (e, i, n) { for (var o = [0, -1, 0, -1, 5, -1, 0, -1, 0], a = Math.round(Math.sqrt(o.length)), r = .5 * a | 0, s = ot(i, n), h = s.data, u = e.data, l = n, p = void 0; l--;) for (p = i; p--;) { for (var c = l, d = p, f = 4 * (l * i + p), _ = 0, m = 0, g = 0, v = 0, y = 0; y < a; y++) for (var w = 0; w < a; w++) { var b = c + y - r, k = d + w - r; if (b >= 0 && b < n && k >= 0 && k < i) { var x = 4 * (b * i + k), S = o[y * a + w]; _ += u[x] * S, m += u[x + 1] * S, g += u[x + 2] * S, v += u[x + 3] * S } } h[f] = _ * t + u[f] * (1 - t), h[f + 1] = m * t + u[f + 1] * (1 - t), h[f + 2] = g * t + u[f + 2] * (1 - t), h[f + 3] = u[f + 3] } return s } }, rt = function (t, e) { var i = Math.abs(t.width - e.width), n = Math.abs(t.height - e.height); return Math.max(i, n) }, st = function (t) { return ht(t, 1) }, ht = function (t, e) { if (!t) return null; var n = document.createElement("canvas"), o = n.getContext("2d"); return n.width = t.width, n.height = t.height, o.drawImage(t, 0, 0), e > 0 && 1 !== e && i(n, e, { width: Math.round(t.width * e), height: Math.round(t.height * e) }, {width: 0, height: 0}), n }, ut = function (t) { return t.width && t.height }, lt = function (t, e) { var i = e.getContext("2d"); ut(e) ? i.drawImage(t, 0, 0, e.width, e.height) : (e.width = t.width, e.height = t.height, i.drawImage(t, 0, 0)) }, pt = function (t) { l(t, 0, 0, t.width, t.height, 3) }, ct = function (t, e) { return parseInt(t.width, 10) >= e.width && parseInt(t.height, 10) >= e.height }, dt = function (t, e, i) { return {x: t.x * e, y: t.y * i, width: t.width * e, height: t.height * i} }, ft = function (t, e, i) { return {x: t.x / e, y: t.y / i, width: t.width / e, height: t.height / i} }, _t = function (t) { if (t && "" !== t.value) { try { t.value = "" } catch (e) { } if (t.value) { var i = document.createElement("form"), n = t.parentNode, o = t.nextSibling; i.appendChild(t), i.reset(), o ? n.insertBefore(t, o) : n.appendChild(t) } } }, mt = function (t) { return "object" === ("undefined" == typeof value ? "undefined" : c(value)) && null !== value ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t)) : t }, gt = function (t) { var i = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== e ? arguments[1] : null; if (!t) return null; var n = t.slice(0, t.size, i || t.type); return n.name = t.name, n.lastModified = new Date(t.lastModified), n }, vt = function (t) { var e = mt(t); return e.input.file = gt(t.input.file), e.output.image = st(t.output.image), e }, yt = function (t, i, n) { return t && i ? t.toDataURL(i, U(i) && "number" == typeof n ? n / 100 : e) : null }, wt = function (t) { if (!t) return null; var e = t.substr(0, 16).match(/^.+;/); return e.length ? e[0].substring(5, e[0].length - 1) : null }, bt = function (t) { var i = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== e ? arguments[1] : [], n = arguments[2], o = arguments[3], a = arguments[4], r = { server: mt(t.server), meta: mt(t.meta), input: { name: t.input.name, type: t.input.type, size: t.input.size, width: t.input.width, height: t.input.height, field: t.input.field } }; return L("input", i) && !a && (r.input.image = yt(t.input.image, t.input.type)), L("output", i) && (r.output = { name: o ? V(t.input.name) + "." + o : t.input.name, type: w[o] || t.input.type, width: t.output.width, height: t.output.height }, r.output.image = yt(t.output.image, r.output.type, n), r.output.type = wt(r.output.image), "image/png" === r.output.type && (r.output.name = V(r.input.name) + ".png")), L("actions", i) && (r.actions = mt(t.actions)), r }, kt = function (t, i, n) { var o = t.output.image, a = n ? V(t.input.name) + "." + n : t.input.name, r = w[n] || t.input.type; "image/png" === r && (a = V(t.input.name) + ".png"), o.toBlob(function (t) { if ("msSaveBlob" in window.navigator) return void window.navigator.msSaveBlob(t, a); var e = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(t), i = k("a"); i.style.display = "none", i.download = a, i.href = e, document.body.appendChild(i), i.click(), setTimeout(function () { document.body.removeChild(i), (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(e) }, 0) }, r, "number" == typeof i ? i / 100 : e) }, xt = function (t, e, i) { var n = i.querySelector(t); n && (n.style.display = e ? "" : "none") }, St = function (t) { return Array.prototype.slice.call(t) }, Et = function (t) { t.parentNode.removeChild(t) }, Ct = function (t) { var e = k("div"); return t.parentNode && (t.nextSibling ? t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t.nextSibling) : t.parentNode.appendChild(e)), e.appendChild(t), e }, Pt = function (t, e, i, n) { var o = (n - 90) * Math.PI / 180; return {x: t + i * Math.cos(o), y: e + i * Math.sin(o)} }, Mt = function (t, e, i, n, o) { var a = Pt(t, e, i, o), r = Pt(t, e, i, n), s = o - n <= 180 ? "0" : "1", h = ["M", a.x, a.y, "A", i, i, 0, s, 0, r.x, r.y].join(" "); return h }, Rt = function (t, e, i, n) { return Mt(t, e, i, 0, 360 * n) }, Tt = function () { var i = { n: function (t, e, i, n) { var o, a, r, s, h, u, l, p; return r = t.y + t.height, o = I(e.y, 0, r), r - o < i.min.height && (o = r - i.min.height), h = n ? (r - o) / n : t.width, h < i.min.width && (h = i.min.width, o = r - h * n), l = .5 * (h - t.width), s = t.x - l, a = t.x + t.width + l, (s < 0 || Math.round(a) > Math.round(i.width)) && (p = Math.min(t.x, i.width - (t.x + t.width)), s = t.x - p, a = t.x + t.width + p, h = a - s, u = h * n, o = r - u), { x: s, y: o, width: a - s, height: r - o } }, s: function (t, e, i, n) { var o, a, r, s, h, u, l, p; return o = t.y, r = I(e.y, o, i.height), r - o < i.min.height && (r = o + i.min.height), h = n ? (r - o) / n : t.width, h < i.min.width && (h = i.min.width, r = o + h * n), l = .5 * (h - t.width), s = t.x - l, a = t.x + t.width + l, (s < 0 || Math.round(a) > Math.round(i.width)) && (p = Math.min(t.x, i.width - (t.x + t.width)), s = t.x - p, a = t.x + t.width + p, h = a - s, u = h * n, r = o + u), { x: s, y: o, width: a - s, height: r - o } }, e: function (t, e, i, n) { var o, a, r, s, h, u, l, p; return s = t.x, a = I(e.x, s, i.width), a - s < i.min.width && (a = s + i.min.width), u = n ? (a - s) * n : t.height, u < i.min.height && (u = i.min.height, a = s + u / n), l = .5 * (u - t.height), o = t.y - l, r = t.y + t.height + l, (o < 0 || Math.round(r) > Math.round(i.height)) && (p = Math.min(t.y, i.height - (t.y + t.height)), o = t.y - p, r = t.y + t.height + p, u = r - o, h = u / n, a = s + h), { x: s, y: o, width: a - s, height: r - o } }, w: function n(t, e, i, o) { var a, r, s, h, n, u, l, p; return r = t.x + t.width, h = I(e.x, 0, r), r - h < i.min.width && (h = r - i.min.width), u = o ? (r - h) * o : t.height, u < i.min.height && (u = i.min.height, h = r - u / o), l = .5 * (u - t.height), a = t.y - l, s = t.y + t.height + l, (a < 0 || Math.round(s) > Math.round(i.height)) && (p = Math.min(t.y, i.height - (t.y + t.height)), a = t.y - p, s = t.y + t.height + p, u = s - a, n = u / o, h = r - n), { x: h, y: a, width: r - h, height: s - a } }, ne: function (t, e, i, n) { var o, a, r, s, h, u, l; return s = t.x, r = t.y + t.height, a = I(e.x, s, i.width), a - s < i.min.width && (a = s + i.min.width), u = n ? (a - s) * n : I(r - e.y, i.min.height, r), u < i.min.height && (u = i.min.height, a = s + u / n), o = t.y - (u - t.height), (o < 0 || Math.round(r) > Math.round(i.height)) && (l = Math.min(t.y, i.height - (t.y + t.height)), o = t.y - l, u = r - o, h = u / n, a = s + h), { x: s, y: o, width: a - s, height: r - o } }, se: function (t, e, i, n) { var o, a, r, s, h, u, l; return s = t.x, o = t.y, a = I(e.x, s, i.width), a - s < i.min.width && (a = s + i.min.width), u = n ? (a - s) * n : I(e.y - t.y, i.min.height, i.height - o), u < i.min.height && (u = i.min.height, a = s + u / n), r = t.y + t.height + (u - t.height), (o < 0 || Math.round(r) > Math.round(i.height)) && (l = Math.min(t.y, i.height - (t.y + t.height)), r = t.y + t.height + l, u = r - o, h = u / n, a = s + h), { x: s, y: o, width: a - s, height: r - o } }, sw: function (t, e, i, n) { var o, a, r, s, h, u, l; return a = t.x + t.width, o = t.y, s = I(e.x, 0, a), a - s < i.min.width && (s = a - i.min.width), u = n ? (a - s) * n : I(e.y - t.y, i.min.height, i.height - o), u < i.min.height && (u = i.min.height, s = a - u / n), r = t.y + t.height + (u - t.height), (o < 0 || Math.round(r) > Math.round(i.height)) && (l = Math.min(t.y, i.height - (t.y + t.height)), r = t.y + t.height + l, u = r - o, h = u / n, s = a - h), { x: s, y: o, width: a - s, height: r - o } }, nw: function (t, e, i, n) { var o, a, r, s, h, u, l; return a = t.x + t.width, r = t.y + t.height, s = I(e.x, 0, a), a - s < i.min.width && (s = a - i.min.width), u = n ? (a - s) * n : I(r - e.y, i.min.height, r), u < i.min.height && (u = i.min.height, s = a - u / n), o = t.y - (u - t.height), (o < 0 || Math.round(r) > Math.round(i.height)) && (l = Math.min(t.y, i.height - (t.y + t.height)), o = t.y - l, u = r - o, h = u / n, s = a - h), { x: s, y: o, width: a - s, height: r - o } } }; return function () { function n() { var i = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== e ? arguments[0] : document.createElement("div"); t(this, n), this._element = i, this._interaction = null, this._minWidth = 1, this._minHeight = 1, this._ratio = null, this._rect = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }, this._space = {width: 0, height: 0}, this._rectChanged = !1, this._init() } return p(n, [{ key: "_init", value: function () { this._element.className = "slim-crop-area"; var t = k("div", "grid"); this._element.appendChild(t); for (var e in i) if (i.hasOwnProperty(e)) { var n = k("button", e); this._element.appendChild(n) } var o = k("button", "c"); this._element.appendChild(o), x(document, y.DOWN, this) } }, { key: "reset", value: function () { this._interaction = null, this._rect = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }, this._rectChanged = !0, this._redraw(), this._element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("change")) } }, { key: "rescale", value: function (t) { 1 !== t && (this._interaction = null, this._rectChanged = !0, this._rect.x *= t, this._rect.y *= t, this._rect.width *= t, this._rect.height *= t, this._redraw(), this._element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("change"))) } }, { key: "limit", value: function (t, e) { this._space.width = t, this._space.height = e } }, { key: "offset", value: function (t, e) { this._space.x = t, this._space.y = e } }, { key: "resize", value: function (t, e, i, n) { this._interaction = null, this._rect = { x: I(t, 0, this._space.width - this._minWidth), y: I(e, 0, this._space.height - this._minHeight), width: I(i, this._minWidth, this._space.width), height: I(n, this._minHeight, this._space.height) }, this._rectChanged = !0, this._redraw(), this._element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("change")) } }, { key: "handleEvent", value: function (t) { switch (t.type) { case"touchstart": case"pointerdown": case"mousedown": this._onStartDrag(t); break; case"touchmove": case"pointermove": case"mousemove": this._onDrag(t); break; case"touchend": case"touchcancel": case"pointerup": case"mouseup": this._onStopDrag(t) } } }, { key: "_onStartDrag", value: function (t) { this._element.contains(t.target) && (t.preventDefault(), x(document, y.MOVE, this), x(document, y.UP, this), this._interaction = { type: t.target.className, offset: P(t) }, this._interaction.offset.x -= this._rect.x, this._interaction.offset.y -= this._rect.y, this._element.setAttribute("data-dragging", "true"), this._redraw()) } }, { key: "_onDrag", value: function (t) { t.preventDefault(); var e = P(t), n = this._interaction.type; "c" === n ? (this._rect.x = I(e.x - this._interaction.offset.x, 0, this._space.width - this._rect.width), this._rect.y = I(e.y - this._interaction.offset.y, 0, this._space.height - this._rect.height)) : i[n] && (this._rect = i[n](this._rect, { x: e.x - this._space.x, y: e.y - this._space.y }, { x: 0, y: 0, width: this._space.width, height: this._space.height, min: {width: this._minWidth, height: this._minHeight} }, this._ratio)), this._rectChanged = !0, this._element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("input")) } }, { key: "_onStopDrag", value: function (t) { t.preventDefault(), S(document, y.MOVE, this), S(document, y.UP, this), this._interaction = null, this._element.setAttribute("data-dragging", "false"), this._element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("change")) } }, { key: "_redraw", value: function () { var t = this; if (this._rectChanged) { var e = "translate(" + this._rect.x + "px," + this._rect.y + "px);"; this._element.style.cssText = "\n\t\t\t\t\t-webkit-transform: " + e + ";\n\t\t\t\t\ttransform: " + e + ";\n\t\t\t\t\twidth:" + this._rect.width + "px;\n\t\t\t\t\theight:" + this._rect.height + "px;\n\t\t\t\t", this._rectChanged = !1 } this._interaction && requestAnimationFrame(function () { return t._redraw() }) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this._interaction = !1, this._rectChanged = !1, S(document, y.DOWN, this), S(document, y.MOVE, this), S(document, y.UP, this), Et(this._element) } }, { key: "element", get: function () { return this._element } }, { key: "space", get: function () { return this._space } }, { key: "area", get: function () { var t = this._rect.x / this._space.width, e = this._rect.y / this._space.height, i = this._rect.width / this._space.width, n = this._rect.height / this._space.height; return {x: t, y: e, width: i, height: n} } }, { key: "dirty", get: function () { return 0 !== this._rect.x || 0 !== this._rect.y || 0 !== this._rect.width || 0 !== this._rect.height } }, { key: "minWidth", set: function (t) { this._minWidth = Math.max(t, 1) } }, { key: "minHeight", set: function (t) { this._minHeight = Math.max(t, 1) } }, { key: "ratio", set: function (t) { this._ratio = t } }]), n }() }(), It = function () { var i = ["input", "change"], n = function () { function n() { var i = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== e ? arguments[0] : document.createElement("div"), o = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== e ? arguments[1] : {}; t(this, n), this._element = i, this._options = g(n.options(), o), this._ratio = null, this._output = null, this._rotating = !1, this._input = null, this._preview = null, this._previewBlurred = null, this._blurredPreview = !1, this._cropper = null, this._straightCrop = null, this._previewWrapper = null, this._currentWindowSize = {}, this._btnGroup = null, this._maskFrame = null, this._dirty = !1, this._wrapperRotation = 0, this._wrapperScale = 1, this._init() } return p(n, [{ key: "_init", value: function () { var t = this; this._element.className = "slim-image-editor", this._container = k("div", "slim-container"), this._wrapper = k("div", "slim-wrapper"), this._stage = k("div", "slim-stage"), this._container.appendChild(this._stage), this._cropper = new Tt, i.forEach(function (e) { t._cropper.element.addEventListener(e, t) }), this._stage.appendChild(this._cropper.element), this._previewWrapper = k("div", "slim-image-editor-preview slim-crop-preview"), this._previewBlurred = k("canvas", "slim-crop-blur"), this._previewWrapper.appendChild(this._previewBlurred), this._wrapper.appendChild(this._previewWrapper), this._previewMask = k("div", "slim-crop-mask"), this._preview = k("img"), this._previewMask.appendChild(this._preview), this._cropper.element.appendChild(this._previewMask), this._btnGroup = k("div", "slim-editor-btn-group"), n.Buttons.forEach(function (e) { var i = R(e), n = t._options["button" + i + "Label"], o = t._options["button" + i + "Title"], a = t._options["button" + i + "ClassName"], r = k("button", "slim-editor-btn slim-btn-" + e + (a ? " " + a : "")); r.innerHTML = n, r.title = o || n, r.type = "button", r.setAttribute("data-action", e), r.addEventListener("click", t), t._btnGroup.appendChild(r) }), this._utilsGroup = k("div", "slim-editor-utils-group"); var e = k("button", "slim-editor-utils-btn slim-btn-rotate" + (this._options.buttonRotateClassName ? " " + this._options.buttonRotateClassName : "")); e.setAttribute("data-action", "rotate"), e.addEventListener("click", this), e.title = this._options.buttonRotateTitle, this._utilsGroup.appendChild(e), this._container.appendChild(this._wrapper), this._element.appendChild(this._container), this._element.appendChild(this._utilsGroup), this._element.appendChild(this._btnGroup) } }, { key: "dirty", value: function () { this._dirty = !0 } }, { key: "handleEvent", value: function (t) { switch (t.type) { case"click": this._onClick(t); break; case"change": this._onGridChange(t); break; case"input": this._onGridInput(t); break; case"keydown": this._onKeyDown(t); break; case"resize": this._onResize(t) } } }, { key: "_onKeyDown", value: function (t) { switch (t.keyCode) { case v.RETURN: this._confirm(); break; case v.ESC: this._cancel() } } }, { key: "_onClick", value: function (t) { t.target.classList.contains("slim-btn-cancel") && this._cancel(), t.target.classList.contains("slim-btn-confirm") && this._confirm(), t.target.classList.contains("slim-btn-rotate") && this._rotate() } }, { key: "_onResize", value: function () { this._currentWindowSize = { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight }, this._redraw(), this._redrawCropper(this._cropper.area), this._updateWrapperScale(), this._redrawWrapper() } }, { key: "_redrawWrapper", value: function () { var t = u.createMatrix(); t.scale(this._wrapperScale, this._wrapperScale), t.rotateZ(this._wrapperRotation * (Math.PI / 180)), u.setElementTransform(this._previewWrapper, t) } }, { key: "_onGridInput", value: function () { this._redrawCropMask() } }, { key: "_onGridChange", value: function () { this._redrawCropMask() } }, { key: "_updateWrapperRotation", value: function () { this._options.minSize.width > this._input.height || this._options.minSize.height > this._input.width ? this._wrapperRotation += 180 : this._wrapperRotation += 90 } }, { key: "_updateWrapperScale", value: function () { var t = this._wrapperRotation % 180 !== 0; if (t) { var e = this._container.offsetWidth, i = this._container.offsetHeight, n = this._wrapper.offsetHeight, o = this._wrapper.offsetWidth, a = e / n; a * o > i && (a = i / o), this._wrapperScale = a } else this._wrapperScale = 1 } }, { key: "_cancel", value: function () { this._rotating || this._element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("cancel")) } }, { key: "_confirm", value: function () { if (!this._rotating) { var t = this._wrapperRotation % 180 !== 0, e = this._cropper.area, i = dt(e, t ? this._input.height : this._input.width, t ? this._input.width : this._input.height); this._element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("confirm", { detail: { rotation: this._wrapperRotation % 360, crop: i } })) } } }, { key: "_rotate", value: function () { var t = this; if (!this._rotating) { this._rotating = !0, this._updateWrapperRotation(); var e = 1 === this.ratio || null === this._ratio ? this._cropper.area : null; e && C(e, 90), this._updateWrapperScale(), this._hideCropper(), u(this._previewWrapper, { rotation: [0, 0, this._wrapperRotation * (Math.PI / 180)], scale: [this._wrapperScale, this._wrapperScale], easing: "spring", springConstant: .8, springDeceleration: .65, complete: function () { t._redrawCropper(e), t._showCropper(), t._rotating = !1 } }) } } }, { key: "_showCropper", value: function () { u(this._stage, {easing: "ease", duration: 250, fromOpacity: 0, opacity: 1}) } }, { key: "_hideCropper", value: function () { u(this._stage, {duration: 0, fromOpacity: 0, opacity: 0}) } }, { key: "_redrawCropMask", value: function () { var t = this, e = this._wrapperRotation % 360, i = this._wrapperScale, n = {width: this._wrapper.offsetWidth, height: this._wrapper.offsetHeight}, o = this._cropper.area, a = {x: 0, y: 0}; 0 === e ? (a.x = -o.x, a.y = -o.y) : 90 === e ? (a.x = -(1 - o.y), a.y = -o.x) : 180 === e ? (a.x = -(1 - o.x), a.y = -(1 - o.y)) : 270 === e && (a.x = -o.y, a.y = -(1 - o.x)), a.x *= n.width, a.y *= n.height, cancelAnimationFrame(this._maskFrame), this._maskFrame = requestAnimationFrame(function () { var n = "scale(" + i + ") rotate(" + -e + "deg) translate(" + a.x + "px, " + a.y + "px);"; t._preview.style.cssText = "\n\t\t\t\t\twidth: " + t._previewSize.width + "px;\n\t\t\t\t\theight: " + t._previewSize.height + "px;\n\t\t\t\t\t-webkit-transform: " + n + ";\n\t\t\t\t\ttransform: " + n + ";\n\t\t\t\t" }) } }, { key: "open", value: function (t, e, i, n, o) { var a = this; if (this._input && !this._dirty && this._ratio === e) return void o(); this._currentWindowSize = { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight }, this._dirty = !1, this._wrapperRotation = n || 0, this._blurredPreview = !1, this._ratio = e, this._previewSize = null, this._element.style.opacity = "0", this._input = t; var r = n % 180 !== 0, s = ft(i, r ? t.height : t.width, r ? t.width : t.height); this._preview.onload = function () { a._preview.onload = null, a._cropper.ratio = a.ratio, a._redraw(), a._redrawCropper(s), o(), a._element.style.opacity = "" }, this._preview.src = "", this._preview.src = ht(this._input, Math.min(this._container.offsetWidth / this._input.width, this._container.offsetHeight / this._input.height) * this._options.devicePixelRatio).toDataURL() } }, { key: "_redrawCropper", value: function (t) { var e = this._wrapperRotation % 180 !== 0, i = e ? this._input.height / this._input.width : this._input.width / this._input.height, n = this._wrapper.offsetWidth, o = this._wrapper.offsetHeight, a = this._container.offsetWidth, r = this._container.offsetHeight; this._updateWrapperScale(); var s = this._wrapperScale * (e ? o : n), h = this._wrapperScale * (e ? n : o), u = e ? .5 * (a - s) : this._wrapper.offsetLeft, l = e ? .5 * (r - h) : this._wrapper.offsetTop; this._stage.style.cssText = "\n\t\t\t\tleft:" + u + "px;\n\t\t\t\ttop:" + l + "px;\n\t\t\t\twidth:" + s + "px;\n\t\t\t\theight:" + h + "px;\n\t\t\t", this._cropper.limit(s, s / i), this._cropper.offset(u + this._element.offsetLeft, l + this._element.offsetTop), this._cropper.minWidth = this._wrapperScale * this._options.minSize.width * this.scalar, this._cropper.minHeight = this._wrapperScale * this._options.minSize.height * this.scalar; var p = null; p = t ? { x: t.x * s, y: t.y * h, width: t.width * s, height: t.height * h } : tt(s, h, this._ratio || h / s), this._cropper.resize(p.x, p.y, p.width, p.height) } }, { key: "_redraw", value: function () { var t = this._input.height / this._input.width, e = this._container.clientWidth, i = this._container.clientHeight, n = e, o = n * t; o > i && (o = i, n = o / t), n = Math.round(n), o = Math.round(o); var a = (e - n) / 2, r = (i - o) / 2; this._wrapper.style.cssText = "\n\t\t\t\tleft:" + a + "px;\n\t\t\t\ttop:" + r + "px;\n\t\t\t\twidth:" + n + "px;\n\t\t\t\theight:" + o + "px;\n\t\t\t", this._previewBlurred.style.cssText = "\n\t\t\t\twidth:" + n + "px;\n\t\t\t\theight:" + o + "px;\n\t\t\t", this._preview.style.cssText = "\n\t\t\t\twidth:" + n + "px;\n\t\t\t\theight:" + o + "px;\n\t\t\t", this._previewSize = { width: n, height: o }, this._blurredPreview || (this._previewBlurred.width = 300, this._previewBlurred.height = this._previewBlurred.width * t, lt(this._input, this._previewBlurred), pt(this._previewBlurred, 3), this._blurredPreview = !0) } }, { key: "show", value: function () { var t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== e ? arguments[0] : function () { }; this._currentWindowSize.width === window.innerWidth && this._currentWindowSize.height === window.innerHeight || (this._redraw(), this._redrawCropper(this._cropper.area)), document.addEventListener("keydown", this), window.addEventListener("resize", this); var i = this._wrapperRotation * (Math.PI / 180); u(this._previewWrapper, { fromRotation: [0, 0, i], rotation: [0, 0, i], fromPosition: [0, 0, 0], position: [0, 0, 0], fromOpacity: 0, opacity: 1, fromScale: [this._wrapperScale - .02, this._wrapperScale - .02], scale: [this._wrapperScale, this._wrapperScale], easing: "spring", springConstant: .3, springDeceleration: .85, delay: 450, complete: function () { } }), this._cropper.dirty ? u(this._stage, { fromPosition: [0, 0, 0], position: [0, 0, 0], fromOpacity: 0, opacity: 1, duration: 250, delay: 850, complete: function () { z(this), t() } }) : u(this._stage, { fromPosition: [0, 0, 0], position: [0, 0, 0], fromOpacity: 0, opacity: 1, duration: 250, delay: 1e3, complete: function () { z(this) } }), u(this._btnGroup.childNodes, { fromScale: [.9, .9], scale: [1, 1], fromOpacity: 0, opacity: 1, delay: function (t) { return 1e3 + 100 * t }, easing: "spring", springConstant: .3, springDeceleration: .85, complete: function () { z(this) } }), u(this._utilsGroup.childNodes, { fromScale: [.9, .9], scale: [1, 1], fromOpacity: 0, opacity: 1, easing: "spring", springConstant: .3, springDeceleration: .85, delay: 1250, complete: function () { z(this) } }) } }, { key: "hide", value: function () { var t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== e ? arguments[0] : function () { }; document.removeEventListener("keydown", this), window.removeEventListener("resize", this), u(this._utilsGroup.childNodes, { fromOpacity: 1, opacity: 0, duration: 250 }), u(this._btnGroup.childNodes, { fromOpacity: 1, opacity: 0, delay: 200, duration: 350 }), u([this._stage, this._previewWrapper], { fromPosition: [0, 0, 0], position: [0, -250, 0], fromOpacity: 1, opacity: 0, easing: "spring", springConstant: .3, springDeceleration: .75, delay: 250, allDone: function () { t() } }) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { var t = this; St(this._btnGroup.children).forEach(function (e) { e.removeEventListener("click", t) }), i.forEach(function (e) { t._cropper.element.removeEventListener(e, t) }), this._cropper.destroy(), this._element.parentNode && Et(this._element) } }, { key: "showRotateButton", set: function (t) { t ? this._element.classList.remove("slim-rotation-disabled") : this._element.classList.add("slim-rotation-disabled") } }, { key: "element", get: function () { return this._element } }, { key: "ratio", get: function () { return "input" === this._ratio ? this._input.height / this._input.width : this._ratio } }, { key: "offset", get: function () { return this._element.getBoundingClientRect() } }, { key: "original", get: function () { return this._input } }, { key: "scalar", get: function () { return this._previewSize.width / this._input.width } }], [{ key: "options", value: function () { return { buttonCancelClassName: null, buttonConfirmClassName: null, buttonCancelLabel: "Cancel", buttonConfirmLabel: "Confirm", buttonCancelTitle: null, buttonConfirmTitle: null, buttonRotateTitle: "Rotate", buttonRotateClassName: null, devicePixelRatio: null, minSize: {width: 0, height: 0} } } }]), n }(); return n.Buttons = ["cancel", "confirm"], n }(Tt), Lt = function () { var i = ["dragenter", "dragover", "dragleave", "drop"]; return function () { function n() { var i = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== e ? arguments[0] : document.createElement("div"); t(this, n), this._element = i, this._accept = [], this._allowURLs = !1, this._dragPath = null, this._init() } return p(n, [{ key: "isValidDataTransfer", value: function (t) { return t.files && t.files.length ? this.areValidDataTransferFiles(t.files) : t.items && t.items.length ? this.areValidDataTransferItems(t.items) : null } }, { key: "areValidDataTransferFiles", value: function (t) { return !this._accept.length || !t || this._accept.indexOf(t[0].type) !== -1 } }, { key: "areValidDataTransferItems", value: function (t) { return !this._accept.length || !t || (this._allowURLs && "string" === t[0].kind ? null : t[0].type && 0 === t[0].type.indexOf("application") ? null : this._accept.indexOf(t[0].type) !== -1) } }, { key: "reset", value: function () { this._element.files = null } }, { key: "_init", value: function () { var t = this; this._element.className = "slim-file-hopper", i.forEach(function (e) { t._element.addEventListener(e, t) }) } }, { key: "handleEvent", value: function (t) { switch (t.type) { case"dragenter": case"dragover": this._onDragOver(t); break; case"dragleave": this._onDragLeave(t); break; case"drop": this._onDrop(t) } } }, { key: "_onDrop", value: function (t) { t.preventDefault(); var e = null; if (this._allowURLs) { var i = void 0, n = void 0; try { i = t.dataTransfer.getData("url"), n = t.dataTransfer.getData("text/html") } catch (t) { } if (n && n.length) { var o = n.match(/src\s*=\s*"(.+?)"/); o && (e = o[1]) } else i && i.length && (e = i) } if (e) this._element.files = [{remote: e}]; else { var a = this.isValidDataTransfer(t.dataTransfer); if (!a) return this._element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("file-invalid-drop")), void(this._dragPath = null); this._element.files = t.dataTransfer.files } this._element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("file-drop", {detail: m(t)})), this._element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("change")), this._dragPath = null } }, { key: "_onDragOver", value: function (t) { t.preventDefault(), t.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy"; var e = this.isValidDataTransfer(t.dataTransfer); return null === e || e ? (this._dragPath || (this._dragPath = []), this._dragPath.push(m(t)), void this._element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("file-over", { detail: { x: T(this._dragPath).x, y: T(this._dragPath).y } }))) : (t.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "none", void this._element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("file-invalid"))) } }, { key: "_onDragLeave", value: function (t) { this._element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("file-out", {detail: m(t)})), this._dragPath = null } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { var t = this; i.forEach(function (e) { t._element.removeEventListener(e, t) }), Et(this._element), this._element = null, this._dragPath = null, this._accept = null } }, { key: "element", get: function () { return this._element } }, { key: "dragPath", get: function () { return this._dragPath } }, { key: "enabled", get: function () { return "" === this._element.style.display }, set: function (t) { this._element.style.display = t ? "" : "none" } }, { key: "allowURLs", set: function (t) { this._allowURLs = t } }, { key: "accept", set: function (t) { this._accept = t }, get: function () { return this._accept } }]), n }() }(), Ot = function () { return function () { function i() { t(this, i), this._element = null, this._inner = null, this._init() } return p(i, [{ key: "_init", value: function () { this._element = k("div", "slim-popover"), this._element.setAttribute("data-state", "off"), document.body.appendChild(this._element), this._element.addEventListener("touchmove", function (t) { t.preventDefault() }, !0) } }, { key: "show", value: function () { var t = this, i = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== e ? arguments[0] : function () { }; this._element.setAttribute("data-state", "on"), u(this._element, { fromOpacity: 0, opacity: 1, duration: 350, complete: function () { z(t._element), i() } }) } }, { key: "hide", value: function () { var t = this, i = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== e ? arguments[0] : function () { }; u(this._element, { fromOpacity: 1, opacity: 0, duration: 500, complete: function () { z(t._element), t._element.setAttribute("data-state", "off"), i() } }) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this._element.parentNode && (this._element.parentNode.removeChild(this._element), this._element = null, this._inner = null) } }, { key: "inner", set: function (t) { this._inner = t, this._element.firstChild && this._element.removeChild(this._element.firstChild), this._element.appendChild(this._inner) } }, { key: "className", set: function (t) { this._element.className = "slim-popover" + (null === t ? "" : " " + t) } }]), i }() }(), zt = function (t, e) { return t.split(e).map(function (t) { return parseInt(t, 10) }) }, Dt = function (t) { return "DIV" === t.nodeName || "SPAN" === t.nodeName }, At = {AUTO: "auto", INITIAL: "initial", MANUAL: "manual"}, Ut = ["x", "y", "width", "height"], Ht = ["file-invalid-drop", "file-invalid", "file-drop", "file-over", "file-out", "click"], Nt = ["cancel", "confirm"], Bt = ["remove", "edit", "download", "upload"], Ft = null, Wt = 0, qt = '\n
\n', jt = '\n
\n', Vt = function (t) { var e = t.split(","); return {width: parseInt(e[0], 10), height: parseInt(e[1], 10)} }, Gt = function () { function i(n) { var o = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== e ? arguments[1] : {}; t(this, i), Ft || (Ft = new Ot), this._uid = Wt++, this._options = g(i.options(), o), this._options.forceSize && ("string" == typeof this._options.forceSize && (this._options.forceSize = Vt(this._options.forceSize)), this._options.ratio = this._options.forceSize.width + ":" + this._options.forceSize.height, this._options.size = mt(this._options.forceSize)), "string" == typeof this._options.size && (this._options.size = Vt(this._options.size)), "string" == typeof this._options.minSize && (this._options.minSize = Vt(this._options.minSize)), "string" == typeof this._options.post && (this._options.post = this._options.post.split(",").map(function (t) { return t.trim() })), this._originalElement = n, this._originalElementInner = n.innerHTML, this._originalElementAttributes = _(n), Dt(n) ? this._element = n : (this._element = Ct(n), this._element.className = n.className, n.className = "", this._element.setAttribute("data-ratio", this._options.ratio)), this._element.classList.add("slim"), this._element.setAttribute("data-state", "init"), this._state = [], this._timers = [], this._input = null, this._inputReference = null, this._output = null, this._ratio = null, this._isRequired = !1, this._imageHopper = null, this._imageEditor = null, this._progressEnabled = !0, this._data = {}, this._resetData(), this._drip = null, this._hasInitialImage = !1, this._initialCrop = this._options.crop, this._initialRotation = this._options.rotation && this._options.rotation % 90 === 0 ? this._options.rotation : null, this._isBeingDestroyed = !1, i.supported ? this._init() : this._fallback() } return p(i, [{ key: "setRotation", value: function (t, e) { if ("number" == typeof t || t % 90 === 0) { this._data.actions.rotation = t; var i = this._data.actions.rotation % 180 !== 0; if (this._data.input.image) { var n = i ? this._data.input.image.height : this._data.input.image.width, o = i ? this._data.input.image.width : this._data.input.image.height; this._data.actions.crop = tt(n, o, this._ratio), this._data.actions.crop.type = At.AUTO } this._data.input.image && e && this._manualTransform(e) } } }, { key: "setSize", value: function (t, e) { "string" == typeof t && (t = Vt(t)), t && t.width && t.height && (this._options.size = mt(t), this._data.actions.size = mt(t), this._data.input.image && e && this._manualTransform(e)) } }, { key: "setForceSize", value: function (t, e) { "string" == typeof t && (t = Vt(t)), t && t.width && t.height && (this._options.size = mt(t), this._options.forceSize = mt(t), this._data.actions.size = mt(t), this.setRatio(this._options.forceSize.width + ":" + this._options.forceSize.height, e)) } }, { key: "setRatio", value: function (t, e) { var i = this; if (t && "string" == typeof t && (this._options.ratio = t, this._isFixedRatio())) { var n = zt(this._options.ratio, ":"); this._ratio = n[1] / n[0], this._data.input.image && e ? this._cropAuto(function (t) { i._scaleDropArea(i._ratio), e && e(t) }) : (this._data.input.image && (this._data.actions.crop = tt(this._data.input.image.width, this._data.input.image.height, this._ratio), this._data.actions.crop.type = At.AUTO), this._scaleDropArea(this._ratio), e && e(null)) } } }, { key: "isAttachedTo", value: function (t) { return this._element === t || this._originalElement === t; } }, { key: "isDetached", value: function () { return null === this._element.parentNode } }, { key: "load", value: function (t) { var i = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== e ? arguments[1] : {}, n = arguments[2]; "function" == typeof i ? n = i : (this._options.crop = i.crop, this._options.rotation = i.rotation, this._initialRotation = i.rotation && i.rotation % 90 === 0 ? i.rotation : null, this._initialCrop = this._options.crop), this._load(t, n, {blockPush: i.blockPush}) } }, { key: "upload", value: function (t) { this._doUpload(t) } }, { key: "download", value: function () { this._doDownload() } }, { key: "remove", value: function () { return this._doRemove() } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this._doDestroy() } }, { key: "edit", value: function () { this._doEdit() } }, { key: "crop", value: function (t, e) { this._crop(t.x, t.y, t.width, t.height, e) } }, { key: "containsImage", value: function () { return null !== this._data.input.name } }, { key: "_canInstantEdit", value: function () { return this._options.instantEdit && !this._isInitialising } }, { key: "_getFileInput", value: function () { return this._element.querySelector("input[type=file]") } }, { key: "_getInitialImage", value: function () { return this._element.querySelector("img") } }, { key: "_getInputElement", value: function () { return this._getFileInput() || this._getInitialImage() } }, { key: "_getRatioSpacerElement", value: function () { return this._element.children[0] } }, { key: "_isImageOnly", value: function () { return "INPUT" !== this._input.nodeName } }, { key: "_isFixedRatio", value: function () { return this._options.ratio.indexOf(":") !== -1 } }, { key: "_isAutoCrop", value: function () { return this._data.actions.crop.type === At.AUTO } }, { key: "_toggleButton", value: function (t, e) { xt('.slim-btn[data-action="' + t + '"]', e, this._element) } }, { key: "_clearState", value: function () { this._state = [], this._updateState() } }, { key: "_removeState", value: function (t) { this._state = this._state.filter(function (e) { return e !== t }), this._updateState() } }, { key: "_addState", value: function (t) { L(t, this._state) || (this._state.push(t), this._updateState()) } }, { key: "_updateState", value: function () { this._element && this._element.setAttribute("data-state", this._state.join(",")) } }, { key: "_resetData", value: function () { this._data = { server: null, meta: mt(this._options.meta), input: {field: this._inputReference, name: null, type: null, width: 0, height: 0, file: null}, output: {image: null, width: 0, height: 0}, actions: {rotation: null, crop: null, size: null} }, this._output && (this._output.value = ""), _t(this._getFileInput()) } }, { key: "_init", value: function () { var t = this; if (this._isInitialising = !0, this._addState("empty"), L("input", this._options.post) && (this._inputReference = "slim_input_" + this._uid), this._input = this._getInputElement(), this._input || (this._input = k("input"), this._input.type = "file", this._element.appendChild(this._input)), this._isRequired = this._input.required === !0, this._output = this._element.querySelector("input[type=hidden]"), this._output) { var e = null; try { e = JSON.parse(this._output.value) } catch (i) { } if (e) { var n = new Image; n.src = e.output.image, n.setAttribute("data-filename", e.output.name), this._element.insertBefore(n, this._element.firstChild) } } else this._output = k("input"), this._output.type = "hidden", this._output.name = this._input.name || this._options.defaultInputName, this._element.appendChild(this._output); this._input.removeAttribute("name"); var o = k("div", "slim-area"), a = this._getInitialImage(), r = (a || {}).src, s = a ? a.getAttribute("data-filename") : null; r ? this._hasInitialImage = !0 : (this._initialCrop = null, this._initialRotation = null); var h = '\n\t\t
'; if (this._isImageOnly()) o.innerHTML = "\n\t\t\t\t" + qt + "\n\t\t\t\t" + jt + "\n\t\t\t\t" + h + '\n\t\t\t\t
' + (this._options.labelLoading || "") + "
\n\t\t\t"; else { L("input", this._options.post) && (this._data.input.field = this._inputReference, this._options.service || (this._input.name = this._inputReference)); var u = void 0; this._input.hasAttribute("accept") && "image/*" !== this._input.getAttribute("accept") ? u = this._input.accept.split(",").map(function (t) { return t.trim() }).filter(function (t) { return t.length > 0 }) : (u = A(), this._input.setAttribute("accept", u.join(","))), this._imageHopper = new Lt, this._imageHopper.accept = u, this._imageHopper.allowURLs = "string" == typeof this._options.fetcher, this._element.appendChild(this._imageHopper.element), Ht.forEach(function (e) { t._imageHopper.element.addEventListener(e, t) }), o.innerHTML = "\n\t\t\t\t" + qt + "\n\t\t\t\t" + jt + '\n\t\t\t\t
' + (this._options.label || "") + '
' + (this._options.labelLoading || "") + "
\n\t\t\t\t" + h + "\n\t\t\t", this._input.addEventListener("change", this) } if (this._element.appendChild(o), this._btnGroup = k("div", "slim-btn-group"), this._btnGroup.style.display = "none", this._element.appendChild(this._btnGroup), Bt.filter(function (e) { return t._isButtonAllowed(e) }).forEach(function (e) { var i = R(e), n = t._options["button" + i + "Label"], o = t._options["button" + i + "Title"] || n, a = t._options["button" + i + "ClassName"], r = k("button", "slim-btn slim-btn-" + e + (a ? " " + a : "")); r.innerHTML = n, r.title = o, r.type = "button", r.addEventListener("click", t), r.setAttribute("data-action", e), t._btnGroup.appendChild(r) }), this._isFixedRatio()) { var l = zt(this._options.ratio, ":"); this._ratio = l[1] / l[0], this._scaleDropArea(this._ratio) } this._updateProgress(.5), r ? this._load(r, function () { t._onInit() }, {name: s}) : this._onInit() } }, { key: "_onInit", value: function () { var t = this; this._isInitialising = !1; var e = function () { var e = setTimeout(function () { t._options.didInit.apply(t, [t.data, t]) }, 0); t._timers.push(e) }; this._options.saveInitialImage && this.containsImage() ? this._options.service || this._save(function () { e() }, !1) : (this._options.service && this.containsImage() && this._toggleButton("upload", !1), e()) } }, { key: "_updateProgress", value: function (t) { if (t = Math.min(.99999, t), this._element && this._progressEnabled) { var e = this._element.querySelector(".slim-loader"); if (e) { var i = e.offsetWidth, n = e.querySelectorAll("path"), o = parseInt(n[0].getAttribute("stroke-width"), 10); n[0].setAttribute("d", Rt(.5 * i, .5 * i, .5 * i - o, .9999)), n[1].setAttribute("d", Rt(.5 * i, .5 * i, .5 * i - o, t)) } } } }, { key: "_startProgress", value: function (t) { var e = this; if (this._element) { this._progressEnabled = !1; var i = this._element.querySelector(".slim-loader"); if (i) { var n = i.children[0]; this._stopProgressLoop(function () { i.removeAttribute("style"), n.removeAttribute("style"), e._progressEnabled = !0, e._updateProgress(0), e._progressEnabled = !1, u(n, { fromOpacity: 0, opacity: 1, duration: 250, complete: function () { e._progressEnabled = !0, t && t() } }) }) } } } }, { key: "_stopProgress", value: function () { var t = this; if (this._element) { var e = this._element.querySelector(".slim-loader"); if (e) { var i = e.children[0]; this._updateProgress(1), u(i, { fromOpacity: 1, opacity: 0, duration: 250, complete: function () { e.removeAttribute("style"), i.removeAttribute("style"), t._updateProgress(.5), t._progressEnabled = !1 } }) } } } }, { key: "_startProgressLoop", value: function () { if (this._element) { var t = this._element.querySelector(".slim-loader"); if (t) { var e = t.children[0]; t.removeAttribute("style"), e.removeAttribute("style"), this._updateProgress(.5); var i = 1e3; u(t, "stop"), u(t, { rotation: [0, 0, -(2 * Math.PI) * i], easing: "linear", duration: 1e3 * i }), u(e, {fromOpacity: 0, opacity: 1, duration: 250}) } } } }, { key: "_stopProgressLoop", value: function (t) { if (this._element) { var e = this._element.querySelector(".slim-loader"); if (e) { var i = e.children[0]; u(i, { fromOpacity: parseFloat(i.style.opacity), opacity: 0, duration: 250, complete: function () { u(e, "stop"), e.removeAttribute("style"), i.removeAttribute("style"), t && t() } }) } } } }, { key: "_isButtonAllowed", value: function (t) { return "edit" === t ? this._options.edit : "download" === t ? this._options.download : "upload" === t ? !!this._options.service && !this._options.push : "remove" !== t || !this._isImageOnly() } }, { key: "_fallback", value: function () { var t = k("div", "slim-area"); t.innerHTML = '\n\t\t\t
' + (this._options.label || "") + "
\n\t\t", this._element.appendChild(t), this._throwError(this._options.statusNoSupport) } }, { key: "handleEvent", value: function (t) { switch (t.type) { case"click": this._onClick(t); break; case"change": this._onChange(t); break; case"cancel": this._onCancel(t); break; case"confirm": this._onConfirm(t); break; case"file-over": this._onFileOver(t); break; case"file-out": this._onFileOut(t); break; case"file-drop": this._onDropFile(t); break; case"file-invalid": this._onInvalidFile(t); break; case"file-invalid-drop": this._onInvalidFileDrop(t) } } }, { key: "_getIntro", value: function () { return this._element.querySelector(".slim-result .in") } }, { key: "_getOutro", value: function () { return this._element.querySelector(".slim-result .out") } }, { key: "_getInOut", value: function () { return this._element.querySelectorAll(".slim-result img") } }, { key: "_getDrip", value: function () { return this._drip || (this._drip = this._element.querySelector(".slim-drip > span")), this._drip } }, { key: "_throwError", value: function (t) { this._addState("error"), this._element.querySelector(".slim-label").style.display = "none"; var e = this._element.querySelector(".slim-error"); e || (e = k("div", "slim-error"), this._element.querySelector(".slim-status").appendChild(e)), e.innerHTML = t, this._options.didThrowError.apply(this, [t]) } }, { key: "_removeError", value: function () { this._removeState("error"), this._element.querySelector(".slim-label").style.display = ""; var t = this._element.querySelector(".slim-error"); t && t.parentNode.removeChild(t) } }, { key: "_openFileDialog", value: function () { this._removeError(), this._input.click() } }, { key: "_onClick", value: function (t) { var e = this, i = t.target.classList, n = t.target; if (i.contains("slim-file-hopper")) return t.preventDefault(), void this._openFileDialog(); switch (n.getAttribute("data-action")) { case"remove": this._options.willRemove.apply(this, [this.data, function () { e._doRemove() }]); break; case"edit": this._doEdit(); break; case"download": this._doDownload(); break; case"upload": this._doUpload() } } }, { key: "_onInvalidFileDrop", value: function () { this._onInvalidFile(), this._removeState("file-over"); var t = this._getDrip(); u(t.firstChild, { fromScale: [.5, .5], scale: [0, 0], fromOpacity: .5, opacity: 0, duration: 150, complete: function () { z(t.firstChild) } }) } }, { key: "_onInvalidFile", value: function () { var t = this._imageHopper.accept.map(H), e = this._options.statusFileType.replace("$0", t.join(", ")); this._throwError(e) } }, { key: "_onImageTooSmall", value: function () { var t = this._options.statusImageTooSmall.replace("$0", this._options.minSize.width + " × " + this._options.minSize.height); this._throwError(t) } }, { key: "_onOverWeightFile", value: function () { var t = this._options.statusFileSize.replace("$0", this._options.maxFileSize); this._throwError(t) } }, { key: "_onLocalURLProblem", value: function (t) { this._throwError(this._options.statusLocalUrlProblem || t) } }, { key: "_onRemoteURLProblem", value: function (t) { this._throwError(t) } }, { key: "_onFileOver", value: function (t) { this._addState("file-over"), this._removeError(); var e = this._getDrip(), i = u.createMatrix(); i.translate(t.detail.x, t.detail.y, 0), u.setElementTransform(e, i), 1 == this._imageHopper.dragPath.length && (e.style.opacity = 1, u(e.firstChild, { fromOpacity: 0, opacity: .5, fromScale: [0, 0], scale: [.5, .5], duration: 150 })) } }, { key: "_onFileOut", value: function (t) { this._removeState("file-over"), this._removeState("file-invalid"), this._removeError(); var e = this._getDrip(), i = u.createMatrix(); i.translate(t.detail.x, t.detail.y, 0), u.setElementTransform(e, i), u(e.firstChild, { fromScale: [.5, .5], scale: [0, 0], fromOpacity: .5, opacity: 0, duration: 150, complete: function () { z(e.firstChild) } }) } }, { key: "_onDropFile", value: function (t) { var e = this; this._removeState("file-over"); var i = this._getDrip(), n = u.createMatrix(); n.translate(t.detail.x, t.detail.y, 0), u.setElementTransform(i, n); var o = this._imageHopper.dragPath.length, a = this._imageHopper.dragPath[o - Math.min(10, o)], r = t.detail.x - a.x, s = t.detail.y - a.y; u(i, { fromPosition: [t.detail.x, t.detail.y, 0], position: [t.detail.x + r, t.detail.y + s, 0], duration: 200 }), u(i.firstChild, { fromScale: [.5, .5], scale: [2, 2], fromOpacity: 1, opacity: 0, duration: 200, complete: function () { z(i.firstChild), e._load(t.target.files[0]) } }) } }, { key: "_onChange", value: function (t) { t.target.files.length && this._load(t.target.files[0]) } }, { key: "_load", value: function (t, i) { var n = this, o = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== e ? arguments[2] : {}; if (!this._isBeingDestroyed) { if (this.containsImage()) return clearTimeout(this._replaceTimeout), void this._doRemove(function () { n._replaceTimeout = setTimeout(function () { n._load(t, i, o) }, 100) }); this._removeState("empty"), this._addState("busy"), this._startProgressLoop(), this._imageHopper && (this._imageHopper.enabled = !1), clearTimeout(this._loadTimeout); var a = function () { clearTimeout(n._loadTimeout), n._loadTimeout = setTimeout(function () { n._isBeingDestroyed || (n._addState("loading"), u(n._element.querySelector(".slim-label-loading"), { fromOpacity: 0, opacity: 1, duration: 250 })) }, 500) }, r = function () { n._imageHopper && (n._imageHopper.enabled = !0), n._removeState("loading"), n._removeState("busy"), n._addState("empty"), n._stopProgressLoop() }; if ("string" == typeof t) return void(X(t) ? this._load(Z(t), i, o) : (a(), J(t, this._options.willLoad, function (t) { n._load(t, i, o) }, function (t) { setTimeout(function () { r(), n._onLocalURLProblem("

" + t + "

"), i && i.apply(n, ["local-url-problem"]) }, 500) }))); if ("undefined" != typeof t.remote) return X(t.remote) ? void this._load(Z(t.remote), i, o) : void(this._options.fetcher && Y(this._options.fetcher, this._options.willFetch, this._options.willLoad, t.remote, function (t) { r(), n._onRemoteURLProblem("

" + t + "

"), i && i.apply(n, ["remote-url-problem"]) }, function (t) { n._load(t, i, o) })); var s = t; if (this._imageHopper && this._imageHopper.accept.indexOf(s.type) === -1) return r(), this._onInvalidFile(), void(i && i.apply(this, ["file-invalid"])); if (s.size && this._options.maxFileSize && D(s.size) > this._options.maxFileSize) return r(), this._onOverWeightFile(), void(i && i.apply(this, ["file-too-big"])); this._imageEditor && this._imageEditor.dirty(), this._data.input.name = o && o.name ? o.name : q(s), this._data.input.type = j(s), this._data.input.size = s.size, this._data.input.file = s, Q(s, this._options.internalCanvasSize, function (t, e) { var a = function () { n._imageHopper && (n._imageHopper.enabled = !0), n._removeState("loading"), n._removeState("busy"), n._addState("empty"), n._stopProgressLoop(), n._resetData() }; if (!t) return a(), void(i && i.apply(n, ["file-not-found"])); if (!ct(t, n._options.minSize)) return a(), n._onImageTooSmall(), void(i && i.apply(n, ["image-too-small"])); var r = n._options.didLoad.apply(n, [s, t, e, n]); if (r !== !0) return a(), r !== !1 && n._throwError(r), void(i && i.apply(n, [r])); n._removeState("loading"); var h = function (t) { n._imageHopper && n._options.dropReplace && (n._imageHopper.enabled = !0); var e = n._getIntro(), i = { fromScale: [1.25, 1.25], scale: [1, 1], fromOpacity: 0, opacity: 1, complete: function () { z(e), e.style.opacity = 1, t() } }; n.isDetached() ? i.duration = 1 : (i.easing = "spring", i.springConstant = .3, i.springDeceleration = .7), n._canInstantEdit() && (i.delay = 500, i.duration = 1, n._doEdit()), u(e, i) }; n._loadCanvas(t, function (t) { n._addState("preview"), h(function () { n._canInstantEdit() || t || n._showButtons(), t || (n._stopProgressLoop(), n._removeState("busy")), i && i.apply(n, [null, n.data]) }) }, function () { n._canInstantEdit() || n._showButtons(), n._removeState("busy") }, {blockPush: o.blockPush}) }) } } }, { key: "_loadCanvas", value: function (t, e, i, n) { var o = this; if (n || (n = {}), !this._isBeingDestroyed) { this._data.input.image = t, this._data.input.width = t.width, this._data.input.height = t.height, this._initialRotation && (this._data.actions.rotation = this._initialRotation, this._initialRotation = null); var a = this._data.actions.rotation % 180 !== 0; this._isFixedRatio() || (this._initialCrop ? this._ratio = this._initialCrop.height / this._initialCrop.width : this._ratio = a ? t.width / t.height : t.height / t.width, this._scaleDropArea(this._ratio)); var r = function () { o._options.size && (o._data.actions.size = { width: o._options.size.width, height: o._options.size.height }), o._applyTransforms(t, function (t) { var a = o._getIntro(), r = a.offsetWidth / t.width, s = !1; o._options.service && o._options.push && !n.blockPush && (o._hasInitialImage || o._canInstantEdit() || (s = !0, o._stopProgressLoop(function () { o._startProgress(function () { o._updateProgress(.1) }) }))), o._canInstantEdit() || o._save(function () { o._isBeingDestroyed || s && (o._stopProgress(), i()) }, s); var h = "auto" === o._options.devicePixelRatio ? window.devicePixelRatio : o._options.devicePixelRatio; a.src = "", a.src = ht(t, r * h).toDataURL(), a.onload = function () { a.onload = null, o._isBeingDestroyed || e && e(s) } }) }; this._initialCrop ? (this._data.actions.crop = mt(this._initialCrop), this._data.actions.crop.type = At.INITIAL, this._initialCrop = null, r()) : this._options.willCropInitial.apply(this, [this.data, function (e) { e ? (o._data.actions.crop = e, o._data.actions.crop.type = At.INITIAL) : (o._data.actions.crop = tt(a ? t.height : t.width, a ? t.width : t.height, o._ratio), o._data.actions.crop.type = At.AUTO), r() }, this]) } } }, { key: "_applyTransforms", value: function (t, e) { var i = this, n = mt(this._data.actions); n.filters = {sharpen: this._options.filterSharpen / 100}, this._options.forceMinSize ? n.minSize = this._options.minSize : n.minSize = { width: 0, height: 0 }, et(t, n, function (t) { var n = t; if (i._options.forceSize || i._options.size && 1 == rt(i._options.size, t)) { n = k("canvas"), n.width = i._options.size.width, n.height = i._options.size.height; var o = n.getContext("2d"); o.drawImage(t, 0, 0, i._options.size.width, i._options.size.height) } if (i._options.forceMinSize && i._options.size && i._options.minSize.width === i._options.size.width && i._options.minSize.height === i._options.size.height && (n.width < i._options.minSize.width || n.height < i._options.minSize.height)) { var a = Math.max(n.width, i._options.minSize.width), r = Math.max(n.height, i._options.minSize.height); n = k("canvas"), n.width = a, n.height = r; var s = n.getContext("2d"); s.drawImage(t, 0, 0, a, r) } if (i._options.forceMinSize && 1 === i._ratio && (n.width < i._options.minSize.width || n.height < i._options.minSize.height)) { n = k("canvas"), n.width = i._options.minSize.width, n.height = i._options.minSize.height; var h = n.getContext("2d"); h.drawImage(t, 0, 0, n.width, n.height) } i._data.output.width = n.width, i._data.output.height = n.height, i._data.output.image = n, i._onTransformCanvas(function (t) { i._data = t, i._options.didTransform.apply(i, [i.data, i]), e(i._data.output.image) }) }) } }, { key: "_onTransformCanvas", value: function (t) { this._options.willTransform.apply(this, [this.data, t, this]) } }, { key: "_appendEditor", value: function () { var t = this; this._imageEditor || (this._imageEditor = new It(k("div"), { minSize: this._options.minSize, devicePixelRatio: this._options.devicePixelRatio, buttonConfirmClassName: this._options.buttonConfirmClassName, buttonCancelClassName: this._options.buttonCancelClassName, buttonRotateClassName: this._options.buttonRotateClassName, buttonConfirmLabel: this._options.buttonConfirmLabel, buttonCancelLabel: this._options.buttonCancelLabel, buttonRotateLabel: this._options.buttonRotateLabel, buttonConfirmTitle: this._options.buttonConfirmTitle, buttonCancelTitle: this._options.buttonCancelTitle, buttonRotateTitle: this._options.buttonRotateTitle }), Nt.forEach(function (e) { t._imageEditor.element.addEventListener(e, t) })) } }, { key: "_scaleDropArea", value: function (t) { var e = this._getRatioSpacerElement(); e && this._element && (e.style.marginBottom = 100 * t + "%", this._element.setAttribute("data-ratio", "1:" + t)) } }, { key: "_onCancel", value: function (t) { this._removeState("editor"), this._options.didCancel.apply(this, [this]), this._showButtons(), this._hideEditor(), this._options.instantEdit && !this._hasInitialImage && this._isAutoCrop() && this._doRemove() } }, { key: "_onConfirm", value: function (t) { var e = this, i = this._options.service && this._options.push; i ? this._startProgress(function () { e._updateProgress(.1) }) : this._startProgressLoop(), this._removeState("editor"), this._addState("busy"), this._output.value = "", this._data.actions.rotation = t.detail.rotation, this._data.actions.crop = t.detail.crop, this._data.actions.crop.type = At.MANUAL, this._applyTransforms(this._data.input.image, function (t) { e._options.didConfirm.apply(e, [e.data, e]); var n = e._getInOut(), o = "out" === n[0].className ? n[0] : n[1], a = o === n[0] ? n[1] : n[0]; o.className = "in", o.style.opacity = "0", o.style.zIndex = "2", a.className = "out", a.style.zIndex = "1"; var r = "auto" === e._options.devicePixelRatio ? window.devicePixelRatio : e._options.devicePixelRatio; o.src = "", o.src = ht(t, o.offsetWidth / t.width * r).toDataURL(), o.onload = function () { o.onload = null, "free" === e._options.ratio && (e._ratio = o.naturalHeight / o.naturalWidth, e._scaleDropArea(e._ratio)), e._hideEditor(); var t = setTimeout(function () { e._showPreview(o, function () { e._save(function (t, n, o) { e._toggleButton("upload", !0), i ? e._stopProgress() : e._stopProgressLoop(), e._removeState("busy"), e._showButtons() }, i) }) }, 250); e._timers.push(t) } }) } }, { key: "_cropAuto", value: function () { var t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== e ? arguments[0] : function (t) { }, i = this._data.actions.rotation % 180 !== 0, n = tt(i ? this._data.input.image.height : this._data.input.image.width, i ? this._data.input.image.width : this._data.input.image.height, this._ratio); this._crop(n.x, n.y, n.width, n.height, t, At.AUTO) } }, { key: "_crop", value: function (t, i, n, o) { var a = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== e ? arguments[4] : function (t) { }, r = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== e ? arguments[5] : At.MANUAL; this._output.value = "", this._data.actions.crop = { x: t, y: i, width: n, height: o }, this._data.actions.crop.type = r, this._manualTransform(a) } }, { key: "_manualTransform", value: function (t) { var e = this; this._startProgressLoop(), this._addState("busy"), this._applyTransforms(this._data.input.image, function (i) { var n = e._getInOut(), o = "out" === n[0].className ? n[0] : n[1], a = o === n[0] ? n[1] : n[0]; o.className = "in", o.style.opacity = "1", o.style.zIndex = "2", a.className = "out", a.style.zIndex = "0"; var r = "auto" === e._options.devicePixelRatio ? window.devicePixelRatio : e._options.devicePixelRatio; o.src = "", o.src = ht(i, o.offsetWidth / i.width * r).toDataURL(), o.onload = function () { o.onload = null, "free" === e._options.ratio && (e._ratio = o.naturalHeight / o.naturalWidth, e._scaleDropArea(e._ratio)); var i = e._options.service && e._options.push, n = function () { e._save(function (n, o, a) { i || e._stopProgressLoop(), e._removeState("busy"), t.apply(e, [e.data]) }, i) }; i ? e._startProgress(n) : n() } }) } }, { key: "_save", value: function () { var t = this, i = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== e ? arguments[0] : function () { }, n = !(arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== e) || arguments[1]; if (!this._isBeingDestroyed) { var o = this.dataBase64; this._options.service || this._isInitialising && !this._isImageOnly() || this._options.willSave.apply(this, [o, function (e) { t._store(e), t._options.didSave.apply(t, [e, t]) }, this]), this._isBeingDestroyed || (this._options.service && n && this._options.willSave.apply(this, [o, function (e) { t._addState("upload"), t._imageHopper && t._options.dropReplace && (t._imageHopper.enabled = !1), t._upload(e, function (n, o) { t._imageHopper && t._options.dropReplace && (t._imageHopper.enabled = !0), n || t._storeServerResponse(o), t._options.didUpload.apply(t, [n, e, o, t]), t._removeState("upload"), i(n, e, o) }) }, this]), this._options.service && n || i()) } } }, { key: "_storeServerResponse", value: function (t) { this._isRequired && (this._input.required = !1), this._data.server = t, this._output.value = "object" === ("undefined" == typeof t ? "undefined" : c(t)) ? JSON.stringify(this._data.server) : t } }, { key: "_store", value: function (t) { this._isRequired && (this._input.required = !1), this._output.value = JSON.stringify(t) } }, { key: "_upload", value: function (t, e) { var i = this; this.requestOutput(function (t, n) { var o = i._element.querySelector(".slim-upload-status"), a = i._options.willRequest, r = function (t, e) { i._updateProgress(Math.max(.1, t / e)) }, s = function (t) { var n = setTimeout(function () { if (!i._isBeingDestroyed) { o.innerHTML = i._options.statusUploadSuccess, o.setAttribute("data-state", "success"), o.style.opacity = 1; var t = setTimeout(function () { o.style.opacity = 0 }, 2e3); i._timers.push(t) } }, 250); i._timers.push(n), e(null, t) }, h = function (t) { var n = ""; n = "file-too-big" === t ? i._options.statusContentLength : i._options.didReceiveServerError.apply(i, [t, i._options.statusUnknownResponse, i]); var a = setTimeout(function () { o.innerHTML = n, o.setAttribute("data-state", "error"), o.style.opacity = 1 }, 250); i._timers.push(a), e(t) }; "string" == typeof i._options.service ? O(i._options.service, i._options.uploadMethod, n, a, r, s, h) : "function" == typeof i._options.service && i._options.service.apply(i, ["file" === i._options.serviceFormat ? t : n, r, s, h, i]) }, t) } }, { key: "requestOutput", value: function (t, e) { var i = this; return this._data.input.file ? (e || (e = this.dataBase64), void n.parseMetaData(this._data.input.file, function (o) { var a = [], r = new FormData; if (L("input", i._options.post) && (a.push(i._data.input.file), r.append(i._inputReference, i._data.input.file, i._data.input.file.name)), L("output", i._options.post) && null !== i._data.output.image && i._options.uploadBase64 === !1) { var s = Z(e.output.image, e.output.name); if (o.imageHead && i._options.copyImageHead) try { s = new Blob([o.imageHead, n.blobSlice.call(s, 20)], {type: wt(e.output.image)}), s = G(s, e.output.name) } catch (h) { } a.push(s); var u = "slim_output_" + i._uid; e.output.image = null, e.output.field = u, r.append(u, s, e.output.name) } r.append(i._output.name, JSON.stringify(e)), t(a, r) }, {maxMetaDataSize: 262144, disableImageHead: !1})) : void t(null, null) } }, { key: "_showEditor", value: function () { Ft.className = this._options.popoverClassName, Ft.show(), this._imageEditor.show() } }, { key: "_hideEditor", value: function () { this._imageEditor.hide(); var t = setTimeout(function () { Ft.hide() }, 250); this._timers.push(t) } }, { key: "_showPreview", value: function (t, e) { u(t, { fromPosition: [0, 50, 0], position: [0, 0, 0], fromScale: [1.5, 1.5], scale: [1, 1], fromOpacity: 0, opacity: 1, easing: "spring", springConstant: .3, springDeceleration: .7, complete: function () { z(t), e && e() } }) } }, { key: "_hideResult", value: function (t) { var e = this._getIntro(); e && u(e, { fromScale: [1, 1], scale: [.5, .5], fromOpacity: 1, opacity: 0, easing: "spring", springConstant: .3, springDeceleration: .75, complete: function () { z(e), t && t() } }) } }, { key: "_showButtons", value: function (t) { if (this._btnGroup) { this._btnGroup.style.display = ""; var e = { fromScale: [.5, .5], scale: [1, 1], fromPosition: [0, 10, 0], position: [0, 0, 0], fromOpacity: 0, opacity: 1, complete: function () { z(this) }, allDone: function () { t && t() } }; this.isDetached() ? e.duration = 1 : (e.delay = function (t) { return 250 + 50 * t }, e.easing = "spring", e.springConstant = .3, e.springDeceleration = .85), u(this._btnGroup.childNodes, e) } } }, { key: "_hideButtons", value: function (t) { var e = this; if (this._btnGroup) { var i = { fromScale: [1, 1], scale: [.85, .85], fromOpacity: 1, opacity: 0, allDone: function () { e._btnGroup.style.display = "none", t && t() } }; this.isDetached() ? i.duration = 1 : (i.easing = "spring", i.springConstant = .3, i.springDeceleration = .75), u(this._btnGroup.childNodes, i) } } }, { key: "_hideStatus", value: function () { var t = this._element.querySelector(".slim-upload-status"); t.style.opacity = 0 } }, { key: "_doEdit", value: function () { var t = this; this._data.input.image && (this._addState("editor"), this._imageEditor || this._appendEditor(), this._imageEditor.showRotateButton = this._options.rotateButton, Ft.inner = this._imageEditor.element, this._imageEditor.open(st(this._data.input.image), "free" === this._options.ratio ? null : this._ratio, this._data.actions.crop, this._data.actions.rotation, function () { t._showEditor(), t._hideButtons(), t._hideStatus() })) } }, { key: "_doRemove", value: function (t) { var e = this; if (!this._isImageOnly()) { this._clearState(), this._addState("empty"), this._hasInitialImage = !1, this._imageHopper && (this._imageHopper.enabled = !0), this._isRequired && (this._input.required = !0); var i = this._getOutro(); i && (i.style.opacity = "0"); var n = this.data; this._resetData(); var o = setTimeout(function () { e._isBeingDestroyed || (e._hideButtons(function () { e._toggleButton("upload", !0) }), e._hideStatus(), e._hideResult(), e._options.didRemove.apply(e, [n, e]), t && t()) }, this.isDetached() ? 0 : 250); return this._timers.push(o), n } } }, { key: "_doUpload", value: function (t) { var e = this; this._data.input.image && (this._addState("upload"), this._startProgress(), this._hideButtons(function () { e._toggleButton("upload", !1), e._save(function (i, n, o) { e._removeState("upload"), e._stopProgress(), t && t.apply(e, [i, n, o]), i && e._toggleButton("upload", !0), e._showButtons() }) })) } }, { key: "_doDownload", value: function () { var t = this._data.output.image; t && kt(this._data, this._options.jpegCompression, this._options.forceType) } }, { key: "_doDestroy", value: function () { function t(t, e) { return 0 !== e.filter(function (e) { return t.name === e.name && t.value === e.value }).length } var e = this; this._isBeingDestroyed = !0, this._timers.forEach(function (t) { clearTimeout(t) }), this._timers = [], u(this._element, "detach"), this._imageHopper && (Ht.forEach(function (t) { e._imageHopper.element.removeEventListener(t, e) }), this._imageHopper.destroy(), this._imageHopper = null), this._imageEditor && (Nt.forEach(function (t) { e._imageEditor.element.removeEventListener(t, e) }), this._imageEditor.destroy(), this._imageEditor = null), St(this._btnGroup.children).forEach(function (t) { t.removeEventListener("click", e) }), this._input.removeEventListener("change", this), this._element !== this._originalElement && this._element.parentNode && this._element.parentNode.replaceChild(this._originalElement, this._element), this._originalElement.innerHTML = this._originalElementInner; var i = _(this._originalElement); i.forEach(function (i) { t(i, e._originalElementAttributes) || e._originalElement.removeAttribute(i.name) }), this._originalElementAttributes.forEach(function (n) { t(n, i) || e._originalElement.setAttribute(n.name, n.value) }), Wt = Math.max(0, Wt - 1), Ft && 0 === Wt && (Ft.destroy(), Ft = null), this._originalElement = null, this._element = null, this._input = null, this._output = null, this._btnGroup = null, this._options = null } }, { key: "dataBase64", get: function () { return bt(this._data, this._options.post, this._options.jpegCompression, this._options.forceType, null !== this._options.service) } }, { key: "data", get: function () { return vt(this._data) } }, { key: "element", get: function () { return this._element } }, { key: "service", set: function (t) { this._options.service = t } }, { key: "size", set: function (t) { this.setSize(t, null) } }, { key: "rotation", set: function (t) { this.setRotation(t, null) } }, { key: "forceSize", set: function (t) { this.setForceSize(t, null) } }, { key: "ratio", set: function (t) { this.setRatio(t, null) } }], [{ key: "options", value: function () { var t = { edit: !0, instantEdit: !1, uploadBase64: !1, meta: {}, ratio: "free", devicePixelRatio: 1, size: null, rotation: null, crop: null, post: ["output", "actions"], service: null, serviceFormat: null, filterSharpen: 0, push: !1, defaultInputName: "slim[]", minSize: {width: 0, height: 0}, maxFileSize: null, jpegCompression: null, uploadMethod: "POST", download: !1, saveInitialImage: !1, forceType: !1, forceSize: null, forceMinSize: !0, dropReplace: !0, fetcher: null, internalCanvasSize: {width: 4096, height: 4096}, copyImageHead: !1, rotateButton: !0, popoverClassName: null, label: "

Drop your image here

", labelLoading: "

Loading image...

", statusFileType: "

Invalid file type, expects: $0.

", statusFileSize: "

File is too big, maximum file size: $0 MB.

", statusNoSupport: "

Your browser does not support image cropping.

", statusImageTooSmall: "

Image is too small, minimum size is: $0 pixels.

", statusContentLength: ' The file is probably too big', statusUnknownResponse: ' An unknown error occurred', statusUploadSuccess: ' Saved', statusLocalUrlProblem: null, didInit: function (t) { }, didLoad: function (t, e, i) { return !0 }, didSave: function (t) { }, didUpload: function (t, e, i) { }, didReceiveServerError: function (t, e) { return e }, didRemove: function (t) { }, didTransform: function (t) { }, didConfirm: function (t) { }, didCancel: function () { }, didThrowError: function () { }, willCropInitial: function (t, e) { e(null) }, willTransform: function (t, e) { e(t) }, willSave: function (t, e) { e(t) }, willRemove: function (t, e) { e() }, willRequest: function (t, e) { }, willFetch: function (t) { }, willLoad: function (t) { } }; return Bt.concat(It.Buttons).concat("rotate").forEach(function (e) { var i = R(e); t["button" + i + "ClassName"] = null, t["button" + i + "Label"] = i, t["button" + i + "Title"] = i }), t } }]), i }(); return function () { function t(t) { return t ? "

" + t + "

" : null } function e(t) { var e = window, i = t.split("."); return i.forEach(function (t, n) { e[i[n]] && (e = e[i[n]]) }), e !== window ? e : null } var i = [], n = function (t) { for (var e = 0, n = i.length; e < n; e++) if (i[e].isAttachedTo(t)) return e; return -1 }, o = function (t) { return t }, a = function (t) { return "true" === t }, r = function (t) { return !t || "true" === t }, s = function (e) { return t(e) }, h = function (t) { return t ? e(t) : null }, u = function (t) { if (!t) return null; var e = zt(t, ","); return { width: e[0], height: e[1] } }, l = function (t) { return t ? parseFloat(t) : null }, p = function (t) { return t ? parseInt(t, 10) : null }, c = function (t) { if (!t) return null; var e = {}; return t.split(",").map(function (t) { return parseInt(t, 10) }).forEach(function (t, i) { e[Ut[i]] = t }), e }, f = { download: a, edit: r, instantEdit: a, minSize: u, size: u, forceSize: u, forceMinSize: r, internalCanvasSize: u, service: function (t) { if ("undefined" == typeof t) return null; var i = e(t); return i ? i : t }, serviceFormat: function (t) { return "undefined" == typeof t ? null : t }, fetcher: function (t) { return "undefined" == typeof t ? null : t }, push: a, rotation: function (t) { return "undefined" == typeof t ? null : parseInt(t, 10) }, crop: c, post: function (t) { return t ? t.split(",").map(function (t) { return t.trim() }) : null }, defaultInputName: o, ratio: function (t) { return t ? t : null }, maxFileSize: l, filterSharpen: p, jpegCompression: p, uploadBase64: a, forceType: o, dropReplace: r, saveInitialImage: a, copyImageHead: a, rotateButton: r, label: s, labelLoading: s, popoverClassName: o, devicePixelRatio: o, uploadMethod: o }; ["FileSize", "FileType", "NoSupport", "ImageTooSmall"].forEach(function (t) { f["status" + t] = s }), ["ContentLength", "UnknownResponse", "UploadSuccess", "localUrlProblem"].forEach(function (t) { f["status" + t] = o }), ["Init", "Load", "Save", "Upload", "Remove", "Transform", "ReceiveServerError", "Confirm", "Cancel", "ThrowError"].forEach(function (t) { f["did" + t] = h }), ["CropInitial", "Transform", "Save", "Remove", "Request", "Load", "Fetch"].forEach(function (t) { f["will" + t] = h }); var _ = ["ClassName", "Label", "Title"]; Bt.concat(It.Buttons).concat("rotate").forEach(function (t) { var e = R(t); _.forEach(function (t) { f["button" + e + t] = o }) }), Gt.supported = function () { return !("[object OperaMini]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(window.operamini) || "undefined" == typeof window.addEventListener || "undefined" == typeof window.FileReader || !("slice" in Blob.prototype) || "undefined" == typeof window.URL || "undefined" == typeof window.URL.createObjectURL) }(), Gt.parse = function (t) { var e, i, n, o = []; for (e = t.querySelectorAll(".slim:not([data-state])"), n = e.length; n--;) i = e[n], o.push(Gt.create(i, Gt.getOptionsFromAttributes(i))); return o }, Gt.getOptionsFromAttributes = function (t) { var e = d(t), i = {meta: {}}; for (var n in e) { var o = f[n], a = e[n]; o ? (a = o(a), a = null === a ? mt(Gt.options()[n]) : a, i[n] = a) : 0 === n.indexOf("meta") && (i.meta[M(n.substr(4))] = a) } return i }, Gt.find = function (t) { var e = i.filter(function (e) { return e.isAttachedTo(t) }); return e ? e[0] : null }, Gt.create = function (t, e) { if (!Gt.find(t)) { e || (e = Gt.getOptionsFromAttributes(t)); var n = new Gt(t, e); return i.push(n), n } }, Gt.destroy = function (t) { var e = n(t); return !(e < 0) && (i[e].destroy(), i.splice(e, 1), !0) } }(), Gt }(), t.Slim.supported) "loading" !== document.readyState ? i() : document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", i); else { var n = t.getElementsByClassName("slim"), o = 0, a = n.length; for (o = 0; o < a; o++) n[o].className = "" } }(window);