[ /* * Carbon date format */ 'format' => 'Y-m-d', /* * Due date for payment since invoice's date. */ 'pay_until_days' => 7, ], 'serial_number' => [ 'series' => 'AA', 'sequence' => 1, /* * Sequence will be padded accordingly, for ex. 00001 */ 'sequence_padding' => 5, 'delimiter' => '.', /* * Supported tags {SERIES}, {DELIMITER}, {SEQUENCE} * Example: AA.00001 */ 'format' => '{SERIES}{DELIMITER}{SEQUENCE}', ], 'currency' => [ 'code' => 'eur', /* * Usually cents * Used when spelling out the amount and if your currency has decimals. * * Example: Amount in words: Eight hundred fifty thousand sixty-eight EUR and fifteen ct. */ 'fraction' => 'ct.', 'symbol' => '€', /* * Example: 19.00 */ 'decimals' => 2, /* * Example: 1.99 */ 'decimal_point' => '.', /* * By default empty. * Example: 1,999.00 */ 'thousands_separator' => '', /* * Supported tags {VALUE}, {SYMBOL}, {CODE} * Example: 1.99 € */ 'format' => '{VALUE} {SYMBOL}', ], 'paper' => [ // A4 = 210 mm x 297 mm = 595 pt x 842 pt 'size' => 'a4', 'orientation' => 'portrait', ], 'disk' => 'local', 'seller' => [ /* * Class used in templates via $invoice->seller * * Must implement LaravelDaily\Invoices\Contracts\PartyContract * or extend LaravelDaily\Invoices\Classes\Party */ 'class' => \LaravelDaily\Invoices\Classes\Seller::class, /* * Default attributes for Seller::class */ 'attributes' => [ 'name' => 'Towne, Smith and Ebert', 'address' => '89982 Pfeffer Falls Damianstad, CO 66972-8160', 'code' => '41-1985581', 'vat' => '123456789', 'phone' => '760-355-3930', 'custom_fields' => [ /* * Custom attributes for Seller::class * * Used to display additional info on Seller section in invoice * attribute => value */ 'SWIFT' => 'BANK101', ], ], ], ];