diff --git a/resources/lang/es.json b/resources/lang/es.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..52e550b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/lang/es.json @@ -0,0 +1,328 @@ +{ + "Activity Logs": "Registros de Actividad", + "No recent activity from cronjobs": "No hay actividad reciente de cronjobs", + "Check the docs for it here": "Consulte la documentación aquí", + "Are cronjobs running?": "¿Se están ejecutando los cronjobs?", + "Causer": "Causante", + "Description": "Descripción", + "Created at": "Creado a", + "Edit Configuration": "Editar Configuración", + "Text Field": "Campo de texto", + "Cancel": "Cancelar", + "Close": "Cerrar", + "Save": "Guardar", + "true": "verdadero", + "false": "falso", + "Configurations": "Configuración", + "Dashboard": "Panel de control", + "Key": "Clave", + "Value": "Valor", + "Type": "Tipo", + "Admin Overview": "Vista de Administrador", + "Support server": "Servidor de Ayuda", + "Documentation": "Documentación", + "Github": "Github", + "Support ControlPanel": "Apoya ControlPanel", + "Servers": "Servidores", + "Users": "Usuarios", + "Total": "Total", + "Payments": "Pagos", + "Pterodactyl": "Pterodactyl", + "Sync": "Sincronizar Ahora", + "Resources": "Recursos", + "Count": "Cuenta", + "Locations": "Localizaciones", + "Node": "Nodo", + "Nodes": "Nodos", + "Nests": "Nidos", + "Eggs": "Huevos", + "Last updated :date": "Ultima vez actualizado :date", + "Purchase": "Compra", + "ID": "ID", + "User": "Usuario", + "Amount": "Cantidad", + "Product Price": "Precio del producto", + "Tax": "Impuesto", + "Total Price": "Precio Total", + "Payment_ID": "Payment_ID", + "Payer_ID": "Payer_ID", + "Product": "Producto", + "Products": "Productos", + "Create": "Crear", + "Product Details": "Detalles del Producto", + "Server Details": "Detalles del Servidor", + "Product Linking": "Vinculación de Productos", + "Name": "Nombre", + "Price in": "Precio en", + "Memory": "Ram", + "Cpu": "Cpu", + "Swap": "Swap", + "Disk": "Disco", + "Minimum": "Mínimo", + "IO": "IO", + "Databases": "Bases de Datos", + "Database": "Base de Datos", + "Backups": "Copias de Seguridad", + "Allocations": "Asignaciones", + "Disabled": "Deshabilitado", + "Submit": "Enviar", + "This product will only be available for these nodes": "Este producto solo está disponible para estos nodos", + "This product will only be available for these eggs": "Este producto solo esta disponible para estos huevos", + "Will hide this option from being selected": "Ocultará esta opción para que no se seleccione", + "Link your products to nodes and eggs to create dynamic pricing for each option": "Vincula tus productos a nodos y huevos para crear precios dinámicos para cada opción", + "Setting to -1 will use the value from configuration.": "Si se establece en -1, se utilizará el valor de la configuración.", + "This is what the users sees": "Esto es lo que ven los usuarios", + "Edit": "Editar", + "Price": "Precio", + "Are you sure you wish to delete?": "¿Está seguro que desea borrarlo?", + "Create new": "Crear nuevo", + "Show": "Mostrar", + "Updated at": "Última Actualización", + "Suspended at": "Suspendido en", + "Settings": "Configuraciones", + "Dashboard icons": "Iconos del panel", + "Select panel icon": "Seleccionar icono de panel", + "Select panel favicon": "Seleccionar favicon del panel", + "Token": "Token", + "Last used": "Último Uso", + "Store": "Tienda", + "Currency code": "Código de divisa/moneda", + "Checkout the paypal docs to select the appropriate code": "Consulte los documentos de PayPal para seleccionar el código apropiado", + "Quantity": "Cantidad", + "Amount given to the user after purchasing": "Importe dado al usuario después de la compra", + "Display": "Mostrar", + "This is what the user sees at store and checkout": "Esto es lo que ve el usuario en la tienda y al finalizar la compra", + "This is what the user sees at checkout": "Esto es lo que ve el usuario al finalizar la compra", + "Adds 1000 credits to your account": "Agrega 1000 créditos a su cuenta", + "Active": "Activo", + "Paypal is not configured.": "Paypal no esta configurado.", + "To configure PayPal, head to the .env and add your PayPal’s client id and secret.": "Para configurar PayPal, diríjase a .env y agregue la identificación de cliente y el secreto de PayPal.", + "Useful Links": "Enlaces útiles", + "Icon class name": "Nombre de la clase de icono", + "You can find available free icons": "Puedes encontrar iconos gratuitos disponibles", + "Title": "Titulo", + "Link": "Enlace", + "Username": "Nombre de usuario", + "Email": "Email", + "Pterodactly ID": "Pterodactly ID", + "Server Limit": "Limite Servidor", + "Role": "Rol", + "Administrator": "Administrador", + "Client": "Cliente", + "Member": "Miembro", + "New Password": "Nueva Contraseña", + "Confirm Password": "Confirmar Contraseña", + "This ID refers to the user account created on pterodactyls panel.": "Esta ID se refiere a la cuenta de usuario creada en el panel de pterodactyl.", + "Only edit this if you know what youre doing :)": "Edite esto solo si sabe lo que está haciendo :)", + "Verified": "Verificado", + "Last seen": "Visto por ùltima vez", + "Notify": "Notificar", + "All": "Todos", + "Send via": "Enviar vía", + "Content": "Contenido", + "Notifications": "Notificaciones", + "Usage": "Uso", + "Config": "Configuración", + "Vouchers": "Descuentos", + "Voucher details": "Detalles del vale", + "Memo": "Memo", + "Code": "Código", + "Uses": "Usos", + "Expires at": "Expira el", + "Max": "Máx", + "Random": "Aleatorio", + "Status": "Estado", + "Used / Uses": "Usado / Usos", + "Expires": "Expira", + "Please confirm your password before continuing.": "Por favor confirme su contraseña antes de continuar.", + "Password": "Contraseña", + "Forgot Your Password?": "¿Olvidó su contraseña?", + "Sign in to start your session": "Iniciar sesión para comenzar", + "Remember Me": "Recuérdame", + "Sign In": "Iniciar sesión", + "Register a new membership": "Registrar un nuevo miembro", + "You forgot your password? Here you can easily retrieve a new password.": "¿Olvidaste tu contraseña? Aquí puede recuperar fácilmente una nueva contraseña.", + "Request new password": "Solicitar nueva contraseña", + "Login": "Iniciar sesión", + "You are only one step a way from your new password, recover your password now.": "Está a solo un paso de su nueva contraseña, recupere su contraseña ahora.", + "Retype password": "Vuelva a escribir la contraseña", + "Change password": "Cambiar contraseña", + "I already have a membership": "Ya soy miembro", + "Register": "Registrar", + "Verify Your Email Address": "Verifica Tu Email", + "A fresh verification link has been sent to your email address.": "Se ha enviado un nuevo enlace de verificación a su correo electrónico.", + "Before proceeding, please check your email for a verification link.": "Antes de continuar, por favor, confirme su correo electrónico con el enlace de verificación que le fue enviado.", + "If you did not receive the email": "Si no ha recibido el correo electrónico", + "click here to request another": "haga clic aquí para solicitar otro", + "Home": "Inicio", + "Languages": "Idiomas", + "See all Notifications": "Ver todas las notificaciones", + "Profile": "Perfil", + "Log back in": "Volver a iniciar sesión", + "Logout": "Cerrar sesión", + "Administration": "‫Administración", + "Overview": "Resumen", + "Application API": "Aplicación API", + "Management": "Gestión", + "Other": "Otro", + "Logs": "Logs", + "Redeem code": "Canjear código", + "You have not yet verified your email address": "No has verificado tu correo electrónico", + "Click here to resend verification email": "Haz click aquí para reenviar tu correo electrónico de activación", + "Please contact support If you didnt receive your verification email.": "Contacte con el soporte si no recibió su correo electrónico de verificación.", + "Thank you for your purchase!": "¡Gracias por su compra!", + "Your payment has been confirmed; Your credit balance has been updated.": "Su pago ha sido confirmado; Se actualizó su saldo de crédito.", + "Payment ID": "ID del pago", + "Balance": "Saldo", + "User ID": "ID Usuario", + "Thanks": "Gracias", + "Redeem voucher code": "Canjear código de descuento", + "Redeem": "Canjear", + "All notifications": "Todas las notificaciones", + "Required Email verification!": "¡Se requiere verificación de correo electrónico!", + "Required Discord verification!": "¡Se requiere verificación de Discord!", + "You have not yet verified your discord account": "Aún no has verificado tu cuenta de discord", + "Login with discord": "Acceder con Discord", + "Please contact support If you face any issues.": "Póngase en contacto con soporte si tiene algún problema.", + "Due to system settings you are required to verify your discord account!": "¡Debido a la configuración del sistema, debe verificar su cuenta de discord!", + "It looks like this hasnt been set-up correctly! Please contact support.": "¡Parece que esto no se ha configurado correctamente! Comuníquese con el soporte.", + "Change Password": "Cambiar Contraseña", + "Current Password": "Contraseña Actual", + "Save Changes": "Guardar Cambios", + "Re-Sync Discord": "Re-Sincronizar Discord", + "You are verified!": "¡Estás verificado!", + "By verifying your discord account, you receive extra Credits and increased Server amounts": "Al verificar su cuenta de discord, recibe créditos adicionales y aumenta su limite de cantidad de servidores", + "Server configuration": "Configuración del servidor", + "Error!": "Error!", + "Make sure to link your products to nodes and eggs.": "Asegúrese de vincular sus productos a nodos y huevos.", + "There has to be at least 1 valid product for server creation": "Tiene que haber al menos 1 producto válido para la creación del servidor", + "No products available!": "¡No hay productos disponibles!", + "No nodes have been linked!": "¡No se han vinculado nodos!", + "No nests available!": "¡No hay nidos disponibles!", + "No eggs have been linked!": "¡No se han vinculado huevos!", + "Software / Games": "Software / Juegos", + "Please select software ...": "Seleccione el software ...", + "Specification": "Especificaciones", + "No selection": "Sin selección", + "per month": "al mes", + "Not enough credits!": "¡No tiene suficientes créditos!", + "Please select a configuration ...": "Por favor elija su configuración...", + "No resources found matching current configuration": "No se encontraron recursos que coincidan con la configuración actual", + "No nodes found matching current configuration": "No se encontraron nodos que coincidan con la configuración actual", + "Please select a node ...": "Por favor, seleccione un nodo...", + "Create server": "Crear Servidor", + "Use your servers on our": "Usa tus servidores en nuestro", + "pterodactyl panel": "pterodactyl panel", + "Server limit reached!": "¡Se alcanzó el límite de servidores!", + "Create Server": "Crear Servidor", + "Manage": "Gestionar", + "Delete server": "Eliminar servidor", + "Price per Hour": "Precio por hora", + "Price per Month": "Precio por mes", + "Date": "Fecha", + "To": "A", + "From": "Desde", + "Pending": "Pendiente", + "Subtotal": "Subtotal", + "Submit Payment": "Proceder al Pago", + "Payment Methods": "Métodos de Pago", + "By purchasing this product you agree and accept our terms of service": "Al comprar este producto, está de acuerdo y acepta nuestros términos de servicio", + "There are no store products!": "¡No hay productos de la tienda!", + "The store is not correctly configured!": "¡La tienda no está configurada correctamente!", + "Out of Credits in": "Sin créditos en", + "days": "días", + "hours": "horas", + "You ran out of Credits": "Te has quedado sin créditos", + "Profile updated": "Perfil actualizado", + "You are required to verify your email address before you can create a server.": "Debe verificar su dirección de correo electrónico antes de poder crear un servidor.", + "You are required to link your discord account before you can create a server.": "Debe vincular su cuenta de discord antes de poder crear un servidor.", + "No allocations satisfying the requirements for automatic deployment on this node were found.": "No se encontraron asignaciones que satisfagan los requisitos para la implementación automática en este nodo.", + "Server removed": "Servidor eliminado", + "Server created": "Servidor creado", + "An exception has occurred while trying to remove a resource \"": "Se produjo una excepción al intentar eliminar un recurso \"", + "You are required to verify your email address before you can purchase credits.": "Debe verificar su dirección de correo electrónico antes de poder comprar créditos.", + "You are required to link your discord account before you can purchase ": "Debes vincular tu cuenta de discord antes de poder comprar ", + "Warning!": "¡Advertencia!", + "api key created!": "¡API Key creada!", + "api key updated!": "¡API Key actualizada!", + "api key has been removed!": "¡La API Key a sido eliminada!", + "configuration has been updated!": "¡La configuración ha sido actualizada!", + "Pterodactyl synced": "Pterodactyl sincronizado", + "Your credit balance has been increased!": "¡Su saldo de crédito ha aumentado!", + "Payment was Canceled": "Pago Cancelado", + "Store item has been created!": "¡Se ha creado el artículo en la tienda!", + "Store item has been updated!": "¡El artículo de la tienda ha sido actualizado!", + "Product has been updated!": "¡El producto ha sido actualizado!", + "Store item has been removed!": "¡El artículo de la tienda ha sido eliminado!", + "Product has been created!": "¡El producto ha sido creado!", + "Product has been removed!": "¡El producto ha sido eliminado!", + "Server has been updated!": "¡El servidor ha sido actualizado!", + "Icons updated!": "¡Iconos actualizados!", + "link has been created!": "¡Se ha creado el enlace!", + "link has been updated!": "¡El enlace ha sido actualizado!", + "user has been removed!": "¡El usuario ha sido eliminado!", + "Notification sent!": "¡Notificación enviada!", + "User has been updated!": "¡El usuario ha sido actualizado!", + "User does not exists on pterodactyl's panel": "El usuario no existe en el panel pterodactyl", + "voucher has been created!": "¡Se a creado un cupón!", + "voucher has been updated!": "¡El cupón ha sido actualizado!", + "voucher has been removed!": "¡El cupón a sido eliminado!", + "This voucher has reached the maximum amount of uses": "Este cupón ha alcanzado la cantidad máxima de usos", + "This voucher has expired": "Este cupón a expirado", + "You already redeemed this voucher code": "Ya has usado este cupón", + "You can't redeem this voucher because you would exceed the limit of ": "No puede canjear este cupón porque excedería el límite de ", + "have been added to your balance!": "se han añadido a tu saldo!", + "Invoice": "Factura", + "Serial No.": "Nº Serie.", + "Invoice date": "Fecha de Factura", + "Seller": "Vendedor", + "Buyer": "Comprador", + "Address": "Dirección", + "VAT code": "Código de IVA", + "Phone": "Teléfono", + "Units": "Unidades", + "Qty": "Cantidad", + "Discount": "Descuento", + "Sub total": "Subtotal", + "Total discount": "Descuento total", + "Taxable amount": "Base imponible", + "Total taxes": "Total de impuestos", + "Tax rate": "Tasa de impuestos", + "Total amount": "Cantidad total", + "Please pay until": "Por favor pague hasta", + "Amount in words": "Cantidad en palabras", + "Notes": "Notas", + "Shipping": "Envío", + "Paid": "Pagado", + "Due:": "Vencimiento:", + "Invoice Settings": "Configuración de facturación", + "Download all Invoices": "Descargar todas las facturas", + "Enter your companys name": "Introduce el nombre de tu empresa", + "Enter your companys address": "Ingrese la dirección de su empresa", + "Enter your companys phone number": "Ingrese el número de teléfono de su empresa", + "Enter your companys VAT id": "Ingrese el ID de IVA de su empresa", + "Enter your companys email address": "Ingrese la dirección de correo electrónico de su empresa", + "Enter your companys website": "Ingrese el sitio web de su empresa", + "Enter your custom invoice prefix": "Ingrese su prefijo de factura personalizado", + "Select Invoice Logo": "Seleccione el logotipo de la factura", + "Payment Confirmation": "Confirmación de Pago", + "Payment Confirmed!": "¡Pago Confirmado!", + "Server Creation Error": "Error de creación del servidor", + "Your servers have been suspended!": "¡Sus servidores han sido suspendidos!", + "To automatically re-enable your server/s, you need to purchase more credits.": "Para volver a habilitar automáticamente sus servidores, debe comprar más créditos.", + "Purchase credits": "Comprar Créditos", + "If you have any questions please let us know.": "Si tienes más preguntas, por favor háznoslas saber.", + "Regards": "Atentamente", + "Getting started!": "¡Empezando!", + "EXPIRED": "CADUCADO", + "VALID": "VÁLIDO", + "Unsuspend": "Quitar suspensión", + "Suspend": "Suspender", + "Delete": "Eliminar", + "Login as User": "Iniciar sesión como usuario", + "Clone": "Clonar", + "Amount due": "Importe a pagar", + "Your Payment was successful!": "¡El pago se ha realizado correctamente!", + "Hello": "Hola", + "Your payment was processed successfully!": "¡Su pago se procesó correctamente!" +} diff --git a/resources/lang/fr.json b/resources/lang/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f3c19b95 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/lang/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,328 @@ +{ + "Activity Logs": "Journal des activités", + "No recent activity from cronjobs": "Aucune activité récente de cronjobs", + "Check the docs for it here": "Consultez la documentation ici", + "Are cronjobs running?": "Les tâches cron sont-elles en cours d'exécution ?", + "Causer": "Cause", + "Description": "Description", + "Created at": "Créé à", + "Edit Configuration": "Modifier la configuration", + "Text Field": "Champ de texte", + "Cancel": "Annuler", + "Close": "Fermer", + "Save": "Sauvegarder", + "true": "vrai", + "false": "faux", + "Configurations": "Configuration", + "Dashboard": "Tableau de bord", + "Key": "Clé", + "Value": "Valeur", + "Type": "Type", + "Admin Overview": "Vue administrateur", + "Support server": "Serveur de support", + "Documentation": "Documentation", + "Github": "Github", + "Support ControlPanel": "ControlPanel Support", + "Servers": "Serveurs", + "Users": "Utilisateurs", + "Total": "Total", + "Payments": "Paiments", + "Pterodactyl": "Pterodactyl", + "Sync": "Synchroniser", + "Resources": "Ressources", + "Count": "Nombre", + "Locations": "Emplacements", + "Node": "Node", + "Nodes": "Nœuds", + "Nests": "Nids", + "Eggs": "Œufs", + "Last updated :date": "Dernière mise à jour", + "Purchase": "Acheter", + "ID": "IDENTIFIANT", + "User": "Utilisateur", + "Amount": "Montant ", + "Product Price": "Prix du produit", + "Tax": "Tva & autres taxes", + "Total Price": "Prix total", + "Payment_ID": "ID_PAIEMENT", + "Payer_ID": "Payer_ID", + "Product": "Article", + "Products": "Produits", + "Create": "Créer", + "Product Details": "Détails du produit", + "Server Details": "Détails du serveur", + "Product Linking": "Lien du produit", + "Name": "Nom", + "Price in": "Prix en", + "Memory": "Mémoire", + "Cpu": "Cpu", + "Swap": "Swap", + "Disk": "Disque", + "Minimum": "Minimum", + "IO": "IO", + "Databases": "Bases de données", + "Database": "Base de donnée", + "Backups": "Sauvegardes", + "Allocations": "Allocations", + "Disabled": "Désactivé", + "Submit": "Valider", + "This product will only be available for these nodes": "Ce produit est uniquement disponible pour cette node", + "This product will only be available for these eggs": "Ce produit n'est pas disponible pour cet eggs", + "Will hide this option from being selected": "Cachera cette option", + "Link your products to nodes and eggs to create dynamic pricing for each option": "Liez vos produits à des nodes et des eggs pour créer une tarification dynamique pour chaque option", + "Setting to -1 will use the value from configuration.": "Le réglage à -1 utilisera la valeur de la configuration.", + "This is what the users sees": "C'est ce que voient les utilisateurs", + "Edit": "Modifier", + "Price": "Prix", + "Are you sure you wish to delete?": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ?", + "Create new": "Créer nouveau", + "Show": "Voir", + "Updated at": "Mis à jour le", + "Suspended at": "Suspendus le", + "Settings": "Paramètres", + "Dashboard icons": "Icônes du tableau de bord", + "Select panel icon": "Sélectionner l'icône du panel", + "Select panel favicon": "Sélectionner le favicon du panel", + "Token": "Token", + "Last used": "Dernière utilisation", + "Store": "Boutique", + "Currency code": "Code de devise", + "Checkout the paypal docs to select the appropriate code": "Vérifiez la doc de paypal pour sélectionner le code approprié", + "Quantity": "Quantité", + "Amount given to the user after purchasing": "Montant donné à l'utilisateur après l'achat", + "Display": "Affichage", + "This is what the user sees at store and checkout": "C'est ce que l'utilisateur voit dans la boutique et au moment de payé", + "This is what the user sees at checkout": "C'est ce que l'utilisateur voit dans au moment de payé", + "Adds 1000 credits to your account": "Ajoute 1000 crédits à votre compte", + "Active": "Actif", + "Paypal is not configured.": "Paypal n'est pas configuré.", + "To configure PayPal, head to the .env and add your PayPal’s client id and secret.": "Pour configurer PayPal, rendez-vous sur le fichier .env et ajoutez votre identifiant \"client id\" PayPal et votre \"client id secret\".", + "Useful Links": "Liens Utiles", + "Icon class name": "Nom de la classe de l'icône", + "You can find available free icons": "Vous pouvez trouver des icônes gratuites", + "Title": "Titre", + "Link": "Lien", + "Username": "Nom d'utilisateur", + "Email": "Adresse email", + "Pterodactly ID": "ID Pterodactyl", + "Server Limit": "Limite Serveur", + "Role": "Rôle", + "Administrator": "Administrateur", + "Client": "Client", + "Member": "Membre", + "New Password": "Nouveau mot de passe", + "Confirm Password": "Confirmez le mot de passe", + "This ID refers to the user account created on pterodactyls panel.": "Cet identifiant fait référence au compte utilisateur créé sur le panel Pterodactyl.", + "Only edit this if you know what youre doing :)": "Ne l'activez que si vous savez ce que vous faites.", + "Verified": "Verifié", + "Last seen": "Etait ici", + "Notify": "Notifier", + "All": "Tout", + "Send via": "Envoyer via", + "Content": "Contenu", + "Notifications": "Notifications", + "Usage": "Utilisation", + "Config": "Configuration", + "Vouchers": "Coupons", + "Voucher details": "Détails du bon de réduction", + "Memo": "Mémo", + "Code": "Code", + "Uses": "Utilisations", + "Expires at": "Expire à", + "Max": "Max", + "Random": "Aléatoire", + "Status": "Statut", + "Used / Uses": "Utilisé / Utilisations", + "Expires": "Expire", + "Please confirm your password before continuing.": "Veuillez confirmer votre mot de passe avant de continuer.", + "Password": "Mot de passe", + "Forgot Your Password?": "Mot de passe oublié ?", + "Sign in to start your session": "Identifiez-vous pour commencer votre session", + "Remember Me": "Se souvenir de moi", + "Sign In": "S'enregistrer", + "Register a new membership": "Enregistrer un nouveau membre", + "You forgot your password? Here you can easily retrieve a new password.": "Tu as oublie ton mot de passe ? Ici tu peux facilement le changé.", + "Request new password": "Changer son mot de passe", + "Login": "Connexion", + "You are only one step a way from your new password, recover your password now.": "Vous n'êtes qu'à une étape de votre nouveau mot de passe, récupérez votre mot de passe maintenant.", + "Retype password": "Retapez le mot de passe", + "Change password": "Changer le mot de passe", + "I already have a membership": "Je possède déjà un compte", + "Register": "Inscription", + "Verify Your Email Address": "Vérifiez votre adresse email", + "A fresh verification link has been sent to your email address.": "Un nouveau lien de vérification a été envoyé à votre adresse email.", + "Before proceeding, please check your email for a verification link.": "Avant de continuer, veuillez vérifier vos emails, vous devriez avoir reçu un lien de vérification.", + "If you did not receive the email": "Si vous ne recevez pas l'e-mail", + "click here to request another": "cliquez ici pour faire une nouvelle demande", + "Home": "Accueil", + "Languages": "Langues", + "See all Notifications": "Voir toutes les notifications", + "Profile": "Profil", + "Log back in": "Reconnectez-vous", + "Logout": "Déconnexion", + "Administration": "Administration", + "Overview": "Récapitulatif", + "Application API": "Application API", + "Management": "Gestion", + "Other": "Autre", + "Logs": "Logs", + "Redeem code": "Utiliser un code", + "You have not yet verified your email address": "Vous n'avez pas vérifiez votre adresse mail", + "Click here to resend verification email": "Cliquez ici pour renvoyer un mail de confirmation", + "Please contact support If you didnt receive your verification email.": "Veuillez contacter le support si vous n'avez pas reçu votre e-mail de vérification.", + "Thank you for your purchase!": "Merci pour votre achat !", + "Your payment has been confirmed; Your credit balance has been updated.": "Votre paiement à été accepter, Vos crédits son maintenant disponible sur votre compte.", + "Payment ID": "ID du paiement", + "Balance": "Solde", + "User ID": "ID d'utilisateur", + "Thanks": "Merci", + "Redeem voucher code": "Utiliser le code", + "Redeem": "Appliquer", + "All notifications": "Toutes les notifications", + "Required Email verification!": "La vérification du mail est requise !", + "Required Discord verification!": "Vérification de votre discord est requise !", + "You have not yet verified your discord account": "Vous n'avez pas vérifiez votre compte discord", + "Login with discord": "Se connecter avec Discord", + "Please contact support If you face any issues.": "Veuillez contacter le support si vous rencontrez des problèmes.", + "Due to system settings you are required to verify your discord account!": "En raison des paramètres système, vous devez vérifier votre compte Discord !", + "It looks like this hasnt been set-up correctly! Please contact support.": "Il semble que cela n'a pas été configuré correctement ! Veuillez contacter le support.", + "Change Password": "Modifier le mot de passe", + "Current Password": "Mot de passe actuel", + "Save Changes": "Sauvegarder les modifications", + "Re-Sync Discord": "Resynchroniser Discord", + "You are verified!": "Vous êtes vérifié !", + "By verifying your discord account, you receive extra Credits and increased Server amounts": "En vérifiant votre compte discord, vous recevez des crédits supplémentaires et la possibilité d'avoir plus de serveur", + "Server configuration": "Configuration du serveur", + "Error!": "Erreur !", + "Make sure to link your products to nodes and eggs.": "Assurez-vous de lier vos produits aux nodes aux eggs.", + "There has to be at least 1 valid product for server creation": "Il doit y avoir au moins 1 produit valide pour la création de serveur", + "No products available!": "Aucun produit disponible !", + "No nodes have been linked!": "Aucune node n'a été lié !", + "No nests available!": "Aucun nests disponible !", + "No eggs have been linked!": "Aucun eggs n'a été lié !", + "Software / Games": "Logiciels / Jeux", + "Please select software ...": "Veuillez sélectionner...", + "Specification": "Spécification", + "No selection": "Pas de sélection", + "per month": "par mois", + "Not enough credits!": "Pas assez de crédits !", + "Please select a configuration ...": "Veuillez sélectionner une configuration...", + "No resources found matching current configuration": "Aucune ressources trouvée pour la configuration actuelle", + "No nodes found matching current configuration": "Aucune node trouvée pour la configuration actuelle", + "Please select a node ...": "Veuillez sélectionner une node...", + "Create server": "Créer le serveur", + "Use your servers on our": "Utilisez vos serveurs sur notre", + "pterodactyl panel": "panel pterodactyl", + "Server limit reached!": "Limite de serveurs atteinte !", + "Create Server": "Créer le serveur", + "Manage": "Gérer", + "Delete server": "Supprimer le serveur", + "Price per Hour": "Prix par heure", + "Price per Month": "Prix par Mois", + "Date": "Date", + "To": "À", + "From": "De", + "Pending": "En attente", + "Subtotal": "Sous-total", + "Submit Payment": "Soumettre le Paiement", + "Payment Methods": "Moyens de paiement", + "By purchasing this product you agree and accept our terms of service": "En achetant ce produit, vous acceptez et acceptez nos conditions d'utilisation", + "There are no store products!": "Il n'y a plus de produits dans la boutique !", + "The store is not correctly configured!": "La boutique n'est pas configurée correctement !", + "Out of Credits in": "Hors crédits dans", + "days": "jours", + "hours": "heures", + "You ran out of Credits": "Vous n’avez plus de crédits", + "Profile updated": "Profil mis à jour", + "You are required to verify your email address before you can create a server.": "Vous devez vérifier votre email avant de pouvoir créer un serveur.", + "You are required to link your discord account before you can create a server.": "Vous devez vérifier votre discord avant de pouvoir créer un serveur.", + "No allocations satisfying the requirements for automatic deployment on this node were found.": "Aucune allocation répondant aux exigences de déploiement automatique sur cette node n'a été trouvée.", + "Server removed": "Serveur supprimé", + "Server created": "Serveur créé", + "An exception has occurred while trying to remove a resource \"": "Une erreur s'est produite en essayant de supprimer la ressource", + "You are required to verify your email address before you can purchase credits.": "Vous devez vérifier votre email avant de pouvoir acheter des crédits.", + "You are required to link your discord account before you can purchase ": "Vous devez vérifier votre compte discord avant de pouvoir acheter des crédits ", + "Warning!": "Attention !", + "api key created!": "La clé Api a été créée !", + "api key updated!": "La clé Api a été modifiée !", + "api key has been removed!": "La clé Api a été supprimée !", + "configuration has been updated!": "la configuration a été mise à jour!", + "Pterodactyl synced": "Synchroniser Pterodactyl", + "Your credit balance has been increased!": "Votre solde a été augmenté !", + "Payment was Canceled": "Le paiement a été annulé", + "Store item has been created!": "L'article de la boutique a été créé !", + "Store item has been updated!": "L'article de la boutique a été mis à jour !", + "Product has been updated!": "Produit mis à jour !", + "Store item has been removed!": "L'article de la boutique a été supprimé !", + "Product has been created!": "Produit a été créé !", + "Product has been removed!": "Produit a été supprimé !", + "Server has been updated!": "Le serveur à été mis à jour !", + "Icons updated!": "Icône mise à jour !", + "link has been created!": "Le lien à été créé !", + "link has been updated!": "Le lien à été mis à jour !", + "user has been removed!": "L'utilisateur a été supprimé !", + "Notification sent!": "Notification envoyée !", + "User has been updated!": "L'utilisateur a été mis à jour !", + "User does not exists on pterodactyl's panel": "L'utilisateur n'existe pas sur le panel pterodactyl", + "voucher has been created!": "Le code à été créé !", + "voucher has been updated!": "Le code à été mis à jour !", + "voucher has been removed!": "Le code à été supprimé !", + "This voucher has reached the maximum amount of uses": "Ce code a atteint le nombre maximum d'utilisations", + "This voucher has expired": "Ce code de réduction a expiré", + "You already redeemed this voucher code": "Vous avez déjà utilisé ce code promotionnel", + "You can't redeem this voucher because you would exceed the limit of ": "Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser ce bon car vous dépasseriez la limite de ", + "have been added to your balance!": "ont été ajoutés à votre solde !", + "Invoice": "Facture", + "Serial No.": "N° de série", + "Invoice date": "Date de la facture", + "Seller": "Vendeur", + "Buyer": "Acheteur", + "Address": "Adresse", + "VAT code": "Taux TVA", + "Phone": "Téléphone", + "Units": "Unités", + "Qty": "Qté", + "Discount": "Remise", + "Sub total": "Sous-total", + "Total discount": "Total des réductions", + "Taxable amount": "Montant taxable", + "Total taxes": "Total des taxes", + "Tax rate": "Taux de taxes", + "Total amount": "Montant total", + "Please pay until": "Veuillez payer avant", + "Amount in words": "Montant en toutes lettres", + "Notes": "Notes", + "Shipping": "Expédition", + "Paid": "Payé", + "Due:": "Du:", + "Invoice Settings": "Paramètres de facturation", + "Download all Invoices": "Télécharger toutes les factures", + "Enter your companys name": "Entrez le nom de votre entreprise", + "Enter your companys address": "Entrez l'adresse de votre entreprise", + "Enter your companys phone number": "Entrez le numéro de téléphone de votre entreprise", + "Enter your companys VAT id": "Entrez le site internet de votre entreprise", + "Enter your companys email address": "Entrez l'adresse mail de votre entreprise", + "Enter your companys website": "Entrez le site internet de votre entreprise", + "Enter your custom invoice prefix": "Entrez votre préfixe de facture personnalisé", + "Select Invoice Logo": "Sélectionnez le logo des factures", + "Payment Confirmation": "Confirmation de paiement", + "Payment Confirmed!": "Paiement confirmé !", + "Server Creation Error": "Erreur lors de la création de votre serveur", + "Your servers have been suspended!": "Votre serveur à été suspendu !", + "To automatically re-enable your server/s, you need to purchase more credits.": "Pour réactiver automatiquement votre ou vos serveurs, vous devez racheter des crédits.", + "Purchase credits": "Acheter des crédits", + "If you have any questions please let us know.": "N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez des questions.", + "Regards": "Cordialement", + "Getting started!": "Commencer !", + "EXPIRED": "EXPIRÉ", + "VALID": "VALIDE", + "Unsuspend": "Annuler la suspension", + "Suspend": "Suspendre", + "Delete": "Supprimer", + "Login as User": "Connectez-vous en tant qu'utilisateur", + "Clone": "Dupliquer", + "Amount due": "Montant à payer", + "Your Payment was successful!": "Votre paiement a été reçu avec succès !", + "Hello": "Bonjour", + "Your payment was processed successfully!": "Votre requête a été traitée avec succès." +} diff --git a/resources/lang/hi.json b/resources/lang/hi.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8ab56eca --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/lang/hi.json @@ -0,0 +1,328 @@ +{ + "Activity Logs": "गतिविधि लॉग", + "No recent activity from cronjobs": "Cronjobs से कोई हाल की गतिविधि नहीं", + "Check the docs for it here": "इसके लिए डॉक्स यहां देखें", + "Are cronjobs running?": "क्या क्रोनजॉब चल रहे हैं?", + "Causer": "वजह", + "Description": "विवरण", + "Created at": "पर बनाया गया", + "Edit Configuration": "कॉन्फ़िगरेशन संपादित करें", + "Text Field": "पाठ्य से भरा", + "Cancel": "रद्द करें", + "Close": "बंद", + "Save": "सेव करें", + "true": "सही", + "false": "असत्य", + "Configurations": "विन्यास", + "Dashboard": "डैशबोर्ड", + "Key": "चाभी", + "Value": "मूल्य", + "Type": "प्रकार", + "Admin Overview": "व्यवस्थापक अवलोकन", + "Support server": "समर्थन सर्वर", + "Documentation": "प्रलेखन", + "Github": "गिटहब", + "Support ControlPanel": "समर्थन नियंत्रण पैनल", + "Servers": "सर्वरस", + "Users": "कर्मचारी", + "Total": "कुल", + "Payments": "भुगतान", + "Pterodactyl": "टेरोडक्टाइल", + "Sync": "साथ - साथ करना", + "Resources": "साधन", + "Count": "गिनती", + "Locations": "स्थानों", + "Node": "नोड", + "Nodes": "नोड्स", + "Nests": "घोसले", + "Eggs": "अंडे", + "Last updated :date": "आखरी अपडेट: दिनांक", + "Purchase": "खरीदें", + "ID": "आइडी", + "User": "उपयोगकर्ता", + "Amount": "मात्रा", + "Product Price": "प्रोडक्ट की कीमत", + "Tax": "कर", + "Total Price": "कुल कीमत", + "Payment_ID": "भुगतान_आईडी", + "Payer_ID": "ग्राहक_ID", + "Product": "उत्पाद", + "Products": "उत्पादों", + "Create": "सृजन करना", + "Product Details": "उत्पाद विवरण", + "Server Details": "सर्वर जानकारी", + "Product Linking": "उत्पाद लिंकिंग", + "Name": "नाम", + "Price in": "कीमत में", + "Memory": "मेमोरी", + "Cpu": "Cpu", + "Swap": "स्वैप", + "Disk": "डिस्क", + "Minimum": "न्यूनतम", + "IO": "मैं", + "Databases": "डेटाबेस", + "Database": "डेटाबेस", + "Backups": "बैकअप", + "Allocations": "आवंटन", + "Disabled": "विकलांग", + "Submit": "प्रस्तुत करना", + "This product will only be available for these nodes": "यह उत्पाद केवल इन नोड्स के लिए उपलब्ध होगा", + "This product will only be available for these eggs": "यह उत्पाद केवल इन अंडों के लिए उपलब्ध होगा", + "Will hide this option from being selected": "इस विकल्प को चुने जाने से छिपा देंगे", + "Link your products to nodes and eggs to create dynamic pricing for each option": "प्रत्येक विकल्प के लिए गतिशील मूल्य निर्धारण बनाने के लिए अपने उत्पादों को नोड्स और अंडों से लिंक करें", + "Setting to -1 will use the value from configuration.": "-1 पर सेट करने से कॉन्फ़िगरेशन से मान का उपयोग होगा।", + "This is what the users sees": "यह वही है जो उपयोगकर्ता देखता है", + "Edit": "ऐडिट", + "Price": "कीमत", + "Are you sure you wish to delete?": "क्या आप सचमुच बंद करना चाहते हैं?", + "Create new": "नया बनाओ", + "Show": "दिखाएँ", + "Updated at": "अपडेट किया गया", + "Suspended at": "पर निलंबित", + "Settings": "सेटिंग्स", + "Dashboard icons": "डैशबोर्ड आइकन", + "Select panel icon": "पैनल आइकन चुनें", + "Select panel favicon": "पैनल Favicon चुनें", + "Token": "टोकन", + "Last used": "पिछले इस्तेमाल किया", + "Store": "दुकान", + "Currency code": "मुद्रा कोड", + "Checkout the paypal docs to select the appropriate code": "उपयुक्त कोड का चयन करने के लिए पेपैल दस्तावेज़ चेकआउट करें", + "Quantity": "मात्रा", + "Amount given to the user after purchasing": "खरीद के बाद यूजर को दी जाने वाली राशि", + "Display": "डिस्प्ले", + "This is what the user sees at store and checkout": "उपयोगकर्ता स्टोर और चेकआउट में यही देखता है", + "This is what the user sees at checkout": "चेकआउट के समय उपयोगकर्ता यही देखता है", + "Adds 1000 credits to your account": "आपके खाते में 1000 क्रेडिट जोड़ता है", + "Active": "सक्रिय", + "Paypal is not configured.": "पेपैल कॉन्फ़िगर नहीं है।", + "To configure PayPal, head to the .env and add your PayPal’s client id and secret.": "पेपैल को कॉन्फ़िगर करने के लिए, .env पर जाएं और अपनी पेपैल की क्लाइंट आईडी और गुप्त जोड़ें", + "Useful Links": "उपयोगी कड़ियां", + "Icon class name": "आइकन कक्षा का नाम", + "You can find available free icons": "आप उपलब्ध मुफ्त आइकन पा सकते हैं", + "Title": "शीर्षक", + "Link": "लिंक", + "Username": "उपयोगकर्ता नाम", + "Email": "ईमेल", + "Pterodactly ID": "टेरोडक्टाइल आइडी", + "Server Limit": "सर्वर सीमा", + "Role": "भूमिका", + "Administrator": "प्रशासक", + "Client": "ग्राहक", + "Member": "सदस्य", + "New Password": "नया पासवर्ड", + "Confirm Password": "पासवर्ड की पुष्टि कीजिये", + "This ID refers to the user account created on pterodactyls panel.": "यह आईडी pterodactyls पैनल पर बनाए गए उपयोगकर्ता खाते को संदर्भित करता है।", + "Only edit this if you know what youre doing :)": "इसे केवल तभी संपादित करें जब आप जानते हों कि आप क्या कर रहे हैं :)", + "Verified": "सत्यापित", + "Last seen": "अंतिम बार देखा", + "Notify": "सूचित करें?", + "All": "सब", + "Send via": "के द्वारा भेजें", + "Content": "विषय", + "Notifications": "सूचनाएं", + "Usage": "प्रयोग", + "Config": "कॉन्फ़िग", + "Vouchers": "वाउचर", + "Voucher details": "वाउचर विवरण", + "Memo": "ज्ञापन", + "Code": "कोड", + "Uses": "उपयोगकर्ता", + "Expires at": "पर समाप्त हो रहा है", + "Max": "मैक्स", + "Random": "यादृच्छिक रूप से", + "Status": "स्थिति", + "Used / Uses": "प्रयुक्त / उपयोग", + "Expires": "समय-सीमा समाप्त", + "Please confirm your password before continuing.": "जारी रखने से पहले कृपया अपने पासवर्ड की पुष्टि करें।", + "Password": "पासवर्ड", + "Forgot Your Password?": "अपना पासवर्ड भूल गए?", + "Sign in to start your session": "अपना सत्र शुरू करने के लिए साइन इन करें", + "Remember Me": "मुझे याद रखना", + "Sign In": "साइन इन", + "Register a new membership": "एक नई सदस्यता पंजीकृत करें", + "You forgot your password? Here you can easily retrieve a new password.": "आप अपना पासवर्ड भूल गए? यहां आप आसानी से एक नया पासवर्ड प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।", + "Request new password": "नए पासवर्ड का अनुरोध करें", + "Login": "लॉग इन करें", + "You are only one step a way from your new password, recover your password now.": "आप अपने नए पासवर्ड से केवल एक कदम दूर हैं, अपना पासवर्ड अभी पुनर्प्राप्त करें।", + "Retype password": "पासवर्ड फिर से लिखें", + "Change password": "पासवर्ड बदलें", + "I already have a membership": "मेरे पास पहले से ही सदस्यता है", + "Register": "खाता खोलें", + "Verify Your Email Address": "अपने ईमेल पते की पुष्टि करें", + "A fresh verification link has been sent to your email address.": "आपके ईमेल पते पर एक नया सत्यापन लिंक भेज दिया गया है।", + "Before proceeding, please check your email for a verification link.": "आगे बढ़ने से पहले, कृपया सत्यापन लिंक के लिए अपना ईमेल देखें।", + "If you did not receive the email": "अगर आपको ईमेल प्राप्त नहीं हुआ है", + "click here to request another": "दूसरे का अनुरोध करने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें", + "Home": "घर", + "Languages": "बोली", + "See all Notifications": "सभी सूचनाएं देखें", + "Profile": "प्रोफ़ाइल", + "Log back in": "वापस लॉग इन करें", + "Logout": "लॉग आउट करें", + "Administration": "प्रशासन", + "Overview": "जानकारी", + "Application API": "आवेदन एपीआई", + "Management": "प्रबंध", + "Other": "दूसरा", + "Logs": "लॉग्स", + "Redeem code": "रीडीम कोड", + "You have not yet verified your email address": "आपने अभी तक अपना ईमेल पता सत्यापित नहीं किया है", + "Click here to resend verification email": "सत्यापन ईमेल पुनः भेजने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें", + "Please contact support If you didnt receive your verification email.": "कृपया समर्थन से संपर्क करें यदि आपको अपना सत्यापन ईमेल प्राप्त नहीं हुआ है", + "Thank you for your purchase!": "आपकी खरीदारी के लिए धन्यवाद!", + "Your payment has been confirmed; Your credit balance has been updated.": "आपके भुगतान की पुष्टि हो गई है; आपका क्रेडिट बैलेंस अपडेट कर दिया गया है।", + "Payment ID": "भुगतान आईडी", + "Balance": "बाकी रकम", + "User ID": "उपयोगकर्ता आइडी", + "Thanks": "धन्यवाद!", + "Redeem voucher code": "वाउचर कोड रिडीम करें", + "Redeem": "एवज", + "All notifications": "सारे अधिसूचना", + "Required Email verification!": "आवश्यक ईमेल सत्यापन!", + "Required Discord verification!": "आवश्यक कलह सत्यापन!", + "You have not yet verified your discord account": "आपने अभी तक अपने कलह खाते को सत्यापित नहीं किया है", + "Login with discord": "कलह के साथ लॉगिन करें", + "Please contact support If you face any issues.": "कृपया समर्थन से संपर्क करें यदि आपको कोई समस्या आती है।", + "Due to system settings you are required to verify your discord account!": "सिस्टम सेटिंग्स के कारण आपको अपने कलह खाते को सत्यापित करने की आवश्यकता है!", + "It looks like this hasnt been set-up correctly! Please contact support.": "ऐसा लगता है कि इसे ठीक से सेट अप नहीं किया गया है! कृपया समर्थन से संपर्क करें।", + "Change Password": "पासवर्ड बदलें", + "Current Password": "वर्तमान पासवर्ड", + "Save Changes": "परिवर्तनों को सुरक्षित करें", + "Re-Sync Discord": "पुन: समन्वयन कलह", + "You are verified!": "आप सत्यापित हैं!", + "By verifying your discord account, you receive extra Credits and increased Server amounts": "अपने कलह खाते को सत्यापित करके, आप अतिरिक्त क्रेडिट और बढ़ी हुई सर्वर राशि प्राप्त करते हैं", + "Server configuration": "सर्वर विन्यास", + "Error!": "एरर", + "Make sure to link your products to nodes and eggs.": "अपने उत्पादों को नोड्स और अंडों से जोड़ना सुनिश्चित करें।", + "There has to be at least 1 valid product for server creation": "सर्वर निर्माण के लिए कम से कम 1 वैध उत्पाद होना चाहिए", + "No products available!": "कोई उत्पाद उपलब्ध नहीं है!", + "No nodes have been linked!": "कोई नोड लिंक नहीं किया गया है!", + "No nests available!": "कोई घोंसला उपलब्ध नहीं है!", + "No eggs have been linked!": "कोई अंडे नहीं जोड़े गए हैं!", + "Software / Games": "सॉफ्टवेयर / खेल", + "Please select software ...": "कृपया सॉफ्टवेयर चुनें...", + "Specification": "विनिर्देश", + "No selection": "कोई चयन नहीं", + "per month": "प्रति महीना", + "Not enough credits!": "पर्याप्त क्रेडिट नहीं!", + "Please select a configuration ...": "कृपया कोई कॉन्फ़िगरेशन चुनें...", + "No resources found matching current configuration": "वर्तमान कॉन्फ़िगरेशन से मेल खाने वाला कोई संसाधन नहीं मिला", + "No nodes found matching current configuration": "वर्तमान कॉन्फ़िगरेशन से मेल खाने वाला कोई नोड नहीं मिला", + "Please select a node ...": "कृपया एक नोड चुनें...", + "Create server": "सर्वर बनाएं", + "Use your servers on our": "हमारे पर अपने सर्वर का प्रयोग करें", + "pterodactyl panel": "पटरोडैक्टाइल पैनल", + "Server limit reached!": "सर्वर की सीमा पूरी हो गई!", + "Create Server": "अपना सर्वर बनाएं", + "Manage": "मॅनेज", + "Delete server": "सर्वर हटाएं", + "Price per Hour": "पैसा प्रति घंटा\n", + "Price per Month": "मूल्य प्रति माह", + "Date": "दिनांक", + "To": "को", + "From": "से", + "Pending": "लंबित", + "Subtotal": "उप-योग", + "Submit Payment": "भुगतान सबमिट करें", + "Payment Methods": "भुगतान की विधि", + "By purchasing this product you agree and accept our terms of service": "इस उत्पाद को खरीदकर आप हमारी सेवा की शर्तों से सहमत होते हैं और स्वीकार करते हैं", + "There are no store products!": "कोई स्टोर उत्पाद नहीं हैं!", + "The store is not correctly configured!": "स्टोर सही ढंग से कॉन्फ़िगर नहीं किया गया है!", + "Out of Credits in": "क्रेडिट से बाहर", + "days": "दिन", + "hours": "घंटे", + "You ran out of Credits": "आपका क्रेडिट खत्म हो गया", + "Profile updated": "प्रोफ़ाइल अपडेट", + "You are required to verify your email address before you can create a server.": "सर्वर बनाने से पहले आपको अपना ईमेल पता सत्यापित करना होगा।", + "You are required to link your discord account before you can create a server.": "सर्वर बनाने से पहले आपको अपने डिसॉर्डर अकाउंट को लिंक करना होगा।", + "No allocations satisfying the requirements for automatic deployment on this node were found.": "इस नोड पर स्वचालित परिनियोजन के लिए आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करने वाला कोई आवंटन नहीं मिला।", + "Server removed": "सर्वर हटा दिया गया", + "Server created": "सर्वर बनाया", + "An exception has occurred while trying to remove a resource \"": "\"संसाधन को निकालने का प्रयास करते समय एक अपवाद उत्पन्न हुआ\"", + "You are required to verify your email address before you can purchase credits.": "क्रेडिट खरीदने से पहले आपको अपना ईमेल पता सत्यापित करना होगा।", + "You are required to link your discord account before you can purchase ": "खरीदने से पहले आपको अपने कलह खाते को लिंक करना होगा ", + "Warning!": "चेतावनी!", + "api key created!": "एपीआई कुंजी बनाई गई!", + "api key updated!": "एपीआई कुंजी अद्यतन!", + "api key has been removed!": "एपीआई कुंजी हटा दी गई है!", + "configuration has been updated!": "कॉन्फ़िगरेशन अपडेट कर दिया गया है!", + "Pterodactyl synced": "टेरोडक्टाइल सिंक्रनाइज़", + "Your credit balance has been increased!": "आपका क्रेडिट बैलेंस बढ़ा दिया गया है!", + "Payment was Canceled": "भुगतान रद्द कर दिया गया था", + "Store item has been created!": "स्टोर आइटम बनाया गया है!", + "Store item has been updated!": "स्टोर आइटम अपडेट कर दिया गया है!", + "Product has been updated!": "उत्पाद अपडेट कर दिया गया है!", + "Store item has been removed!": "स्टोर आइटम हटा दिया गया है!", + "Product has been created!": "उत्पाद बनाया गया है!", + "Product has been removed!": "उत्पाद हटा दिया गया है!", + "Server has been updated!": "सर्वर अपडेट कर दिया गया है!", + "Icons updated!": "आइकन अपडेट किए गए!", + "link has been created!": "लिंक बनाया गया है!", + "link has been updated!": "लिंक अपडेट कर दिया गया है!", + "user has been removed!": "उपयोगकर्ता को हटा दिया गया है!", + "Notification sent!": "सूचना भेजी गई!", + "User has been updated!": "उपयोगकर्ता अपडेट कर दिया गया है!", + "User does not exists on pterodactyl's panel": "उपयोगकर्ता pterodactyl के पैनल पर मौजूद नहीं है", + "voucher has been created!": "वाउचर बनाया गया है!", + "voucher has been updated!": "वाउचर अपडेट कर दिया गया है!", + "voucher has been removed!": "वाउचर हटा दिया गया है!", + "This voucher has reached the maximum amount of uses": "यह वाउचर उपयोग की अधिकतम मात्रा तक पहुंच गया है", + "This voucher has expired": "यह वाउचर समाप्त हो गया है", + "You already redeemed this voucher code": "आप इस वाउचर कोड को पहले ही भुना चुके हैं", + "You can't redeem this voucher because you would exceed the limit of ": "आप इस वाउचर को रिडीम नहीं कर सकते क्योंकि आप की सीमा को पार कर जाएंगे ", + "have been added to your balance!": "आपकी शेष राशि में जोड़ दिया गया है!", + "Invoice": "इनवॉयस", + "Serial No.": "सीरीयल नम्बर।", + "Invoice date": "इनवॉयस तारीख", + "Seller": "विक्रेता", + "Buyer": "खरीदार", + "Address": "पता", + "VAT code": "वैट कोड", + "Phone": "फोन", + "Units": "इकाइयों", + "Qty": "मात्रा", + "Discount": "छूट", + "Sub total": "उप कुल", + "Total discount": "कुल छूट", + "Taxable amount": "कर योग्य राशि", + "Total taxes": "कुल कर", + "Tax rate": "कर की दर", + "Total amount": "कुल रकम", + "Please pay until": "कृपया भुगतान करें", + "Amount in words": "राशि शब्दों में", + "Notes": "टिप्पणियाँ", + "Shipping": "शिपिंग", + "Paid": "भुगतान किया गया", + "Due:": "देय:", + "Invoice Settings": "चालान सेटिंग", + "Download all Invoices": "सभी चालान डाउनलोड करें", + "Enter your companys name": "अपनी कंपनी का नाम दर्ज करें", + "Enter your companys address": "अपनी कंपनी का पता दर्ज करें", + "Enter your companys phone number": "अपनी कंपनी का फ़ोन नंबर दर्ज करें", + "Enter your companys VAT id": "अपनी कंपनी की वैट आईडी दर्ज करें", + "Enter your companys email address": "अपनी कंपनी का ईमेल पता दर्ज करें", + "Enter your companys website": "अपनी कंपनी की वेबसाइट दर्ज करें", + "Enter your custom invoice prefix": "अपना कस्टम चालान उपसर्ग दर्ज करें", + "Select Invoice Logo": "चालान लोगो का चयन करें", + "Payment Confirmation": "भुगतान की पुष्टि", + "Payment Confirmed!": "कीमत का भुगतान पूरा हुआ!", + "Server Creation Error": "सर्वर निर्माण त्रुटि", + "Your servers have been suspended!": "आपके सर्वर निलंबित कर दिए गए हैं!", + "To automatically re-enable your server/s, you need to purchase more credits.": "अपने सर्वर/सर्वर को स्वचालित रूप से पुन: सक्षम करने के लिए, आपको अधिक क्रेडिट खरीदने की आवश्यकता है।", + "Purchase credits": "क्रेडिट खरीदें", + "If you have any questions please let us know.": "यदि आपके पास कोई प्रश्न है, तो हमें बताएं।", + "Regards": "सादर", + "Getting started!": "शुरू करना!", + "EXPIRED": "समाप्त हो गई है", + "VALID": "वैध", + "Unsuspend": "निलंबन रद्द किया", + "Suspend": "निलंबित करें", + "Delete": "हटाएं", + "Login as User": "उपयोगकर्ता के रूप में लॉगिन करें", + "Clone": "क्लोन", + "Amount due": "देय राशि", + "Your Payment was successful!": "आपका भुगतान सफल रहा!", + "Hello": "नमस्ते", + "Your payment was processed successfully!": "आपका भुगतान सफलतापूर्वक संसाधित किया गया था!" +} diff --git a/resources/lang/it.json b/resources/lang/it.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8916d17e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/lang/it.json @@ -0,0 +1,328 @@ +{ + "Activity Logs": "Registro attività", + "No recent activity from cronjobs": "Nessuna attività recente dai cronjobs", + "Check the docs for it here": "Controlla la documentazione qui", + "Are cronjobs running?": "I cronjobs stanno funzionando?", + "Causer": "Causa", + "Description": "Descrizione", + "Created at": "Creato il", + "Edit Configuration": "Modifica configurazione", + "Text Field": "Campo di Testo", + "Cancel": "Annulla", + "Close": "Chiudi", + "Save": "Salva", + "true": "vero", + "false": "falso", + "Configurations": "Configurazioni", + "Dashboard": "Dashboard", + "Key": "Chiave", + "Value": "Valore", + "Type": "Tipo", + "Admin Overview": "Panoramica di amministrazione", + "Support server": "Server di supporto", + "Documentation": "Documentazione", + "Github": "GitHub", + "Support ControlPanel": "Supporta ControlPanel", + "Servers": "Servers", + "Users": "Utenti", + "Total": "Totale", + "Payments": "Pagamenti", + "Pterodactyl": "Pterodactyl", + "Sync": "Sincronizza", + "Resources": "Risorse", + "Count": "Conteggio", + "Locations": "Luoghi", + "Node": "Nodo", + "Nodes": "Nodi", + "Nests": "Nidi", + "Eggs": "Uova", + "Last updated :date": "Ultimo aggiornamento :date", + "Purchase": "Acquisto", + "ID": "ID", + "User": "Utente", + "Amount": "Quantità", + "Product Price": "Prezzo del Prodotto", + "Tax": "Tasse", + "Total Price": "Prezzo Totale", + "Payment_ID": "Payment_ID", + "Payer_ID": "Payer_ID", + "Product": "Prodotto", + "Products": "Prodotti", + "Create": "Crea", + "Product Details": "Dettagli sul prodotto", + "Server Details": "Dettagli del server", + "Product Linking": "Collegamenti del prodotto", + "Name": "Nome", + "Price in": "Prezzo in", + "Memory": "Memoria", + "Cpu": "Cpu", + "Swap": "Swap", + "Disk": "Disco", + "Minimum": "Minimo", + "IO": "IO", + "Databases": "Database", + "Database": "Database", + "Backups": "Backups", + "Allocations": "Assegnazioni", + "Disabled": "Disattivato", + "Submit": "Invia", + "This product will only be available for these nodes": "Questo prodotto sarà disponibile solo per questi nodi", + "This product will only be available for these eggs": "Questo prodotto sarà disponibile solo per queste uova (eggs)", + "Will hide this option from being selected": "Nasconderà questa opzione dall’essere selezionata", + "Link your products to nodes and eggs to create dynamic pricing for each option": "Connetti i tuoi prodotti ai nodi e le uova (eggs) per creare un prezzo dinamico per ogni opzione", + "Setting to -1 will use the value from configuration.": "Impostare a -1 farà utilizzare il valore dalla configurazione.", + "This is what the users sees": "Questo è quello che gli utenti vedono", + "Edit": "Modifica", + "Price": "Prezzo", + "Are you sure you wish to delete?": "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare?", + "Create new": "Crea nuovo", + "Show": "Mostra", + "Updated at": "Aggiornato il", + "Suspended at": "Sospeso il", + "Settings": "Impostazioni", + "Dashboard icons": "Icone della Dashboard", + "Select panel icon": "Seleziona l’icona del pannello", + "Select panel favicon": "Seleziona la favicon del pannello", + "Token": "Token", + "Last used": "Ultimo utilizzo", + "Store": "Negozio", + "Currency code": "Codice valuta", + "Checkout the paypal docs to select the appropriate code": "Controlla la documentazione di PayPal per selezionare il codice appropriato", + "Quantity": "Quantità", + "Amount given to the user after purchasing": "Quantità data all’utente dopo l’acquisto", + "Display": "Display", + "This is what the user sees at store and checkout": "Questo è quello che l’utente vede nel negozio e al checkout", + "This is what the user sees at checkout": "Questo è quello che l’utente vede al checkout", + "Adds 1000 credits to your account": "Aggiunge 1000 crediti al tuo account", + "Active": "Attivo", + "Paypal is not configured.": "PayPal non è configurato.", + "To configure PayPal, head to the .env and add your PayPal’s client id and secret.": "Per configurare PayPal, aggiungi il tuo client id ed il codice segreto nel file .env.", + "Useful Links": "Link utili", + "Icon class name": "Nome della classe dell’icona", + "You can find available free icons": "Puoi trovare icone disponibili gratis", + "Title": "Titolo", + "Link": "Link", + "Username": "Nome utente", + "Email": "Email", + "Pterodactly ID": "Pterodactyl ID", + "Server Limit": "Limite server", + "Role": "Ruolo", + "Administrator": "Amministratore", + "Client": "Cliente", + "Member": "Membro", + "New Password": "Nuova password", + "Confirm Password": "Conferma password", + "This ID refers to the user account created on pterodactyls panel.": "Questo ID si riferisce all’account creato sullo Pterodactyl Panel.", + "Only edit this if you know what youre doing :)": "Modifica questo solo se sai cosa stai facendo :)", + "Verified": "Verificato", + "Last seen": "Visto l'ultima volta", + "Notify": "Notifica", + "All": "Tutti", + "Send via": "Invia tramite", + "Content": "Contenuto", + "Notifications": "Notifiche", + "Usage": "Uso", + "Config": "Configurazione", + "Vouchers": "Vouchers", + "Voucher details": "Dettagli del buono", + "Memo": "Memo", + "Code": "Codice", + "Uses": "Utilizzi", + "Expires at": "Scade il", + "Max": "Massimo", + "Random": "Casuale", + "Status": "Stato", + "Used / Uses": "Usato / Utilizzi", + "Expires": "Scade", + "Please confirm your password before continuing.": "Conferma la password prima di continuare.", + "Password": "Password", + "Forgot Your Password?": "Password dimenticata?", + "Sign in to start your session": "Accedi per iniziare la sessione", + "Remember Me": "Ricordami", + "Sign In": "Accedi", + "Register a new membership": "Registrati", + "You forgot your password? Here you can easily retrieve a new password.": "Hai dimenticato la tua password? Ne puoi creare una nuova facilmente, qui.", + "Request new password": "Richiedi una nuova password", + "Login": "Accedi", + "You are only one step a way from your new password, recover your password now.": "Sei a un solo step dalla tua nuova password, ripristinala ora.", + "Retype password": "Reinserisci password", + "Change password": "Cambia password", + "I already have a membership": "Già registrato?", + "Register": "Registrati", + "Verify Your Email Address": "Verifica il tuo indirizzo e-mail", + "A fresh verification link has been sent to your email address.": "Un nuovo link di verifica è stato inviato al tuo indirizzo email.", + "Before proceeding, please check your email for a verification link.": "Prima di procedere, controlla la tua email per un link di verifica.", + "If you did not receive the email": "Se non hai ricevuto l'email", + "click here to request another": "clicca qui per richiederne un'altra", + "Home": "Home", + "Languages": "Lingue", + "See all Notifications": "Vedi tutte le notifiche", + "Profile": "Profilo", + "Log back in": "Fai il login di nuovo", + "Logout": "Disconnettiti", + "Administration": "Amministrazione", + "Overview": "Sommario", + "Application API": "API Applicazione", + "Management": "Gestione", + "Other": "Altro", + "Logs": "Registri", + "Redeem code": "Riscatta un codice", + "You have not yet verified your email address": "Non hai ancora verificato il tuo indirizzo email", + "Click here to resend verification email": "Clicca qui per inviare nuovamente l'e-mail di verifica", + "Please contact support If you didnt receive your verification email.": "Contatta il supporto se non hai ricevuto la mail di verifica.", + "Thank you for your purchase!": "Grazie per l'acquisto!", + "Your payment has been confirmed; Your credit balance has been updated.": "Il tuo pagamento è stato confermato; il tuo bilancio di crediti è stato aggiornato.", + "Payment ID": "ID pagamento", + "Balance": "Saldo", + "User ID": "ID utente", + "Thanks": "Grazie", + "Redeem voucher code": "Riscatta il codice voucher", + "Redeem": "Riscatta", + "All notifications": "Tutte le notifiche", + "Required Email verification!": "Verifica dell’indirizzo email richiesta!", + "Required Discord verification!": "Verifica dell’account Discord richiesta!", + "You have not yet verified your discord account": "Non hai ancora verificato il tuo account Discord", + "Login with discord": "Accedi con Discord", + "Please contact support If you face any issues.": "Contatta il supporto se incontri dei problemi.", + "Due to system settings you are required to verify your discord account!": "Devi verificare il tuo account Discord per alcune impostazioni di sistema!", + "It looks like this hasnt been set-up correctly! Please contact support.": "Sembra che non è stato configurato correttamente! Contatta il supporto.", + "Change Password": "Cambia password", + "Current Password": "Password attuale", + "Save Changes": "Salva modifiche", + "Re-Sync Discord": "Ri-sincronizza Discord", + "You are verified!": "Sei verificato!", + "By verifying your discord account, you receive extra Credits and increased Server amounts": "Ricevi crediti extra è un numero di slot per server aumentato verificando il tuo account", + "Server configuration": "Configurazione del server", + "Error!": "Errore!", + "Make sure to link your products to nodes and eggs.": "Assicurati di connettere i prodotti ai nodi e alle uova (eggs).", + "There has to be at least 1 valid product for server creation": "Deve esserci almeno un prodotto valido per creare un server", + "No products available!": "Nessun prodotto disponibile!", + "No nodes have been linked!": "Nessun nodo è stato connesso!", + "No nests available!": "Nessun nido (nest) disponibile!", + "No eggs have been linked!": "Nessun uovo (egg) è stato connesso!", + "Software / Games": "Software / Giochi", + "Please select software ...": "Per favore selezione il software...", + "Specification": "Specifiche", + "No selection": "Nessuna selezione", + "per month": "al mese", + "Not enough credits!": "Crediti insufficienti!", + "Please select a configuration ...": "Per favore seleziona una configurazione…", + "No resources found matching current configuration": "Nessuna risorsa trovata con la configurazione attuale", + "No nodes found matching current configuration": "Nessuna nodo con la configurazione attuale trovato", + "Please select a node ...": "Per favore seleziona un nodo ...", + "Create server": "Crea un server", + "Use your servers on our": "Utilizza i tuoi server sul nostro", + "pterodactyl panel": "pannello pterodactyl", + "Server limit reached!": "Limite server raggiunto!", + "Create Server": "Crea un server", + "Manage": "Gestisci", + "Delete server": "Cancella un server", + "Price per Hour": "Costo all’ora", + "Price per Month": "Costo al mese", + "Date": "Data", + "To": "A", + "From": "Da", + "Pending": "In attesa", + "Subtotal": "Totale Parziale", + "Submit Payment": "Invia pagamento", + "Payment Methods": "Metodi di Pagamento", + "By purchasing this product you agree and accept our terms of service": "Acquistando il prodotto accetti i nostri termini di servizio", + "There are no store products!": "Non ci sono prodotti del negozio!", + "The store is not correctly configured!": "Il negozio non è configurato correttamente!", + "Out of Credits in": "Crediti esauriti in", + "days": "giorni", + "hours": "ore", + "You ran out of Credits": "Hai finito i crediti", + "Profile updated": "Profilo aggiornato", + "You are required to verify your email address before you can create a server.": "Devi verificare il tuo indirizzo e-mail prima di poter creare un server.", + "You are required to link your discord account before you can create a server.": "Devi connettere il tuo account Discord prima di poter creare un server.", + "No allocations satisfying the requirements for automatic deployment on this node were found.": "Nessuna allocazione trovata soddisfa i requisiti per abilitare il deployment automatico su questo nodo.", + "Server removed": "Server rimosso", + "Server created": "Server creato", + "An exception has occurred while trying to remove a resource \"": "Si è verificato un errore cercando di rimuovere la risorsa", + "You are required to verify your email address before you can purchase credits.": "Devi verificare il tuo indirizzo e-mail prima di poter acquistare crediti.", + "You are required to link your discord account before you can purchase ": "Devi connettere il tuo account Discord prima di poter acquistare crediti ", + "Warning!": "Attenzione!", + "api key created!": "api key creata!", + "api key updated!": "api key aggiornata!", + "api key has been removed!": "l’api key è stata rimossa!", + "configuration has been updated!": "la configurazione è stata aggiornata!", + "Pterodactyl synced": "Pterodactyl sincronizzato", + "Your credit balance has been increased!": "Il you bilancio di crediti è aumentato!", + "Payment was Canceled": "Pagamento annullato", + "Store item has been created!": "L’articolo è stato creato!", + "Store item has been updated!": "L’articolo è stato aggiornato!", + "Product has been updated!": "Il prodotto è stato aggiornato!", + "Store item has been removed!": "Io prodotto è stato rimosso!", + "Product has been created!": "Il prodotto è stato creato!", + "Product has been removed!": "Il prodotto è stato rimosso!", + "Server has been updated!": "Il server è stato aggiornato!", + "Icons updated!": "Le icone sono state aggiornate!", + "link has been created!": "la connessione è stata creata!", + "link has been updated!": "la connessione è stata aggiornata!", + "user has been removed!": "l’utente è stato rimosso!", + "Notification sent!": "Notifica inviata!", + "User has been updated!": "L’utente è stato aggiornato!", + "User does not exists on pterodactyl's panel": "L’utente non esiste sullo pterodactyl panel", + "voucher has been created!": "il voucher è stato creato!", + "voucher has been updated!": "il voucher è stato aggiornato!", + "voucher has been removed!": "il voucher è stato rimosso!", + "This voucher has reached the maximum amount of uses": "Questo voucher ha raggiunto il numero massimo di utilizzi", + "This voucher has expired": "Questo voucher è scaduto", + "You already redeemed this voucher code": "Hai già riscattato questo voucher", + "You can't redeem this voucher because you would exceed the limit of ": "Non puoi riscattare questo voucher perché raggiungeresti il limite di ", + "have been added to your balance!": "sono stati aggiunti al tuo saldo!", + "Invoice": "Fattura", + "Serial No.": "Numero di serie.", + "Invoice date": "Data della fattura", + "Seller": "Venditore", + "Buyer": "Cliente", + "Address": "Indirizzo", + "VAT code": "Partita IVA", + "Phone": "Telefono", + "Units": "Unità", + "Qty": "Quantità", + "Discount": "Sconto", + "Sub total": "Sub totale", + "Total discount": "Sconto Totale", + "Taxable amount": "Importo tassabile", + "Total taxes": "Totale tasse", + "Tax rate": "Percentuale tasse", + "Total amount": "Importo Totale", + "Please pay until": "Per favore paga fino", + "Amount in words": "Numero in parole", + "Notes": "Note", + "Shipping": "Spedizione", + "Paid": "Pagamento", + "Due:": "Scadenza:", + "Invoice Settings": "Impostazioni fattura", + "Download all Invoices": "Scarica tutte le fatture", + "Enter your companys name": "Inserisci il nome della tua azienda", + "Enter your companys address": "Inserisci l'indirizzo della tua azienda", + "Enter your companys phone number": "Inserisci il numero di telefono dell'azienda", + "Enter your companys VAT id": "Inserisci il numero di partita IVA della tua azienda", + "Enter your companys email address": "Inserisci l’indirizzo email della tua azienda", + "Enter your companys website": "Inserisci il sito della tua azienda", + "Enter your custom invoice prefix": "Inserisci il prefisso personalizzato della fattura", + "Select Invoice Logo": "Inserisci il logo della fattura", + "Payment Confirmation": "Conferma pagamento", + "Payment Confirmed!": "Pagamento confermato!", + "Server Creation Error": "Errore di creazione del server", + "Your servers have been suspended!": "I tuoi server sono stati sospesi!", + "To automatically re-enable your server/s, you need to purchase more credits.": "Per ri-abilitare i tuoi server automaticamente, devi acquistare più crediti.", + "Purchase credits": "Acquista crediti", + "If you have any questions please let us know.": "Se hai una domanda faccelo sapere.", + "Regards": "Cordialmente", + "Getting started!": "Come iniziare!", + "EXPIRED": "SCADUTO", + "VALID": "VALIDO", + "Unsuspend": "Riabilita", + "Suspend": "Sospendi", + "Delete": "Elimina", + "Login as User": "Accedi come utente", + "Clone": "Clona", + "Amount due": "Importo dovuto", + "Your Payment was successful!": "Pagamento effettuato con successo!", + "Hello": "Ciao", + "Your payment was processed successfully!": "Il pagamento è stato effettuato con successo!" +} diff --git a/resources/lang/zh.json b/resources/lang/zh.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a5116217 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/lang/zh.json @@ -0,0 +1,328 @@ +{ + "Activity Logs": "活动日志", + "No recent activity from cronjobs": "最近没有cronjob", + "Check the docs for it here": "在这里查看它的文档", + "Are cronjobs running?": "cronjob正在运行吗?", + "Causer": "引起者", + "Description": "描述", + "Created at": "创建于", + "Edit Configuration": "编辑配置", + "Text Field": "文本字段", + "Cancel": "取消", + "Close": "关闭", + "Save": "保存", + "true": "是", + "false": "否", + "Configurations": "配置", + "Dashboard": "控制面板", + "Key": "密钥", + "Value": "价值", + "Type": "类型", + "Admin Overview": "管理员概述", + "Support server": "支持服务器", + "Documentation": "文档", + "Github": "Github", + "Support ControlPanel": "支持我们", + "Servers": "服务器", + "Users": "用户", + "Total": "总数", + "Payments": "支付费用", + "Pterodactyl": "翼手龙", + "Sync": "同步", + "Resources": "资源", + "Count": "计数", + "Locations": "地点", + "Node": "节点", + "Nodes": "节点", + "Nests": "Nests", + "Eggs": "Eggs", + "Last updated :date": "最后更新时间", + "Purchase": "购买", + "ID": "身份证", + "User": "用户", + "Amount": "数量", + "Product Price": "产品价格", + "Tax": "税收", + "Total Price": "总价", + "Payment_ID": "付款人ID", + "Payer_ID": "付款人ID", + "Product": "产品", + "Products": "产品", + "Create": "创建", + "Product Details": "产品详情", + "Server Details": "服务器详细信息", + "Product Linking": "产品链接", + "Name": "名称", + "Price in": "价格", + "Memory": "内存", + "Cpu": "处理器", + "Swap": "虚拟内存", + "Disk": "磁盘", + "Minimum": "最小值", + "IO": "IO", + "Databases": "数据库", + "Database": "数据库", + "Backups": "备份", + "Allocations": "分配", + "Disabled": "禁用", + "Submit": "提交", + "This product will only be available for these nodes": "该产品仅适用于这些节点", + "This product will only be available for these eggs": "该产品仅适用于这些鸡蛋", + "Will hide this option from being selected": "将隐藏此选项,使其不能被选中", + "Link your products to nodes and eggs to create dynamic pricing for each option": "将你的产品链接到节点和彩蛋上,为每个选项创建动态定价。", + "Setting to -1 will use the value from configuration.": "设置为-1将使用配置中的值。", + "This is what the users sees": "这就是用户看到的情况", + "Edit": "编辑", + "Price": "价格", + "Are you sure you wish to delete?": "你确定你要删除吗?", + "Create new": "创建新的", + "Show": "显示", + "Updated at": "更新于", + "Suspended at": "暂停在", + "Settings": "设置", + "Dashboard icons": "仪表板图标", + "Select panel icon": "选择面板图标", + "Select panel favicon": "选择面板图标", + "Token": "代币", + "Last used": "最后使用", + "Store": "商店", + "Currency code": "货币代码", + "Checkout the paypal docs to select the appropriate code": "查看支付宝文档,选择合适的代码。", + "Quantity": "数量", + "Amount given to the user after purchasing": "购买后给用户的金额", + "Display": "显示", + "This is what the user sees at store and checkout": "这就是用户在商店和结账时看到的内容。", + "This is what the user sees at checkout": "这是用户在结账时看到的内容", + "Adds 1000 credits to your account": "为您的账户增加1000个积分", + "Active": "激活", + "Paypal is not configured.": "Paypal没有被配置。", + "To configure PayPal, head to the .env and add your PayPal’s client id and secret.": "要配置PayPal,请到.env中添加你的PayPal的客户ID和秘密。", + "Useful Links": "有用的链接", + "Icon class name": "图标类名称", + "You can find available free icons": "你可以找到可用的免费图标", + "Title": "标题", + "Link": "链接", + "Username": "用户名", + "Email": "电子邮件", + "Pterodactly ID": "翼神ID", + "Server Limit": "服务器限制", + "Role": "角色", + "Administrator": "管理员", + "Client": "客户", + "Member": "会员", + "New Password": "新密码", + "Confirm Password": "确认密码", + "This ID refers to the user account created on pterodactyls panel.": "这个ID指的是在翼龙面板上创建的用户账户。", + "Only edit this if you know what youre doing :)": "只有在你知道自己在做什么的情况下才可以编辑这个 :)", + "Verified": "已验证", + "Last seen": "最后一次看到", + "Notify": "通知", + "All": "全部", + "Send via": "通过以下方式发送", + "Content": "内容", + "Notifications": "通知", + "Usage": "使用情况", + "Config": "配置", + "Vouchers": "凭证", + "Voucher details": "凭证细节", + "Memo": "备忘录", + "Code": "编码", + "Uses": "使用方式", + "Expires at": "过期时间", + "Max": "最大", + "Random": "随机", + "Status": "状态", + "Used / Uses": "已使用/使用情况", + "Expires": "过期", + "Please confirm your password before continuing.": "在继续之前,请确认您的密码。", + "Password": "密码", + "Forgot Your Password?": "忘记密码?", + "Sign in to start your session": "登录以开始您的会议", + "Remember Me": "记住我", + "Sign In": "登录", + "Register a new membership": "注册一个新的会员", + "You forgot your password? Here you can easily retrieve a new password.": "你忘记了你的密码?在这里您可以轻松地找回一个新的密码。", + "Request new password": "申请新密码", + "Login": "登录", + "You are only one step a way from your new password, recover your password now.": "您只差一点就能找到您的密码了。", + "Retype password": "重新输入密码", + "Change password": "更改密码", + "I already have a membership": "我已经有一个会员资格", + "Register": "注册", + "Verify Your Email Address": "验证您的电子邮件地址", + "A fresh verification link has been sent to your email address.": "一个新的验证链接已被发送到您的电子邮件地址。", + "Before proceeding, please check your email for a verification link.": "在继续进行之前,请检查您的电子邮件是否有验证链接。", + "If you did not receive the email": "如果您没有收到该邮件", + "click here to request another": "请点击这里申请另一个", + "Home": "首页", + "Languages": "语言", + "See all Notifications": "查看所有通知", + "Profile": "简介", + "Log back in": "重新登录", + "Logout": "注销", + "Administration": "行政管理", + "Overview": "纵观全局", + "Application API": "应用程序API", + "Management": "管理层", + "Other": "其他的", + "Logs": "日志", + "Redeem code": "兑换代码", + "You have not yet verified your email address": "你还没有验证你的电子邮件地址", + "Click here to resend verification email": "点击这里重新发送验证邮件", + "Please contact support If you didnt receive your verification email.": "如果你没有收到你的验证邮件,请联系支持。", + "Thank you for your purchase!": "谢谢您的购买!", + "Your payment has been confirmed; Your credit balance has been updated.": "您的付款已被确认;您的信用余额已被更新。", + "Payment ID": "付款编号", + "Balance": "余额", + "User ID": "用户ID", + "Thanks": "谢谢", + "Redeem voucher code": "兑换优惠券代码", + "Redeem": "赎回", + "All notifications": "所有通知", + "Required Email verification!": "需要电子邮件验证!", + "Required Discord verification!": "必需的 Discord 验证!", + "You have not yet verified your discord account": "你还没有验证你的discord账户", + "Login with discord": "请用discord登录", + "Please contact support If you face any issues.": "如果你遇到任何问题,请联系支持。", + "Due to system settings you are required to verify your discord account!": "由于系统设置的原因,您需要验证您的 Discord 帐户!", + "It looks like this hasnt been set-up correctly! Please contact support.": "看起来这并没有被正确设置!请联系技术支持。", + "Change Password": "更改密码", + "Current Password": "当前密码", + "Save Changes": "保存更改", + "Re-Sync Discord": "重新同步 Discord", + "You are verified!": "你已经被验证了!", + "By verifying your discord account, you receive extra Credits and increased Server amounts": "通过验证你的 Discord 帐户,你可以获得额外的游戏币和增加的服务器金额。", + "Server configuration": "服务器配置", + "Error!": "错误!", + "Make sure to link your products to nodes and eggs.": "请确保将你的产品链接到节点和彩蛋。", + "There has to be at least 1 valid product for server creation": "至少要有1个有效的产品才能创建服务器。", + "No products available!": "没有可用的产品!", + "No nodes have been linked!": "没有节点被链接!", + "No nests available!": "没有可用的巢穴!", + "No eggs have been linked!": "没有蛋被链接!", + "Software / Games": "软件/游戏", + "Please select software ...": "请选择软件...", + "Specification": "规格", + "No selection": "没有选择", + "per month": "每个月", + "Not enough credits!": "没有足够的点数!", + "Please select a configuration ...": "请选择一个配置 ...", + "No resources found matching current configuration": "没有找到符合当前配置的资源", + "No nodes found matching current configuration": "没有找到符合当前配置的节点", + "Please select a node ...": "请选择一个节点 ...", + "Create server": "创建服务器", + "Use your servers on our": "使用你的服务器在我们的", + "pterodactyl panel": "翼手龙面板", + "Server limit reached!": "已达到服务器限制!", + "Create Server": "创建服务器", + "Manage": "管理", + "Delete server": "删除服务器", + "Price per Hour": "每小时价格", + "Price per Month": "每个月的价格", + "Date": "日期", + "To": "目的地", + "From": "从", + "Pending": "待定", + "Subtotal": "小计", + "Submit Payment": "提交付款", + "Payment Methods": "付款方式", + "By purchasing this product you agree and accept our terms of service": "购买此产品,您同意并接受我们的服务条款。", + "There are no store products!": "没有商店的产品!", + "The store is not correctly configured!": "商店的配置不正确!", + "Out of Credits in": "信用额度用完在", + "days": "天", + "hours": "小时", + "You ran out of Credits": "你的信用额度用完了", + "Profile updated": "资料更新", + "You are required to verify your email address before you can create a server.": "在创建服务器之前,你需要验证你的电子邮件地址。", + "You are required to link your discord account before you can create a server.": "在创建服务器之前,您需要链接您的discord账户。", + "No allocations satisfying the requirements for automatic deployment on this node were found.": "没有发现符合该节点上自动部署要求的分配。", + "Server removed": "移除服务器", + "Server created": "创建了服务器", + "An exception has occurred while trying to remove a resource \"": "移除资源时出错。", + "You are required to verify your email address before you can purchase credits.": "在你购买点数之前,你需要验证你的电子邮件地址。", + "You are required to link your discord account before you can purchase ": "您需要在购买前链接您的迪斯科账户。 ", + "Warning!": "警告!", + "api key created!": "api密钥已创建!", + "api key updated!": "api密钥已更新!", + "api key has been removed!": "api密钥已被删除!", + "configuration has been updated!": "配置已被更新!", + "Pterodactyl synced": "翼手龙已同步化", + "Your credit balance has been increased!": "您的信用余额已增加!", + "Payment was Canceled": "付款已取消", + "Store item has been created!": "商店项目已创建!", + "Store item has been updated!": "商店商品已更新!", + "Product has been updated!": "产品已更新!", + "Store item has been removed!": "商店物品已被删除!", + "Product has been created!": "产品已创建!", + "Product has been removed!": "产品已被删除!", + "Server has been updated!": "服务器已被更新!", + "Icons updated!": "图标已更新!", + "link has been created!": "链接已创建", + "link has been updated!": "链接已更新", + "user has been removed!": "用户已被删除!", + "Notification sent!": "通知已发送!", + "User has been updated!": "用户已被更新!", + "User does not exists on pterodactyl's panel": "用户不存在于翼龙的面板上", + "voucher has been created!": "代金券已创建!", + "voucher has been updated!": "代金券已被更新!", + "voucher has been removed!": "代金券已被删除!", + "This voucher has reached the maximum amount of uses": "此代金券已达到最大使用量", + "This voucher has expired": "此优惠券已过期", + "You already redeemed this voucher code": "你已经兑换了这个优惠券代码", + "You can't redeem this voucher because you would exceed the limit of ": "你不能兑换此优惠券,因为你会超过此优惠券的使用限额。 ", + "have been added to your balance!": "已被添加到您的余额中!", + "Invoice": "发票", + "Serial No.": "序号", + "Invoice date": "发票日期", + "Seller": "卖家", + "Buyer": "买方", + "Address": "地址", + "VAT code": "增值税代码", + "Phone": "电话", + "Units": "单位", + "Qty": "数量", + "Discount": "折扣", + "Sub total": "小计", + "Total discount": "折扣总额", + "Taxable amount": "应纳税额", + "Total taxes": "总税额", + "Tax rate": "税率", + "Total amount": "总金额", + "Please pay until": "请支付至", + "Amount in words": "税额的字数", + "Notes": "笔记", + "Shipping": "运费", + "Paid": "已付", + "Due:": "应付。", + "Invoice Settings": "发票设置", + "Download all Invoices": "下载所有发票", + "Enter your companys name": "输入你的公司名称", + "Enter your companys address": "输入你的公司的地址", + "Enter your companys phone number": "输入你的公司的电话号码", + "Enter your companys VAT id": "输入你的公司的增值税识别码", + "Enter your companys email address": "输入公司的电子邮件地址", + "Enter your companys website": "输入你的公司网站", + "Enter your custom invoice prefix": "输入你的自定义发票前缀", + "Select Invoice Logo": "选择发票标志", + "Payment Confirmation": "付款确认", + "Payment Confirmed!": "付款确认!", + "Server Creation Error": "服务器创建错误", + "Your servers have been suspended!": "您的服务器已被暂停!", + "To automatically re-enable your server/s, you need to purchase more credits.": "为了自动重新启用您的服务器,您需要购买更多的点数。", + "Purchase credits": "购买信用额度", + "If you have any questions please let us know.": "如果你有任何问题,请让我们知道。", + "Regards": "联系我们", + "Getting started!": "开始吧!", + "EXPIRED": "已过期", + "VALID": "有效的", + "Unsuspend": "取消暂停", + "Suspend": "暂停", + "Delete": "删除", + "Login as User": "以用户身份登录", + "Clone": "克隆", + "Amount due": "应付金额", + "Your Payment was successful!": "恭喜,您的订单支付成功 !", + "Hello": "您好", + "Your payment was processed successfully!": "您的请求已处理成功" +}