2023-02-20 14:55:56 +01:00

53 lines
1.5 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
import datetime
from pytest_cs import wait_for_log, Status
import pytest
pytestmark = pytest.mark.docker
def test_cold_logs(crowdsec, tmp_path_factory, flavor):
env = {
'DSN': 'file:///var/log/toto.log',
logs = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("logs")
now = - datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)
with open(logs / "toto.log", "w") as f:
# like date '+%b %d %H:%M:%S' but in python
for i in range(10):
ts = (now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=i)).strftime('%b %d %H:%M:%S')
f.write(ts + ' sd-126005 sshd[12422]: Invalid user netflix from port 35424\n')
volumes = {
logs / "toto.log": {'bind': '/var/log/toto.log', 'mode': 'ro'},
# missing type
with crowdsec(flavor=flavor, environment=env, volumes=volumes, wait_status=Status.EXITED) as cont:
wait_for_log(cont, "*-dsn requires a -type argument*")
env['TYPE'] = 'syslog'
with crowdsec(flavor=flavor, environment=env, volumes=volumes) as cont:
wait_for_log(cont, [
"*Adding file /var/log/toto.log to filelist*",
"*reading /var/log/toto.log at once*",
"*Ip performed 'crowdsecurity/ssh-bf' (6 events over 5s)*",
"*crowdsec shutdown*"
def test_cold_logs_missing_dsn(crowdsec, flavor):
env = {
'TYPE': 'syslog',
with crowdsec(flavor=flavor, environment=env, wait_status=Status.EXITED) as cont:
wait_for_log(cont, "*-type requires a -dsn argument*")