Thibault "bui" Koechlin b1c09f7512
acquisition : take prometheus level into account (#2885)
* properly take into account the aggregation level of prometheus metrics in acquisition
2024-03-13 14:57:19 +01:00

244 lines
6.7 KiB

package syslogacquisition
import (
log ""
syslogserver ""
type SyslogConfiguration struct {
Proto string `yaml:"protocol,omitempty"`
Port int `yaml:"listen_port,omitempty"`
Addr string `yaml:"listen_addr,omitempty"`
MaxMessageLen int `yaml:"max_message_len,omitempty"`
configuration.DataSourceCommonCfg `yaml:",inline"`
type SyslogSource struct {
metricsLevel int
config SyslogConfiguration
logger *log.Entry
server *syslogserver.SyslogServer
serverTomb *tomb.Tomb
var linesReceived = prometheus.NewCounterVec(
Name: "cs_syslogsource_hits_total",
Help: "Total lines that were received.",
var linesParsed = prometheus.NewCounterVec(
Name: "cs_syslogsource_parsed_total",
Help: "Total lines that were successfully parsed",
[]string{"source", "type"})
func (s *SyslogSource) GetUuid() string {
return s.config.UniqueId
func (s *SyslogSource) GetName() string {
return "syslog"
func (s *SyslogSource) GetMode() string {
return s.config.Mode
func (s *SyslogSource) Dump() interface{} {
return s
func (s *SyslogSource) CanRun() error {
return nil
func (s *SyslogSource) GetMetrics() []prometheus.Collector {
return []prometheus.Collector{linesReceived, linesParsed}
func (s *SyslogSource) GetAggregMetrics() []prometheus.Collector {
return []prometheus.Collector{linesReceived, linesParsed}
func (s *SyslogSource) ConfigureByDSN(dsn string, labels map[string]string, logger *log.Entry, uuid string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("syslog datasource does not support one shot acquisition")
func (s *SyslogSource) OneShotAcquisition(out chan types.Event, t *tomb.Tomb) error {
return fmt.Errorf("syslog datasource does not support one shot acquisition")
func validatePort(port int) bool {
return port > 0 && port <= 65535
func validateAddr(addr string) bool {
return net.ParseIP(addr) != nil
func (s *SyslogSource) UnmarshalConfig(yamlConfig []byte) error {
s.config = SyslogConfiguration{}
s.config.Mode = configuration.TAIL_MODE
err := yaml.UnmarshalStrict(yamlConfig, &s.config)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse syslog configuration: %w", err)
if s.config.Addr == "" {
s.config.Addr = "" //do we want a usable or secure default ?
if s.config.Port == 0 {
s.config.Port = 514
if s.config.MaxMessageLen == 0 {
s.config.MaxMessageLen = 2048
if !validatePort(s.config.Port) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid port %d", s.config.Port)
if !validateAddr(s.config.Addr) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid listen IP %s", s.config.Addr)
return nil
func (s *SyslogSource) Configure(yamlConfig []byte, logger *log.Entry, MetricsLevel int) error {
s.logger = logger
s.logger.Infof("Starting syslog datasource configuration")
s.metricsLevel = MetricsLevel
err := s.UnmarshalConfig(yamlConfig)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *SyslogSource) StreamingAcquisition(out chan types.Event, t *tomb.Tomb) error {
c := make(chan syslogserver.SyslogMessage)
s.server = &syslogserver.SyslogServer{Logger: s.logger.WithField("syslog", "internal"), MaxMessageLen: s.config.MaxMessageLen}
err := s.server.Listen(s.config.Addr, s.config.Port)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not start syslog server: %w", err)
s.serverTomb = s.server.StartServer()
t.Go(func() error {
defer trace.CatchPanic("crowdsec/acquis/syslog/live")
return s.handleSyslogMsg(out, t, c)
return nil
func (s *SyslogSource) buildLogFromSyslog(ts time.Time, hostname string,
appname string, pid string, msg string) string {
ret := ""
if !ts.IsZero() {
ret += ts.Format("Jan 2 15:04:05")
} else {
s.logger.Tracef("%s - missing TS", msg)
ret += time.Now().UTC().Format("Jan 2 15:04:05")
if hostname != "" {
ret += " " + hostname
} else {
s.logger.Tracef("%s - missing host", msg)
ret += " unknownhost"
if appname != "" {
ret += " " + appname
if pid != "" {
ret += "[" + pid + "]: "
} else {
ret += ": "
if msg != "" {
ret += msg
return ret
func (s *SyslogSource) handleSyslogMsg(out chan types.Event, t *tomb.Tomb, c chan syslogserver.SyslogMessage) error {
killed := false
for {
select {
case <-t.Dying():
if !killed {
s.logger.Info("Syslog datasource is dying")
killed = true
case <-s.serverTomb.Dead():
s.logger.Info("Syslog server has exited")
return nil
case syslogLine := <-c:
var line string
var ts time.Time
logger := s.logger.WithField("client", syslogLine.Client)
logger.Tracef("raw: %s", syslogLine)
if s.metricsLevel != configuration.METRICS_NONE {
linesReceived.With(prometheus.Labels{"source": syslogLine.Client}).Inc()
p := rfc3164.NewRFC3164Parser(rfc3164.WithCurrentYear())
err := p.Parse(syslogLine.Message)
if err != nil {
logger.Debugf("could not parse as RFC3164 (%s)", err)
p2 := rfc5424.NewRFC5424Parser()
err = p2.Parse(syslogLine.Message)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("could not parse message: %s", err)
logger.Debugf("could not parse as RFC5424 (%s) : %s", err, syslogLine.Message)
line = s.buildLogFromSyslog(p2.Timestamp, p2.Hostname, p2.Tag, p2.PID, p2.Message)
if s.metricsLevel != configuration.METRICS_NONE {
linesParsed.With(prometheus.Labels{"source": syslogLine.Client, "type": "rfc5424"}).Inc()
} else {
line = s.buildLogFromSyslog(p.Timestamp, p.Hostname, p.Tag, p.PID, p.Message)
if s.metricsLevel != configuration.METRICS_NONE {
linesParsed.With(prometheus.Labels{"source": syslogLine.Client, "type": "rfc3164"}).Inc()
line = strings.TrimSuffix(line, "\n")
l := types.Line{}
l.Raw = line
l.Module = s.GetName()
l.Labels = s.config.Labels
l.Time = ts
l.Src = syslogLine.Client
l.Process = true
if !s.config.UseTimeMachine {
out <- types.Event{Line: l, Process: true, Type: types.LOG, ExpectMode: types.LIVE}
} else {
out <- types.Event{Line: l, Process: true, Type: types.LOG, ExpectMode: types.TIMEMACHINE}