2024-01-17 11:59:31 +01:00

377 lines
12 KiB

package appsecacquisition
import (
corazatypes ""
log ""
_ ""
// that's the runtime structure of the Application security engine as seen from the acquis
type AppsecRunner struct {
outChan chan types.Event
inChan chan appsec.ParsedRequest
UUID string
AppsecRuntime *appsec.AppsecRuntimeConfig //this holds the actual appsec runtime config, rules, remediations, hooks etc.
AppsecInbandEngine coraza.WAF
AppsecOutbandEngine coraza.WAF
Labels map[string]string
logger *log.Entry
func (r *AppsecRunner) Init(datadir string) error {
var err error
fs := os.DirFS(datadir)
inBandRules := ""
outOfBandRules := ""
for _, collection := range r.AppsecRuntime.InBandRules {
inBandRules += collection.String()
for _, collection := range r.AppsecRuntime.OutOfBandRules {
outOfBandRules += collection.String()
inBandLogger := r.logger.Dup().WithField("band", "inband")
outBandLogger := r.logger.Dup().WithField("band", "outband")
//setting up inband engine
inbandCfg := coraza.NewWAFConfig().WithDirectives(inBandRules).WithRootFS(fs).WithDebugLogger(appsec.NewCrzLogger(inBandLogger))
if !r.AppsecRuntime.Config.InbandOptions.DisableBodyInspection {
inbandCfg = inbandCfg.WithRequestBodyAccess()
} else {
log.Warningf("Disabling body inspection, Inband rules will not be able to match on body's content.")
if r.AppsecRuntime.Config.InbandOptions.RequestBodyInMemoryLimit != nil {
inbandCfg = inbandCfg.WithRequestBodyInMemoryLimit(*r.AppsecRuntime.Config.InbandOptions.RequestBodyInMemoryLimit)
r.AppsecInbandEngine, err = coraza.NewWAF(inbandCfg)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to initialize inband engine : %w", err)
//setting up outband engine
outbandCfg := coraza.NewWAFConfig().WithDirectives(outOfBandRules).WithRootFS(fs).WithDebugLogger(appsec.NewCrzLogger(outBandLogger))
if !r.AppsecRuntime.Config.OutOfBandOptions.DisableBodyInspection {
outbandCfg = outbandCfg.WithRequestBodyAccess()
} else {
log.Warningf("Disabling body inspection, Out of band rules will not be able to match on body's content.")
if r.AppsecRuntime.Config.OutOfBandOptions.RequestBodyInMemoryLimit != nil {
outbandCfg = outbandCfg.WithRequestBodyInMemoryLimit(*r.AppsecRuntime.Config.OutOfBandOptions.RequestBodyInMemoryLimit)
r.AppsecOutbandEngine, err = coraza.NewWAF(outbandCfg)
if r.AppsecRuntime.DisabledInBandRulesTags != nil {
for _, tag := range r.AppsecRuntime.DisabledInBandRulesTags {
if r.AppsecRuntime.DisabledOutOfBandRulesTags != nil {
for _, tag := range r.AppsecRuntime.DisabledOutOfBandRulesTags {
if r.AppsecRuntime.DisabledInBandRuleIds != nil {
for _, id := range r.AppsecRuntime.DisabledInBandRuleIds {
if r.AppsecRuntime.DisabledOutOfBandRuleIds != nil {
for _, id := range r.AppsecRuntime.DisabledOutOfBandRuleIds {
r.logger.Tracef("Loaded inband rules: %+v", r.AppsecInbandEngine.GetRuleGroup().GetRules())
r.logger.Tracef("Loaded outband rules: %+v", r.AppsecOutbandEngine.GetRuleGroup().GetRules())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to initialize outband engine : %w", err)
return nil
func (r *AppsecRunner) processRequest(tx appsec.ExtendedTransaction, request *appsec.ParsedRequest) error {
var in *corazatypes.Interruption
var err error
if request.Tx.IsRuleEngineOff() {
r.logger.Debugf("rule engine is off, skipping")
return nil
defer func() {
//We don't close the transaction here, as it will reset coraza internal state and break variable tracking
err := r.AppsecRuntime.ProcessPostEvalRules(request)
if err != nil {
r.logger.Errorf("unable to process PostEval rules: %s", err)
//pre eval (expr) rules
err = r.AppsecRuntime.ProcessPreEvalRules(request)
if err != nil {
r.logger.Errorf("unable to process PreEval rules: %s", err)
//FIXME: should we abort here ?
request.Tx.ProcessConnection(request.RemoteAddr, 0, "", 0)
for k, v := range request.Args {
for _, vv := range v {
request.Tx.AddGetRequestArgument(k, vv)
request.Tx.ProcessURI(request.URI, request.Method, request.Proto)
for k, vr := range request.Headers {
for _, v := range vr {
request.Tx.AddRequestHeader(k, v)
if request.ClientHost != "" {
request.Tx.AddRequestHeader("Host", request.ClientHost)
if request.TransferEncoding != nil {
request.Tx.AddRequestHeader("Transfer-Encoding", request.TransferEncoding[0])
in = request.Tx.ProcessRequestHeaders()
if in != nil {
r.logger.Infof("inband rules matched for headers : %s", in.Action)
return nil
if request.Body != nil && len(request.Body) > 0 {
in, _, err = request.Tx.WriteRequestBody(request.Body)
if err != nil {
r.logger.Errorf("unable to write request body : %s", err)
return err
if in != nil {
return nil
in, err = request.Tx.ProcessRequestBody()
if err != nil {
r.logger.Errorf("unable to process request body : %s", err)
return err
if in != nil {
r.logger.Debugf("rules matched for body : %d", in.RuleID)
return nil
func (r *AppsecRunner) ProcessInBandRules(request *appsec.ParsedRequest) error {
tx := appsec.NewExtendedTransaction(r.AppsecInbandEngine, request.UUID)
r.AppsecRuntime.InBandTx = tx
request.Tx = tx
if len(r.AppsecRuntime.InBandRules) == 0 {
return nil
err := r.processRequest(tx, request)
return err
func (r *AppsecRunner) ProcessOutOfBandRules(request *appsec.ParsedRequest) error {
tx := appsec.NewExtendedTransaction(r.AppsecOutbandEngine, request.UUID)
r.AppsecRuntime.OutOfBandTx = tx
request.Tx = tx
if len(r.AppsecRuntime.OutOfBandRules) == 0 {
return nil
err := r.processRequest(tx, request)
return err
func (r *AppsecRunner) handleInBandInterrupt(request *appsec.ParsedRequest) {
//create the associated event for crowdsec itself
evt, err := EventFromRequest(request, r.Labels)
if err != nil {
//let's not interrupt the pipeline for this
r.logger.Errorf("unable to create event from request : %s", err)
err = r.AccumulateTxToEvent(&evt, request)
if err != nil {
r.logger.Errorf("unable to accumulate tx to event : %s", err)
if in := request.Tx.Interruption(); in != nil {
r.logger.Debugf("inband rules matched : %d", in.RuleID)
r.AppsecRuntime.Response.InBandInterrupt = true
r.AppsecRuntime.Response.HTTPResponseCode = r.AppsecRuntime.Config.BlockedHTTPCode
r.AppsecRuntime.Response.Action = r.AppsecRuntime.DefaultRemediation
if _, ok := r.AppsecRuntime.RemediationById[in.RuleID]; ok {
r.AppsecRuntime.Response.Action = r.AppsecRuntime.RemediationById[in.RuleID]
for tag, remediation := range r.AppsecRuntime.RemediationByTag {
if slices.Contains[[]string, string](in.Tags, tag) {
r.AppsecRuntime.Response.Action = remediation
err = r.AppsecRuntime.ProcessOnMatchRules(request, evt)
if err != nil {
r.logger.Errorf("unable to process OnMatch rules: %s", err)
// Should the in band match trigger an overflow ?
if r.AppsecRuntime.Response.SendAlert {
appsecOvlfw, err := AppsecEventGeneration(evt)
if err != nil {
r.logger.Errorf("unable to generate appsec event : %s", err)
r.outChan <- *appsecOvlfw
// Should the in band match trigger an event ?
if r.AppsecRuntime.Response.SendEvent {
r.outChan <- evt
func (r *AppsecRunner) handleOutBandInterrupt(request *appsec.ParsedRequest) {
evt, err := EventFromRequest(request, r.Labels)
if err != nil {
//let's not interrupt the pipeline for this
r.logger.Errorf("unable to create event from request : %s", err)
err = r.AccumulateTxToEvent(&evt, request)
if err != nil {
r.logger.Errorf("unable to accumulate tx to event : %s", err)
if in := request.Tx.Interruption(); in != nil {
r.logger.Debugf("outband rules matched : %d", in.RuleID)
r.AppsecRuntime.Response.OutOfBandInterrupt = true
err = r.AppsecRuntime.ProcessOnMatchRules(request, evt)
if err != nil {
r.logger.Errorf("unable to process OnMatch rules: %s", err)
// Should the match trigger an event ?
if r.AppsecRuntime.Response.SendEvent {
r.outChan <- evt
// Should the match trigger an overflow ?
if r.AppsecRuntime.Response.SendAlert {
appsecOvlfw, err := AppsecEventGeneration(evt)
if err != nil {
r.logger.Errorf("unable to generate appsec event : %s", err)
r.outChan <- *appsecOvlfw
func (r *AppsecRunner) handleRequest(request *appsec.ParsedRequest) {
r.AppsecRuntime.Logger = r.AppsecRuntime.Logger.WithField("request_uuid", request.UUID)
logger := r.logger.WithField("request_uuid", request.UUID)
logger.Debug("Request received in runner")
request.IsInBand = true
request.IsOutBand = false
//to measure the time spent in the Application Security Engine for InBand rules
startInBandParsing := time.Now()
startGlobalParsing := time.Now()
//inband appsec rules
err := r.ProcessInBandRules(request)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("unable to process InBand rules: %s", err)
// time spent to process in band rules
inBandParsingElapsed := time.Since(startInBandParsing)
AppsecInbandParsingHistogram.With(prometheus.Labels{"source": request.RemoteAddrNormalized, "appsec_engine": request.AppsecEngine}).Observe(inBandParsingElapsed.Seconds())
if request.Tx.IsInterrupted() {
// send back the result to the HTTP handler for the InBand part
request.ResponseChannel <- r.AppsecRuntime.Response
//Now let's process the out of band rules
request.IsInBand = false
request.IsOutBand = true
r.AppsecRuntime.Response.SendAlert = false
r.AppsecRuntime.Response.SendEvent = true
//FIXME: This is a bit of a hack to avoid confusion with the transaction if we do not have any inband rules.
//We should probably have different transaction (or even different request object) for inband and out of band rules
if len(r.AppsecRuntime.OutOfBandRules) > 0 {
//to measure the time spent in the Application Security Engine for OutOfBand rules
startOutOfBandParsing := time.Now()
err = r.ProcessOutOfBandRules(request)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("unable to process OutOfBand rules: %s", err)
// time spent to process out of band rules
outOfBandParsingElapsed := time.Since(startOutOfBandParsing)
AppsecOutbandParsingHistogram.With(prometheus.Labels{"source": request.RemoteAddrNormalized, "appsec_engine": request.AppsecEngine}).Observe(outOfBandParsingElapsed.Seconds())
if request.Tx.IsInterrupted() {
// time spent to process inband AND out of band rules
globalParsingElapsed := time.Since(startGlobalParsing)
AppsecGlobalParsingHistogram.With(prometheus.Labels{"source": request.RemoteAddrNormalized, "appsec_engine": request.AppsecEngine}).Observe(globalParsingElapsed.Seconds())
func (r *AppsecRunner) Run(t *tomb.Tomb) error {
r.logger.Infof("Appsec Runner ready to process event")
for {
select {
case <-t.Dying():
r.logger.Infof("Appsec Runner is dying")
return nil
case request := <-r.inChan: