
193 lines
5.9 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bats
# vim: ft=bats:list:ts=8:sts=4:sw=4:et:ai:si:
set -u
setup_file() {
load "../lib/"
teardown_file() {
load "../lib/"
setup() {
load "../lib/"
load "../lib/bats-file/load.bash"
./instance-data load
teardown() {
./instance-crowdsec stop
@test "crowdsec (usage)" {
run -0 --separate-stderr timeout 2s "${CROWDSEC}" -h
assert_stderr_line --regexp "Usage of .*:"
run -0 --separate-stderr timeout 2s "${CROWDSEC}" --help
assert_stderr_line --regexp "Usage of .*:"
@test "crowdsec (unknown flag)" {
run -2 --separate-stderr timeout 2s "${CROWDSEC}" --foobar
assert_stderr_line "flag provided but not defined: -foobar"
assert_stderr_line --regexp "Usage of .*"
@test "crowdsec (unknown argument)" {
run -2 --separate-stderr timeout 2s "${CROWDSEC}" trololo
assert_stderr_line "argument provided but not defined: trololo"
assert_stderr_line --regexp "Usage of .*"
@test "crowdsec (no api and no agent)" {
run -1 --separate-stderr timeout 2s "${CROWDSEC}" -no-api -no-cs
assert_stderr_line --partial "You must run at least the API Server or crowdsec"
@test "crowdsec - print error on exit" {
# errors that cause program termination are printed to stderr, not only logs
config_set '.db_config.type="meh"'
run -1 --separate-stderr "${CROWDSEC}"
assert_stderr --partial "unable to create database client: unknown database type 'meh'"
@test "crowdsec - bad configuration (empty/missing common section)" {
config_set '.common={}'
run -1 --separate-stderr "${CROWDSEC}"
assert_stderr --partial "unable to load configuration: common section is empty"
config_set 'del(.common)'
run -1 --separate-stderr "${CROWDSEC}"
assert_stderr --partial "unable to load configuration: common section is empty"
@test "CS_LAPI_SECRET not strong enough" {
CS_LAPI_SECRET=foo run -1 --separate-stderr timeout 2s "${CROWDSEC}"
assert_stderr --partial "api server init: unable to run local API: controller init: CS_LAPI_SECRET not strong enough"
@test "crowdsec - reload (change of logfile, disabled agent)" {
logdir1=$(TMPDIR="${BATS_TEST_TMPDIR}" mktemp -u)
config_set ".common.log_dir=\"${logdir1}\""
run -0 ./instance-crowdsec start
# PID="$output"
assert_file_exist "$log_old"
assert_file_contains "$log_old" "Starting processing data"
logdir2=$(TMPDIR="${BATS_TEST_TMPDIR}" mktemp -u)
config_set ".common.log_dir=\"${logdir2}\""
sleep 5
# this won't work as crowdsec-wrapper does not relay the signal
# run -0 kill -HUP "$PID"
# During functional tests, crowdsec is often run from a wrapper script,
# which captures its output (for coverage reports) and cannot relay signals
# at the same time. So instead of sending a SIGHUP to the wrapper, we send
# it to the crowdsec process by name - with or without coverage.
run pkill -HUP -f "$BIN_DIR/crowdsec.cover"
run pkill -HUP -f "$BIN_DIR/crowdsec"
for ((i=0; i<10; i++)); do
sleep 1
grep -q "serve: shutting down api server" <"$log_old" && break
echo "waited $i seconds"
echo "OLD LOG"
ls -la "$log_old" || true
cat "$log_old" || true
assert_file_contains "$log_old" "SIGHUP received, reloading"
assert_file_contains "$log_old" "Crowdsec engine shutting down"
assert_file_contains "$log_old" "Killing parser routines"
assert_file_contains "$log_old" "Bucket routine exiting"
assert_file_contains "$log_old" "serve: shutting down api server"
sleep 5
assert_file_exist "$log_new"
for ((i=0; i<10; i++)); do
sleep 1
grep -q "Reload is finished" <"$log_old" && break
echo "waited $i seconds"
echo "NEW LOG"
ls -la "$log_new" || true
cat "$log_new" || true
assert_file_contains "$log_new" "CrowdSec Local API listening on"
assert_file_contains "$log_new" "Reload is finished"
run -0 ./instance-crowdsec stop
@test "crowdsec (error if the acquisition_path file is defined but missing)" {
ACQUIS_YAML=$(config_get '.crowdsec_service.acquisition_path')
rm -f "$ACQUIS_YAML"
run -1 --separate-stderr timeout 2s "${CROWDSEC}"
assert_stderr_line --partial "acquis.yaml: no such file or directory"
@test "crowdsec (error if acquisition_path is not defined and acquisition_dir is empty)" {
ACQUIS_YAML=$(config_get '.crowdsec_service.acquisition_path')
rm -f "$ACQUIS_YAML"
config_set '.crowdsec_service.acquisition_path=""'
ACQUIS_DIR=$(config_get '.crowdsec_service.acquisition_dir')
rm -f "$ACQUIS_DIR"
config_set '.common.log_media="stdout"'
run -124 --separate-stderr timeout 2s "${CROWDSEC}"
# check warning
assert_stderr_line --partial "no acquisition file found"
@test "crowdsec (error if acquisition_path and acquisition_dir are not defined)" {
ACQUIS_YAML=$(config_get '.crowdsec_service.acquisition_path')
rm -f "$ACQUIS_YAML"
config_set '.crowdsec_service.acquisition_path=""'
ACQUIS_DIR=$(config_get '.crowdsec_service.acquisition_dir')
rm -f "$ACQUIS_DIR"
config_set '.crowdsec_service.acquisition_dir=""'
config_set '.common.log_media="stdout"'
run -124 --separate-stderr timeout 2s "${CROWDSEC}"
# check warning
assert_stderr_line --partial "no acquisition_path or acquisition_dir specified"
@test "crowdsec (no error if acquisition_path is empty string but acquisition_dir is not empty)" {
ACQUIS_YAML=$(config_get '.crowdsec_service.acquisition_path')
rm -f "$ACQUIS_YAML"
config_set '.crowdsec_service.acquisition_path=""'
ACQUIS_DIR=$(config_get '.crowdsec_service.acquisition_dir')
mkdir -p "$ACQUIS_DIR"
touch "$ACQUIS_DIR"/foo.yaml
run -124 --separate-stderr timeout 2s "${CROWDSEC}"