Shivam Sandbhor 76e3612088
Check log level before dumping resp (#1243)
* Check log level before dumping resp
* Sleep longer in func tests

Signed-off-by: Shivam Sandbhor <>
2022-02-08 15:40:01 +01:00

160 lines
5.5 KiB
Executable file

#! /usr/bin/env bash
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
echo $PATH
sudo cp /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml ./config.yaml.backup
CROWDSEC_PATH=$(which crowdsec)
## status / start / stop
# service should be up
pidof crowdsec || fail "crowdsec process should be running"
${SYSTEMCTL} status crowdsec || fail "systemctl status crowdsec failed"
#shut it down
${SYSTEMCTL} stop crowdsec || fail "failed to stop service"
${SYSTEMCTL} status crowdsec && fail "crowdsec should be down"
pidof crowdsec && fail "crowdsec process shouldn't be running"
#start it again
${SYSTEMCTL} start crowdsec || fail "failed to stop service"
${SYSTEMCTL} status crowdsec || fail "crowdsec should be up"
wait_for_service "crowdsec process should be running"
#restart it
${SYSTEMCTL} restart crowdsec || fail "failed to stop service"
${SYSTEMCTL} status crowdsec || fail "crowdsec should be up"
wait_for_service "crowdsec process should be running"
## version
${CSCLI} version || fail "cannot run cscli version"
## alerts
# alerts list at startup should just return one entry : community pull
sleep 40
${CSCLI} alerts list -ojson | ${JQ} '. | length >= 1' || fail "expected at least one entry from cscli alerts list"
## capi
${CSCLI} capi status || fail "capi status should be ok"
## config
${CSCLI} config show || fail "failed to show config"
${CSCLI} config backup ./test || fail "failed to backup config"
sudo rm -rf ./test
## lapi
${CSCLI} lapi status || fail "lapi status failed"
## metrics
${CSCLI} metrics || fail "failed to get metrics"
${SYSTEMCTL} stop crowdsec || fail "crowdsec should be down"
sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/crowdsec.service.d/
# test with -no-api flag
echo -ne "[Service]\nExecStart=\nExecStart=${CROWDSEC_PATH} -c /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml -no-api\n" | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/crowdsec.service.d/override.conf
${SYSTEMCTL} daemon-reload
${SYSTEMCTL} start crowdsec
sleep 1
pidof crowdsec && fail "crowdsec shouldn't run without LAPI (in flag)"
${SYSTEMCTL} stop crowdsec
${SYSTEMCTL} daemon-reload
# test with no api server in configuration file
sudo cp ./config/config_no_lapi.yaml /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml
${SYSTEMCTL} start crowdsec
sleep 1
pidof crowdsec && fail "crowdsec agent should not run without lapi (in configuration file)"
##### cscli test ####
## capi
${CSCLI} -c ./config/config_no_lapi.yaml capi status && fail "capi status shouldn't be ok"
## config
${CSCLI_BIN} -c ./config/config_no_lapi.yaml config show || fail "failed to show config"
${CSCLI} -c ./config/config_no_lapi.yaml config backup ./test || fail "failed to backup config"
sudo rm -rf ./test
## lapi
${CSCLI} -c ./config/config_no_lapi.yaml lapi status && fail "lapi status should not be ok" ## if lapi status success, it means that the test fail
## metrics
${CSCLI_BIN} -c ./config/config_no_lapi.yaml metrics
${SYSTEMCTL} stop crowdsec
sudo cp ./config/config.yaml /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml
# test with -no-cs flag
echo -ne "[Service]\nExecStart=\nExecStart=${CROWDSEC_PATH} -c /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml -no-cs" | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/crowdsec.service.d/override.conf
${SYSTEMCTL} daemon-reload
sudo rm -f /var/log/crowdsec.log
${SYSTEMCTL} start crowdsec
wait_for_service "crowdsec LAPI should run without agent (in flag)"
${SYSTEMCTL} stop crowdsec
echo -ne "[service]\nExecStart=\nExecStart=${CROWDSEC_PATH} -c /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml" | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/crowdsec.service.d/override.conf
${SYSTEMCTL} daemon-reload
# test with no crowdsec agent in configuration file
sudo cp ./config/config_no_agent.yaml /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml
${SYSTEMCTL} start crowdsec
wait_for_service "crowdsec LAPI should run without agent (in configuration file)"
## capi
${CSCLI} -c ./config/config_no_agent.yaml capi status || fail "capi status should be ok"
## config
${CSCLI_BIN} -c ./config/config_no_agent.yaml config show || fail "failed to show config"
${CSCLI} -c ./config/config_no_agent.yaml config backup ./test || fail "failed to backup config"
sudo rm -rf ./test
## lapi
${CSCLI} -c ./config/config_no_agent.yaml lapi status || fail "lapi status failed"
## metrics
${CSCLI_BIN} -c ./config/config_no_agent.yaml metrics || fail "failed to get metrics"
${SYSTEMCTL} stop crowdsec
sudo cp ./config/config.yaml /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml
rm -f /etc/systemd/system/crowdsec.service.d/override.conf
${SYSTEMCTL} daemon-reload
# test with no online client in configuration file
sudo cp ./config/config_no_capi.yaml /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml
${SYSTEMCTL} start crowdsec
wait_for_service "crowdsec LAPI should run without CAPI (in configuration file)"
## capi
${CSCLI} -c ./config/config_no_capi.yaml capi status && fail "capi status should not be ok" ## if capi status success, it means that the test fail
## config
${CSCLI_BIN} -c ./config/config_no_capi.yaml config show || fail "failed to show config"
${CSCLI} -c ./config/config_no_capi.yaml config backup ./test || fail "failed to backup config"
sudo rm -rf ./test
## lapi
${CSCLI} -c ./config/config_no_capi.yaml lapi status || fail "lapi status failed"
## metrics
${CSCLI_BIN} -c ./config/config_no_capi.yaml metrics || fail "failed to get metrics"
sudo cp ./config.yaml.backup /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml
${SYSTEMCTL} daemon-reload
${SYSTEMCTL} restart crowdsec
wait_for_service "crowdsec should be restarted)"