mmetc 49e0735b53
cscli tests + fix bouncer/machine prune (#2883)
* func tests: "cscli config feature-flags"
* func tests: "cscli bouncers list"
* func tests + fix: "cscli bouncers/machines prune"
* lint
2024-03-11 13:14:01 +01:00

107 lines
3.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bats
# vim: ft=bats:list:ts=8:sts=4:sw=4:et:ai:si:
set -u
setup_file() {
load "../lib/"
teardown_file() {
load "../lib/"
setup() {
load "../lib/"
./instance-data load
./instance-crowdsec start
teardown() {
./instance-crowdsec stop
@test "we have exactly one machine" {
rune -0 cscli machines list -o json
rune -0 jq -c '[. | length, .[0].machineId[0:32], .[0].isValidated]' <(output)
assert_output '[1,"githubciXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",true]'
@test "don't overwrite local credentials by default" {
rune -1 cscli machines add local -a -o json
rune -0 jq -r '.msg' <(stderr)
assert_output --partial 'already exists: please remove it, use "--force" or specify a different file with "-f"'
rune -0 cscli machines add local -a --force
assert_stderr --partial "Machine 'local' successfully added to the local API."
@test "passwords have a size limit" {
rune -1 cscli machines add local --password "$(printf '%73s' '' | tr ' ' x)"
assert_stderr --partial "password too long (max 72 characters)"
@test "add a new machine and delete it" {
rune -0 cscli machines add -a -f /dev/null CiTestMachine -o human
assert_stderr --partial "Machine 'CiTestMachine' successfully added to the local API"
assert_stderr --partial "API credentials written to '/dev/null'"
# we now have two machines
rune -0 cscli machines list -o json
rune -0 jq -c '[. | length, .[-1].machineId, .[0].isValidated]' <(output)
assert_output '[2,"CiTestMachine",true]'
# delete the test machine
rune -0 cscli machines delete CiTestMachine -o human
assert_stderr --partial "machine 'CiTestMachine' deleted successfully"
# we now have one machine again
rune -0 cscli machines list -o json
rune -0 jq '. | length' <(output)
assert_output 1
@test "register, validate and then remove a machine" {
rune -0 cscli lapi register --machine CiTestMachineRegister -f /dev/null -o human
assert_stderr --partial "Successfully registered to Local API (LAPI)"
assert_stderr --partial "Local API credentials written to '/dev/null'"
# the machine is not validated yet
rune -0 cscli machines list -o json
rune -0 jq '.[-1].isValidated' <(output)
assert_output 'null'
# validate the machine
rune -0 cscli machines validate CiTestMachineRegister -o human
assert_stderr --partial "machine 'CiTestMachineRegister' validated successfully"
# the machine is now validated
rune -0 cscli machines list -o json
rune -0 jq '.[-1].isValidated' <(output)
assert_output 'true'
# delete the test machine again
rune -0 cscli machines delete CiTestMachineRegister -o human
assert_stderr --partial "machine 'CiTestMachineRegister' deleted successfully"
# we now have one machine, again
rune -0 cscli machines list -o json
rune -0 jq '. | length' <(output)
assert_output 1
@test "cscli machines prune" {
rune -0 cscli metrics
rune -0 cscli machines prune
assert_output 'No machines to prune.'
rune -0 cscli machines list -o json
rune -0 jq -r '.[-1].machineId' <(output)
rune -0 cscli machines delete "$output"
rune -0 cscli machines prune
assert_output 'No machines to prune.'