mmetc 733f5e165b
csprofiles: fix default decision duration, lint (#2703)
* return nil with errors
* errors.Wrap -> fmt.Errorf
* var -> const
* fix default decision duration
* lint (whitespace)
2024-01-12 15:18:59 +01:00

211 lines
6.8 KiB

package csprofiles
import (
log ""
type Runtime struct {
RuntimeFilters []*vm.Program `json:"-" yaml:"-"`
RuntimeDurationExpr *vm.Program `json:"-" yaml:"-"`
Cfg *csconfig.ProfileCfg `json:"-" yaml:"-"`
Logger *log.Entry `json:"-" yaml:"-"`
const defaultDuration = "4h"
func NewProfile(profilesCfg []*csconfig.ProfileCfg) ([]*Runtime, error) {
var err error
profilesRuntime := make([]*Runtime, 0)
for _, profile := range profilesCfg {
var runtimeFilter, runtimeDurationExpr *vm.Program
runtime := &Runtime{}
xlog := log.New()
if err := types.ConfigureLogger(xlog); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("While creating profiles-specific logger : %s", err)
runtime.Logger = xlog.WithFields(log.Fields{
"type": "profile",
"name": profile.Name,
runtime.RuntimeFilters = make([]*vm.Program, len(profile.Filters))
runtime.Cfg = profile
if runtime.Cfg.OnSuccess != "" && runtime.Cfg.OnSuccess != "continue" && runtime.Cfg.OnSuccess != "break" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid 'on_success' for '%s': %s", profile.Name, runtime.Cfg.OnSuccess)
if runtime.Cfg.OnFailure != "" && runtime.Cfg.OnFailure != "continue" && runtime.Cfg.OnFailure != "break" && runtime.Cfg.OnFailure != "apply" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid 'on_failure' for '%s' : %s", profile.Name, runtime.Cfg.OnFailure)
for fIdx, filter := range profile.Filters {
if runtimeFilter, err = expr.Compile(filter, exprhelpers.GetExprOptions(map[string]interface{}{"Alert": &models.Alert{}})...); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error compiling filter of '%s': %w", profile.Name, err)
runtime.RuntimeFilters[fIdx] = runtimeFilter
if profile.Debug != nil && *profile.Debug {
if profile.DurationExpr != "" {
if runtimeDurationExpr, err = expr.Compile(profile.DurationExpr, exprhelpers.GetExprOptions(map[string]interface{}{"Alert": &models.Alert{}})...); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error compiling duration_expr of %s: %w", profile.Name, err)
runtime.RuntimeDurationExpr = runtimeDurationExpr
for _, decision := range profile.Decisions {
if runtime.RuntimeDurationExpr == nil {
var duration string
if decision.Duration != nil {
duration = *decision.Duration
} else {
runtime.Logger.Warningf("No duration specified for %s, using default duration %s", profile.Name, defaultDuration)
duration = defaultDuration
if _, err := time.ParseDuration(duration); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing duration '%s' of %s: %w", duration, profile.Name, err)
profilesRuntime = append(profilesRuntime, runtime)
return profilesRuntime, nil
func (Profile *Runtime) GenerateDecisionFromProfile(Alert *models.Alert) ([]*models.Decision, error) {
var decisions []*models.Decision
for _, refDecision := range Profile.Cfg.Decisions {
decision := models.Decision{}
/*the reference decision from profile is in simulated mode */
if refDecision.Simulated != nil && *refDecision.Simulated {
decision.Simulated = new(bool)
*decision.Simulated = true
/*the event is already in simulation mode */
} else if Alert.Simulated != nil && *Alert.Simulated {
decision.Simulated = new(bool)
*decision.Simulated = true
/*If the profile specifies a scope, this will prevail.
If not, we're going to get the scope from the source itself*/
decision.Scope = new(string)
if refDecision.Scope != nil && *refDecision.Scope != "" {
*decision.Scope = *refDecision.Scope
} else {
*decision.Scope = *Alert.Source.Scope
/*some fields are populated from the reference object : duration, scope, type*/
decision.Duration = new(string)
if refDecision.Duration != nil {
*decision.Duration = *refDecision.Duration
if Profile.Cfg.DurationExpr != "" && Profile.RuntimeDurationExpr != nil {
profileDebug := false
if Profile.Cfg.Debug != nil && *Profile.Cfg.Debug {
profileDebug = true
duration, err := exprhelpers.Run(Profile.RuntimeDurationExpr, map[string]interface{}{"Alert": Alert}, Profile.Logger, profileDebug)
if err != nil {
Profile.Logger.Warningf("Failed to run duration_expr : %v", err)
} else {
durationStr := fmt.Sprint(duration)
if _, err := time.ParseDuration(durationStr); err != nil {
Profile.Logger.Warningf("Failed to parse expr duration result '%s'", duration)
} else {
*decision.Duration = durationStr
decision.Type = new(string)
*decision.Type = *refDecision.Type
/*for the others, let's populate it from the alert and its source*/
decision.Value = new(string)
*decision.Value = *Alert.Source.Value
decision.Origin = new(string)
*decision.Origin = types.CrowdSecOrigin
if refDecision.Origin != nil {
*decision.Origin = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", *decision.Origin, *refDecision.Origin)
decision.Scenario = new(string)
*decision.Scenario = *Alert.Scenario
decisions = append(decisions, &decision)
return decisions, nil
// EvaluateProfile is going to evaluate an Alert against a profile to generate Decisions
func (Profile *Runtime) EvaluateProfile(Alert *models.Alert) ([]*models.Decision, bool, error) {
var decisions []*models.Decision
matched := false
for eIdx, expression := range Profile.RuntimeFilters {
debugProfile := false
if Profile.Cfg.Debug != nil && *Profile.Cfg.Debug {
debugProfile = true
output, err := exprhelpers.Run(expression, map[string]interface{}{"Alert": Alert}, Profile.Logger, debugProfile)
if err != nil {
Profile.Logger.Warningf("failed to run profile expr for %s: %v", Profile.Cfg.Name, err)
return nil, matched, fmt.Errorf("while running expression %s: %w", Profile.Cfg.Filters[eIdx], err)
switch out := output.(type) {
case bool:
if out {
matched = true
/*the expression matched, create the associated decision*/
subdecisions, err := Profile.GenerateDecisionFromProfile(Alert)
if err != nil {
return nil, matched, fmt.Errorf("while generating decision from profile %s: %w", Profile.Cfg.Name, err)
decisions = append(decisions, subdecisions...)
} else {
Profile.Logger.Debugf("Profile %s filter is unsuccessful", Profile.Cfg.Name)
if Profile.Cfg.OnFailure == "break" {
return nil, matched, fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %t (%v) while running '%s'", output, output, Profile.Cfg.Filters[eIdx])
return decisions, matched, nil