Shivam Sandbhor 4bf996a716
Make docker start executable (#1031)
Signed-off-by: Shivam Sandbhor <>
2021-11-02 10:24:30 +01:00
config.yaml do no set hub_branch to master in docker (#956) 2021-09-10 09:44:06 +02:00 Make docker start executable (#1031) 2021-11-02 10:24:30 +01:00 update docker image documentation + docker start script (#965) 2021-09-10 14:59:22 +02:00


Crowdsec - An open-source, lightweight agent to detect and respond to bad behaviours. It also automatically benefits from our global community-wide IP reputation database.

Getting Started

Before starting using docker image, we suggest you to read our documentation to understand all crowdsec concepts.


The container is built with specific docker configuration :

You should apply following configuration before starting it :

  • Specify collections|scenarios|parsers/postoverflows to install via the environment variables (by default crowdsecurity/linux is installed)
  • Mount volumes to specify your log files that should be ingested by crowdsec (set up in acquis.yaml)
  • If you wish to use the notification system, you will need to mount at least a custom profiles.yaml and a notification configuration to /etc/crowdsec/notifications
  • Mount other volumes : if you want to share the database for example
docker run -d -v acquis.yaml:/etc/crowdsec/acquis.yaml \
    -e COLLECTIONS="crowdsecurity/sshd"
    -v /var/log/auth.log:/var/log/auth.log \
    -v /path/mycustom.log:/var/log/mycustom.log \
    --name crowdsec crowdsecurity/crowdsec


I have my own configuration :

user@cs ~/crowdsec/config $ ls
acquis.yaml  config.yaml

Here is my acquis.yaml file:

 - /logs/auth.log
 - /logs/syslog
  type: syslog
filename: /logs/apache2/*.log
  type: apache2

So, I want to run crowdsec with :

  • My configuration files
  • Ingested my path logs specified in acquis.yaml
  • Share the crowdsec sqlite database with my host (You need to create empty file first, otherwise docker will create a directory instead of simple file)
  • Expose local API through host (listen by default on 8080)
  • Expose prometheus handler through host (listen by default on 6060)
touch /path/myDatabase.db
docker run -d -v config.yaml:/etc/crowdsec/config.yaml \
    -v acquis.yaml:/etc/crowdsec/acquis.yaml \
    -v /var/log/auth.log:/logs/auth.log \
    -v /var/log/syslog.log:/logs/syslog.log \
    -v /var/log/apache:/logs/apache \
    -v /path/myDatabase.db:/var/lib/crowdsec/data/crowdsec.db \
    -e COLLECTIONS="crowdsecurity/apache2 crowdsecurity/sshd" \
    -p 8080:8080 -p 6060:6060 \
    --name crowdsec crowdsecurity/crowdsec

If you want to be able to restart/stop your container and keep the same DB -v /path/myDatabase.db:/var/lib/crowdsec/data/crowdsec.db you need to add a volume on local_api_credentials.yaml -v /path/local_api_credentials.yaml:/etc/crowdsec/local_api_credentials.yaml.

Environment Variables

  • COLLECTIONS - Collections to install from the hub, separated by space : -e COLLECTIONS="crowdsecurity/linux crowdsecurity/apache2"
  • SCENARIOS - Scenarios to install from the hub, separated by space : -e SCENARIOS="crowdsecurity/http-bad-user-agent crowdsecurity/http-xss-probing"
  • PARSERS - Parsers to install from the hub, separated by space : -e PARSERS="crowdsecurity/http-logs crowdsecurity/modsecurity"
  • POSTOVERFLOWS - Postoverflows to install from the hub, separated by space : -e POSTOVERFLOWS="crowdsecurity/cdn-whitelist"
  • CONFIG_FILE - Configuration file (default: /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml) : -e CONFIG_FILE="<config_path>"
  • DSN - Process a single source in time-machine : -e DSN="file:///var/log/toto.log" or -e DSN="cloudwatch:///your/group/path:stream_name?profile=dev&backlog=16h" or -e DSN="journalctl://filters=_SYSTEMD_UNIT=ssh.service"
  • TYPE - Labels.type for file in time-machine : -e TYPE="<type>"
  • TEST_MODE - Only test configs (default: false) : -e TEST_MODE="<true|false>"
  • TZ - Set the timezone to ensure logs have a local timestamp.
  • DISABLE_AGENT - Only test configs (default: false) : -e DISABLE_AGENT="<true|false>"
  • DISABLE_LOCAL_API - Disable local API (default: false) : -e DISABLE_LOCAL_API="<true|false>"
  • AGENT_USERNAME - Agent username (to register if is LAPI or to use if it's an agent) : -e AGENT_USERNAME="machine_id"
  • AGENT_PASSWORD - Agent password (to register if is LAPI or to use if it's an agent) : -e AGENT_PASSWORD="machine_password"
  • LOCAL_API_URL - To specify when an agent needs to connect to a LAPI crowdsec (To use only when DISABLE_LOCAL_API is set to true) : -e LOCAL_API_URL="http://lapi-address:8080"
  • DISABLE_ONLINE_API - Disable Online API registration for signal sharing (default: false) : -e DISABLE_ONLINE_API="<true|false>"
  • LEVEL_TRACE - Trace-level (VERY verbose) on stdout (default: false) : -e LEVEL_TRACE="<true|false>"
  • LEVEL_DEBUG - Debug-level on stdout (default: false) : -e LEVEL_DEBUG="<true|false>"
  • LEVEL_INFO - Info-level on stdout (default: false) : -e LEVEL_INFO="<true|false>"


  • /var/lib/crowdsec/data/ - Directory where all crowdsec data (Databases) is located

  • /etc/crowdsec/ - Directory where all crowdsec configurations are located

Useful File Locations

  • /usr/local/bin/crowdsec - Crowdsec binary

  • /usr/local/bin/cscli - Crowdsec CLI binary to interact with crowdsec

Find Us


Please read contributing for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.