## metrics via {{cli.name}} ```bash {{cli.name}} metrics ``` This command provides an overview of {{crowdsec.name}} statistics. By default it assumes that the {{crowdsec.name}} is installed on the same machine. The metrics are split in 3 main sections : - Acquisition metrics : How many lines were read from which sources, how many were successfully or unsuccessfully parsed, and how many of those lines ultimately ended up being poured to a bucket. - Parser metrics : How many lines were fed (eligible) to each parser, and how many of those were successfully or unsuccessfully parsed. - Bucket metrics : How many time each scenario lead to a bucket instantiation, and for each of those : - how many times it overflowed - how many times it expired (underflows) - how many subsequent events were poured to said bucket !!! hint These metrics should help you identify potential configuration errors. For example, if you have a source that has mostly unparsed logs, you know you might be missing some parsers. As well, if you have scenarios that are never instantiated, it might be a hint that they are not relevant to your configuration.
{{cli.name}} metrics example ```bash INFO[0000] Buckets Metrics: +-----------------------------------------+-----------+--------------+--------+---------+ | BUCKET | OVERFLOWS | INSTANTIATED | POURED | EXPIRED | +-----------------------------------------+-----------+--------------+--------+---------+ | crowdsecurity/http-scan-uniques_404 | - | 8 | 9 | 8 | | crowdsecurity/iptables-scan-multi_ports | 1 | 8306 | 9097 | 8288 | | crowdsecurity/ssh-bf | 42 | 281 | 1434 | 238 | | crowdsecurity/ssh-bf_user-enum | 13 | 659 | 777 | 646 | | crowdsecurity/http-crawl-non_statics | - | 10 | 12 | 10 | +-----------------------------------------+-----------+--------------+--------+---------+ INFO[0000] Acquisition Metrics: +------------------------------------------+------------+--------------+----------------+------------------------+ | SOURCE | LINES READ | LINES PARSED | LINES UNPARSED | LINES POURED TO BUCKET | +------------------------------------------+------------+--------------+----------------+------------------------+ | /var/log/nginx/https.access.log | 25 | 25 | - | 7 | | /var/log/kern.log | 18078 | 18078 | - | 4066 | | /var/log/syslog | 18499 | 18078 | 421 | 5031 | | /var/log/auth.log | 6086 | 1434 | 4652 | 2211 | | /var/log/nginx/error.log | 170243 | 169632 | 611 | - | | /var/log/nginx/http.access.log | 44 | 44 | - | 14 | +------------------------------------------+------------+--------------+----------------+------------------------+ INFO[0000] Parser Metrics: +--------------------------------+--------+--------+----------+ | PARSERS | HITS | PARSED | UNPARSED | +--------------------------------+--------+--------+----------+ | crowdsecurity/geoip-enrich | 37659 | 37659 | 0 | | crowdsecurity/http-logs | 169701 | 27 | 169674 | | crowdsecurity/iptables-logs | 36156 | 36156 | 0 | | crowdsecurity/nginx-logs | 170316 | 169701 | 615 | | crowdsecurity/non-syslog | 170312 | 170312 | 0 | | crowdsecurity/sshd-logs | 6053 | 1434 | 4619 | | crowdsecurity/syslog-logs | 42663 | 42663 | 0 | | crowdsecurity/dateparse-enrich | 207291 | 207291 | 0 | +--------------------------------+--------+--------+----------+ ```
## metrics via {{crowdsec.name}} prometheus {{crowdsec.name}} can expose a prometheus endpoint for collection (on `` by default). The goal of this endpoint, besides the usual resources consumption monitoring, aims at offering a view of {{crowdsec.name}} "applicative" behavior : - is it processing a lot of logs ? is it parsing them successfully ? - are a lot of scenarios being triggered ? - are a lot of IPs banned ? - etc. All the counters are "since {{crowdsec.name}} start". ### Scenarios - `cs_bucket_create` : number of instantiation of each scenario - `cs_bucket_overflow` : number of overflow of each scenario - `cs_bucket_underflow` : number of underflow of each scenario (bucket was created but expired because of lack of events) - `cs_bucket_pour` : number of event poured to each scenario with source as complementary key : ``` #2030 lines from `/var/log/nginx/access.log` were poured to `crowdsecurity/http-scan-uniques_404` scenario cs_bucket_pour{name="crowdsecurity/http-scan-uniques_404",source="/var/log/nginx/access.log"} 2030 ``` ### Parsers - `cs_node_hits` : how many time an event from a specific source was processed by a parser node : ``` # 235 lines from `auth.log` were processed by the `crowdsecurity/dateparse-enrich` parser cs_node_hits{name="crowdsecurity/dateparse-enrich",source="/var/log/auth.log"} 235 ``` - `cs_node_hits_ko` : how many times an event from a specific was unsuccessfully parsed by a specific parser ``` # 2112 lines from `error.log` failed to be parsed by `crowdsecurity/http-logs` cs_node_hits_ko{name="crowdsecurity/http-logs",source="/var/log/nginx/error.log"} 2112 ``` - `cs_node_hits_ok` : how many times an event from a specific source was successfully parsed by a specific parser - `cs_parser_hits` : how many times an event from a source has hit the parser - `cs_parser_hits_ok` : how many times an event from a source was successfully parsed - `cs_parser_hits_ko` : how many times an event from a source was unsuccessfully parsed ### Acquisition - `cs_reader_hits` : how many events were read from a specific source