package kubernetesauditacquisition import ( "net/http/httptest" "strings" "testing" "time" "" log "" "" "" ) func TestBadConfiguration(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { config string name string expectedErr string }{ { name: "unknown field", config: `source: k8s-audit foobar: asd.log`, expectedErr: "line 2: field foobar not found in type kubernetesauditacquisition.KubernetesAuditConfiguration", }, { name: "missing listen_addr", config: `source: k8s-audit`, expectedErr: "listen_addr cannot be empty", }, { name: "missing listen_port", config: `source: k8s-audit listen_addr:`, expectedErr: "listen_port cannot be empty", }, } for _, test := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { f := KubernetesAuditSource{} err := f.UnmarshalConfig([]byte(test.config)) assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), test.expectedErr) }) } } func TestInvalidConfig(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string config string expectedErr string }{ { name: "invalid_port", config: `source: k8s-audit listen_addr: listen_port: 9999999 webhook_path: /k8s-audit`, expectedErr: "listen tcp: address 9999999: invalid port", }, } subLogger := log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "type": "k8s-audit", }) for _, test := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { out := make(chan types.Event) tb := &tomb.Tomb{} f := KubernetesAuditSource{} err := f.UnmarshalConfig([]byte(test.config)) assert.NoError(t, err) err = f.Configure([]byte(test.config), subLogger) assert.NoError(t, err) f.StreamingAcquisition(out, tb) time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) tb.Kill(nil) err = tb.Wait() if test.expectedErr != "" { assert.ErrorContains(t, err, test.expectedErr) return } assert.NoError(t, err) }) } } func TestHandler(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string config string expectedStatusCode int body string method string eventCount int }{ { name: "valid_json", config: `source: k8s-audit listen_addr: listen_port: 49234 webhook_path: /k8s-audit`, method: "POST", expectedStatusCode: 200, body: ` { "Items": [ { "Level": "RequestResponse", "AuditID": "2fca7950-03b6-41fa-95cd-08c5bcec8487", "Stage": "ResponseComplete", "RequestURI": "/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods?fieldManager=kubectl-client-side-apply\u0026fieldValidation=Strict", "Verb": "create", "User": { "username": "minikube-user", "groups": [ "system:masters", "system:authenticated" ] }, "ImpersonatedUser": null, "SourceIPs": [ "" ], "UserAgent": "kubectl.exe/v1.25.2 (windows/amd64) kubernetes/5835544", "ObjectRef": { "Resource": "pods", "Namespace": "default", "Name": "test-pod-hostpath", "UID": "", "APIGroup": "", "APIVersion": "v1", "ResourceVersion": "", "Subresource": "" }, "ResponseStatus": { "metadata": {}, "code": 201 }, "RequestObject": {}, "ResponseObject": {}, "RequestReceivedTimestamp": "2022-09-26T15:24:52.316938Z", "StageTimestamp": "2022-09-26T15:24:52.322575Z", "Annotations": { "": "allow", "": "", "": "privileged:latest" } }, { "Level": "RequestResponse", "AuditID": "2fca7950-03b6-41fa-95cd-08c5bcec8487", "Stage": "ResponseComplete", "RequestURI": "/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods?fieldManager=kubectl-client-side-apply\u0026fieldValidation=Strict", "Verb": "create", "User": { "username": "minikube-user", "groups": [ "system:masters", "system:authenticated" ] }, "ImpersonatedUser": null, "SourceIPs": [ "" ], "UserAgent": "kubectl.exe/v1.25.2 (windows/amd64) kubernetes/5835544", "ObjectRef": { "Resource": "pods", "Namespace": "default", "Name": "test-pod-hostpath", "UID": "", "APIGroup": "", "APIVersion": "v1", "ResourceVersion": "", "Subresource": "" }, "ResponseStatus": { "metadata": {}, "code": 201 }, "RequestObject": {}, "ResponseObject": {}, "RequestReceivedTimestamp": "2022-09-26T15:24:52.316938Z", "StageTimestamp": "2022-09-26T15:24:52.322575Z", "Annotations": { "": "allow", "": "", "": "privileged:latest" } } ] }`, eventCount: 2, }, { name: "invalid_json", config: `source: k8s-audit listen_addr: listen_port: 49234 webhook_path: /k8s-audit`, expectedStatusCode: 500, body: "invalid json", method: "POST", eventCount: 0, }, { name: "invalid_method", config: `source: k8s-audit listen_addr: listen_port: 49234 webhook_path: /k8s-audit`, expectedStatusCode: 405, method: "GET", eventCount: 0, }, } subLogger := log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "type": "k8s-audit", }) for _, test := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { out := make(chan types.Event) tb := &tomb.Tomb{} eventCount := 0 tb.Go(func() error { for { select { case <-out: eventCount++ case <-tb.Dying(): return nil } } }) f := KubernetesAuditSource{} err := f.UnmarshalConfig([]byte(test.config)) assert.NoError(t, err) err = f.Configure([]byte(test.config), subLogger) assert.NoError(t, err) req := httptest.NewRequest(test.method, "/k8s-audit", strings.NewReader(test.body)) w := httptest.NewRecorder() f.StreamingAcquisition(out, tb) f.webhookHandler(w, req) res := w.Result() assert.Equal(t, test.expectedStatusCode, res.StatusCode) //time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) assert.NoError(t, err) tb.Kill(nil) err = tb.Wait() assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, test.eventCount, eventCount) }) } }