`{{cli.bin}}` is the utility that will help you to manage {{crowdsec.name}}. This tools has the following functionalities: - [manage bans]({{ cli.ban_doc }}) - [backup and restore configuration]({{ cli.backup_doc }}) - [display metrics]({{ cli.metrics_doc }}) - [install configurations]({{ cli.install_doc }}) - [remove configurations]({{ cli.remove_doc }}) - [update configurations]({{ cli.update_doc }}) - [upgrade configurations]({{ cli.upgrade_doc }}) - [list configurations]({{ cli.list_doc }}) - [interact with CrowdSec API]({{ cli.api_doc }}) - [manage simulation]({{cli.simulation_doc}}) Take a look at the [dedicated documentation]({{cli.main_doc}}) ## Overview {{cli.name}} configuration location is `/etc/crowdsec/cscli/`. In this folder, we store the {{cli.name}} configuration and the hub cache files. ## Config The {{cli.name}} configuration is light for now, stored in `/etc/crowdsec/cscli/config`. ```yaml installdir: /etc/crowdsec/config # {{crowdsec.name}} configuration location backend: /etc/crowdsec/plugins/backend # path to the backend plugin used ``` For {{cli.name}} to be able to pull the {{api.topX.htmlname}}, you need a valid API configuration in [api.yaml](/guide/crowdsec/overview/#apiyaml). ## Hub cache - `.index.json`: The file containing the metadata of all the existing {{collections.htmlname}}, {{parsers.htmlname}} and {{scenarios.htmlname}} stored in the {{hub.htmlname}}. - `hub/*`: Folder containing all the {{collections.htmlname}}, {{parsers.htmlname}} and {{scenarios.htmlname}} stored in the {{hub.htmlname}}. This is used to manage configurations from the {{cli.name}}