package apiserver import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/url" "os" "reflect" "sort" "sync" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func getDBClient(t *testing.T) *database.Client { t.Helper() dbPath, err := os.CreateTemp("", "*sqlite") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } dbClient, err := database.NewClient(&csconfig.DatabaseCfg{ Type: "sqlite", DbName: "crowdsec", DbPath: dbPath.Name(), }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return dbClient } func getAPIC(t *testing.T) *apic { t.Helper() dbClient := getDBClient(t) return &apic{ alertToPush: make(chan []*models.Alert), dbClient: dbClient, mu: sync.Mutex{}, startup: true, pullTomb: tomb.Tomb{}, pushTomb: tomb.Tomb{}, metricsTomb: tomb.Tomb{}, scenarioList: make([]string, 0), consoleConfig: &csconfig.ConsoleConfig{ ShareManualDecisions: types.BoolPtr(false), ShareTaintedScenarios: types.BoolPtr(false), ShareCustomScenarios: types.BoolPtr(false), }, } } func absDiff(a int, b int) (c int) { if c = a - b; c < 0 { return -1 * c } return c } func assertTotalDecisionCount(t *testing.T, dbClient *database.Client, count int) { d := dbClient.Ent.Decision.Query().AllX(context.Background()) assert.Len(t, d, count) } func assertTotalValidDecisionCount(t *testing.T, dbClient *database.Client, count int) { d := dbClient.Ent.Decision.Query().Where( decision.UntilGT(time.Now()), ).AllX(context.Background()) assert.Len(t, d, count) } func jsonMarshalX(v interface{}) []byte { data, err := json.Marshal(v) if err != nil { panic(err) } return data } func assertTotalAlertCount(t *testing.T, dbClient *database.Client, count int) { d := dbClient.Ent.Alert.Query().AllX(context.Background()) assert.Len(t, d, count) } func TestAPICCAPIPullIsOld(t *testing.T) { api := getAPIC(t) isOld, err := api.CAPIPullIsOld() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } assert.True(t, isOld) decision := api.dbClient.Ent.Decision.Create(). SetUntil(time.Now().Add(time.Hour)). SetScenario("crowdsec/test"). SetType("IP"). SetScope("Country"). SetValue("Blah"). SetOrigin(SCOPE_CAPI). SaveX(context.Background()) api.dbClient.Ent.Alert.Create(). SetCreatedAt(time.Now()). SetScenario("crowdsec/test"). AddDecisions( decision, ). SaveX(context.Background()) isOld, err = api.CAPIPullIsOld() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } assert.False(t, isOld) } func TestAPICFetchScenariosListFromDB(t *testing.T) { api := getAPIC(t) testCases := []struct { name string machineIDsWithScenarios map[string]string expectedScenarios []string }{ { name: "Simple one machine with two scenarios", machineIDsWithScenarios: map[string]string{ "a": "crowdsecurity/http-bf,crowdsecurity/ssh-bf", }, expectedScenarios: []string{"crowdsecurity/ssh-bf", "crowdsecurity/http-bf"}, }, { name: "Multi machine with custom+hub scenarios", machineIDsWithScenarios: map[string]string{ "a": "crowdsecurity/http-bf,crowdsecurity/ssh-bf,my_scenario", "b": "crowdsecurity/http-bf,crowdsecurity/ssh-bf,foo_scenario", }, expectedScenarios: []string{"crowdsecurity/ssh-bf", "crowdsecurity/http-bf", "my_scenario", "foo_scenario"}, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { for machineID, scenarios := range tc.machineIDsWithScenarios { api.dbClient.Ent.Machine.Create(). SetMachineId(machineID). SetPassword(testPassword.String()). SetIpAddress(""). SetScenarios(scenarios). ExecX(context.Background()) } scenarios, err := api.FetchScenariosListFromDB() for machineID := range tc.machineIDsWithScenarios { api.dbClient.Ent.Machine.Delete().Where(machine.MachineIdEQ(machineID)).ExecX(context.Background()) } if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else { sort.Strings(scenarios) sort.Strings(tc.expectedScenarios) assert.Equal(t, scenarios, tc.expectedScenarios) } }) } } func TestNewAPIC(t *testing.T) { var testConfig *csconfig.OnlineApiClientCfg setConfig := func() { testConfig = &csconfig.OnlineApiClientCfg{ Credentials: &csconfig.ApiCredentialsCfg{ URL: "foobar", Login: "foo", Password: "bar", }, } } type args struct { dbClient *database.Client consoleConfig *csconfig.ConsoleConfig } tests := []struct { name string args args wantErr bool errorContains string action func() }{ { name: "simple", action: func() {}, args: args{ dbClient: getDBClient(t), consoleConfig: LoadTestConfig().API.Server.ConsoleConfig, }, }, { name: "error in parsing URL", action: func() { testConfig.Credentials.URL = "foobar http://" }, args: args{ dbClient: getDBClient(t), consoleConfig: LoadTestConfig().API.Server.ConsoleConfig, }, wantErr: true, errorContains: "first path segment in URL cannot contain colon", }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { setConfig() tt.action() _, err := NewAPIC(testConfig, tt.args.dbClient, tt.args.consoleConfig) if tt.wantErr { assert.ErrorContains(t, err, tt.errorContains) } else { assert.NoError(t, err) } }) } } func TestAPICHandleDeletedDecisions(t *testing.T) { api := getAPIC(t) _, deleteCounters := makeAddAndDeleteCounters() decision1 := api.dbClient.Ent.Decision.Create(). SetUntil(time.Now().Add(time.Hour)). SetScenario("crowdsec/test"). SetType("ban"). SetScope("IP"). SetValue(""). SetOrigin(SCOPE_CAPI). SaveX(context.Background()) api.dbClient.Ent.Decision.Create(). SetUntil(time.Now().Add(time.Hour)). SetScenario("crowdsec/test"). SetType("ban"). SetScope("IP"). SetValue(""). SetOrigin(SCOPE_CAPI). SaveX(context.Background()) assertTotalDecisionCount(t, api.dbClient, 2) nbDeleted, err := api.HandleDeletedDecisions([]*models.Decision{{ Value: types.StrPtr(""), Origin: &SCOPE_CAPI, Type: &decision1.Type, Scenario: types.StrPtr("crowdsec/test"), Scope: types.StrPtr("IP"), }}, deleteCounters) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, nbDeleted, 2) assert.Equal(t, deleteCounters[SCOPE_CAPI]["all"], 2) } func TestAPICGetMetrics(t *testing.T) { api := getAPIC(t) cleanUp := func() { api.dbClient.Ent.Bouncer.Delete().ExecX(context.Background()) api.dbClient.Ent.Machine.Delete().ExecX(context.Background()) } testCases := []struct { name string machineIDs []string bouncers []string expectedMetric *models.Metrics }{ { name: "simple", machineIDs: []string{"a", "b", "c"}, bouncers: []string{"1", "2", "3"}, expectedMetric: &models.Metrics{ ApilVersion: types.StrPtr(cwversion.VersionStr()), Bouncers: []*models.MetricsBouncerInfo{ { CustomName: "1", LastPull: time.Time{}.String(), }, { CustomName: "2", LastPull: time.Time{}.String(), }, { CustomName: "3", LastPull: time.Time{}.String(), }, }, Machines: []*models.MetricsAgentInfo{ { Name: "a", LastPush: time.Time{}.String(), LastUpdate: time.Time{}.String(), }, { Name: "b", LastPush: time.Time{}.String(), LastUpdate: time.Time{}.String(), }, { Name: "c", LastPush: time.Time{}.String(), LastUpdate: time.Time{}.String(), }, }, }, }, } for _, testCase := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { cleanUp() for i, machineID := range testCase.machineIDs { api.dbClient.Ent.Machine.Create(). SetMachineId(machineID). SetPassword(testPassword.String()). SetIpAddress(fmt.Sprintf("1.2.3.%d", i)). SetScenarios("crowdsecurity/test"). SetLastPush(time.Time{}). SetUpdatedAt(time.Time{}). ExecX(context.Background()) } for i, bouncerName := range testCase.bouncers { api.dbClient.Ent.Bouncer.Create(). SetIPAddress(fmt.Sprintf("1.2.3.%d", i)). SetName(bouncerName). SetAPIKey("foobar"). SetRevoked(false). SetLastPull(time.Time{}). ExecX(context.Background()) } if foundMetrics, err := api.GetMetrics(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else { assert.Equal(t, foundMetrics.Bouncers, testCase.expectedMetric.Bouncers) assert.Equal(t, foundMetrics.Machines, testCase.expectedMetric.Machines) } }) } } func TestCreateAlertsForDecision(t *testing.T) { httpBfDecisionList := &models.Decision{ Origin: &SCOPE_LISTS, Scenario: types.StrPtr("crowdsecurity/http-bf"), } sshBfDecisionList := &models.Decision{ Origin: &SCOPE_LISTS, Scenario: types.StrPtr("crowdsecurity/ssh-bf"), } httpBfDecisionCommunity := &models.Decision{ Origin: &SCOPE_CAPI, Scenario: types.StrPtr("crowdsecurity/http-bf"), } sshBfDecisionCommunity := &models.Decision{ Origin: &SCOPE_CAPI, Scenario: types.StrPtr("crowdsecurity/ssh-bf"), } type args struct { decisions []*models.Decision } tests := []struct { name string args args want []*models.Alert }{ { name: "2 decisions CAPI List Decisions should create 2 alerts", args: args{ decisions: []*models.Decision{ httpBfDecisionList, sshBfDecisionList, }, }, want: []*models.Alert{ createAlertForDecision(httpBfDecisionList), createAlertForDecision(sshBfDecisionList), }, }, { name: "2 decisions CAPI List same scenario decisions should create 1 alert", args: args{ decisions: []*models.Decision{ httpBfDecisionList, httpBfDecisionList, }, }, want: []*models.Alert{ createAlertForDecision(httpBfDecisionList), }, }, { name: "5 decisions from community list should create 1 alert", args: args{ decisions: []*models.Decision{ httpBfDecisionCommunity, httpBfDecisionCommunity, sshBfDecisionCommunity, sshBfDecisionCommunity, sshBfDecisionCommunity, }, }, want: []*models.Alert{ createAlertForDecision(sshBfDecisionCommunity), }, }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { if got := createAlertsForDecisions(tt.args.decisions); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) { t.Errorf("createAlertsForDecisions() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want) } }) } } func TestFillAlertsWithDecisions(t *testing.T) { httpBfDecisionCommunity := &models.Decision{ Origin: &SCOPE_CAPI, Scenario: types.StrPtr("crowdsecurity/http-bf"), Scope: types.StrPtr("ip"), } sshBfDecisionCommunity := &models.Decision{ Origin: &SCOPE_CAPI, Scenario: types.StrPtr("crowdsecurity/ssh-bf"), Scope: types.StrPtr("ip"), } httpBfDecisionList := &models.Decision{ Origin: &SCOPE_LISTS, Scenario: types.StrPtr("crowdsecurity/http-bf"), Scope: types.StrPtr("ip"), } sshBfDecisionList := &models.Decision{ Origin: &SCOPE_LISTS, Scenario: types.StrPtr("crowdsecurity/ssh-bf"), Scope: types.StrPtr("ip"), } type args struct { alerts []*models.Alert decisions []*models.Decision } tests := []struct { name string args args want []*models.Alert }{ { name: "1 CAPI alert should pair up with n CAPI decisions", args: args{ alerts: []*models.Alert{createAlertForDecision(httpBfDecisionCommunity)}, decisions: []*models.Decision{httpBfDecisionCommunity, sshBfDecisionCommunity, sshBfDecisionCommunity, httpBfDecisionCommunity}, }, want: []*models.Alert{ func() *models.Alert { a := createAlertForDecision(httpBfDecisionCommunity) a.Decisions = []*models.Decision{httpBfDecisionCommunity, sshBfDecisionCommunity, sshBfDecisionCommunity, httpBfDecisionCommunity} return a }(), }, }, { name: "List alert should pair up only with decisions having same scenario", args: args{ alerts: []*models.Alert{createAlertForDecision(httpBfDecisionList), createAlertForDecision(sshBfDecisionList)}, decisions: []*models.Decision{httpBfDecisionList, httpBfDecisionList, sshBfDecisionList, sshBfDecisionList}, }, want: []*models.Alert{ func() *models.Alert { a := createAlertForDecision(httpBfDecisionList) a.Decisions = []*models.Decision{httpBfDecisionList, httpBfDecisionList} return a }(), func() *models.Alert { a := createAlertForDecision(sshBfDecisionList) a.Decisions = []*models.Decision{sshBfDecisionList, sshBfDecisionList} return a }(), }, }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { add_counters, _ := makeAddAndDeleteCounters() if got := fillAlertsWithDecisions(tt.args.alerts, tt.args.decisions, add_counters); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) { t.Errorf("fillAlertsWithDecisions() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want) } }) } } func TestAPICPullTop(t *testing.T) { api := getAPIC(t) api.dbClient.Ent.Decision.Create(). SetOrigin(SCOPE_LISTS). SetType("ban"). SetValue(""). SetScope("Ip"). SetScenario("crowdsecurity/ssh-bf"). SetUntil(time.Now().Add(time.Hour)). ExecX(context.Background()) assertTotalDecisionCount(t, api.dbClient, 1) assertTotalValidDecisionCount(t, api.dbClient, 1) httpmock.Activate() defer httpmock.DeactivateAndReset() httpmock.RegisterResponder("GET", "", httpmock.NewBytesResponder( 200, jsonMarshalX( models.DecisionsStreamResponse{ Deleted: models.GetDecisionsResponse{ &models.Decision{ Origin: &SCOPE_LISTS, Scenario: types.StrPtr("crowdsecurity/ssh-bf"), Value: types.StrPtr(""), Scope: types.StrPtr("Ip"), Duration: types.StrPtr("24h"), Type: types.StrPtr("ban"), }, // Thie is already present in DB &models.Decision{ Origin: &SCOPE_LISTS, Scenario: types.StrPtr("crowdsecurity/ssh-bf"), Value: types.StrPtr(""), Scope: types.StrPtr("Ip"), Duration: types.StrPtr("24h"), Type: types.StrPtr("ban"), }, // This not present in DB. }, New: models.GetDecisionsResponse{ &models.Decision{ Origin: &SCOPE_CAPI, Scenario: types.StrPtr("crowdsecurity/test1"), Value: types.StrPtr(""), Scope: types.StrPtr("Ip"), Duration: types.StrPtr("24h"), Type: types.StrPtr("ban"), }, &models.Decision{ Origin: &SCOPE_CAPI, Scenario: types.StrPtr("crowdsecurity/test2"), Value: types.StrPtr(""), Scope: types.StrPtr("Ip"), Duration: types.StrPtr("24h"), Type: types.StrPtr("ban"), }, // These two are from community list. &models.Decision{ Origin: &SCOPE_LISTS, Scenario: types.StrPtr("crowdsecurity/http-bf"), Value: types.StrPtr(""), Scope: types.StrPtr("Ip"), Duration: types.StrPtr("24h"), Type: types.StrPtr("ban"), }, &models.Decision{ Origin: &SCOPE_LISTS, Scenario: types.StrPtr("crowdsecurity/ssh-bf"), Value: types.StrPtr(""), Scope: types.StrPtr("Ip"), Duration: types.StrPtr("24h"), Type: types.StrPtr("ban"), }, // These two are from list subscription. }, }, ), )) url, err := url.ParseRequestURI("") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } apic, err := apiclient.NewDefaultClient( url, "/api", fmt.Sprintf("crowdsec/%s", cwversion.VersionStr()), nil, ) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } api.apiClient = apic err = api.PullTop() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } assertTotalDecisionCount(t, api.dbClient, 5) assertTotalValidDecisionCount(t, api.dbClient, 4) assertTotalAlertCount(t, api.dbClient, 3) // 2 for list sub , 1 for community list. alerts := api.dbClient.Ent.Alert.Query().AllX(context.Background()) validDecisions := api.dbClient.Ent.Decision.Query().Where( decision.UntilGT(time.Now())). AllX(context.Background()) decisionScenarioFreq := make(map[string]int) alertScenario := make(map[string]int) for _, alert := range alerts { alertScenario[alert.SourceScope]++ } assert.Equal(t, len(alertScenario), 3) assert.Equal(t, alertScenario[SCOPE_CAPI_ALIAS], 1) assert.Equal(t, alertScenario["lists:crowdsecurity/ssh-bf"], 1) assert.Equal(t, alertScenario["lists:crowdsecurity/http-bf"], 1) for _, decisions := range validDecisions { decisionScenarioFreq[decisions.Scenario]++ } assert.Equal(t, decisionScenarioFreq["crowdsecurity/http-bf"], 1) assert.Equal(t, decisionScenarioFreq["crowdsecurity/ssh-bf"], 1) assert.Equal(t, decisionScenarioFreq["crowdsecurity/test1"], 1) assert.Equal(t, decisionScenarioFreq["crowdsecurity/test2"], 1) } func TestAPICPush(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string alerts []*models.Alert expectedCalls int }{ { name: "simple single alert", alerts: []*models.Alert{ { Scenario: types.StrPtr("crowdsec/test"), ScenarioHash: types.StrPtr("certified"), ScenarioVersion: types.StrPtr("v1.0"), Simulated: types.BoolPtr(false), }, }, expectedCalls: 1, }, { name: "simulated alert is not pushed", alerts: []*models.Alert{ { Scenario: types.StrPtr("crowdsec/test"), ScenarioHash: types.StrPtr("certified"), ScenarioVersion: types.StrPtr("v1.0"), Simulated: types.BoolPtr(true), }, }, expectedCalls: 0, }, { name: "1 request per 50 alerts", expectedCalls: 2, alerts: func() []*models.Alert { alerts := make([]*models.Alert, 100) for i := 0; i < 100; i++ { alerts[i] = &models.Alert{ Scenario: types.StrPtr("crowdsec/test"), ScenarioHash: types.StrPtr("certified"), ScenarioVersion: types.StrPtr("v1.0"), Simulated: types.BoolPtr(false), } } return alerts }(), }, } for _, testCase := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { api := getAPIC(t) api.pushInterval = time.Millisecond url, err := url.ParseRequestURI("") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } httpmock.Activate() defer httpmock.DeactivateAndReset() apic, err := apiclient.NewDefaultClient( url, "/api", fmt.Sprintf("crowdsec/%s", cwversion.VersionStr()), nil, ) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } api.apiClient = apic httpmock.RegisterResponder("POST", "", httpmock.NewBytesResponder(200, []byte{})) go func() { api.alertToPush <- testCase.alerts time.Sleep(time.Second) api.Shutdown() }() if err := api.Push(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } assert.Equal(t, httpmock.GetTotalCallCount(), testCase.expectedCalls) }) } } func TestAPICSendMetrics(t *testing.T) { api := getAPIC(t) testCases := []struct { name string duration time.Duration expectedCalls int setUp func() metricsInterval time.Duration }{ { name: "basic", duration: time.Millisecond * 5, metricsInterval: time.Millisecond, expectedCalls: 5, setUp: func() {}, }, { name: "with some metrics", duration: time.Millisecond * 5, metricsInterval: time.Millisecond, expectedCalls: 5, setUp: func() { api.dbClient.Ent.Machine.Create(). SetMachineId("1234"). SetPassword(testPassword.String()). SetIpAddress(""). SetScenarios("crowdsecurity/test"). SetLastPush(time.Time{}). SetUpdatedAt(time.Time{}). ExecX(context.Background()) api.dbClient.Ent.Bouncer.Create(). SetIPAddress(""). SetName("someBouncer"). SetAPIKey("foobar"). SetRevoked(false). SetLastPull(time.Time{}). ExecX(context.Background()) }, }, } for _, testCase := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { api = getAPIC(t) api.pushInterval = time.Millisecond url, err := url.ParseRequestURI("") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } httpmock.Activate() defer httpmock.DeactivateAndReset() apic, err := apiclient.NewDefaultClient( url, "/api", fmt.Sprintf("crowdsec/%s", cwversion.VersionStr()), nil, ) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } api.apiClient = apic api.metricsInterval = testCase.metricsInterval httpmock.RegisterNoResponder(httpmock.NewBytesResponder(200, []byte{})) testCase.setUp() go func() { if err := api.SendMetrics(); err != nil { panic(err) } }() time.Sleep(testCase.duration) assert.LessOrEqual(t, absDiff(testCase.expectedCalls, httpmock.GetTotalCallCount()), 2) }) } } func TestAPICPull(t *testing.T) { api := getAPIC(t) testCases := []struct { name string setUp func() expectedDecisionCount int logContains string }{ { name: "test pull if no scenarios are present", setUp: func() {}, logContains: "scenario list is empty, will not pull yet", }, { name: "test pull", setUp: func() { api.dbClient.Ent.Machine.Create(). SetMachineId(""). SetPassword(testPassword.String()). SetIpAddress(""). SetScenarios("crowdsecurity/ssh-bf"). ExecX(context.Background()) }, expectedDecisionCount: 1, }, } for _, testCase := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { api = getAPIC(t) api.pullInterval = time.Millisecond url, err := url.ParseRequestURI("") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } httpmock.Activate() defer httpmock.DeactivateAndReset() apic, err := apiclient.NewDefaultClient( url, "/api", fmt.Sprintf("crowdsec/%s", cwversion.VersionStr()), nil, ) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } api.apiClient = apic httpmock.RegisterNoResponder(httpmock.NewBytesResponder(200, jsonMarshalX( models.DecisionsStreamResponse{ New: models.GetDecisionsResponse{ &models.Decision{ Origin: &SCOPE_CAPI, Scenario: types.StrPtr("crowdsecurity/test2"), Value: types.StrPtr(""), Scope: types.StrPtr("Ip"), Duration: types.StrPtr("24h"), Type: types.StrPtr("ban"), }, }, }, ))) testCase.setUp() var buf bytes.Buffer go func() { logrus.SetOutput(&buf) if err := api.Pull(); err != nil { panic(err) } }() time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10) logrus.SetOutput(os.Stderr) assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), testCase.logContains) assertTotalDecisionCount(t, api.dbClient, testCase.expectedDecisionCount) }) } } func TestShouldShareAlert(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string consoleConfig *csconfig.ConsoleConfig alert *models.Alert expectedRet bool expectedTrust string }{ { name: "custom alert should be shared if config enables it", consoleConfig: &csconfig.ConsoleConfig{ ShareCustomScenarios: types.BoolPtr(true), }, alert: &models.Alert{Simulated: types.BoolPtr(false)}, expectedRet: true, expectedTrust: "custom", }, { name: "custom alert should not be shared if config disables it", consoleConfig: &csconfig.ConsoleConfig{ ShareCustomScenarios: types.BoolPtr(false), }, alert: &models.Alert{Simulated: types.BoolPtr(false)}, expectedRet: false, expectedTrust: "custom", }, { name: "manual alert should be shared if config enables it", consoleConfig: &csconfig.ConsoleConfig{ ShareManualDecisions: types.BoolPtr(true), }, alert: &models.Alert{ Simulated: types.BoolPtr(false), Decisions: []*models.Decision{{Origin: types.StrPtr("cscli")}}, }, expectedRet: true, expectedTrust: "manual", }, { name: "manaul alert should not be shared if config disables it", consoleConfig: &csconfig.ConsoleConfig{ ShareManualDecisions: types.BoolPtr(false), }, alert: &models.Alert{ Simulated: types.BoolPtr(false), Decisions: []*models.Decision{{Origin: types.StrPtr("cscli")}}, }, expectedRet: false, expectedTrust: "manual", }, { name: "manual alert should be shared if config enables it", consoleConfig: &csconfig.ConsoleConfig{ ShareTaintedScenarios: types.BoolPtr(true), }, alert: &models.Alert{ Simulated: types.BoolPtr(false), ScenarioHash: types.StrPtr("whateverHash"), }, expectedRet: true, expectedTrust: "tainted", }, { name: "manaul alert should not be shared if config disables it", consoleConfig: &csconfig.ConsoleConfig{ ShareTaintedScenarios: types.BoolPtr(false), }, alert: &models.Alert{ Simulated: types.BoolPtr(false), ScenarioHash: types.StrPtr("whateverHash"), }, expectedRet: false, expectedTrust: "tainted", }, } for _, testCase := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { ret := shouldShareAlert(testCase.alert, testCase.consoleConfig) assert.Equal(t, ret, testCase.expectedRet) }) } }