package fileacquisition_test import ( "fmt" "os" "runtime" "testing" "time" log "" "" "" "" "" fileacquisition "" "" "" ) func TestBadConfiguration(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string config string expectedErr string }{ { name: "extra configuration key", config: "foobar: asd.log", expectedErr: "line 1: field foobar not found in type fileacquisition.FileConfiguration", }, { name: "missing filenames", config: "mode: tail", expectedErr: "no filename or filenames configuration provided", }, { name: "glob syntax error", config: `filename: "[asd-.log"`, expectedErr: "Glob failure: syntax error in pattern", }, { name: "bad exclude regexp", config: `filenames: ["asd.log"] exclude_regexps: ["as[a-$d"]`, expectedErr: "could not compile regexp as", }, } subLogger := log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "type": "file", }) for _, tc := range tests { tc := tc t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { f := fileacquisition.FileSource{} err := f.Configure([]byte(tc.config), subLogger) cstest.RequireErrorContains(t, err, tc.expectedErr) }) } } func TestConfigureDSN(t *testing.T) { file := "/etc/passwd" if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { file = `C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts` } tests := []struct { dsn string expectedErr string }{ { dsn: "asd://", expectedErr: "invalid DSN asd:// for file source, must start with file://", }, { dsn: "file://", expectedErr: "empty file:// DSN", }, { dsn: fmt.Sprintf("file://%s?log_level=warn", file), }, { dsn: fmt.Sprintf("file://%s?log_level=foobar", file), expectedErr: "unknown level foobar: not a valid logrus Level:", }, } subLogger := log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "type": "file", }) for _, tc := range tests { tc := tc t.Run(tc.dsn, func(t *testing.T) { f := fileacquisition.FileSource{} err := f.ConfigureByDSN(tc.dsn, map[string]string{"type": "testtype"}, subLogger, "") cstest.RequireErrorContains(t, err, tc.expectedErr) }) } } func TestOneShot(t *testing.T) { permDeniedFile := "/etc/shadow" permDeniedError := "failed opening /etc/shadow: open /etc/shadow: permission denied" if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { // Technically, this is not a permission denied error, but we just want to test what happens // if we do not have access to the file permDeniedFile = `C:\Windows\System32\config\SAM` permDeniedError = `failed opening C:\Windows\System32\config\SAM: open C:\Windows\System32\config\SAM: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.` } tests := []struct { name string config string expectedConfigErr string expectedErr string expectedOutput string expectedLines int logLevel log.Level setup func() afterConfigure func() teardown func() }{ { name: "permission denied", config: fmt.Sprintf(` mode: cat filename: %s`, permDeniedFile), expectedErr: permDeniedError, logLevel: log.WarnLevel, expectedLines: 0, }, { name: "ignored directory", config: ` mode: cat filename: /`, expectedOutput: "/ is a directory, ignoring it", logLevel: log.WarnLevel, expectedLines: 0, }, { name: "glob syntax error", config: ` mode: cat filename: "[*-.log"`, expectedConfigErr: "Glob failure: syntax error in pattern", logLevel: log.WarnLevel, expectedLines: 0, }, { name: "no matching files", config: ` mode: cat filename: /do/not/exist`, expectedOutput: "No matching files for pattern /do/not/exist", logLevel: log.WarnLevel, expectedLines: 0, }, { name: "test.log", config: ` mode: cat filename: test_files/test.log`, expectedLines: 5, logLevel: log.WarnLevel, }, { name: "test.log.gz", config: ` mode: cat filename: test_files/test.log.gz`, expectedLines: 5, logLevel: log.WarnLevel, }, { name: "unexpected end of gzip stream", config: ` mode: cat filename: test_files/bad.gz`, expectedErr: "failed to read gz test_files/bad.gz: unexpected EOF", expectedLines: 0, logLevel: log.WarnLevel, }, { name: "deleted file", config: ` mode: cat filename: test_files/test_delete.log`, setup: func() { f, _ := os.Create("test_files/test_delete.log") f.Close() }, afterConfigure: func() { os.Remove("test_files/test_delete.log") }, expectedErr: "could not stat file test_files/test_delete.log", }, } for _, tc := range tests { tc := tc t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { logger, hook := test.NewNullLogger() logger.SetLevel(tc.logLevel) subLogger := logger.WithFields(log.Fields{ "type": "file", }) tomb := tomb.Tomb{} out := make(chan types.Event, 100) f := fileacquisition.FileSource{} if tc.setup != nil { tc.setup() } err := f.Configure([]byte(tc.config), subLogger) cstest.RequireErrorContains(t, err, tc.expectedConfigErr) if tc.expectedConfigErr != "" { return } if tc.afterConfigure != nil { tc.afterConfigure() } err = f.OneShotAcquisition(out, &tomb) actualLines := len(out) cstest.RequireErrorContains(t, err, tc.expectedErr) if tc.expectedLines != 0 { assert.Equal(t, tc.expectedLines, actualLines) } if tc.expectedOutput != "" { assert.Contains(t, hook.LastEntry().Message, tc.expectedOutput) hook.Reset() } if tc.teardown != nil { tc.teardown() } }) } } func TestLiveAcquisition(t *testing.T) { permDeniedFile := "/etc/shadow" permDeniedError := "unable to read /etc/shadow : open /etc/shadow: permission denied" testPattern := "test_files/*.log" if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { // Technically, this is not a permission denied error, but we just want to test what happens // if we do not have access to the file permDeniedFile = `C:\Windows\System32\config\SAM` permDeniedError = `unable to read C:\Windows\System32\config\SAM : open C:\Windows\System32\config\SAM: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process` testPattern = `test_files\\*.log` // the \ must be escaped for the yaml config } tests := []struct { name string config string expectedErr string expectedOutput string expectedLines int logLevel log.Level setup func() afterConfigure func() teardown func() }{ { config: fmt.Sprintf(` mode: tail filename: %s`, permDeniedFile), expectedOutput: permDeniedError, logLevel: log.InfoLevel, expectedLines: 0, name: "PermissionDenied", }, { config: ` mode: tail filename: /`, expectedOutput: "/ is a directory, ignoring it", logLevel: log.WarnLevel, expectedLines: 0, name: "Directory", }, { config: ` mode: tail filename: /do/not/exist`, expectedOutput: "No matching files for pattern /do/not/exist", logLevel: log.WarnLevel, expectedLines: 0, name: "badPattern", }, { config: fmt.Sprintf(` mode: tail filenames: - %s force_inotify: true`, testPattern), expectedLines: 5, logLevel: log.DebugLevel, name: "basicGlob", }, { config: fmt.Sprintf(` mode: tail filenames: - %s force_inotify: true`, testPattern), expectedLines: 0, logLevel: log.DebugLevel, name: "GlobInotify", afterConfigure: func() { f, _ := os.Create("test_files/a.log") f.Close() time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) os.Remove("test_files/a.log") }, }, { config: fmt.Sprintf(` mode: tail filenames: - %s force_inotify: true`, testPattern), expectedLines: 5, logLevel: log.DebugLevel, name: "GlobInotifyChmod", afterConfigure: func() { f, _ := os.Create("test_files/a.log") f.Close() time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) os.Chmod("test_files/a.log", 0o000) }, teardown: func() { os.Chmod("test_files/a.log", 0o644) os.Remove("test_files/a.log") }, }, { config: fmt.Sprintf(` mode: tail filenames: - %s force_inotify: true`, testPattern), expectedLines: 5, logLevel: log.DebugLevel, name: "InotifyMkDir", afterConfigure: func() { os.Mkdir("test_files/pouet/", 0o700) }, teardown: func() { os.Remove("test_files/pouet/") }, }, } for _, tc := range tests { tc := tc t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { logger, hook := test.NewNullLogger() logger.SetLevel(tc.logLevel) subLogger := logger.WithFields(log.Fields{ "type": "file", }) tomb := tomb.Tomb{} out := make(chan types.Event) f := fileacquisition.FileSource{} if tc.setup != nil { tc.setup() } err := f.Configure([]byte(tc.config), subLogger) require.NoError(t, err) if tc.afterConfigure != nil { tc.afterConfigure() } actualLines := 0 if tc.expectedLines != 0 { go func() { for { select { case <-out: actualLines++ case <-time.After(2 * time.Second): return } } }() } err = f.StreamingAcquisition(out, &tomb) cstest.RequireErrorContains(t, err, tc.expectedErr) if tc.expectedLines != 0 { fd, err := os.Create("test_files/stream.log") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not create test file : %s", err) } for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { _, err = fmt.Fprintf(fd, "%d\n", i) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not write test file : %s", err) os.Remove("test_files/stream.log") } } fd.Close() // we sleep to make sure we detect the new file time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) os.Remove("test_files/stream.log") assert.Equal(t, tc.expectedLines, actualLines) } if tc.expectedOutput != "" { if hook.LastEntry() == nil { t.Fatalf("expected output %s, but got nothing", tc.expectedOutput) } assert.Contains(t, hook.LastEntry().Message, tc.expectedOutput) hook.Reset() } if tc.teardown != nil { tc.teardown() } tomb.Kill(nil) }) } } func TestExclusion(t *testing.T) { config := `filenames: ["test_files/*.log*"] exclude_regexps: ["\\.gz$"]` logger, hook := test.NewNullLogger() // logger.SetLevel(ts.logLevel) subLogger := logger.WithFields(log.Fields{ "type": "file", }) f := fileacquisition.FileSource{} if err := f.Configure([]byte(config), subLogger); err != nil { subLogger.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", err) } expectedLogOutput := "Skipping file test_files/test.log.gz as it matches exclude pattern" if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { expectedLogOutput = `Skipping file test_files\test.log.gz as it matches exclude pattern \.gz` } if hook.LastEntry() == nil { t.Fatalf("expected output %s, but got nothing", expectedLogOutput) } assert.Contains(t, hook.LastEntry().Message, expectedLogOutput) hook.Reset() }