package database import ( "fmt" "time" "" log "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func (c *Client) StartFlushScheduler(config *csconfig.FlushDBCfg) (*gocron.Scheduler, error) { maxItems := 0 maxAge := "" if config.MaxItems != nil && *config.MaxItems <= 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("max_items can't be zero or negative number") } if config.MaxItems != nil { maxItems = *config.MaxItems } if config.MaxAge != nil && *config.MaxAge != "" { maxAge = *config.MaxAge } // Init & Start cronjob every minute for alerts scheduler := gocron.NewScheduler(time.UTC) job, err := scheduler.Every(1).Minute().Do(c.FlushAlerts, maxAge, maxItems) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("while starting FlushAlerts scheduler: %w", err) } job.SingletonMode() // Init & Start cronjob every hour for bouncers/agents if config.AgentsGC != nil { if config.AgentsGC.Cert != nil { duration, err := ParseDuration(*config.AgentsGC.Cert) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("while parsing agents cert auto-delete duration: %w", err) } config.AgentsGC.CertDuration = &duration } if config.AgentsGC.LoginPassword != nil { duration, err := ParseDuration(*config.AgentsGC.LoginPassword) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("while parsing agents login/password auto-delete duration: %w", err) } config.AgentsGC.LoginPasswordDuration = &duration } if config.AgentsGC.Api != nil { log.Warning("agents auto-delete for API auth is not supported (use cert or login_password)") } } if config.BouncersGC != nil { if config.BouncersGC.Cert != nil { duration, err := ParseDuration(*config.BouncersGC.Cert) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("while parsing bouncers cert auto-delete duration: %w", err) } config.BouncersGC.CertDuration = &duration } if config.BouncersGC.Api != nil { duration, err := ParseDuration(*config.BouncersGC.Api) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("while parsing bouncers api auto-delete duration: %w", err) } config.BouncersGC.ApiDuration = &duration } if config.BouncersGC.LoginPassword != nil { log.Warning("bouncers auto-delete for login/password auth is not supported (use cert or api)") } } baJob, err := scheduler.Every(1).Minute().Do(c.FlushAgentsAndBouncers, config.AgentsGC, config.BouncersGC) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("while starting FlushAgentsAndBouncers scheduler: %w", err) } baJob.SingletonMode() scheduler.StartAsync() return scheduler, nil } func (c *Client) FlushOrphans() { /* While it has only been linked to some very corner-case bug : */ /* We want to take care of orphaned events for which the parent alert/decision has been deleted */ eventsCount, err := c.Ent.Event.Delete().Where(event.Not(event.HasOwner())).Exec(c.CTX) if err != nil { c.Log.Warningf("error while deleting orphan events: %s", err) return } if eventsCount > 0 { c.Log.Infof("%d deleted orphan events", eventsCount) } eventsCount, err = c.Ent.Decision.Delete().Where( decision.Not(decision.HasOwner())).Where(decision.UntilLTE(time.Now().UTC())).Exec(c.CTX) if err != nil { c.Log.Warningf("error while deleting orphan decisions: %s", err) return } if eventsCount > 0 { c.Log.Infof("%d deleted orphan decisions", eventsCount) } } func (c *Client) flushBouncers(bouncersCfg *csconfig.AuthGCCfg) { if bouncersCfg == nil { return } if bouncersCfg.ApiDuration != nil { log.Debug("trying to delete old bouncers from api") deletionCount, err := c.Ent.Bouncer.Delete().Where( bouncer.LastPullLTE(time.Now().UTC().Add(-*bouncersCfg.ApiDuration)), ).Where( bouncer.AuthTypeEQ(types.ApiKeyAuthType), ).Exec(c.CTX) if err != nil { c.Log.Errorf("while auto-deleting expired bouncers (api key): %s", err) } else if deletionCount > 0 { c.Log.Infof("deleted %d expired bouncers (api auth)", deletionCount) } } if bouncersCfg.CertDuration != nil { log.Debug("trying to delete old bouncers from cert") deletionCount, err := c.Ent.Bouncer.Delete().Where( bouncer.LastPullLTE(time.Now().UTC().Add(-*bouncersCfg.CertDuration)), ).Where( bouncer.AuthTypeEQ(types.TlsAuthType), ).Exec(c.CTX) if err != nil { c.Log.Errorf("while auto-deleting expired bouncers (api key): %s", err) } else if deletionCount > 0 { c.Log.Infof("deleted %d expired bouncers (api auth)", deletionCount) } } } func (c *Client) flushAgents(agentsCfg *csconfig.AuthGCCfg) { if agentsCfg == nil { return } if agentsCfg.CertDuration != nil { log.Debug("trying to delete old agents from cert") deletionCount, err := c.Ent.Machine.Delete().Where( machine.LastHeartbeatLTE(time.Now().UTC().Add(-*agentsCfg.CertDuration)), ).Where( machine.Not(machine.HasAlerts()), ).Where( machine.AuthTypeEQ(types.TlsAuthType), ).Exec(c.CTX) log.Debugf("deleted %d entries", deletionCount) if err != nil { c.Log.Errorf("while auto-deleting expired machine (cert): %s", err) } else if deletionCount > 0 { c.Log.Infof("deleted %d expired machine (cert auth)", deletionCount) } } if agentsCfg.LoginPasswordDuration != nil { log.Debug("trying to delete old agents from password") deletionCount, err := c.Ent.Machine.Delete().Where( machine.LastHeartbeatLTE(time.Now().UTC().Add(-*agentsCfg.LoginPasswordDuration)), ).Where( machine.Not(machine.HasAlerts()), ).Where( machine.AuthTypeEQ(types.PasswordAuthType), ).Exec(c.CTX) log.Debugf("deleted %d entries", deletionCount) if err != nil { c.Log.Errorf("while auto-deleting expired machine (password): %s", err) } else if deletionCount > 0 { c.Log.Infof("deleted %d expired machine (password auth)", deletionCount) } } } func (c *Client) FlushAgentsAndBouncers(agentsCfg *csconfig.AuthGCCfg, bouncersCfg *csconfig.AuthGCCfg) error { log.Debug("starting FlushAgentsAndBouncers") c.flushBouncers(bouncersCfg) c.flushAgents(agentsCfg) return nil } func (c *Client) FlushAlerts(MaxAge string, MaxItems int) error { var deletedByAge int var deletedByNbItem int var totalAlerts int var err error if !c.CanFlush { c.Log.Debug("a list is being imported, flushing later") return nil } c.Log.Debug("Flushing orphan alerts") c.FlushOrphans() c.Log.Debug("Done flushing orphan alerts") totalAlerts, err = c.TotalAlerts() if err != nil { c.Log.Warningf("FlushAlerts (max items count): %s", err) return fmt.Errorf("unable to get alerts count: %w", err) } c.Log.Debugf("FlushAlerts (Total alerts): %d", totalAlerts) if MaxAge != "" { filter := map[string][]string{ "created_before": {MaxAge}, } nbDeleted, err := c.DeleteAlertWithFilter(filter) if err != nil { c.Log.Warningf("FlushAlerts (max age): %s", err) return fmt.Errorf("unable to flush alerts with filter until=%s: %w", MaxAge, err) } c.Log.Debugf("FlushAlerts (deleted max age alerts): %d", nbDeleted) deletedByAge = nbDeleted } if MaxItems > 0 { //We get the highest id for the alerts //We subtract MaxItems to avoid deleting alerts that are not old enough //This gives us the oldest alert that we want to keep //We then delete all the alerts with an id lower than this one //We can do this because the id is auto-increment, and the database won't reuse the same id twice lastAlert, err := c.QueryAlertWithFilter(map[string][]string{ "sort": {"DESC"}, "limit": {"1"}, //we do not care about fetching the edges, we just want the id "with_decisions": {"false"}, }) c.Log.Debugf("FlushAlerts (last alert): %+v", lastAlert) if err != nil { c.Log.Errorf("FlushAlerts: could not get last alert: %s", err) return fmt.Errorf("could not get last alert: %w", err) } if len(lastAlert) != 0 { maxid := lastAlert[0].ID - MaxItems c.Log.Debugf("FlushAlerts (max id): %d", maxid) if maxid > 0 { //This may lead to orphan alerts (at least on MySQL), but the next time the flush job will run, they will be deleted deletedByNbItem, err = c.Ent.Alert.Delete().Where(alert.IDLT(maxid)).Exec(c.CTX) if err != nil { c.Log.Errorf("FlushAlerts: Could not delete alerts: %s", err) return fmt.Errorf("could not delete alerts: %w", err) } } } } if deletedByNbItem > 0 { c.Log.Infof("flushed %d/%d alerts because the max number of alerts has been reached (%d max)", deletedByNbItem, totalAlerts, MaxItems) } if deletedByAge > 0 { c.Log.Infof("flushed %d/%d alerts because they were created %s ago or more", deletedByAge, totalAlerts, MaxAge) } return nil }