package wafacquisition import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/http" "os" "strings" "time" "" "" "" corazatypes "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" log "" "" "" ) const ( InBand = "inband" OutOfBand = "outofband" ) type WafRunner struct { outChan chan types.Event inChan chan waf.ParsedRequest inBandWaf coraza.WAF outOfBandWaf coraza.WAF UUID string RulesCollections []*waf.WafRulesCollection } type WafSourceConfig struct { ListenAddr string `yaml:"listen_addr"` ListenPort int `yaml:"listen_port"` Path string `yaml:"path"` WafRoutines int `yaml:"waf_routines"` configuration.DataSourceCommonCfg `yaml:",inline"` } type WafSource struct { config WafSourceConfig logger *log.Entry mux *http.ServeMux server *http.Server addr string outChan chan types.Event InChan chan waf.ParsedRequest inBandWaf coraza.WAF outOfBandWaf coraza.WAF RulesCollections []*waf.WafRulesCollection WafRunners []WafRunner } var WafGlobalParsingHistogram = prometheus.NewHistogramVec( prometheus.HistogramOpts{ Help: "Time spent processing a request by the WAF.", Name: "cs_waf_parsing_time_seconds", Buckets: []float64{0.0005, 0.001, 0.0015, 0.002, 0.0025, 0.003, 0.004, 0.005, 0.0075, 0.01}, }, []string{"source"}, ) var WafInbandParsingHistogram = prometheus.NewHistogramVec( prometheus.HistogramOpts{ Help: "Time spent processing a request by the inband WAF.", Name: "cs_waf_inband_parsing_time_seconds", Buckets: []float64{0.0005, 0.001, 0.0015, 0.002, 0.0025, 0.003, 0.004, 0.005, 0.0075, 0.01}, }, []string{"source"}, ) var WafOutbandParsingHistogram = prometheus.NewHistogramVec( prometheus.HistogramOpts{ Help: "Time spent processing a request by the WAF.", Name: "cs_waf_outband_parsing_time_seconds", Buckets: []float64{0.0005, 0.001, 0.0015, 0.002, 0.0025, 0.003, 0.004, 0.005, 0.0075, 0.01}, }, []string{"source"}, ) var WafReqCounter = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: "cs_waf_reqs_total", Help: "Total events processed by the WAF.", }, []string{"source"}, ) var WafRuleHits = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: "cs_waf_rule_hits", Help: "Count of triggered rule, by rule_id and type (inband/outofband).", }, []string{"rule_id", "type"}, ) func (w *WafSource) GetMetrics() []prometheus.Collector { return nil } func (w *WafSource) GetAggregMetrics() []prometheus.Collector { return nil } func (w *WafSource) UnmarshalConfig(yamlConfig []byte) error { wafConfig := WafSourceConfig{} err := yaml.UnmarshalStrict(yamlConfig, &wafConfig) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot parse waf configuration") } w.config = wafConfig if w.config.ListenAddr == "" { return fmt.Errorf("listen_addr cannot be empty") } if w.config.ListenPort == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("listen_port cannot be empty") } //FIXME: is that really needed ? if w.config.Path == "" { return fmt.Errorf("path cannot be empty") } if w.config.Path[0] != '/' { w.config.Path = "/" + w.config.Path } if w.config.Mode == "" { w.config.Mode = configuration.TAIL_MODE } return nil } func logError(error corazatypes.MatchedRule) { msg := error.ErrorLog() log.Infof("[logError][%s] %s", error.Rule().Severity(), msg) } func (w *WafSource) Configure(yamlConfig []byte, logger *log.Entry) error { err := w.UnmarshalConfig(yamlConfig) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot parse waf configuration") } w.logger = logger w.logger.Tracef("WAF configuration: %+v", w.config) w.addr = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", w.config.ListenAddr, w.config.ListenPort) w.mux = http.NewServeMux() w.server = &http.Server{ Addr: w.addr, Handler: w.mux, } ruleLoader := waf.NewWafRuleLoader() rulesCollections, err := ruleLoader.LoadWafRules() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot load WAF rules: %w", err) } w.RulesCollections = rulesCollections var inBandRules string var outOfBandRules string //spew.Dump(rulesCollections) for _, collection := range rulesCollections { if !collection.OutOfBand { inBandRules += collection.String() + "\n" } else { outOfBandRules += collection.String() + "\n" } } w.logger.Infof("Loading %d in-band rules", len(strings.Split(inBandRules, "\n"))) //w.logger.Infof("Loading rules %+v", inBandRules) fs := os.DirFS(ruleLoader.Datadir) // always have at least one waf routine if w.config.WafRoutines == 0 { w.config.WafRoutines = 1 } w.InChan = make(chan waf.ParsedRequest) w.WafRunners = make([]WafRunner, w.config.WafRoutines) for nbRoutine := 0; nbRoutine < w.config.WafRoutines; nbRoutine++ { w.logger.Infof("Loading %d in-band rules", len(strings.Split(inBandRules, "\n"))) //in-band waf : kill on sight inbandwaf, err := coraza.NewWAF( coraza.NewWAFConfig(). //WithErrorCallback(logError). WithDirectives(inBandRules).WithRootFS(fs), ) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot create WAF") } w.logger.Infof("Loading %d out-of-band rules", len(strings.Split(outOfBandRules, "\n"))) //out-of-band waf : log only outofbandwaf, err := coraza.NewWAF( coraza.NewWAFConfig(). //WithErrorCallback(logError). WithDirectives(outOfBandRules).WithRootFS(fs), ) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot create WAF") } runner := WafRunner{ outOfBandWaf: outofbandwaf, inBandWaf: inbandwaf, inChan: w.InChan, UUID: uuid.New().String(), RulesCollections: rulesCollections, } w.WafRunners[nbRoutine] = runner } w.logger.Infof("Loading %d out-of-band rules", len(strings.Split(outOfBandRules, "\n"))) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot create WAF") } //We donĀ“t use the wrapper provided by coraza because we want to fully control what happens when a rule match to send the information in crowdsec w.mux.HandleFunc(w.config.Path, w.wafHandler) return nil } func (w *WafSource) ConfigureByDSN(dsn string, labels map[string]string, logger *log.Entry, uuid string) error { return fmt.Errorf("WAF datasource does not support command line acquisition") } func (w *WafSource) GetMode() string { return w.config.Mode } func (w *WafSource) GetName() string { return "waf" } func (w *WafSource) OneShotAcquisition(out chan types.Event, t *tomb.Tomb) error { return fmt.Errorf("WAF datasource does not support command line acquisition") } func (w *WafSource) StreamingAcquisition(out chan types.Event, t *tomb.Tomb) error { w.outChan = out t.Go(func() error { defer trace.CatchPanic("crowdsec/acquis/waf/live") w.logger.Infof("%d waf runner to start", len(w.WafRunners)) for _, runner := range w.WafRunners { w.logger.Infof("Running waf runner: %s", runner.UUID) runner.outChan = out t.Go(func() error { return runner.Run(t) }) } w.logger.Infof("Starting WAF server on %s:%d%s", w.config.ListenAddr, w.config.ListenPort, w.config.Path) t.Go(func() error { err := w.server.ListenAndServe() if err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed { return errors.Wrap(err, "WAF server failed") } return nil }) <-t.Dying() w.logger.Infof("Stopping WAF server on %s:%d%s", w.config.ListenAddr, w.config.ListenPort, w.config.Path) w.server.Shutdown(context.TODO()) return nil }) return nil } func (w *WafSource) CanRun() error { return nil } func (w *WafSource) GetUuid() string { return w.config.UniqueId } func (w *WafSource) Dump() interface{} { return w } func processReqWithEngine(tx experimental.FullTransaction, r waf.ParsedRequest, wafType string) (*corazatypes.Interruption, experimental.FullTransaction, error) { var in *corazatypes.Interruption if tx.IsRuleEngineOff() { log.Printf("engine is off") return nil, nil, nil } defer func() { tx.ProcessLogging() tx.Close() }() //this method is not exported by coraza, so we have to do it ourselves. //ideally, this would be dealt with by expr code, and we provide helpers to manipulate the transaction object?\ //var txx experimental.FullTransaction //txx := experimental.ToFullInterface(tx) //txx = tx.(experimental.FullTransaction) //txx.RemoveRuleByID(1) tx.ProcessConnection(r.ClientIP, 0, "", 0) //tx.ProcessURI(r.URL.String(), r.Method, r.Proto) //FIXME: get it from the headers tx.ProcessURI(r.URI, r.Method, r.Proto) //FIXME: get it from the headers for k, vr := range r.Headers { for _, v := range vr { tx.AddRequestHeader(k, v) } } if r.ClientHost != "" { tx.AddRequestHeader("Host", r.ClientHost) // This connector relies on the host header (now host field) to populate ServerName tx.SetServerName(r.ClientHost) } if r.TransferEncoding != nil { tx.AddRequestHeader("Transfer-Encoding", r.TransferEncoding[0]) } in = tx.ProcessRequestHeaders() //spew.Dump(in) //spew.Dump(tx.MatchedRules()) for _, rule := range tx.MatchedRules() { log.Infof("Rule %d disruptive: %t", rule.Rule().ID(), rule.Disruptive()) if rule.Message() == "" { continue } } //if we're inband, we should stop here, but for outofband go to the end if in != nil && wafType == InBand { return in, tx, nil } ct := r.Headers.Get("content-type") if r.Body != nil && len(r.Body) != 0 { it, _, err := tx.WriteRequestBody(r.Body) if err != nil { return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot read request body") } if it != nil { return it, nil, nil } // from // urlencoded cannot end with CRLF if ct != "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" { it, _, err := tx.WriteRequestBody([]byte{'\r', '\n'}) if err != nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot write to request body to buffer: %s", err.Error()) } if it != nil { return it, nil, nil } } } in, err := tx.ProcessRequestBody() if err != nil { return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot process request body") } if in != nil && wafType == InBand { return in, tx, nil } return nil, tx, nil } func (r *WafRunner) Run(t *tomb.Tomb) error { for { select { case <-t.Dying(): log.Infof("Waf Runner is dying") return nil case request := <-r.inChan: var evt *types.Event WafReqCounter.With(prometheus.Labels{"source": request.RemoteAddr}).Inc() //measure the time spent in the WAF startParsing := time.Now() inBoundTx := r.inBandWaf.NewTransactionWithID(request.UUID) expTx := inBoundTx.(experimental.FullTransaction) // we use this internal transaction for the expr helpers tx := waf.NewTransaction(expTx) //Run the pre_eval hooks for _, rules := range r.RulesCollections { if len(rules.CompiledPreEval) == 0 { continue } for _, compiledHook := range rules.CompiledPreEval { if compiledHook.Filter != nil { res, err := expr.Run(compiledHook.Filter, map[string]interface{}{ "rules": rules, "req": request, }) if err != nil { log.Errorf("unable to run PreEval filter: %s", err) continue } switch t := res.(type) { case bool: if t == false { log.Infof("filter didnt match") continue } default: log.Errorf("Filter must return a boolean, can't filter") continue } } // here means there is no filter or the filter matched for _, applyExpr := range compiledHook.Apply { _, err := expr.Run(applyExpr, map[string]interface{}{ "rules": rules, "req": request, "RemoveRuleByID": tx.RemoveRuleByIDWithError, }) if err != nil { log.Errorf("unable to apply filter: %s", err) continue } } } } in, expTx, err := processReqWithEngine(expTx, request, InBand) request.Tx = expTx log.Infof("-> %s", spew.Sdump(in)) response := waf.NewResponseRequest(expTx, in, request.UUID, err) // run the on_match hooks for _, rules := range r.RulesCollections { if len(rules.CompiledOnMatch) == 0 { continue } for _, compiledHook := range rules.CompiledOnMatch { if compiledHook.Filter != nil { res, err := expr.Run(compiledHook.Filter, map[string]interface{}{ "rules": rules, "req": request, }) if err != nil { log.Errorf("unable to run PreEval filter: %s", err) continue } switch t := res.(type) { case bool: if t == false { continue } default: log.Errorf("Filter must return a boolean, can't filter") continue } } // here means there is no filter or the filter matched for _, applyExpr := range compiledHook.Apply { _, err := expr.Run(applyExpr, map[string]interface{}{ "rules": rules, "req": request, "RemoveRuleByID": tx.RemoveRuleByIDWithError, "SetRemediation": response.SetRemediation, "SetRemediationByID": response.SetRemediationByID, "CancelEvent": response.CancelEvent, }) if err != nil { log.Errorf("unable to apply filter: %s", err) continue } } } } //measure the full time spent in the WAF elapsed := time.Since(startParsing) WafInbandParsingHistogram.With(prometheus.Labels{"source": request.RemoteAddr}).Observe(elapsed.Seconds()) // send back the result to the HTTP handler for the InBand part request.ResponseChannel <- response if in != nil && response.SendEvents { evt = &types.Event{} *evt, err = EventFromRequest(request) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot create event from waap context : %w", err) } err = AccumulateTxToEvent(expTx, InBand, evt) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert transaction to event : %w", err) } LogWaapEvent(evt) r.outChan <- *evt } outBandStart := time.Now() // Process outBand outBandTx := r.outOfBandWaf.NewTransactionWithID(request.UUID) expTx = outBandTx.(experimental.FullTransaction) in, expTx, err = processReqWithEngine(expTx, request, OutOfBand) if err != nil { //things went south log.Errorf("Error while processing request : %s", err) continue } request.Tx = expTx if expTx != nil && len(expTx.MatchedRules()) > 0 { //if event was not instantiated after inband processing, do it now if evt == nil { *evt, err = EventFromRequest(request) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot create event from waap context : %w", err) } } err = AccumulateTxToEvent(expTx, InBand, evt) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert transaction to event : %w", err) } LogWaapEvent(evt) r.outChan <- *evt } //measure the full time spent in the WAF totalElapsed := time.Since(startParsing) WafGlobalParsingHistogram.With(prometheus.Labels{"source": request.RemoteAddr}).Observe(totalElapsed.Seconds()) elapsed = time.Since(outBandStart) WafOutbandParsingHistogram.With(prometheus.Labels{"source": request.RemoteAddr}).Observe(elapsed.Seconds()) } } } type BodyResponse struct { Action string `json:"action"` } func (w *WafSource) wafHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // parse the request only once parsedRequest, err := waf.NewParsedRequestFromRequest(r) if err != nil { log.Errorf("%s", err) rw.WriteHeader(http.StatusForbidden) return } w.InChan <- parsedRequest message := <-parsedRequest.ResponseChannel if message.Err != nil { log.Errorf("Error while processing InBAND: %s", err) rw.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) return } if message.Interruption != nil { rw.WriteHeader(http.StatusForbidden) action := message.Interruption.Action if action == "deny" { // bouncers understand "ban" and not "deny" action = "ban" } body, err := json.Marshal(BodyResponse{Action: action}) if err != nil { log.Errorf("unable to build response: %s", err) } else { rw.Write(body) } return } rw.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) body, err := json.Marshal(BodyResponse{Action: "allow"}) if err != nil { log.Errorf("unable to build response: %s", err) } else { rw.Write(body) } return }