#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu # # Delegate operations to an instrumented binary and collects coverage data. # #shellcheck disable=SC1007 THIS_DIR=$(CDPATH= cd -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd) # no need to change directory, and doing it here would break hub tests # shellcheck disable=SC1091 . "${THIS_DIR}/../.environment.sh" set -o pipefail # don't let sed hide the statuscode mkdir -p "${LOCAL_DIR}/var/lib/coverage" # this would be nice but doesn't work, since the binary is not running in background #_hup() { # echo "pkill -1 crowdsec.cover" # pkill -HUP crowdsec.cover #} # ## relay the "configuration reload" signal #trap _hup SIGHUP # we collect rc and output by hand, because setting -o pipefail would trigger a # SIGPIPE. set +e # Arguments to crowdsec are passed through a temporary, newline-delimited # file courtesy of github.com/confluentinc/bincover. Coverage data will be # merged at the end of the test run. # The '=' between flags and values is required. output=$("${BIN_DIR}/crowdsec.cover" \ -test.run="^TestBincoverRunMain$" \ -test.coverprofile="${LOCAL_DIR}/var/lib/coverage/crowdsec-$(date +'%s')-$$-${RANDOM}.out" \ -args-file=<(for i; do echo "${i}"; done)) rc=$? # If there is bincover metadata, we take the status code from there. Otherwise, # we keep the status from the above command. if [[ ${output} =~ (.*)(START_BINCOVER_METADATA[[:space:]]*)(.*)([[:space:]]END_BINCOVER_METADATA) ]]; then echo -n "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" exit "$(jq '.exit_code' <<< "${BASH_REMATCH[3]}")" fi echo -n "${output}" exit "${rc}"