#!/usr/bin/env bats # vim: ft=bats:list:ts=8:sts=4:sw=4:et:ai:si: set -u fake_log() { for _ in $(seq 1 6); do echo "$(LC_ALL=C date '+%b %d %H:%M:%S ')"'sd-126005 sshd[12422]: Invalid user netflix from port 35424' done } setup_file() { load "../lib/setup_file.sh" } teardown_file() { load "../lib/teardown_file.sh" } setup() { load "../lib/setup.sh" ./instance-data load run -0 config_get '.api.client.credentials_path' LOCAL_API_CREDENTIALS="${output}" export LOCAL_API_CREDENTIALS } teardown() { ./instance-crowdsec stop } #---------- @test "config.yaml.local - cscli (log_level)" { config_set '.common.log_level="warning"' run -0 --separate-stderr cscli config show --key Config.Common.LogLevel assert_output "warning" echo "{'common':{'log_level':'debug'}}" >"${CONFIG_YAML}.local" run -0 --separate-stderr cscli config show --key Config.Common.LogLevel assert_output "debug" } @test "config.yaml.local - cscli (log_level - with envvar)" { config_set '.common.log_level="warning"' run -0 --separate-stderr cscli config show --key Config.Common.LogLevel assert_output "warning" export CROWDSEC_LOG_LEVEL=debug echo "{'common':{'log_level':'${CROWDSEC_LOG_LEVEL}'}}" >"${CONFIG_YAML}.local" run -0 --separate-stderr cscli config show --key Config.Common.LogLevel assert_output "debug" } @test "config.yaml.local - crowdsec (listen_url)" { # disable the agent or we'll need to patch api client credentials too run -0 config_disable_agent ./instance-crowdsec start run -0 ./bin/wait-for-port -q 8080 ./instance-crowdsec stop run -1 ./bin/wait-for-port -q 8080 echo "{'api':{'server':{'listen_uri':}}}" >"${CONFIG_YAML}.local" ./instance-crowdsec start run -0 ./bin/wait-for-port -q 8083 run -1 ./bin/wait-for-port -q 8080 ./instance-crowdsec stop rm -f "${CONFIG_YAML}.local" ./instance-crowdsec start run -1 ./bin/wait-for-port -q 8083 run -0 ./bin/wait-for-port -q 8080 } @test "local_api_credentials.yaml.local" { run -0 config_disable_agent echo "{'api':{'server':{'listen_uri':}}}" >"${CONFIG_YAML}.local" ./instance-crowdsec start run -0 ./bin/wait-for-port -q 8083 run -1 cscli decisions list echo "{'url':''}" >"${LOCAL_API_CREDENTIALS}.local" run -0 cscli decisions list } @test "simulation.yaml.local" { run -0 config_get '.config_paths.simulation_path' refute_output null SIMULATION="${output}" echo "simulation: off" >"${SIMULATION}" run -0 cscli simulation status -o human assert_output --partial "global simulation: disabled" echo "simulation: on" >"${SIMULATION}" run -0 cscli simulation status -o human assert_output --partial "global simulation: enabled" echo "simulation: off" >"${SIMULATION}.local" run -0 cscli simulation status -o human assert_output --partial "global simulation: disabled" rm -f "${SIMULATION}.local" run -0 cscli simulation status -o human assert_output --partial "global simulation: enabled" } @test "profiles.yaml.local" { run -0 --separate-stderr config_get '.api.server.profiles_path' refute_output null PROFILES="${output}" cat <<-EOT >"${PROFILES}.local" name: default_ip_remediation filters: - Alert.Remediation == true && Alert.GetScope() == "Ip" decisions: - type: captcha duration: 2h on_success: break EOT tmpfile=$(TMPDIR="${BATS_TEST_TMPDIR}" mktemp) touch "${tmpfile}" ACQUIS_YAML=$(config_get '.crowdsec_service.acquisition_path') echo -e "---\nfilename: ${tmpfile}\nlabels:\n type: syslog\n" >>"${ACQUIS_YAML}" ./instance-crowdsec start sleep .5 fake_log >>"${tmpfile}" # this could be simplified, but some systems are slow and we don't want to # wait more than required for ((i=0;i<30;i++)); do sleep .5 run -0 --separate-stderr cscli decisions list -o json run -0 jq --exit-status '.[].decisions[0] | [.value,.type] == ["","captcha"]' <(output) && break done rm -f -- "${tmpfile}" [[ "${status}" -eq 0 ]] || fail "captcha not triggered" }