package database import ( "fmt" "time" "" "" log "" ) /*try to delete entries with matching fields */ func (c *Context) DeleteBan(target string) (int, error) { if target != "" { ret := c.Db.Delete(types.BanApplication{}, "ip_text = ?", target) if ret.Error != nil { log.Errorf("Failed to delete record with BanTarget %s : %v", target, ret.Error) return 0, ret.Error } return int(ret.RowsAffected), nil } return 0, fmt.Errorf("no target provided") } func (c *Context) DeleteAll() error { allBa := types.BanApplication{} records := c.Db.Unscoped().Delete(&allBa) if records.Error != nil { return records.Error } return nil } func (c *Context) DeleteExpired() (int, error) { c.lock.Lock() defer c.lock.Unlock() //Delete the expired records now := time.Now() count := 0 if c.flush { retx := c.Db.Delete(types.BanApplication{}, "until < ?", now) if retx.Error != nil { return 0, retx.Error } if retx.RowsAffected > 0 { log.Infof("Flushed %d expired entries from Ban Application", retx.RowsAffected) count = int(retx.RowsAffected) } } return count, nil } func (c *Context) CleanUpRecordsByAge() (int, error) { //let's fetch all expired records that are more than XX days olds sos := []types.BanApplication{} if c.maxDurationRetention == 0 { return 0, nil } //look for soft-deleted events that are OLDER than maxDurationRetention ret := c.Db.Unscoped().Table("ban_applications").Where("deleted_at is not NULL"). Where("until < ?", time.Now().Add(-c.maxDurationRetention)). Order("updated_at desc").Find(&sos) if ret.Error != nil { return 0, errors.Wrap(ret.Error, "failed to get count of old records") } //no events elligible if len(sos) == 0 || ret.RowsAffected == 0 { log.Debugf("no event older than %s", c.maxDurationRetention.String()) return 0, nil } /*This is clearly suboptimal, and 'left join' and stuff gives way better results, but doesn't seem to behave equally on sqlite and mysql*/ delRecords := 0 for _, record := range sos { copy := record if ret := c.Db.Unscoped().Table("signal_occurences").Where("ID = ?", copy.SignalOccurenceID).Delete(&types.SignalOccurence{}); ret.Error != nil { return 0, errors.Wrap(ret.Error, "failed to clean signal_occurences") } if ret := c.Db.Unscoped().Table("event_sequences").Where("signal_occurence_id = ?", copy.SignalOccurenceID).Delete(&types.EventSequence{}); ret.Error != nil { return 0, errors.Wrap(ret.Error, "failed to clean event_sequences") } if ret := c.Db.Unscoped().Table("ban_applications").Delete(©); ret.Error != nil { return 0, errors.Wrap(ret.Error, "failed to clean ban_applications") } delRecords++ } log.Printf("max_records_age: deleting %d events (max age:%s)", delRecords, c.maxDurationRetention) return delRecords, nil } func (c *Context) CleanUpRecordsByCount() (int, error) { var count int if c.maxEventRetention <= 0 { return 0, nil } ret := c.Db.Unscoped().Table("ban_applications").Count(&count) if ret.Error != nil { return 0, errors.Wrap(ret.Error, "failed to get bans count") } if count < c.maxEventRetention { log.Debugf("%d < %d, don't cleanup", count, c.maxEventRetention) return 0, nil } sos := []types.BanApplication{} now := time.Now() /*get soft deleted records oldest to youngest*/ //records := c.Db.Unscoped().Table("ban_applications").Where("deleted_at is not NULL").Where(`strftime("%s", deleted_at) < strftime("%s", "now")`).Find(&sos) records := c.Db.Unscoped().Table("ban_applications").Where("deleted_at is not NULL").Where("deleted_at < ?", now).Find(&sos) if records.Error != nil { return 0, errors.Wrap(records.Error, "failed to list expired bans for flush") } //let's do it in a single transaction delRecords := 0 for _, ld := range sos { copy := ld if ret := c.Db.Unscoped().Table("signal_occurences").Where("ID = ?", copy.SignalOccurenceID).Delete(&types.SignalOccurence{}); ret.Error != nil { return 0, errors.Wrap(ret.Error, "failed to clean signal_occurences") } if ret := c.Db.Unscoped().Table("event_sequences").Where("signal_occurence_id = ?", copy.SignalOccurenceID).Delete(&types.EventSequence{}); ret.Error != nil { return 0, errors.Wrap(ret.Error, "failed to clean event_sequences") } if ret := c.Db.Unscoped().Table("ban_applications").Delete(©); ret.Error != nil { return 0, errors.Wrap(ret.Error, "failed to clean ban_applications") } //we need to delete associations : event_sequences, signal_occurences delRecords++ //let's delete as well the associated event_sequence if count-delRecords <= c.maxEventRetention { break } } if len(sos) > 0 { log.Printf("max_records: deleting %d events. (%d soft-deleted)", delRecords, len(sos)) } else { log.Debugf("didn't find any record to clean") } return delRecords, nil }