package leakybucket import ( "fmt" "net" "sort" "strconv" "" "" "" log "" "" "" "" ) // SourceFromEvent extracts and formats a valid models.Source object from an Event func SourceFromEvent(evt types.Event, leaky *Leaky) (map[string]models.Source, error) { srcs := make(map[string]models.Source) /*if it's already an overflow, we have properly formatted sources. we can just twitch them to reflect the requested scope*/ if evt.Type == types.OVFLW { for k, v := range evt.Overflow.Sources { /*the scopes are already similar, nothing to do*/ if leaky.scopeType.Scope == *v.Scope { srcs[k] = v continue } /*The bucket requires a decision on scope Range */ if leaky.scopeType.Scope == types.Range { /*the original bucket was target IPs, check that we do have range*/ if *v.Scope == types.Ip { src := models.Source{} src.AsName = v.AsName src.AsNumber = v.AsNumber src.Cn = v.Cn src.Latitude = v.Latitude src.Longitude = v.Longitude src.Range = v.Range src.Value = new(string) src.Scope = new(string) *src.Scope = leaky.scopeType.Scope *src.Value = "" if v.Range != "" { *src.Value = v.Range } if leaky.scopeType.RunTimeFilter != nil { retValue, err := expr.Run(leaky.scopeType.RunTimeFilter, map[string]interface{}{"evt": &evt}) if err != nil { return srcs, fmt.Errorf("while running scope filter: %w", err) } value, ok := retValue.(string) if !ok { value = "" } src.Value = &value } if *src.Value != "" { srcs[*src.Value] = src } else { log.Warningf("bucket %s requires scope Range, but none was provided. It seems that the %s wasn't enriched to include its range.", leaky.Name, *v.Value) } } else { log.Warningf("bucket %s requires scope Range, but can't extrapolate from %s (%s)", leaky.Name, *v.Scope, *v.Value) } } } return srcs, nil } src := models.Source{} switch leaky.scopeType.Scope { case types.Range, types.Ip: v, ok := evt.Meta["source_ip"] if !ok { return srcs, fmt.Errorf("scope is %s but Meta[source_ip] doesn't exist", leaky.scopeType.Scope) } if net.ParseIP(v) == nil { return srcs, fmt.Errorf("scope is %s but '%s' isn't a valid ip", leaky.scopeType.Scope, v) } src.IP = v src.Scope = &leaky.scopeType.Scope if v, ok := evt.Enriched["ASNumber"]; ok { src.AsNumber = v } else if v, ok := evt.Enriched["ASNNumber"]; ok { src.AsNumber = v } if v, ok := evt.Enriched["IsoCode"]; ok { src.Cn = v } if v, ok := evt.Enriched["ASNOrg"]; ok { src.AsName = v } if v, ok := evt.Enriched["Latitude"]; ok { l, err := strconv.ParseFloat(v, 32) if err != nil { log.Warningf("bad latitude %s : %s", v, err) } src.Latitude = float32(l) } if v, ok := evt.Enriched["Longitude"]; ok { l, err := strconv.ParseFloat(v, 32) if err != nil { log.Warningf("bad longitude %s : %s", v, err) } src.Longitude = float32(l) } if v, ok := evt.Meta["SourceRange"]; ok && v != "" { _, ipNet, err := net.ParseCIDR(v) if err != nil { return srcs, fmt.Errorf("Declared range %s of %s can't be parsed", v, src.IP) } if ipNet != nil { src.Range = ipNet.String() leaky.logger.Tracef("Valid range from %s : %s", src.IP, src.Range) } } if leaky.scopeType.Scope == types.Ip { src.Value = &src.IP } else if leaky.scopeType.Scope == types.Range { src.Value = &src.Range if leaky.scopeType.RunTimeFilter != nil { retValue, err := expr.Run(leaky.scopeType.RunTimeFilter, map[string]interface{}{"evt": &evt}) if err != nil { return srcs, fmt.Errorf("while running scope filter: %w", err) } value, ok := retValue.(string) if !ok { value = "" } src.Value = &value } } srcs[*src.Value] = src default: if leaky.scopeType.RunTimeFilter == nil { return srcs, fmt.Errorf("empty scope information") } retValue, err := expr.Run(leaky.scopeType.RunTimeFilter, map[string]interface{}{"evt": &evt}) if err != nil { return srcs, fmt.Errorf("while running scope filter: %w", err) } value, ok := retValue.(string) if !ok { value = "" } src.Value = &value src.Scope = new(string) *src.Scope = leaky.scopeType.Scope srcs[*src.Value] = src } return srcs, nil } // EventsFromQueue iterates the queue to collect & prepare meta-datas from alert func EventsFromQueue(queue *Queue) []*models.Event { events := []*models.Event{} for _, evt := range queue.Queue { if evt.Meta == nil { continue } meta := models.Meta{} //we want consistence skeys := make([]string, 0, len(evt.Meta)) for k := range evt.Meta { skeys = append(skeys, k) } sort.Strings(skeys) for _, k := range skeys { v := evt.Meta[k] subMeta := models.MetaItems0{Key: k, Value: v} meta = append(meta, &subMeta) } /*check which date to use*/ ovflwEvent := models.Event{ Meta: meta, } //either MarshaledTime is present and is extracted from log if evt.MarshaledTime != "" { tmpTimeStamp := evt.MarshaledTime ovflwEvent.Timestamp = &tmpTimeStamp } else if !evt.Time.IsZero() { //or .Time has been set during parse as time.Now().UTC() ovflwEvent.Timestamp = new(string) raw, err := evt.Time.MarshalText() if err != nil { log.Warningf("while marshaling time '%s' : %s", evt.Time.String(), err) } else { *ovflwEvent.Timestamp = string(raw) } } else { log.Warning("Event has no parsed time, no runtime timestamp") } events = append(events, &ovflwEvent) } return events } // alertFormatSource iterates over the queue to collect sources func alertFormatSource(leaky *Leaky, queue *Queue) (map[string]models.Source, string, error) { var sources = make(map[string]models.Source) var source_type string log.Debugf("Formatting (%s) - scope Info : scope_type:%s / scope_filter:%s", leaky.Name, leaky.scopeType.Scope, leaky.scopeType.Filter) for _, evt := range queue.Queue { srcs, err := SourceFromEvent(evt, leaky) if err != nil { return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("while extracting scope from bucket %s: %w", leaky.Name, err) } for key, src := range srcs { if source_type == types.Undefined { source_type = *src.Scope } if *src.Scope != source_type { return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("event has multiple source types : %s != %s", *src.Scope, source_type) } sources[key] = src } } return sources, source_type, nil } // NewAlert will generate a RuntimeAlert and its APIAlert(s) from a bucket that overflowed func NewAlert(leaky *Leaky, queue *Queue) (types.RuntimeAlert, error) { var runtimeAlert types.RuntimeAlert leaky.logger.Tracef("Overflow (start: %s, end: %s)", leaky.First_ts, leaky.Ovflw_ts) /* Craft the models.Alert that is going to be duplicated for each source */ start_at, err := leaky.First_ts.MarshalText() if err != nil { log.Warningf("failed to marshal start ts %s : %s", leaky.First_ts.String(), err) } stop_at, err := leaky.Ovflw_ts.MarshalText() if err != nil { log.Warningf("failed to marshal ovflw ts %s : %s", leaky.First_ts.String(), err) } capacity := int32(leaky.Capacity) EventsCount := int32(leaky.Total_count) leakSpeed := leaky.Leakspeed.String() startAt := string(start_at) stopAt := string(stop_at) apiAlert := models.Alert{ Scenario: &leaky.Name, ScenarioHash: &leaky.hash, ScenarioVersion: &leaky.scenarioVersion, Capacity: &capacity, EventsCount: &EventsCount, Leakspeed: &leakSpeed, Message: new(string), StartAt: &startAt, StopAt: &stopAt, Simulated: &leaky.Simulated, } if leaky.BucketConfig == nil { return runtimeAlert, fmt.Errorf("leaky.BucketConfig is nil") } //give information about the bucket runtimeAlert.Mapkey = leaky.Mapkey //Get the sources from Leaky/Queue sources, source_scope, err := alertFormatSource(leaky, queue) if err != nil { return runtimeAlert, fmt.Errorf("unable to collect sources from bucket: %w", err) } runtimeAlert.Sources = sources //Include source info in format string sourceStr := "UNKNOWN" if len(sources) > 1 { sourceStr = fmt.Sprintf("%d sources", len(sources)) } else if len(sources) == 1 { for k := range sources { sourceStr = k break } } *apiAlert.Message = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s performed '%s' (%d events over %s) at %s", source_scope, sourceStr, leaky.Name, leaky.Total_count, leaky.Ovflw_ts.Sub(leaky.First_ts), leaky.Last_ts) //Get the events from Leaky/Queue apiAlert.Events = EventsFromQueue(queue) var warnings []error apiAlert.Meta, warnings = alertcontext.EventToContext(leaky.Queue.GetQueue()) for _, w := range warnings { log.Warningf("while extracting context from bucket %s : %s", leaky.Name, w) } //Loop over the Sources and generate appropriate number of ApiAlerts for _, srcValue := range sources { newApiAlert := apiAlert srcCopy := srcValue newApiAlert.Source = &srcCopy if v, ok := leaky.BucketConfig.Labels["remediation"]; ok && v == "true" { newApiAlert.Remediation = true } if err := newApiAlert.Validate(strfmt.Default); err != nil { log.Errorf("Generated alerts isn't valid") log.Errorf("->%s", spew.Sdump(newApiAlert)) log.Fatalf("error : %s", err) } runtimeAlert.APIAlerts = append(runtimeAlert.APIAlerts, newApiAlert) } if len(runtimeAlert.APIAlerts) > 0 { runtimeAlert.Alert = &runtimeAlert.APIAlerts[0] } if leaky.Reprocess { runtimeAlert.Reprocess = true } return runtimeAlert, nil }